Office Hours - Chapter 5 - Scotsomighty (2024)

Chapter Text

As predicted, the rains resumed in a torrent downfall upon the City of Splendors in the following days. It pattered grey and gloomy across the windows of the tower, and danced in a million ripples across the sea on the other side of the townhome. The crashing of the water against the sea wall made for uneasy echos of foul weather to come. Gale laid draped across his couch with a book in his hand and Tara resting across his knees, a mercy she often partook in to ease the dull ache Gale constantly dealt with during atmospheric shift. Occasionally simultaneous to his reading Gale would reach down and rub his knee, as well as reward Tara for her warmth with an ear rub before resting his hand back across his chest, exposed by the partially open boysenberry silk robe. The dark tattoo of the orb across his chest was an unconscious stim for Gale, tracing his fingertips around the orb, following the tendrils up across his collarbone and back down.

Despite his best efforts, Gale was bereft from any relaxation that Sunday afternoon. He found his book insipid, his mind preoccupied, his heart disquieted. Beside him on the coffee table his phone sat with vexatious activity as a string of missed calls from Mystra’s devilish lawyer hounding him with reminders of his conditions to her service. Gale lowered his book, realizing the vinyl record he put on had reached its end, and the low fuzzy thump of the needle acted as the timepiece that made the passing lethargic seconds in his narrow condo apparent.

Gale, ever stuck in his isolated habits, spoke up to his cat. His conversation with her is a great comfort to him, despite her speechlessness.

“It’s all rather troublesome, Tara. I was so convinced Mystra’s forgiveness was all I wanted. But now I’m not sure. Everythings been turned on its head.”

Tara, as expected, only blinked slowly as she listened.

“I think you would like her. I know you only tolerated Mystra, but Tav is so different, much like you, I think. Stubborn as a boulder, but cracked underneath she is an illustrious geode of intellect and wit and unbridled kindness. A multi-faceted wonder. ”

His thoughts drifted to the kinder subject of his budding feelings toward the half-elf. Tav’s unexpected youthfulness, her edge compared to the position as librarian intriguing him. He often makes excuses in order to visit her at the library, one’s that are easily dismissed due to his position as the literature professor at Blackstaff Academy. But even these excuses are beginning to be questioned by his peers. What a dilemma to weigh on one's heart when the counter to that scrutinous balance was the way Tav’s face lit up when she saw him.

The fuzzy thump continued.

"I can feel it. The closer we get, the heavier my own heart becomes." He said, contemplative and melancholic.

Tara lifted her head and blinked sadly at Gale, her paws beginning to knead into his leg.

“I know Tara.” Gale rubbed his eyes under his palm. “I am a contemptible man indeed to pursue this passion while manacled by the law. Egad, what would my mother say? Her only son committing adultery. “Let other pens dwell on guilt and misery. I quit such odious subjects as soon as I can, impatient to restore everybody not greatly in fault themselves to tolerable comfort, and to..” Oh blast, I can’t remember. Some such as the quote goes…” Gale recited, waving his hand in the air above him.

Tara’s voice rumbled somewhere between a growl and a hiss.

“I suppose technically it's not adultery.” Gale admitted. “You’re right, Tara. As always. No love loss indeed. A year's separation is a significant difference.”

The calico, proud and conceited, turned her chin up at him before turning her head away and resting it back down onto his knee.

Gale sighed and dropped his book down onto the coffee table, taking his phone and holding it above his face as he swiped and opened the unread messages. More empty reasons why Mystra could not agree to a meeting this time, but encouraging him to continue trying and maybe next time she will hear out his pleas for reconciliation. Gale huffed.

The fuzzy thump continued.

A new email notification from Elminster appeared at the top of his screen.

Dean El: Board of Trustees meeting in Library conference room #203

Were it so easy to interrupt a board meeting and find her there, Gale mused. But she would not be, as she most often called in from wherever in Faerûn she happened to be; on business or from the comfort of her luxury penthouse in the sky. A penthouse he once occupied, long ago. His personal heaven in the Elysium Tower downtown in Waterdeep. That time felt so long ago to him now, as if a different man lived there.

The fuzzy thump continued.

He wondered if Mystra had ever attended a meeting at the library without his knowledge. He wondered if Tav would have passed her in the hall by chance without realizing it. He wondered how each of the women would feel about each other, and got a distinct, sinking feeling deep into his gut that Mystra would treat Tav horribly. An unwilling memory floated into his mind of her combing her long black hair between her fingers as she reminded Gale that he was nothing without her. Just another sycophant. He needed her.

The fuzzy thump continued.

