Best BG3 Wyll Build Guide (2024)

Welcome to the Best Wyll Build for BG3. In this guide, we will cover how to create the ultimate Warlock build for Wyll in Baldur’s Gate 3, guiding you from level 1 to 12 and pointing out the best abilities, spells, weapons and armour to grab along the way.

Please visit ourBest BG3 Buildsoverview page for more builds or check out ourBest BG3 Warlock Build with the Great Old One subclass. To get an overview of all classes please visit the BG3 Classesoverview page.

The Warlock class is a Charisma-based Spellcaster with access to a wide range of Spells and Cantrips, and has the unique ability of replenishing some of its spell slots with a Short Rest rather than a Long Rest.

Table of Contents:

  • Warlock Class Guide
  • Character Creation (Level 1)
  • Leveling Progression
    • Level 2
    • Level 3
    • Level 4
    • Level 5
    • Level 6
    • Level 7
    • Level 8
    • Level 9
    • Level 10
    • Level 11
    • Level 12
  • Equipment
    • Early Game
    • Endgame

Best BG3 Wyll Build Guide (1)

BG3 Warlock Class Guide

Before we start with our Wyll Build, we want to explain the base mechanics of how the Warlock class works in Baldur’s Gate 3. Bound by a pact to an all-powerful patron, Warlocks trade their loyalty for supernatural abilities and unique magic.

Warlocks like Wyll have access to Warlock Spell Slots. These function similarly to normal Spell Slots used by all other spellcasting classes, with some key differences. These differences are threefold:

  • Warlocks have a lower amount of Spell Slots in total, but they are replenished after Short Rests as well as Long Rests.
  • Warlock Spell Slots are all of the same level, which increases as the Warlock levels up
  • Warlock Spells are automatically upcasted to their highest possible level

Additionally, you can also select Warlock-specific Eldritch Invocations at level 2, 5, 7 and 12. These are passive features that give special effects to certain spells or mechanics. For example, the Armour of Shadows lets you cast Mage Armour without expending a spell slot. Or Beguiling Influence which lets you gain Proficiency in Deception and Persuasion. Don’t worry, we explain in the levelling progression below what passive features are recommended for the BG3 Warlock Build.

At level 3 you can also select a Pact Boon, this is another Warlock specific mechanic. The Pact of the Chain for example allows you to select and summon a familiar that can help you fight in combat. They make for good decoys.

There are plenty more Warlock mechanics, but you get the hang of it. Everything else will be explained below in the leveling progression section.

The Fiend Subclass

For this Wyll Build, we are going with the Fiend subclass.

Fiend Warlocks get access to spells that are normally unavailable to Warlocks, and most of these spells are centred around dealing damage to enemies, however they also get a couple of debuffs and protective spells.

At higher levels, Fiend Warlocks can gain a 1d10 bonus to an Ability Check of their choice (once per Short Rest) and gain a 50% resistance to a chosen damage type, with a new choice being available after every Long Rest.

Best BG3 Wyll Build Guide (2)

BG3 Wyll Build at Level 1

In this section, we’ll go over the ideal starting situation for the BG3 Wyll Build. If you are starting the game with Wyll as your Origin character, then you can directly replicate everything here.

However, if you recruited Wyll as a Companion, you’ll need to visit Withers with Wyll selected and use the respec option to adjust your Ability distribution.


Wyll is a Human. This gives him access to a couple of extra bonuses:

  • Proficiency with Spears, Pikes, Halberds, Glaives, Light Armour, and Shields.
  • Can select an additional Skill to be Proficient in.
  • Carrying Capacity increased by 25%

While not tied to race, it’s also worth mentioning that as the Blade of Frontiers Wyll has Rapier Proficiency, allowing him to use melee weapons that other Warlocks would be unable to use effectively.


Charisma is the most important ability for the Warlock, since it’s used for your Spellcasting and therefore your damage output. Dexterity is also very important, because we’re going to be using Light Armour and therefore need high Dexterity to improve our Armour Class.

