One Piece / Funny - TV Tropes (2024)

One Piece / Funny - TV Tropes (1)

"Everyone be careful! You're going to start falling soon!" note

One Piece may be a World of Badass, but it's also a very weird world, full of colorful and insane characters and situations. As such, there's many Funny Moments per arc. Just take a look. As there are a lot, here are pages for each half of the story:


Super Rookies Era

  • One Piece: Super Rookies Era

New World Era

  • One Piece: New World Era

4Kids Dub

  • One Piece 4 Kids Dub

Live-action Series

  • One Piece (2023)


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Filler Arcs

  • In the canon Arlong Park Arc, Luffy grabbed Zoro with his Gum-Gum arms outstretched and flung him away. The fillers turned into a bit of a Running Gag that Luffy kept sending Zoro flying in some way or another, both during the Warship Island Arc and the filler sections of the Alabasta Arc where the crew was traveling/wandering through the desert.
  • From the Warship Island arc, Luffy's "Gum-Gum!!!! Suspension bridgeOne Piece / Funny - TV Tropes (2)."
  • In the adaptation of the Diary of Coby-Meppo cover story, Morgan takes an opportunity to escape after Garp falls asleep while eating, but not before slashing him across the chest. Garp doesn't even wake up, but when he does, he smashes a cannon with his fist. Then...

    Mook: Vice Admiral Garp! We all thought you had been killed!
    Garp: Huh? Someone was killed!? I must have missed it while I was sleeping... Where's the victim!?
    (Beat as Garp glances down and notices the big honkin' gash across his chest)
    Garp: (embarrassed grin) It was me?
    Marines: WHEEEEEEEEE—!

  • During that brief mini-arc where Foxy returned, both Sanji and Zoro got hit by Foxy's Slow Slow Beam, and the result was Sanji slowly falling towards Zoro, both with looks of terror on their faces. Just when they're about to lock lips, the thirty seconds expire, and Sanji manages to catch himself in time. They then have the following exchange.

    Sanji: That was terrifying.
    Zoro: I agree.

    • Another moment involving Zoro and Sanji from the same arcOne Piece / Funny - TV Tropes (3) : During a fight scene, an enemy rushes towards Nami. Zoro pushes her out of the way in time and tries to fight the guy by blocking his sword with his hands, but a pissed off Sanji steps in and makes the move fail. Obviously, they start to argue, and the guy tries to get a hit in, but they easily dodge. Zoro tries to catch his sword again, but Sanji screws the move up once more. They bicker some more, then notice the enemy, who's still in the way, and send him flying. Cut to Robin and Chopper on the Going Merry, who see the guy flying away and treat it as an Unusually Uninteresting Sight:

    Robin: Ah, a human firework.

    Chopper: They seem to be having fun...

    • Still from the same arc, Foxy disguises himself as Porche to escape the Straw Hats. Foxy's disguises aren't exactly the best around, to say the least, so nobody is fooled... except for Luffy. Needless to say, his crew is utterly appalled by his stupidity. The moment even ends with a collective Face Fault from everyone else in the room.
    • Earlier on, when Foxy and his subordinates were travelling with the Straw Hats for a while, Foxy decides not to fish food, and instead grab an orange from Nami's trees. The dumbass mistakes Nami's hair for an orange and grabs her instead, and promptly gets beat up for it. Luffy even comments on how dumb Foxy is, while Hamburg laughs.
  • The G8 arc is filled with hilarity:
    • Luffy plays ninjaOne Piece / Funny - TV Tropes (4).
    • When Sanji and Luffy try to free Usopp and Zoro from G8's brig, Usopp suggests using his Impact Dial to blow the cell bars apart. Sanji takes the Dial from Usopp's pocket, but when he uses it, it plays back comments Usopp made in Skypiea, as he had taken the Tone Dial by accident. One of the Marines wonders if that is supposed to be a secret weapon, which causes Sanji to turn bright red with fury. He takes another Dial (glaring at Usopp all the while), but this one turns out to contain foul gas. Usopp demands to know who put a fart in his Flavor Dial, and Luffy weakly apologizes. The joke is then taken to its logical conclusion when the gas ignites a candlelight and creates a large explosion that blows the bars apart. Finally, when they finally escape, Zoro manages to get everyone lost in a straight corridor, thus enabling them to avoid the ambush that has been set up for them.
      • The part where the question marks start popping up over all the Marines' heads in response to the tone dial snafu is priceless.
    • The "Condoriano" sceneOne Piece / Funny - TV Tropes (5). Because Robin is impersonating commander Shepherd, the real deal is mistaken for one of the Straw Hats and jailed along with Usopp and Zoro. Seeing an opportunity there to screw Shepherd over some more, Usopp claims the commander is actually a member of their crew, Condoriano. Not only is the name itself funny, but the way they pronounce it is as well, as well as details like Usopp poking "Condoriano" with his nose.
    • Lovable, gentle Chopper acting like a berserker brute and threatening to kill the "hostages" if they aren't allowed to escape. Made better by "hostages" Nami and Dr. Kobato over-acting their pretty little heads off plus Zoro grinning and golf-clapping. And Luffy actually believes he's serious.

