Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 31, 1919, p. 1 (2024)

34- t fortyhfth year no 5 acton ontario thursday morning july 41 1010 single copies fivo ceota new advertisem*nts b the methodist church acton rev i m mover pastor ptruntb- willow st 10 nm ixvn funt 11 nmhubjct a heavenly stair way 210 pm hundny school mlnalon- ory do y 7 pm moiling chrlut tho sacrament if thu iorda sup per will bo odmlriu lured at tho evon- lifg service you ark invited comb ice wanted sufficient to iiupply family refriger ator for tho season apply at 43 fhee press office i fotl sale two yorkshire sown wth lllteni two weeks old il n nitown rtiooo 41 r 32 serviceable horse for sale a good uerviceoblo working horse for aalu apply to n v moorec lexprcssman furniture for sale a tin hardwood sideboard cheap call at residence thomas marshall agnes street acton farm for sale 100 acre farm or sale will aou the crop lot 1 second line erin terms arranged apply to v watson 44 r r no 1 acton for sale 1 shorthorn grade cow treati 1 matched pair threeyearold colts roadster bred apply to p s kennedy lot 30 4th line esqucslng r r no 4 acton 42 safe for sale a commodious safe in rood condition 31x11x12 inside mosgurejnenl com bination lock will sell at a bargain tor prompt bale l btarkman 41tt mill street acton fruits and vegetables fresh from our gardens and or chards ask for our weekly price lists heholds farms frultland ontario 112 niagara district frame house for sale the frame cottage on bower avenue good oellar excellent water fine car- den fruit trees separate wood house suitable for garage cement floor w it stewart 1tf acton onl wanted several stenographers experience f bpoed accuracy and rood vocabulary are essential working conditions ara ideal apply stating experience to sales manager chevrolet motor company 628 oshawn ontario furniture for sale 1 rood sldoboard 1 parlor wood stove oman as rood oa new 1 dres ser and waahatand and other articles for sajj a bargain for quick sale apply to william maon 61 john ftreot acton brick house for sale the- semidetached twostorey brick dwelllnr on bower avenue owned by the undersigned seven rooms rood oeilax- cement floor electric light ce ment walk in rood repair apply to w h stewart 1u acton oot- horseblanket lost- a check woollen horse blanket new lost between colman crook on tuo fourth line and tho mill at acton binder will be rewarded by leaving at fan punt office acton or with if wvwallne lot 8 fourth line erin proclamation civic holiday in compliance with the custom which has prevailed for many years monday august 4 will be observed as a olvlo holiday and i hereby proclaim that day as a civic holiday fur acton and respect fully request tlim nil our cllixen ob serve it as such geo harder raeve reeve office town i tall jvjjljt 101- notice of regitratii bylaw notice u hereby riven that a ily- law was posset by the municipal council of the villains of acton on tho joth day or june 119 providing for the issue of debenture to the amount- of thirty thousand dollars j000o for the purpose of onablinr the hous- in commission of acton to erect dwel- iwjr houses according to the ontario houslnr act of 1919 and that aucn bylaw was registered in the lies is try oittoe for tho rerlstry division of the county of halton on tho 22nd day of july ittt any motion to quash r sft aside the asm or iby prt thereof must be made wlthlnhree months after the lirat iubllcatlur or this notice and cannot be mado thereafter dated at acton utls 3lnt day of july 1818 ii n farmer thick slices have been cut from regular prices jn our annual midsummer sale a few quotations again this week exemplifying tho savings available in all departments of this big departmental store 68 vlllare clerk wonderland cor hr than ouuid serge dresses regular up to 2000 for 1200 house dresses regular up to 400 for 29 white smocks regular up to 300 for 149 ailover patterned voilen- regular up to 125 per yard for socl kiddies frocks sizes up to 12 years and values up to 375for 249 all be millinery at mere fractions of regular prices mens palm beach suits regular 2000 and 2250 clearing at 1750- mens shirts regular 200 to 300 clearing at 159 sots shlrtwaisis regular 100 and 15 values sizes up to 16 years for 70c young- mens suits regular 2250 to 2750 for 1985- etc etc etc many other such bargain opportunities invite you to share in the savings at macdonaxds this week youll therefore enjoy and profit by the weekend trip to gueiph d e macdonald bros ltd guklph7s leading and largest store wyndhan macdonnel and carden streets godph ont- acton creamery co highest price paid for your cream