The third most important Ability is Constitution, used to increase maximum Hitpoints and improve the chance of succeeding at Concentration Checks (allowing you to keep Concentrating on an ongoing spell effect when you take damage).

The remaining few points aren’t especially important – we tend to put them into Strength since Wyll sometimes fights in melee, so being physically weak would not be ideal.

Your ability distribution should look something like this:

  • 10 Strength
  • 16 Dexterity
  • 14 Constitution
  • 8 Intelligence
  • 8 Wisdom
  • 17 Charisma


For this BG3 Wyll build we will be using the Fiend subclass. Fiend Warlocks begin with the following extras:

  • Access to the Burning Hands and Command spells – Note that extra spells “unlocked” by the Warlock are not automatically Prepared and slotted on your action bar. You gain the ability to unlock these extra spells with your Warlock subclass, but they must be chosen as one of your new spells when leveling up in order to use them.
  • Dark One’s Blessing – Reducing a hostile creature to 0 HP grants you Temporary HP equal to your (Warlock Level + Charisma Modifier). At the start of the game this will be 4 THP, but it will increase as you level up and improve your build.


After choosing your Subclass, you need to select two Cantrips for your Fiend Warlock Build in BG3. Cantrips are generally weaker than Spells, but they do not consume any Spell Slots when cast, meaning you can cast them an infinite amount of times between rests, and can spam them every turn if you need.

We recommend choosing the following two Cantrips to start out with:

  • Blade Ward – Grants Resistance to Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage from weapon attacks for 2 turns. This basically reduces any melee damage from weapon-wielding enemies by 50%, helping you to stay alive in tough situations.
  • Eldritch Blast – Deals 1-10 Force Damage at long range. This is very handy because you can keep using it every turn, making for a reliable damage source for the early game.


Finally, you need to choose 2 Spells to start your adventure with. It’s important to note that the Warlock only starts with One Warlock Spell Slot. This is different to the Spell Slots used by other classes, because it can be replenished by a Short Rest instead of a Long Rest. However, it basically means that it’s only possible to cast one Spell per fight at the beginning of the game, so you may feel a little weak at first.

We recommend choosing the following two Spells for now:

  • Hex – Give an enemy Disadvantage on Ability Checks with an Ability of your choosing. Also cause the enemy to recieve 1-6 Necrotic Damage whenever you attack it. This is a Concentration Spell, so it can last for up to 10 turns but the effects will be broken if you cast another Concentration Spell or fail a Concentration Check after taking damage.
  • Armour of Agathys – Gain 5 Temporary HP and deal 5 Cold Damage to any enemy who hits you with a melee attack. The THP and Damage values will increase as Wyll levels up – at level 9 and above you will get 25 THP and deal the same amount of Cold Damage to melee attackers. I recommend casting this after every Long Rest to help protect Wyll from damage.

Best BG3 Wyll Build Guide (3)

BG3 Wyll Build Leveling Progression

Now we are going to take a look at what you need to do when you level up your BG3 Wyll Build from level 2 to level 12, which is the max level.

Level 2 – Wyll Warlock Build for Baldur’s Gate 3 – PS5/PC

When you reach Level 2 with Wyll, you will gain another Warlock Spell Slot, allowing you to cast two Spells between Short Rests.

You’ll also need to choose two Eldritch Invocations. These are special abilities that let you further customise your Warlock build. We recommend choosing the following two options:

  • Agonising Blast – Adds your Charisma Modifier to the damage of your Eldritch Blast, considerably improving its damage.
  • Repelling Blast – Your Eldritch Blast will now push enemies back 4.5 metres, helping to keep enemies at a long distance from your party, and potentially knocking them off ledges or cliffs for fall damage.

These two buffs to Eldritch Blast make it much more powerful, and since it’s a Cantrip we can keep casting every turn.