      Zoro: I'd do as he says, guys. He's serious. If you haven't seen the neck-snap thing, it's pretty messy.

    • The scene with the "Eagle Launcher" was gold as well.
    • When trying to leave G8, Usopp comes up with a plan to use the Octoballoon from Skypiea, along with an Impact Dial, Breath Dials and Flame Dial, to escape. But...

      Usopp: We don't have the octopus.
      Chopper: The octopus.
      Nami: Yeah, the octopus.
      Sanji: sh*tty octopus.
      Robin: Yes, the octopus.
      Zoro: Damn octopus.
      (Luffy gets between Zoro and Usopp with a big smile on his face)
      Luffy: I have it.
      Usopp: He says he's got it.
      Chopper: He has it?
      Nami: He's got it.
      Sanji: sh*t, he's got it.
      Robin: He has it!
      Zoro: You have it?
      Luffy: Yeah, right here!
      Everyone except Robin: Eeehh!
      (Luffy proceeds to pull the octopus from his shorts... from the inside)
      Luffy: See?
      Luffy: Well, he was our savior who brought us down from the sky!
      Zoro: I know, but...
      Sanji: ...didn't it feel funny down there?
      Luffy: Down where?

      • Usopp's expression when Luffy pulls the octopus from his pants.
      • Immediately after that, Usopp asks who should activate the Impact Dial (Which, as a reminder:, hurts like hell when you use it). Cue the other Straw Hats staring at him with evil grins and crazy eyes.

        Usopp: H-hey, guys...what gives?
        Luffy: Who does the Impact Dial belong to?
        Zoro: It's Usopp's.
        Robin: Right, Long-Nose?
        Sanji: Then it's only fair that we let the owner do it.
        Nami: You're the best, Usopp.
        Chopper: Good luck, Usopp!
        (cut to Usopp's increasingly terrified face)
        Zoro: Hey, don't worry, old buddy, we'll give you a hand.
        Luffy: It's decided, then.
        Usopp: Noo-oo-ooo!!!

    • Usopp pretends to be the special inspector who has come to check on the base, and it works for a short while, but tough luck for him, it doesn't end as well as he planned. What this clip doesn't show is that the "real" commander Shepherd who has arrived isn't even the real deal, but actually Robin in disguise.

      Captain: I KNEW IT! (Starts strangling Usopp, who put the poor Captain under a microscope moments ago) HOW DARE YOU?! YOU ASS! WHERE'S YOUR ATTITUDE NOW?!

  • Episode 510: Ivankov arrives on his island in his full female form, which Sanji instantly falls for. But he reverts back to his original sex as Sanji was about to take "her" hand. Talk about Unsettling Gender-Reveal!!
    • And funnier still, Sanji knew that was coming.
  • In the TV Special Detective Memoirs of Chief Straw Hat Luffy, Zoro blatantly attacks Mohji and Richie to protect Vivi and then nonchalantly states "Sorry, my hand slipped", much to Cabaji's annoyance.
  • In one of the TV Specials: Luffy got his finger stuck in a bottleOne Piece / Funny - TV Tropes (6) trying to get the message in it out. Zoro comes in and offers to help... by cutting the bottle with an axe. Luffy's reaction is priceless.
  • In another of the TV specials, the Straw Hats end up being part of a play. As expected, it goes completely apesh*t: Robin overracts while singing and dancing (freaking Chopper out in the process), Sanji can't bring himself to perform his role of attacking the princess, Usopp overdoes his role as a narrator, Luffy pops up on stage wearing a monkey costume and dancing around... Apesh*t indeed.
  • Episode 131: Sanji has a dream about Nami and almost kisses Zoro in his sleep.One Piece / Funny - TV Tropes (7) Both wake up at the last second and their reactions are priceless:

    (they start fighting)

