Messy Times | Listen to Podcasts On Demand Free | TuneIn (2024)

Messy Times | Listen to Podcasts On Demand Free | TuneIn (1)

Ultimate Enlightentainment. The messy times we live in are no accident. An entrepreneurial financier provides unvarnished clarity about the truth behind politicians' lies, while providing equal airtime to positive, creative people advancing our understanding and appreciation of the world. Christopher Messina is joined by a rotating cast of guests and co-hosts to dive deeply into the objective reality we inhabit, calling out those who distort truth for their own purposes, while encouraging people building positivity in their work and communities. Support this podcast:

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Ultimate Enlightentainment. The messy times we live in are no accident. An entrepreneurial financier provides unvarnished clarity about the truth behind politicians' lies, while providing equal airtime to positive, creative people advancing our understanding and appreciation of the world. Christopher Messina is joined by a rotating cast of guests and co-hosts to dive deeply into the objective reality we inhabit, calling out those who distort truth for their own purposes, while encouraging people building positivity in their work and communities. Support this podcast:




Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlReading Rabbi Lord Sacks on Pesach4/24/2024

Jewish scholars - both religious and secular - discuss in depth the implications of the pagan prophet Balaam's description of the Jewish people:From the peaks of rocks I see them,From the heights I gaze upon them.This is a people who dwell alone,Not reckoning themselves one of the nations. (Num. 23:9)In this season of Pesach, I read the essay written by Rabbi Jonathan Lord Sacks of Blessed Memory, in which he discusses the potential meanings of the People that dwells alone.Not even 80 years after the Holocaust, evil scumbag Jew Haters are tromping around American college campuses, cheering on the murdering thugs of Palestine. No one seems to care.Have a listen. The Jewish People have survived and left to the dustbin of history numerous Empires who were laser-focused on our eradication. We're not so worried about Leftwing middle class Marxist twits who learned about Israel from TikTok ten minutes ago.To enjoy your Enlightentaining Host's words of wisdom on a far more prosaic topic - the US Federal Budget - go to Amazon to buy a copy of Messina's Federal Budget: It is Amazon's #1 New Release in Cultural Policy! Who knew that was a thing?--- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlConcentration Camps, the Constitution and New York State4/12/2024

Civic engagement is a prerequisite if we, the citizens, want to enjoy competent public governance. Ben Franklin warned us that we'd have this Constitutional government if we could keep it. Make no mistake: there are strong Leftist activists whose sole goal in life is to destroy our Western Civilization based in individual rights and responsibilities. They adore Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea and the Chinese Communists' totalitarian control of the population and want to bring that fun misery here to America. Attorney Bobbie Anne Flower Cox has been practicing law for 25 years. Formerly an attorney in Manhattan with the international law firm of Nixon Peabody, LLP, Attorney Cox now heads her own office, Cox Lawyers, PLLC. Attorney Cox has extensive experience in bringing lawsuits against municipalities on behalf of her clients. She has an impressive track record in fighting cities, towns, and villages against unjust and erroneous assessments that the government levies against her clients’ properties. When the government-manufactured Panic took hold under the flimsy excuse of a worse-than-average flu season, Attorney Cox stepped up to represent New York lawmakers and citizens against excessive government overreach, helping to curb the ever expanding arm of the government as it illegally reaches further into all aspects of New Yorkers’ everyday lives. Have a listen to her explain the mad illegal lawmaking by the New York State Executive Branch, how she fought it and why Kathy Hochul and Letitia James are still wasting tax dollars to reinstate a tool of totalitarian terror against the supposedly free citizens of New York. You can keep up with her never-ending fight for Americans' Constitutional rights here: and She is @attorney_cox on Twitter or whatever Elon is calling it now, for those of you inclined to brave that cesspool. To buy a copy of Messina's Federal Budget: And of course, LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE - IT DON'T COST NOTHIN' in the immortal words of Senator Bluto Blutarsky, who would support Bobbie Ann 100% were he in the Senate today.--- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlLatin American Drug Cartels - A Guest from the Formative Years visits the Studios3/28/2024