Finally, you’ll be able to unlock one more Spell at Level 2. We recommend Arms of Hadar, which deals Necrotic damage in a small area around you, and prevents affected enemies from taking Reactions for 1 turn. This is great for escaping from melee attackers, since characters who cannot take reactions won’t be able to make an opportunist attack against you. However keep an eye out for enemies who perform a Strength Saving throw against the spell, as while they will still take some of the damage, they won’t have their Reaction removed.

Level 3 – BG3 Wyll Warlock Build

At Level 3 with your Wyll Build, you need to choose a Pact Boon from your Patron. We recommend going for Pact of the Blade, however choosing a different one won’t compromise the build.

The most important part about the Pact of the Blade is that is allows you to make Rapier attacks using your spellcasting attribute (Charisma) instead of Strength or Dexterity. In the long-run, this will make Wyll’s Rapier attacks more accurate, since we’ll be increasing his Charisma score to 20, while Strength will stay at 10 and Dexterity stays at 16. This setup allows you to boost both Wyll’s melee attacks and his spells with the same Ability.

Finally, you’ll be able to unlock a Second Level Spell at Level 3. We recommend choosing Scorching Ray, a fire spell that lets you shoot three projectiles. You can either aim them all at the same target for a good burst of single-target damage, or spread them out between multiple targets. This spell doesn’t use Concentration, so it can be safely used alongside a spell like Witch Bolt.

Level 4 – BG3 Wyll Warlock Build

As with all classes in Baldur’s Gate 3, at Level 4 you’ll need to choose a Feat for your Wyll Build. Feats are strong passive bonuses for your character that can help to define your build, or just boost stats.

It’s best to get the Ability Improvement Feat, which gives you an extra 2 Ability Points to assign. Put both of the points into Charisma, which will take you up to 19 if you started with the advised Ability setup.

You also get to choose one more Cantrip and one more Spell (First or Second Level).

For the Cantrip, we already chose all of the important ones, so it’s up to you which one you want to get. If you want a pointer, you could go with Mage Hand to move objects from afar.

You can unlock another spell. We recommend Hold person, an excellent stun spell that completely paralyses a humanoid target if successful. The target is completely unable to move or take actions, and any melee attacks against them are automatic crits!

Level 5 – Wyll Warlock Build for BG3 – PS5/PC

At Level 5, your Wyll Warlock Build in Baldur’s Gate 3 will unlock several more abilities that make it considerably stronger.

Firstly, you’ll need to choose one more Eldritch Invocation. If your race doesn’t have Superior Darkvision, then get Devil’s Sight to avoid having a disadvantage in dark areas. Otherwise go with Beast Speech, letting you talk to animals at will.

You can choose another Spell too – this time you’re able to select a Third Level Spell. We recommend choosing Hunger of Hadar, which creates a very nasty AOE that Blinds, slows and deals Cold Damage every turn to anyone within, and will sometimes deal Acid damage to enemies who end their turn in the area. This works very well for area denial or in a chokepoint position.

Those are all the things you can choose at this level, but there’s a couple more things worth noting.

Firstly, your Cantrips become more powerful at this level. Most notably Eldritch Blast will now consist of two blasts, both of which are buffed by the Eldritch Invocations we picked at Level 2. You can aim both of the blasts at the same target, or one target each.

Your Warlock Spell Slots are improved too. You’ll now always be able to cast Warlock Spells at their third level.

Level 6

At Level 6, Wyll gains improved defensive features. You’ll unlock the following:

  • Dark One’s Own Luck – Once per Short Rest, you can add a 1d10 bonus to an Ability Check of your choice. Useful for passing dice rolls with a high Difficulty Class, either in dialogue or other similar events. Combine with other buffs from your party such as Bless and Enhance Ability (Clerics are good for giving you these buffs) for an even stronger buff.
  • Choose one more spell:
    • If no one else in your party has it already, go with Counterspell. This lets you spend a Reaction and a Spell Slot to cause an enemy’s spell to fail. This is great for shutting down the attacks of dangerous spellcasters, and making them basically waste a turn. Be sensible with your use of this spell, however. It’s not a good idea to counter every spell that the enemy casts, or you’ll burn through all your Spell Slots within a couple of turns. Check the Reaction prompt to see exactly what your opponent is trying to cast, and save this for the really dangerous spells.
    • Otherwise, get Fireball, another strong AOE spell that deals a decent amount of damage in a fairly wide area.

