Baby led weaning oatmeal fingers: a simple recipe for your 6 month old baby - My Little Eater (2024)

  • December 25, 2023
  • Edwena Kennedy, RD

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Ready to have your breakfast and snack woes come to an end? Enter oatmeal fingers! Oatmeal is a great food for babies, but when it comes to baby led weaning, we all know how messy that can be!

Oatmeal in finger shape helps minimize mess, creates a perfect travel snack when rushing out the door, and they only take a few minutes to make in the microwave. Not to mention they’re high in fiber, nutritionally dense, inexpensive, and contain iron. They’re basically the perfect breakfast for 6 month olds and up!

Baby led weaning oatmeal fingers: a simple recipe for your 6 month old baby - My Little Eater (1)

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I was first introduced to baby oatmeal bars about 4 years ago when one of my best friends from university came to visit me from across the country, and she blew my mind with what she called “eat your oatmeal anywhere” fingers. I was so confused at first, until she showed me the simple magic that could be created with a microwave and as few as two ingredients.

Basically, it’s rolled oats mixed with a liquid ingredient (dairy or almond milk, mashed banana, yogurt, etc.) so that the oats cook and bind to the liquid. Once set, they form these perfect little oatmeal bars, or fingers, that can have endless variations, be eaten warm or cold, make great leftovers, and can be taken anywhere.

Well, you can guess where my mind immediately went with these. All I could think of was “What a great way for babies to eat oatmeal without all the mess!”.

Baby led weaning oatmeal fingers: a simple recipe for your 6 month old baby - My Little Eater (2)

Now, don’t get me wrong, you know we LOVE messy food experiences for babies, and actually encourage it when possible. This helps them get really up close and personal with food using all five senses. That being said, you’re not always going to have time, or want, to get messy at every meal. Especially when you’re in a rush, too tired to clean it up, or out on the go (all valid!).

With oatmeal fingers, they’re shaped perfectly for a baby to pick up – sturdy and able to hold its shape, long enough to poke out of baby’s hands so they can get it into their mouth, and soft enough as a first food for your baby!

We’ve experimented with a variety of different recipes – all so good! We’ve included some of our favorites in our 60 day baby led feeding meal plan, but for now, we thought we’d share the basic recipe here for you and let you experiment with any flavors and ingredients you have at home.


When are baby oatmeal bars safe to serve?

Baby led weaning oatmeal fingers: a simple recipe for your 6 month old baby - My Little Eater (3)

The quick answer is that oatmeal fingers are safe to serve with baby led weaning as soon as your baby is ready to start solids – they could even be their very first food!

Oats are packed full of nutrients and a great source of energy for your baby. Oats contain minerals like calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium that are all essential for development. Oats are a great high fiber baby food, which is beneficial for digestion and promotes proper bowel movements, without being too harsh on their digestive system.

Baby led weaning oatmeal fingers: a simple recipe for your 6 month old baby - My Little Eater (4)

Babies are ready to start solids around 6 months of age – however, every baby is unique and may not show all readiness signs for starting solids at the age of 6 months. It could be a couple weeks before or after, but it’s less about age and more about what your baby can do!

Read more about the best time to start solids (based on signs of readiness) for updated recommendations, and a full list of developmental signs to check off before your baby begins.

Baby led weaning oatmeal fingers: a simple recipe for your 6 month old baby - My Little Eater (5)

What's the best type of oatmeal for baby?

You may be wondering if quick cook oats or rolled oats or steel cut oats are better for making baby oatmeal fingers. Basically, quick cook oats and baby oatmeal actually both start off as old fashioned rolled oats, but they’re chopped into much smaller and thinner pieces! Each of these options will provide different textures for your baby to experience.

The old fashioned rolled oats will provide a more chewy texture, compared to the quick oats, which will provide a smoother texture that’s not as chewy. If you’re just starting your baby led weaning journey, using quick cook oats may be the best option!

Baby led weaning oatmeal fingers: a simple recipe for your 6 month old baby - My Little Eater (6)

It’s important to note that some instant oats are highly processed and contain high amounts of added sugar (especially if already flavored). It’s best to avoid giving your baby instant oatmeals sweetened with sugar, so be sure to check the nutrition facts table on the products you purchase! The best option is to buy plain old, regular oats for your baby, and add your own natural flavors from fruits, vegetables, and spices.

Steel cut oats are not recommended until approximately 10 to 12 months of age, due to the harder texture. They’re also not recommended for this recipe as they take much longer to cook and do not provide the same texture as old fashioned or quick oats.