Today's episode is the epitome of the #Enlightentainment that @MessyTimes was founded to provide in ample portions and frequent doses. Who doesn't love a prurient view into the lives of evil men? Half of Netflix and Hollywood is all about drug lords and mobsters. Ever wonder how much of what you see is fiction and if there is any fact at all?Brian Dennard spent years in clandestine service to the US and visits the Messy Times studios to discuss the early days in the 1970s when the American government was most concerned about the proceeds of drug money going to foment Marxist revolution abroad and here at home. Tune in for a rollicking tale of Alberto Sicilia-Falcon, La Tigressa Irma Serrano, Mexican President Echevarria, Jose-Lopez Portillo and why the matador Gaston Santos thrust his groin at massive bulls in the ring. You will learn a great deal not only how the Latin American drug trade got its early growth in the 1970s, but also get a sense of how those early beginnings turned into the colossal financial beast full of violence and futile attempts at control we are familiar with now. LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE - IT DON'T COST NOTHIN' in the immortal words of Senator Bluto Blutarsky.--- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlHalvening is Nigh! Nothing to fear... unless you need Bitcoin payment rails for your business...3/10/2024

Kurt Wuckert, Jr., Chief Bitcoin Historian visits the beachside studios of @MessyTimes to talk about #Bitcoin and all its implications. Every 210,000 coins or roughly four years, the block reward of Bitcoin is cut in half. Every infrastructure player in Bitcoin has to find ways to make money on transaction volume instead of the block reward. The bootstrapping subsidy was designed to help the Bitcoin ecosystem develop to the point where a natural economy would take hold.Fifteen years in, the Bitcoin experiment is getting near the point where real economic transactions need to take the place of subsidy-chasing. Bitcoin (BSV) is no weirder than HTML for the Internet. Most users don't understand how the Internet works, but they use it. Same thing here. Huge businesses can be built using blockchain data and payment rails, without you thinking about it.Come on in! The #blockchain is fine! Together we will connect another 4 billion people to the economy, providing a path for true freedom and economic liberation which will drive every Leftist, control freak Progressive Statist completely insane - an added if delicious bonus. For more of Kurt's wisdom, check out @Kurtwuckertjr and his weekly show on @CoinGeek . for more details and sheer Enlightentainment.LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE - IT DON'T COST NOTHIN', to quote the immortal Senator Bluto Blutarsky.--- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlSamantha Ettus discusses our shared mission to squelch Jew Hatred2/21/2024

The evil Gazan Government still holds Israeli hostages - both alive in perpetual terror as well as the rotting corpses of murdered Jews - 138 days after their rape, torture and murder spree of October 7th.Samantha has a robust social media following on Instagram, where she is a consistent voice of reason and advocacy for the safety of Jews in hostile world: everyone needs to bear in mind is that none of the idiots - whether highly educated or dragging knuckles - yapping and screaming about "Israel" and "Palestine" give a gnat's burp in a hurricane about the geopolitical specifics of the Gaza-initiated war. They hate Jews. Period. And they've found a great, "safe" way to march in the streets calling for another Holocaust - they pretend suddenly they care about Israel and the 75+ years it has been beset by evil hatred.The message to the Jew Haters of the world - especially in America - is that whether you're a casual weekend hobbyist only going to the "Free Palestine" rally because the cute girl you're trying to get with asked you to come along, or a committed, rabid, ready-to-attack-the-first-Jew-you-see maniac, you will not be tolerated. Jews will not hide and cower from you. We - and all moral people who know you losers for what you are - will push back against your aggressions and stand proudly on the side of Western Civilization.The evil Islamic death cults - Hamas, Fatah, Hezbollah, the Iranian government - have been lying to their people for 100+ years now. The Jews are not leaving their homeland. There has never in history been a country called "Palestine." These evil morons instead of building a prosperous society alongside their Jewish brothers who had come home after the Romans ran them off their land, chose to worship pointless Hate and claimed they would destroy Israel.All they know how to do is destroy and frankly, they are not very good at that. They've been trying since 1947 - every war Israel has ever fought , including this one, has been a defensive war in reaction to aggression. This is the point of the spear for Western Civilization. There are not "two sides" to this conflict. There is a rational nation defending itself against evil terrorist chaos.If you're a Jew, be loud and proud about it. If you're a rational moral human being of any religion - or none - stand strong and decide your Western culture is worth defending against those who want to destroy it.--- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlSports Advertising! Jews! And a Pounamu Magen David!2/7/2024