Level 7

At Level 7, Wyll will unlock:

  • Improved Warlock Spell Slots – Most of your Warlock spells have become stronger. You always cast Warlock Spells at Fourth Level.
  • Access to a selection of Fourth Level Spells.
  • Unlock one more spell. We recommend taking Blight, which deals 8-64 Necrotic Damage to a single target. Undead and Constructs are immune to the spell. You should also be careful when casting this on targets with high Constitution – if they roll a Constitution Save then they’ll take no damage.
  • Additionally, you get another Eldritch invocation, we recommend Armour of Shadows. This allows you to cast Mage Armour without expending a spell slot, it increases your Armour Class by 2.

Blight is a great spell to use when you need a fast burst of single target damage. But it is quite situational – Examine your target (right click) before casting the spell, to make sure it’s a good option.

Level 8

At level 8, you’ll receive:

  • Another Feat choice. Take Resilient, and use it to improve your Charisma to 20. This will also give you Advantage on Charisma checks.
    • If you already managed to improve your Charisma to 20 with another method, then try Spell Sniper, which reduces the Attack Roll required to land a Critical Hit by 1, making crits considerably more likely.
  • One more spell to choose from. Dimension Door is a great utility spell, allowing you to teleport yourself and one adjacent ally to another location that’s visible to you. You can use this to get out of trouble, or get into an advantageous position (i.e. high ground).

Level 9

At Level 9 you gain access to more powerful magic. You unlock:

  • Improved Warlock Spell Slots – Most of your Warlock spells have become stronger. You always cast Warlock Spells at Fifth Level.
  • Access to a selection of Fifth Level Spells.
  • Proficiency Bonus increased to +4
  • Choose an additional Edritch Invocation. We recommend going for Book of Ancient Secrets, which gives you three spells that can be cast for free once per Long Rest. You get:
    • Ray of Sickness – Call forth a ray of sickening energy. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, deal 2-16 Poison Damage and force the target to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, they are Poisoned for 2 turns.
    • Chromatic Orb – Hurl a sphere of energy. It deals 3-24 Damage and creates a surface. You can choose from a Thunder, Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning or Poison orb.
    • Silence – Create a sound-proof sphere. All within are Silenced and immune to Thunder damage. Requires Concentration.
  • Choose one more spell to unlock. We recommend either Flame Strike or Cone of Cold – These are both really strong AOE spells that can deal high damage. Which one of these you get depends on if you want to focus more on fire or cold damage – these spells are both around equal in strength.

Level 10

At level 10 you gain an extra defensive buff that helps to shield Wyll against enemy magic that can manipulate the mind. Here you unlock:

  • Fiendish Resilience – Choose a damage type to be Resistant (50% less damage taken) to. You can change the chosen type every Short Rest.
  • Choose one more spell to unlock – Here I recommend Hold Monster – this is basically an upgraded version of Hold Person from earlier in the guide. It has exactly the same effect, but removes the restriction about who it can target. This version can be used on a much wider variety of targets, instead of being restricted to just humanoids.
  • You also get to select another Cantrip, and pick whatever you like.

