Normal Gazette, July and August 1888 Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC Daily Egyptian 1888 Daily Egyptian 7-1888 Normal Gazette, July and August 1888 Normal Gazette Staff Follow - [PDF Document] (2024)

Normal Gazette, July and August 1888 Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC Daily Egyptian 1888 Daily Egyptian 7-1888 Normal Gazette, July and August 1888 Normal Gazette Staff Follow - [PDF Document] (1)

Southern Illinois University CarbondaleOpenSIUC

Daily Egyptian 1888 Daily Egyptian


Normal Gazette, July and August 1888Normal Gazette Staff

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Normal Gazette, July and August 1888 Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC Daily Egyptian 1888 Daily Egyptian 7-1888 Normal Gazette, July and August 1888 Normal Gazette Staff Follow - [PDF Document] (2)




I GAZETTE. ~ ~------~~--- -----

t LUX." ----------- ~~,~~~ :::::::::::::=:~======~~~~~~~~~;======-==-~-----VOL. 1. CARBONDALE, ILL., JULY AND A1,lGUST, 1888- NO. 4_


HoS'. TlIOs. S. RlnGWAY,Prest., Sbs:wnectoWo. HENRY C, ""FAlRBUOTliElt, M. D., E. St. Louis. HO;'ll. ROBLEY D • .ADA."\ts, Fairfield. E, J. l~aERsoLJ., ESQ., Secretary, Csrbol1dnl~. HoS'. SA)t\1:£L P. WlIEt:LEn, SpriIJgfield.

FACULTY. ROnEJtT ALJ.Y)f, PrillcipaJ, !\.nd Lecturer OD

Pedagogy, Etblcs and 1Estheth:s.

C%~:~~~'ll~~~~~;e~~~C:i{e:f~~:r~irrLaD-JOII,){ HCLL, TCllCherofPsychO}0f:' Pcd~ogy,

d~~t ~V¥r~f;~~t~~~~~~n~~ Supur!ntcn-

D.A.:~UEL B. P"'\'J{KI!\80~, TenclIcr of Natural PhIlosophy, Cb.-emtstry, Astronomy and Boole-keeping.

to be tatlght, Mr. StOJ'mellt has been a grt:lut reader I)f useful books alld hi .... miud is well stured witb :mch kuowl­edge as will aid him materially :I ..... :1

teacher. His fuhn ... in the l)l'oft.>~''''iotl iJi; cel"tainly very bright.

Miss Gertrude HuH, clas,.; of 'Silo l1l.ts uot taught except to givp :-;OTlle as:si:;t­nnce in the training llepartmt'[ll (If this Univer!:lity. She remains at hom~ where hur pre!'ienl'e lends cbl~~r and neatoe.s::; to OUt;! of the Ilic~st h"me.s'lf Carbondale, Thoronghly 1n tellegent and ,\-yell vers~d in litel·a.t.ure. bf'r ill-

amot)O" friends aDd relatives in Canada. Thl' l':ttot.r part of the year 'wns pa~sed in Cat'bondaJe, :Misii Tait is an accum­plisbc(l musician. :l.llct this, ,vith hel' Hlany other good qualities, lllilke her a useful and attral·tive IUt-'mber of Car­buuttah·',." b~'st society.

Ll·wi." E. Johnstnu. ~lnss of '87. l.:tught . ..,chool near Ca.rlyle la::ot year, but. nltbollgh he, ~:;ucceeded well \vith hi ... !wilooL I..!'wi:-; doesn't "likt> tIll-' thing" n!I·Y ml!ch aUII Coccilldes ht" isn't cut ollt for;l "school mam.'· He

ships? Ask tht' tishennell wb.o dry their Ilf't:-; where tJDl~e sttlod the grcat city of Tyre. Ask tbe w;l.\·e5 tha.t ueat upon the rooky ~Dd harren shore, where once ill her g-lory and priue shb cllal­lenged the nu.tions of the earth.

Egypt, within whose realm was bom the l'arly civilization of th(' world; w'hose mighty power was klIO\VDI

tht'oughollt all time til be thf" study of th!' anti!Inaritl.ll anll hif'roglypist. ',"here is ht,], glory gODl'~ Ask her st\l}U'ndolls tuin .... among which is Bot fOllnd the remuant of (l 8illgl~ temple: to tht· trUt' Gild.

J\lARTIlA BeCK, TCl1ciler of Grammar and Ety­molo!,,),.

GEORGE H. FRE::-iCR, Te.aeber of Natural His­tory and Physiology; :lnd Cumtor.

d~itl·d the Uuivert;;fy last spring wh~'re fiucllce I::; of great bCDt'nt to tbe ~UCI- hI' Il1l't hosts of 'Y;l.TI.ll fJ'iClllhi \'1])0 ruad~·

hi. ... vi .... it a VI'loy pit!Il.:';[Lot (:be. Gret'ce. IH~stll'(l aIDfJllg her hill::;,. ety. Mr:-::. Clar~t BIH"hanan Me!TymoD, whose W;lt£'-l" boundarit-'..: gi .... e .. vert

£STHER C. FI~LEY, Teacher of History; llod Libn'l.rlo.n. ..

SAMUEL)l. IXGLIS, Teacher or EogUsh l.iter­Iltu're,'-Elocutton, Vocal 1[Ull!C and C.u.lf"", tbenics.

11:8[~ta~t~~EIlgib:ac~~~ fr/r£~1ftffhy, nnu :MATILD,~ F. SALTER, Teacher of Penmsnshlp

and Dra.wJof'. G:lonllE V. BC"cnA~ .. utl Teacher o-f ],lathe­

ma.tlcs. CJU.nLES H. .... XnIS, Tenchcr of German llud


Steuben D. Wham, CJlL~:: of '''7, tal1ght cla~;o; ilf '8-1. taught two years Ill'xt after part uf b"r ff'alm intcn.;olltS(' with the a good school in bl.s home district. outside' world. developing tilt' g-rea.test Marion county, last yea.r and is I'm- gl'adnatioD in the Ellillghnm public heathen clvHh:ation the wOl'ld ha~ eVer ployed as principal of tbp TJ.W:lI·!)ll schools ,u:d tlll'n g:t. ... e up teaching and known; wllhin whose bvrders tile gertD. schools fur the .. en5ujng year. Mr. \r,~~ m'1.rr~ed to Air, Hl1.lTY, Merrymon, (Jf the intelligenCl" the litt"latnr(', the Wham hu.:i had a good deal uf e:\JJt'd- and IIYe:> lU Carbondale rhpy hav~ a sdcncc and the ('dllcatl()n which We ence as a teacber aDti wi1l fill the posi- 1J1'lg'ht little hoy who wllI be applJ lug now enJoy was pIau ted Where now is tion with credit to himself and friends for ad,llllSSlOD. to the fra.ming deparl-I her gloryr and pi idt,? Re.Hl the produc-and satisfa.ctioll to bis pa.trons, lllent In a few yeR.lS, tions of her great authors and learn

Miss Seva Smith, cl~s of '87. seems Bolow we give the address to the from them to ·whom sht;! bOWl'd ID l'eVr JA)£BS It. BELL, 2d Lleut. 7th Cav., U. S. A' l

Teacher of )'lIlitary Scieo.ce and Tactics. Ay!{ C, AXDEU80::ol. Ass.istant In Training Dn­


entirely satisfied ivith Carbondale Hfe, Zetetic elMS of '8-3 •. !l~liver~.1 by J. M. Cl':c;iw cb.u'acter of a DatioD is dc>ter­and not desiring to teach she speods Parkiu80n at the Spring entertainment mined by the char,aeter of ber people; her time at home, Miss Sevll is ll!!i jolly of the suciety. It is replete with good as Whl;'D a school girl-yes we bIJ!ieve thoughts and deserves e"t"en a larger eveR more so-and her pllm.sant aod andienc(' than we are able to give it:

MART A. RODARTS, AsslstaDt ill Rending, Writing and Al'HhmeUc. ,

WiDllillg Wi!.y,." al'(> a delight to her many ADDRESS TO CLASS OF 1888.

friends.. " God has created the indindual as


G. v. nUCll..\.:s'A:"1.

Robert M. Allen. claSl'S of '87, bas spent the pnst year as a law student. til Springfield. IlL He will probably spend thp present year a.:> a student in the law departmellt of th(' Ann At'bor University. Robert attentlt'd the com­m('ncelnent th~s year. !othakiug ha.nas with his many Cm-bondale friends.

Mark lJ. Hal'moD, class of 'S7, taught 5ut'ce5sfully near Grayville Iast y~aJ.'

:\11(1 is I~rupluyed 11S principal of the NQrth Shle schuols III Grayville for the comjng year. However. Ml·. fl. is a candidat.e for the Republican Domin.;/.­tion for cirt'ult clerk in Edwards connty :.nd if 110mintlted his teaching will Cf-!ase fOI' ft tiWt>. as the nominntion of that. party ill Bttlt> E(lwarlls ]S (lfluivalent to an election. If Mr. H. j.~ cot [lowinn­ted he will give thp other fel I 0'''., a close

Jamcs H. England, class of '77. con- raCe. At pl'esent lit! is ext·rcbhlg hiS tiIll1e!"; to teach in winter and farill io abilities in making "stump speecbe~." .summ!~l', and he bas the rCl'utAtioll of doing both very welL (hit> thing we i\lisl'; Helen Bryd{'n, cla~s of '85, has notice with much regret and that is the taught successfnlly for thrt'e year!" in ab~H'nce of .Mr. E. frotD our Alul1lhi the -"chaals uf Jackson county; the last meetings although hi~ home iH l'IO 111'<'\'1'. two years sh(' has tallght in CA.rbondalp

whf't'e Shl~ is I'c-employed. This ~peaks Miss Lh.zie 1\1-- Shp-pJ)[u·d. class of '~O' I well tor Miss Bl'ydl'n's Ilseflllcps.s· as a

has completed ber ,'i9cond SllCC~,SSfl1ll teacher and is II. plefumre to her mallY y~mr of tl'R('.bing at Umaha, Neb .• and frilmds who wish Il1'r I'ontinued o,;UCI'('St-.

is now SIWlIding the "acatioD at her . , Carbondale llome. Miss"'Sheppard is Richmond Plallt, t'ltlss o~ 78, pUl'.'iUed

apt and scholarly and but few teachers tlw stl1l1y of law. was :HllUltted to prac­.IIOSSCi:iS suoh l"are l'0wer fur disciplining tke aDd 14H'atcd in St. Lonis whel't' hI' and imparting kllowledge. These gifts pmctic6u for a timl', then went inl.o cne~.e:etic.!1.IIJ used havf' place(l l\1is-s business fo\' himself. thell taught school Sheppard itl II high position nmong her and is now traveling for a cnl"pomtioo f(~llow t('ilclHH'S. nnd seems well Wt'.ascd ·wIth his work.

Albin Z. Glick, class of '1;7, ba.~ not ,"Vithin the In:it few yem·.o,; his busines:" has t;\ken him intll C\,l'l''y State :\QeI Ter­l'itOlj' nf the Union a.DII intn Caoada and Mexico. A Iitt.]!~ mort' than a yelu'

well as the aggregate of ma.nkind for a purpose. As tbe purposes of God are fulfilled so is the individual a Sllccess, so are the different cOlllmittes aDd gov­ernments of mankind a success,

It is I'm erroneous idea that this lVorlt1 .contaios only a few geni!lSeS, \Vr are 1\11 genlusos if \Vl~ ooly fina the -splH're for whicl! cWfl WI'fP erf'atcd; we all have e5peocial adn.ption an (1 titlll'55 for somp ODP. thing-. It may hI' ~rNl.t; it may be small. It may ('D~'Olllpnss tht' globe: it runy .<;ltll ply fill oue homp with sunshine aDd the light a.nd tht> jo.\' of love.

'Vhnt 1£'11 to the stlcce~s of MDse . ..;. Dr David. or Cresar, ot! Rapbn'l. Dr Angelo. or Sh!l.kt·speare? ,"Vhat made a Crom­wc>lI. OJ' 0. Newton. or fI. Milton? To come ncarer to till' pn'5ent and home. in what tloes the f:\me of 'V:l~hingtf)D or J.·m'l'lion. or W,'b,..tcl'. or Clay. 01'

Pf'aiJolly, or Cooper. Dr Lincnln. 01' Grant. oT Logan consist?

Atld wherein 1iC>8 a .. ny weakness tbat may be attl'ihutc<1 to any of tiwsc great men?

taught ~incl' gl'atluatiQn. Abollt ten months ago h(' Jllarried Sl1rilda Nave, of Carbondale, and now assists hi~ wife in keeping a neat antt tasteful lllll' of milliner's goods.

Mis~ AnDfL J..,. Bl1l'k~tt. class of '84. has taught but one year sinoe gTadn,l.­tiOll. She prefers' to !,omain at borne where she finds more time for rt'alliDe' and other pleasant pastimc:;.

\Vhat ha:i (·;1.\lj:;(·d thp failul'l', tbe sb:ulle n.nd the l"llin of the ('()u11 tlt'ss 111lmbPl's who hnVt' fHtteil for a time 1n the noonday of lift' like a moth of a summer's day. aod th,'o have disap­]lcared behind a cltlud of darkness. of CliSilppointt:d. hopes, a.ud blighted ambi­tion or it may bl' in tlisgrace and ruin?

ago Mr, Pln.Dt mnl'rkd l\1i.'5S A(ldie. \Vhn.t is true of individllals is tl·tll' of daughter of Dr, C, T. F.arreli, Cobdlln. nations. God sets them up M lights or Illiuols. They are not yet located, but milestolles n.long th-e h.ighway of Time. will prohably liVe> at3819 KOssllth Ave,. But they may ponsh from the face of St, Lunis. It would seem thnt the teD the earth; the:Y ruay !iink into utter ob-yuars which ha.'(c pas.sed since Ml'. p, :icurity. .

Edgar L. Storment, class ~f '86, t.wght snccessfully the ycar in the public sohools of Chester. Aside from being thoroughlYl>osted in the branches

~as gt'ndu< have taken .nOl~e Of. ~h() Phoenecia, who gave to the world the lIght warmth out of hiS ~!SPOS]tlO,n, whose commercial interests hut h~ve .only s~rved to develope lus I spread throughout all Western Asia facultIes Into t1. ripe ma.nhood. and reached eVen hoyond the 'IPiIlars

:Miss Minnie A. Tait, class of '87, of Heroules." Where now her ruig~\ty spent a portion of the past yea.l' visiting cities? Where the masts of her myriad

our permanence and safety, as a natioll 7

is ill righteousness to·ward God aod justice to mankind.

Then, 'Fellow Zetetics, Members of Graduating of 1888. is there any wOl'k before yon? Is our nntion !is

pure as it ought be? Have We any reason to helieVI', as a nation, we have forgotten the gOOllnes~ of God to us?' Do we as imprm t· by the din' disaster:;: that have COlli!' til lIS and again? Do Wt' learn !'fRying lessons from civil wal', or th,' ."trife of faction. or the de­structive evdone, 'H" ttl e raging l"pi­demic, 01' thl' blasting clwuth? Does­the political cnrl"llption whit'b has peis­ont'd tht" IC)ullthtions of public virtue­and bt'slimed the hig-h pla.ct·s Df authori­ty, making frl~e g-oVt'rulllt'tlt at times a his."iin~ and a bywol'd in all tlit' ea.rth. point 0\11 It \\'ork to yon? Doc:'> tht'" dnlllkenlle~s and lic('utitJusbf's:'i that stagger ancl blaspheme in OUl' streets tnlU'h :l c(Il'd of a.nxiety or concer~ abont onr DatiuD'~ futul"t'welfnI'c?

To you and to yom' fellow workers from 'Itll(l\' c!l\watjllual centers is glyen the scepter of nations. Yon mny bt> called upon to till It'gi:-;lativ(" hn.ll~; you runy bl' a~kell to 'occnpy the judge's hench. Your work )lHly bE' to direct tlll' military fOl·ces of thl' lanll. Your plal'l' of action may be iu the COln­

Ilu't'cial WOrlll. It mar be fllr yon to beeome renoW"n~d in scientific circles. ur the lc-aders in the cdm'stioll of the youth .. Ill" perhaps it is for snme of you to h(' (!OItlled 10 the highest, the tIlost s'l.Cl'ed spbere ill lif('; to be thC' Queens and Mill litH'S in OlU' homes, wbo.~1-'

kiodly feeling, t['n(I!."1" symp.atby. Va.­til'ut forelwarallce. and holy t('aehing~ Slllq)L' thf' fntl1l'c of nations that will blt'ss God.

·Wlmte\'er may be your sphere in Iife .. let your C'olltluct be such as shall fi II the mission of you!" croation; and wlLether­your work be high 01' low. strive earn­estly and faithfully 1 and success \vill crown your eft'orts.

'Vhile we loath to part from you, (Continued on 29th Page.)

Normal Gazette, July and August 1888 Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC Daily Egyptian 1888 Daily Egyptian 7-1888 Normal Gazette, July and August 1888 Normal Gazette Staff Follow - [PDF Document] (3)

NORMAL GAZETTE. 26 ~========~====~===~========~=======-----~­

"'mile posts~' the way 1 h3J'i3 never wa.nting when the call was made immediately began the pra.ctice of his trod, and I turn back to those hout's -ou and has done mneh for tb.e old Zetetie profession with his brother at Memphis.


"Lear'n io Labor ond to lYaU."


J. T. Galbraith, P,'esident.. Mamie Lll':lsden, Vice Presldent. S E North Recordiug Secrct&l''f. Hele'n Meye~. CO''I'osponoingSecretary. Lois Allyn, Critic. Robert Tyner, Trtl'\Sllre~. A. J. Snyder, .Choil:~ster. William Wnlhs, EdlloL . 1[a~~ "'ie Wham. As.s;-"Itnnt Ed,tol'. A. Il~Pike, Ushel'. .