Find out why Stephen Fry’s Alternative Christmas Message landed so well this year, on a channel opposite King Charles’s chat to the Kingdom.Richard Bermitz has a long and storied career in UK sport advertising. Join us for a fascinating conversation about the history of the business of sport in the UK and then Europe more broadly.In addition to getting a crash course in the dynamics of sporting clubs, fan loyalty and the commercial reality underpinning your favourite teams, Messy Times fans searching for current affairs insights are in luck!Richard is a member of the UK's Jewish community. We discuss how the evil events perpetrated by the Gazan Government on 7 October 2023 have impacted communities across the UK, Europe and the US.--- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlGreg Ward Distributes Ledger Wisdom About Music, Hash Functions and Bitcoin11/29/2023

Greg Ward has a tremendous depth of experience in the things that matter most: music and creative coding. He joined our Glittering Host in the Messy Times Studios for a discussion about the true power of blockchain technology.The original Bitcoin as described in Satoshi's white paper is all about radical economic inclusiveness. The strong uses cases of peer-to-peer micropayments along with the power of immutability to strengthen cyber security are some of the finest applications of free human empowerment ever devised.Conversely, there are the Forces of Totalitarian Evil in the world like PayPal who are trying to use their dominant technological and market position in combination with the fact that 99.9% of users of technology never read the EULA (End User License Agreement) which can be modified after they've signed up for a service, to demand societal conformity and groupthink.Greg is a Co-Founder of SmartLedger Solutions and its subsidiary company Certihash, which provides a radically improved cyber security detection service.Tune in to learn why your best remediation for contractual integrity is either the public blockchain or - second best - an army of 2,000 spear-wielding Kayapo.--- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlRobert Patrick Joins Us to Discuss Our Very Messy Times - How We Got Here and Some Ideas to Get Out11/10/2023

We are living in difficult times, what the glitterati call Messy Times. Sadly, it is looking very likely that we're going to look back on this period in history as being relatively peaceful compared to what is coming down the track at us.Tune in as Robert Patrick and our Enlightentaining Host ponder the major issues of today, including the horrendous eruption of anti-Jewish hatred in America and Europe "because" evil terrorists of Hamas murdered 1,400 innocent, unarmed people and took another 200 civilians hostage.While you wrap your mind around that insane illogic, we are delighted for you to have an active listen to our discussion, which we hope will bring some clarity for those confused and some light to pierce the overwhelming darkness so many are experiencing.Most listeners will know Robert from his excellent career on film and screen. I've had the pleasure of getting to know him from the work we do on behalf of our military veteran community. Your Glittering Host is on the Board of Directors for the Combat Control Foundation and Robert is the CCF's Ambassador. Robert additionally is very active with TAPS Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors.We urge you after listening to this discussion to immediately go to those websites and make a donation - no matter how small. The connectivity, recognition and support for our veterans matters as much as the dollar amounts you are able to afford.--- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlOffshore Wind Mills Kill Whales and Blind Radar Defense Systems11/6/2023

Imagine a government plan designed to achieve these wonderful goals:1. Make electricity SIX TIMES MORE EXPENSIVE.2. Destroy America's security by removing our radar and missile systems' ability to see over the horizon to detect incoming threats.3. Deprive people of healthy seafood or at least make it three times as expensive.4. Take American tax dollars and give them to Scandinavian countries' pension funds for the long-term benefit of Scandinavian companies and workers.5. Oh, and kill lots of whales by deafening / blinding them while building the magical machines which deliver these wonderful benefits.In a better - not even perfect - nation, this insanity would not occur. In that hypothetical nation, if someone raised such a bad idea, rational voices in government would tick off all the negative consequences to, say, destroying marine life to build pointlessly expensive electricity generation and the whole thing would stop. Sadly, we do not live in such a nation. Thank Heavens for driven citizens such as Meghan Lapp, who has dedicated thousands of hours to digging deep into this mess - all on her own time - to tell the rest of us how stupidly damaging the fallout from ridiculous political convictions can be. I will not steal her thunder; have a listen to this conversation.There are myriad lessons to be gleaned from this madness. One is that NOAA and any other agency tasked with delivering analysis to the government must be a purely scientific enterprise, with its staff insulated from budgetary or other concerns. We all watched what happened when "science" became divorced from reality and became one more political plaything. Here is another example of that abuse of the objective scientific process in pursuit of ridiculously damaging political aims.For those who wish to dig deeper, Meghan provided some helpful links:Save Right Whales ( Offshore Development Alliance ( Examination Into Offshore Wind Industrialization Wind Info | Cape May County, NJ ( on the lawsuit against Vineyard Wind, taken by the Texas Public Policy Foundation- two short videos here: and Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlAndrew Gutmann is Fighting the Good Fight Against Woke Tyranny10/13/2023