Level 11

At Level 11, you can finally access Sixth Level Spells, the most powerful tier of magic in Baldur’s Gate 3 for your Fiend Warlock Build. You unlock:

  • Mystic Arcanum – Your patron bestows upon you a magical secret called an arcanum. Choose one 6th Level spell from the Warlock Spell list. You can cast your arcanum spell once without expending a spell slot. You must finish a long rest before you can do so again.
    • Eyebite is a good option to choose for your Arcanum Spell. It lets you impose Feared, Poisoned or Asleep on targets once per turn, as long as you maintain Concentration. Feared is especially powerful, as it forces the targets to drop their weapon and run away from you.
  • You can also learn another spell, we recommend Banishment, this temporarily banishes your target to another plane of existence for 2 turns, giving you some extra time to fight off the other enemies.
  • Scaling Cantrips – Your Cantrips gain an additional damage die. Eldritch Blast instead gets an extra projectile, now giving you three in total.

This helps to keep your Eldritch Blast viable as your main damage option in the late game. Unfortunately the Warlock does not get access to any other Sixth Level Spells besides their chosen Arcanum spell.

Level 12 – Max Level BG3 Wyll Build

If you reached this point, then you have finished leveling up Wyll to max level. Congratulations! For reaching Level 12, you’ll get:

  • One more Feat to choose from. If you didn’t already pick up the Spell Sniper Feat at Level 8, then pick that up now. Otherwise, gowith War Caster. This gives you Advantage on Saving Throws to maintain Concentration on a spell. You can also use a reaction to cast Shocking Grasp at a target moving out of melee range (1-8 Lightning Damage). Choose this if you find yourself failing Concentration checks too often.
  • Unlock one more spell. Since we’re not able to unlock any more Sixth Level Spells, pick one you like from a previous level. Seeming is a cool spell that lets you disguise your entire party. It’s not really necessary for combat, but it’s fun to play around with and can allow you and your allies to interact with characters whom you’ve previously annoyed, since they can’t recognise you when disguised.
  • Lastly, you also get another Eldritch Invocation, we recommend Minions of Chaos that will allow you to summon an Elemental to fight at your side.

Best BG3 Wyll Build Guide (4)

BG3 Wyll Build Equipment

Now let us take a look at some of the equipment choices you can make for your BG3 Wyll Warlock Build. Don’t worry if not everything matches what we have recommended, you will still be fine if you’re missing some stuff.

Early Game Equipment

This is the early-game gear setup that you can use for Wyll. You don’t need to get all the items, but the build will perform better if you find some of them. You can find these items in Act 1 or early Act 2.

Equipment SlotBest Early Game Gear
HeadHaste Helm
CloakCloak of Protection
ChestIcebite Robe
GlovesGloves of Power
BootsBoots of Genial Striding
NecklaceAnything you find
RingRing of Protection
RingAnything you find
Melee WeaponSword of Screams
Ranged WeaponAny with Proficiency

Now let us take a look at what the gear does and where you can get it from.

Haste Helm

Here you can use theHaste Helm. This gives you the “Smooth Start”: At the start of combat, the wearer gains Momentum for 3 turns (extra 1.5m movement speed). The item can be found inside a Wooden chest, next to a cart, near theBlighted Village Waypoint.

Icebite Robe

TheIcebite Robecan be foundinside a Sarcophagusclose to theGrand Mausoleum waypointin Act 2 of Baldur’s Gate. You do get Cold damage Resistance. But more importantly, you get the Armour of Agathys spell that gives you extra health and damage.

Armour of Agathys (lv3 spell): Gain 15 temporary hit points and deal 15 Cold damage to any creature that hits you with a melee attack.

This robe is great, especially the extra hit points make a huge difference in tough fights. It also costs nothing since you can just loot it from the Sarcophagus.

Gloves of Power

The Gloves of Power aredropped byZa’krug, by the entrance to the Druid Grove. They give a -1-4 Attack Roll Penalty to creatures hit by your attacks.

Boots of Genial Striding

The Boots of Genial Striding prevent you from being slowed down by Difficult Terrain such as grease, mud or ice. This is great for ensuring you have high mobility no matter what your enemies throw at you. Beware that these boots do not protect you from other effects associated with a surface type, such as slipping on ice or taking damage from spikes.

