Kansas City Journal from Kansas City, Missouri (2024)

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Kansas City Journali

Kansas City, Missouri

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16 PHILADELPHIA HORSES TO QUENCH THIRST AT PORTABLE BAR 132000 RETAIL TRADE AHEAD 1928 SECURITIES VITAL STATISTICS the City marriage licenses old over and the lot as if for do class Legal Notices S2 the str is no to over over over over 124 99 104 tn 8000 7000 new and fountain 17 28 25 28 18 too 100 100 93 04 100' 58 102 80 106 102 deep sand three week ago Petroleum No 2 Rowe which 890 barrel and 1 still flow the samr rate A number of be deepened in the 12 year ROME CELEBRATES 7TH ANNIVERSARY ASCIST REGIME 45 20 21 21 27 27 24 23 21 21 21 17 62 103 1 82 93 jom 94 97 10) 3 80 89 105 92 61 65 11000 7500 9000 3000 me 48 31 120 29 50 8 30c 35 USELESS INORMATION When the stork calls ''twins" the wrong number let me stand Ln your said the pedestrian as he made a flying dive for the nearest street Colgate Banter 90 100 97 102 129 100 Bid Asked 600 200 250 175 American Discovers Value of Patience on Travels in South America 6000 9000 1800 10 COO 5000 S4 UNDERTAKING co SINCE 1861 Department of Commerce inds Outlook Good 101 100 1 104 OHIO VOTERS REJECT BOND PROPOSALS Lower Prices for Hogs Pigs Unchanged to Weak CATTLE STEADY TO STRONG HERE Archaeological Restoration Considered Most Impor tant Work Miscellaneous Slocks Am Asphalt mrp nfd Armour Co Del pfd uu Aso do nfd do class A Initial How Is 19565 Bar rels a Day Divorce Sults ilid in Kansas Cite Lorraine against Clifford DeWitt against Glenna Schucht Mina against Samuel Thomas Mae against Dennis Quinn Bernice A against Dan Rawley Edith against Merle Osborn ifed Wyandotte County Ina against Milton Brewer Mary against Charles Newhouse Roxie against Darbv Rymer iled in Independence Martha against John Yancey Joseph Chick William against Leona Harrell short stripe stripe $l50(fc2 broad $850ft 10 medium was asked to get a ruling frojn attorney general: The auxiliary of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to ani mals has set up a portable bar in Philadelphia But you don't have to faJl off the water wagon to The engagement of Prince Hum bert has struck the popular Imagi nation forcibly Expectations of the official announcement finally have been resized after many years Princess Marie Jos has known Italy and her occasional visits here undoubtedly forecast the union of the Houses of Erabante and Savoy The prince had seen her many times and just a year ago the engagement was clearly'foreshadowed on the oc casion of the wedding of his cousin th1 Duke of the Apulias to Princess Anne of rance On this occasion and according tn the protocol of the court Prince Humbert and Princess Marie Jose had to walk arm in arm the whole length of the Piazza San erdinando Both smilingly passed through the square which was more than 200 yards wide and packed with more than 3 00000 persons At that time they attracted as much atten tion as the duke and the Princess Anne though it was not yet their SEEDS IN CAB LOTS following quotation? are baaed on New Illuminations were brought out in celebrating Edison's anni versary 4 he engagement of the crown prince and the annual march on rtome birthday Wider use was made of searchlights and hundreds of these were made to play upon the uivjiuiiients or ancient home i Especially interesting was the ef Acme Photos quench jour thirst Here Vivian Jobin theatrical star is shown as she helped dedicate the new water wagon for thirsty horses and as she helped some horses patronizing the WHERE GENIUS AIRS has Invented some marvelous remarked the Thoughtful uuy barrels while heavy declined from 45345 to 45115 barrels on the daily average gauges North Louisiana light fell from 30935 to 30915 and heavy from 5575 to 5510 barrels Kansas rose from 109410 to 110320 bar rels Gulf coast heavy declined from 190 456 to 187220 barrels California light incrsed from 537500 to aoxuw ana nravy aecnnea irom to 131000 barrels It was astounding with what speed the flags were brought out on the day of the attempt against the life It seemed almost mag ical for as soon as the extra editions told of the news Rome became one mass of the Italian tricolor and soon youths were parading the streets cheering the pflnee and the Hause of Savoy In the evening all public buildings were illuminated a holiday function 42 32 33 21 21 55 50 24 April Term 1929 ORDER PUBLICATION STATE MISSOURI to GREETINGS: inn 000 3800 2500 1000 WORK said the