Fellow Native New Yorker, now proud resident of the Last Free State in America, Florida, Andrew Gutmann joins us in the @MessyTimes studios for a wide-ranging but focused conversation about the need to root out the insidious evil of Marxism in American life. He achieved accidental fame for penning a letter of protest to his daughter's school in New York City - a private school called Brearley which for decades was a beacon of educational excellence, but during the Wuhan Hysteria and the BLM Summer of Love 2020 turned into a racist, CRT-pushing propaganda factory. That letter went viral.Andrew cogently sums up the main ills of the Woke Ideological Disease:1. The woke loathe free speech; their relentless campaign to silence voices they disagree with has become their non-stop obsession2. The woke hate capitalism, based as it is on personal freedom.3. The woke's focus on groups, not individuals goes against the entirety of Judaeo-Christian Western civilization and the Constitution.4. They insist on denying objective reality, hence the nonsense around "dozens of genders;" their power comes from forcing people to say publicly things they know are insane.5. The woke loathe democracy and our system of meritocracy; their entire focus is on leveling outcomes rather than setting fair conditions for people to compete in.During our talk - spoiler alert! - we added a 6th symptom of Wokeism:6. The woke hate religion and hate the family unit, because both resist the godless materialist chaos of Marxist conception.None of this is new to scholars of Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thought. In the American context, the Marxist Left have taken advantage of Americans' relative ignorance of the true nature of Communism/Socialist to hide behind words like "justice" and "equality," which they have perverted into their exact opposites.After realizing the same thing I did, that New York has become a Marxist cesspool of illogic and Leftist totalitarianism, he moved his family to Palm Beach County and is now running for Congress (FL-22) to help reverse the horrible radically leftward tide the nation has been suffering under.To learn more, donate and support this excellent candidate whose sensibility, morality and clear comprehension of the Constitution is badly needed in Congress, please go to: After getting a fresh dose of #Enlightentainment about parents' rights in education and the need to reverse the decades-long impact of Marxist indoctrination on our schools, might we suggest as a palate cleanser that you check out CoinGeek's Bitcoin 101 free course offering? It is more important than ever that you get a clear handle on this whole Bitcoin Thing: Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlOffshore Wind Farms Kill Whales - David Blackmon is Angry About That10/10/2023

In today's episode of Bizarre Leftist Hypocrisy, we find the doyens of the environmental movement so befuddled that they're swearing allegiance to oceanic wind farms which are killing whales by the dozens. David Blackmon came on the show as a follow up to the interview he did with Meghan Lapp, Fisheries Liaison for Seafreeze Shoreside. I will not steal the thunder from that interview, which I urge you to watch at The Energy Question #65 but will summarize her findings to let all the ocean- and whale-lovers out there that all these massive wind turbines and their associated construction and infrastructure are absolutely killing whales.We'll be offering for sale soon some Messy Times Save the Whales - Ban Offshore Wind Farms bumper stickers. In keeping with the Big Environmental Win brought about in the 1970s by such memorable bumper art as "Nuke the Gay Baby Whales for Jesus!," we at @MessyTimes and @davidblackmon6807 hope to drive a - pardon me - sea change in attitudes about the Energy Absurdity Church ruining our world.Listen in!Lunatics are killing the whales while pretending otherwise and are gaslighting the living bejesus out of all of us.--- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlMessy Times Unbounded Capital Episode!9/8/2023

