Lexington Herald-Leader from Lexington, Kentucky (2024)

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Lexington Herald-Leaderi

Lexington, Kentucky

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FRIDAY THE LEXINGTON LEADER APRIL 15 1938 PAGE SIXTEEN HAVE YOU TRIED IT? money by selling unneeded articles through Want Ads? Phone 4800 An ad-taker will tell vou how Herald-Leader Want Ads WhB jroo in Herald Leader Ad two pperi price Big Circulation Cow! Cofcrag Quick ProfitabU Utwtiu TO PLACE AN AD PHONE 4800 Ask For Classified Used Cars Used Cars Miscellaneous For Sale SEED PLANTS FERTILIZER COBBLER SEED POTATOES from certified ready to plant Tomatoes Blackberries Grapes Asparagus Rhubarb Vegetable plants Joe Plster 817 Poultry APR 23 APR 17 FRESH Jersey cow first calf extra rich Cooke's Quality Used Cars Now Equipped With BRAND NEW FIRST QUALITY GENERAL TIRES The usual first expense on a used car is buying tires We eliminated this expense for you by equipping these cars with the new tires money can buy Absolutely first grade Guaranteed for uf Life of the tire by the General Tire and Rubber Company FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS muster ieieuiione iou aiuci Buy With Confidence Certified Used Cars 30-Day Guarantee 5-Day Driving Trial 1938 PONT1AC DeLuxe 2-door radio and heater Finished in dark maroon Very low mileage Looks and runs like new $775 1937 STUDEBAKER DeLuxe Cruising Sedan Finished in black DeLuxe heater Low mileage one owner 750 1937 STUDEBAKER DeLuxe Coupe finished In light tan excellent condition 645 1937 STUDEBAKER Club Sedan finished in black A real buy at 585 1936 FORD DeLuxe Tudor with trunk and radio finished In cream chromium Plated wheels 445 1936 Chevrolet Tr Sedan 1937 Studebaker l'i-ton Truck 1932 Chevrolet 6-wheel Sedan 1937 Dodge l'i-ton Truck 1934 Ford Coach 1936 Dodge l'i-ton Truck 1933 Plymouth Sedan 1936 International Pickup MANY OTHERS $25 UP Farmer Motor Company 333 East Main St Open Sundays and Evenings Phone 7070 BABY CHICKS Also started chicks one two and three weeKS OiQ prommuei Leading breeds approved by licensed state inspector Get prices Sexed chicks Kentucky Hatchery 327 West Fourth Street QUALITY baby chicks also started chicks Blood tested and approved by licensed state inspector Poultry feeds and supplies Custom hatching Phone us day or night Phone 3317 Fayette Hatchery and Feed Company High Street and Angliana Avenue Lexington Ky I WAJVT ADS COMBINATION BATES AH advertising snail appear In ootb the Lexington Morning Herald and The Lexington Evening Leader without change ol copy said copy shall be Identical without change and every advertisem*nt appearing In The Morning Herald shall appear within 34 hours In The Evening Leader without change and every advertisem*nt appearing within 24 hours In The Morning Herald without change Ads ordered by telephone are accepted from persons listed In the telephone directory on memorandum charges only: In return for this courtesy the advertiser Is expected to remit promptly Adjustments All claims tor adjustments and refunds must be made within 10 days The Herald-Leader assumes no responsibility tor error alter the first Insertion Closing Time Want Ads accepted until 8 for The Lexington Herald 10 a for The Lexington Leader 8 Saturday for the Sunday Herald-Leader RATES Combination Both Papers One Insertion per word 04 Three Insertions per word 10 Four Insertions per word 12 Seven Insertions per word JO Thirty Insertions per word 80 Minimum Number of Words 16 Discount 10 discount allowed on transient classified advertising paid cash In advance Cancellations Changes and cancellation must be made before 10 for afternoon publication and before 6 for morning publication PHONE 4800 1936 Chevrolet Coach t0 1934 Ford Coach I 1933 Chevrolet Coach SJ 1933 Chevrolet Coupe 1931 Hudson Coupe 1928 Chevrolet