Tara yowled as Gale suddenly sat up. She jumped away as he swung his legs off the couch and stood, walking over to his record player and lifting the needle off the vinyl. He turned the turntable off and sighed, his phone still in hand.

The calico watched him sadly as the silence washed over the tower, save for the pattering of rain on the window pane. She mewed softly, walking over and rubbing her head and her body between Gale’s ankles. He remained still, his eyes vacant with rumination.

The fuzzy thump continued.

The penthouse, modern and minimalistic, sat cold and soulless save for the young academic and his cat. He lifted the needle off his record player, tucked away on a bookshelf among other home decor absent of meaning to him. It wasn’t exactly his taste but it was attractive and expensive, which were important for his wife. The rain pattered across the floor to ceiling glass windows casting dim shadows across the smooth glossy floors.

No sense flipping the record over again. Gale turned the turntable off and picked up his phone sitting just beside it on the shelf. No answer.

“I don’t think she’s coming home, Tara.” He mused aloud as he looked down to the cat by his feet and sighed. “Again.”

Gale turned back to the long dining table behind him, the open floor plan inflating the sense of isolation within him. An extravagant meal was laid out for the two of them, candles lit, fresh flowers from his favorite florist in town sitting delicately in a crystal vase. He dragged his feet over to the edge of the table, leaning over and holding up a cupped hand as he blew out the candles one by one.

Just as he was examining the wedding band on his finger, he felt a vibration from his phone, then the ring. He answered it immediately, a burst of hope fluttering through his heart.


“Yes, my chosen.” She answered with her little nickname for him, but she seemed impatient, or perhaps hurried?

“Is everything alright, my love? I thought you’d be home tonight like we discussed.”

“I’m sorry, but I can't tonight.” Her voice wavered, drifting away from the phone for a moment as if turning away. Her voice was faint, talking to someone else with her before her voice returned with clarity. “I’ve got an important dinner tonight. It’s business, you understand.”

Gale felt his impatience rise up his throat, his worried heart hardening into frustration, but he maintained himself, pressing on tactfully.

“I understand your work is very important dear, but I implore that you consider that tonight is not just any night, love, its-”

“Gale I have to go, Karsus just arrived and is waiting for us out front. As a business partner he is indignantly stuffy and narcissistic, but he does know how to book the best private restaurants. Our next winter collection is being finalized for the runway, it's his treat to me for working so hard, I can’t possibly refuse.”

“Mystra wait--”



Gale’s lips pressed into a firm line as he looked down at his phone. The black screen reflected a sad man so worn out he could see just how embarrassing it was for a celebrity like Mystra to be seen with.

“So much for an anniversary dinner.” He dropped his phone down onto the table and sighed deeply. He began to pace and ran a hand through his hair, getting longer by the day, now curling around his ears and falling just into his eyes when washed or unkempt. “Unbelievable!”

Passed aside again for that business partner of hers. “Karsus” or whatever he called his brand. Mystra spoke as if she hated him and yet she still needed him at her side rather than her own husband. Gale felt his hands clenched into fists, his head throbbing, his limbs aching to move, to express some fit of anger for relief. But Gale was not a violent man, nor prone to waves of rage to consume him. He was a thoughtful man. He sat on the long, comfortless white couch that faced the wall of windows and he thought, hand clasped over his fist, his lips brushing against his fingers as he thought, elbows anchored on his knees.

Tara tried to stir him, rubbing her head and her body around him on the couch, but it was no use, he was already deep in machinations, his heart pounding with the passion of a man who will not be outbested--outshined. Mystra chose him for a reason, for his ingenuity, his brilliance, his ambition. She must be testing him. A public display of humiliation to inspire a gesture out of him. This cruel game of hers was driving him to prove himself, he was sure of it.

His heel tapped against the cold floor as he thought. The rain tapped on the windows. Tara tapped on his leg.

Gale blinked and looked down. His beloved cat was staring at him, eyes full of concern as her little paw tapped on his leg. He looked around, back in his small tower condo, cramped and cozy, but admittedly, a bit of a bachelor pad.

“Where is my mind, Tara?” Gale shook his head, flashing a quick and reassuring smile to his companion. “How can I lay here and read when this place is long overdue for a tidy! I can’t possibly have company over in this state.”

Tara tilted her head and meowing quite talkatively as she walked in a circle around his feet. He could hear his old friend as if she could speak; “Why Mr. Dekarios, I’ve been telling you to clean up after yourself for months now! Goodness, what would your mother think…At least you’ve finally come to your senses about this.”

Tara pranced over to her cat-tree, flying up the scratch post and up through the hole and onto the perch. She laid down with her chin against the lip of the perch, watching over the room as if supervising the cleanup efforts.