:'oIAI~Y "'JtlGHT.

)-- -HOOD after the opening of Ule first

. krIll of the Southern Illiuois Normal 6chool in September. iSH, the neccsoity of literary societi~s was fl'equcntly and (!al'llcstly discussed by tile students. A "Young Mell'::; Dl:lbating Club" \~US soon et;;tublisbe<l. nnll the young ladles werc'urgtltl to organize:\ siwiln.r SOci(!1 v for tbeil" own improvclue.nt. But oOlli{· of them ohjected to e:.elllsive :mcictic.'l. on tlH.' grou\l~ that they arc not in har­mony with the principles of co-educa­tion, arid that tile re.nning intlllcDcPH of litl'l'fl,l'V work, ami tf.c Clllture to be de­l'ived from it, :shot11~ open to both ~6xe5 alike. tIH' ~:t.lllt' as the other e<lu­

cationll.\ <ldV'lntagcs ar~ f1'el' to all in ttnion labor,

As a result of thi~ discu:.;~ioD, l'arly

in Octc)ber, 187-1. nine young ruell~ and fuur young womell met t()getber. and framed a c')Dstitlltion and IJy-laws, and electe(l the li.rst officers of th{' Zetl~tic ~oi.:iety. Honor i..., d\lC the:;c ~tuUt!'Dt!'j for the work begun and I"f) organized that all nt'W lllemuel's euten,d into thf' immtldiate results without till' cart' and anxiety that oppr(~s~etl this ~:l.Dd of be~ (rjnner~. The society hall wa .. "'; in the ~ol'th-wcst l!orner IJf the thir'd j}flOI' of Hie old htLilding, .lDti beee the first reg­ular meeting wa."; ht:lld by the lig--ht of two t:.tllow (':tIll He:', hut the light WfL~ not dimmed hy )oqwh SlllTOU1\(liDg'~, ami hll-;illl''',,, (H·ogn'ssl~li. Thel't' we ... · just enollgh nwmber:-> to gin> ~acb iLIl olllt-t', ())' spedll.l cOImnuttce \.vOl'k, :~nlt we :111

enjoyed tbe~.· ",pl"'i:d IH)l1l1l·~. At the f.PDl'xt llweting- WP realizell how ,,~1I thl'

COlllmittec 011.1 rtll'lli·"hillg..., hilil 11'10" its work, Thl'l'l' \\'('1'" two light .... tawh;, (Jne fill' (he Pt'l'l'iidlllJt and 1)0,' rill" th~~ H~crctil.n, alld two Inrgl' l';t'l'o .. elll' lnnlp~ b;'ightl) illtlmillall~tI tlH' imnw­di~~tl' ~p:ll't· ill'nllntl "':Lid ,..;taCHl ... , '1'\)('

h:t1l W:lS ."('iLt vd \\ itll n·t·itat ion t)l'llchl':ol, awl chaiJ'~ for the Pl'l~sidcot and SI'CI'I'­tal'\' WCl'C hOI'l'owed froll) "lltlJ(~ d.\:->:)­rlJl:m, to be l'eturncli,' hllw\,v"I" hdol'I'

the next Monday morning'-In spitc ul tlH's(~ :o,tHIlJl lH'~innin:.:."

tlw Zetetit, Socicl.\· :.!',·cw, aud (l(!Il(Jtl'd these iJe3lHifnl W01'ds from 111'1' OW'll

IlI\'I'd Lo-ngfi'llow·. "f ... cam to bbor :lnd t.o wait," fOl' its mottn. which ha .. i}I·.'D

an inspiratioD to labor '<lud p'L:i(,IlCl~, ha~ gl'OWD into tht.l Iii.' effort 1tutil achievlllcl*t. b'1"i Cl'I)WT1!'d sorut· weary ill walti11g with PC"iU'" :\IHI 1"I':$t.

\V[, can look b:l.l'k Ul10IJ thn!"i(> tla\'s wit.h just satbi;l.ctioD,. wllite rOlllljllg

bptWCIHl the line::!, aUlI r,·:\Ji'l.11 that t 1\0

fOlillun.tilHI wa,..; weI! laid • • wd thlLt JUany hin'i' built well upon it. It dCTJc!HI." 01:1 per.sonlll di'ort what the (}h:ll'l1ctel' wLll be. tUHI every origina.l hle~ of tlw Zt'tl't­h· Sodetv was to develope the powlr:.'l of the intellect, and I'du~atp t'he hmul nod hmut. together. thl~t ca.di cha!'acter lllay be 1"Illlildnu ':'lOll full, ,Llld the in!hl­elJCI~ of its mcmbcL's he for the pm'\' nnd noble in Ht", It is rIUU,l,Y years ,-.;ince I left tho chtU'm~(1 circle. hut the mem­ories of those days, the battles fought, the viotorles won. tlw many dtlfeats, a.nd the constant ,~uut'?avol' L(J~tt1\.in the best results. of labor. are "Ville of, th"

Friday night with "s]lliles .and tears." Society. We bespeak faT him :t bright fntm:e,

and much gratitude for the opportuni- Edward T. Dunaway has spent his Ban-y ~Ioss_ one of our enthusiastic ties our State hits genl!rous1y placed in vacation dealing out sugar and coffee Ztltetics, has spent hi.s vacatIun on his cmr nay. over the counter of the famous Newt father"s farm and is \'ery busy, He

Zetetios shuuld b~ (lspcl.'ially earn!:::st, York Store of this ciiy, of which his took tim('. however, to spend a few day.s for they nave ~'al'~ opportnnities to be father is proprietor. Ed. has the honor in fishing at Shafer creek and Glory's used or abuscd. Do not let· it be the of being the first officer placed on the Bend. Ha"ry on his l'eluTD presented latter: You should remember that you retired list of the Douglas Cadet Corps one of Drivel"s prominent belles .:L pet eojoy the benefits gained by f111' eo- and carries his honqrs modestly. coon as a token of his ~~gard" Harry

dert\·Ol·S of others, and to tlw foHowiDg" H. G. 'Eastol'ly, ",fter

tr"vel,'no: fo" hn.'i shmvn ablH.y in ,leclarnatll)rr---1incl ale due the honor of the first eft'ol'Ls for "'.~ ~ .~ :: ~ the Society: Messrs. Robarts. Fbuni- thl'l;!e y!."ars in Arizona and California, debate and we !1l'e glad to know tbat. gan. Tholllp~tln. McAually. Abero:1.tby, settlt'd dIHVIl to !.arming. and fwm r~- he expects to he with n.s this ),ear.

D!,;10. Kane. J. N. Brown, John\Vood, ports is doing wdl. He is OC)W thefOi'- Miss Lu Bird\.He.ndee, L"la:5s of '84, Misses Morrow, I!oblll'ls, Sher!llRn and tllnate p().'isessul' of a forttmate wife wbo has spent hel" time the last yeaI' at hel' W'l'lg-ht. was before she became MI'.s, Ea";lel'ly. howe. LaClede, JlL, and has been )'('-

I do not 1.1l0W whel'e ull IIf tht'JU ,l!·e. l\li5s Anna Arnold. of CariJood;.de. \Ve viewing sOIDenf hez' studies. Sile s('nds Mr. Abernathv died in 1887, I beJi.I'YI', wish Gate :tnt! hi~ ('barmiog wife all many pleasant wOi'ds of gTeding to her and tll{' rest a~'e scaaered from norlh th(' hllppine.'is possib]I'. -!Drill" I' tea('hers and lwr old s,~hool to soulh, lwd ftOIll I>a~t to \\'pst, I-':H"h C. A: V'LIlCil, an o!d Zt'l~tic, was UJi.\.tes. Sbe says: "My wish i . ..; tbat we doil)g hi.s .md her pllrt to auYallc" thf' l'rnployec1 for SOIU'J tinH' ill the St:tt~ may hU\'e a happy reuni()G in till"

vrillciples gaillt'd in QUI' :"">ocil·ty \VllI'k, asylum at As):lulU. Xi.b, "that he Js 'Blessed hereafter.'" and tbe school whidl g'<\n-' llS stlcb ad- Iloing now Wt;: I{nl)w uot: hut we re- Sht> ha~ many cO!llplimc!lts for tll(>

vantages, l~eivetl .. 'I. not!' fl'OI1l him SA} ill}.!: "Please GAzBrrE, which we defel' publishiD~ MORHl1.'l, ILl ..• Aug'. t, U::;t\R... semi my plLpl-'r to No, 616 S. 20th oSt.. from modesty.

f Lill('olil. Neb." But we are SUl'C C. A, Chn.s. K ~aylor, one of our most I'EHSONAL. is baviJ.lg' SU,'CI'SS in whnlt'\·t·!· he IlIlty t·<.lrnel'.t (~n.(1 faithful Zetetics, ba.!i bt'en

As.:t rc,!::mlt of the ace on of t he Z,'~ ba\ l! atlelliptt'd. }{epoJ·t, Vancil. putting in hi:;: tlme dm'ing val'-ation in tctic committel'. WhD prepared lI,HI teaching musi(·. ha\'ing ela.'i~es At Van-mailed a l.,ru'u!:w l~ticr to' cll('h l1Ienl- Della ::-Jaw'. of thl' dass uf'S3, taught dali'L, Bl'ownstown, St. Elmo anll Alta-ht·r of the ~o('iety, we pl'c:->cnt Ow fol~ ODe yc,u' at LinH'stonl-', Union Couuty, mont, Chi.l.rlt'y ha:;; alway:-- heen fon'-10wio:4 Zptetie no~e5. The I't pOI·t jl'i Ollp yeal' nl Sl.:tiloh Hill, as principal, mo~t with his genins in making onr Hot what we hoped to ml~ke to our aull studi,>lI ;1.t't at Cincinnati thl' year prognuu>i tlH-' grand success they huxe renuers; but this we do Hot (!ollsiticl' of '86. Since that time ::;he hllS taught beeD. Hp never does noything hy om' f(l.ult. \Ve had anuounct'll om' (l, .'icconu tel'Bl :l.t Shiloh. Hill. Shp halves and what we han. aClCl)mpiished plans iu oHl' (>tl.irOlial colurnll~ ill the taught n .scn~D DlIHIths terro at Metrop- in introducing uew features into onr 1\1a ... aDd June nlllulJer,; and reqnc_"tcd o1j, .. t.he lust year, having 1461JUpil~ t'D- work is largely dne to his efiol'ts. WI:' C01·;·!;',;pondem'e. The society then took l·ollcd. She j,; now at lwr home io C3r- are glad. to know tha.t we will han him thp. mat~er io hand, appoiDting a COIU- bondah', with us another yea;_ mitt(·t', empuwel'ing tlJ(>l,ll Lo prepare tl A. J, Dl1}(1t"r, anothct· of our very letter to be sellt III Lhe old lHt.'mbel'5. e:t-rDl!st and l'nthmii:btic workers, has asking them to write 0,'" a lengtby I(·t­ter advising \1:-; of their whcn'abouts, etc_ The t'orumiLI'e did tlll'il' work promptly and well; but (July a small pel' CI-!)t. of the old wClllbt'r." of the st)­cll>ty I'espondt'd to tile call. ;,tnd only out' or two of the llil'mlwrs wbo wen' iu la4 \.':\l· Wl'ot!' ns Olll\tll:ni!' "bat­CV('l'_ Xow \Vl! cllu'l kIIO;V ""I'l~lhill:r, a.lHl ill this i~~n~ WI' han" onl., IlUti{'.,d

the nWIHucl'S of tlll' society who bavl' I'cspomlcil to till' call of tlw I·OlUll'ill.·\,. If WI' hllVIJ III i~s(·tJ !I'III. whose funlt i ... il? Bllt plea ... ~ J'1'llIl'rniwr that til<' (iAl.E'I'TE

will bl' j ...... 1II·,1 l'ill'll Illoulh aud IIl:H llol.·",; fl'01l1 "III :-luLlt·nl:.; al'l' gLldly n'-1'1';\·"11 ;~lHl pul.ti,,;hed _IL all tilm'~. fol'

thi ... is part!) our uhjl'l'I. Zel(!tiv". \\ ;11

YOH nOI r;'rul:'lllh,'l' u~~

('hil,,", 1\1 .• Jl!l'llJIll'. u.ft!'r tul..iLlf,! his <11'­

gn'(' rH tll(!t'()rumel'ci~d {',,!h'~I':lt,1:H'k~

.... uu ... illl·. Wl'lIt W('-.t. ]-h~ i .... I'll al Allthol1Y. l{all. and ; .. !ioilJ;"; \\·L,ll.

\V, A. ~a .. h :"])('ut part ')( thl' .\":ll' :Lt

tht! :-J,))'d~wl!~tI~ru Uuivcr ... ity, :l.t E\'lI.l1 .. -

lOIJ, III .• the pa ... l yt'al'. arl,1 tllIr'i!J~)"u't Ilf I he \·<ll·,\lioll his f:'lCI- l'(>llld l;(' "'1'l'U

110 th., ~ll"'(Jt\ IJf C;H'\lIJIUiall', Iml lie is

now IJOldiug:l cderk",llil' i" :l ('hi(':t.~'1l


J. L. Burton, or Logl'. a .. 'H! :dw:\.':"!

i':lllctl him. j.., still Oftild ... ! Court SiP-Un" g'l'apher for til(! First JlItiic;,d Hj,.,;d('l

~wd is giving thl}- I)l'st of sa.i:-.Jadillll. Aod that i,>.; nnt fllJ, for hl' i,,, nmi.: ill:'; money Itllrl II 110 . ..;1 of i'l'iCllli;-; in his


11. irI. P<:lrkioson, a !>ot:~Hll('ll Ze-t"tic in cVl.!l'y scn . ..;c !Jf thl! word, i~ !',\pe-ctiug

tD n'tunl cllrnpll'tc tbe ltlug' l'Utll'M' this yeaI'. No per!:ilJn has bl'~u 1I1'1l'(!

c.u·nest in Socicty worl;; thall Iw, .:lnll ilL th('_clas:l of 'B9 Wl' will losll ill bb grad­uation Olu' of oUI' ruO!:it c:\ruc&l wnrk­Cl's.

D. W. Warren. always ~o rc:uly and faithful in the performance of Soch~ty dnties, has spent his vacation at home 3.ud we arc glad to :-m.y will lit" with lUI

agaiu the conlio~ year: D. '.V, W3.l:J

bcell tnln~liug this summer for the L(}on~is ~atiomtl Library Associa.tion. He haij ... visited a gn'at many of the towns of Son til ern I1Jinois, and although he has not yet madt' lH~ fOl'tnnj" Hur

ruet his f'Lt." yet wilile at Old DuQuoin \](" fOllDd two fOlll' h'af l·lovers which

lIlay bav{' their ~i:rllitieant·(·,

'D, B. fa*gt'l'. sinctl graduatini£ in ·K~. h:l.s taught two yems ,tt Gala.tia. IlL, OCt' spring tel'ID in the Southern Illinoi" Collt'~e, at Entidd, and sJl~nt two yeat"~ :lspril1cipal of Iht, pnblic SCh'l(lls <'-t

Anna. 'He was mal'!'i~d durillg th~ ":.1(·<.Itio1)

of la..r.t YI'arto Mi,;s Fannie D. McAuall.~·, of UH' cla ... s of 'Hu. Mr. fa*g-PI- wao; ~..,­

... ociatcd with theShawll;'elowo~t'houb. Id:ll'I. Bakel' will bl' J'1'lll'luIJt!l'l!d n:- a,.:. priudpal, the !llst year and \\;11

;1 .... tutll·lLl ill ',11,3, :llltllLJsO:\II acti\'t' Ze- .':it'I·Y~ the pt·ojJlp IIi Collin,,;yilll! ill tlw tdic, Sbl' has uUlg'ht i.llt'C!' ",ncct,,.~i"~ Same C'<lp:tl'it_\ ~I\I' coming year, 111'. tl~l'llI~ iu the pt1bl~I' .. choul. .. qf All lilt, aud Ml'1'l, F'l!~('I' 111'., ~Lt pr"";'l'nt ,·i",iting

Ill .. llllLl will haYt' I'har!:!'e of Ihe Gr.:1.1U- I'clali\'('-; ill tlJi .. city.

mal' th'pal'ttlll'nt .\1 Cob.h'll for the COIU­

illg' ."';11'. ~lll' h:lS Iweu L'l1j()~ ill;; ht'l' \',ll'atiou at ]]('I'('OIl1ltl.' hOWl' ..... pcDdillg LUd ... t of 11('1' tim,· iu plliutillg'. \Vehopl' tIl __ ,,'(' ;\li:- ... Bakpl' 'Ift~'ll tb .. IIC lS "'U


\Villirwl \Va11':-, !la ... lll'<'n iu CarIJou­,b\l~' :dl tl:w \'t\!'alioll: bllt ft'um !iorue ~':llh(! \~'l' h:l\~' fail('d 10 .. ('., bl1t lilth, ,If

hilli. "Vc du lIul thiuk ill., h('(,lllht.! lli'

-t111':1I!" th,' I·dilllt· ... :-.:11}('11l1Il. hllt fl'om what W'I.! (';ltl gaL!!"I', \Vtll h;t .. df)",'ted

hilll-.eif \\ith hi..: hoo], ..... and i .... .\I)iu;.r .,Olll(' \\'rilillg: ""0 \v,. Ihiuk that we ('.In

I'llfl'])' aUIlUIIl1l'tJ that bc will 111.1 )'I':nl.'

