Public Ledger from Memphis, Tennessee (2024)

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Memphis, Tennessee

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WEEKLY PUBLIC LEDGER MEDICAL BAKINC POWDER ETC FLORIDA WATER Celebrated PUBLIC LEDGER Office No 13 Madwon Street JOB PRjHTlMC rUBLIC LEDGES i 5' tiff A Mow Piny i i 1 from the Boston Advertiser) A dew play has just been brought out at the London Haymarket Theater in which Hr Sothern personates the leading character and in which he has created a sensation that bid fair to rival his Lord Dundreary The piece is a one act farce founded on the three-act French play of Le Supplice Homme" and is jautiUed Hot if I Know It The authors have made great changes and have reduced it to what they call wild absurdity 1 he plot nsridBy mMJ MghstLti JflrJluigtoit is a young married mail who fa under' the iron despotism of his mother-in-law Mrs Major Decker Chancing to be at a place of refreshment he has an opportunity to assist a lady who happens toi have contracted liabilities exceeding by thru pence her power to pay Jfe pro-j tends 40 be -a bachelor ami adurious' tlirtation with the lady Clementine springs np in which the lady herself is very forward Sho writes him letters to his great discomfort and finnlly calls upon him The ladies are out however ami be hopes )e get rid of his uuoorufort-ably-perlisteiit visitor before return This becomes apparently impossible but the scene is relieved by the appearance of Dr Chirper a "fast" friend of Augustus also married but separated from his wife and the lady retreats to a plyrg fif JThe two gentlemen consult together to prevent the discovery of the hidden beauty but Mrs Major Pecker is too much for them and Clementine is unearthed' The doctor to save his friend declares ehs os his wife and so she is as he soon perceives to his utter amazement and the play ends: as every one njay iow expect with the reunion of theseparated eotiple and the cure of Thrillington's flirting propensities Mr Sothern makes much of the eharaeferr 4i genetid condition is hot one of abjertterror of his mother-in-law but rather as it is described by the London Times of suggestive nervousness is a Dundreary produced not hyTemperament but by circ*mstances He is by his fears into a se mi-maniacal condition in which he speaks aud acts at random sometimes talking sense sometimes talking won sense bnt through every change comical in the last The opportunities afforded by the plot for such a singular character are all that could be desired and it is eay to believe that the audience is kept at a roar of laughter from the beginning to the end of the piece In New Orleans recently a woman choked herself to death with a pair of suspenders- i A vessel arrived at New York on the 11th nit haring on board a hundred cases of cigars ancLtwo cases of measles IhveVr may be as disagreeable and disobliging to your Mends hi yon please- If coolness arises so much tint better -if u-- A Panorama of the St which pn'gioany cost twenty thousand dollars was recently sold in Boston as goods for five hundred dollars (lii- The Legislature of Utah- having eh tablishad wo nan sntfcagei the- Deseret News contains an appeal to the ladies of the female relief societies urging them to bring their sisters to the polls All the -women employed da tt shoe manufactory in Danvers Mass have struck because the proprietor substituted steam power to the sewing machine wliich had previously been worked by the foot Ex-Gov Curtin pnr representative ia in St Petersburg is quite famous and celebrated in that city for the elegance of his entertainments He has attained great popularity and his family are frequently guests of th palace The mayor of St Joseph Mo pave permission to a citizen to kiU two dogs bicb annoyed him and the next morning the mayor found two of his own doge dead with his own warrant of permission for their killing' pTnhed to their bodies I Mt a a 1 a J1 he i Florida Water The most lasting agreeable Mi 'Refreshing of all per-fumes tor use on the handkerchief At theytoilet and in the hath For sale by all Druggists and Perfomers BONDS FOB SALE I AtOTtCK IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL it pr0B Si riot to make and parinc that the SlmA Mrioe aod Memphis Kttilro4 Coropanj bow otter for Fate their ia this cuy their Bonds of Hole Green and Pirkens conn tie Alabama and Lowndes and Mon re counties' MiMinipoi These Bonds were issued by these counties severally to aid said company in the eon-strue tioa of their read They are known to be ive of the wealthiest counties in either the iSUte of Alabama or Mississippi iiavin? luttorcd but little by the ravages of the late war they owe no Noatios debt and possess a large taxable property and the Bonds now ettered constitute their only bonded debt They are ail eight per cent Coupon Bonds and pay their interest semi-annually at the of the Company or ia New York The taxes have been already assessed in aU the counties to meet the interest and provide a sinking fund for their redemption These taxes have been regularly collected and the interest in every case promptly paid- Guardians and sour is interested with the moneys of orphans can Snd ne securities safer and more profitable and capitalist seekicr so make permanent investment can do no better than to purchase thein The Company will diioe of them at such rates as will make them a pay in ten ter eent investment and when the Bond is paid the pur ebaser will receive twenty-five per cent additional on the original outlay 4 Stocks 4a eompaniew always depend on their manare-ment and rood fortune for their regular dividends The income from the Bonds iseer-tain regular more reliable and in atost in-etancM more profitable For any adaiiiDeab information apply to WcMXTU Cashier of Memphis City kire and General Insurance Company er to the nadersigned at the office of the helma Marion and Memphis Railroad Company Ko Madison street Memphis 4 JACOB THOMPSON Chairman ef the Finance Committee of SI and Co ift-m LEGAL Kale THB J9th DAY OF JULYl A to pay the note recited in the trust deed of Cook to me duly recorded in the office ef Shelby county State of Tennessee in book No 53 part 2d pages 725 and 727 I will sell to the highest bidder fur eash on the premises at public sale tne nine and twenty-nine one hundred 29-luD) acres of land in said county and btate on the south side of the Pigeon Roost road near the race track conveyed te said Cook by deed of arfield recorded in said office in book Ko 25 pages 221 22J and and farther described in said trust deed to both which deeds reference is now here made for more full description Redemption waived I will convey suoh title only aI have as trustee J04-12B A WOODRUFF Trustee I "'Trusttce Sale- 1 BY VIRTUE OF A DEED OF TRUST TO me executed on the 2sth day ef February IsTfi by Jao II Coffee Jacob Galloway Mary Galloway and Sailie Coffee proierly regirterei ia the Register's office of bhelby eouoty Tennessee in deed book 73 pages 514 615 Old and iu pursuance ol the terms thereof the indebtedness thereby secured remaining unpaid I frill I Or Saturday Ynlj 22 1871 At the southeast comet at Const Square It the eity of Memphis Tennessee within legal hours sell te the highest bidder for cash the whole er so mueh of the following described property to-wit: All situate lying and being In Memphis Bhelby county Temteee being tbs two-thirds (7) of the undivided half (h and the half of the undivided cne-tbird IS) of the lot of ground on the west side ef Main street at the northwest corner of Main and a oe street in the eity of Memphis baring a front of 10M feet on the west side of Main street with a depth ef 166 feet on the north aide of Vance street Sale for cash Equity of redemption barred Title believed to be good bat I will sell and convey only at trustee li POSTON Trustee fNo3211 the Kwonti Chancery Court of Shelby county Tenn Eliii Taber V' I Charles A Taber 1 APPEARING FROM BILL DULt sworn to in tbisoaaso that the defendant 'harles A Taber a non-resident of the State ef Tennessee it is therefore ordered that he make his appearance herein at the court-house of the second Chancery Court ef Shelby county ia the eity of Memphis Tenn on or before the first Monday in September and plead answer or demur to bill or the same will be taken for eonfes-ed as to him and set for