Baby oatmeal vs. regular "adult" oatmeal

Baby led weaning oatmeal fingers: a simple recipe for your 6 month old baby - My Little Eater (7)

Did you know that there’s really no need for baby oatmeal cereal (or any infant cereal) at all? You can still offer your baby these, but they aren’t the only option. Starting around 6 months of age, you can offer regular “adult” oatmeal as well!

The reason for offering infant versions of any cereal, including rice cereal, oatmeal cereal or any other type of cereal, such as mixed grains, etc., is because they’re fortified with iron, a very important nutrient for babies. But, if you’re offering baby 2 sources of high iron foods per day, there’s no need to rely on infant cereals for iron (especially if you’re formula feeding). And there’s no danger from a nutritional or choking perspective if babies eat oatmeal cereal marketed for adults.

Disclaimer: If you prefer to offer your baby high-iron baby oatmeal, specifically for infants, you’ll have to do a trial run as this oatmeal fingers recipe hasn’t been tested with baby oatmeal cereal. (It also wasn’t tested with any homemade oatmeal cereal recipes, so if that’s something you make, you’ll need to test it!)

It’s recommended that you prepare your baby’s oatmeal with milk (not water), as babies need lots of calories, healthy fats, and nutrients for optimal growth. Breast milk or formula are both great options when preparing oats for babies, as well. As your toddler grows and no longer drinks breast milk or formula, you can use any milk of choice to prepare your oatmeal fingers.

Baby led weaning oatmeal fingers: a simple recipe for your 6 month old baby - My Little Eater (9)

Ingredients for oatmeal fingers for babies

All you need for these super simple oatmeal fingers are two basic ingredients: oats and milk. The other ingredients are optional and you can use whatever you already have on hand!

Rolled oats

Baby led weaning oatmeal fingers: a simple recipe for your 6 month old baby - My Little Eater (10)

Quick oats, or instant rolled oats, are recommended as they provide the best texture (not too hard and not too mushy), have a short cooking time, and are extremely versatile. Keep in mind that the cooking time for oats will differ for each microwave. Steel cut oats are not recommended for this recipe, as mentioned above.


Baby led weaning oatmeal fingers: a simple recipe for your 6 month old baby - My Little Eater (11)

You can choose breast milk, formula, dairy milk or your favorite plant-based milk. If you’re unsure of what type of milk to choose for your baby, check out our blog on how to choose the best type of milk for your baby and toddler. This blog includes a nutritional comparison of various types of milk, detailed descriptions, and suggestions!

Also, please remember that cow’s milk and some plant-based milks (like almond and soy) are all top allergens. Therefore, if this will be your baby’s first food, or first time with that allergen, be sure to offer that same allergen the following day to rule out any reactions. Read our blog on introducing allergens for the full protocol!

Fruits & veggies (optional but provides more nutrients and flavor!)

Baby led weaning oatmeal fingers: a simple recipe for your 6 month old baby - My Little Eater (12)

Anything you have on hand will do for these oatmeal fingers for babies, but this is an excellent opportunity to add in some high-fiber foods. Some of the best fiber-rich foods for little ones can be found in brightly colored fruits and vegetables. The options really are endless, so have fun with different flavors and combinations!

Spices (optional but exposes your baby to new flavors!)

Baby led weaning oatmeal fingers: a simple recipe for your 6 month old baby - My Little Eater (13)

We always recommend adding spices to your baby’s food, right from the beginning. Adding spices to your oatmeal fingers is a perfect way to expose your baby to new flavors!

Plus, exposing your baby to a variety of herbs and spices, at an early age, may help minimize picky eating as they grow. Learn more about why we recommend adding spices to your baby’s food.

Super seeds (optional but adds a nutritional boost!)

Hemp, flax and/or chia seedsprovide excellent nutritional boosters to this simple snack or breakfast for babies. Adding seeds to your oatmeal fingers will provide your baby with fiber, omega-3’s, iron, and many more nutrients. They’re also a natural way to prevent constipation for babies and toddlers – thanks to their abundance of fiber!

Baby led weaning oatmeal fingers: a simple recipe for your 6 month old baby - My Little Eater (14)

Listen to our podcast episode on the nutritional power of super seeds for your baby and toddler to learn more. In this episode, I chat with some special guests – the founders of Tiny Sprouts Foods! Tiny Sprouts has formulated seed mixes for babies and toddlers to help them meet their nutritional needs.

If you want to try some of these amazing super seed blends, use the code MYLITTLEEATER to get 10% off your purchase!