Gale laughed a little to himself and rolled up his sleeves. “Right. What better place to begin but here.”

It was Friday again, but given that it was a school holiday, no extracurricular activities or meetings would be held on campus after regular class hours, meaning some well deserved freetime. The sky threatened snowfall, but none came. Gale, of course, made his way through the library doors. A singular question buzzed in his mind and danced on the tip of his tongue just waiting to be asked. But at the same time, the question felt heavy behind his lips, scared even to exit the safety of their silence. Before his mind could flip through any more scenarios, something different about the library caught his eye, or rather, someone different.

The red tiefling stood leaning against the front reception desk of the library blowing bubbles from her gum. She had studded cuffs around her wrists and the shoulders and yolk of her sleeveless jean jacket were studded to match. Her pants were baggy and camo-printed tucked into tall black leather boots Gale could only imagine where steel toed as well.

“Good afternoon, Karlach.” the professor smiled warmly. His hands were in the pockets of his long wool coat, open to his usually scholarly attire and plush violet knit scarf. “What brings you to Blackstaff?”

“Roomie’s just showin me around!” She said with a toothy grin and a tilt of her singular horn over her shoulder, referring to Tav. “We were going to go out tonight after work. She’s such a workaholic I can't trust her to meet me at the club, y’know? No biggie, I’ll carry her over my shoulder if I have to!”

“Club?” Gale gulped, and immediately felt his age.

Karlach laughed. “Yeah, Wyll can really bust a move, and when Momma K’s on that dance floor I’m on fire!” As Karlach spoke she demonstrated a quick shuffle of her feet and a twist of her hips.

Some students walked past them both, waving to the professor and wishing him a good evening. Gale politely did the same.

“So, Gale, man of literature,” Karlach said as she rested her back and elbows against the front desk of the library, overly pronouncing each syllable of ‘literature’. “Got any book recommendations for me?”

“You can read?!” Gale asked facetiously, his boyish smile matching Karlach’s jocularity. He joined her beside the desk, presuming Tav was on her way.

“Very funny.” She rolled her eyes. “Yes -”She playfully punched Gale’s shoulder, harder than perhaps she might have realized. “I can read. School put me off those assigned classics. Sometimes I wonder what I'm missing.”

“Say no more - I'll find the perfect book for you.”

“Ooh! Something with magic, please. Maybe a dragon?”

“Speculative fiction it is then.” Gale nodded triumphantly.

“Sorry for the wait!”

Both heads looked up to Tav walking toward them carrying a tall stack of books in her arms. Gale, ever the gentleman, immediately offered to carry some of the load, but Tav waved away the gesture. “I’ll just drop these off in the office to get back to next week. Just another minute and I’ll be ready to go!”

As she walked hurriedly away Karlach scoffed and crossed her arm, yelling after her. “Fine, I’ll just be here eating dirt or whatever.” She blew and popped her gum.

A moment of silence lapped. Gale felt the need to fiddle with something, maybe twiddle his thumbs. He glanced to Karlach, who didn’t seem to pay heed to anything but blowing pink bubbles. Gale loosened his scarf and cleared his throat.

“Karlach... a hypothetical question for you: If someone - not me, of course - detected a hint of romantic interest in them from another, unnamed individual, what might that someone do about it?”

Karlach’s eyes rolled over. “Whoever it is, just talk to them, Gale. And leave out the hypotheticals.”

“Talking. Right. I'm good at that.”

She smirked. “Pft. You’re weird, man. I mean, just ask them out. You have done that before, right?”

“Not in many years I’m afraid.” He said.

“Well, hop to it. Just like riding a bike, yeah? I’ll all come back to you, you’ll see. Say, do you want to come with us?”

The question caught the professor off-guard, earning a short sputter of disbelief. It was then when Tav finally returned Gale got a better eyeful of her attire. She was removing the school-appropriate white button up to reveal a black mesh longsleeved shirt. The lace bralette underneath was fully visible acting as a statement, rather than the highly concealed undergarment. She tossed the white shirt over the back of the reception desk chair as she exchanged it for her leather jacket, returning the facade of modesty to her upper half should she zip it up, which she did not. Her jeans were ripped at the knees to expose the fishnets under that. He felt a lump in his throat and pulled his coat around him a little tighter.

“Watcha say, roomie? Does Mr. Bookworm over here have what it takes to keep up?”

“You’re coming?!” Tav’s eyes lit up at the suggestion. It tugged on his heartstrings, but his rationality got the better of him.

“No no, I’m afraid I couldn’t.” Gale protested. “What with the condition of my knees, oof. I’d only hold you back. Better to go on and,” Gale awkwardly gestured with a swing of his arm. “Dance the night away.”