hearing i-arteand that a copy of this order be pub-isbed one a week for four successive weeks in the Memphis Psbiie Ledger Tbit July 1S71 STEW A KT Clerk and Master 1 By Bilorrb Deputy Clerk and Maxtor A Attest: i if Adams Sol for complainant 1 I 114-120-126-132 i Atlaclmiciil HioUce Thomas Fox 1 vs Stanley A Coggsehall 1 TTACHM ENT HATING BEEN ISSUED ia tb Uovs untitlefi eau oa tbe trrouiids tbst tiffendanU are Boo-rerideots tb Slat of Ttibte4 a m4 tbs saw bavin been returned by th proper officer letied etethe defendant are nerebf aotified to ap pear on batordayAarut 1871 at ten o'clock a in at my office ia tbe eitf of Mempbis and defend this action or the same will proceeded with ex part This notice will published in the rublic Ledger aewfpaper nublished ia the eity of Memphis one a week for four consecutive week- wee! MWIKTKHBi i Justice of the rear Trnite's Jale Vi i ON MONDAY TH Uvw 1)AY OF 6EP-tember 1871 in pursuanc of a deed of trust mad to me by Andrew Dooelten to ecur th ote therein specified and amountinir to 71 besides interest which said deed is duly recorded in tb Pro bat Clerk's office of Bolivar county btat of MissiFPippi Fbrnary Zt lt7 in need book PWt 338 3M and 31 I will sell for eah upon the premises sou in batf of seettoa 7 township 25 ranr 6 en h1014 Motions 24 and 25 and all that part of section 23 east of the Hasb-packenaw in township 25 of ranjre 5 west in Bolivar oounty State of MiwiKippi head of mule lotJ head of cattle 2W bead ef bogs all the wagons carts blncksmith tools farming ituidemenU household and kitchen forDiture toe stock of corn fodder and prt-visions and the growing crops of corn and fodder upoa tbe said premises I convey only as trust bale subject to widow's dower 112-13 MARTiSTrit ES8AYS THE MKIUAL (HANbtk Essays for young mknon gret Srictal Kvili and Abuss which interfere with with sure means of relief for the erring aud unfortunate diseased and debilitated Kent free in sealed envelopes Address HOWARD ASSOCIATION No 2 Ninth street Philadelphia Pa 86-143 atjtorneyj: 'I allcFABLASD ATTOUNEY AT LVAV No 89 Mad icon Street 84-109 PUntert Iutarnnct Building CHEAP FJ1D1113 A 36-Column Journal The Weekly PUBLIC LEDCEH! I ur CT)-4 I PIfiU8UFD TUESDAY MORNING $2 Per Annum THE UE8TI NEWS LITERARY A- Miscellaneous Journa In Tennessee Oar Commercial Newt MUcellnneoustm Local depnrtmeuti will be kept up to th higbl est (tendard of approved endeavv oring to please all taate and to Interest all Readers Ji -r 1 1 iTbna making the LiixiKt a wet-ome plrasing gnd interesting FIRESIDE VISITOR AND FAMILY COMPANIOM I 4 3 In every lection of the State and thronghont the South Plainly printed on fuperior paper with a large and increasing circulation ADVERTISERS i ft -I I I- 7 Cannot fail to lee the nnrivaled inducement offered hy na In the way of -cheap and profitable ndvertinment Terms of Subscript Ion 12 per Annum Invariably in Advance -Specimen copieg mailed free nates of Advertising! 1 00 per Square for Firit Iuiertioa 60c f*ck Sabaeqaeat Iniertlon All communicationg ahonld be ad- drened to I WHITMORE Publisher and Prep 11 Madlsea n4MeiupHle BUSINESS HOUSES) BOW MAM MACHINIST AND beats Factor U'A street Special attention riven to repairing teals Donnell if aco (successors to Vim Dess A Co) Jealrs is choice family groceries Foplar street Memphis Tennessee 61' to ICkiNSON WILLIAMS A C0COTTOM Factors 210 Frsnt street 13MMONS A SON BOOKS STATIONERY Magaiiue eto 10 Jefferson anti WBsal 1 AMIS A CO MARBLE-WORKS tin Pipe cor Adams and Seen lid GOEPKL LKOPOL TDKAXKR in Organs and Knabe'e Pianos 375 Mam ORTON W' STANDARD KEEPER and sealer of wins and dry measures and measures of length eppostSe No list Front ORO ILL BROS A CO A RD A CUT-lery Agricultural Implements 312 Front STEAM DYERS A Hanson A Walker (lain Hunt A Hanson) Slid Second street QT INFIRMARY CORNER OF Jefierson and Third streets in charge of the Sisters of the Order of St Dominic WHITMORE STEAM JOB PRINTER 13 Madison street RAILROAD llYE TABLES MEMPHIS AND LITTLE ROCK RAILROAD Arrives Leaves An rH dau 6M aw rn 9 7u Hope field Huntersville Ferryboat will leave her (boat loot el Union street daily at 850 am MEMPHIS AND CHARLESTON