  • In one of the Boss Luffy specials, Luffy, Nami and Usopp meet Franky. At first, a cloth ends up flying in Nami's face, then Franky comes in, with nothing to cover his privates, much to Nami's shock and Luffy and Usopp's amazement. A couple seconds later, Mozu and Kiwi run in and hide Franky's privates from view with hammers, not realizing they're too late. Then, the kicker : Franky reveals that the cloth that flew into Nami's face earlier is his loincloth. Needless to say, Nami screams in shock.
  • Episode 336. It completely revolves around Chopper Man, and is full to the brim of funny moments.
  • From Special Episode 2:
    • Nami decides to help a group of people find treasureOne Piece / Funny - TV Tropes (8), Zoro and Usopp aren't fooled for a second, and know Nami does it more out of greed than kindness, but when one of the children says that her sister doesn't care about gold and jewels and thus doesn't intend to actually keep the treasure, Nami's eyes start to shine. Brightly. So much so that it actually blinds anyone who looks at them.
    • Earlier on, when Amanda is kidnapped, Nami tries to get a sleeping Luffy to wake up and save her. She wakes him up by stomping the hell out of himOne Piece / Funny - TV Tropes (9), then points at the enemy's ship. Luffy stretches his arm to try and attack, but he falls asleep again and rockets himself right into their ship.
    • When Robin points out that it's unusual for even Luffy to sleep like that, she asks if Sanji put anything funny into his meals. Usopp says it's ridiculous, saying there's no way the cook in charge of their food would do that, but Sanji admits that he did put a few sleeping pills in Luffy's food, because he was so noisy.
    • When the Straw Hats finally corner the villain Bayan, they all attack at the same time, except for Robin; who waits for a Beat and clutches Bayan after he's been sent flying. The fansub version adds a bit of Fun with Subtitles by making all of the Straw Hats' respectively colored attack texts appear at the same time.
  • In episode 54, as Apis is trying to run away from the Marines who kidnapped her, she gets caught by a soldier. She manages to escape him by accidentally kicking him right in the crotch, freezing the poor guy in position.
    • When Luffy catches a drifting Apis, the recoil from his stretched arm sends Zoro flying right out of the ship and into the ocean.
    • When Apis wakes up, she accidentally bumps into Usopp, leaving a dent in his chin (and making a hilarious Wild Take in the process). It's made even better by the fact that in her Imagine Spot of the Straw Hats as evil pirates, Usopp still has that dent.
    • Later on, she's cooking breakfast for the crew to thank them for saving her from drowning out at sea. Not only did her cooking blow up the kitchen and left the utensils in a terrible shape, but the food itself was burned, and spicy as hell. Aside from Luffy, everyone turns red from eating it. Then blue.
  • In one of the crossover episodesOne Piece / Funny - TV Tropes (10), as Nami and Rin are running through a desert, they respectively see that Master Roshi and Brook have passed out. As they run to their help, Roshi says he might survive if Nami basically lets him cop a feel, and Brook asks Rin to show him her panties. Cue the two young ladies kicking the two perverts away, and Franky randomly striking his "Super!" pose as he doubts whether Android 18 is a true cyborg or not. Then Rin calls them a flock of perverts, which they take as a compliment.
  • The entire three-episode Caesar Retrieval Arc is full of laughs. Breed's powers let him contol whoever his goo lets him collar, and naturally he gets Caesar, Chopper, Luffy, and Law. He puts Chopper in a dress and makes the other three sit like dogs, much to their shock. He even makes Caesar faceplant with a command to lie down!
    • Law admits that as soon as he figured out Breed's powers, he put in earplugs to block them, and has since given them to Luffy and Caesar. Cue Luffy constantly complaining that he can't hear people and asking Law what Law just said.
  • The Marine Rookies Arc gives us plenty of laughs.
    • First, as the Sanji Retrieval Team is struggling to deal with hunger, Luffy in particular looks like a zombie, and he tries to eat Chopper, only to get beat up by Nami.
      • He later does this again in the Shark Submerge, with the same beating as earlier.
    • After scaring some Marines, the group that went to the island (Luffy, Nami, Chopper, Brook, and Carrot) steal their clothes. Carrot is excited, but Luffy complains that he doesn't wanna wear the Marine coat, only reluctantly complying when Nami tells him to wear it if he wants food.
    • As Nami and Chopper's backs are turned, Luffy and Carrot wander off on their own, right into the main base rather than the food storage, because Carrot smelled something good in there.
    • When the new Marine Grount, is left at the cafeteria with a lot of angry looks from most of the Marines, he is confronted by Bonham, who at first looks like he wants to pick a fight, but instead greets his old friend with a hug, which annoys Grount.
    • Zappa, another old friend of Grount, is in despair because he proposed to every female Marine at the post, but got rejected by all of them.
    • Later, after Nami and Chopper followed Luffy and Carrot to make sure they don't get into trouble, they notice food and their stomachs growl. The cook spots them and says they don't look familiar, but ends up serving them curry; they thank her and gladly eat the curry.
    • The above is followed by Carrot noticing the two and calling out rather loudly at them; Nami and Chopper responds by trying to get Carrot to be quiet, to no avail.
      • Carrot's call attracts the attention of Zappa, who fawns over Nami and proposes to her, and when he leans over for a kiss, Nami flees and he ends up kissing a ladle held by the Gonk female chef from earlier, and when he's told Nami left, he falls back into depression.
    • After Luffy's identity is discovered, he and Carrot are surrounded by Marines. Carrot asks Luffy what they should do, and he replies it's obvious. Carrot thinks about running away, but Luffy instead replies they should eat more, much to her shock, but she joins him anyway and they stuff their faces with curry.
      • Note: Before that, the Marine troops had surrounded the two with swords and guns, but when Luffy and Carrot hop over them to get to the curry pot, all they do is just stare.
    • Zappa tries to woo Carrot by giving her a bouquet of carrots, and Carrot thanks him, causing Zappa to faint in happiness, then Luffy calls to Carrot and they both make a run for it, causing Zappa to get mad and try to kill Luffy in a fit of jealousy. As Luffy blocks Zappa's swords with Haki, Carrot electrocutes Zappa while apologizing for attacking him even though he gave her carrots. And then we learn Zappa is into that sorta thing and wants her to zap him again. (Zappa getting zapped! Hey, a funny- that's punny!)
    • This is followed by the arrival of Brook in his soul form, which scares Carrot. Brook apologizes for scaring her and asks to see her panties, which Luffy interrupts by asking where the others are, and Brook leads them there. (Brook's request to see Carrot's panties all forgotten).
    • After beating some Marines, Brook accidentally leads Luffy and Carrot into a wall because he forgot that they can't pass through walls and calls himself bone-headed.
    • At the food storage, Luffy and Carrot continue to stuff their faces with meat and carrots. Nami tells them this is no time to be eating around, and Chopper agrees with her, while he's doing the same thing as them, which Nami calls him out on.
    • Grount, Bonham, and Zappa has caught up to the Straw Hats, with Grount fighting Luffy, Bonham fighting Chopper, and meanwhile, Zappa tries to propose to both Nami and Carrot, but Nami instead creates a thundercloud that electrocutes Zappa, but all it does is make his crush stronger.
    • After that, he unleashes a fiery slash at Luffy, which gets deflected towards a hanging water tank, which falls on Zappa and unleashes a flood that washes away the Straw Hats.
      • If you look close enough, you can see that Luffy was being swept away upside-down.
    • As the Straw Hats approach a cliff, there are Marines waiting for them. Vice-Admiral Prodi calls how pirates are selfish because they have little regards of others, then he reveals that the reason he can't let them go is because he would be demoted and his retirement plan would be ruined. His subordinates, Chopper, and Nami all call him out on this.
    • After the Marines fend off Nami and Carrot's electrical attacks, Chopper figures out that the Marines' rubber shields don't help very well against non-electrical attacks, and it all falls apart for the Marines.
    • At the end, when the Straw Hats make it back to the Sunny, all the food they stole are all eaten within 10 minutes, mainly by Pekoms and Pedro (they were left starving on the ship), and also by Luffy, Chopper, and Carrot as well.
      • As Nami tries to ask Luffy what they're gonna do, he ignores her and looks back at the Marine island, where Grount, Bonham, and Zappa are watching the Sunny sail away, and he grins at them.