Sedan Farms For Sale Apartments Bargain Rates BLACK Well marked 143 Good performer Thin and flesh Riley Ward Phone 8042 HORSES AND MULES for sale We are completing job this week on Strader Place opposite Narcotic Farm Fourteen head at take your choice EXTRA NICE spotted Poland China boars for sale Tanner Farm Georgetown road 85 ACRES FOUR LARGE rooms first floor private entrances one-half brick house bath yard garden porch and garage first class condition Only $2250 per month Phone 8262 1937 Chevrolet 1936 Chevrolet 1935 Chevrolet 1935 Chevrolet 1935 Chevrolet 1935 Chevrolet 1934 Chevrolet 1934 Chevrolet Town Sedan Town Sedan DeLuxe Sport Sedan DeLuxe Sedan DeLuxe Coach Coupe Master Sedan Master Coach 1933 Chevrolet Coupe 1932 Chevrolet Sport Sedan 1937 Chevrolet Sport Sedan 1936 Chevrolet Coach 1934 Chevrolet Coupe 1933 DodRe Sedan 1930 Chevrolet Coach 1930 Ford Coach 1933 Dodge Va-ton Pick-up Bluegrass land Price $140 00 acre Located between Lexington and Richmond on Dixie Highway Improved with good eight-room house Electricity bath four-room tenant house five-acre tobacco barn Other outbuildings Plenty water All in grass except three acres Call for Mr Tanner We Close All Day Sunday Days for The Price of A (3 Days FREE) 7 MULES horses farm machinery setter binder mower Satisfied customers 16 years John A Gross Phone 7088 FOR Nurse mares Good milkers Call 6728 FOR SALE Shetland Pony sound gentle saddle and bridle $50 County 8161-R or 465 Nicholasville FOR Three young milk goats 5 kids 1 billy goat Phone 1930 between 7 a and 5 RANKLIN PIONEER (OW 144-mORHCLST Cooke Chevrolet Inn FOR Desirable four-room apartment All conveniences Warren Bros High and Limestone streets Houses For Rent FOR Beautifully furnished completely modern brick home very desirable eastern location Will rent semi-furnished If preferred Immediate possession Reasonable Write Box 278 care Herald-Leader TENNESSEE AVENUE Six room cottage newly decorated water electricity $18 References required Phone 5840 FIVE or six room brick house modern conveniences Hollywood Phone 4905-Y after 6 319 Main Two Bir Used Car LoU 263 Main 400 ACRES PETS Lost And Found co*ckER-SPANIEL puppies Thoroughbred eight weeks old $15 each 749 Most all In old bluegrass Brick residence five barns twenty-five acres tobacco Priced to settle estate Roy Anderson Co Phone 5955 Wanted To Rent TWO DOORS from Richmond Road 107 Owsley Six rooms porches Available now $4250 Phone 1444 fcoST Three fox hounds in Montgomery county Name on collar Reward Ishmal Hudson Means Ky Sunday dog black face with white stripe brown spots over ears Name "Gyp" Phone 6444 Reward Houses For Sale Farms For Rent WANTED TO RENT In desirable location Service Station restaurant and living quarters or desirable confectionery Lexington or nearby Write Box 924 Lexington Ky Notices GRADE A Dairy Farm 157 acres for rent Three miles Lexington Phone 8143-R Low Prices NEW ments Low Monthly Pay ments '31 Essex Business Coupe 30 Pontiac 4-dr Sedan like 'new' nil Pontiac Tudor Sedan 33 Ford Tudor Sedan new motor tJS '35 Chev Tudor Sedan 25000 mi '35 Ford Business Coupe clean 35 Ford Tudor Sedan clean '35 Plymouth Tudor Sedan 34 '35 Dodge Tudor Sedan new duco 4" '35 DodRe 4-dr Sedan new motor 41 '35 Olds 8 Sport Coupe clean '35 Olds 8 Four-Donr Sedan 445 '36 Spori Coupe new duco' 41c '36 Olds 8 Tudor Trunk Sedan 54- '36 Olds 6 Four-Door Trunk Sedan Manv or these cars have radios and healers Free 1838 license with ali cars Most liberal terms In the city Rooms For Rent Never before have you been offered a Want Ad opportunity like this never before such a saving in money actually 40 less than the Herald-Leader's regular low rate Act now! These low rates will positively be withdrawn April 23rd Phone 4800 COZY 5-room brick basem*nt furnace good neighborhood and schools small payment and balance monthly ROY