RAILROAD Arrives 1 Leaves i TU 1315 tOO sw PR W30 I 550 430 Mall Express Way Freight Somerville -830 ''925 Through Mail train will mot stop at flag stations west of Moscow Ticket uttoe 278 aia street corner of South Court 1 MEMPHIS AND LOUISVILLE RAILROAD Arrives Leaves Aw rM Day 365 New York Klpresf 515 Nashrille Express 830 an rn 415 1245 530 Daily through train to Nashville end Chat tanouga without change of ears Leaves at 6:39 prn arrives in Nashville eth am Chattanooga at 3:10 next day 1 Depot at head of Main street Ticket Uthee 237M Main street one door north of Jefierson MISSISSIPPI AND TENNESSEE RR (Takes effect Sunday May IsTl) 1 Arrives Leave 0 MaH '11' Exprew 360 Freight (daily ex Sunday) 439 in rn 110 A3 540 Depot at foot of Main street 1 Ticket Office ZH Main street cue Root north of Jefierson 1 1 JASY0NGE MEMPHIS POSTOEtlfE Omen Hotr-Fo8 xwvoflrai StiiDiT Fnon 9 to sw Closes Arrives 1 -4 sw I rn an I rn 11501 4 Memphis A Ohio 13 si 5fi( 12 Twice Daily i 830 1 Memphis A Charleston I Daily- (Missirsipni A lcnnee-l 1 see Daily 1 (Memphis A Little Rock) 12 I Daily I Mirsrirer to Helena A 3 I daily Vicksburr(tri-weekly) 1 MonThurs Sat Miss river St Louis 50 1150 5 Miss rii Mon bite Weekly Semi- 1 Tees A bat I 9 Di-wee Iy) 3 1 Mon Wed A Friday I 9 (Marina I I Mon Wed Fn 1 10 Cuba 12K1 Friday ByhaliaAOlive Branch and Fri 10 123P 626 WESTERN METHODIST -f Formerly Memphis and Aikauaas Christian Advocate 1 5 ftt SoiitherB Metlto4it Newspaper rxxsxgr tiixlt issos ---j KICK EDsh tirOO COPlIW 1 -1 i First-Class Medium for Advertisers On 9 00 per nnina' Tea Copiee 17 SO per annum BLEW A erwmi Puhiisherl JOHNSON Editor 9-tJ 28 JIFTXR80N MEMPHIS Stsam-fittix nt 315 Second at' 42t -Ant of our country friends in weed of a cheap and Rood press will do Well to read advertisem*nt under For head 1 1 All notices of meeCngs oi any orgaa-ized institution will be puhlished at fifty cents in advanee or if charged one dud lar for each insertion if the same does not exceed ona square 1 Read Thi If you Want a cook a Want a situation Want a salesman Want a servant girl Want to rent a store Want to sell a piano i Want to sell horse Want toliuy ahorse 1 Want to buy a house Want to rent a bousa Want to lend money- Want to sell a patent- Want to sell a eamtiee 1 Want a boarding place Want to borrow money Want to find an address -Want to sell a Louse and lot Want to find a strayed animal Want to sell a piece of furnnura Want to boy a second band carriage Want to find anything you Lava lost Want to Cud an owner for anything found Fox a few cents you can fell thousands of people through the columaa of the Public Leimikb some of whom pill te sure to have what you ask-for or knqw where you can get it Try it and see! The Rev-Gee Marks i a colored preacher of Marion is spending the summer season in the South Carolina penitentiary job account of too great fondness for his neighbors hog-meat In other words the parson stole his neighbor's hog aud was np for six months vt A correspondent of the London Times writing from India tells of a recent whirlwind that carried bouses frees and herds high into the air and dashing them to the ground a mile or so away killing everything that possessed life BOOK AND JOB I A vl Ul- Printing Establishment Jt P'rrt 'I 13 Madison Street a igtii i A 0TA II WHITMORE Proprietor 4 'a ei i' i Mil pi it i jft IC Iivl''-U ft I C- i 1 ri i rpHTS ESTABLISHMENT BEING FULLY jssteeked with tbejutest and must 1 1 Improved w) ttiifi Ksjt t-re misfi mi inmtmg of Presses From ths celebrated manufactories of Hoe Cc and Gee Gordon and -1 with aU the styles and designs at ttt iJnati I 1 4 i ii 4 i I 1 i i l'iili i 1 i tk i ut i-i i Borders Ornaments Etc From the well-known foundries of Jhnon Co Philadeiphifi and Cincinnati we ar prepared to sxecate every description of i Ji -f BOOK AND J03 PPIMT1MG s- i a I fMMI' I ff is 'iH -tn )o DNSURPASSED IN THE SOUTH' Ut Li)! 