  • One Piece Film: Strong World
  • One Piece Film: Z
  • In the first movie, as Ganzo is telling a story about how he willingly let himself fall off a cliff to save Woonan's life, Luffy asks if Ganzo died. This is funny enough on its own (especially with Nami facepalming in the background), but when Ganzo tells how he survived, a disappointed Luffy says...

    Luffy: What, you didn't die.

    Everyone: NO sh*t!

  • In Movie 4 Dead End Adventure, when hearing about how the crew is low on money, Luffy says this.

    Luffy: [seriously] Oi, let me say this as your captain. You guys are spending too much money on food.
    [gets beaten up the rest of the crew]

    • This background conversation between Luffy and Zoro.

      Barman: There's no cures for idiots or pirates, is there?
      Luffy: Did he call you an idiot, Zoro?
      Zoro: Why me?
      Luffy: Because I'm a pirate.

    • While fighting some pirates in a massive bar fight, Luffy is hanging onto a chain, following a large group of pirates as it moves upward. When he passes by Nami, Sanji and Robin, this exchange takes place:

    Nami: Luffy! What are you doing?
    Luffy: Nothing! Just a fight!
    Nami: I see. Don't get lost, okay?
    Luffy: Okay!

    • Upon arriving at a Marine base due to a fake log post, the crew decides they'll track down Gasparde. Usopp asks how, and they respond that Chopper will track them by smell. We then get a scene or two over at Gasparde's ship, and the Going Merry just kind of slowly making its way toward the ship... cue this conversation on board the Merry.

      Usopp: I can't believe we actually tracked him by smell.
      Chopper: Are you doubting me?!

    • After hearing Anaguma piss and moan about his (her) lot in life as a victim who can't afford their freedom one too many times and having such a despairing attitude to the point of wanting to die, it hits way, way, way too close to home for Nami. Nami goes absolutely berserk. She grabs one of Zoro's swords and starts swinging it wildly in an attempt to scare the thought away. The better part is that, beyond Chopper, non of the others Straw Hats makes any effort to stop her.
    • Luffy crying a literal river over the thought of losing his straw hat forever. Thankfully, this is not the case.
  • In Movie 7, there's a classic Luffy momentOne Piece / Funny - TV Tropes (11):

    Luffy: *seemingly panicked* Nami !!!
    Nami: Wh-What ?
    Luffy: A doll is carrying tea ! AWESOME ! *gets punched*

  • Film Gold:
    • The race scene is really hilarious. It's literally One Piece does Wacky Races:
      • Jimmy Meyers, one of the racers in Hot Shell, goes through a mean personality change behind the wheel like Edolas's counterpart of Natsu Dragneel:

    Jimmy: MOVE, BITCHES!!

    • One of the racers, Petty Officer Straight, is too stubborn to listen to his driver, who says they need to turn. Straight orders him to keep going forward... so right off the track and into the pool below they go. The real kicker is if you go look up what the unspoken name of the driver is... Curve.
    • In a blink-and-you'll-miss-it cameo, Wanze is proposing to a woman equally as ugly as he is on a giant Ferris wheel. Cue an interruption by the Straw Hats flying past the window.
    • At the casino, the Straw Hats are told that they could become billionaires. Nami, Usopp, and Brook try to discuss what they heard, only for Luffy to bet all they have on a game.