rlll'tltl' Ul':\t l'oOC:lJt,i )I';U'

ma~terl)' ])l'OclllctiHu,,;. \~ ilil .. ollll~

\V. S .• JI'l1nillg", nft!.;!' I,.lt~a""log thl' Univer .. ity, "pellt t\\<1 )~al':--ll.t dw la,~

, .. chool in Cllic:lgo, .uui afkt'wal'd, .. :L short linw Wilh ins hmlhl'l' 'at Snlelll. Tbilll..·'1,~ 1h:1t he would fi(ul a better opvniug ill thl' ~uutb Ill" Wt'nt to Brook ... -\,:q., Flol'ida, ,lOti lime U;l.''; pt'ovcn tlmt

Ill' \Va" not mi .. ta!.:'·ll as Ilt.' i~ 1)lIW

('ulIn:y Jlld:!I' uf Hcrn.:wdo Count.'. :lUll i>i el.ljo,\ iu.'.! tlie pnll'e!'lh of:l inl'g(' ltllil Il](·l'tl.ti, e practit'l",

HL' is ,.\,"') (il':UHi COlllhldCH' ot thl' ~{;\tt, <lrg~lDi~:I,;,m oI "L'lliL,'d FI~~lI~S

of Ttmpl·rauu,'· :llJd i .. all l"Il'nu:-;t

WIIl'kl'l' ill ~lllJ lerupCl':tllCe l::tU:;I',

C I'll. T, Tunic'. cbs . .., of '~·n, t:l.(J7bt

til\' P:l..;t .p-'ar ,It Cat'mlltqu. Ill., \viLh (" A. Shepp:lnl. whtl wrl~ a. Zi'tctil.' Ihl' lll' .... t uf ~l1c"CC~j a.nd w:~~ ofi'cl'I'd tilt'

iu till! t1:Ly~ Wht!ll tlw)' :-at 011 htlrtl !j:HU"; j)llSil;Oll a~:liu for thi" ye:tl'. but wIJoth-n bCllChc:oi .uHl~plit-bot t011.l ('hail':- prefcl,'1 d a )l1.ace iu tIll' Ya.llIhdia ~l'hl lois notl lhcil' flll'l1iture l',m:.:;isLed of :l >.;mall \\'hi"h W:15 oj}'t!l'('J him, it iJl'iug :.\ step stUHl!' a ft'w r.:o:d oil lamp . ., ,mil two liD aJ\'<\llce, wage., bettl'r. l'.~'. George t:hl'I'IllO~. i. ... ~till Ow proprietol' ()f the ba.s he~u dlling bw officn work duriH~ "Normnl Boole titor~" ,\l1d ~el'm~ to vacatioll fiDjl n'ading' With the I,xpecta.­s',ill elljoy the cOll1idl'ul'e and p.ttronn.;l;e tion of nml, in,:.!' law hi:'l (Jl'Ofes.siotl, a~

of aU lite l'ill1t1ell~s, Clw,ri<'Y i.'i just as he StlJs "The mo:-.t glodOlt--. of all pro­polite and as gooc110okillg <~~ Wht'D a fess.1on~," From hi;..; letter we SUppose sehool boy. he is takillg a,o actin' part in Lh~· e~Ull­

Dr. W_ P.. Frilleet' j" luctl.l't1 ttt Mem- paigu; aud no doubt that George by hi:"i sound logic :t.-nd elo!] HCnCt' will ~to wucb for the party wit!l wbit·h htl is Identified.

phis. TelJll" illl{1 i,'i now a member of the firtll of D1's, ( .. 'V. & \V, It. Fringel'. The Dodor 19 w('1I prepal'l'd for his chosen J)J·()ft>.ssiun, ilavillg graduated with the class of '85 :lnd tben took :t.

COUl'se in the Chicago Medical College, receiving his "sheep skin" with the class of '87 from that in~titlltiQD. and

Mi'. E. J. Hodge, It'aviog the Uni\,l!~5ity. spen!. :l.j'ear in tb.· J:wkson­'Tille Business College. gl'aduatingfrorn that institution last year. Ht' is now down at Saltillo. Mexicll, acting as pri­va.t~ .!iec:retn.ry for his father wbo 1s a.

Normal Gazette, July and August 1888 Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC Daily Egyptian 1888 Daily Egyptian 7-1888 Normal Gazette, July and August 1888 Normal Gazette Staff Follow - [PDF Document] (4)


rai1r~3d contractor and at present work- "r had resolved last --Saturdaj- after- porters a.nd an earnest "!yorker in our I a.m always deeply interested in thE:' ing on s. Mexican road. Ed. says he is noon to write you a long ~etter as l'e- Society. has been assi.sting the County S1Jccess or the Socratic Society. I' re-569 milM from th.e Tex88 line, 40 miles quested. The more pressing dutY of Snperintendent of JeJi'erson county in joice more, it seems, wht·u I hear good fl'Om San Louis Poto,::,i, and 490 from tr:ring to SS'·S some of OUl' household the iDstitute work. Jake id enLhUSias-1 news il"Om my own Zetetie home. AI •

. the City of Mexko. He expected to goods and personal effects from our til' for Harrison and Mortem and has though I feel in the mood, "I shall en~ visit the City of Mexic() soon nIter hurning home,_preyented my c.trrying much to say about the proslJectj but as tor on no encOlllium Upon tbe Zetetie wTiting to us. Ed. has good business out this good resolution. ForttHlstely. this paper is not a campaign sheet we I Society. There she j:-;. Behold hel', qnalifica.tions aDd is: well fitted 'ior a. we suffered nothiDg but pecuciary loss, do not insert it. He has eddently been and judge for yourseh-es." good place by hi8 tact anet ability, and but unfortunately W(' an~ not thl' onl~ Ibn-dOg 8. jolly g-ood time and as bis let- Perbtl.p~ I ha"e 'writtf:'n euougb on wu wish for him much success:. st\ft~rers. ~veryolle hus gone nobly to ter t~1l8 ~t SII muc.h bettt'r than we CSD. that stl'o'Lin. A f(·\\" words COD?ernmg

~york to r~·trlev(· shattered fortunes,:.rod I WI:' give It verbatim: mysel~ . aDd I close.. FollowlDg tJIe J. H. Pasley will he rem('mbered as a LD a felY IllOlltll~ we :-;hall ba,'ea better, My DEAR SIRS: sugge.stlOlls of the l'u'cular st:ut me:

studeDt. in the 51~rillgtt'rm of'86, Since DlOl'e prospel'Ou'~ town reared on tl~tj' \Vrite.a lettcr"<-to the GAZETTE? 1'0 I ehtered the Normal a.s a stndent in that time he has been teaching in the ashes of our homes amI bU:-jiut'ss hOLlSI',.;'. be sure. ¥that n piel:l.Sllre r the fall of '81. My last tenH was in ,,,inter and farm11Ig JD the summer and I . f :;cems to he a sncc<.>SS ill both thiugs. "I shall prubably n'sume teaehing- ill To old frieotlsand "Zett'ts" greeting: tie spnng 0 186. During this time I He has been teaching for six years September, as I havc heen offered my Hope ),OU are all h' as jolly u wa~ regularly in" school until the last within :1. radius of t.hree miles of his last winter's school at:1 salary of $HO yftCatioD a.s I sm. But of C01u·se YilU t,,\·o yeal'S, when 1 mis:;ed se\'eral

homc, B:rmvnstowu. His wages ,han> h per month. I a,tP DOt. ~ t~rms. been n:n'Y good all the time and ht" now '. "1 shalllJe pl~:1. . .,e~l to a.ns~\'~r aDj~ Illll'';~ Am at hOIHP in th(> ['ountt'J, i'ating For tree years I enjuJed the Pl'l'·-c;1..l'ric)j a first grad!;' {'crtifi('atp with all twos the realiels of the (rAZETTE mn\ I pen.ches and melon~, assisting ID the ilt'ge of the military department undt'r

wisb tn .t.~k in regard to thi~ portillD of l'lllin:try dt'partrnent, alld also helpill{r thp command of <:aptains Dan. Kimmel I\y(!rage gradf' of 95. He clust's by the west. Letters addl'l'>:ised to. H1I1~ the lady bO;:l"ders from thl' l'ity tak~ autI. Prof. G. V. BUI.'hanan. t}1lOtitlg Ollr motto, H/.carn to 1.abIJT "11 I - ","U th . , and to TVai/." brook, Al"iz;olla Tpn'ltory, WI 11 "'ity~ care of the chiltl!'en. 'What a (leh,!!ht- 1 I e exceptIon of th{, fIrst threl'

l'f>acil me. ful way to pass alVaf the tim!', or foul' week:; 1 was a r(>O'ular member !\irs. Anelb Goodall Mltclwll, ,·las:-; "\Yishing SU(·ces" to till' deal' Normal B 9f the Zeletic So'ciety. It"'obelic"e during

of '82, tl1.uQ'ht as first assisbnt ]n the lit now I COllil.' to Illy tit:;t and only t I .. and a.llits appurtenanc~, I }"('malll 10' c-thl' Zl'h.tic SUcH,ty-antl ~he' .... a ill) Ii ay never had any .sad experi-

l~a;!~nSl~.i~lc~ :fC.~~~lh::\~Ct~;~:el)}:';::~~ "Your's 1·('S.l:~C~~:~~!:'Z. ZlTK. jewel. 'Vhat a work she has dotH· for e"~IOICllcSs ~:i:!etnheI fh~l.lCU! Itty· 1 The most se-all of Us. But what will !:Ihe do for the at 0 .lear, togethm'

ship with Dr. H. C. Mitchell. with tbe "HOLBROOK, ARIZ. Ty." bUDdretl~ thnt an' to follow! Our work with Miss CylItiu Adams, wa:itllclJurn-finn naHlt' of Dr. H. C. 1\1itchpl1 and JeDuie Snydt'l", a studt'D-l of tbi.'; UDi- for tlll:' coming' .rear wiII gt'entl\" decidt. ing of the old NOl'mal building. \Ve -wife. The next yea.r tbey l'emo\'ccl to V('l'sitr ~!Jtl a Zt·tetic lit'mbe!' in the this. Each one of tiS muse tlo :'VhHt ht' wel'(' al'Ctlsed -tlDUll>l'l'uully and l1njn.;t~ Carbondale, where the Doctor by his winter and :-;pring term (If 'tn. dates cf!.11 to ,sh'(!!' the old .::ihip rig-ht ahl'Rtl. 1)" too, of ·bdng the i.cccndial·ie,s. ADd skil1 nnd.plens~nt maDner hns succ.eetl~ hel' letter to the (';'AZE'l'TE, Erwin, Va- ",That's the matter with the Z('tetic all on aCl"Oullt ui auburn hair. For ('d in hllilcLing up a praoti{'e Sll(,OIHt to kota Territon. She ha.o.; bt'en ill the craft? "Shi.'>:i all ri!!ht." But do WI' "Batluer£ yellow, glorious, golden, nont' In this dt", The Doctor and his TCl'rirOJ'Y son;(>thing 0\'01' a Jt'al' and nol nced TlllIl'C :-,a.ilo; .... ? L"t us invite Un our roofs <lId tloal and tlow."

...... )\ ife hnYj> pcn~aDenLlr located and will b. 1 I f t f h ! f 'The year after I left school was 'pent build a ht.autiful [1n(l coulluodiou:, resi-. as comp etc.< I,ur t'I'WS () HC 00 () our ["liow . .;tllUebts to embark with Us. 'tt hom'e near B 11'11 J] :;

three ruollths C1ll')" She wa:-; then Hilt We .... hould follow our plan of t'or- ' , e eVI e, II 3". ho\\"-denctl in the I.war future on \Vpst Mftin "teaching a schllol IIf tWl"llt.r-i:ight IHI- tlial invitation and llot 1'01'1' in the new ever, of tllLLt year. (11:186,) I alt.·uded street just west of Ce>1. Bntsh's home. pih in a town whlll'c growth datcs f:Olll !'>tmh'nts witb a, Nor shou1tl we Moodey's Summer School for collegl:: nllll a,l'l' quite ac iuhlitioD to 0111' littk last fall. It is on a branch of the C. nt. boy~, at 11t. H{'rmoD. Mass., gOillg as city, & St. p, R. R. Ulll;ke the Pl'o\'cl'bial i.'Ve!' <tHow pride for our sOl'ietj to i'a1."- a. delegate fJ;'1ll1l the Carbondale YonDV'

H. H. P~·rl'Ott. n jolly Zcteti(', n'~ we"leru town WI' arl' lIot favol'('d with r.Y us 1i0 far from the path of 11001('st Men';oj Christian Assuciatiou. ... l:ipontls to tl)(· ·call with a good I()Dg a newspapPl' 01' a saloon. d{'~li.[Jg a.'i to hu)' membl'rs wltb a small- Tbt, winter of '87 and '~S I was aa-ain ldter of whic'h thc' following is a part: "Teachers iu thi.:isCCLioTluftht'Terri- {,t' lllttiation f('c than (Jill' cOlistitntiou in bchool, att('nding tho:.' Morgan l~ark He is spending his 'fill'ati01J ut his fath- 10r} arl' !lol a~ p]I'ulifnl a!) Sochool nll()w::!. The old membt·l'~ will DO Theological Seminary, The llloJLth.s of er's farm iu Richland aud L~nvreuce housp.... If an\' of Olll' hetetic frieD(is dOUbt remcmlJ.el· Dr. AHyo's ad\ ice July and August of the IJretjent ~Ullln:H~[' ("ounti('s, rt_utl hope."! to ht· uhl{· to atl~)(l are ;il.arching for nl'W Jieids of labor. abOtlt "pla~ iug fair." will bp '>:;l'('nt at Chautauqua, N. Y. the Norma] again after thi.:- year, do not he withbt.ltl b,:. th(' 1c:tr of a Un.- l' will be bnppy to meet erer), brother As for tb(, iutUl'C I will ::sa\" Dotbjn{Y

"The peuago~ica.ll'Oll still ('onlitins kota wiullor. That the pus'l WiDIl'l' 'ya~ a.nd sister Zc,tctic with a hearty ,'ihakt·, more tban that I hope to be' in ~K'ho~J Ill)' u·"mc. I baxe tnll£rht foue t4'I'ms . II . I and gh'p. or J'ec('ivt';~ word of CllcOlll'Ugl'- th(' lll'xt two \'car,s. Beyond that tl·W'.

with the hest re,.Hllts ..... 1\'ly last tcrru ~~ ::~I~OP:t~:~~'I;~ ~el~'~'~~l::~~I'~Cl~j:J~~~~~~l mlnt~~rl'[H.llllY most \'ordinJ wishes for ] not sp~ak at pre::;(·llt.

wa.~ an t~ight mouth h'rm nt ('alholll.l, I'arl.' iu (}dolw!' 1111 t il tile !in' .. t of April. 11Up.u·.a.lh.led ~uccess fill' tlw (;AzETn~. Agaiu tri .... hitig rou 9Hcces~ iD \ OHl' Ill" with :t SIIC'n1.tiC' sh;tpl' fl.!'> aD nssi:"ll- IlOiwiLh,:"laucliug tht~ fa{'t I.hat I h:l\'c I as I kllmv you rit.hh lh ..... p!.'.I. it. (,lltt'rj)J'i",', and all tbe pre:ient al)ci {U!'-

llnt. I h~l.\4· heell rC(>lI1pl(>yed f" .. tl)\' wakclletllo fiud my bed a!;ul 1 hr.' 11001" . H.e.'pt.tflllh:. Iller 8tuJI·lIt.::; of rbl' NOI'lllid, with the :i:;\rne ti.llH" 1I('~_t y(·ar. ,\f Illy l'I"mJ tlriftl'll ()\ 1'1' with ~nOH. . .J. T. ELI.11'o. }'ar'1I1ty, .... plp:l~ant Ilnd PI'o~IJeroul' jour~

The date, ... of my a.ltelltlall(·~· al til(' S. wliill' I ill> llli·t·('llI.; n~g;:-ItI'n~d thi!'I.' -ui Il(~ EUJTtJU.s NOH:lLH GAZETTI';' 1 lit':'> tb rollg'h life, r l'cruain

I. N.C. are 'h.'l. 'Xli ~HHt 'H'; IlwC'aIllI' heIO\\. 11l1"'Cl' lU'f'll"e (,Irjo,\t'd ,.lH·h 1'\- My Deal,' Friends;-The ['OlllillllDi- j Yow's Vcry Truly. a Zett'tic oll ,'ntl'l·iu;.r 1IH' !'>('liool !l1ld <,,·lh'ot hl·allh. i ,'ntinll from thl' Zt'tetie SoC"it.!\. rOcllw .... t- ' (i~o, n'. Ouu:. ('Xpc('t tn I't'mniD 011(' ll~ IOJIg- <1:-' I lin'. "It ba .. 1Jtlcu said I hat \1 (' hal l' tlUJ fUll!' ! ir:l.!!· Ill!,! 10 write ll1.\ Hutobi02";':lph)' for Jolorgau Park, 111., June 3ll, l~x"'( Sll('['es" to ail Zett·ti/..;. 'J\\I,,' out 111,,1- .sea~ou ... IH·n·, II\lt llil',\ ;l1·t' JI1IlI·. Jul.., puhlit'ntioD in )"UI' itd1uerrtial . ..;h('j.t

to witll Y011. 'I,l.ffl'lI if! /,((111)1' Ilurl 10 AlIgl1:o;t .1.lId WIllt(·r. 'IUc('t~ Ill) heal·t} C'oUCUI'rt'Oe.'. :t\u pa- Eclcr,il'r, E"IIIP,atl'olla.l ~ n,rl'eL0 , Wail.' .. "I t·lo:-;c willi \\'<lrnt~· .. 1 wj, .. llI's lu al t pCI'.1 tnk,· ;dlol'ds tile morl' pl{';1,lOun.' and L ~ U t 0t, L\