profes the interrupted the more one Bits Rome has acquired a genuine American soda While Americans at home might complain that there is nothing stronger available legally than a glas of soda many of them com plain here that there is not a soda fountain This complaint has been met by the installation of a regular Chicago made outfit in the tea room of the Majestic hotel This innovation was the result of studies made by the hotel to meet American tastes They also imported a regular American soda fountain dispenser who fills the glasses in the creamy American fashion Sundaes sodas and other ice cream concoctions have become tjte regular thing of the place Italians are at a loss ovei soda water Signor Enzo Casalini present under secretary of state for finance wished to acquaint his friends with the American institution and gave ft big party to government officials and their wives in which the great picce de resistance was an ice cream soda However the Italians have not taken up the soda They have too many other beverages 101 5 25 36 62 100 58 56 107 103 634 33 22 54 109 21 32 OLLOWED ORDERS Why didn you put STATE MISSOURI ST RANCOIS COUNTY 58 CITY ARMINGTON IN THE PROBATE COURT THE COUNTY ST RANCOIS STATE MISSOURI NOT TO STAY Host (grandly): "Yrs doubt that the radio has come stay What is it Hortense: the collector He says if you don't pay your in stallments Iteve to take yc ur radio back" Ottawa Citizen Estimated receipts TotlayWkaroYreeo vn i iwu Chicago 49000 St Louis 17000 Omaha 10000 St Joseph 8500 Totals 95900 Hog receipts here and at 'HIDE MARKET HIDES Declines have been sharp re cently and while quotations are unchanged the situation generally is barely steady CATTLE HIDES Green No 1 under 45 lbs 11c: No 2 under 45 lbs 9c: No 1 lbs and up 8c: No 2 45 lbs and ud 7c: side brands 7c bull 5c: glue 5c Part cured less uncured 1c less Dn flint flat 13ftl4c HORSE HIDES Large $3: medium $2 50 small $2 pony and glue horse bides HOG 25c SHEEP PELTS Green salted 75 full wooled dry lb 14H5c: full wooled Angora goat 256175c common goat 1567 25c SEDENTARY sor to lesson other smart student the less one can retored the professor if one lies a great deal standing is lost completely Cap Weekly 57 103 90 60 WA 20 99 50 30 35 $240 55 97 5 6 55 100 io? 68 52 30 20 51 105 18 iiiiBLit'Hx: nirin rur i watermelon in the icebox as I told UU I Maid: Mistress Maid: ROME Nov The an nual celebration of the fascist march Rome brought to light a for midable array of public works com pleted during the seremh year of me lascisi regime Not less inter esting Than th? numerous bridges roads schools hospitals and other public undertakings were the archae ological finds Perhaps one of the most impor tant discoveries in archaeology was the undertaking of the forum of the Emperor Trajan This forum Is lo cate just liefween the Vimlnal and Capitolina hills and something very new in Roman ruins appeared in the huge old market places which by careful excavating were brought out to public view and intact the shops of ancient and imperial Rome Archaeologists agree that this new excavation which is unique in Roman monuments will throw much light on Roman life and customs There are tiers and tiers of shop windows and much material has been gathered which with the present knowledge of Roman trading will furnish a dear idea of just how the Roman mer chant did his work Musolini went dowrv to the new excavations and congratulated the archaeologists and engineers on the success of the enterprise Outside the ships of Nemi the market place of 1 Trajan is ranked as the finest archaeological work this year Spe clal attention was givem it and all day Sunday the Roman ruin vyas visited by hundreds of thousands of Romans Gleaner Comb Harv com Lee Merc Co nfd ire As Marine Ins Pub Srv pfd do mm Stock Yards pfd do com Struc Steel pfd Luckv Tiger Net A pfd do com Poor class 8wjft Co Western Ins Ser con West Ins class A 12 50 44 Miscellaneous Bonds Am Asp 36 38 On C4 6s 33 42 dO 44 Cudahy Packing 37 Dierks 6s 32 4166 itch Corps 30 37 Lt 5 52 Pub Serv 6s 51 Term Rys 4s 61 Kanes Gas El 6s 1952 Long Bel) Lbr 6a 31 do 6s 42 Pickering Lbr 6s 45 Hit? Bide Tulsa 6'V 29 Sheffield St 48 Sheffield Steel Corp pfd Swift Co Wichita 43 Yarns 6s 34 Ex dividend rtorted ihr VTarrlnd rBrother "but he been able to Invent an umbrella he can carry in such way that it will keep him as aa hi wife OKLAHOMA CITY Nov The Oklahoma City fielTs secod largest producer "as hut down today following the twenty four hours of flow vesterday which netted 