fair test and full satisfaction guaranteed highest market price for butter fat will receive any amount of cream yon bring in we are paying the highest market price for live poultry let us know by mail and we win call for your stock highest market price for cream and eggs open monday thursday and saturday evenings until 10 pjn acton creamery qo w1llowstreet opposito government building the shererized store fridav7auqu8t 1 shark hunroe -with- wo itawwt conoy xaltthd with ffctty ar- buclok saturday auqu8t 2 ftdoro with iuun jfrwt- flea th brtuau oultunj m lanr bnan cwmtr monday auqu8t 3 i tb etcycnlh cowmuihlroonr a jhmurlaht pictur f t tueboay auqubt 4 ftii conttnuwl photoplay tli tan ot th clraua the tva- cuji tl vamp wllh enl hanntt vrl gregory im runnlnr a uhereriisd atore 1 wouldnt go back any more for a carload of scads to the way of our dads to the sloppy old method of yore you aaatwhatdoes h ho re rie mean wall firstly un mnhliir thlar clean in a hhsrerlsed store there no iunk on the tltor no dirt or disorder is seen the roods are protected from heaa ilia mice do not kntw at the peas the rat never rloals oer the aliaker rolled oats and tho cut doosnt roost on tho cheese the rood that a custonirr buya arent specked by uio frolicsome files and nu bowwow can weep on the crncsere i keep no matter how often he tries folks comedo my uhererised atore ahd whn thuy have looked the place oer they murmur tjoe whl1 ilow do litfhtfl it ist weve seen nothlnr like it before the cufltamer cheerfully ieiid and when from my palace he wends he rives me no knocks but boosts as be walks my bhererlaaor atore to hie friends oh here in my bhererlaed ahop economy alwaya un top for thliirs are ut hand st my instant oomnuuid i dont havp to trot till 1 drop the roods are in sight of tho- ecalfl i am vrastlntf nu time in a tjalo 1 cambol and amllo in the old fashioned etyle as i merrily take n the kale the problems thit bothered my brain end drove me threemusrters insane in the times that are past have been settled at ust the word shersrise will explain the pro blems of loss and waste the problem of profitless haslo aud ten thousand more of the grocery store have all from my doorway been chased im runnlnr a h here rimed atore i dont tear my hair any more i dont prink le tears on my whiskers and ear or eiend my nights walklnr floor walt mason tho council and the school board come to terms debentures are to- be issued for 2100 to cove coat of the new toilet system bdtik instilled contractor mackenzies dill pa08ed tho council and the school board canto to un agreement at the council mentlnr on monday evening deben tures are to be issued to cover the news of local import kind words from nearest neighbor kdltor moore of tna actom kasw riuaui ban oompleted furtyono years in the editorial chair of that bright and noway im per mr moore has seen acton grow and his pen bos helped in the progress may hn enjoy many more yizirm in thla urviiul service georcvtown herald an enjoyable clata picnlo aimjui thirty mmbenj of the ladies illhlo class of palaloy memorial church gueiph held a very pleasant picnlo on the lawn of the methodist parsonare here last thursday afternoon hot and mm moyer were friends of them all during their pastorate in ouelph special expenditure of 210000 lily i u rounlon was enjoyable for all council expend 11000- 1 by tho levy of 111 for school poncm or current expendltui tho lot january ibid uccordlnr to the auditors lteport there wan jr1 17 jl of n col loo tod uutio il00000 of l lis the uchool lloord on iaat yearn requisition the taxes were collected and expended but this amount was not paid over to the treasurer of the school hoard the overdraft of 1911 or jg0s48 no doubt took that amount ott the 100000 council met in regular session on monday evening with councillors 33el gray and irishman present and the itoevo in tho chair tho committee on finance presented their tlfteenth report and recommend- edpayment of tho followlnr accounts general account goo llynde for watches and cnrruvlnr hoi 00 halton iteristry oolce grand trunk freight acton kkxs advertising actom kits pbess printing ilnj karmer on clerks salary s brush work geo ritchie work oeo dills work wro cuttlnr work thos iloss work hydiio account hydro electric power coram factory products northern electric co canadian general klectrla co toronto suburban ity 2 65 s ss 3 60 4 00 113 18 is 60 44 n 00 18 00 is 00 4 48 u1 71 13 is ks a 205 19 40 mi os the report was adopted the members of the school board were present and the reeve addressed them rersrdlnr that 1000 they were supposed to have teltinr where be