      Luffy: Alright, we bet it all!

      Nami, Usopp, & Brook: (Understandably mad) WAIT A MINUTE!!

      • Becomes even more hilarious if you remember that those three were the ones who beat up Luffy for mentioning "ninja" in the Zou Arc.
    • Brook's reaction when the overly showy Dice takes out a weapon (purely to gain centrifugal force) to destroy a giant bell in a game of craps... then all he does is slam his head to break it instead:

    Luffy, Usopp, & Chopper: (Shocked at the turn of the events) EEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHH!?!?!


    • Carina tempting Tesoro's guards with her stunningly huge melons.
    • Carina is leading most of the Straw Hats through a corridor of Red-Eyed Owls that squawk if their luminous eye sights catch intruders. The group sneaks through with the help of Chopper, until they cut it a little too close and all the owls focus their sights in the direction of where they sensed movement. Everyone except Brook is able to make it to safety unnoticed, who is wearing a heavy robe. All the owls lock onto him... except, it isn't followed by the owls squawking.

    Brook: It's hard... to run... in this...! (the beams converge on him) GASP!!

    Chopper: BROOK!!

    (Brook shrieks in mortal terror three times over)


    Sanji: ...I think you're okay because you're not a living thing...

    Brook: (mournfully) That'!!

    • Raise Max's ridiculous duck waddle interspersed with his completely serious conversation.
    • Later in the movie, Baccarat's Devil Fruit makes Usopp's, Chopper's, and Brook's luck backfire horribly in rapid succession. After this, Usopp takes a long pause to think, then comes up with a brilliant plan:

    Usopp: ......USOPP DASH!!!

    (a brilliant plan... to save his skin, that is)

    • Remember how weak Spandam ranked when he had his power measured? Well, his attack was blocked by a CHILD. An ordinary one.
    • Lucci and Sabo both stop dead in the middle of their fight to stare when Tesoro uses Gold Splash. When Tesoro crashes onto the deck of the Navy ship, Sabo offers a quip and Lucci orders for Tesoro's arrest and they both leave instead of bothering to continue the fight.
  • Stampede:
    • Mihawk, just like at Marineford, walks away from the battlefield with the statement that he won't participate because it's not in his contract.
    • When everyone is scrambling to fight off the Navy invasion, the Fox Pirates and Wapol Pirates suddenly sail up besides the Sunny.

    Foxy: Feh heh heh heh! Straw Hats! Heed my words!
    Foxy and Wapol Pirates: (Bows) Please save us!
    Nami: Save yourself!

    • After the Buster Call is summoned, Smoker tells Hina and the other Marines with her that he'll be staying to fight. Tashigi insists that since he's staying, she will too. Coby also insists on staying to fight. Helmeppo, on the other hand, stammers out what amounts to an "I guess I'll stay and help" and sounds very reluctant.
      • Capping off the moment is the fact that Hina looks at Smoker and then the other three very seriously, nods and then uses her Devil Fruit powers to grab Tashigi, Coby and Helmeppo and take off for one of the Marine ships with them while Tashigi and Coby both loudly protest it. (And Helmeppo sighs in relief.)
    • During the big team-up at the end, Sabo and Law have this exchange:

      Sabo: Thank you, Luffy's friend!
      Law: I AIN'T HIS FRIEND!

    • Buggy fires one of his Muggy Balls at Bullet while trying to run and just as he does that, Lucci cuts Bullet's outstretched monster arm with a series of kicks in such a way that Buggy actually thinks his Muggy Ball worked and spends several seconds bragging to himself about it.
    • After Luffy reveals he destroyed the Eternal Pose to Laugh Tale, Nami angrily asks if he's even trying to find the treasure at this point.

Cover Stories

  • From The Decks of The World:
    • The Baratie now has an expansion ship themed after Sanji's bounty poster. He's not gonna be happy when he comes home...
      • Becomes a Brick Joke in the 500 Million Man arc, where Carne is not happy about Sanji's new poster making the expansion obsolete.
  • From The Decks of the World, The 500 Million Man:
    • The kids at Zoro's old dojo are now trying to imitate him, much to Koshiro's exasperation.
    • Just like before, Genzo has put up a giant version of Nami's poster despite calling it "shameless".
    • The folks at Water 7 are very shocked to see Franky's new poster.


  • General:
    • There is always this one fan named “Sanada” who always asks for perverted requests. Oda always makes it a point to reject them in a hammy manner.
    • Oda almost never gets to start the SBS anymore because his readers take in upon themselves to do the job for him.
  • Volume 13, chapter 109:

    Reader: I've been thinking about a great topic for about five years now. And that topic is, "Why is it that in battle manga, the bottom half of people's clothes never get destroyed?"
    Oda: If they fought naked, wouldn't it kind of change the emphasis of the manga?