ANDERSON CO Phone 5955 USED CARS Easy Terms Liberal Tradeins 1936 Dodge Coupe V195 00 1936 Plymouth Sedan 39500 1935 Chevrolet Coach 345 00 1935 Ford Coach 26500 1934 Chevrolet Sedan 245 00 1934 Chevrolet Coach 235 00 1935 Ford Coupe 23500 1934 Plymouth Sedan 23500 1934 Ford Coach 18500 1934 Plymouth Coupe 195 00 1933 Chevrolet Coach 18500 1933 Plymouth Coupe 165 00 1932 Chevrolet Coupe 14500 1930 Chevrolet Coach 6500 1928 Ford Cabriolet 3500 LEE MOTOR CO 256 East Main St Phone 1255 COLON IRRIGATIONS For arthritis neuritis rheumatism skin disorders and chronic constipation Literature sent upon request DR HENRY BARNES 222 McClelland Bldg Phones 1170-6712 WICE FRONT ROOM second floor near bath Call 6542 189 Kentucky Avenue LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room and sleeping room cheap 609 West Short Telephone 8755 Hawkins Funeral Home Pine and Merino streets with the Rev Smith officiating Interment in the Highland Memorial cemetery The body has been removed to the residence of Mose Washington 433 Douglass avenue FOR RACING SEASON Atti actively furnished sleeping rooms with bath Close is Phone 1191 IMPORTANT NOTICE Time limit state income tax returns expires TODAY Expert assistance Ijavls Telephone 416 Fred Bryant Motor Co 'NICELY FURNISHED room private entrance meals 11 desired 481 East Main Phone 7819 FOR SALE Ashland Park 6 rooms with bath dinette and garage corner lot ou bus line Call 1871 evenings 1872-Y FOR RENT five rooms bath on bus line Phone 6888 SOUTH END Six-room brick modern in every way $200 down balance $2230 month Phone 7734 OPENING of new Spider Tearoom 733 Georgetown street Saturday April 16 for private parlies Phone 9423 Lou Ella Webb proprietor Adv 241 Main Street Opp Union Bus Station Open Evenings And Sundays iviruitiivi nuiiur Time limit state income tax returns expires today Expert assistance Telephone 416 KEENELAND visitors newly furnished lower rooms and small apartments Private Electric refrigeration Phone 6130-X Phone Phone 197 4TH 1441 Louisville Ky 6-apartment brick gross over $4800 priced to net 13 per cent Write Owner Box 279 care der DESIRABLE FURNISHED room in modern home Furnace heat Garage 2190-X GOOD PACKARD Wrecker reasonable Apply 127 Withers Must be seen to be appreciated WATER WELLS Tree estimates for drilling deep or shallow wells STANHOPE WIEDEMAN CO 05 City Bank Phone 1954 jfATHS steam and electric cabinet Also massage 179 Market Phone for appointment 768 Taylor Masseur LET A HERALD-LEADER want ad rent that spare room 15 words 4 days for FOR SALE OR TRADE Miscellaneous For Sale FOR 1934 Dodge coupe good condl tlon Law son Hi Johnson Bouie vard Phone M31-T USED CARS All makes and models Mir shall-Featherston 314 Vine Phons 701 ONE DOZEN late model nsed cars lot Business Services FIRE CHIEF GAS 20c GAL PENN Certified Oil 25c QT $1 SO 129 EAST Large ri-sirsble furnished room Also table boarders wanted Phone 6334 BOOMS WITH BOARD A highly desirable Duplex apartment An unusual opportunity to acquire a home beauty comfort and convenience combined with a substantial Income Price and terms very attractive Owner leaving IeMngton REMLEY BOILER AND MACHINE WORKS Electric and acetylene welding 263 East Short Phone 419 Night 1211 Mrs Jennie Clayborn of the Wilson and Downing road died at St Joseph's hospital The body was removed to the John Hawkins Funeral Home Pine and Merino streets She was born and reared in Jessamine county a daughter of John and Jane Dudley and was a member of the Macedonia Baptist church of Keene She is survived by three daughters Mrs Lucy Williams Dayton Ohio Mrs Jennie Thompson Louisville and Miss Emma Lee Clayborn Frankfort two sons John and Richard Clayborn two sisters Mrs- Mattie Yates and Mrs Emma Clayborn one brother Dudley and six grandchildren 1 HOUR 3 HOURS 15c 9 HOURS 10 HOURS 25c FLOOR SANDING refinishing and rewax-Ing