“If you say so.” Tav shrugged and together with Karlach left the library shortly thereafter.

Gale followed back outside, stopping and watching them continue on toward the parking lot. In the distance Wyll ran up to them and joined at their side, the three of them leaving campus together like old friends. Gale felt the wind blow through him, and the question still wavering on his tongue, now pressing anxiously at his lips to free. Gale did not run after them, but walk, bad knees and all, to his car to drive home.

All the while his fingers tapped against the leather-bound steering wheel. His voice hummed gently as a distraction, but it was impossible to get the image of Tav out of his mind. His imagination played with his thoughts in the in-between places as his mind auto-piloted his drive back to the lonely tower. The teasingly transparent material. The tantalizing lace. He sighed through his nose and gripped the steering wheel tighter.

As Gale climbed up the stairs and opened the door to his flat, he looked around. It was tidy, just as he left it. Tidy for awaiting company to fill her, and breathe life back into the old bones of the academics torpid life.

“Blast this.” Gale huffed, discarding his coat and scarf on the nearest armchair as he strode up to his hall closet and removed a modern, younger looking jacket and threw it over his shoulders.

His thumb quickly typed as he set up Tara’s dinner in the kitchen, the cat in question looking on with caution and confusion. A change of plans and a desire to meet them there. Gale waiting for what felt like enough time to give up and settle that her phone might have been silent or long forgotten about when a text pinged with her excited reply and an address. Gale opened up his rideshare and set up a pickup, just in case this sudden change of heart of his should require any drinking, which he was almost certain there would be, and all the better to be responsible and keep his car here.

Gale researched the club during the car ride. It was not far, and it was very popular and most certainly not his usual venue, but he was intrigued nonetheless. As he got out of the ride upon reaching the destination, he admired the building. It was fashioned out of an older building, like much of Waterdeep’s architecture. The large corner sign reading “The Saucy Satyr” with a cartoonish Satyr made of neon lights shined down. Gale took a deep breath and ventured forth into the unknown.

The actual club itself was in the basem*nt, which was intentionally dark save for the roving light display and disco ball reflecting light across every surface and face. Everyone from drow to taxabi were down here. He wondered if that pale elf from the yawning portal night would be here, but Gale decided that wasn't worth investing any more thought to. It was hard to see anyone specific in the sea of moving bodies. Some dancing in the middle, others swaying, others more on the outskirts simply enjoying the room and a drink, conversing with those around them, although it was any wonder how as the music was so loud Gale could scarcely think. There was a strong base, a beat that held all the dancers together in a rhythmic flow. It was electronic with lyrics he couldn’t make out. It all just rang in his ears mostly.

Before he could step any further from the base of the stairs, a familiar face emerged from the mass. Tav’s smile, and then her voice finally met his ears. She was without her leather jacket, most likely in a coat-check upstairs.

“You made it! I’m so glad!” She said as she ran up to his side. She leaned in close enough her lips nearly brushed against his ear. Gale leaned in, straining to hear even still. “Come on, follow me.” She grabbed his arm, smirking as she tugged and led him away. Gale followed closely behind.

Tav led him toward the back of the basem*nt where a lounge and a minibar were set up. It was angled away from the speakers so that it was easier to hear. The lights were mellow and soothing compared to the strobing from the stage. Tav pulled them to a pair of barstools in the corner where a counter beverage dispenser held water heavily iced with slices of cucumber and lemon. Tav poured them both a paper cup.

“What do you think? A little different from a library, huh?”

“It’s certainly stimulating.” Gale nodded as he sipped. The water was radically more refreshing than he expected, and he noticed how warm it was around him. “It’s frightfully humid in here, don't you think?” Gale frowned, tugging on his tie close at his neck. Everyone around them didn’t seem to notice, or maybe they didn’t care. He pulled off his jacket and draped it over one leg. Tav watched him and laughed.

“Come now Gale, you’ll have no student of yours here to see you, let loose a little!” Tav teased.

Reluctantly, but with a humored smirk, Gale pulled at his dark tie and slipped it free from his neck, folding it neatly around his hand and sticking it into his pocket. Tav blushed as she watched, her mind racing to other uses that tie could have, but she quickly pushed those thoughts away. She hadn’t even had a drink yet.

She was next distracted by Gale’s neck as he unbuttoned his lilac dress shirt and pulled open the collar a tad wider. He sighed and nodded as he did so. “Yes, much better.” He said, but Tav did not answer. She tried not to squint, but she thought she saw thin black lines running down the left side of his neck. So thin she thought they were veins at first, but they grew thicker and darker the closer they were to his collar. Something circular poking just below the edges of his shirt where the third button held together and out of sight.

