Destroy The Godmodder: War of a Thousand Universes (CHAPTER 5 - CHAOS REIGNS) (Always accepting new players) RP (2024)

Krill13 said:


stares at the actions taken by the AGSF this turn
Yeah that works too. F for Batman tho.

As for this turn's suggestion, well, surely we can all agree to not let the Care Bear do their thing, right? We can do that, right? We can allocate our attacks just well enough to take out both Indiana Jones and the Care Bear in one fell swoop? Maybe have Shaq beat up Jones then the Care Bear, then Optimus finishes that ursine thing off?


I take this +1 and hope there shall be no confusion this time around hopefully?

[5/5] (tbc in Entity section)

I toss to Whom shall be the Phoenix of Johns (JOEbobobob) an... uhh... well... just imagine whatever You want out of this +1.


Bingus Bungus:

The energy particles I gathered swirl around me ever so calmly in spherical form as they begin to take on a hue not kind to the mortal eye. It's all the colors of the Deep, that of the Beyond, of the Cosmos, of ever-still Order, of ever-changing Chaos, of the Unknown, of the Feared Known, of Life, of Death, of the Beginning, of the End, of Emotions, it is Everything, it is Nothing. A Kaleidoscope of Colors and Non-Colors in One...

All these spheres of paradoxical make all join up with one another into one of a liquid form floating next to me as a pitch-black canvas manifests in front of me. I pull out a handle composed of wood from a tree that's yet to be, holding onto a set of unruly bristles that sway about of their own will; a strange paintbrush of sorts. I bring it closer to the conglomerate of color, whereupon each and every strand of brush lunges towards it, greedily absorbing its hue for themselves until there's none of the orb left...

And with that, I bring the paintbrush to the blank canvas, each bristle ferociously swiping at it and leaving their liquid mark repeatedly. This is how this process of painting occurs...

And now, the third entry to my painting set...

What is detailed is... well... it is not something that can be described as anything. It is no object showcased, no scenery displayed, no. What is shown is nothing... yet everything at the same time. To call it a work of "art" would be insult to both the word and the work itself. To call it "art" would imply it's done by one's creativity and imagination when this work exhibits none of those. To call it "art" would imply this can be done by one's creativity and imagination when those are not enough to bring it to existence.

It is a thing that should not have been. It reeks of a sense of forbiddance; that its mere existence touches a realm we are just not worthy to be near of. Its visage should not be witnessed, lest this witness receives the existential consequence of beholding something way beyond them.

With a luxurious golden frame now holding it aloft, this Eldritch Work now works to hover about and show to entities what shouldn't be... at my behest, of course.


Yeah no I'm not showing that to you guys. I like you guys and would rather your minds not be unraveled.

But uhh here's the back view of it if you want
Destroy The Godmodder: War of a Thousand Universes (CHAPTER 5 - CHAOS REIGNS) (Always accepting new players) RP (1)


This time around, I bring to the Bingus Bungus Architect a blueprint with a specific function in mind: Non-Crowd Meatshielding. It details a rather simple process that is not only cheap, but can also be done by a single Bingus Bungus Builder in a single turn. An individual unit of this does not boast considerable bulk and can likely be taken out by a single attack, wasting that attack... unless it's AOE of course. I dub this structure the Bingus Bungus Blockade.

[Bodyblock Order For [Krill13 - N]: Both Bingus Bungus Turrets > Bingus Bungus Medic > the +3000 Bingus Bungus Beacon > YOULOSTTHEGAMEXD > Bingus Bungus Architect]

[Attack Priority: Care Bear > Indiana Jones > Idle]
[Applicable Entities: Discount Ender Dragon, Portrait of a Dragon, Pineapple on Pizza Painting, Eldritch Work, 2 Bingus Bungus Turrets]
If it ever gets to it lmao. Shaq and Optimus have probably got this on lock.

[Healing Priority: Optimus Prime > Bingus Bungus Architect > rest of the [Krill13 - N] guys]
[Applicable Entities: Glumpus the Very Competent Healer, Bingus Bungus Medic]

Funky Dancing Man continues trying to holily dance for the upcoming being, though he's probably not gonna be able to explain to them our +10,500 Affinity with the AGSF.