  • Volume 24, chapter 218:

    Reader: It takes while for time to pass in manga, doesn't it? Since it's a weekly thing. So, should we wait like 2 more years for Luffy's birthday?
    Oda: No, no, no. He has a birthday every year, just like everyone else. It's just that, in Luffy's case, every year is his 17th birthday. Doesn't that make you jealous?

  • In volume 53, a reader asks about Camie's birthday, but for some reason their greeting toward Oda is "Hello-Borsalino!". Oda responds in kind.

    Oda: Hello-Borsalino! Sure. Sure-Borsalino!

  • Chapter 600:
    • A reader asks about Sanji's post-timeskip appearance and gives three speculative guesses: 1. Illustration mistake, 2. Image change, 3. He's actually a twin named Yonji.
  • Volume 78:

    Reader:Why is the death rate of mothers in the OP world so high? (Rouge, Olvia, Usopp's mother, Lucianne [Senor Pink's wife], Bellemere, Vivi's mother, Shirahoshi's, Law's mother, Scarlet [Rebecca's mother])
    Oda: It's because the opposite of 'adventure' is 'mother'.

  • Another Black Comedy gem comes from volume 82: While Doflamingo's favorite food is lobster, he despises barbecue because he apparently associates them with some traumatic memory.
  • According to volume 84, Hawkins is so confident in his fortune-telling skills that if his cards tell him his lucky item is a skirt, he'll wear it. For extra Fan Disservice, Oda also specifies he has thick leg hair.
  • Someone male and very juvenile once got the bright idea to ask if they had Robin's power (the Hana Hana no Mi) if they could bloom a penis in the bathroom without leaving the classroom and what its ability name would be. Oda snarked that it was yet another moronic comment (having gotten used to this sort of thing by now) and claimed the ability would be called "DICK FLEUR!"
    • On top of this, Oda has confirmed that Buggy has a detachable penis and Gladius's penis can explode, which he says is "terrifying". Oda is clearly sick of footing dick jokes. (The SBS gets quite a lot of questions along the lines of "does (male Devil Fruit user)'s power work on his dick".)
    • Additionally, Oda has confirmed that Marco's Phoenix powers do indeed mean that if his penis were to be severed, it can regenerate.
    • Additionally additionally, Oda was blissfully unaware about the biological fact that sharks have two penises, and when a fan asked if Hody Jones, a shark Fishman, also had two, Oda said yes. He also proceeded to refer to Hody as a "double dick."
  • During SBS 79, somebody decided to submit their raunchy naked fan art of Nami, Vivi and Robin posing as the letters of the SBS while bathing and lathering up. Oda used it.
    • One reader asks for tips on drawing a Impossible Hourglass Figure on female characters. Oda tells him to visualize female proportions as "three circles and one X", and adds that he knows female fans chew him out for drawing like that but eh, that happens.
  • In SBS 85, Oda got tired of everyone asking what is under Doflamingo's glasses, and so drew him removing his glasses to reveal... a smaller set of glasses that look exactly like the ones he removed. Yes... he pulled a Kakashi on us.
  • SBS 86:
    • Someone wanted to know what was under Whitebeard's bandana. Oda replied by drawing Whitebeard's hair looking EXACTLY like his beard.
    • Some poor bastard is in the doghouse now:

      D: Oda sensei, hello. The bento that Luffy ate at the promised place with Sanji... does not look good no matter how you look at it, yet Luffy said "Delicious~". This is because his feeling of gratitude became a top-grade seasoning, right? I complain about my wife's cooking, and the food starts to not come. P.N. I have nothing to eat but my wife's cooking.
      O: Those are words to ruin your life, you know. Take responsibility for your actions. (Lol)

  • A popular reader request is to have Oda draw an inanimate object as a person such as Luffy's Straw Hat or various weapons through the series. In Volume 99, someone requested he draw a humanized version of Yamato's Side Boob. He calls out the readers for requesting so much about Yamato's boobs (while still doing the drawing anyway).
  • SBS 100:
    • Along with the above request, Oda declared that in the next volume, the celebrated 100, he would not allow such perversions and would make the SBS wholesome for once. The very first section is filled with nothing but, dominated with breast-related requests and, of course, the perverted frequent visitor Sanada.
    • We get to see a humanized version of Kaido's kanabo; as an ugly, ridiculously Top-Heavy Guy flexing.
    • The same SBS has a drawing of Usopp wearing a face mask. His nose pushes it so far away from his face that it becomes useless.