Marl ... Ii. Hanuall. (·lao.;..; uf 'H;. J.a~ Cui\ ('r",ily fl'iclltb:" ~ llOIl(' i .. l'l'P-U with Illon' i!Jt('I'(>f;t than Van Antwerp, Bragg do Co., Publi8h~r6. '''Titt~'n n .. nJol1~, intcl'cslillgldtl:t·, :-.ay- I\1i ...... l\lary Wrig-hl, {·la ..... (,f·ili. ~pellt til(' I\OIt:\lAL (r,uErn:. Thi' old Nor· {'IKC'INNATl, U., lJ'I \'·AUil'T :5.rltEET.

ing mall..'" glial! things alJlIlIt til!' ~d)(,ol. 1:1.:-;t yt·nl' nt <':Ohl[['U, Ill., hl'I' Irom{-: Ulal COlt III nol hl1.Yt, a !Jettcr r('cofl)II);·rr· TEACHERS' MAKl'AI.f. (;A7.l':Tn:, sacirt), etc. "'t~ ('i1l1 rrol Sbc hn.J; made :IU (·Il\'iabl~· rt·plrtHti{Jlll1.~! datioll thaD Lhi~ paper. .,")

publish it [\ll, bIlt the> followitlg' iJ; what a tt',whel', it:n·iog- l:~t:,!!ht ... \"{~l',\' yeaI'; It .... lwll n"\ ay;; hay,· lll,\ '''3 mpatby he says of hilll.:wlf: 1.iu('(· lwr gmdlmtirlu with th(' t''X{'C'ptioll aud :-:.uppltl"t, May it liYI' a~ l!Jog ns

Hl'witfl'o PCti!1g0g.\

"Aftl'l' gmdll:ttiou I ('atll!' II{J1lle aDd of last year. 'V,, at'v !'>OITY to nolt' tltlJt tlll' SOH111t'ru Illinoi .. Nu,l'mal tTtli"'~l'~ilr ,vent to {;u'mitl,2" and lillall,\ eour:ltuJi·(j she is iu tll·!icnle h(!HlIh ac(i WI' bU)I(' (·:d"ls, And ",hl'rr tht. illslitUliCJII (Ii,;s 10 t~a(:h school tlcn.r GtTIj'dllc'. Ah[1l1t t'ol' bpI· :-'pl'I·\lj· 1'I'i'O\ m.,. Mis:'; Wrig-llt , ·-If !lit· it 11l1[ .. I-·lllR\ till' NOH:tIAL (;A­

the first of APlii I what th{'poo- tl>ok :Ut rtC';i\t, part ilr 1Ir<' orgallir.aliull : ,ZETn: spt,;tk fortlt it; word., IIf nllh.tioli pip in:;isLed ou ,·aIliJ)~ a SU(·N'.o.;sflll t('rm, uf the Zeit'i ii' Socit'l r atld wa ... il ... li,."t i 1 hat ('ach hC-'lLl'l nJa.\ Ll' dli'l'!'t'd :mtL of :-;ohool. J W(\:-I uffC'rt,d IllI' 1>('11001 Pn'!'>idcnt. She hfl,":wtilll'rr n~kpkb of that lhe Lontl .. uf I~\(' arrd fri,'nd~hip[u at increase!1 wagj·s but tll(' puhlic lli.· ol'ganizatiuu of rll{· :-ocipty. wlth'h Iornwd within (ho:se walls of It'ill'Dini! schools c,fGrit). :lIe ('o\llci ]In}' lUi' Illu('iI wil1 he ]'pail with intcl'C'st hy nlillf ull!' Illa,\ U('\·I·I· l>(' hrol:en nsuodrl' ltOlii bl'tler wagt·); and g:i\'c In(,longer t,'rru llicmbcr:<:, 'l'llt. lad.r hit..; 1,C['n \ .'W\·t'1'l,(l bv the (jrim Sic·kh'r, who t.all ... am] it \Vd>; hltt lJatnml tILat I ltH!k n. ing" fl' flltd'.<; ill the IIH1'lit- I [tll -

Ai present I:un llIlUPl''uL to arn part of tilr I-itrr.1(~. Mj~l'i "'right has. "~~i~RWl'L}~~!e n·allll.~ of shndC', llhel'(- l'lleil

teach a."! pl'illcip:\l irr 1hl' GI':Lyt illc N orlh promiscll Wi 1\ IllIH'r' eompl~'it' histOl'," 111& dlllUlI)CI' rn tUl' ~Bl'nt hall!' ()f t1{'tllh." Shln Sf"hools at a go(,d .salal'y fOi' the of tba~o('il't rat .",CllllC (ntn}'£' lim\.", " hkh I 1 tlon't lilic' to be pal'Unl, but ,'011

"omillg ycar. we will be glnd~to gin' to our n~H1.l1el't-. I know that OllCI' an Amcrlcnt:l. nlwan; • "At t)lis wriLiug I HIUOllihc ful'!u but Miss Anll(1. Mos\;, who we .... 0 W('11 1"(.'-1 tlt:t AIllCl'kfLn; OUl'(' a Nor~~n.ldel;t,

Illy worl, will c)osf'ncxt \\'('ck: aud tlH'U IHCluber as the sweet sillger, t~ll1gh1 iD I alwn)s a Normal sLudf'Dt; and, linalh', I Yom cnlt'r intq a cowp)cl.c t'lLnnUl of the Ml. YerDon, In., schoolg Jiv4 'car r once n. ~etclic. alwH"s n Zctl'tir. F~r El1w:trds cuunly for till' oflke of Circuit anti i." n'-cmplo),l'(1 fot· Uw comillg ~:('n)'. ;, whell tbe Zctc~i~ interest "mi"e,i t.ICl'k, Jllst"\' Illy first Yentul'e in Mis:-; Moss is huyillg n. tI('ligillflll tilUI' i;.s first \'(Iit'c, lLrrll whel'c its Ytmtb wa." r:Jlilics wlll result in 1s rctlo heSl'C~ll." at bcl' home, ulJnr Mt. Vernotl. (11I~;1lg: lll1rtured nnd sustained, ~h(:re it sti.ll

\Ve sim'cmly hope that Mark wHl :vn.cntion n.ud f;nys ~hc 1W\'CI' f'ujo,i'cd n liyc!'I, ill the sil'C'ngth of its JUn.nboocl, ~ucceed in his 3."'pil'a: ion,,, for we tbinl~ ,·acmtioll so lllllCh. ~llC ('lIjoyll. the' n.lJd full of its ol'iginaJ :-pirit." he could fill the p]ac(' with (·l'cd~t. (enchC':l"8 work '·CI." llllICh unll i,,, look- The NOH~IAL GAZEITE fllrnishes a

~1 UI) \Vhite· . ..; ElenlCllt... of Pettagog'·. Eclectic MaUllftl of Mi.tb!ltls ~. Hai1m3t1's Kint!,'rgal·teu ('nltlll'I' Hailrnt\n·:-. Hislon of PC'daV'oO', Hn.illll~rr'~ .Edttl·::tiollal J~~C~;l';'S

11 \·ol.l Payne'!'> !,;c-ho~.J Supen·b;i,On ..

How to Tt'a ... ·h: A l1anu:t1of Meth-od,. '

uo 61l 6\1


1 00


uo 00

Og(len'~ S<.>ie1iet· of Edu('ntioH Ogrlen· .... Art of Teacbing .

Hitter's ('ornparative GengI'Rph\. 1 Ol) Hittf'l"/'i nellgl'fLphil'ul Studie!)' 1 1111

D(Jcrner"s Trca~mry of (~{'Deral KOI'\\,]Cllgc j Part I.. 50

Doerner's Tn'a-:urr, Part 1 r F.('lt,(·tie QIH'4ion Bnok 1,1' Nt,,,

SI1l"~~~~~~i~:;'al of Fr~e' (;, IIIno.> ,>1)

tics. •

Krl1si's Life Hf Pestnlozzi.




The followiug will explain why we ing forward to a year of plen,ll"e aUlI mediUlll through whiel, we Illay hear Insnranvc, Real, Estatn& "OUonll'Oll hJoy did not recch·c as long n letter Irolll pl'ofit.. She closes by wishing lb(' old of th(~ lvhereahonts nue doihJtS ni ll:lR.lrf u u lttJ ng IJ

our oM friClld~HtU l,r Zuck a.~ Wf' (!x- Zetetio Society tho gl'Doucl(!st of sll('cess. of om" ~<'.hool mFL..te~ ~~rl ~(" .,~,.t "li'H'uds I OOke in· &hd B~ndl,ng, North Side of SQuare. pectcu: Mr, J, T. Ellis, on.e of ol1r old SIJP~, -bOCl',~tlC nml "Zett!tw. And. wbile I CARDONDALE,; '" ILLINOIS.'"

Normal Gazette, July and August 1888 Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC Daily Egyptian 1888 Daily Egyptian 7-1888 Normal Gazette, July and August 1888 Normal Gazette Staff Follow - [PDF Document] (5)


Normal "Gazette. POBLlSHE)) MONTKL'1


name and money? It takes backbone. I au~ience starlll,g one in the. fa~e, to I ~repa.r~ Law:~bidi~g a.~d La,w-respeet- • brains and mo"ne-y to run a. n-ew.'3paper. I gam that expenence. But th1S IS not mg Cltlzeus? We h.Jl,Ve the backhone, a small amount the 'only object of .society work Per." Pa.per8, 1. "Tlie Knowledge most of brains, but no money. Can you not sons are often called upon without Valuable to this Ella."

At tile Southern lllinois Normal _Unlycrslty. ;Subscrlpti{)o prlcc 50 cents Ii yea.r, III adyance_

aid us? warning to preside over some delibera- 2. The Discipline most Valuable to tive body. and. uDless acquainted with this End."

J. '-T_ GALJ3.JiAI'rU, J •• E. BAIRD.

G-.A.:u~~..A.:t'l:'~ A EAIE:C.

OUU regular iss11e Howis 1,OOOcopies; but we want to increase our sub~ctiptlou list to 3.000 during the coming sehool year. To do this we must h[l.Ye the hearty support of 'every old studeut, We haye had many say to us, hWhy don't you put your sub.scriptlon price up to one dollar per yea.r? 'Ve would gladly pa.y 11. and your paper is doub1y worth it." Now We much rath"el- ha,p

parliamentary l'ules, B. Bcene. 'Very em~ 3. "The Culture most Valuable to

EnlTone ;\.NV PeDLISlIEUIt, barrassing to the p~rson called upon tbis End. H



"Received amI welcomed .\5 the best :and spiciest paper I have read_ "

"Your paper is a succeSS. ,.

"It snail always hye my support, 11

4'A commendable undertaking.'i

HIt ably meets a. long-felt want.ll

"A credit to the institution which it n'epresents. n

"I would not do without it for twice Jts pl'ice."

"'Just the right }Jlace,l1

"It desel"\'cs the ..en~ry oId student."

"Keep it going., hellrtlest SUppOl't.i'

thing in tilt' right

ht~Hrty support of

It .'ihaH h!~ye my

liN 0 st11dent of the NOl'mal l"Rn a.f­iord to do without it_ "

"It is worth many times it:i PI'it-{"" .

and the hody m·'er which he presides, ensues. The society work is done in ac~ cordance with parliamentaryru:es. and 50 o~e who is constantly in the work be,'omes familliar with the proper methp ods of doing business, and is ready"at tLtJy time to do himself credit as a pre­

twice the number of subscriber~ atone- siding officer of anybody; andnotonly dOfS! one thus become &-good officer of

half the price, so we ask your aid. You strch hodiB.'i, hut also an intelligent caD. if you try, get us one or t~vo new working mcmber of the same. He sllbscribers, nnd it would he a very knows in what form motions should be great belp to liS, for we neen' fLU the made and just what motions are in Of-

help we c_a_n_o_ae_t_" _____ der. H(' r~'eognizes the rights and du-

ST~PPING into Mlss Finley's I'oorn IlOt ties of the officers and other mE"mbers long ago we were "eIY much pleased .of that hody as well as his own. n.nc1 so to sec the addition to t.he decol·ation of e,'erything works harmoniously. her room. Across the front of the \Y(> won "I en.rnestlJ urge evury stu-

d(>ot not n()w~ a member of either so­dety to join himself to the one of his choi<>e immediately. with the deterllli­llitioD to mak(> a.1l actil"e IDem her in its full sense. ---~-


Dear Sirs:-The following i.s a skele­ton of thf> program of tht' late session of tbf> Nationa.l E(lucational Associa-


:Theme: "Curre~t ·Criticil'im of the Public SelInol Sys~em and ·what ADS­wer.'l

Pa.pers,1. "l'he Sahoob fail tu Culti­va.te the Religions Sentiment 01' Teach MOlality""

2. They fail to give a. Re8sonahl~ Mastery of the Subjec.ts Taught."

3. They fail to give a Proper Prep­aration for Acti,e LUe. "


Theme: ··Practical Education.'l Papers.1. "TnePsychological Vices." 2. uThe Popular View_ n

3. "Where shou,ld General Eanes­tioD end a.nd SpeCial Edncation he-gin?"

!)l.X..'1."H SESSION.

Theme: "The Relation of the State to Sehool Books and Appliances_"

Papers, 1. "The General FUll(·tion of the State in such M~tters."

2, "If there shquld be UDiformity. should it be (a) by State Contract, (b) by State Publication, 01' (c) by State Decree?H

3. "Should the State ~uruish Book5 OOR rates are fifty fo!cnts a. year in ad­vance. Other SUbscriptions wHl be one dollar a year, Jlcmember thil"i,

room was looped n large American Ilag. About the middle of the tlag was n In.rge eagle which held in its mouth a stream­er with the motto I'E Pluribus Unum." Silent teacher ofpatriotisrn. Tea('hers. as yon pl'(''Pare to decorate your school l'ooms this fall would it not tJp a good i<lea. for yon t() hlake a eenttal pjec(> of th .. stars and s·tripc.>s? Although you may not ha,-e the stufIed eaglt·, YOlt Clm thf' flag and thC' motto. 'vhith w11I 5(>r\'e ;~s ,l sta,lH.ling oLJj('ct lesson from which yotl can draw inexhaustibly, and in wapi wiliC'h wiIl suggest them­selw:s ('an tend. your pupils lessons of patriotism which will nC\'pI' be- forgot-

tion ~be1d at San Francisco, July 17':'20: and Appliances Free?" A d(>tailerl aCc.Ollct of eaeh paper SEVENTH SKSSIOK,

DQ...r0u feel an interest in the pro~~

pel'i'ty of the NOn~[AL (jAZETTJI:? Sub­scribe. and send in a subscription for a friend,

WE find on our hook...; lluitl' Ii numue-r .()f nn-mus that are not cl"ellited with th,· snh5cription :price. Om· rate...; :trB in advauce and we D(wd your ruoney, so please do not negle.ct u:-. long"t'r.

\VE l"(lcei,-ed 'luit!' n. DUIlIUt'r of aoxious inrlUil'ies aH to OlU Illid:mmllwr issue. from which W1' inft!r 1 hal sOllle of onr rcad('r:-; hm-e bl'coIne we:1.I''y in wa.iting. \Ve said in our ll.t"ti~:-;I!e that we ,""unitl is:o;lh' our dOllhlP hnmllm· thl' bW~r pa,rt of ,acatillil. and we h:lV"f.·

kep! OUf. prombt" :lond, jf aDrthi[)~. "e a.n' 'a little j,hcad IIf tjJUt~.

IN our report of "omlU~'IJ('ClU\'tlt .. :~. cl'(.'i .... e.'i. by mistJlk~', the nafUe of Fl'ank Troballgh was omial'c\ ill the Jlmgram. Thi ... wa,;.; entil'c.h Huilltentiollaloo our part. His oratintf, "'VcnJ,-l Phi !lip"'" showed thought alld \"01 .. :-, W('il recl'iYed. Mr. Trobaugh hns been H. faithful and earnl':.t ::;tmient utld hil'i .,tuU} 1m,,,;; be,'n clw.ruc-terizctt by ueep fiull i 0, e,.,tign.tiye thought. Frank h:ls tIll' l'lelDl'nt!) to "'necc~s aud the (i.\7.~:Tl~; \'t'ill wish t1p1 his shari' will be largol'.

NL':'oIBBrt fOllr of Tltl' If:'uuioll. a pa­PCl' publishl'(l by Company B. ,If this UnivC:l·sity. !"eache.'i lilli' dClilL Prof .. Bu(ohnnan wa:; the Cllpt:Lin ('fiLl , .... t' tic~ nmong}he names 011 olliccl"!-;' roll those of 1st Licuts, K. D_ Root and H.eetl ~r(Jen. aDd 211d Lieuts, Uii(':U· N,


would hI:' too tpdions and more than Jour read(>l's w'ould appreciate.