Call A Sparks for reasonable estimate Business 3499-Y 246 Arlington pness Paul Allen 510 West Short 1329 LASAL1E sedan A-l condition Cheap 1936 Chevrolet master town sedsn 19001 miles new tires Phone 3025 alter 6 pm 1930 DODGE 'New paint good tires runs excellent only 199 10 others Martin Jesses Motors IN Ian Vine Street LAWWILL CO 107 Short Street NTTE STORAGE 25c WASH 50c GREASING 75c SISTRUNK'S PUBLIC STORAGE GARAGE VINE AND MILL STS BATTERY BROILERS and fryers dressed delivered Keeneland Poultry Farm Shirley Keene Keller County 8315-X Africa Still Country With Far Outposts Many Remote Spots Can FRONT ROOM with lav atory Business people preferred Table boarders solicited Phone 5614 177 North Broadway ROOM AND BOARD Nit rooms good meals $5 and $6 cek 411 East Maxwell Phone 4530 SCOTT BROTHERS Paper hanging All work neatly done Guaranteed quick service Call 5691 -X John Scott EXPERT paper hanging Work done now Chas Baker Phone 3669-Y NEW BRICK house in Arcadia Five rooms bath attic dry concrete basem*nt furnace Shown by appointment only Call 5744 Apply 121 Arcadia Park GIRLS AND WOMEN fcearn the New-Easy-Way In beauty culture progress and prestige see It Call or write MILTON ACADEMY 1 West Sixth Street Cincinnati Ohio EARN to be a Beautician There is al-ways a clemand for a good Beauty Operator Ask any one of our former students for reference Hellem's Beauty School 115 Short Street LEGALS I will not be responsible for any debts other than my own SCOTT Seventh and Elm Tree Lane LEGAL NOTICE JtOTICS OF DISTRIBUTION TO STOCK HOLDERS OF CENTRAL DISTRICT WAREHOUSING CORPORATION HOME DRESSED poultry country eggs and hams Jerry Moore 1418 Elizabeth Phone 2059 Will deliver PAPER HANGERS Good work service right now Call Chas Scott Phone 6198-Y Apartments FOR SALE in Arcadia Park 7-room buff brick housp hardwood floors throughout ery desirable Will be shown Sunday 2 to 5:30 rru Call 22G7 MODERN bungalows or choice building lots In Southslde see Elam 6-G9 FOR SALE Leader Route No 3 East End Phone 7914-X or 9394 THE BUTE AND GOLD ICE CREAM AMI SANDWICH SHOP is now open for business 183 Lexington street Versailles Kentucky Adv OLD RELIABLE WALL PAPER CLEANERS Rooms 75c up expert workmen Phone 2746 439 Georgetown OFFUTT 83 HAMPTON COURT Upper apart rpmt Three rooms bath garage Phone 5419 NEED EXTRA CASH? Anything you have for sale can be sold through an inexpensive Herald-Leader Classified Ad Be Reached Only By Coing Afoot Overland UPHOLSTERING Furniture repair slip covers draperies Kompst 139 Lime Phone 1098 Residence 6688 NT3W1Y furnished apartment bedroom kitchen private bath und entrance Bills paid f3S 00 monthly Good location Phone 9161 COUNTRY HAM and shoulder sliced to fry Call Spencer's Phone 3554 We deliver feat all along the line heads jerk aside the load shifts over with 1 thump For four centuries the "machila1 (hammock) has been the while man's mode of travel along the bush paths Of course there are many white travelers and hunters who would scorn to use this queer contraption they prefer to stride ahead of the safari with the gun-bearer close at hand But when there are women in the party or when a man falls ill the "machila'' will be there In lie simnlil frtiiw ih "ml NOTICE Tim limit state Income tax returns expires today Expert assistance Davis Telephone 416 Four-Apartment Brick Good neighborhood Now occupied by four excellent tenants prompt payers After deducting taxes Insurance and making liberal allowance for vacancies and repairs will yield per annum Owner may occupy the largest apartment and receive 6 on investment Price $650000 Norwood Realtor 270 Short Street Phone 2080 F0RNISHED Two rooms bath priate entrance Bills paid Howard Apartments 453'i West Third Phone 791 TWO-ROOM APARTMENT Nicely furnished for couple Large house private home small family Utilities paid Garage Elsmere Park Phone 