  • Epic Skull Joke!One Piece / Funny - TV Tropes (12)
  • This isn't from the series proper, but a fandom April Fools prank that grew to staggering proportions. When it was learned that a character who could gender bend people was treating Luffy for a poison, a group of people on the Arlong Park forums got together and came up with a fake spoiler summary and fake pictures involving Luffy becoming a girl and disguising herself as part of the Impel Down staff. While close examination would reveal the picture as fake, after being tweaked in Photoshop and done up to look like a spoiler image from JUMP, it proved to easily fool the layman. From there, it spread across much of the English fandom, and even a few foreign ones, with people either finding the Gender Bender uproariously hilarious and awesome or cringe worthy, though it was mainly the former. While the joke was prematurely exposed, Luffyko will certainly live on in the hearts of many.
    • Now "Sir" Crocodile is up on plate. Or even more infamously known in the fandom as "Croccomom" for the absolutely crackpot theory that he's actually a gender-bent Luffy's mother.
    • The really funny part about all this, is that a fan asked Oda in the SBS what would happen to the Straw Hats if they were gender bent, and Oda complied. The tales of Luffyko continue.
  • Basically everytime Zoro gets lost is a crowning moment of funny per se.
  • During the One Piece/Toriko Cross Epcoh Manga special, we get a look at Luffy's full course menu. For reference, In Toriko, every Bishokuya has this. It's all of their favourite foods ranging from entree to dessert, showcasing their tastes and variety in food. What is Luffy's? Meat. Just meat. FOR EVERY SINGLE CATEGORY.
    • For those of you who don't know this includes the salad, soup and DRINK.
    • Also, forgoing the usual pun or sight gag for the animals, Odacchi comes up with A Pig Inside A Fox Inside A Tiger
  • The "Mugiwara Theater" sketches. All of them.
    • In "RPG Time", we see a picture of the Demon King (Brook) Castle, but the picture is covered in increasingly-ridiculous labels for objects like "Demon Island", "Demon Forest", and Demon Restroom", and Demon Disability-Accessible Path".
  • The opening to Gigant Battle 2: New World features Usopp attempting to shoot Akainu, only to piss him off in the process. What makes it even funnier is the fact that it came right after some scenes of Luffy battling Hody, Sanji facing off against Marco, and Zoro dueling against Shiki.
  • Hanco*ck's constant squeeing like a teenage girl in rock concert every time she speaks to Luffy is hilarious, especially in the anime.
    • Also, Bartolomeo is essentially Hanco*ck's Spear Counterpart.
  • During a training exercise for the Japanese coast guard, the vessel pretending to be pirates during the exercise displayed the Red-haired Pirates' Jolly Roger.
  • This One Piece-flavored takeOne Piece / Funny - TV Tropes (13) on the Harlem Shake meme by haringbala.
  • In general, there's a lot of running gags of sorts that deserve mention, like Robin's tendency to stay calm even when everyone else around her is freaking out, or Luffy and Chopper's extreme naiveté.
  • Some of the cover arts and cover stories can get funny as well. On Chapter 487, Iceburg is shown having interviews to get a new secretary, and among the candidates are a flirtatious young woman, a cute little girl, a Gonk, a Miniature Senior Citizen, an old man and a literal Fish-man. Way later, in Chapter 655, it is revealed that he picked the little girl. In Chapter 580, Tashigi is teaching a nervous Coby about swords, while Helmeppo is trying to get his lunch back from raccoons in the background. The latest one in Dressrosa arc Has Jimbei finding Wadatsumi being behind a string of incidents where buildings rain down on the shoreline. Cue him scolding Wadatsumi for all it's worth while the latter looks like a kid being scolded by a parent.
  • The 4Kids Entertainment dub's opening theme, if only for its massive Narm Charm factor.

    He's made of rubber!
    How did that happen?

  • Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you: Leeroy D. Jenkins.One Piece / Funny - TV Tropes (14)
  • A Japan-only game app deserves mention here, as its very premise is funny: One Piece: Dance Battle. It's exactly what the title expects: a One Piece Rhythm Game. The character animations are really well done, but the very idea of seeing One Piece characters dance like that, especially the more serious characters like Doflamingo and Smoker, is hilarious. Here's a few sample videos for you to check out (Watch out for major spoilers for the Dressrosa arc): Rebecca and Cavendish mini-trailerOne Piece / Funny - TV Tropes (15), Perona vs AokijiOne Piece / Funny - TV Tropes (16), Nami vs a scantily-clad Hanco*ckOne Piece / Funny - TV Tropes (17).
  • Another Japan-only game that deserves mention is One Piece: Super Grand Battle! X. Scanning one of Nintendo's amiibo, unlocks a particular outfit for one of the Straw Hats; Luffy can be dressed as Mario or Luigi, Zoro as Link, Nami as Wii Fit Trainer, Usopp as Yoshi, Sanji as Fox McCloud, Chopper as Kirby, Robin as Samus Aran, Franky as Donkey Kong, and Brook as Marth. It's as silly and hilarious as it sounds, and there's even artwork showing the Straw Hats posing like the characters they're dressing as!One Piece / Funny - TV Tropes (18)
  • In the video game Grand Battle 2, several of the endings movies for the playable characters:
    • Luffy's ending has him posing with a Badass Longcoat and Badass Armfold, but he's interrupted mid-Catchphrase the second he sees a piece of meat dangling from a stick held by Usopp. Cue Luffy running after the meat like a child.
    • Zoro's ending has him finally defeat Mihawk... only for the camera to reveal it was actually an Imagine Spot, as Usopp and Chopper notice the scary face Zoro is making.
    • Ace's ending has him and Luffy fighting over the last piece of meat. They engage in a Big Ball of Violence, from which you can even see bursts of fire and Luffy stretching his arm to get his hat back. Then Usopp offers Zoro to share the meat in question, pissing off both brothers.
  • Just the fact that Ivankov's English VA is named "Randy".
  • The Blu-Ray release of Episode of Skypiea came with a few minutes of bloopers from the English cast. You can see them hereOne Piece / Funny - TV Tropes (19). Stephanie Young steals the show.
  • Just before facing the final boss of One Piece: Unlimited Cruise Episode 2, Franky tries his Big Emperor move he attempted back in Thriller Bark, now with Luffy and Brook joining in. The latter serves as his "Afro Shield", which Brook naturally objects to.