“So,” She wavered. “What made you change your mind?”

Gale glanced at her from the corner of his eye before he laughed through his nose. “You did.”

“I did? Does that mean you’re going to dance with me, Professor Dekarios?” She added his title haughtily, as if to prove how out of place he was here with her.

Gale sheepishly smiled and shook his head. “Not tonight, librarian.” He answered in kind. “This is all a bit much for me.”

“Then why did you come?” She inquired, leaning in.

“You make me feel like a much younger man.” Gale replied sincerely, a touch of sorrow hidden between his words and his eyes. Pity, if Tav could read his expression right. She straightened up in her seat.

“Come now, Gale. You are not as old as you think you are. You don’t look a day past 40… for a human.”

Gale knew it was a lie, but he was pleased with her effort to be polite and he let it slide.

"You're adorable, even when you're teasing me. But, I must decline. For now.”

“For now?” Tav’s lips curled in a grin and she arched her brow. Gale smiled mischievously in return.

“In due time, I assure you.” Was all he said on the matter. No more could be said as Tav saw her friend run up to them panting.

“There you are!” Karlach screamed over the music. It wasn’t that loud, but her ears were probably shot by now. “Come on! I just asked the DJ to play our song next!” She turned to Gale. “Come on, prof--You’ve gotta see this!”

Karlach tugged Tav off the chair and she laughed again, but held out as she looked back to Gale.

“Last chance?”

Gale leaned to the side to glance again at the dancing mob and back to Tav’s hopeful eyes. He leaned back against the bar and shook his head. “Go dance, have fun.”

Gale watched for the next hour or two as Tav, Karlach, and occasionally Wyll danced together. Karlach kept wanting to dive into the center of the dance floor where the heat of dance overtook everyone, but Tav remained at the outskirts in full view for Gale to spectate from his place in the back. She occasionally locked eyes with him from across the room, her lips curling, before flicking her curling hair out of her eyes, her lashing fluttering closed and turning her head to the side. She teased him sometimes, inciting certain dance moves that rolled her hips and rocked her shoulders from side to side. Gale to his credit simply sipped on a glass of amber liquid, guarded her water, and watched contently with his jacket across his lap.

As their dancing came to a close Tav was relieved to have her water so heavily guarded. Karlach was by this time fairly drunk and rambling about some sick beats the DJ was playing while Wyll stood beside her, ready to catch her should she sway a little too far.

“It’s great to see you out here, man.” Wyll said as he patted Gale on the shoulder. “Really, I’m glad. You needed a change of pace, I’m happy to see you take the reins of your life again.” Wyll was a good man and a good friend. Gale knew he was concerned with his solitude, so the compliment was heartfelt. He nodded and pointed his chin up to Karlach.

“What shall we do with her? I can call her a car, if need be.”

Wyll waved his hand. “Nah, don’t worry. I’ll drive her home safe.” He then turned to Tav, still chugging water. “I’ll see to it she gets into bed, she’ll probably be asleep when you get back so..” Wyll paused and then his teeth flashed in a charming smile, bouncing his brow. “Take your time.”

“What? Are we goin home already?” Karlach whined, leaning her body against Wyll ready to catch her.

“Yup, come on big K, let's get you moving. Good night, you two! See you Monday.”

The two left, and Gale and Tav followed shortly behind. Gale waited as Tav retrieved her jacket and helmet from the coat check.

They stood outside in the cold for a moment, hesitation thick in the air between them, looking for any excuse not to part ways so soon. Gale’s heart sped ahead of him, the question threatening to slip away unspoken forevermore.

Tav was zipping up her jacket and looking down the street, her helmet once tucked under her arm now behind rolled around between her palms. “Well, I better get go--”

“Would you like to have dinner with me, Tav?”


She blinked, her face snapping back to the man in surprise, feeling the bite of the wind all but fade from the tips of her ears. Gale, with his hands in his pockets standing upright and serious, asked again, in case she misheard.

“I would like to invite you to dinner. I thought I could lend you this book from my personal collection, peruse it at your leisure before a crackling fire while I prepare us a ridiculously extravagant meal, served with a batch of my homemade hundur sauce."

“Homemade? Meaning dinner at your home?”

“Of course! I am rather proud of my cooking, but if a sumptuous home cooked meal is not to your tastes, I understand completely. I know of many michelin star restaurants here in Waterdeep that-”

“No,” Tav cut him off with a softness to her voice. “No, I would rather like to eat your cooking, I think.” Gale felt a wash of relief fall over him, and a little something more. A spark of hope, a new flame kindling inside. Tav, easing the tone with some levity, cracked a smile and stepped closer. “ I just didn’t expect you to invite me to your home so soon. You must really like me.”