19365 barrels The well I osier No 2 Trospex is on the center of the south pool and showed 15000000 feet of gas Anther ccmpletfcn in the was ex pected today in the Mid Kana No 1 which finished drilling plugs Sunder and was ready to complete todav Production yesterday va 71697 barrelsfrom 11 wells compared with 49127 6ua dajr Operators In East Earlsboro field were given severe jolt yatrdav when th Vft ha A th Wilnv sand at 4314 leet for 2000 feet of wate The regular dividend of the Phillips Petroleum company of BartVsrtne has been increased to a $2 basis exclusive of extra dividends by declaring a cash divi dend of SO cents a shar in lieu of the recent 37? cents a share it was an nounced today New activity has started In the cement fitid in fftnntv fnllnwinr th covery oi a by Magnolia came in for inc at about wells are to old pool TULSA OK Nov In the 10000 barrel In average Pro duction of crude oil of the Santa Springs Ca! field lies the smry of lat 11895 barrel Iner ase in the national daily average production of crude oil the Oil Gas Journal reported tedav Total national dally average roe from 2615457 to 2627352 barrels Almost everr poo! except those of California registered declines Midcontinent daily average licht grade dropped from 1435819 to 1430938 barrels fth heavy declining from 50520 to 50625 barrels Oklahoma dropped from 645495 despite a 6460 barrel increase in the Oklahoma City pool West Texas earne rfotrn from afiRnan i33151 barrels Other Texas fields: North a 1 4 lit rtrt tr An Issued in Kansas City David Anderson Kansas City Bessie Orr Kansas City Jack Matthews Arkansas City Kas 1 rl a Y3 ck i uji vivy Beauford Scott Independence Madge Kueffer Independence Arthur Parry Kansas City Ruth Hohey San rancisco Darrell Cross Kansas Citv Agnes rame Kansas City Kas Joseph Hassel Kansas City rances Poage Kansas City Howard Kincade Independence Violet Quigley Raytown Cecil Varner Kansas City Helen arrell Kansas City John Richardson St Louis Nellie O'Donnell Kansas City Henry Schmidt Kansas City Rose Humphrey Kansas City Issued in Wyandotte County? Ear! Pierce Bethel Kas Helen Stutenkcmper Kansas City Pearly Thomas Kansas City Kas Perleaner Hillins Kansas City Kas Refugio lores Kansas City Kas lorence Sierra Kansas City Kas Issued In Independence William Garrett Topeka Muriel McDonald Omaha deliveries in Kansas City of car lota 01 country run seeds: Per cwt RED CLOVERPer cwt $13(816 SWEET CLOVERPer cwt annulled 50 armihulled M4 50 bulled 856 5 50 Per cwt 5405 Per cwt $3506X4 8OY Per bushel 8150Q175 WHOLESALE MEAT PRICES Swift ana Company report wholesai meet prices per pound as follows: BEE CUTS Rih' No 1 $2c: No 8 29c No 3 6c Loins No 1 44c No 2 40c No 3 22c Chucks No We No 2 30c: No 3 15c Rounds No 1 22c No 2 20c: No 3 15c PORK Loins light 21c heavy 19c boneless shoulder butts 24c spare rihs 19c: leaves 12c: skinned shoulders lc plain shoulders 16c cured irst grade hams 2Q 26c: first grade bacon 29ft32c irst grade Ufeo ri JlJpwaw parreia wner iexas news: win weitthta in central down to 145094 from 146095: Pan 2 an4 1 handle up from 100015 to 102539 east feeders' rand t0 ker and central down from 17855 to 17674 feeders ranged from JSIUO Arkansas light rose from 17889 to 18850 Nov (INS) an excellent Christ mas buying season the commerce department today declared that the autumn expansion of has gotten well under way Despite the crash of the stock market October business and industry remained at satisfactory levels Money rates were lower commodity prices exceptionally steady employment and wages at high points Inventories low and distributive trades were showing normal expansion of ficials asserted Department and chain stores reported that retail trade was running well ahead of last year during October and early November or nine months ending Sep tember 30 there uas a 29 ner cent zain reported by 529 department stores in leading cities over the same period last year Chain stores showed gains of 183 per cent for September as compared with the same month last year while for nine months there was a 25 per cent increase Wholesale trade for nine months was nearly 3 per cent greater than last year about the normal expansion in view of the 1 increase in population and productivity Preliminary reports for department store sales in October indicated a gain of 3 per cent over the same month last year "During October candy sales bv manu facturing wholesalers were greater than In October 1928 in the southeastern cen tral southern and midwestern states due principally to the