I had the pleasure of meeting Zach Resnick at the London Blockchain Conference earlier this year. Now that we're both back in the Western Hemisphere, Zach paid a visit to the @MessyTimes studios for a deep dive into his career as an entrepreneur and how his journey has been interwoven with blockchain technology, most recently #BSV, or Bitcoin Satoshi Vision, the bitcoin protocol based on the original white paper, versus #BTC which has diverged from that original vision in myriad ways.Tune in for a rollickingly enlightentaining discussion. Find out more about Zach and his investment firm at Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlDavid Blackmon's Visit to Messy Times Recorded Using Organic, All-Natural Gas Fired Electricity8/18/2023

David Blackmon joined us in the studios for a wide-ranging discussion on the virtues of affordable energy, debating whether insanity or perfidy motivate Apocalyptic Climate Cultists and the general messy madness of our age. David knows of what he speaks - having deep expertise and long experience in the oil & gas industry.For a fun pre-episode game, try to guess whether our Brilliant Guest or your Glittering Host has more biting calumny to heap on the ridiculous #ESG fraud which has destroyed more value than even Dodd-Frank and Sarbanes-Oxley have combined.Either way your bet breaks, we promise you sheer #Enlightentainment at its finest!Added bonus material with sneak previews into the 2024 Election Cycle including educated guesstimates of how many of us will be rounded up and indicted as co-conspirators before the polls open! Enjoy!--- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlCombat Controller Tom DeSchane Shares his Experience in Special Operations7/30/2023

Messy Times is focused on making the American military culture and its people available to a wider audience. Only 7% of Americans are either in the military or family members of our all-volunteer force. Our Enlightentaining Host is privileged to serve on the Board of Directors for the Combat Control Foundation. Tom DeSchane had a 28-year career in Combat Control, retiring as a Chief Master Sergeant, after entering the Air Force for four years to pay for college. He joins us in the studios to give his perspective on CCT as a career, how this Special Tactics group operates with other branches of the military and some guidance for people considering this as a career.You can learn more about this Special Operations branch of the Air Force at Combat Control Foundation. After this video, hop on over there to enjoy the wealth of information and please leave a donation to support our veterans and their families. A donation of any size is welcome - as important as the dollars raised is the number of people who take the time to donate their hard-earned money as a way of expressing appreciation for the hard, difficult and dangerous work our military volunteers perform on our behalf.--- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlEtymology! Free Markets! Wozniak's Apple II Inspired a Generation!7/22/2023

Jack Pitts and I shared a stage at the London Blockchain Conference. We were mesmerizing. For those unfortunate souls who missed the big event, we bring you this discussion.He is the founder of SLictionary, a brilliant, blockchain-enabled Web 3.0 version of the processes which created the Oxford English Dictionary. A self-learning dictionary which grows in accuracy and comprehensiveness the richer the user-contributed corpus grows is just the shot in the arm the English etymological industry needs!Check it out: sure to vote for the Messy Times definition of "unicorn" while you're there!--- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlConnor Matthews Steps into the Messy Times Octagon6/21/2023

We are delighted to be joined in the @MessyTimes studios by Connor Matthews ( @TheControllerMMA ) who shared with us a bit about his journey involving an early interest in martial arts, to MMA (mixed martial arts) to accidentally signing up for the Air Force's Special Operations branch after first hearing what the SEALs had to say about a career in the Navy.Your Enlightentaining Host is honored to serve our military veterans as a Board Member of the @CombatControlFoundation. One of the perquisites of our relationship with the CCT community is being able to participate in events with our phenomenal active-duty military community. Connor was part of a group that spent a great day together with candidates in the current training pipeline recently.We discuss some of that from his point of view about what it takes to succeed in the rigorous washout machine that is Special Operations training. Every American would sleep better at night if they understood the caliber of motivated volunteers and the rigorous training and selection process they go through, all in order to fight to protect our national interests.To check out Connor's fights either live or via ESPN, go to his YouTube channel Connor Matthews - YouTube or his Instagram: Connor Matthews ⚡️👊🏼 (@thecontrollermma) | Instagram.I know I'm going to move mountains to be ringside for his upcoming Las Vegas fights!After hearing Connor's story, hop over to the Combat Control Foundation website and make a donation to this awesome cause - any amount is welcomed, as part of our support for our veterans is demonstrating by sheer numbers of donors how much we value what they and their families have sacrificed for us: . It's simple; do it now.--- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlRay Nayler, Author of The Mountain in the Sea, Visits Messy Times6/15/2023