The Biblically Accurate Power Cord Setup generates Voltage.
The Water Flesh generates Flesh and gives it all to YOULOSTTHEGAMEXD.

The Bingus Bungus Energy! charges up Energy.
The Bingus Bungus Architect orders 4 Bingus Bungus Builders to build Bingus Bungus Blockades and 2 Bingus Bungus Builders to build a Bingus Bungus Medic.
4 Bingus Bungus Builders work on Bingus Bungus Blockades.
2 Bingus Bungus Builders work on a Bingus Bungus Medic.

The Healing Rain Cloud befriends the the Hurting Rain Cloud while doing its own non-Hellkite healing. Now, you may ask how these two could become friends when they do opposite things. Well, I'd be glad to explain! You see, when you're torturing someone-

5,000 Energy gathered!

Eldritch Work summoned!

...Okay, no. I am vetoing that blueprint. You may use your charge for something else next turn.


Shaquille O'Neal attacks Indiana Jones, killing him! Shaq-Fu Mode expires! Optimus Prime attacks and kills the Care Bear!

THE FALLEN MOTHPIRE IDLES THIS TURN. The Biblically Accurate Power Cord Setup generates 2,200 Voltage! The Bingus Bungus Medic! heals the Bingus Bungus Architect! by 1,000 HP! Glumpus the Very Competent Healer heals Optimus Prime to full HP! The Water Flesh generates 3,000 Flesh and expends it to give YOULOSTTHEGAMEXD an additional 3,000 Temporary HP! The Funky Dancing Man dances for whatever's coming with the immaculate chorus, pre-emptively gaining 1,000 Affinity with it! The Bingus Bungus Energy! generates 23,000 Energy! The Bingus Bungus Builders create a Bingus Bungus Medic and, since the original intended option wasn't available, four Bingus Bungus Shields, which are given to YOULOSTTHEGAMEXD!

A pillar of light emerges from behind a conspicuous cloud! The sound of holy choirs rings as Chuck Norris descends from the heavens, delivering a single roundhouse kick that kills Shaquille O'Neal and Optimus Prime in one blow! From the other side of Tokyo, Gandalf the Grey, Gandalf the White, Monty Python and the Holy Grail's Black Knight, Benito Mussolini, the Blue Meanie, Cowboy Curtis, Jambi the Genie, Robocop, the Terminator, Captain Kirk, Darth Vader, Lopan, Superman, every single Power Ranger, Bill S. Preston, Theodore Logan, Spock, The Rock, Doc Ock, and Hulk Hogan emerge in a single unified cluster, seemingly intent on working together to destroy Chuck Norris!

You can pick a side in this fight, or you can try to stay out of it. No matter which side you pick, you'll have to deal with them yourself after they win! Defeating Chuck Norris will also allow you the chance to take a reward, or stay for the possible chance of more!


[Z]: -20,000
[ACTOR]: -3,000
[CN]: +1,000
[Gandalf]: +0
[PW]: +0
[SCIFI]: +0
[S]: +0
[?]: Entities of this faction have unknown intentions and alliegances. It is not possible to gain Affinity with them.


The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny - Tokyo City

Ablative Armor: If this entity absorbs the full power of an attack with its armor, it loses Armor equal to half of that attack's power.

Excellent Dudes: Bill and Ted will not be targeted by entities unless explicitly ordered. If you kill them, you will lose a LOT of affinity with all currently-present factions!

Excessive Persistence: 'Tis but a scratch! When this entity reaches 0 HP, it remains alive for an additional 3 turns. (It cannot be healed during this period.)

Parry: Ignores the first attack in a turn with power less than or equal to this entity's Attack. Additional attacks allow for more parries, rather than increasing the upper limit.

Pseudo-Crowd: This entity is treated like multiple Crowd entities in almost all respects. The main difference is that although Attack still scales with the quantity of entities, it is treated as a single hom*ogenous attack for Armor, Thorns, and Reaction Fire.

Spice-Based Combustion Engine: Mussolini made the trains run on thyme. His presence here may cause unusual disturbances in reality, sometimes of the kind referred to as "Plot Armor."