continuation of general business the depart ment said 'Sales bv western confectionarv manu lecturers declined more than 7 per cent due mainly by higher temperatures than normal Declines in candy sales were also noted in the New England and eastern sec tions which must be ascribed to the ar tiviUes of individual manufacturers either in expanding their sales of lower priced items or to price Ostober sales of candv fnr the entire country were gicven at $38522000 an in 1 crease or huuuuuu iruui ocpivniotr about 51000000 from October 1923 LOCAL UR QUOTATIONS TBa fur market Is ripnrpssArt and attitude of the trade Is decidedly bearish Owing to unsettled conditions values are more or less uncertain and no definite basis has yet been established Concensus of opinion is that increased arrivals will further weaken prices Missouri Northern Kansas Nebraska and urs from northern section 10 to 15 per cenfr higher than quotations southern section less than quo tauous Black $2505 3: narrow sfrlriA 7Srf71 Larne sfi'TfTSO: small $350(55 No 2 $3117 No 3 $2 No 4 25c No 1 large No 1 me dium $6508 No 1 small $4 6: No 2 $3sn7a: No 3 $250: No 4 50c Large si0fM2: medium $6504? 8: small $44 6 No 2 $350750 No 3 $2: No 4 5bc Large $110 140: medium 75 90c small 35(u60c No 2 3090c No uc MT'SKP larne 754 90c small 35''t60c: No 2 30080c iiiu ci value HOUSE Colored 25c 50c CIVET 70c ru urav rea siu I RABBIT Per ib 2067 50c: iRab P18! nit fKini musi or inorougniy sirercnea dried) 9000 9000 40000 35000 16000 19500 suuu 7000 80000 78500 points were in excess of the demana and early trade at aH market centers was slow with prices on the downturn Shippers here had light orders and local packers were extremely bearish Qualify was fair lo A00 on1 al weights and grades sold within a narrow range of prices Genera! market was 10c to 20c lowerhan average Stock pigs were t0 most sales around il 0 i5 Top fat hogs brought $880 Bulk of sales ranged from $86514875 Heavies sold around $8654875: mediums $8 70ft 880 and lighu $8 65875 bllEEP Estimated receipts: TCn Chiratrt tq nrwv St Loulj 4000 Omaha 11900 St Joseph 4000 Totals 29500 31800 Receipts in the sheep department were fairly liberal and the total supply at the five western markets was heavier than reek or er Most of the local run was again western and natve lat and feeding Jambs Trade opened fairly active with scottered sals oir native lambs quoted steady to strong Salesmen held for strong to higher prices on better grades of western Late market was generally on a steady to stronger tnweW western iambs sold around rangeo jrom $U4r were quoted around $ip 5fjn 25 and fat yearlings from $8 50 Pat were duo'ed around $5fa6 Wooled yearling wethers brought $995 (IHCUO live Nov Receipts 49000 market 10c to 15c lower top $9 15 bulk $850910 heavyweight 15 WiJ10: lightweight $8507 910 light lights $810t9 pack 5 plS5 7'7S6l8: how Receipts 13000 market 15c to 25c lower: calves receipts 3500: mar bcet leers good and choice 13ft 1475 common and medium yearlings 9ft 1575 butcher cattle heif $6506? 1050 bulls $8ftll calves $124fl5 feeder steers $9ft 11 5: stocker steers $811 stockcr cows and heifers $650ft 11 Receipts 12000 market steady mecium and choice lambs $12fctl3: culls and common $9ftll5O yearlings $9ftiu common and choice ewes $575 feeder lambs H150613 ST I OUI IB STOCK EAST ST LOUIS Nov 28 Re ceipts 17000: market mostly 10c to 15c lower then average Pigs un t0 25c loer: top $910 bulk 170 210 pounds $9 130 16A pounds $850i A130 $88 50 packing sows $775 Receints 4000 calves 1800 market steers slow: indications steady: 1 i aim Ju un changed: lower trend to cows: sausage bulls steady to 25c higher: good and choice renlers Sft' nt eic 1 50ft 1350 medium kinds $4 506525 top medium bulls Receipts 4000 market nothing done earlv Packers bid 35c lower at iambs $13 25 downward indications throw out and sheep st adv THE Arthur Hovis: Whereas the Probate Court In and ftt tn City of armington aforesaid on the 29th day of April 1929 upon hearing of legal evidence ar required by law did de cree that the legal presumption of your death is established Therefore in pursuance of an order ofbate Court you are hereby no tilled that you or any one for you pro duce to the said Probate Court within twelve weeks from the date of the last publication thereof satisfactory evidence that you are still living and If such evidence shall not be offered sat isfactory to said Probate Court that you are in fket still living letters of admxnt stration will be Issued by said court on your estate to