Oatmeal fingers for picky eaters

Do you have a picky eater on your hands? The endless variations of flavor combinations, and the fun colors you can make oatmeal fingers turn with just a few ingredients, make this baby breakfast perfect for toddlers and picky eaters too!

Baby led weaning oatmeal fingers: a simple recipe for your 6 month old baby - My Little Eater (15)

We get it. We know it can be frustrating, and time consuming, to offer a picky toddler new snacks. You may avoid offering new snacks because you don’t want your toddler to take one bite and waste the rest. But that’s why oatmeal fingers are so great! They’re so quick and easy to prepare (minutes!) that if your toddler rejects them, you at least haven’t wasted tons of time in the kitchen. Then, the next time you prepare oatmeal fingers, you can try a different variation that your toddler may love!

They’re also perfect for helping toddlers who already love basic, bland cereals, or traditional oatmeal bowls, expand the types of foods and flavors they eat. This is achieved through a concept called food chaining where you take a food your child likes, and modify it slightly so it’s a little different…but not too different!

Baby led weaning oatmeal fingers: a simple recipe for your 6 month old baby - My Little Eater (16)

So in this case, you’re changing the way it’s presented (shape) from a purée to a finger food format! You can also take a plain oatmeal finger, and ever so slightly change the flavor by adding in a mix-in like a bit of fruit (such as mashed banana), super seeds (like hemp or chia seeds), nut butter (like almond butter or cashew butter), or spices (such as cinnamon).

If this concept is new to you, listen to our podcast episode with an expert to learn everything you need to know about food chaining for your picky eater.

Baby led weaning oatmeal fingers: a simple recipe for your 6 month old baby - My Little Eater (17)

Plus, we have one more tip for you! Since they’re cut into the perfect “finger” shape, you know what that means…they’re perfect for dipping! Try serving your oatmeal fingers with applesauce or plain yogurt as a dipping sauce to add a little fun to your picky eater’s breakfast or snack.

For a complete plan on how to prevent or overcome picky eating in toddlerhood, and beyond, check out our Feeding Toddlers online course!

The many benefits of oatmeal fingers for babies

Baby led weaning oatmeal fingers: a simple recipe for your 6 month old baby - My Little Eater (18)

  • Super fast and easy to prepare, nutritious, and delicious!
  • Inexpensive ingredients that can provide your baby with iron and fiber!
  • Modifiable based on the baby’s preferences, allergies, or sensitivities.
  • Exposure to new textures, flavors, and food experiences.
  • Easy for your baby to pick up, hold, and self-feed unlike traditional methods of serving oatmeal for babies.
  • A perfect travel snack for anytime or place, or a quick, nutritious breakfast for an impatient, hungry baby!

Baby-friendly flavor combinations

Baby led weaning oatmeal fingers: a simple recipe for your 6 month old baby - My Little Eater (19)

  • Mixed berry (strawberries/blueberries/raspberries)
  • Pineapple and coconut
  • Carrot and zucchini
  • Spinach and banana
    • To achieve a bright green oatmeal finger, add ⅓ cup of milk, 1 tablespoon of banana, and 2 tablespoons of fresh spinach to a blender, then add the mixture to ½ cup of quick oats

Baby led weaning oatmeal fingers: a simple recipe for your 6 month old baby - My Little Eater (20)

How to make oatmeal fingers

This is probably the easiest, most versatile recipe you’ll ever make, and there’s a pretty good chance you’ll always have oats and milk on hand to make it!

This recipe will yield 3-4 fingers, per batch. We like to cut them so they’re just 2-3″ long – long enough for your baby to hold but not too long that they break apart easily.

You can store them in an airtight container in the fridge as leftovers for about 3 days. If you’d like to soften them up a bit before serving again, you can soak them in a bit of milk in a bowl for a few seconds before re-serving.

Baby led weaning oatmeal fingers: a simple recipe for your 6 month old baby - My Little Eater (21)

Step one

Start by measuring out and preparing your ingredients. Then, together in a bowl, or on a large plate, add oats and milk.

Step two

This is the fun part! You get to decide what goes into your baby’s oatmeal fingers. Be creative and feel free to share your flavor combinations with us, we’d love to see them!

Step three

Mix all of the ingredients together until they’re well incorporated. You’ll want your ingredients to be spread out evenly in each of your oatmeal fingers.

Step four

On a flat plate or microwavable dish, lightly flatten the oatmeal mixture with the back of a spoon onto the plate. Pack it together well, creating a square shape that will be thick enough to cut into fingers.