“More than you can imagine.” He said honestly, and its earnestness surprised her even more. Gale, in all his affections, did not restrain himself to show it. She liked that about him.

“Well, I can drive you home at least. My bike is parked just down the street.”

“Your motorcycle? A ride on that? Together?”

Tav rolled her eyes, but instead of debate the matter any longer she grabbed his hand and pulled him along down the street. She was only half a block away, and as they stood before the parked bike, their hands remained fasted still.

“Are you certain about this?” Gale asked suspiciously.

“You know me. I'm nothing if not exceedingly cautious."

Gale turned to her and incredulously hummed. His critical half squint and the turn of his lip. “Hm? Hmm? I suspect we define the word differently but, nonetheless.” He shook his head, but after a beat his smile crept back onto his lips. She felt him squeeze her hand. “Sounds like a recipe for disaster. But you know what? I'm learning to enjoy the taste of chaos. Count me in.”

Tav tittered in victory as she and mounted her bike, scooting forward in her seat to leave him enough room behind. After putting on her helmet she turned her body toward him and patted the leather.

Gale stifled the chastising thoughts over his poor aching knees and lifted his leg up and over the bike. He slid down the smooth seat, finding himself awkwardly flush with Tav’s back. He attempted to be polite, rigidly keeping what distance he could between them, but Tav had none of it. She reached around her and took hold of his arms, pulling them forward and thus heaving him closer. He blushed as she directed him to hold onto her, either by taking her hips or wrapping his arms around her. He attempted the former, gingerly placing his palms on her hips, his fingers holding firmly against her warm body. The sensation of her firm but lean body sent his mind nose-diving into an indecent territory, quickly correcting the placement into the latter suggestion of wrapping his arms tightly around the small of her waist. This was arguably worse as she pressed her back against his chest closer now, her rump and strong thighs forcing his legs to open around her, his legs pressing against hers. The heat of a thousand suns could not compare to what his face produced in that instant. A solid year since anyone came but a fragment close to him, and thus he was thrust against Tav with nowhere to go.

Just as he had made up his mind to apologize and retreat, the roar of the engine rang loudly in his ears and addled his thoughts. Tav kicked up the bike stand and suddenly the pair were jerked forward. Gale instinctively squeezed harder and dug his face into her shoulder as they took off. His heart was pounding. She cackled manically at his expense.

“Open your eyes, professor. You’ll enjoy yourself more that way.” She called behind her to combat the volume of the motorcycle and the whirling gusts that filled his ears. He hadn’t noticed he even closed them.

He warily opened one eye, then both. Tav sped through traffic, passing cars and streetlights in a blur of red and white light spotted with the dark night in between. Gale felt his hair blowing in the wind, flicking hard and cold against his cheek and forehead. He broke into an unexpected smile, awestruck at his own enjoyment.

He must have made a sound as Tav laughed again and howled out a cheer of freedom and delight as the engine burped and ripped down the road. Gale found himself laughing and cheering with her, albeit out of breath and still very terrified.

“Must you go so fast?” Gale yelled over the wind.

“No, but it’s a hell of a lot more fun!”

Suddenly there came a loud honking, and Tav’s head jerked her head to the side and behind her, the gear shifting and jolting them forward.

“sh*t!--Hold on!” She yelled and flet Gale squeeze her tighter as she lurched the bike to the side. To her left a driver was coming up, weaving between lanes and nearly hitting her as they swerved around at dangerous speeds and little control, all the while laying on their horn. Tav struggled to keep the bike balanced with both of their weight steady, groaning as she engaged her core and muscles, until they straightened out and she dropped to an appropriate speed and distance from other drivers, but not before Tav flipped the distant driver the bird.

“Nine hells, people are worse drivers here than they are back at the Gate.” She chided. Gale still held tight, eyes closed yet again as he found himself in a cold sweat of near-death adrenaline.

Eventually the traffic and tall city buildings faded past them. Tav had driven them around toward the coast, down the long strip of winding road that girdled that city of splendors from the beaches and public parks that lay beside the water. Tav pulled off the road and down into a beach and bird sanctuary park. At that hour the beach was closed and the parking lot was empty. Dark inky black of the sea kissed the darkened clouded sky and the streetlights shone brightly above them, barely light enough to cascade down to the white tufted waves.

“Oof. Give me but a moment, if you please.” Gale gasped as he awkwardly dismounted and bent over, rubbing his knees and catching his breath. “My old joints ache after sitting askance like that for so long.” Gale groaned.