    Brook: Please don't use my precious afro as a shield!!

    • After Franky tries to get Robin to join in as well, she refuses just like last time, right before the final boss comes in and breaks their formation.

    Robin: I thought I told you never to ask me to "dock" with you again.

  • The annual Premier Show (a stage show with live actors) at Universal Studios Japan gets some good moments.
    • The 2012 Premier Show:
      • Before the show even gets to The Teaser, the Fake Straw Hats take the stage and the goofy shenanigans commence, including multiple Audience Participation activities and even Demaro Black singing "We Are". Unfortunately for the impostors, a squad of Marines led by Sentomaru eventually arrives to put a damper on the antics.
      • During the show's intro, Usopp tickles a sleeping Chopper awake.
      • When the Straw Hats are informed that a squad of Marines is approaching, they fan out into the audience to avoid them. Usopp almost gets found out, but he does a ventriloquism act with an audience member he's hiding behind to misdirect the Marines.
      • The Straw Hats' disguises for the Samba Festival are good for a chuckle with just how obvious they are. Each one just wears their normal outfit with an additional accessory: Nami, Robin, Franky and Brook have cowboy-style face masks, Usopp has a pair of shades, Chopper has a Domino Mask, and Zoro and Sanji have Groucho Marx glasses.
      • Chameleone turns out to be allergic to animals. This is revealed when Chopper and Brook arrive at the Thousand Sunny while Chameleone is hiding there, disguised as Luffy. Chopper's mere presence triggers Chameleone's allergies, and the ensuing sneeze disrupts his Copy-Copy Fruit powers. After this, he stumbles out from behind his hiding place and bumps into Brook, knocking the skeleton over (complete with comedic sound effects).
    • The 2013 Premier Show:
      • In The Teaser, Law is confronted by three G5 Marine soldiers. He steals one of their hearts with Mes, then nonchalantly tosses it over his shoulder and into the water behind him. The funny part? All three of the soldiers dive in after it.
      • Law once again subjects some of the Straw Hats to a "Freaky Friday" Flip. Franky finds himself in Zoro's body, and attempts to use Nipple Light in said body. Twice. This activates the Nipple Lights in his original body, which is now inhabited by a very excited Chopper (in fact, seeing the hulking cyborg take on the voice and mannerisms of an excitable 17-year-old anthropomorphic reindeer is a riot on its own). Nami is sent to Chopper's body, and much to her chagrin, Sanji ends up in hers again. And as you might have guessed, Zoro has the misfortune of getting sent to Sanji's body.
      • Luffy calls the show's Big Bad Lambor Bukini "Zucchini".
      • Brook has the gall to ask Nami for a look at her panties while she's fighting Bukini's goons. He gets a kick to the face for his trouble.
      • The mere sight of Caribou and Coribou squeeing over the Franky Shogun is hilarious.
      • Bukini's hammy Gratuitous English when using his Smelt-Smelt Fruit powers. "YO YO YO YO YO YO YO ONE TWO CHECK IT ONE TWO CHECK IT!"
    • The 2017 Premier Show:
      • The BIG Pirates' captain, Bad One Gracie, likes coffee, but because he ate the Gun-Gun Fruit, his forearms are gatling guns, so someone else has to hold the cup for him when he drinks it.
      • Luffy mistakes the BIG Pirates' name for "Pig Pirates".
      • At one point, a BIG Pirate named Neiro uses the power of his Fat-Fat Fruit to turn all the Straw Hats except Chopper and Franky fat (even Brook, who is happy to have meat on his bones for the first time in fifty years). How does the crew get back into shape? With Franky leading them in a dance routine.
  • The presentation for One Piece Stampede at USJ features in-person appearances by all the Straw Hats and their voice actors. Kazuya Nakai and Zoro are up first... and Zoro immediately starts wandering off, forcing Nakai to reign him in.
  • The Volume 108 trailerOne Piece / Funny - TV Tropes (20) is a Stylistic Suck animated video with an off-tune version of "We Are" being played on a recorder. This is the promotional video of a volume titled "A world where you're better off dead", containing some of the darkest chapters of One Piece. Highlights include:
    • Brook staring at Franky's Plumber's Crack, due to it showing his underwear.
    • Robin growing hands on top of Chopper's antlers.
    • Luffy switching gears while riding a bike, moving the pedals slower each time.
    • Whitebeard accidentally stabbing Marco in the eye with his moustache.
    • Franky being unable to complete an "I am not a robot" captcha.
    • Rayleigh trying and failing to use Conqueror's Haki on an elephant.
One Piece / Funny - TV Tropes (2024)
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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.