the party entitled thereto in accordance with the statutes in such oases made and provided Given under my hand and the seal of said Probate Court at office in the City of armington Missouri this 29th day of April 1939 9 WEBER Judge Probate Court of Li armlagton Missouri One of the tragic thin that im pressed Alice in her journey through Wonderland was the queen who upon the slightest pretext was in clined to impofe death sentences upon her subjects it is related that even at the court croquet game the queen went stamping about shout ing with his or with her about once in a minute causing to reflect dreadfully fond of behead ing people here: the greatest der is that anyone left When the results of local elections throughout Ohio are reviewed it is observed that taxpayers were in something of the mood as that quenn only the heads that they lopped off were thoe of bond issues or higher tax levies Cincinnati was the only city in the' state to make a general approval of bond Issues That city has not been runninir wild with debt making programs it has boon issuing no more bonds than taxpay ers can conveniently pay for Cleveland and Youngstown for the first time in history the people voted down bond issues and extra levies for the public schools The defeat wiU cause the schools to omit from theiradniinis tration everythin" hut the most es sential services Garrettsville killed a proposal for a new hip school Columbus by a vote of more than two to one killed proposals for a higher county tax levy and bonds for the children's home EetlmatM for tomorrow: in Ktrras city Cxttle 3000 hogs 000: sheep 4000 In Cattle 14000 hogi 26000 aheep CAT Eatimated receipt: Kansas City 9000 Chicago 13000 St Louis 4900 Omaha 5500 St Jowph MOO Jtnn Receipts qf cattle In Kansas Citv today were fairly liberal and aKin the bulk of aU supplies in killing classes was lair to medium trade abort fed steers and year lings Shippers were out early and Mattered loads were picked upt steady to strong prices Packers were mumcieui buq him io mem were slow and dull with values about steady Most steer sold around $8ftl3 Yearlings gen erally ranged from $10ftl350 with year itEj steers and heifers selling at the latter tin re The market on cow and butchers was irregular with eanners and and extremely low priced kinds steady to atronc and best light weight fcelfera also showing strength air to medium grade cows were cw and weak Most cow sold around $65061825 nd heifers from $850fil250 Calve generally were steady with veal around $1150ft l3 and the bulk of sales to packers from $8ft 1350 The more desirable kinds of stackers isruru wne again rasny moveo Witn Deaths and unerals Mrs Etta Blasenuvni Tl Ann Arfalr Sedalia Mo: Mrs Mi n' arfn7 rirk ctmrtary ln rorMt H1U 'Mi June Joan aged i Havn nV'S'S tav grandfather Mr Jacob 53 years old nassedlwiiV MrTn'VK'onnnS o' st terrace Thursdav ol c5 tft Interment in st 'gSf MOORE Harvey irarikllnig veers? Henry si Mf daughters Mrs Nellie Tathweli nf th BurlJ Butler Mo JSd M3T Cambridge Nov Mk 's mil WiUrtr aS OI ine home 6 ItfWSf rhrYe yen old Roberta Patteraon 3016 Bellafontnir wSd irst National bank 15 Exchange State bank 12 delity Nat Co 10 Drovers National bank a stocks and bonds cased on sales over the feet on the Coliseum This wa Also lighted com under the arches bm the playing of the azzline' on the ancient travertine tone made it appear asp if it had been suddenly renovated? In the ensemble the siqht was en trancing as the classic grandeur was seen in an entirely different aspect Shades and shadows brought out in bold relief the Homan arches An other feature of the triple celebration was the lighting of the Pineian hill where a huge statue of King Victor Emmanuel JI stands' The entire hill overlooking the Piazza del Popelo vuuiutu wiin incannesceni lights donated by the municipal electric company REICH WORKLESSNEED 200000000 MARKS BERLIN The hew ministers Dr Julius Curtius and Dr Moldenhauer and the coalition cabinet generally are confronted with many difficult tasks Doubts are entertained espe cially by the Roman Catholic and German People's parties concerning the Polish commercial treaties in which connection Dr Moldenhauer minister of economics will probably remain here Dr Curtius going alone to The Hague Before the Hague conference which it is believed will be held in the second week of December gov ernment decisions regarding the basis of financial reform must be formu lated An'important point in connec tion with the coming budget is unem ployed insurance the