Baby led weaning oatmeal fingers: a simple recipe for your 6 month old baby - My Little Eater (22)

Step five

Microwave on high for 3-4 minutes (cooking times will differ for each microwave). You should check them after the first two minutes to see if the mixture is cooked and is firm enough that everything is bound together.

Note: It will firm up more after cooling, so don’t let it dry out too much!

Let the square-shaped oatmeal mixture sit and cool for 5-10 minutes, then cut into fingers! The longer it sits to cool, the more sturdy and firm the oatmeal fingers will be.

Baby led weaning oatmeal fingers: a simple recipe for your 6 month old baby - My Little Eater (23)

Tips for getting the perfect BLW oatmeal finger

Tip #1: Depending on if you’re adding an add-in with higher water content (ie. berries) or not, you may want to reduce the amount of milk slightly, or increase cooking time.

Tip #2: If you find that it sticks to the plate, place a piece of parchment paper on the plate before spreading the mixture over it. Once cooked, slide the parchment paper onto a cooling rack, let it cool, and then flip the parchment paper over and peel it off the oatmeal fingers.

Tip #3: Try baking a larger batch in the oven on a baking sheet. Spread it out over the whole sheet to be able to easily cut it into strips. We haven’t tested this before, so let us know how it goes if you try it! If you have more than one kiddo at home, this can be a great way to get a couple of days of homemade bars for daycare lunches, school lunches, or snacks at home.

Baby led weaning oatmeal fingers: a simple recipe for your 6 month old baby - My Little Eater (24)

Have you tried these before? What are your favorite flavors? Give the recipe 5 stars if you loved it and let us know your fav flavor combination in the comments!

And don’t forget about our 60 Day Baby Led Feeding Meal Plan – get over 80 recipes to try out when starting solids! Follow along with the plan to strategically introduce allergens, advance your baby in textures, and ensure all nutrient needs are being met. It also comes with weekly grocery lists and feeding and nutrition tips along the way!


Baby led weaning oatmeal fingers: a simple recipe for your 6 month old baby - My Little Eater (26)

Easy Baby Led Weaning Oatmeal Fingers

This is the perfect recipe for serving oatmeal to babies (and the whole family!). Great for baby led weaning babies, snacks on-the-go, and picky eater approved too!

4.83 from 41 votes

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Prep Time 3 minutes mins

Cook Time 4 minutes mins

Resting Time 10 minutes mins

Total Time 16 minutes mins

Course Breakfast, Snack

Cuisine American

Servings 4 fingers


  • 1 plate (microwave-safe)

  • Microwave


  • ½ cup quick cook oats
  • cup milk of choice (breastmilk, formula, dairy milk, or alternative)
  • 1-2 tbsp favorite mix-ins
  • Spices to taste


  • Measure out and prep your ingredients.

  • Combine milk and oats in a bowl or on a large plate. Let the oats sit in the milk for 3-5 minutes, until slightly softened.

  • Add in your favorite mix-ins and mix well until ingredients are incorporated throughout.

  • Lightly flatten the mixture onto a microwave-safe plate, and use the back of a spoon to form it into a square, packing it together well.

  • Microwave on high for 3-4 minutes, checking after 2 minutes to see if it's cooked through and firm enough to remove. Please note that it will continue to firm up as it cools, so don't let it dry out.

  • Set aside to cool and continue to firm up for another 5-10 minutes. Cut into finger shapes and enjoy!



Store in an airtight container for up to 3 days in the fridge.

Please note that cooking times may vary depending on your microwave.

Keyword baby breakfast, egg free, family breakfast, nut free

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Baby led weaning oatmeal fingers: a simple recipe for your 6 month old baby - My Little Eater (27)

Edwena Kennedy, RD

Founder and lead Registered Pediatric Dietitian at My Little Eater Inc., creator of The Texture Timeline™, and mom of two picky-turned-adventurous eaters.

Edwena Kennedy, RD

Founder and lead Registered Pediatric Dietitian at My Little Eater Inc., creator of The Texture Timeline™, and mom of two picky-turned-adventurous eaters.

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Baby led weaning oatmeal fingers: a simple recipe for your 6 month old baby - My Little Eater (2024)


What should a 6 month old eat first finger food? ›

To start with, your baby only needs a small amount of solid food, once a day, at a time that suits you both. You can start weaning with single vegetables and fruits – try blended, mashed, or soft cooked sticks of parsnip, broccoli, potato, yam, sweet potato, carrot, apple or pear.

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First Finger Foods for Your Baby

soft cooked vegetables, such as carrot, broccoli, cauliflower, parsnip, butternut squash. fruit (soft, or cooked without adding sugar), such as apple, pear, peach, melon, banana.