2496-X Mrs Carrie Simpson died at the residence of Mrs Margaret Wrenn 117 Sycamore road where she had been employed for 11 years The body was removed to the John Hawkins Funeral Home Pine and Merino streets She was a member of the Athens Baptist church and of the Centerville Lodue She is survived by one brother Sidney Rorig-eis one sister-in-law Mrs Lula Covington MATTRESS AND BOX Floor sample Slightly damaged Advertised at $1975 each Special at $1288 each Brower's Main at Broadway MINNOWS FOR Hambrick Market" 600 South Broadway Fuel Block Coal $465 Ton NEW COAL CO 259 Vine Phone 62 FURNISHED or unfurnished three-room apartment private bath Frigtdalre garage Furnished room and kitchenette Phone 1191 FOR SALE MAGIC CHEF gas range like new Insulated oven Loralne attachment Also solid walnut dining room suite Sellars kitchen cabinet in good condition Living room gas heater and gas burner far furnace Call 4270-Y Money To Loan ELSMERE PARK- Brick seven rooms garnKe $500 cash balance like rent Phone 2799 CROMWELL Apartments 259 Lyndhurft Place Close in modern apartment furnished Also room Transient or permanent Phone 7110 All stockholders of the Central District Warehousing Corporation of Lexington Kentucky are hereby notiiied that the Board of Directors at a regular meeting April 7 1938 ordered a pro-rata distribution equal to 5 per cent on the outstanding stock of 2320137 shares The distribution payment will be made on or before May 20 1938 No stock will be accepted for transfer on the books of the Corporation between April 18 and date of distribution The distribution will be made to all stockholders appearing of record on April 18 1938 CENTRAL DISTRICT WAREHOUSING CORPORATION By ROBINSON Assistant Secretary and Treasurer NOTICE Any and all persons holding claims against the estate of Mattie Muricey Deceased are hereby requested and notified to file the same duly verified as required by law at the office Of rriy attorney JOHN TEE muncey Executor 4 OWEN REYNOLDS Attorney 604 Security Trust Building Lexington Kentucky Donf forget the big Easter dance Monday night at the Odd Fellows building Music by Bill Smith and his orchestra adv LOANS KITCHEN SINK Corner left hand drain and back solid mixer faucet trap Co't $3800 In good order Price $1050 Phone 674 Up To $300 BRICK Three rooms hardwood tile bath air conditioned refrigeration Best location $2750 Phone 2799 Colored IN otes There will be a fish fry Saturday night at the home of Mrs Addie Hope Fort Spring for the benefit of the Baptist convention Mrs Katie Fields and Mrs Addie Hope sponsors on NOTES FURNITURE AUTOS and dther personal property One to twenty months to repay Owned and controlled by Kentucky Citizens PROVIDENT LOAN ASSOCIATION (Incorporated) ROOMS 609-610 CITIZENS BANK BLDG (Sixth Floor) A GILLESPIE Mgr Phone 8661 Lower duplex four rooms bath near LaFayette Hotel $4000 Ashland Park five rooms Frigidalre $4100 Ashland Park four rooms hot water heat $4250 Near University of Kentucky four rooms roll away bed gas range Frigidalre current for same Hot water heat Nice apartment building $5000 Six rooms two complete baths three bedrooms steam heat $7000 BARNEY TREACY Realtor 110 West Short Street Phone 355 "One Look Means A Lot" FOR SALE One 36-lnch Ventilator Fan with motor 220 3 phase This equipment Is almost good as new and can be bought right Mann Lexington-Herald Leader TYPEWRITERS Trade-Ins Reconditioned and guaranteed all makes all prices Standard Typewriter Company West Short Street Opposite Courthouse FOR SALE One Transformer for large electric sign Must be moved immediately Mann Lexington Herald-Leader FREE Sparkplugs cleaned and checked Firestone Service Store 401 East Main Phone 3622 TWO GAS used as floor dem-onstrators Greatly reduced Purcells basem*nt Male Help Wanted Mrs Ada Caldwell and her sister Mrs Nora Taylor of Millersburg have gone