thought it was and expuunlnr bis view of it- the secretary of the school board mr it m mcdonald then enlightened the council on this accumulation of 1000 at the first of tho year the bfok of the board showed a cash balance of 61 18 there had also purposes by tho levy of taxes of 1v19 the board had not drawn upon the council for this 1000 due them and in the auditors report this amount had no doubt lessoned the overdraft of the council the matter was laid over for a few moments to allow the passage of the following motions moved by j bell seconded by john r leuliman and resolved that j b mukenalos account for labor and ma terial for n hoe factory amounting to 106701 as ordered by mr rlvett president reliance shoe co be ac cepted and paid carried by j bell aeoonded by john r lelnhman nnd resolved that the vlllare of acton observe aurust 4 a civic holiday carried chief mcdonald requested that the council assist tho fire brigade in do- frayinr the expenses of two deleratcs to the vol untacc- jjbj association at burlington on augit 0 and 7 the total axpenses tnoltxrlnr the member ship of would he estimated be about fzsoo moved by j it irishman seconded by t gray and resolved that tho council donate 1600 to the acton fire brigade to send two delertes to bur- jlnglott klremens convention on aur- ust 6 and 7 1is carried mr i c russell chairman of tho school board was then ssked to ex plain just what was desired of the council ho said the school board de sired to know if tho council was rolnr to furnish the monoy for the payment of the kaustlne system of school toi lets he understood now that the council had expected to bieet the board last week but regret led that no notice had been furnished the board that the council was hotdlng a session the kaunjlno nystom was beiar installed and woutd bo completed in about trju days the kaustlne co had extended payment for so days as roauested by the council ha considered that if um board whs in possession of thernonoys due them no very considerable amount would be required to be raised by the council the hoove thought this years coui ell could hardly be oulled upon for the 1000 due by last years councll the waterworks was indefinite and it was perhaps best to ltvtttal this eyatera it would take the onus off the council however if the board requested the council to go lo the people for the money required tho kaustlne system coat about 1800 laid down in acton and the in nlullsilon cost about 600 to o0 a tout of about 3100 dr gray thought that oonaldertna the 161448 already really due the hoard nnd showing as a balanos this amount could be raised without issuing debentures the reeve however objected to thl the rate was already likely to be is mills and if this were added it would run to almost 40 mills he thought the burdnn should be borne in deben tures he wanted to pay tho board tho money but wished some responsi bility put ukn the shoulders of tlo school trustees mr mcdonald explained that tho board did not wish to antagonise the council ho supposed that this appear- iiiim a month ar before the council requesting 2600 was suinclent lo warn tho council tho extr money neoes- trind far breaking parole ueorrf murfachuk anl wosyt flh- chunk two austrian on perula took a trip to kitchener u week or so ao without jolnr tb chief uwnon for per mission they came before ii f moore on friday afternoon to answer for the delinquency iloth pleaded guilty the fine and costs of each ar- grersted 110 they will say please may i go next time communion services next sunday the usual quarterly communion ser vices will be held in the methodist 1 church next sunday uovo feast will be observed at 10 oclock am and the sacrament will bo administered at the close of the evening service the at tendance of the member who formerly wurahlppej at slloom and crewson corners will considerably increase tho usual number j present foreigners qtoun money restored last wodnesday when harry nlck- aluk the austrian whose fortune of 1100 was stolen from his trunk the week before returned from work found the money returned being stuff ed into his bed the authorities were getting hot on the trail of the thief and he evidently became alarmed and restored the plundered cash to save his akin a longstanding cass settled mr justice sutherland boa dismissed the appeal of the toronto suburban railway from the decision or a board of three arbitrators awarding the estate of the late william russell es- queslruc near nerval 3500 for 814 acres taken from his farm for right of way and station grounds for the sub urban railway tho value of the farm was placed by experts as high as 