Undead: When an undead entity reaches 0 HP, it remains alive. Additional damage it takes is dealt to its max HP. When its max HP reaches 0, it dies.

Unstoppable: An entity with this type of attack will still be affected by bodyguarding, but will pierce through bodyguarding entities as though the attack were AoE. This does not allow the entity to hit additional targets that aren't bodyguarding.

Chuck Norris [CN - SIDEQUEST]: HP: 400,000/400,000, Dodge: 25%, Attack: 75,000, Unstoppable

Gandalf the Grey [Gandalf]: HP: 30,000/30,000, Attack: 10,000 AoE
Gandalf the White [Gandalf]: HP: 45,000/45,000, Attack: 15,000 AoE

Cowboy Curtis [PW]: HP: 20,000/20,000, Attack: 5,000
Jambi the Genie [PW]: HP: 50,000/50,000, Healing: 20,000

Robocop [SCIFI]: HP: 20,000/20,000, Armor: 2,000, Attack: 2,000
The Terminator [SCIFI]: HP: 20,000/20,000, Attack: 8,000
Captain Kirk [SCIFI]: HP: 10,000/10,000, Attack: 10,000
Spock [SCIFI]: HP: 10,000/10,000, Attack: 10,000
Darth Vader [SCIFI]: HP: 20,000/20,000, Attack: 5,000, Parry

Superman [S]: HP: 10,000/10,000, Armor: 50,000, Ablative Armor, Attack: 5,000
Every Single Power Ranger [S]: HP: 1,000/1,000(x90), Attack: 90,000, Pseudo-Crowd

The Rock [ACTOR]: HP: 10,000/10,000, Attack: 5,000
Hulk Hogan [ACTOR]: HP: 8,000/8,000, Attack: 7,000

Black Knight [?]: HP: 1,000/1,000, Attack: 10,000, Excessive Persistence: Inactive
Benito Mussolini [?]: HP: 5,000/5,000, Spice-Based Combustion Engine
Blue Meanie [?]: HP: 5,000/5,000, Attack: 5,000
Lo-Pan [?]: HP: 5,000/5,000, Attack: 1,000
Bill and Ted [?]: HP: 1,000/1,000, Excellent Dudes
Doc Ock [?]: HP: 10,000/10,000, Dodge: 50%, Attack: 5,000

The Bingus Bungus Turret! [Krill13 - N](x2): HP: 6,000/6,000(x2), Attack: 1,000
Discount Ender Dragon [Krill13 - N]: HP: 8,000/8,000, Attack: 1,500 * 2
Portrait of a Dragon [Krill13 - N]: HP: 10,000/10,000, Attack: 5,000
Pineapple On Pizza Painting [Krill13 - N]: HP: 3,000/3,000, Attack: 1,500
Eldritch Work [Krill13 - N]: HP: 5,000/5,000, Attack: 2,500
Yore Optimum Uber Lustrous Outstanding Sacred Terrific Transcendent Holy Exceptional Grand Almighty Master Eternity Xenoverse Dragon [Krill13 - N]: HP: 5,000/5,000, Armor: 5,100 (100), Attack: 0 (5,000), Form: Defense Form, Form Change: Can be ordered to change form on a turn, must be done instead of attacking if currently in Attack Form, Bingus Bungus Shield!: 4,000 HP, Temporary HP: 19,100
Biblically Accurate Power Cord Setup [Krill13 - N]: HP: 5,000/5,000, Voltage: 17,900 (+2,200/turn), may expend voltage to deal that much damage to an entity

The Bingus Bungus Medic! [Krill13 - N](x2): HP: 6,000/6,000(x2), Healing: 1,000
Glumpus the Very Competent Healer [Krill13 - N]: HP: 4,500/4,500, Healing: 4,500
Water Flesh [Krill13 - N]: HP: 5,000/5,000, Flesh: 0 (+3,000/turn), may expend flesh to give that much temporary HP to an entity, including itself

Funky Dancing Man [Krill13 - N]: HP: 10,000/10,000, Dancing: +1,000 Affinity with a chosen faction each turn