It may he truly stateel that the people of California sustained their wt'll deserv­ed rl'putation as royal f'ntel'tainers of guesrs to their .shore::;. N(>,""er before in

l\'""E art' glad to inforru our I·eadel's the histw} of the Natinnal A.8sociation that Prof. W. 0, Melton. Pre~idcnt of were a company of teaciJerscntertained tile' Slofl.o-Duployau Shol,t~haud IusH- in sllch lU:~gnific(mt style_ I am not ex­tuit' of SL Louis, has t~1i.tahlished a ag£!rating wlwu I say tbat no other ;;:hort-httnd and typewriting sebool in State in the Union CRn afford so many this C'itr. Prof_ M. is well known to point:: of a.ttraction for a bod~" of teach. ~al1r of om' n·adcl·!j al\d Wl' hope that CI"S. I will name a few; her glorious nlany willnvail themseh"(':i of this op- Paailic doast; hf'r muulltains of gold port.unit} to lcarlj. this almostindispel). that havl:' al1nr('d the fOl'tllll(' hunters· 9.t·t. Ko profe~~[ollal work pays tot" 'nearly half a c~utnrr; her' vast better t b.~!l ?hort-hand. It c~n he. and whC'at oplds; her rn.nehc5 Clf the orange is, :;uc('es~fL1l1y taught b.r mail. Prof. and thf> p:l'ape; iler tall tre('s aod mar­MeltoD now has a large nnd sllC'cessful Vl'lnus yallf'ys; h.'r mountain mn~('s

correspou(ling cl<i:-;.... Hl· lean~s tilt· ant! fertile phtins. Thc~c are so c"'\hib­Sioatl-Hnployall school at BL Louis in ited as to furnish a continnous serif:~ of t.hl' handI'J flf Prof. A. C, Crain and tile panoramh- surprbli~-;. t'Vur charming- the ('orrcspondiog class with Mr",. 'Yo O. sight-secr, giving him a rigbt Melton, who is all ahlt~ h'aC'ber. The conception of tlw bnt! ahollt whicb he Prof('~sor will hay~' rl~oll1S in the leUl- uaf> hna.rd and l'ead so mueh. But I por:uy builtHng allhe (;uin'rsity hen' must not rlwc!il longer here. j II til(> duriug the NrH"llial tl'l-ms. Fllr tbc wfJrd.s of Mr, S]H'ldoo of Bo . .;;too it IDn~­pr~St'nt he h9.~ I"OOIDS in lJr. EdwA.l'ds· be said again' "'VI'lIster's t;nahridged oHice huiltH!!:!. whpl'e he will at Ollce Dictionary has been ('xhallste(l in tll(' comnJ(~D('~' g;,·ing It'ssons to all whn appl)' For further parti"1I1ar:-; apply at his IJllic(' fir a(ldrc~s, Prof. l\' _ D. 1-1,'lton, B,)x 30G, CarlH1odnle, JII

TIlE LITERAl(Y lj()('lk'TIE:· •.

\Ve are sony to llote tbat Dol all of Ollr :-;h1d(~nt,~ .we members of ant' or the otber of the literal ..... ~odcties. No stu­d('ot cnu a.ftord to Htay out of the l'fl.oks of the societh~s. Tbi' aid re("ciYcd from

a.ttempt tt) de,'ieribe the rnyal ruaUnt'I" in which tuc tl'j\{'hers from the East W(:rl' entertulllcil Ly the t~a('h('r~ and theil- friend:; of California, It j .... 1l'·i!"11·,,,,~

to f'ndeavor to sa\' wrlt'c." ·The a.ttendanc"e UpUIJ the lllt>dings

was large atld th(> iutt·rcst g"l'e:l.1. Tlfc following' is :iimply the skcJcton of the program of thl' difiel-ent dcparlmehts. Your readers ~'iIl be left to Bote the lrea.d (If the educational thought !)f to­uay:-

l'IHST ~£~~rON .

Grand COllCPl't: {jOO \'oices and 7:; in·

1. "Physical Tl":\.lning from the lJet­sarte Standpoint." Illustrated by a. Clas.s of .six Young Ladies Dressed in Greecian Co~tume_ A most Interesting EXerclSf'.

Papers. 2, "The '''orking nf a T ... acb­~rs' Aid Society."

3. "What is tht, 'fl-ue American lch~a of Labor,"

(All papers, with but few ,·xceptions. werf' followpd by a disl"UMion _ ) PHO(i.HAZlI OF THE NATIONAL COl"NCIL OF


First Vay, July li;l..-Report of COlll­

mitteL~ on Higher Education, Subject: "The Election Syste1JI' in CoU¥ge:;."

:2. Report of Committee nU Etluca­lional Lih'ratul'e, Subject: '·Hook.::! OD

Pmiag"Ogy." Second Va,), Jl1ly 13,-Report of

Cornmittl'e Oll Education of Girls. SUbjl'ct: l,tU"cd?"

:l. Report of Cunlruittctl 00 Te.chm­cal EUlL('atillll. 8ubj"ct: ··Ag-ricllltural College .... aHrl' theii' ~~lJuipllH'nt."

Third Dn.y, July H;,-Repol·t of COIn­mitte.' on Ellllcation lit (iirl,,_ Subject: "\\'!l..'ik Edncatilm.'\

2. l{t'POl't of Committtl'e on City 8("110018ystemp.. Sllbjl'd. "The Busi­nesS Bitle of City S('l\ool Syst.pms_" DEI~'T ()~" KINDlHtGARTEN EDl'CATION.

First Sesslon.-Thl' Educational Vil.lul· of the Bea.l1tiful.

2_ The Educ.ttlonaT ValtH' of the }o~l'oebel "Mn.nllal Trainil1g.

Second Ses,<;ioD_ ~InfaDt P:.;y~'hlJ}Ogy

the Ba..-;is of all Scientitic Metho(l. 2. The Ideal Training St-hool fOl" all

Kindergarl.IlCl·s. :3, Report on EUfnpcan Kinti.erga.rt-

Gib~()D and C. C. Cawtho!), 'I'll(' Re. them i.'l iuestimable. "Kcon'lellgp is . union Was ('(lit(ld h}' Llltlhi Koch aorl i!; power." Bl1~ if we c<m not usc our .fuB of jntf'l'(lsting'Jiotc>4 of the ohlCotn. knowledge. b kno_"\.dcdge pa.we~'? "Te

I, ~nv B h~ is, It should hat'!. the heal'- may he a.ble to Wl'lte no connuttng ar­~ ..... :::~1 ')O~t POf C\"tlIY mt~mfH'r of the coru- ~ument. au (!loq,ueut {Jmti~ll, or a beau-

struDlcnt5. ner:-;.

J P! tlful essay; but If thf' llelrrel'y is not pfLlly. I • . 'j equal to it, will it b<.' received as a con-.. CAN alJer_'ion be fOUlld \\'hu.wU1 :-lay vincing' argt'wucnt? \-vHf the oratioD tha~ 1..ot8 olH' numlw(' i.s Hot wo~th fifty be eloquent, 01: the c~sa'y beautiful? (>;~nts: Tht, NOI~M"'\L GAZETTE has - What you say. fs essential; but it is come.: to stay. We wili bend every ell~ none the los::; essential how yon Bay it. ~ergy to make our lit.tle paper the pride The ability t.o appear at ease before au of tbeSoutb.tJ:rI!IIUnojsNonuaIUllln~l'~ audience comes only from continued sHy. W c wil~ ;Ol'k lItlC~~sin.gry: to expen.ence.~, Self cOlifiaence i~ e.ssential mal • .! thi!1lUeet't-pe , ... __ .:..:.t of eyfJry. old to success in any walk of life, and .no studp.ut ot the University. • better iJlace ca.n Q,Q found tha.n upon

Re<'td"r,.;ba~e Y011 yet' !;:ent us: your the floor of our so~iety hans. 'with an

Spec('he5 of \'{elt'oillf' Hud Re:spotls(>s, DEP'T 01-' Jo:LE}IEKTAHY INSTJ:CClI0l!.

SECOND SESSION, Fil'st Session.-Greek Phi,losophy and Tl "L't t . th R d· Modern Education.

Cou;~~e~f the IC~~I~)~eDl~cho~ls,~,<t Illg 2. Manua.l Training jor Tt",~cher5 of Papers. 1; "The place of Literature Elementary Srltools,

in Common School Education." S, Tbe Applicatioh'.f Arithmetic ttl 2, "Practical Methods of Using Lit. Physical Science.

era-ture in Teaching Children to Read." Second' Sessiol\.-Sch.mtific Method 3. lIThe Practical Va1ue in Lif~ of a in Teaching Geogral1hy.

Taste for Good Literat"l1re. n 2. Method., o{ rreac:lling Primary 4. "Ought Young Girl.'! to Read the

Daily Newspa.pers!" , Thil'd SessioD.-Class Exerchw.. The THIRD SESSION, Receiving CJass.

Theme: "How can oltr Srhools best 2. Metbods.

Normal Gazette, July and August 1888 Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC Daily Egyptian 1888 Daily Egyptian 7-1888 Normal Gazette, July and August 1888 Normal Gazette Staff Follow - [PDF Document] (6)


First Session.-What Study in Eng­lisb is Most Desitable? ~2. Educa.ting, thn 'Vhole Boy.


School Work, the Moral Element in president in'1873. and he has contrilr School WOl"k. the Practical Element!Jt uted vastly to the success of the Sotlth­School 'Vork, the Manual Training ern Ulinois Tea.cHers' Associa.tion. He -Element iD School Work. jis specialll' strong in his knowledge of

Beyond doubt the cause of ~duca.tion the art of teaching. of mental science.



MEROHANTTAILORS Second Session.-The Relation of the

High.School ~ the Training SchooL bas taken a deeper hold upon the edu- I and of the mathl!matics. ::e::S'I:' FI.'Z'S .. :aEST GOr's.-

cational public because of the late Mi3~ :Mary Roberts has b~en n.ttcnd- - : :e:ES~ ~::tO'E:S. 2; The Desirability of a Free Court:ie in High Scbools.


li'irst SessioD.-Philosophy in Col­leges and Universities.

2. The Place of Religion in Higher Education.

Seeo-nd Session.~Higber Instruction -on the the Pacific Coast; History. , 2. Higher Instl'uet~on5 on the Pa-ci­fie Coast; Needs and Prospects.


First Session.-The Normal School Problem,

5. The Distril't Work of the Normal Scbool.

Second SessioD.-i-The Sul>j~ct Matter that properly belongs to the Cun'icu­lum of the Normal School.

2. The Training School as an Ad­junct of the Normal School.

Thu'd Sessioll.-The Relation of the Normal School to thf' Academic Schools.


First Ses'sion.-Efficient School Su-penris:on. "-

Second Session.---=Layman's \Tiews on tl~, question: HWhat 8ha.l1 be t..'1.ught in tlie Public Schools?

2. Ethics of School Management. DEP'T. OF Il't"DGSTRIAL EDI;CA'I'ION.

First Sc.ssion.-Sollle l..imitations ill

Industrial TraiDing. 2. Report on Industrial Education,

it:; progre55 and ('"ondition. Second SE'ssion:~The Relatiun of In­

dustrial to Illtellectual and Moral Training in om' Public Sehool~.

2. The Etlucational Power and Utili­ty of Industrial Education aDd Manual Tl'aining in our Grammar Schools.

Third Session.-Tho Relation of Manual Training Scbnols to Schools of Tp ehnologr·

lJEP'T. 01<' AHT ElJt:CATloX.

First Session.-ls the Educatiooal Value of the Construction of Objects in our Public Seh oals O\·ere~timated?

Historic Onlament and ])I'~igll i U

Public ~:khools. Sc<!oIllI Se~si(Jll.-E:~hibit..., E .plaiopu

by Exbibitors • .(I alld R(ipflrt.s madt- by

meeting. The eyes of the entire nation j ing Eastman Business College l Poughw

ha'-e been dil'ected to the pause of edu~ ~ keepsie. New York, taking a special cation on account of the school teachet: I' course in hook-keeping and commet­being abroad in the land a.nd overland. ,cial law. She is. to take the chair of

It i!; generally thought that the next ~ IJQok-keeping in the Unh'ersity the meeting will be held in Nash ville. ~oming year. She "'will return to her Tenn. If so. Southern Illinois ShOUld! Carbondalt' home shunt the 25th of he wen rel~l'eSe~ted... ~ August.

The Cahforma meetlDg Will long be Prof. Buchanan and wife spent a few rememb~red on a.ccount of the grand.j weeks ,-isitillg in Wabash county, and ro)~al good timf" in e.ery way. now (-'njoying themseh-es at Ka.n-

D. B. PARKINSON. kake~.

Our popular trustee, E. J. Ingersoll, hns been iu Carbondale all of the va­cation, and has been devoting much of his time to superintending needed im­provements about the University. Mr. Ingersoll has the good of the S. LN. U~ at heal't, and Hov. Hamilton was wise in choosing him to such a re­sponsible position.

Prof. D. B. Parkinson l't'ports him­self as highly eutertained at the N a­tional TCRCh£'.l's' A."isociatioII, and since his return has heen conducting insti­hItes, togettll'l' with Prof. [nglis, at Vienna and Murphysboro, \Ve are glatl to s('e that Prof. Parkinson is taking th(' rank h-l'sO ri{'hly deserycs. shoulder to shoulder with the most pl'ominel1t educators.

Dr. Allyn ba~ beeD \"i::;itiog his 011\ a,....;socintioDs ill New EDgland during this ,·acation. ltnd has inspected ~ome in$titlltion's of It''a.ruing ill the East.

Prof. Jerome has ueen found most of the SlIJULlH!"l':lt his desk in thc Regis­tral·· . .., otfice ,"()rkin~ away on his boob, sl'oding G-AZETTES, cata.logues, and informatiull to tilt" host of in(luirers and writiu!; tbose cheering. helpful Idter,:; to tIlt' hoys and ~irls that so many had till" plea~u[(· of l'eceiy­ing-. He i~ jl1st 110'" 011 a trip to Chau­ta.ullua to WCt·t with the Executh'(' Commiltel' of th,· :is atiollal SUlHlay School A. .. SOdtd ion.

Miss Tillie Salter has put in most of the vacation dsiting and securing needed models for her depfll'tment. at Chlctlgo, Springfieltl aDd St. Louis.

Miss (j-reen has beC!n visiting in Chicago, and is at present at her home at Mt. Vernon, when~ she is instructing the teachers in the best methods of teaching Geography in thf' common schoDls.

HOll. Tho.s. 8. Ridgway. President of th{~ Board of Trustees, hus spent 80me time this summer in Kansas. He was present at the Chicago Convention and is as enthusiastic as {,yer. Hf' is now at his home in Shawnuetown. at his post as Ca.shiet· of the Shawneetown Bank. He is especittl1." l'f'mernlicl'ed by our peopll" in Southern I1linoi~ 85

haYing heen horn barefooted.

Mis~ Buck SP(l'ut most of Iwr va('ation at Nash,-ille, Illinoil~. but is now at Ch~\.uta.lllfua 8ccing, hearing, and DO doubt taking part in SOIDf' of the meet­ing:;. PCI'hap8 sh(> will have something to say uf Chauta.uqua through the col­umns"of the G·AZETTE.

Pl'of. Fretlch has bp('n making- his beautiful home more beautiful duriug th(' SUWlli~r. The Professor bas <l.1so been working in his "dPD" and alter­lIaLely a:-isuruing th{· pm'soLl of author, taxidol'mist and ('1Jtomologi~t.

Committees. Pmf. Inglis hu~ been increasillg hi,:;;

Tnu;tec S. P. \Vheelt>t, has llot yi . .;ih-d u.s thls nlf'Rtion on aC('ollllt of his eyer iLlcreasing law husine.o,;s; but u{) dllubt he will b(' on hand seycra.l time::; duriug' the next scbool yelLl' to grepL tlw boys and girls anti ~i"'I' thelll talk!): of sOHnd common sens.' and advin~ Sf) chul'ac· teri.'ltic of him.

Tbil'd8cssioD.-Fret' Indusllial Enn- I'eputatioll as ll.n institute instrtlctor

ing Drrtwin,!! S{·hools_ Theil' Irnpol't- ~\urjl!g thi~ nlcntiOI!. Tbe ProfcssOl· IlfJ)~;n;~~o~;.l~:~h;~~~~~~'ps~n~~\~~.rt:lr~~,~ aOl·t'. aud l,is cxcell('nt wift, {'onducled a SHch:l1l intcl"1'st ill the Normal and ib

2. 00 tbe I~por~ance of a High thrCI' W{·ek5' ill~titute at DuQuoin. Rnd bop; ani I g-ids, is hus,Y with hi. ... profes-Aim ill tbe Tl'.~ching of D: awi ug it was cODcetil'U to be the mo . ..,t .'mcct'ss- sional work a.t East St. Loui:-.. his

DEI>'T Ul-' Mt:SI(; lNSfi,CCTWN, iul illstltuteevery held. in Pl'ITY eoul1t.r. h'.Hlll'. Tbl~ stuut-'nts never fail to han~ Fm.,t St~.o.;sion.-'Vh;t is good .sig-ht- Thl' Pt'lIfcssor gave three. of hil"l 1lopu- ~tl~~~).dan~I~'I' ;~~ehnhi~~'-iSj~~li~~~¥(\h~~

,singing; nDll why sh"Ould it be taug-ht l:u' lcctun·s , aod at the close of the_ mort' fre(jIlent.

1Illlvel'saIly? ill.stitllte Prof. and. I\1r~. luglb g1LH' an 'io ttl M~l's-.-=T:-a~it+',·. -fo"l'-t:-IJ-,.-t"-luc:->t ~tock 2. The Tonic 801-1·'a ~ys~~·ltl. (ll- f"ntel·ta.inmcnt which was highly ap- ()f wi11inery and good..;, (Iress

lustrah'd by a class.) prc('iatcd by Ii Illrge amliencl'. TIll' goods and notioJJs. in the city. !j. Music Instruction in the Puhlic iustitute.'l of Johnson and Ja('kS()ll

School~ :;hould be required by sLa.te counties also rtlceiv(,(1 mall}' golden t1JJDRRSS TO THE ('LASS OF 'R!'.

law. drops from Prof. Inglis' large stoc'k of ~'O;';TISCE)}'1 25m l'A(lE.