16- 000 it is hoped that this long drawn out dispute is now finally nettled btot a csr and was arrested early on saturday morning last mr w w cllne appleby noticed an been the sum of 1000 ralseel for schoorlabandoned car on walkers line and notified chief smith who went to the place where the car was stalled he proceeded to the highway and over took a man who was walklnr alonff he accosted the man and bwgan ques tioning him then placing blm under arrest the nun gave his name as william cannell nnd rli addrebs as st cntharire tho car was a flvo- passenir it so und balorfed to a v kcclrotono of st catharines it was stolon on friday and connoll had slept in the car all night when he ran out of gas ut walkers line chief green of st catharines look tho prisoner back to st catharines to aland trial gasetto pram winnipeg by motor csr mr and mrs j kerr brown and little son and daughter arrived here from wlnnlper by motor car last fri day they spent two weeks on tho 1- toomlle trip and reached the mothers home in splendid health and little fati gued the course was by way of emerson at th manitoba- boundary thence throurh minnesota by way of st paul through wisconsin to illi nois a couple of days in chlcajro gave a chanro and rest thence they crame through indiana and michigan to detroit they crossed at detroit and then come through ontario to acton jdrtand mrs brown wllf drive to eastern ontario to visit friends there returning they will drive to sam in take the boat there for duluth and then complete the lost lap en route for winnipeg by car again mr brown drives a little touring ford moved to montreal back in a month uc joseph utile saysi far off d c russell honast values mux strest acton ont atore 0 loses sj0 except friday and sturdsy dealing councillor bell wanted to know uny guarantee of the durability of the system wa furnlshod by the kaustlne oompnny mr john konney explained that some schools had hsd the system in stalls for sevmi year without any complaint the ituevo wanted a weeks notice of the issuing of debentures given dr oray interrogated mr fanner tu know if it was necessary but mr isrnifr whs uinibls to ililishteit him oi the point at the moment moved by t ora seconded by j bell as a notlco ot motion that one week and one day from data aurust 6 191 that a by taw be introduced to raise the sum of two thousand one hundred dollars to pay for the kaus- tino toilet nystem lnetallsd by the public bcnopl iwlftru ut issue of tto bent it run carried council adjourned about ten oclock jltld are grceu but they are some times mighty gray when you reach them a month ago he severed the lies which had been so pleasant in acton for eight or nine years nlnoe coming from england rnd went with his family to montreal all his vo- longinas wore shipped there with the intention of making that his home arrived in montrael dlsappolntmenli came thick and fast no house could be secured french was almost en tirely the lamruage spoken in- the dis trict which they had chosen man ners and customs were very different in s faw daya homesickness of a vivid type set in with the family finally mr little declaied to th- home group well go back tu acton and if we ever ret there ill never leave that dear spot again he ro shipped his household goods and secured passara back for all they reached acton on saturday and every member of the family la rlsd indeed to be back home nrsln mr and mrs little and children are beinr weloomed aides t memorial windows to milton soldisre last sundsy immediately followlnr peace day the memorial windows to the seven soldiers from the congress lion who made the supreme sacrtoce in tho grant war were unveiled in lb methodist church at tho morning ser vloe the sermon was preached by iuv captain robu of dundas text who knows but that you have oom to the kingdom for sucji a time as thlst the unveiling was done by mr snd mrs j m basledo mr and mrsjretpenyea mivanil mjsam hanop mr and mrs j l tuck mr and mra victor merrett and messrs j walsh and kwert archer parents brothers and sisters of the respective fallen heroes the windows from tho mccaueland estabuahtncnti tarauto oostlnr over 800 are beautiful on them ere the names of the fallen captain alfred c bastedo april lj 1916 bombr cedrta harrop octoler ss 1u17 bergt fred walsh m m- october 27 1818 lance corpl meac- ham denyes september 2 188 bergt roland merrett d c u august 14 1818 pte elmer tuck august 8 1818 and pte j watts archer june 8 1811 acruas the bases of the five windows are the words to the glory of god and in memory uf the men whose frames are inscribed here who gave thlr llyes in the great war in