Tav smirked and shook her head, setting her helmet down across the empty seat as she paced and stretched, pulling her arms above her head and feeling the air around her sore and sweaty body. She paused, watching the distant waves lap the shallow beaches of Waterdeep. This area of the city had no docks or marinas, but there were sails out into the distant horizon, and little personal yachts passing by with their green and red navigation lights. The breeze was cool and salty. She took a deep breath and sighed audibly with satisfaction.

By this time Gale had gained his equilibrium and came to stand beside her, and yet his heart still raced. His life flashed before his eyes as they rode and yet he felt more alive than he had since boyhood. He watched her gaze out, the waves of her hair curling and bouncing in the breeze, her face flushed, her eyes glinting and bright. She was wild, uncontrollable and absolutely irresistible. He yearned to savor what that unbridleness tasted like upon her lips.

He cleared his throat, and clasped his hands behind his back.

“It’s quite thrilling, to ride so swiftly through the bustling city. Especially being at your side.” Gale’s breath caught as he complimented her, catching her eye and now her figure as she turned to him. He cleared his throat and continued. “ I um. Once read a book that explained in some detail the effect a brush with danger has on one’s desire for uh, other forms of stimulation. Have you ever read anything on that subject?”

His anecdote caught her off guard, earning Gale a short laugh from Tav as she threw her head back. “Read it, I could have written the damn thing.”

Gale amusingly exhaled through his nose. “I believe you. You never looked so beautiful as at the end of a stirring ride. Your cheeks flushed. Gaze bright. Muscles glistening…”

Tav quirked a brow, but stepped closer with intrigue. “What are you saying exactly, Gale?” She asked, her tone playful and alluring.

“Only that I find you quite irresistible.” Gale likewise replied brazenly before gesturing to the streetlight anchored above them. “ Even illuminated by such rotten light this place produces. Perhaps it's just the thrill of his near undead experience talking, but standing at your side now… it only makes me want you more.”

Tav felt her heart jump against her ribcage. His expression was so tender and genuine despite the overbold and outright shameless admittance to his attraction to her. She could not muster a co*cky quip or a sly remark, let alone a breath at all. She held it in her chest with her beating heart as if keeping them from spilling out. It might have been not longer than a second but as she looked into his eyes, their need and desire as they looked back at her, she believed him entirely.

There was an expectant lul, a magnetism between them as the moment drew them closer, but unsatisfactorily brief as headlights swept past them and soon a car drove near. It was a park ranger who pulled up and informed them the park was closed. Tav smiled and waved, explaining they had to stretch their legs and were off soon. With a nod and a wave the car's window rolled and moved on lingeringly.

With this interruption, Gale caught himself, pulled his thoughts back and took a deep breath. “Unfortunately this is neither the time nor the place to indulge such feelings. So we must be patient and push all such thoughts aside.” He then smiled coyly and winked. “For now.”

Tav, too, within the distraction had time to compose herself. “If you promise.” Her teasing hand graced over his chest and shoulder as she walked past him. She took her helmet and facened it over her head once more and tilt her head to the side. “Come on, loverboy: Give me your address, I’ll drive you back.”

The ride home was smoother and with less heart-pounding excitement. Internally he was glad to live close to the shore to safe his icy hands and face. He imagined starting a fire and inviting her inside to warm up a bit, but even those desires were dashed quite instantly as the pulled up to his condo tower at the corner of the neighborhood. Gale tightened his grasp on Tav’s hip and told her to pull over quickly, finding a parking spot a few doors down from his own to give a wide birth.

A dark silhouette stood leaning against the building at the corner. He dressed in a finely tailored suit in all black with sunglasses sitting neatly in his breast pocket beside the red silk square. His hair was a dark brown slicked back that curled under his ears and his skin deep tan in complexion. He cast a menacing eye on the pair as they pulled up. His own car sat directly in front of Gale’s front steps on the street. It was an old model Lincoln continental convertible, its roof was down to expose the gaudy red upholstery and matching black trim.

“Stay here.” Gale ordered under his breath as he stepped off the bike and walked briskly up to his building. She thought better than to challenge him, heeding his serious tone. Tav gripped the handles of her bike tighter as she anxiously watched the two men stand before each other, speaking in low voices. Her eyes wandered around as she waited, taking note of the well manicured street and intersection, the tall, corner building where Gale lived, the mysterious man who seemed to put her colleague on edge on sight.

“What are you doing here, Raphael?” Gale asked in a hushed tone.

The man’s cruel and devilish smile unsettled Gale as he glanced over his shoulder to the woman not far behind him. “Come now Gale, where is your civility? I am but a messenger. We should have a chat, you and I..” He gestured to the steps leading up to the apartment. “Shall we withdraw? We have much to discuss to our mutual satisfaction.”