Second Ses.'-;ion.-Methods of Tt'uch- experience and commoll sonse IllPthmls. we l'I'joi('e in 'yllur sL1('O(~t-;S. :tn11 ;1."; a iog Music iD the Public St·hools. Prof. Hull clmduetl'u institutes in token uf our apprpciatioll of youI'

2. Church Mush· (with IIlllSi"S,- Edwards, 'Yahash. Gallatin. Johtlson worth ftlHl m{'l'it as fellow hhorers in


tQrCAOET SUITS A SPECIALTY, Can furnish custom-made unifOrms VERY

'CHEAP and of excellent quaJit)' and make if &evenu are wa.nted.


* JAMES DONALDSON, Proprietor.

Warm meal:-; at all hours. Fresh o.ysters in Season at the lowest rates fal' first-olass goods. Also Ci CJ'ars and To­bacco of tlie finest quality~ A fnllline of Confectionery and Restaura.nt Goods_ Gh" us a trial and we will UBe you white. Day hoara to students at 82.50 pet week. ..

T::S::El ::bI.CJ::DGElT! -THE BEST-


In the W orId! Prints from 1 to 1.000 lilIes withotltre.inkioJ;:

Pr;,~~~I~l~~ ~efoeft~ld Tom 'fbuw.t Sel.f~' cents.

Send to DALLAS MEISENHEIMER, manufac· turer and dealer 111 Rubber 5tamps of .All Kinds. Clirbondale. I1l.

MRS. t GL]CK Wishes to oay to Normal girlR"

ami those in surrounding country that she will

have" better,;ul'-ply anrl a

Larger Stock --oF--


keep all kinds of Fancy Noedle-Work and will stamp any pattern desired, as I have a new patent to make any pattern,

Giye U8 ~ call before purchas­ing else,,-h~el'e.

~Hand painting dOIle to oruer.


STORE tions.) and 'Vashiugton ('ol1utie.r.;. which jJro\'('s literary work. th(> Zctetic Literary

3. What is th.e Con{'ot Use of the his }Jopularif.ra~:LU i~stiluteillstruct()r. Society confers on you tilC'se diplOlnas We keep constantlv ~ VoiCGP We clip the fnllowing ill rcgn.rd to ltim setting forth rOUt honorable aDd faith- h d th t

Thi.·d Session.-The Uoe of Acc,·nt to fl·om (he Mt. Carmel News: . 'Prof. ful conduct a. members of the society, on an e mos com-Youug Pcoplo; and the U.-;e of Tim(' Hull was for a score of )-ears supcnn~ and yonI' ability to presidt' OTcr a. de- plete lme of J::>EY Language_ t~lldent of the' schools of M(·Ll!:t.n libln'ativc bocly.. G-00 D S., Gentle-

2. How 8ball we best PI'OIliOll' the county, nDtl wa.s wC'lI known as the Hoping and tn18ting that Jour COll- men's FURNISHING Tca.cbing of :Music In the Public ablost County I:)upel'intendcnt in the duct will always IDdit suoh re~oguition Schools? Stnte at that period. Withal hc is "cry from those whom you may meet ill after GOODS, BOOTS ..

3: 'Vhat can Sohool,supe! ;q~endeDts modest, quiet and uDassnming, and life', we (!.xtend to you the best wishes SHOBS and Gro­do to advaJlce proper Musical lnstruc- while a disciplinarian by nature, he is of th(- tmUre socieLy and a killtl fare- ceries to be found m-, tionP'" kind and sympa.thetic, and never ex- well.

4. Som.helpful thingsr h"ve learn- lIibit. aoyof thot pedantry and that the Citv_ eUt forming e:.pcriencc in Teaching effort to show all' superiol' IcarniDg STUDENTS, eall·A.t Eyans'. Ladi' Fn 'th' f'n d Music. which ma.r the officutl dignity ~f 50m~ . es rms Ill[ uuO S a THE finest bread is sold at E,·~n.'. ' .. - , - ;.

It will be readily ••• n that special men of . our profe~sion. He attend. I' 9;!?\5Icie.l ty •• attention wn.s given to the following almost infallibly every meetitlg of the TilE, largcs~ .. stock.. of ba.rgains at S W DUNAWAY .p themes: 'llhe usa of Literatnre in State Association, of which ho was' ET'ans _. . , '. _ - " ,rop.

Normal Gazette, July and August 1888 Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC Daily Egyptian 1888 Daily Egyptian 7-1888 Normal Gazette, July and August 1888 Normal Gazette Staff Follow - [PDF Document] (7)


J os. B. Reynolds' has beeD teaching­near Popular Bluff. Mo. He does not expect to attend the N'ornuil next year :Vot his best wishes are with .the .schon1 nnd Zeteti(' ~ociety. · .

Mary E. Shrlv-er. of Ki.lllllundy. ~as taught two years ncar her hOllW wlt.h more than ol'dinary SUCCl~SS flud thlS

makes her enjoy the teacher's WOl"k very much. She 11&S many cowpliw

ment.s for the GAZE;rE. ... Etta Root, of Shobollisl", 'will rl.,turn

to school next terril. Mil:ls Root thinks the GAZETTE suppHt·g the olle deficiency ()f tho S. 1. N. U .• and she haH ma.ny complimentary things to Srt)' about it. for which ~he will ple:l~c a('cept our tbank~. · · .

Etlwn.rd Men·ick. aftel' scn~riug hi!"i {,Ollncction with .thp S. 1. N. Uo, wil'lded the l'od for llyC years. He was admit­ted to (,he bar ill 'ti4 aon has applied ltinlself strictly to l:nr siD('e that hmC. He is no'", locah·d a..t Okaw,-i1le and i~ baving goo~l SUCCI'S:;; in his chosen pro­

fessiou. · · . A. M. Gassaway is furming Di'ar (ial­

atia a.nd s{>cms to bt' wcigl1ing ill his miDtl whCihrt· to Jmal.;e fnrming his o('cnp3.tion for life ~~~;~~t bl'r to l'oter some one ot the prOf~:llOllS. MI"- G. ::ii'Dds 11$ an article fo" the GAZETTE

whiCh we arc CO.Olpeltcrl tIl omit for

~~1.Dt of .~pnl'l'. · · . Mr. J. P. Gerlach exp{'clS 10 att(>od

tbe University next terlll nud i~ at the present working Oil n f:l.rm IIt-'ILr Sparta. H!"' ti\nght sdlOol neal' (:hestl'r last ,.,..iD­ler, nDd n'pOl't5 gooll Sllt'cess. HI' do::;cs by wishing CYPl"Y thing in con­nectiou with th~ Southern JlliuOl;O; N(lr~ lPnl 511CCI'S5.

A(ir~ Lin.!!enfl~ltel'll t:LlIght a th-::' llIolltht' wlntt·l· II'rIlI ;lUd two- tlLlmtll . .., in thl' !";prinO' lhis ]:l...;t ,cal· and. wlll ICflC'h lhi: ~ pal". Silt~ I'ujo.,...: t Iw \\'()rk \ CIT 1U1Ic,b. ~Iw ... IYI-I Illal till' ~ pal· :-be

attt;lult,d th(~ N(,l'mn! \\"ll~ n \ ery prolit­able one to her tl.lJ(1 silt, hopC':o; 10 «tl('ud

ag:tiH ... nOII.

.Julln W, '''·(Jud. I ,In ... .., (If ·K'.! ..... iHe{·

gnHlttatinn tnugllt f01l1' .... \ICl,,· .. ..,in· YI'an'l

at UP. S"lo, I.oe y('~r :l1 i\111l-ph.'·1'hor", alJd !;lsi \\illtmto;1 (;oll(tC'1l wh(·l'l'ju,hfl"

heen clIg<lg"l'd f()r tlH' {'oll!ing ,n~n.r.

.Mr. \VoI,d laugh1 !lillt· .\('a1":-' bl·fon· "jl­

t~ritlg-llH' t'lIiH·r ... il.'. Hc ..,a,'" t11:\t if lB' W{'I'C w.·iting- III all illlllllal(· h'it'uti

he wnuld ~[\.'" that hI' i .... till Il ... ing)l·


(·lIds ... ), H.. Hlthhilllall h:t~ hCctl i"j~il­

ilig fricndl' niH! ("{·1atk·H .... at Chaplll:\lI,

Molt LgI'tllcl'.\" COllllty. ' ... ·jtll til(' h(Jp(~ of improviug hel' hCldlh; hut we urI· , ... on·.\· 10 say that ~hl' is not IUtlC'h illll11'O\'(l([

II)' the chang{-. ::;he Ita .. lu·(·u iulcrc"t­hi ill Runtl:lv Scbool \\"IJI'1-.": find {ltu·ilig

J](!r :ilay ai (~hapllln.t1 hal-. Ill'ell ,-j..,itiltg :-511mbr ~('h()ol~. 'Vo hOjw to n~pm."t filiss iI':-; p.lIlirl' I"e1'OYI'I'Y ill the Itc'at" future. . . · D. S. BotJth, Jr., a:-Iudclltof'H2:ttll.l '83, llid Dol (·omplr·t(· 1 he ('ourse, 1111t aftcr 1r-ll.ving" the Normal a.U(lutictl llle ~L. LOllhi Medical CnIlegc, re("ciYll),2," the tlogruc of M. D. HI' hns hel'u iu the hospitals of the Missonri Pacific R. u. 0.\ -St. LOllis rllld l>:llm~tiu(·. Tex. He 110W has (·ll.'l.rgl' of the hospital at till' laLLcl'-placc_ Pnl(}.:;tiDt' i:-; (Illitl~ IUl at-

~·h'.(1.ctivc IHtic city wllh n l)opu11tioll of .8.000. It is wlthin l~ fl'w bOlUS ria,· of (}alnktoll al1u bllt [t short. di"stance frow Al1etin .nnel San Antonio.





Southern Illinois .Normal University


I ' EGULARLY charter".1 hy tll,' General A,""lllbl,l', and snpported hy the 8tate trcas­;:- u1'r. It is :-;pC'ei6cnlly autlwl'izf'd and ()l1lpowcl'c(l to in .... trlH'\ in nll the common and

Cil- higher Imlllel"" of knowl{',l!!r, allli is required to do titi, with the pmp,,:;e of 1'1'('.

pm'jng young meu and )'()lm~ ·wonH'll to 1)(' t~'H{'h('r:, ill tht, pllbli{' ;o-;(:hoo1 ... of the nation,


Aml £ftC'cn Teachers, Protc:-;sors and LC'ctlll"(>l's. who ll:-.(, the lH'st uwtho<is of in:-.;truetioll, nnd the newest and h('1it bookt'i and :lpparatu~.

It lW.H the 1I0:-;t Lilll'ary of nnx Normal S('hool in tl1(' llution, and n Luhorntory llnd Mn:-;('ul11 equal to any. Its stl1dellt~ :~l'(, )"onng llH'll and wolIlen from nendy the whole of

Illinoin, and some' arc from other Sttltes, nnd they arc a~ o1'd('1']Y, a .... ('nt~:H'])l'isill~, a~ pro­g"J'pssi\'(' nnd a:-:. cnthn~ia:-:.t.i(' a~:m." 1md.\' of' J~m'lwJ':-:' in :my part (If tlw ",odd.

The Univel'sity is prepared to give Instruction in Type-writing on the Caligraph--the Best Machine in the Country,

TUlf{TION IS FRIER To all wh(J f!in· tltc·il' won I Ilf' hlmor 1(1 t('tH.'h ill t hc' Puhlie s..·hooi .. (If Illinoi..... A ,..;nUlll fc'<' for illl'rd('ntni ('XIH'l1~{'~ 1:-. (·hnrg-t·d. \rhl'll a ppl" • ..;on <lop:-, 1I0t wi~h to tt'aeh t.he tuition is, in tlu' Full iE'rlll ~~!, ~H ;mll ::::'-J. ~ ill till' "-illt('J" and SprjJl~ t('1"In~\ (·adl. ~(), ~4 Hllil ~:3,

]11('[(1.>111:1]s, ~a awl ~~.

Fall Term Begins Monday, September 10th, 1888. TEltMS IlEUII\ AS FOLLO"'S: Fall t{']")II, ",·{"IIIl.l Mllnd".1 in S,'[,I(')II11(''': "'i,,·

ti't' t('rm, Inlit Monday ill_ J)P('('llL!)('1' nl' til"~t l\-IoHd:lY in tTnl1l1HI'.\·~ Sprjng te'l'Ill, third or fotll"th l\101Hln,r in J\l:11·<"lL. ('omUlt'Ill"l'l11t'nt. :-;{·c·Olltl 01' third 'rhlH'i·ql:ty in tlUllf',

S(,lld for ('il'{,lllar~, (·:.tnlog1H'. or informatioll to tIl(' PriJlt'ipal,




i' ~ I

,. ,


, ..

Normal Gazette, July and August 1888 Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC Daily Egyptian 1888 Daily Egyptian 7-1888 Normal Gazette, July and August 1888 Normal Gazette Staff Follow - [PDF Document] (8)


SOOllATTO SOOIET Y. uates. He hll.s heen reading Black- 'When this term closed Mr. Ta.ylor re- fnlocss at his home in Pe":'cy. Ill. H~ stone, aud We hope to ..,ee him hhigh un'oed to bis home in L:twrence COUll y. e.xpeets to make Carbondale b;s homl"

JoJ. E. Baird. President, on the pionacle of fame." ).I- Ill .• and since that time bas not seen in the nm~r future.

F, F. Sa:ns, Vice President. R. E. Steele. Recol'diDg Secretary. Mima King. Conespondi')g Seoretary. W. P. Cochran, CriLic. May·Stralt. Chaphin. Ollie Rohinson, PiartfsL G\lY Blanchard, Treasurel'.

"How will I succeed with my first term?" Mis$ Susie AlJ~D a!)k.s h~rsclf

the (llH~8~ion aud .aD~wers with a COIl­

si<lel'able degree of confidence as she n'merubCI'H that she ha.'j had sh tt~rms of training at LIlt' 8. L N. D. SillL.'t' the fall term of 'sr;. Mis~ Allen ('""pec,-t:3 to

ODe of tile insi.l·11ctOJ'S of the Normal Kent E. Keller. Whll h.~~ of,e'l di~.;n­except Prof. Brownlee. he met guisbf'u bim.sp.lf b\· his spct'ches r:dJ'1J1~ at tit(' Lawrence CounLy IDs~itntp.. sum- II purr. has takeD tbe ~:ump li:. a po,: ... it·al mer of '85. MI'. T. laught duf'ing Ihe fipeaker and has made $i.veml sp("eehes wiDlel' I)f '86 aud '87 near his home. In w!Jicll ba,\'e bet'n welt rece~Vt!d. the ~pl~iag of '87 he Wt-'llt to l\:Ptchpll.

Indiana, to a'teDd dit' Normal 51'boo] Misses l\Iabel Smith and Aoca. T('e~,el'

will be n'rn~mbcl'ed hy fill l(ln~r:i of III LlSic fol· their sj,ll'ndid .... Q(.,\.I (;ii'o(ts. They recc1l11y Look part it] an ellie ,·tai 0-

nwnt io l\lL1l'[]Ol"o. wb(···e ,;ler he­qU;1 lc(i thl·tnspl\·es 1D tot'it' U~O.' I cry:l.rm~

It was onr il1teution. al-i ali .our reaLl­ers kllow, to fill two page!' of tlli~ issu(~ )\oith SOciety matter. which we willlJu­<h'avol' to do. if onr nei.e...; al't' Dot so plelltrCul as was m .. pectcd. ,.y~ are Burry that many f)f OUI' IDt'mlWl'!:l have iailett to sentI in their rt'p01'tS. 'Vt' han .. > receivlJu bllt few leat·('S in I'e­sponso t." OUf eal'nest l'(~qtlt'st that yon

·wOlII(l mak(· your wheruabonts knowD.

gm.dullte ht'n~ som" lime in lhp fnlun'. ~ at plact' RIHl has heen io ~whool The GAZETTE ,yishes hl'l' succesl-i. thert- Ilntil the plesent ti'lle. He wal

tea(·h ill lilinoi,.,; Lhis'Corujng wi,lt~r, , ' FOI' thoslJ Ilol "':llisfif'd wi th the Nor-

ru~:~;~ :~~~d\"l,,;e ailihose who attend ing maunet', 1t ,\ llj bf'l'enlt'lllbe'cd tlwtM· .. ~ AlIDa

William T. Glenn a.ttended the Nor­mal tIllI'ing the winter c)f 'B4 .led '1::)'::',

h.!S t:mght ever .">incc leaviDg school. and at thi' s.lllll·ll1act-" llt S4U pl·t·month t-be first two WjlltCl'~, $4.') last willt,'r, til!' Southeru Jllinoil"1 ~ortnlll Unh t'i .. i )

to i:iti~k :1' Lh~ schon!' for when ,·Oll Morg~!l W[l:'; r'onipelleu to le,~ .. ·.· .">("j'1l01 and has blJen engaged to i.(~aclt the lc,ln~ it fn). Olle bei:er yon will lind' as sprID.g.I."l'm. 011. :lCCOll·. u; 111 same school tilt' coming winter at $50. I have fOI'Htl .bttt il i~ dj(' best io .lll~: ht':dtb. She IS s-peD,I'n;!" til<' ..,I"I"lJl'r 'Vllo ('an gin ;L bl·tter I"t'cord? Mr. long I.UO,.' at lWf homt· ill DeSoto I£>"'~;II:.." h(Jt';I'~ Glenll hope~ to mtul"n ao(\ complete I I abl . t I· tl D S I } t

Howevc:r, Wt' <1.fe aI.ways gl:HI to re­ceive notes from tha NOl'lll:t! stnUt'nts, Rllc1 Wt~ will bp {;Hl·t· to l'{!cei .... l' them kindly at any tim(·. So, if you fai] to find yourself "written up," jnst t'crnelll­})(,1' that through t.he GAZEITE will be

thp rJuickest amI best way to communi­c,~te with your runny frienns, Itnd h·t 1I~ heal' fl'om you,

thf' t..:"UI'~e nt the Normal. ~Ol"lllaD A. JI1Y iil'st elllt'I'e<1 :ht· I).)e. e I, t!:~e LID W C 0 o~w 100::..