unemployed are continually inrrpasinr arA vvMpuitU ujui zuuutwuw marks will be needed this winter Strict economy jS to be observed everywhere particularly in the re striction of public building The German party demands financial and economic reform agri culture to receive immediate assist ance by the raising of corn duties SENATE CALLS OR PLANE CRASH ACTS The senate does not believe the commerce department should investi gate airplane accidents in which peo ple are killed and then keep all the information to itself So it called on the department by resolution for copies of the report made in the case of the Trans continental Air Trans port wreck in the Rocky mountains in which eight' persons lost their lives and also in the case of a crash near Memphis of a plane operated au wunvensea pilot resulting in the death of two passengers Secretary Lamont had explained that the department considered t0 make such reports pub lic and he added that the department did not believe it had authority to publish Its findings Chairman Jones of the senate commerce committee declared the law made the publica tion mandatory and the secretary was asked to get a ruling frojn the did ma'am" it "Well how could it be? 1 had to take out the ice to get it Weekly PASSING OBSERVATION In the end the worldly wise often prove the world's prize dumbbells Tod a Wk go rexe iUL' auuu 7000 1600 30300 22300 AN INDTAN GIVER Lake Michigan gave up quite a stretch 'long the shore for Lake ront boulevard but judging from the storm news from the Windy City it has decided to take it bark again Bird Gro Str war Butler Mfr Co pld 7 Cent A pfd 5 no com Continental Tel Ok Com Cent Sur Ins Corp Celeste Palmolive nt nfd do cem $2 Cook Paint 4 Davidson Co pH i Diversified Inv Inc pfd 7 4 $4 ft A'A' Am EDITOR'S EOT Through arrangement rzilh the Chicago Tnbune the Journal Poet will publish lor the information of Its readere The Investors' Guide which to he a dailp feature of the financial paprs Inquiries must bear the signature and address of writer Srswers of public interest will be pubtshed those not of penernl Ir'erest uill be mailed if stamped self addressed enretope inclos' Address letters to int'esiorV Guide A nira are tard upon Information which the Tribune and Journal Post beliepe correct but beyond care in securing 7 1 the sens eS 1 esos sens sei su uriLfc vunu A va usiurnc TlQ TCSpDMlDUilJf fMarrett The btarrett corporation was incorporated ebruary JO 1929 in Delaware for th purpose of constructing and financing directly or through its subsidiaries building operations In the principal metropoli tan centers of the Vnitcd States The corporation also engages in the ownership financing and man a ce ment of real estate undertakings Subsidiaries include Starrett Bros Inc Starrett Investing corror auon ana we aji jianover street Realty company The Initial capitalization consisted of 1500000 shares of no par common and 550000000 of 6 per cent cumu lative preferred of which 3SOOOO shares of common $15000000 of per cent cumulative preftrr par $50 and $2200000 of 6 rr cent cu mulative preferred par $10 were to be uui standing It was announced that the con or ation had no funded dbt of Its own but that upon completion of financ ing the of the corpora tion would have outstanding in the hands of the public $17000000 of funded debt The pro foima consolidated bal ance sheet as of December 31 1928 showed current assets of $22517513 and current liabilities of $525428 leaving a net working capital of $21992385 Consolidated net earnings of the corporation and subsidiaries for the six months ended September 30 1929 after allowance for interest amorti zation depreciation ajid taxes ana preferred stock dividends were equivalent to more than $350 per share per annum on the outstanding common stock according to a report published October 30 This compares with an annual rate of $313 per share earned during the June quarter Dividends are being paid on the $50 jar preferred stock The preferred Cl erves only a fairly good rating at present The common is a speculation Shell Union Oil 1 IaR: The consolidated Income account of 'hell Union Oil corpora tion and its subsId'Artas for the September quarter showed a of $912146 alter depreciation de pletion and other charges but before federal taxs This compares with $M51W3 in the preceding quarter nd $0300116 in the September quarter of 1928 Profit for the nine months ended September 30 1929 totaled $18682405 before federal taxes against $15 4 33352 in die first nine months of 192i There were 13066336 