honur ort th dsfsiios of r eousness liberty and justh ptuu- favohltfi pictuhb of the peoples prince the prince of wales will open th toronto exhibition this year when it bocatao daflnlloly iqowb that hilu tho prtnro or wales woulu open tho canadian nsllanal ttxhlbl- uon this yoar the maaarcmnri at once rot into touch with to oltcuil photogmphors lo london and ro-jocst- od a profile photograph of him tor re- production on the victory year medal to bo awarded to tho winner in the aarlcoibafa and other sections of the bit pair tho photo shown above was received after considerable delay and immediately a cablo was ranhd back to this effect a mlsttltft has boon made an otnclal picture is desired on you sent shows tho prlnr- wlthhrt hat or coat and with khaki kbjrt collar ttrraed to charm loriteav fcahulo but hardly dlrnuled enonrb than came tho angvrot sorry 70a duuko 1l if s th princes fatorlta plctnre taken with tho fnanini in ftattee and in every sanso offlclal and that in the reason why uio peo ples prince will appear on thft cana dlan nuonal inhibition lilt medals halloas eoatlesa and in the carelerr attire ot the blrhtlne manin rroncs he will open ho blr pair oa monday aurust with acton will pay 8424315 for county rate for this year county council granted 1000 to navy relief fund aswoo to childrens shelter at the meeting last week the county rate was the principal business of the county council at it meeting butt weak tho special rate and reurirul levy were fixed as follow bqsavutcd special kate vtlbc byuw 4sx4j9 trafalgar 4100336 348479 3438711 ksqucslnr 3107347 2736072 nelson 2928162 214473 2280878 nniavoya 1337786 83844d oakvlllo i46063c 102237s burllngtoa 152 23 14 17873 8734u3 oeorsatowr 74810o 63818 676883 ml ton 613768 438831 acton 676381 10734 413491 j6461sfl 12676796 tho ijnanca committee reported ro- commendlnr a grant of tooo to the navy idrua on the adoption of tho report captain dual thanked the coun ell on behalf of tho loarua and tha mercantile marine the children shelter known as the gordon house was granted the sum of 46000 lownrds construction aud of 46000 toward construction and made payable to c ii stuart trea hslton hs the oldest oringtmin tho ouvvlilo star aaya rov t jtffrios of oakvlllo is thft oldest oxanirtnnn 11 canudu by a number of yearn ho is in bis bsth year came to canada in 1846 snd become an orauremun 69 years ago he is also the oldmt methodist minister in can ada a greatly bereft family thumil goo iarc of trufnumr met with a aud and fatal accident last friday event if when he fell from load of hay recelvlnr injuries to his head which resulted in his death i age wu un uncle to councillor par of burlington who met his death in almost the same maimer when he fell from the running board of an auto mobile ulkiut two jmrtnku ajfo a ulster dlud jut two months ago oakvillc nows what a fir cracker can do miss merrlam itenton daughter of f j fanton of torsyth street oak- vllle met with an accident ut georges square on the evening of peace day says the news soma person threw a cannon fire- cracker and it struck her in the face just as it exploded tha shock knocking her unconscious hha was taken home in an automobile this should be a warning respectlnr tha dangaruum tiro cracker it is some omfurt that acton has a bylaw pro hibiting ttiu autlu and use of are crack- social and personal hap the good reard will continue tu acton fusm pass elate that not for year ha that lis per missed the moll on thursday mornings- with the recent uddltlun at a linotype elec tric power and other modern fix inn it wont bu any trouble to frequently cnla malls and possibly be lied up for days although for forty years kdltor uoure has conducted a most success rot weekly and we haveno do hal- his aharu uf disappointments we hope however hu will not bavo any mure in the future with his modern equip mont than he tuts had ijb the usst pembroke standard expensive trip to kltehnr a locul man took a trli to kllchepcr un saturday according to the story he tuld mauls t rates cull and carter li i hill co opurt this morning and whllo there was lucky enough to purchase u ttolue of booc from a stranger his luck lelt him howovrr when ha re turned to qualph and an alert police- man nabbed him boliln and all to day ha pleaoml rullt to having liquor in hla ossaslon in a public placj and ut admbutlon cowl him 300 and costs tho bottle which contained goamuyatuuluiii it olalnil contents -ham- i was ordorwl oonnscatv fjuelph mer oury mian myrtle dills of toronto hulldsyinr t her home htje mr charles morton visited friends st kxctcr and vicinity last week mi joseph gibbons