Nol'tllal in tl1(· fall of .~~ amI remaiued i tillS Wlll.e . F. F. ~aJlls is located III RI'yno, a un,il ,h •. burning of iht'!,u;1dlHg. wheu, Mis .. Aou:~ Kt·.llDt.~t: ha .... s,i'."" n IJa'L

!OWll of Durthet·u Ark·aD,";<l~. He say~ he left school on '\I'count of ill bt'alth. ,()f L~le nlcallOli JD , "'oL.l~g t,· hilI.:; ,;11(1 tli;lt "~l1('.k(>r~" :tn' not l.Lppreeiutt·d as 1\-L. J:tj' r~'1l1l"!H.d ,0 51'huol in FeiH"Il-: "'~laii\·C:-' il.l PiD(·kt1t-': I~I: nLHI Sa,:lI Uwy ought to 1.". ill At·ka.lIsa:.;, nll~1 that :U.V, 'H4. H·,s ue:\lth f:lil"cg bt' :t:,.rain! RHI~!' :Lud l'xp~d~ ttl VI~lt iJn llt](~-n we have a WWD!!" Iwtion of to:Lt Stall': I \V t ' t 1\11 ' .... left ~cbllol uefon' till' ;o."!l1 t'lwwd. In .-;:)ou. e ~Ln' son.'. 0 i'ill.'· U 1'>:-;

that It is a Iptwh Hucl· coulltry tb,lll 'to!4 Iwagain "lIte, ~.I 1~lld was ill St'llOOll Kelll)ady wlll nOl lit" III schoollll, ... com­W{' have an id('a. Ml'. Sarus has tlil' two t1'I'II1";. :lud jOiDPtl ~lw SOt.~·:uic so- ~ ;'g yea!". principlllship of tlH' 5chool:s tlf He,"!']') cit.!\". when' he fOllud Me;-;~I"I;. Hilt'man, I :-;. P. Youug i'nll'rn: tbe N""Hlill ill fo!' a pt·rind of tliree months. He ex- TO~tlUlkt'l' and r~iple.\' and Mi~~t>G Dtlfrl th~. fall of '86-. He at oucc jOiH'cl ,be peel::; to relul'U to the NUI'mal lilt" ,'!I't·- aJl~1 Hawkiu . ..; \\\th IItIH'I"'3 who WCI"I' Socn~1.i,· t;ociptv, ;1 de~u ,,"h,h he

anti wet'k of tIl(> I'oming tel'lU. . ... tl'iying Lo kcpp tilt' Socradi' ~()cietj' I says. ons eVI"i" ~ill~'e bpen a call .. w for


Miss Allit' M. Haill'Y attcedetl ~he tea('IH'l's" insl..ilute at Sh:twne~town anti wi1l teach at her 11Ome, Ellwltity. IlL, t1,J.ij; coming winter. The J;AZK.TI'.:

wiH visit ht-'I' 1'e6 u1a1'ly.

01.11' genial frifmu. J. M. Jones, iB spt·uding the .:?UDlm('r at his- hOll1\' at 'Vest End Ill:. where he ('xpects to t('ach this wi.ntm·. JIm i~ 3. good fel­low anti WE' wish him· SU('Ct·SS.

J. H. Kirkpau'ick. a member of Lh(-'

class of 'B7 and a lo.val Soerat. i~ lo­cated at SCJuak, W. T. H~' ,..;peaks highly of the GAzETrE an.d says: "You may book me as a sllhsl'I'ilJer for the~ tle~t twcllt.Y-thtl yell.r~." ,"Vho will beat that P

Rohert B. Hillel'. I)lle !If ,.b...;., ,If the ~o(·I·ati(·· ... ftlJle 11ebatct'.... "llenl tIlt' ~urunH'r 01.1 n. frnit farm Ileal' "I\r.ikaudl~,

111" nntl eXlwt·l:; tq teach oe:o..t wintl't'

IW;tr his home at 8-;)0 per Jt)(lnth. TIll' GAZl-:TTE ,viII be It nHJUthly vi..:ilol' 10 Hrlbel·t, 1dliDg' him ho\v all gO!'~ nt IIlL> H.1. l-/. U.

Mi .... "i E, a E. M'lOI'!". a .~tudellt Ill" Uw :-;I'riug tl"l'tu ofot)fl, i .. f~Dj()yill;! tl];' ,'ll­cntilJD at hl-!I' IJ"rul~. (,:d hOllo. lrll(·l"l'.

Itlst year, ... 11U 11l~111 th,' jJo ... iti.lIl IIf prt­m;u'y tt.'lu.:1H·r in tile 1'1I1)lit' ~rIHJuL".

She i!i l'l~-t·llg'1g,'d 111 tr'lt('h tllt·n· {hI' eoming .\ ear. .

From l\lo!lIId ('it,)" (;('Hl'~I' W. H.~.\,

dt'[l writt'" that lH' lias lh'cU fllnuiog­.... ince tb~ spl'illg' :('f\U uf '.'-i,'j, Wilell IH' lefl ... t·II'1ol. Ht~ ~IJeak'o Ilic~·I.r of tllc' (jAy.I·:rn; bill !·,'llJ'·I]trJlT"; lhat ··o' ..... s·, i8

light tiipl. :lud St'IHt;; ~L1un~ ~oJU~ of the "uceufIiL" fIJI' with-II WL' an.' dllly thallkful,

J, 1\-1. Eu,lico:t. Olll~ uf IHl"it \I'ar':-;

:if!IlI('OI:-, i.'i at home, Cl'os,'-willu~ HI' has bl!i'11 (~Il~Hgcd to ta:ll'h hi ... home suhool, wltinh Mln'ly ... p!~'lk~ wl'li for Jlilll. 1\-11-. J~lltli(;otl 1·'P.ucls til be in scl)ooi r.he fall tE:!,'U uf ·H!J, to sl'tmti a s~hool j-'t':Lr with 1I.". Il"jfliml the IUlll­tHudt'in wishing' the (;AZJ~T'n; uulim¥ itcd SlICCCI=';S.

Our BIt~U(·lHl!·U b l~t hOlll~ i II Tama­roa, when' Ill' i.~ clt·;'J itrg' in his fa.IH'l"·~ stOl'e. GU.'T wri ... ~.'! 11 vt'ry ~ho)·t h·ILer. bnt nmlt'lllbl~r~ the lletldy ~\Dd sl::lnd!'l :t.loug some t·,t~h, which ,is dl!~y appl'{J­t~i:Ltetl, (,tlY c"pc(:[."to hc irfi.he st'bool agaiu this winter.

. i\ll" J. f;. Ramsey, Lhe tl'o.or sil1gcl'

of the Society, wlw can "~ing chlJ\l" over the high ellli of :t piano." spends hi,'! \·lL(Jat;ion. in Cllrholltbtc. He e...:­pect."i to stay in sohool IIntil be grau.

W. Y. Smith ~Pt'llt thl'ee rej!lliar ,llid floa,i",?,. "(!1f-gr~\Lulati{)ll. ~h. YOllOg \\',l~ "itb two . .;pecial term1:l at the Normal. I'n~ I Mr. Jay tal1'7ht his fil'~t :-:choQI during U.'o only about a baH ,(>J"1U. "'lien hr' tl:rillg' lirsl thr' spl·iug tem} of ·j'6.: tht, wint~r of '85 alill '86. in Randolph '''labt,d in it was his inteOlioD 10 make Mr. Sruith·:> hOllit' i" 1U Vienna, Jol~lI-! cnuuty. lJul'in~ the year 't)6 .to4l 'H7 tl!acLic;! school bi~ pl·ofes"iou. but a .':ioU CUlltlt~ .• He wa~ elet·tell SllpCrl~-! bl' wa" ng:lill in school antllast ."I'ar he changp of JPtl l'PIlSI' Deci~sl:Ii~a~Ni. :L

~eDdeut of Sch.ools ID that ("ol1n:~ HI I tau6h~ a~.lin. He is no\v at hih home l'haugl' of school and hi' It'ft n:-. '0 go '0 8:2, and has SIDt't· iwld that POSltlOlI'\IH,tlr Steeleville, Ill .• where he has bet'D McKI'Dtln~e collegt-'. at Lch:lllon, Wht'l'('

HI''e"sed it hopt· lha.t hI" would t'tlO"al')"ed ie sllk CUll u'·e and .>;a s that it bt-' has het~O in school .. iuct', Hi~ PIll" lu'at f!"Om very many "old t:)OC1·n.t!'\·· f >:0 1 b I h ~ ')k plli;e il:i to gradnatefJ'on1 the .McKelldrc{~ thl'ou'j'h tbe (L\ZETTE. and tim.", .'Ipoke ISf ar

l(' l(~:ll~el.r to IdlY ao l"aISt'

f ~I ..

,.., 0 t H' 1)' 1 h:try enal'tlllent II "ut' after tw() ye;tr~ more wIH·k lhl"'~' and of 1.1i:-. ~~IL'C:''':i: "111 H:s8:~, a~tel' m:~uy I :ichoollw sJ.Ys:· tlll'D enter the theol!!gic:d fkp:~l'i.rue-nl fnlltle~ .... ~ftOI"t...;, l'<;llI'('l'(J(led III gettIn~ i "Throughout my atteJ:hlance at tlw of the Bostoll UniYPI'sity, fitting hllll-

1ll:1.I·rh·d." . i Uni\·"")·,,itS I tllok a gn'at i!lI~l"~ • ..;l ill tlw self in till' ~lld {,ll' tht' IlllDiSI' \. H,'

Afl,·I· l"a, in~ Ihl'.'S. L N. U. ill X4., Mil it!l.J'y department. se· ,-iog as a c,uJtot clOt •. "> not t· ~p(-'t't to lit' \-'iith u.": ag-.till nl"> :Mis . ..; Phoehe A. Davi ... laught in tht· I e~\I'h tel'm hnt 'HJC. Any boy who ell- ;\ sltldem. and his jdf'a of <1ttl.' "ollid ,··lIagl.! Df Xurwich. 1:1 .. whit-h j~ her It'I"S tlllll clcparlment for oll~ year. III" I:e follo"·c,1 Il) \1:-; nil witb ht·'H·tll Iu pr,>s('nt hOIlle. L~L .. t )"(-':rl" ~hl' lHu'n(h-d ('r('11 otw It-"·m. ullrllak('s ill it ud!'cid .. d' 1"11l<'akiu;.! of the lJll'a~nn' hI' ,\ollitl be tht· SinlJ)· ... ,,1J ('IIj1t'g'1' at Iudinunla. la., jll~l'rt •. ,:>t. it will belp him pllysicLtlly to' :\a·oi.lh·d h~' heillR Wllh u ... :t~HjL]. Lt· a~ It ... {'i.euliill' . ..;tllrlCOt. aacl .. aj-'~: ··lIt·l·i· :t wontlt'l·tul i.,tCIit. :ttld what j .. good, :-;:.1.,':-: "1 thilJk dUly (·;tll ... TlJt~ ('j,.:.t·\\-h,·((·

I fUl"Ilimi 11(.\ .... l"oll .. ~e as~o('iul iolts. bl'- fur hinJ phy.'Sitoally j:-; ~oOLI 101' hi'll men- t and 1 mllst fullow, [f IU·I; ht-' !U\ ti(ll \ coming' a Illt'rubt·!' IIf atwlht'r Ii;t'··:ll'~· ,t;~II.r. It wtll l:d .. e ilw 'lfd,lng--(dHlir i to, \,'ol'k a~ hlllHI': "I' il Hl:\.' I" H1Y

s()(·ir~I.~. ;)111 ha\p 11~·\·~r f()I')!()t~!'n 1lI~ :_:alt ollilif a lIlaLl :lIl1llltul~~ h'm w:!lk! p,i\il"gl' :Iud rim., l" ;,!I, ,.) (\'I),rat

lir .. ( Itn j'. Ill!" th'ar old SOl'r:1I i.·. wbi"!i wil h ~:\',L,h' I'Ih.t' :lUtl h,'ad c"pel aut!: r" ... ·'(·.1. If ~o. I bopp [ IU:I,\ ~I.I\ ,. !!t.

I,,,d.: Tlli' iu Ill) nill"w .\(lililt :lU~\ pn'- .. :tInt!' :11l.;, .... iu:.: i,i,'ud ~':illOiI. 1I1t'eliD;::( t"'I'I';jg~' ttl gl;ldly and ]l1·1)'II:'t:.\ i!". p;~"t'oI 1111' for HlO'-p I"lt}!";!t''] l·tJulli(·: ... ·, hi'i halld' half '~-in \\ (( II his 4'-'.111. l{UOL'\..- . FLuat!y. ll·t It-- I"t'IlIl'1l1lh'I' tll;l. ,II lilt"

D .• J. (',1\\<\11. cla ... 'o ut ·,Ioi7, IJa ... l.tlrght iut!" olr hi. .. hal iu hi~ a\\"!iw:utlue~~ I v"i"r l'!fol·l Hf l'limbill:.! h1.:ll,"· III )'111"­

lJlJIt' 1111111 L II..; :-il)!'t· gradll:l lOll: .. i ... ~I~I ht'l"'lJ'lIill,:.! 1l!ljoiU11,d g,,"cndl.i.; pm:(' :111;\ tltoH~II1. WI' ll('t'ull.'· ,I ·\(·1· llJUull1 ... at V It.'U Olt. PL. :111" 1i1l'!'t'l III lad it will kOlJck (.tl till' .. (·,tlt· ... olll,d 111 Ih:lt e:lllu ... In·llg.1L I' ··i··'1 d 111011111'0 iu \Va,..,hilJg'!u!J '1".'. \\lIt'I'I' hi· (If 1'1111.,1 ;1 ... ~nlPlIt aud aWI,\\i\I·dill'-" 01 lIu .. ' mo,..1 hUIl'lnti tit',iblli •. I.

j .. tlO\'.' 1000::lI!-d. HI' g'h~'" a ,!!IOWIII;': :lU.J 111.Lke a IH.W "t lIim.·' iog t,.l ... jly a\1 1111> :ll,(.rlllljd .. h'l· '11, .. ot

tI,· .... l'J'il'!ioJ1 flf ~I.Jt t'()IIUl"" ot 1<:,I"((,l"1l E:lPa" 11. ~Id'I'I·d.\. om' (11' lIll' flllill.' l'~litll~ollik. CiI":Wl"i1iI ,I~ \\'I·:t,,· ',I', II~.

\Va ... hlll;:tull TerillJl") 11,· .~a~ ~ il i~ 1lI,'1i III III" Sl)('il·',\. j~ ll(IW iu !:il. L'1l1i ..... W(H)tlt'lftil in 01;1' ad:tptiull I" I' VI". dt,-I·u.!l ... r hanl ll'l tl mau wllo lI.t ... 1)("'11 a l'lllplo.\!·d \,\ .. 11 till' F:lIUo)U", ('1 ' ,1111I1;!" luan.}. fl)l· 111l' I"!·f"rllll'd pu!'!'1 01· ilt'

Illall (Jul., <l ... !lon lillH' uot II) :,,' al· H'Ill"j', 1ft' uiliailll·tl il S!l1Irt \:ll':Io!OU: mal\\r." of f.t:'::()~. ;~ud 1',·,,11''''' fill' .~u' lowed :L \·ute f<n· Pn·",id,·Ol. ~IIJtl UH'I) Ihi~ :-UIIIIL).·I· :lIJd {·:Hue rluwu 10 ~In-· Ch~ll';l1 qf Iht'·~()I"ia~ cin'il'lIl' lh~' aljrl;"Ll­

:-;ll.'.-;: ··\\'a~hiu;.:·tlJll '1'.'. \\:IlH ... lo lw iI ·ri ..... a 1\ ... hom·' :\~I<! (;1 Jll!.tj l1"t I'l.,.,i . .,t! JUt'lIt of h.u II 11'. 1lla.~It'I" ... of th,' I'rill!'i· St.~II'." E"'I'I~~ I"illy ".;'! 1·1'lllt·llI!.I't· Iht, I"HI!' ,h·tHI (If 11111111llj!. d{)Wll til' pl,.:- I)f pnilu . .;.ol'hy :lll,j 1~1t' IJ;!"I'11'.':O- "t' MI. COW;Jl111J.., Ih~· Imod .... oQl,' IIIl1il;(lI' CalhulI,J,l"·. ·'jll._( 10 :<0('" how Ihi'l;'·S, tn.'!{t., :~ntl !d}!J\t' n]l to 1)(' USt',p! nH'U

ruUIl ofll1t'S(J(!iIIJ" ill,i'lfi--7. Ir,o[ •.. '{Jlll-nfln· 'Y .. WOol't' lklighll·d, :Inc! W,,\llt',11,,10 hI:' !'ol1>;l'!'ltlkd ill HU!·

At S.ll"co·,i!·. :'1-10., A .\ P.·n!l)lJ i ... to .,~" liill!. : (lc.tlin· II) tIll' ltoUOl' .lIlt! glo]"., "f (;ocl.