Ray Nayler wrote a great novel, The Mountain in the Sea. The Enlightentaining Host of @MessyTimes was so delighted by the book that he wrote a book review and reached out to Ray to invite him for a visit to the studios.The conversation that follows is the result of Ray's saying yes to that invitation. Ray is a deep thinker with wide-ranging international experience and a persistent curiosity which drives him to learn more and to express what he learns in his writing. Beyond or as part of his writing, he's spent a great deal of time examining how information flows - or fails to flow - in society, and the implications that has for a healthy town square in which people of goodwill but differing ideas can engage in robust debate. Enjoy!You can find more of Ray's work at getting a fresh dose of #Enlightentainment from our discussion, might we suggest that you check out CoinGeek's ⁠Bitcoin 101 free course⁠ offering? It is more important than ever that you get a clear handle on this whole Bitcoin Thing: ⁠ you're picking up what Messy Times is laying down, you're welcome to provide whatever support you can via our crypto tip jar: HandCash: $MuddyWaters--- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlPsychiatrist-Diplomat Ken Dekleva Returns to the Messy Times Studios5/30/2023

We are delighted to have Dr. Ken Dekleva join us for a deep and wide-ranging conversation across his areas of expertise. Ken covers a lot of intellectual and practical ground in his second visit to the studios.A prolific author as well as a Senior Fellow at the George H.W. Bush Center for U.S.-China Relations, Ken's experience spans the globe. His deep experience is not only represented in historical knowledge, but directly in current international affairs and innovations in healthcare, not only for military veterans but for patients of all kinds. We discuss a few of the #mental_health advances he champions, including #telemedicine which he already uses in his medical practice.That is just scratching the surface - please grab a soothing beverage and settle in for a great discussion.In addition to the range of sources discussed in the episode, we remind our listeners to check out The Cipher Brief for the best reporting and analysis on national security issues.After getting a fresh dose of #Enlightentainment from our discussion, might we suggest that you check out CoinGeek's Bitcoin 101 free course offering? It is more important than ever that you get a clear handle on this whole Bitcoin Thing: Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Florida is already the Last Free State in America. Because of that, it is attracting talent from all over the other 49, which is making it a bastion of free market innovation. It's obviously the best place to be, which is why @MessyTimes would never consider broadcasting from anywhere else.Aside from hosting rampant innovation in Enlightentainment, up and down the peninsula, many towns have become blockchain and tech boom towns. Charles Hwang shares how he became involved in Bitcoin (BTC), what Lightning Capital is doing with Layer 2 networks and how he sees the cryptocurrency space developing.In the course of our discussion, Charles provides the most cogent defense of the Small Blocker position your Glittering Host has yet heard. After the usual admonition to hit Like and Subscribe, we'd love it if you provided your thoughts below on the Small Block v. Big Block debate. It's not quite 1990s East Coast - West Coast beef, but potentially far more impactful to us all than Tupac and Biggie were.--- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlRenminbi v. USD: All the Cool Kids Obsess Over Monetary Policy5/25/2023

China wants the world to accept the renminbi as a reserve currency. What are their reasons for suggesting an alternative to the US Dollar? Was Bretton Woods a mistake? Is Purchasing Power Parity a reasonable way to value a currency? Money is international but a currency is national; how many people care about that distinction?Has anyone ever gotten a date by using monetary theory as a pickup line? Is the paradigm of a "cold war" drawn from the Soviet-American 20th century headbutting a useful frame to examine the actions of the Chinese government? Has the Dollar's role at the core of the international financial system been a net positive or negative for the United States?Tune in to hear James Fok's highly informed take on these important issues and Your Enlightentaining Host’s nostalgia over the bezant.--- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


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