Can I give my 6 month old regular oatmeal? ›

Oats may be introduced as soon as baby is ready to start solids, which is generally around 6 months of age. Oats are commonly cross-contaminated with gluten-containing grains, rendering them no longer gluten-free, so those with celiac disease should take care and buy certified gluten-free oats.

How much baby oatmeal should a 6 month old eat? ›

Feeding Your Baby the First 12 Months
Foods/Age0-4 Months4-6 Months
Grains, breads and cerealsNONEIron-fortified infant cereal (rice, oatmeal, barley). Mix 2-3 teaspoons with formula or breast milk. Feed with spoon.
Fruit juicesNONEInfant juice. NO OJ or tomato. ONLY 2-4 ounces/day.
2 more rows

How many times a day should 6 month old eat oatmeal? ›

Start by offering just a few spoonfuls at a time. When your baby has gotten the hang of it and seems to want more, work up to about 3 to 4 tablespoons per feeding. Once your baby has been taking cereal reliably once a day for a week or two, try twice a day feedings.

Can 6 month old eat eggs? ›

You can give your baby the entire egg (yolk and white), if your pediatrician recommends it. Around 6 months, puree or mash one hard-boiled or scrambled egg and serve it to your baby. For a more liquid consistency, add breast milk or water. Around 8 months, scrambled egg pieces are a fantastic finger food.

Why does my 6 month old gag on finger foods? ›

Your baby may gag when you introduce solid foods – this is totally normal. It happens because they are learning to regulate the amount of food they can chew and swallow at one time.

Can 6 month old have yogurt? ›

Milk itself is also a good source of vitamin D, as it is added to the milk we buy. You can introduce yogurt and cheese once your baby is six months old, as long as they continue to eat a variety of iron-rich foods. Let your baby enjoy the taste of plain unsweetened yogurt, or add fresh, canned or frozen fruit.

Is banana OK for 6 month old? ›

Banana is perfect for babies from the age of about 6 months, once the baby is ready for solid foods. If you prefer not to start with finger foods, peel, then mash the banana and serve on a preloaded spoon, or serve bananas mashed and mixed with baby cereal.

What foods can my 6 month old not eat? ›

Do not give your baby:
  • unpasteurized juice and cider.
  • unpasteurized milk and milk products.
  • raw or undercooked meat, poultry, fish, and shellfish.
  • raw or undercooked eggs.
  • raw or undercooked sprouts.

What is the first finger food for a baby? ›

From 6 months. Start with very soft finger food like potatoes, boiled carrots, soft pears, pasta, peas. I don't think there is an rule, just make sure things like grapes are cut in half because large rounds smooth foods can choke babies who have not mastered eating yet.

Can I use Quaker Oats for baby cereal? ›

There are a number of Quaker Oatmeal varieties that are appropriate for children 12 months and older. However, as always, you should check with your doctor before introducing your child to new foods.

Can baby take Quaker Oats? ›

It is recommended for babies to start solid foods when they reach six months of age. Oats are a single grain food that are easy on your baby's digestive system. They help promote fullness and a healthy appetite while preventing gas.

Is Quaker Oats safe for baby? ›

Oatmeal's strong nutritional profile will aid in baby's growth and development. It is recommended for babies to start solid foods when they reach six months of age. Oats are a single grain food that are easy on your baby's digestive system. They help promote fullness and a healthy appetite while preventing gas.

What is the best way to make oatmeal for babies? ›

Add oats, water, and milk to a large pot and bring to a boil. Once boiling, reduce heat and simmer for about 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally, until cooked and creamy. Stir in the cinnamon and allow oats to cool. Then, transfer to ice cube trays or baby food containers and store in the freezer for 3-4 weeks.

How to make baby oatmeal for the first time? ›

Add 1 tablespoon of the oat powder to a heat safe bowl. Stir in about 2 tablespoons very hot water (or warm breastmilk or formula), adding more as needed to thin to desired consistency. (Start thinner, so the mixture is easy for baby to move around in their mouths—it should not be sticky for new eaters.

Is regular oatmeal OK for babies? ›

Once your baby learns to chew and handle chunkier food in the mouth (typically between 7 and 9 months) you can cook regular rolled oats without grinding into baby food.

How do I give my baby oatmeal cereal for the first time? ›

Mix 1 tablespoon of a single-grain, iron-fortified baby cereal with 4 tablespoons (60 milliliters) of breast milk or formula. Don't serve it from a bottle. Instead, help your baby sit upright and offer the cereal with a small spoon once or twice a day after a bottle- or breast-feeding.

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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.