to Columbus to spend the Easter holidays With their son and daughter They will also visit relatives at Wilfort Ohio- John Porter died at the residence of Mrs Amy Jones 154 Race street The body was removed to the John Hawkins Funeral Home Pine and Merino streets San" with ArrrnMnntii! to ti nH lect insurance on Industrial debit Cash AUTO LOANS Before yoir buy see our complete stock of used spring suits reasonably priced at the Economy Store 118 Soutli Adv ANY YEAR MAKE OR MODEL uumi requirea am Mcuieuana mag ANTED Salesman Must have car and be able to furnish $200 cash bond 400 South Broadway INSTRUCTIONS ft-BAHN DIESEL ENGINES low cost course with shop training Write 238 Hemphill Diesel Bldg Memphis Tenn 238 McDOWELL ROAD six-room apartment CHEVY CHASE one-room apartment FOUR-ROOM apartment GAY-COLEMAN REALTY CO INC 107 West Short Street Phone 4140 APARTMENT FOR RENT Five-room lower apartment In Ashland Park Modern in every respect Fully equipped kitchen garage etc Phone 972 or 3855 SPECIAL Building driveways dirt The Mundy quartet of Richmond will sing Monday night at Quins Chapel A church Wallace Mundy manager Those taking part in the Easter pageant of Quinn Chapel church are asked to meet at 7:30 o'clock tonight at the church fills lime hauling building stone For free estimates call 5847 Funeral services for John Washington who died Tuesday in Youngs-town Ohio will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the John chila" is a canvas hammock slung on a bamboo pole and carried in turns by a team of ten or a dozen men The most muscular fellows are chosen They move out of step (or the motion would be intolerable) at a leisurely jog-trot At the best of times it is a nerve-racking method of transport often causing a sensation like seasickness Walking Is Better Many attempts have been made to improve the "machila" There is now a type with one wheel which reduces the discomfort I have seen ornate "machilas" with leopard-skin awnings polished brass studded poles and teams in uniform But I have never seen one that tempted me Even in the sweltering tropics it is better to walk The planning of a K'fari' course calls for experience 0n young man left the purchase food to his wife Her mind a5 staggered by the quantities required for a trek of several months-so she made certain economies They were almost starving when last they reached a trader's store Pilfering is a prospect that cannot be ignored One traveler nearly 1000 miles from the coast nfl a long way from any courses supply opened the box supposed contain whisky There were ston inside carefully chosen to make up the correct weight Another found curry powder in tins ww should have held sugar Nevertheless the safari finest way of all for those 'no seek contact with the old Africa And no aero engine ever sarifr such romantic rhythm as a w'in ing ebony file of porters trampm out into "the blue" Judge Tries To l)ismi 50-GALLON spray tank and pump in good condition Phone 3770 No Endorsers Payments Reduced Mortgages Refinanced 4 Used Car Sales Financed 5 First and Second Mortgages 6 Car Is Only Security 7 Car Does Not Have to Be Paid for to Get Additional Cash 8 Loans Made in IS Minutes Guaranty Finance Co Inc Female Help Wanted FOR SALE One Ditto Machine one base FAIR EXCHANGE By Milt Youngren ball mechanical Play-O-Graph These articles are in excellent condition and can be bought at a real bargain Mann Lexington Herald-Leader A program will be presented April 25 at the Antioch Baptist church Mrs Lettie Dermis and Mrs Smith sponsors ONE HEAVY GTJAGE Steel Fire Door with ANTED WOMAN Resident of Danville or Lancaster who seeks opportunity of Increasing family income and have business of her own qualifications: mature own car able to furnish small cash bond good character with Interest In style Reply to Box 278 care Herald-Leader giving age address