The Bingus Bungus Energy! [Krill13 - N]: HP: 50,000/50,000, Energy: 70,000 (+23,000/turn), any player may take energy as a free action in addition to base actions, amount of energy taken scales with free action and is expended immediately to boost this turn's action, don't expect to be able to take more than 5,000 per turn per player, 1 Energy = 1 Action Power
The Bingus Bungus Beacon! [Krill13 - N]: HP: 10,000/10,000, +3,000 Bingus Bungus Energy! Energy per turn
The Bingus Bungus Beacon! [Krill13 - N]: HP: 10,000/10,000, +4,000 Bingus Bungus Energy! Energy per turn
The Bingus Bungus Beacon! [Krill13 - N]: HP: 10,000/10,000, +6,000 Bingus Bungus Energy! Energy per turn

The Bingus Bungus Architect! [Krill13 - N]: HP: 42,500/50,000, Uses Bingus Bungus Blueprints!, Bingus Bungus Builders!, and Energy to create entities, no limit to entities created per turn as long as there are enough resources

The Bingus Bungus Shield!

Builders Required: 1
Turns Required: 1
Energy Required: 1,000
Stats: Adds 1,000 temporary HP to an entity.​

The Bingus Bungus Turret!

Builders Required: 1
Turns Required: 2 (-1 for each Builder greater than 1, min 1)
Energy Required: 10,000
Stats: 6,000 HP, 1,000 Attack​

The Bingus Bungus Medic!

Builders Required: 1
Turns required: 2 (-1 for each Builder greater than 1, min 1)
Energy Required: 10,000
Stats: 6,000 HP, 1,000 Healing

The Bingus Bungus Elemental!

Builders Required: 1
Turns Required: 2 (cannot be reduced)
Energy Required: 5,000 per builder used
Stats: 2,000 HP and 500 Attack per builder used, HP lost is converted back into Energy​

The Bingus Bungus Beacon!

Builders Required: 3
Turns Required: 3 (cannot be reduced)
Energy Required: 20,000
Stats: 10,000 HP, Increases Energy production of the Bingus Bungus Energy! by 1,000 for each Builder assigned to the project (max 10,000)​

The Bingus Bungus Mech's Left Leg!

Builders Required: 2
Turns Required: 3 (-1 per additional builder, min 1)
Energy Required: 20,000
Stats: 10,000 HP, 1,000 Armor, combines with other mech pieces, merging their stats​

The Bingus Bungus Mech's Right Leg!

Builders Required: 2
Turns Required: 3 (-1 per additional builder, min 1)
Energy Required: 20,000
Stats: 10,000 HP, 1,000 Thorns, combines with other mech pieces, merging their stats​

The Bingus Bungus Mech's Left Arm!

Builders Required: 2
Turns Required: 3 (-1 per additional builder, min 1)
Energy Required: 20,000
Stats: 10,000 HP, 2,500 Healing, combines with other mech pieces, merging their stats​

The Bingus Bungus Mech's Right Arm!

Builders Required: 2
Turns Required: 3 (-1 per additional builder, min 1)
Energy Required: 20,000
Stats: 10,000 HP, 500*5 Attack, combines with other mech pieces, merging their stats​

The Bingus Bungus Mech's Central Core!

Builders Required: 4
Turns Required: 6 (-1 per additional builder, min 1)
Energy Required: 50,000
Stats: 25,000 HP, 1,000 Attack, 1,000 Healing, 1,000 Armor, 1,000 Thorns, combines with other mech pieces, merging their stats​


The Bingus Bungus Builder! [Krill13 - N]: HP: 10,000/10,000, Status: Idle
The Bingus Bungus Builder! [Krill13 - N]: HP: 10,000/10,000, Status: Idle
The Bingus Bungus Builder! [Krill13 - N]: HP: 10,000/10,000, Status: Idle
The Bingus Bungus Builder! [Krill13 - N]: HP: 10,000/10,000, Status: Idle
The Bingus Bungus Builder! [Krill13 - N]: HP: 10,000/10,000, Status: Idle
The Bingus Bungus Builder! [Krill13 - N]: HP: 10,000/10,000, Status: Idle

Destroy The Godmodder: War of a Thousand Universes (CHAPTER 5 - CHAOS REIGNS) (Always accepting new players) RP (2024)
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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Author information

Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.