of georretown sient yesterday with friends here master wll coleman u spending hla holiday with friend at lusllnch- mr t u mulilnv son of mr william mullln ts now at blythevllie arkansas mr john cole arrived from chatham last week to visit relative- in the old home mrs jl cratne mra foltls and ijttle dean toronto are guests of mrs w j gould mr and mrs w ii hpebzht of toronto- spent saturday to monday in the old hom*o mtss mary mcphemon and maude partridge of gueiph visited acton friends this week master john scott of brampton la spending holidays at the home of his undo mr john it kennedy mr and mrs adam jlall of toronto are houdaylor for a couple of month at mrs martins main street mr and mrs d j hay and children of toron were guest ol mr and mrs john kenney last week mr and mra e j ilassard were at mono mill lost week attending the funeral or mr hansards father mrs mcklnnon and children f bostbn massm sre guests of her sister mrs wilson at knox church manse mr lohmtarmstronr of moore ev armstronr tluelph was a welcome caller at the fasat pass offloe on mon day mr wilbur hurley chief chemist of the sunlight soap works toronto is spending tho weekends with mr a hall- mr and mrs w b unswortb and miss alice of toronto were guests of mr and mrs john r kennedy last week rsv and mrs k p maunsell left last week for port arthur to spend a month with mr maunseh parents there mr james r anderson returned from the west after attending the funeral of his brother joseph on saturday mr and mra thos a morton and clarice and mr and mrs cecil mills motored to shelburne snd visited friends there during the week mr j kerr baown mr and mrs a t brown miss alue brown and serrt- j v coleman formed a pleasant motor imrty to toronto on tuesday i mrs w a stewart and her son mr edgar stewart left on monday on a motorcycle trip to rochester n y where her old out son john fmmnai mr and mrs d a jones and chil dren of toronto motored to acton on a short visit this week they are going to trenton for a few weeks camping idlnu clara srwlght graduate nurse of new york who la spending holiday at the home of her father mr t j speight georgetown was a guest yes terday at moorecroft mr george ho per jr who motored to rochester k f with hi brother- inlaw and slater a omipte of weeks ago returned on tuesday he had a noet enjoyable holiday mr and mrs geo dills mrs robert mephcrson eujrpnaand dorothy and misses lixxie and annie mcdonald visited friends in toronto and -plck- nlcked at niagara tall this week mr and mrs william ramsay of gloversvtlle n t who have been npendlng a tew weeks with friends in michigan und ontario were in acton their former home a couple of days last woek mr ahd mr joseph allan and utile tbelroa have returned to their borne in owen sound after spending their holidays with mrs blair miss jean poulck of milton accompanied them to owen sound mr goodrow of hamilton who was apcndlnca few days with hi son rsv father goodrow of bt josephs church was taken hi on sunday father uoodrow drove htm home on monday nd he was quite relieved be fore he left that evening mlsa margaret bennotcuas been ap pointed usssatanl to tha principal of draco street public bchool toronto her nalary at tha beslnplng of the year will be 1200 miss bennett one of the graduates of whom acton continuation school is very proud with miaa il wallace as chaperon the followlnr young ladles are camp inr at ukuminn cottage stanley purk iprtn misses mary harvey edith dennis stella melam m robertson v smith ex johnstons clara lants o mowat betty lowrie p wallace mra john weaver wiarton arrived in town on monday evening the old lady is in her seventyninth year and although feeling very tired after her lour journey looks bright and cheerful she intend tu spend a month or so at the home uf mr william thompson wllhtw street another splendid citizens reception to returned heroes ten soldiers home from are cordially welcomed at masa heetinjr monday evening an engraved gold watch was prcaenteo to each actons royal reception cordial wel come snd valued testimonial to the re turned soldiers as they reach bom has been a feature of th towns- acknow ledgement of the intrepid servtesj of their heroes from tlto dale of the first soldiers return nearly three years ago as usual tho town hall was tilled ia capacity nt the reception on monday oven lnr the ten returned soldiers were con veyed to the hall by members of the reception committee in motor cars by way of mill and main streets bower avenue and willow street they were led by the boy scouts band which played inspiring patriotic airs in tho absence of the reeve who was attending