phone number and reasons for seeking work This Is permanent for right party Miscellaneous Wanted BY LAWRENCE GREEV CAPE TOWN Airlines strike across Africa and motor roads also zigzag through desert bush and jungle But there are still many far outposts and remote corners that can be reached only by the old primitive ways of transport Oldest of all is the afoot with porters or camels over narrow paths In the "copper belt" of Northern Rhodesia I once met a Nigerian native trader who had walked there from the walled city of Krno a distance of more than 2000 miles with his merchandise He had come by those narrow trails which form a network over Africa footpaths leading from village to village stamped out by bare feet many centuries ago and followed ever since You can cross the continent from Loanda to Dar-es-Salaam keeping always to these tracks sure that you are taking the easiest possible route There is no room on them for a motor car The main roads of today where railways stretch up to the highlands from the sea are the slave and ivory caravan routes of yesterday Such a one is the Arab highway leading northwest from Mombasa to the Congo and beyond The present Lobito bay railway tracks are laid over the bones of thousands of slaves And farther north still bearing an old-fashioned cavalcade is the Lake Chad trail that begins on the west coast and ends on the shores of the Red sea Bicycles Used On the narrow paths bicycles are seen with here and there a swaying camel But in the land of the tsetse fly where pack animals can not live the foot safari remains the greatest cavalcade of all and the native porter with his head load is still the most reliable carrier Such journeys may be made in greater luxury than newcomers to Africa expect You can have drinks off the ice hot baths a seven-course dinner and a comfortable bed under a mosquito net The equipment is split up into regulation fifty-pound head loads and it is merely a matter of taking a sufficient number of porters The Swahili porter has helped to make history in Africa No great enterprise in the tropics has been completed without his aid He carried the first steamers (in sections) to the Great Lakes and guided all the explorers to the unknown hinterland On the pay-sheets porters appear under such names as Kiboko (hippo) Rasasi (cartridge) or Piga Mzinga (fire the cannon) simply as a matter of convenience They are strong It is by no means rare to see the head porter dance along for a mile at the end of the day to encourage his tired companions Shoulder loads are moved in unison at the end of a song a juggling A supper will be given Saturdav night at the home of Luvinia John TEN COWS FOR Recently fresh hinges 8 ft 4 Inches by 4 ft 8 inches 175 feet 12 Inch guage Industrial Track Switches and turntable One set double truck Newspaper Chases Approximately 6000 pt and 12 pt Wood Rlglets 10 ems Two small Metal Dump Trucks Bargain for a quick sale Mann Lexington Herald-Leader in good now of milk Tested Box 279 care Herald-Leader son Robertson street Speagle Hill Luvinia and Rosa Johnson sponsors Employment Wanted FURNITURE WANTED Phone 1765 QUEEN FURNITURE CO FOR SALE Hammond Electric Clock Good A prize contest will be held tonight at 446 Douglass avenue for the benefit of Shiloh church as new Mann Herald-Leader IbUNG MARRIED MAN owning delivery truck desires employment Any kind References Box 273 care Herald-Leader PANSY PLANTS ready for delivery 50c Business Services per amen sjsu per nunarea Hlllen-meyer Nurseries Phone 279 TURKEYS WANTED PHONE 379 McGOVERN BROS Rev Bell will preach tonight at the Pilgrim Baptist mission "True Confession" will be his TO SELL AT Closing out entire ui new auiumuauB seat covers Many different styles and patterns Values to $750 now 98c up Lexington Auto Parts Co 342 Vine Phone 940 Miscellaneous For Sale A play "Mock Conference" will