shares of no par common stock outstand ings Dividends on the common stock ar at the annual rate of $110 ner share The preferred stork Is high grade The common is fairly high grade New York Chicago and St Louis MH New York Chicago and St Louis Railroad company $20 f'OAooo three year 6 per cent gold notes dated October 1 1929 and due October 1 1932 aro a suitable invest ment for a business Copyright 1929 fl WEATHER ORECASTS Missouri Kiasas nd low fair tonight and Wednesday not much change in temperature Shipper West 38 degrees: north 32 degrees south and east above freezing There was no precipitation In Kansas Citv tn the twenty four hours ending at 7 o'clock this morning in the corresponding period year ago none Normal rainfall for this month is 183 Inches deficiency to date 52 of an inch excess since Jan uary 1 645 Inches Snow fell eight times on this date in the last forty one years thegreatest amount being 1 of tn inch In The highest temperature in Kansas Citv A in the twenty four hours ending at 1 this morning was 50 degree: and the lowest 33 degrees average 415 degees Normal for today Is 39 degrees The high est temperature on this date in the last forty one years was 74 degrees in 1894 and the lowest 10 degrees 1895 The sun will set tonight at 4:58 rise tomorrow at 7:14 o'clock set tamor tow at 4:57 o'clock The stage of the Missouri river at Kan sas city at 7 this morning was 45 feet a fall of 7 of a foot in the preceding Observations for ending at 7 o'clock Amarillo Atlanta Bismarck Boise Boston ICalgarv vuicago Cleveland Columbus Denver Des Moines Detroit Dodge City Duluth Edmonton El Paso ort Smith Green Bay Helena Indianapolis Kansas City Los Angeles Louisville Miami Montgomery Nashville New Orleans New York Oklahoma City Omaha Phoenix Pittsburgh Roseburg Roswell St Louis St Paul San rancisco eSattie Sheridan Washington Wichita Vta I stories the trav fSO? N'e Sf plans frt countrs to country and continent to continent until tbev black 4oa'e known around the world as is hhv vase wnn tobacco a native ofAmerica coffee which originated in and rubber which nnm and grown ny in Brazil But perhaps me strangest story of al concerns the transplantation of American red clover to the Philippines as it is told in the arm Journal It was after the United Slates took over protection of the islands in 1898 that agricultural experts surveying the possibilities of the cllnwe cided that red clover would flourish there as a pasture and cover crop So tons of the clover seed were intro duced The clover flourished as was ex pected That is the first seed grew richly and gave promise of continu ous growth But the next year the clover disappeared The experts were puzzled It was conceded that the experiment was a failure but no one could explain why until it occurred to one of them years afterward that what the clover need ed was bees And there were no bees in the Philippines no insects with tongues long enough to reach into the floret of the clover and carry off the pollen The next year saw a cargo of bum blebees carried across the Pacific The clover was planted again Both bees and clover flourished Today the bumblebee of American descent is as much at home in the Orient Is lands as in his native Virginia or Nebraska Nominal quotations Kansas counter are furnished bv Preacott Wrighi Snider company as Bank Storks Traveling on a alow train through Arkansas half a century ago had its mo ments momenta of suspense and merri ment But they were momenta scarcely to compared with those which are ex perienced today on traveling the narrow gauge tracks of Interior Brasil The fol lowing description ol such a ride Is con tained In a written between jolt by Walter Perth Milwaukeean who spend ing year in South America pretty good show this train Mr Dorth writes "The youth of Brazil is having a poker game across the aisle which everybody joins now and then Including the da America do Norte And across from me is sitting a rather attrac tive girl except that on? tooth is missing and two of the four uppers that should be visible are gold the ride he continuv jolly The road was built by a smart contractor at so much per kilometer Consequently we rover 2200 kilometers to get to Porto Alegre 1300 kilometers as the crow flies from £ao Paulo We just wan der around and up and down the hills Narrow gauge of course and the wood burning locomotive seems not quite strong enough for five cars Whenever we go upgrade around a curve she begins to die down and we hold our breaths tn suspense waiting to see if she