The boots can be purchased from Blurg in the Myconid Colony, in the Underdark, Act I.

Ring of Protection

TheRing of Protection is a really good ring that you can obtain early in Act 1. The ring gives you a +1 to Armour Class and +1 to Saving Throws. You get the ring by completing the Steal the Sacred Idol quest. To start the quest head into the Tiefling Hideoutin the Druids Grove and talk toMol. She is the gang leader and wants you to steal theIdol of Silvanus. The Idol is used as a ritual in the middle of the Druid, it won’t be easy to steal it.

Sword of Screams

The Sword of Screams is a good Rapier that you can find fairly early in the game. The reason we want this Rapier is the extra 1d4 Psychic Damage that is applied with every hit. It is dropped by True Soul Nere in the Grymforge.

Endgame Equipment

The endgame gear for the Fiend Warlock can be obtained either in late Act 2 or Act 3 of Baldur’s Gate 3. If you manage to complete all the items below you will be an unstoppable force of power. Especially the Markoheshkir Staffand Helldusk Armour are gems to be on the lookout for.

Now let us take a look at where you can find the endgame gear for the Fiend Warlock Build in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Mask of Soul Perception

The Mask of Soul Perception gives you the following bonuses:

  • +2 to Attack Rolls, making your attacks more accurate
  • +2 to Initiative, making you more likely to have your turn before other creatures
  • +2 to Perception, making you more likely to discover secrets in the environment

The first two bonuses make this mask a pretty good item for buffing your combat ability.

You can also cast Detect Thoughts, sometimes allowing you to discover more about a NPC’s intentions when speaking to them.

The mask can be looted from a locked gilded chest in Helsik’s Room, upstairs in the Devil’s Fee in the Lower City, Act III.

Cloak of the Weave

The Cloak of the Weave is useful mainly because it adds another +1 bonus to your Spell Save DC and Spell Attack Rolls, making your spells harder to resist. This cloak also lets you absorb elemental damage once per Short Rest, reducing the damage of the incoming attack by 50% and then adding 1d6 of the same element to your next attack. It is sold by Helsik at the Devil’s Fee, once her special stock is unlocked.

You can find more cloak options on the BG3 Cloak Items Overview Page.

Armour of Landfall

At first glance, the Armour of Landfall might seem like an item intended for Druids, and that’s partially true. However it has a feature that makes it quite useful for Warlocks too – it increases your Spell Save DC by +1, making it harder for enemies to succeed Saving Throws against your spells. It also gives you Advantage on Constitution Saving Throws, lets you cast the Plant Growth spell once per Short Rest, and heals you each turn if you are standing on a Plant Growth or Vine surface.

There are a few different ways that you might obtain the Armour of Landfall, depending on the status of certain characters in your playthrough:

  • If Rolan is dead – Purchase the armour from Lorroakan’s Projection in Sorcerous Sundries
  • If Rolan and Lorroakan are both alive – Purchase from Rolan in Sorcerous Sundries
  • If Rolan is alive but Lorroakan is dead – Pickpocket from Rolan in Ramazith’s Tower

Helldusk Gloves

The Helldusk Gloves give a +1 bonus to your Strength Saving Throws and infuse your weapon attacks with 1d6 bonus Fire Damage. More importantly, they give a +1 bonus to spell Attack Rolls and Spell Save DC, making all of your spells more likely to have the desired effect against enemy targets.

The gloves are dropped by Haarlep in the House of Hope.

Helldusk Boots

The Helldusk Boots prevent you from being forcefully moved by an enemy’s spells or actions, and give you immunity to the effects of Difficult Terrain. You can also use a Reaction to succeed a Saving Throw that you would have failed, making these extremely good defensive boots. As another added bonus, you get access to the Hellcrawler action, which allows you to teleport and deals fire damage to anyone at the destination.

These boots can be looted from a locked gilded chest on the top floor of Wyrm’s Rock Fortress. Take them before Gortash’s coronation to avoid making NPCs in the area hostile.