be given Monday night at Asbury church Mrs Jordan sponsor FRIGIDAIRES Several 1937 models at big MATTRESS UPHOLSTERY Cushions pillows chairs mattresses box springs living room suites etc expertly repaired and rebuilt Quick low prices Free estimates Phone S630 SOUTHERN BEDDING COMPANY "We Work That You May Sleep" iniutHua jiiao mj8 models on display Purcell's ANTIQUE FURNITURE All The Cases He Can Miss Mary Brewer a student at Frankfort is spending the week-end with her parents Rev and Mrs Brewer- ANTIQUES Rose carved open arm chair sleepy hollow chairs and sofa Coleman 131 Walnut BACGB GARNER Moras yea la Padded Closed Vans Seasonable Phones 1440-4044 ANTIQUE walnut Napoleon daybed for sale New box springs and Just refln-ished Call Phone 7952 FOR SALE New and Used Lumber New and Used Lumber and building material We carry large stock of new rough and dressed lumber New window and door frames Roofing and wall board If you want to save money on building new homes or repair jobs get in touch with us We also do contracting and building Apply THURMAN WRECKING AND LUMBER CO 7th and Chestnut Sta Phone 4427 Lexington Ky ATHENS Ga (P)-Judge 1 cent Matthews of police court the stripes taken off prisoner! the city stockade Now'he is trying to see how cases he can dismiss If he dismiss the charge he tries the offender on probation "Mr idca'' should SEED PLANTS FERTILIZER RED ARROW Rev Cary Scott pastor of the Consolidated Baptist church accompanied by his choir and congregation will join the services at 3:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon April 24 at Quinn Chapel A church The new light system will be unveiled at the close of the services PARCEL DELIVERY CITS At SUBURBAN EXPRESS We Deliver Packages Trunks and Furniture PLANTS All varieties specialities tomatoes cabbage pepper pansy and petunia Prices reasonable Pemberton and Sons Greenhouses 127 Sixth Street PHONE 868 tne cniei aim or pon the be to make good citizens uivt TUCKER CO Formerly Hess Paintlnsr papering wallpaper cleaning windows walls washed Wall paper removed by team Phone 930-x HARDY flower plants large clumps your choice mostly 15c each- 500 kinds SIWGER GARDENS Six" miles from Georgetown on Stamping Ground Pike fellow another chance a you "This policy spells the end0Ihaji old rock-pile pick-and-shovel for conducting the court" The play "Who'll Be the Mother" will be presented by the choir of East Second Street Christian church April 27 at the church Mrs Amelia Jones director NOTICE CLOSING OUT at cost entire stock of Time limit state Income tax returns SEED Cobblers Triumphs plres today Expert assistance new automobile seat covers Many dif -ith(Xi 1 met Green Mountains Rose Ohlos White avis Telephone 4 is ferent styles and patterns Values to $750 now 98c up Lexington Auto Parts IMPORTANT NOTICE Springtime is painting time can Elephants SEED SWEET POTATOES ONION SETS CABBAGE and TOMATO PLANTS SISTRUNK AND COMPANY MILL AND VINE STREETS or VLSS and PATTERSON STREET! A paper which ciiscusscu of taking color photographs wnn using a filter or dye was pre at a recent conference of tne search Association bld in i Romans for free estimates on Interior Co 342 Vine near Broadway Ph 940 Lumber building material Thurman Wrecking Lumber Co 7th Chestnut Ph 4427 The Rainbow Club will meet tonight at the home of Miss Margaret Bush Prall street Clara May Berry president a Leader want ad so they could be "I heard he bought it through together more" )r exterior painting Also spray paint tag Phone 6483-X.

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Lexington Herald-Leader from Lexington, Kentucky (2024)
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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Views: 6391

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (68 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.