~pl'ndillg tlw ~Ull11UI·r. MI'. I)t>ll101l i .. · H. C. S ,·i!·klaurl WiI:i LI :wh"ol at tilt"' alltl tilf..' lH1ildlU:! liP (,1 hIl1ll~l·i~y. ;~Ilti all old t';wh(·)·. haviu;.!: l:lll;!ht Iwo X"I·\U;aliu·j7. \\'1' haLl ·.11l' plt':hlll'("I~n'Ll .. hall Wl' bt' d!'\l'!'llwd In.:1 :U:lt

\'(':1'" ill E:l~t TI'UII(·.-;"'i·(', th,' \1':11'" ill l)f IUI.I'. 1):.!" ~f'. :-;.~H'k!'Llllt ill tlit' '(;al- "'OIHt'll :IS \"1,11 :l", Cbn,.tiau .... 111'I"OI'1i '1 ¥ -,". • I Iiol IIlIlt th·,·,·lop .. d l'l)wat'd" ;.:I:ln •. ,-Illilt,,·I-;lllll Ol]l'~,'al· in j\{: .... ()I1"i. 11(' lad·I(ollll,.\ JI'nt.'Ii(>I~. III,., .ill~. HI'I" niH pi;.!1l1ip~. HI mind illlrl I'Il'·lH':-).t'.

W;l.'o iu ht,(!n<i:lllcr' at Ih(, Xn'·mal tlH' 1\ \~li p\t-;I~'111l ;tud 1l .• ,cpaiJle ~t.'nltt·- ~ ~(IIl";' nt {inll HI, ... .]" in Hi-l nol,lt, ·l'aag,t' th~t,t: "1"';11;': :l!rnJ:; Id .:-q 'HIi allll ':-17' m;llI H.! ,t·tu.:lie.; ill hll SIH~wn"i'''JWll :lIHl t1:ult· .. Hh falltl'rly e:-tn·. ~hHll Wt'

awl __ pl·ak ... I igbly uf the I1II'ulnl (h'm: se.loul .. c!tis wintt':'. i l'olllP 10 lu' pt'lf('(+ 1lH-1i aLlil \\(n;l"lI,"

l"(~cci.v .. d iI~ Ilw schuol. :llld !ll!>oo the: La"it y,~n '··s SOt'\" llic~ "'")11 1'4~lU('llJbl'l" ~ 10;.111.\'/,',·;:.\'(';-;-;;;'· -~ I}/J),..,j) 1)1i),;o;J('n\ ,(nil ()U I~(\ nllll,llIlY CHlllPll~· r W. P. CcwliraH fo], tbe a('livc pa··r thnt. '·R.".JTU'

H(! ~a.r~ 'har tnl! pnblh" ~t'hoqltl of! lu' to'lk iu tilt· SOI'i('i\"; u(},(' of 0111" EIJITon.>; 'i,'F..~:Tn-:: lIf,CI) S(Jtlth\"·f..~st :\Ii":;011I'i rio not cornp.u'l~ I lw:-;t w.f.H'hcrs :lIltl a sple'llintl \Vli,!.!t· of

nt :dl.fllvol'ahly with :h~.'iu of SOllthel'll ! compo.'l'I,II)lI~. HI' ' .... rile~ J,.om M:Li'[lU-. witb ,gn·;\[t·:;l l)le'l~lIl·e. 'iw('. ill Wil:lt

tlll,lelll~"""J.:,o,.t .. ,:~·'y.lJ~.,".,(~U. Al .. p,L. ... ith:ut of' d.\ \Vhe"~ he j,., ill :llC "fn~it btl:-;io('~~" ill;\)' -:l'f..·l\l the ('t'!lS"ic:-.s 1"011 of )en"~r o .... .. or efi-"Hces and blut!') _ om thl' 11 t (>J\l 01 ,

A.~. Taylor attt·nrled the Normal thi~ Slimmer. 'I'll:\{ j~. h.'. ht!lps h~ru- ~ i',·ents thnt would perhaps h;l\-"(' !i('i"lWd

. h' .. ~ 1 ~I'lt \\'11I'1l II 11 II O'I"\'. H" bc o IDS teachm'J" . I I rf U h· t dm·lnj1; t l' ~1'rltJ:! ternI of. ~.). He ~ his fourth tl'l'IU ;,t school S~'PHJrnbel" 19. : In our .o.:t· 100 I C (,t SlH' IHlpO'· llllee· rncwioB:- this a~ the "dark tPI"Ill" of: He !:lpt'l\k~ with pl'i{l~ of tbe Normal I [b;tt ~h{'.v t'onld DPver b(> fOl";1,'t)t;t·u_ t.he s('hool, a:-. it \'il-S 1l1ee tl1ilt the ftud it!'! featHres llud ('sp~chtlly of tlw I Yet it is ,Tue lhat. notwltb~t:\D(jilJg the friend'! of tlw Uuiycr~i~)" au.'..:ioll;o;.ty, "g!orlOll,; old .socilltit· SOCi~Ij'." (sl·hoot d::Ly~, as a lull', are recogniy.cclOj-

awa.ited fOI' the .l~PP"olH iatioll fl'llnll Uur "funlly wall,'1 R. E. Sted~ is', as lhe h:lppie:-t peliod of onl"s life nnd the State to el'Pct the new building. spm,ldingllis !;iUUlIllel' ill luxuriotts re,·a· for that l~aSon should be tlen.:mred in

Normal Gazette, July and August 1888 Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC Daily Egyptian 1888 Daily Egyptian 7-1888 Normal Gazette, July and August 1888 Normal Gazette Staff Follow - [PDF Document] (9)

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memory's stol'c-ho\ise f()r after years. that both the happy and disagreeahle dny rullst with the la.pst· of but u few yeal"S become. to a very great ('xtent, a


'Well !l.S 1 now reme)ulJer, tht, Socratic LiLerary Scwiety was organized in th(' fal,1.' ~term of th,~ second year of the Normai, in what afterward became the Socratic Hall. a room ill the sonth west portion of. the bnilding OD the third floor. In fnct th(' Socratic of to-day

....... may lvonder and take pride)Jl the ex­treme poverty Which confronted the prime movel'S of this little yet great literary sphere, The first meeting was held by the aid of a few tallow caDdIes with their sickly rays of llght, antt tt.

tew chairs horrowed for the occasion. The Dame, ru; may hI>. readily .seen. wns taken after that great ancient Sl\gE',

Socratc:3, and I believe was suggested, as was the motto, "Non vera Felicitas Sine Sa.pienti(J" II by Prof, C. W. Jfl'­orne. The first pI'esidenf, was H. W. Ridenhowcr, of Vienna, Illinois, Ii.nd the first .sec.retary was 'V. H. Allen. of Springfield. Jno. M~rtin. who form­erly lived in tlIi~ city, was the author of the Constitution and By-Laws which, by the way. would not differ materially from thosfJ u,<;cd now with. however, one


Are requested to can any time after thi.s date, between the hours of 7 A. :M. and 9 p, M .• a!1d axalDine our stock, compnsicg a. fullliDe of,

Jewe]ry, Watches, CJockS~ Etc. ' OUT arrangements are sucb with eastern manufacturers that w~ are prepared to

duplicate goods of any quali-~ nnd price. We have in stock of tile leading ma!lufa*gturel"~ a large variety of

Bilver-Plated Ware BUitable for Pre~ents. .n67"Durit:l~ the month we will enlarge our ~tock of TEACHERS' BIBLES. and

offer them at a sUlall cash profit.


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spects that a future of no mean pro­pOl'tions was more than a,5Stll·t>d. This WIU:l as early as in '77. \"'hat good work has been done Ill' the followers of Socra.te~ sinl~e then it i~ ('ertainly not expect(~d that 1 :-;hould undnl't:lke to tell. '

~tandard * Type-Writer j

, Speaking, howe\·cr. of tlu' past, n'-:

minds me forcibly of the fad that thel'tl ' has been a decided revolut1on in both of the sodeties so far lUl eOl!(lerns the yuung ladiiJs. Now, ffJr sevf'l'al years, for instance. they took but littlt-' part ill the exercises of the IJl'ogram bl',Yoml accompauying the brave yOUDg debater to his field of battle. or pel'lulps more thaD to assist io the rendition C)f Sullie music. It was considered an heruic' act for a young lady to take the plnt­furm a.nd recite eVen some little piece of poetry and return to her place ill the audience withollt fainting away. Such oil thing as taking part in debate or delivering aD oratioll was nclIeard of, and to my linowledge was nev-er ul:!.dertaken fol' several years

Superior in mechanism, ease of operation, speed, durability, and principle of construction. Fully warranted.

.Full line of supplies, and finest linen papers for use on type­writers. Catalogue on application.

rdter the Socratic Society was a pros· WICKOF'P SEr Ii 116" Ii llTS P. BE'lITEDICT perou. literal'Y institution. But now it .I' , .L1.LrL.L1.LY I {\I" .LV. J

is fal' diffe,·ent. The gil'ls cao sing, 308 No .... h SIX' th St. play, recite. debate, and 1 have !!ven .L L ST. LOUIS. he.ll·d 1il,~t-dal:is oratlOns on "Tll(> Rlgbts of ~Womel1." TIH>s~ thing.'i I .(/cl~llemen;-Thi~ otlicp has bl'ell (}o:u,.Uemr:n:-\Ve \vish to express OUI' IDt'Dtiun. not Bsdetrlillentalol" {\!j () of uSlllgthe Type-Wrl,tcr fur m'~lly years, appreciation of the good qualities of

mmSpiClll.H\S exception. That difference ,. . and we have now 1n operatlon abuut R' S W consisted ill a provision ,yhich f'xcluupd phl.CI', hut as ,Sh.f)Wl~g th~'. l'fi.PH.l ~~rldes thil"ty machines. Om' wo~k is of !l. the enlltlgtoll LandaI'd Type- riter,:.;.

d h h 1 of both ~ocli'he:, III thl~ partlcnla.r I nature that subjects them to t]w ~ever- Tbl' writer has used one of these ma~ the l:t le~ from mem t-!rs ip. t mny re~pect. I est tests, a.nd from our e=tflerjenc(> we chine~ tot· thf' past eleveD yesrs, heiD,!; Jet be remembered hl ~ome of tbe old-. ! only haV'e words of prmsc to oiler. one of the first in St. Louis to ]Hll'L'has-e

:~ ~~~~O~l~~~:\~~j:tn ~:~::ce~~a~':~l~;~:; Vl,~:l~t:.~rw:~::~::.l':tr~~~ Ll~5;~:t~~~):~ ;~~ep~~~\~~~eI1~u~V~;-ena~~~J~}':~~'~iti~ olle. ~T.e Dr):" h,L\'e three Remi~gt~n in the tlP$truetiull of eVt'"ry vestige Ilf, creat(' ~nd nurture divi,<;iOllS on almost: the old metl}(}~s. ill 11M: some .feal'~ ago. I TYIll'-"~ntl'l's 10 l'onstaDt operatIOn In

streD(rth thne was ill union. For:1:; any (I~f(~stio.n brought [wfof" tit!' SO-I We ·h:.we ~o (hfficnlty 111 l!l~kIDg fifteen ,(~lH' ofhc~'s, and can state tbat Wto he-~ .'. .. good COPIl'5 at ODt' wrltmg. by the 11li'\,~ th,'m to hI;' th~, most durable,

WllS ~lf~erwart\,; prat.:tlca)l~, deruon- Clety fur (·onsldel'atl~n. A.s TU:l.DY a.~j' YJ~n.ifoltling pro?ess, alld as to sp~j-~d i.1l se) .. vic~alJl(· and easily operated roa~ stl'atmI.. It woulll have bl!co d.lilicult for aware, tb<'>l'e was jL wIng of thl' SOCl"fl.tlC ! WrttllJO', eompal'lSOD to pell a.nd Ink IS ehm€ III tlw rnal'ket. W t'" would lwt the sodety t.o hav,' rpmaillf'd longer io hall pxteuding 80uth • .1.nd also !Jnl' I ab!-Hll·~r As far as onr eXp1"ril'ncl' goes. [ luue :,tonhi'~ in our otlice but thl' existence without th(' refilling inftu- west. Thl'se two divisions of the hull! \\"t' know of no other machine th,at we I Ren~ington. "\ c hav.c ?OIDe to tbis con~


. I ,wlllild care to exchange the fypc- I clu/"ilol! after examll)lIlg the bt('st Cnces of the weaker{ 1') 51':\, ODly hy a wel'l~ dCllOmlOate{ as the sOllth t'Dd aUI11 \-\' l'itl'l' for. Yf}llrS truly. nl<\chioe.s ill the market. small ml.ljul'ity was the constitution th(' wpst end. U!\\la.lly there e;dsted II C. B. S~TIT H, I Yom'!:;. truly. with rciereuce to h,'r ineligibility tWllor more strlJUg' f:t.ctions thl'011 g 1i-1 Mana:.:er fol' H. (;. l)IHlIl & Co .• ~t. I . I;. ~. RD!SEY ~FG. CU. adopted, there being many who d~'clHe(l (Il)t the entit .. :p'[tr, Clod tIH'Y would Louts. 11\'1. RUD,I""ey. t;ec y., St, LOtlIS.

it inadvisable to cfdmle hj~r. tioon take thClr plal'eiJ in these wings of th,· it~r to rin£: tlw bpll~ throue:h(lllt the 1 h.&ve <1.", hiul bet'n tb., case at all pre-after organiz.atiuo two VE·)'.,Y hitter and hull aceonling to t.he faction allianc(' .. ..... I antagonistic factions arose, lHlrtlvon had beel} given. If OUt' :-;iile propo.'"ied. buiiding about ten minuLes before tlIe "iou!>; meetings UDder snch circurn­account of this question, and uitt'"t' long the (tther antagonized. It marit' UI! liuhts in thl' hall would Ill;' extin- j stances . .i'1o soow'r, hOWl-vel'. ha.d they contentioD tht, millol'ity withdrew and dift'crj'ucP a.'i til wha.t th~' question was, /r-~h;hetl. 'Vhl.'!l1 this si.rna1 was given ~ departed, when the victorious rCillDatlt allied themselves with the. Zot('tic So~ the strength fOl" Ill' "gll-iIl:)t nny p'·{)po· ~n that night. ant! the ~eDlaining tl'll ~ produl'f'll caufUes previously pr-epl.lred,

, ciety. which hatl been organize!1 with ~ition \Vas always a forl'gnnc ('oncltl- minutl's ]lad been consumed, tbp mo-! with which UIl' mel·ting W!l!3 continued. the opening of the school. To be sion. On one occasion, whit'h bapl'l'llI.'d Hon to adjonrn was made and st'comh.;j i It is unn{wt1sslwy to sta.te that a sl,uth brief, however. thi,; .o;;ectioD of the COD- to be tl)l' night for the election of by the we>!t cnll thillkina of cour1'>C it I end man was elected irem pn'siut'"ut to

~.' ~ , . j'lDitor. TIll' boys of tIlt> opposing fSI'-stitntion was soon afterwards amC"ndctl, ollicel's, it WHS anticipated that tbl'l'C wOliltl l'ccetve tho nC<;llssa.ry Votl' fOI' 1t ~ tion saw the point later on. allowing the hoys to eome out and woulil not he liufHcient time fUI" t1w to t:.UTj'. On stated ~Y the'chair i There are many other slH'h amusing bring their girls; aDll it is certaillly sufe husinc.';s meeting to lie lH'ld on account and the votl' belllg takpn UHjC L'OC1', the incidents that might be told. but I am to say that from that time d.'lte~ the of a very lung prf~grRm to hf' renLI~red. wcst cuJ gav\' its uillted vote, 'When uln'udy, I feal', making my article too n~al growth and prosperity of tilt' SO~ It wa."1 understond mutually.on the part the opposition was called for it seemed long. As-t(.) so~e of the l~tldnhle work

. I ..• . I f b h h d I .. ~ . done hy thIS hteml'Y SOClety. may be mety. n a :Walt tune tIe member- 0 ot t c west an sout 1 ends thnt an ns 1f the entIre school was paekeLl III mentioned n1:l.ny ~I'illiant entertain-ship swelled itself into a Dumher equal adjonrnmellt would b~' taken to Uw the Sotlt.h eDtl. Tbe I..'hngrin of the meDts and oneal' two contests in which to that of the other eud. o! the literary next Monday atfel'll0oD. at which time othel' ::)idc could well be im~gined. The SoC't"aticB always 1J.pld their own. I worhl in the Univcrsitj'j th~' hall was the regula.r business of the society motion, of course, was declared lost. could nnme those who. in the:it- time,

'11' I . compnsed t-he gaTaxy of literary "'ems perceptl ) y Improve( 10 appenrancc; would be tra.nsacted. Bllt so far as That portion of the hall used by the in this society, wlin have sustained the an orgaD, which wheezed n. little, was concerned the south end, this was south end faction had heen literally high standards held up by them, iu purchased; n library, throngb the only nn ostensible lludertaking, That packer\ with Zetics for the oC(lusion. after years, ,and who demon­kindness of outside'fricmls, was insti. pal'ticular element at that time was in Just abont that time the lights were strated the good work being aCCOill-tuted, and many other obvious indica.~ th . '\ b· d' f . . h d h h tl t' plished by both society and .school. but e mlnon y, Ull was very esu'ous 0 extmgms e t rong out le en Ire for the present I wi11 concede I have tions of thrift a.nd general enterprise electing some of their own' numb~r as building. The west entlers va.cated already proven lll1 article wearisome. n).(l.niieste<l thc~selves ill so many re- officers. It wa.s tbe cnstom of the jaD- tlIeil' seats, thinking everyone wonld :A..N OLD SOCRATIC,

Normal Gazette, July and August 1888 Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC Daily Egyptian 1888 Daily Egyptian 7-1888 Normal Gazette, July and August 1888 Normal Gazette Staff Follow - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

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Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.