a meeting of the councu mr a t brown occupied the chair his words of welcome and intervening remarks during the evening were very fitting and cordial u p moore j t was given the ho no of extending to the returned veteran the civic welcome and on be half of the town presented each of tb following soldiers with a gold watch ultably inscribed with the name reel- ment and rank of the recipient and bearing hin monogram artistically en graved on the case bergt a bristow 218th battalion skrqt j v coleman signaller pte l a kino 3rd canadian engineers pte a m shand 3rd canadian engineers pte s moykr 47th battalion pte c b lbtsgman 34th canadian engineers ptb a r wtotniiy 2nd canadian mounted rifles prffi c b clark 12th reserve battalion pte e il jordan canadian medical corps ptef mcpherson srd canadian battalion each soldier in turn exp bis thanks for the reception and the- valu able testimonial received they all spoke in moat appreciative terms of the comforts sent by the red c and other friend and societies and the much prised letter cablegrams etc they received brief words were spoken by rev j c wilson b a and rev l m moyer emphasising the value of the serraoea rendered by the boys and the sincerity of the welcome accorded them the musical part of the proatsjnsnc was well sustained miss jeanie orr sang with splendid effect two unac companied solos welcome back hom*o and the army and navy the methodist sunday school orches tra which has contributed a share at every reception gave a number of splendid election their willing and very undent services were emphasised by several the nioeung closed with the bene diction by rev l m moyer and the national anthem in memoriam james habhard e j hasaard druggist received the sorrowful news last wednesday of the sudden death of his father jams haatmrd t hi home at mon mills ilassard while feeling the infirmi ties of old are was able to be about as usual but he was tho victim of a paralytic atroke and navcr rallied after the stroke mr ilassard was the son of john ilassard and was born in county fermanagh ireland when about aixtoen be came to canada ho lived in peel county la csjdontown ship for many years but soma year ago moved to aajala township in slmcoe county near mono mills he was married to jans bnsll a daughter or johu bnell of mono- mill mrs hsr3 and their two sons and two daughters survive john uvea on the homestead b j la acton mrs webb at edmonton alto and mia ellas at home mr ilassard was a faithful member of the methodist church from his boyhmm days tho funeral last friday was largely attended it- was conjurittnl ly rsv alnrtd iayoocfc th pastor of isossaed the acton school heads the county at examinations every csuxdstutv sraeasfnl tt the hififa school rlrmnce pts mi8s rose moevoy wins first in halton acton school has made another re cord at the high school entrance examinations ot tho thirty two can didates who wrote at the recent exa minations here every one was success ful fifteen or the candidates secured honors and miss rose mckvoy took the highest standing of all th candi dates who wrote in halton marie mowat took third place in the county this splendid result la highly credit able to acton school and especially to the competent painstaking teacher of the entrance department miss minnie bennatt tha list of successful candidates who wrote at acton 1 as follows acton jessie anderson honors jean ua11ber geo ho k bishop t honors minnlfc blair qeorok brownuce honors myrtle carnochan earl cooper honors lena costeulo lahcd dancet lixjtd forbes doris qoldham stephen a aoest honor nellie hall edna henderson vera uurht honors howard james honors george jiguinu anuutl kennedy donald kennedy honors jean kennedy honors marik uantz jordan lawson honors laird mcdonald rose mcevoy honors jean mokpat honors mari15 mowat honors austin re1d james hobs marguerite ryder honors laura scott- rrormtttrrttlwai krkd wa1uckn honors out8ioh candidates hva hard robert croft blanche joe 2atttalunj3kki1ix jtkbhlu mcaxplne caroline ryder myrtle smith d ulcik tolman honor vbu4a w1uon rose mckvoy takes the highest standing in the county of halton ian armour of oakvlllo i the second and marin mowat of acton the third at aoton the highest marks were won by hose moevoy the second by marl mowat and the third by jordan lawwn marks of unsuccessful candidates have been forwarded to them corti- ucatwm in sht later tu tha-auq- i essaful ones


Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 31, 1919, p. 1 (2024)
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Name: Neely Ledner

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