will make it If not we simply sit peacefully while the fire man feeds more wood into her to raise the pressure Once even that work and we inst sat until another train came along Appar ently that engine had some reserve power for the both of them got over together Plenty of Stops too we stop for water and wood every few minutes That event happens to be the cause of my pres ent smooth beautiful handwriting Everybody gets out to talk things over At one time we were fifteen hours behind schedule but having reduced some of th three or four stops we are now only eleven hours Mie xooooy seems to be very con cerned and least of all myself As long as inc groceries hold out off again) and beer and coffee are so easily obtainable I care if we never get anywhere was a diner (now we have Stopped fllriha tiAna why) on the train but it waa shunted off after the first greasy meal Now the are Pft to shift for themselves The original schedule includes a number of convenient stops for meals but under the pres ent state of affairs that idea isn't working out very unless yon mind lunch at midnight and dinner at 7 in the morning the conductor announces oc casionally that lunch or dinner will be served at the next station That next station will be reached anv where from 9 to 3 for lunch or 4 to 9 for dinner No evervone 1 piles out and gne after it The man in the pullman is at a distinct dis advantage for by the time he gets station The part of it Is that up the track the passengers in the three coaches ahead are al mad in complete possession of things He 1 either has to fight his way in or fry iui um hpc irougn that is tn the siinnlv never sppms tn mhiiiI demand Value of a Cud what 1 real I wanted to is that 1 iust washAd tba iittu folding cup and chuckled merrily to myself as I thought of how 1 was more or less laughed at the after noon I bought it in Milwaukee You this excellent coffee at the sta tion is plentiful but there are only about eight nr IPn mma niailah1a Thus you must await your turn for a cup that has been used three or four times unless you happen to have a little collapsible cup with you I also invested in an other useful Huie tool in Sao Paulo in the shape of a rather large pocket knife which Includes in addition to a couple of good blades a buttle opener corkscrew punch screw driver file and can opener can do anything with it but brush mv our days according to schedule it takes the little wood burning loco motive to traverse the distance be tween Sao Paulo and Porto Alegre always of course one must count on being hours late two writes Mr orth "we saw nothing but the forest primeval dominated by immense pines but now we are entering the cattle country saw my first 'gaucho in the flesh this afternoon Two ifl fact wpre riding along the crest of a hill looking very dashinc At least think they were gauchos but for all I know they mav have been Douglas airbanks and Ramon Navarro re hearsing Journal BEES TO PHILIPPINES TO HELP CLOVER KANSAS CITY JOURNAL POST 1 TUESDAY NOVEMBER 26 1929 The Guide LARGE OKLAHOMA ARKANSAS TRAIN WELL SHUT DOWN NOTHING TO BRAZIL OR TAKING TIME I 'ik i dr ft th? twenty four hours this morning: High Low Pree 58 28 46 40 54 4k 28 48 32 13 40 30 42 34 52 44 06 48 36 48 36 42 32 44 26 52 32 42 32 44 28 36 16 03 42 38 52 32 52 40 01 42 34 44 40 44 34 50 33 72 50 42 38 82 74 18 52 44 94 44 40 54 44 52 49 36 52 38 48 34 64 34 1 42 34 58 30 58 26 54 40 40 28 01 64 50 50 48 06 42 26 01 48 42 48 32 East Star Bank Commerce 110 125 Bioadway Dank 6 176 bank 8 675 Columbia National bank 8 102 Commerce Trust Co 12 250 260 Commercial aNt bank pi 200 Community State bank 0 135 135 Gate City tank a 200 225 Here Trust Co 6 IRi Nat bank 24 4S0 475 Title Trust Co 175 Kansas Trust Co 16 300 Liberty Natl In 165 Linwood Stat bank 6 160 Mfg and Meeh bank 12 225 Missouri Savings bank 24 lonq Morris lan bank 1 140 160 Mrln State rank 6 150 Mercantile Trost Co 20 375 Merchants bank 11 200 Metropolitan i Co 7 150 Mutual bank 6 125 Park National bank 150 Peoples National bank 8 145 155 Pioneer Trust Co 14 250 280 Produce Exchange bank 26 3f0 Southeast State bank I 155 Sterling State bank 6 100 105 Traders National bank 12 200 Stock Yards Nat bank 12 275 300 Twelfth bank 6 130 135 Union Ave Bank of Com 12 190 University bank HO Western Exchange bank 12 200 225 Westport Avenue bank 12 310 West Side Bank of Com 10 165.

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

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Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.