Amulet of Greater Health

The Amulet of Greater Health is a very rare item that will boost your Consitution score up to 23. The amulet gives you a huge bump to your health points. The Amulet of Greater Health can also be picked up on a display in the House of Hope like the Helldusk Armour.

If you want something more interesting you could also get the Corvids Token Amulet that allows you to transform into a Dire Raven for movement. Or simply use the Amulet of Misty Step.

Killer’s Sweetheart

The Killer’s Sweetheart is a very rare ring. It allows you to get a guaranteed critical hit after you have defeated an enemy once per long rest. The Killer’s Sweetheart can be found in Act 2 inside the Gauntlet of Shar. It drops inside the Self-Same Trial.

Ring of Free Action

As a secondary ring we recommend the Ring of Free Action. You can buy the Ring of Free Action from Araj Oblodra inside the Moonrise Tower in late Act 2. The ring allows you to ignore the effects of Difficult Terrain, and cannot be Paralysed or Restrained.

Duellist’s Prerogative

The most powerful Rapier in the game, Duellist’s Prerogative is the perfect end-game weapon for Wyll. It lowers the required Critical Hit Roll to 19, has a +3 enchantment (which applies to both Attack and Damage Rolls), can deal extra Necrotic Damage and it allows you to make an extra melee attack with the Duellist’s Enthusiasm Bonus Action.

It is granted as a reward for the Save Vanra quest in Act III. This quest is only available if you completed Save Mayrina in Act I.

Infernal Rapier (Alternative)

If you cannot access the Save Vanra quest due to missing the prerequisites in Act I, then you can instead use the Infernal Rapier, which is given to Wyll as a reward for rescuing Zariel’s contact from Moonrise Towers at the end of Act II (You’ll need to pass a DC14 Persuasion Check to ask for the reward). While a little weaker in melee combat, this Rapier allows Wyll to summon a Cambion to battle, and gives a +1 boost to his Spell Save DC. It’s not as good as Duellist’s Prerogative overall, but it’s still plenty good enough to see you through Act III to the end of the game.

BG3 Wyll Build Tips & Tricks

Warlocks like Wyll are great at dealing consistent damage to enemies with a combination of Hex and Eldritch Blast, along with other spells when needed. But to maximise your effectiveness, try putting yourself in advantageous combat situations. In particular, look for the high-ground advantage and avoid being threatened by melee enemies. Keeping on top of these two factors will make sure your hit chance remains high. If you’re having frequent problems with this, then you can acquire the Amulet of Misty Step, which lets you use the Misty Step spell (teleportation). You can find it near the ogre called Polma in the Defiled Temple in Act I.

Remember that while you have less Spell Slots than most other Spellcasting Classes, you can replenish them with a Short Rest and they also automatically scale up to higher spell levels, meaning that when you unlock third level spells for example, all your spells that can be cast at third level automatically will be. Wyll has access to a range of hard-hitting spells, some of which only work in melee range while others can hit enemies from afar. Read situations carefully and use the right spell at the right time – if in doubt use Eldritch Blast or your Rapier to deal damage instead – save your limited Spell Slots for when you really need them!

Other Baldur’s Gate 3 Builds

  • Druid Build – Circle of the Moon
  • Bard Build – College of Lore
  • Ranger Build – Hunter
  • Monk Build – Way of Shadow
  • Monk Build – Way of the Four Elements
  • Monk Build – Way of the Open Hand
  • Necromancer Build – Necromancy
  • Fighter Build – Battle Master
  • Barbarian Build – Berserker
  • Cleric Build – Light Domain
  • Rogue Build – Thief
  • Sorcerer Build – Wild Magic
  • Wizard Build – Evocation School
  • Paladin – Oath of Ancients

If you want to check out the map of Baldur’s Gate 3, please visit the Baldur’s Gate 3 Interactive Map.

Best BG3 Wyll Build Guide (2024)
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