“No.” Gale spat without consideration. He impatiently huffed. “Not tonight. Please.”

“Consider your predicament, Mr. Dekarios.” The man's tone shifted, his conniving attitude dropping into a grave severity. He brought his hands together, fingertips pressed against each other. “I've only tried to be a friend to you by coming here alone to discuss the reason for your absence in correspondence. Did you think Mystra would not notice?”

“I didn’t think Mystra cared a fig for me.”

Tut tut. She waits on every pathetic plea of yours to meet and discuss your contract--oh, do forgive me.” His lip curled. “I mean your relationship.” He amended. “Your groveling was her way of keeping tabs on you, and since your hiatus, she has given reason to believe you’ve… Moved on. It would be a terrible shame if we could not still work something agreeable out to our collective benefit.”

Gale crossed his arms. “Huh. See I was under the distinct impression that Mystra wanted nothing to do with me, so pardon my skepticism.” He said with blatant sarcasm. “What does she care what I do, seeing how she wants nothing to do with me?”

“Gale, my friend,” Raphael all but hissed as he spoke, although he feigned friendliness and compassion. “Mystra waits for you to make the big gesture, to prove your undying, everlasting, eternal love for her. Do that and she will run into your arms like a blushing bride once more.”

“And if I refuse?”

At this the devil of a lawyer laughed, low and deep in his chest like a growl of some beastly feline. “I think you will reconsider this rash judgment. I, as your former lover's lawyer, have her personal ear at my disposal. And these lips of a messenger,” Raphael shook his head with a smirk as he nodded his chin toward Tav still sitting and waiting on the bike. “The message may pass in both directions.”

Gale’s heart plummeted. His eyes widened at the implication that Tav could get caught up into his mess. What would Mystra do should she know, with all her infinite influence over Blackstaff? Raphael watched as the horror passed Gale’s complexion and laughed again, cruelly.

“You’re secret can be safe with me, Gale. And I could lend you Mystra’s ear, perhaps, should you really seek to go forward with your divorce in full. But, I never surrender knowledge for free. One good turn deserves another, does it not? Let me think about it, and I'll get back to you.”

Raphael flashed a smile with his perfect porcelain teeth, before turning on his heel and walking to his car. Tav got off her bike and walked up to Gale’s side as they watched the dark figure drive away in his old gaudy car.

“What was that about?” Tav asked as she watched. The resounding silence brought her eyes back to the professor, who looked white as a sheet and lost in his thoughts. She frowned and placed a hand gently on his shoulder. “Gale?”

Gales brown eyes looked to be on the verge of tears, but he turned his head away to compose himself before her.

“Thank you, but you needn't concern yourself.” He reached out and took her hand again, holding it for a moment before gently placing a soft kiss onto her knuckles. “I must postpone our dinner, but I promise you the opportunity will come again soon. Very soon. I cannot wait.”

“Me neither.” Tav said truthfully, which earned a sad smile from the man before her. “Will you be alright, Gale?”

“I will be.” He nodded and released her hand. “Goodnight, Tav. Please drive safely. See that Karlach is well for me.”

“I will.” Tav swallowed, lamentably stepping back toward her bike. “Goodnight, Gale.”

Her heart felt heavy as she mounted her bike and drove away, turning back one last time as Gale walked up the steps and entered the building alone. That mysterious man was like a bad omen that completely shifted Gale’s attitude. Tav knew that could only mean bad news, but for who?

Office Hours - Chapter 5 - Scotsomighty (2024)


What is the question 21 in the Westminster Shorter Catechism? ›

21. Who is the redeemer of God's elect? A. The only redeemer of God's elect is the Lord Jesus Christ, who, being the eternal Son of God, became man, and so was, and continueth to be, God and man in two distinct natures, and one person, forever.

What is the new Westminster Shorter Catechism? ›

This Westminster Shorter Catechism was produced by the Westminster Divines (Theologians) during the Westminster Assembly (1643-1649). It consists of 107 questions, carefully posed and just as carefully and exactly answered, with Scripture proofs to undergird the doctrines taught.

What is the chief end of man Westminster Catechism? ›

What is the chief end of man? A. Man's chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.

What is God Shorter Catechism? ›

God is a Spirit, infinite, eternal, and unchangeable, in his being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness and truth.

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- One may never do evil so that good may result from it; - the Golden Rule: "Whatever you wish that men would do to you, do so to them."

What denominations use the Westminster Shorter Catechism? ›

Westminster Catechism, either of two works, the Larger Westminster Catechism and the Shorter Westminster Catechism, used by English-speaking Presbyterians and by some Congregationalists and Baptists.

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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Author information

Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.