1 hfl H'tiiiU A i i 48 i i i lltf PRINTING i i I it I fiOOI BILLS OF FARE (Ht unrur-'H I PROGRAMMES AUCTION BILLS HAND' BILLS 'ffi CIRCULARS HEADINGS INVOICKS DEEDS 3 ft CARDS 1 BILLS LADING ENVELOPES BILLHEADS CATALOGUES MORTGAGES i PROMISSORY NOTES LABELS DRAY RECEIPTS BANK CHECKS CONTRACTS 811 IPPING TAOS ann th is il Every Variety of Blanka ESPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO Steamboat Printing STKAMBOATPOSTERS BILLS OF FARE MANIF ETC 4 i iV8 i i Theater Circus and Show Bills i I Done In superior style end lowsst rates PONTERS STREET BILES PB049KAMME I DODGERS i STREA MEll have ths arrest Block Type manufactured for this purpose each letter occupying A XAJLttOTH SHEET aw Order promptly attended to PRICES REASONABLE Ledeer Printing House IS MADISON STREET The odty kind mode by practical cbetntat as well phywnira wtth mwiel to It hraiUtful- Qrticie Utg ctitl qmtity Cteqpra tewra te tfui Stall hie a corn klwuL ciii bZlrv only (ft) aBj Ugi bat niitritlous Eic it prmeit IfnotiuirwuuimenJdl if "hfuhra Air-Many wortfc tee cheep imitation fie sum you get lr PricJl non Baking Pmndtr 6old by Gnwera Manufac wW tJ With ffeat caw by new promos wo extract frost the trwe select Jrmlt and Aromatic each character-ktlc flavor and produce i'tavorxvys for Cake Cswtanb Jt Ilies Crwauw tlcr of fare Gxtllcneti of grtuU strength ami perfect purity AoUnug artificial krery favor as represented fio kcntach bottle full measure' Vet them tmee eviU use no other The most dtlicaU deUcwtt favors ever made go superior elienp extiwcU Ask ffir Dr Prlcek ikieci Plavontim ouly by TUOMPSOS STEELE PRICE UFO 50 ie-potaCiucago and St Louis eni)-dtw-4t-lS-i 1 4 -4 MEDICAL DE BOHANNAN gM Offlrw 619 ksrth ink bertv IVash- Ington avocue and Green streets- Louis a Mlssoitrf -5 a I Etblllid lu SI Leula In 183? INURES ALL CHRONIC AND SVFOfAt disease in a snort time either in male or female i charges low fee uses No Mereury Neminal Vfienknra Cnretl- Dr Bohannan -VEGETABLE CURATIVE permanently cures all forms of Spermatorrhea or bemmal Vi eakne in from two to seven weeks Ume It restores Lost power and bring back the yonthfulyigor of those who have destroyed it by eexual excesses or evil practice remedy bra bees weed by Dr Bohannan in his puvsU) prentice for over thirty years and has never failed in curing even the wnusv flasss Price Five Dollars per package bent to any address (free from observation) Sold only at Dr A office No 619 North Fifth street St Loais Mo Established In 1837 Syphilis Cnred 1 Dr Bohannon's VegetebleByphilis Cqr Is warranted to permanently cure SYPHILIS ia all its Pritnsry Secondary and and will positively eradicate the last vestige of the disease from the system- Those having the syphi Htie pooron lurking in their blood conoealed from observation in it constitutional form thereby jeopardising the health and happiness of another as well as that of their offspring should make immediate nseof this medicine and be CURED FOR LIFE Price Five Dollars per package Sent to any address Sold oxly at Dr A office No 619 North Fifth street St Louis Missouri Bobsnuan's Female Regulator Au infallible remedy for all obstructions of the Monthly from eolfis or other causes A certain cure i it is best friend Price Five Dollars Bent te any address with full and complete directions etc For sale only at Dr A office No 619 North Fifth street bt Louis Mo srDr sends his Treatise on Special Disease FREE to any address which fully explains the nature causes symptom etc cf hpermatorrhea Syphilis etc fdlt-StwX-S Cares all diseases caused by Bolf-abnse viz Sperm t-Unrhea Seminal Weakness KigtU Emissions Less of Memory Universal Lassitude Psisi in the Back Dimness of Vision Premature Old Age Weak Verves Difficult Breathing i Pale Countenance Jnsan-t J'ltjvsl" Consumption ana all diseases that foUow as a seqneuoe oi youthful indiscretions MW This mwlicmo has been used in onr practice for many years and with thousands treated it bag not failed in single instance MW Each package of Vegetable Cure is apped in nltrnmarir idleti in ultramarine bine paper printed in Id fetters and contains one bottle filled with Sugar-coated Pills and one vial of Medicated Powders sufficient to moke one-half pint oi injection and one Syringe Air Price 85 per package sold bvDroggists or sent by mail on receipt of $550 grsi cures all diseases of the Urinary Organs such as Inuonti-nenceof Urine Inflammation ef the Madder Inflammation of the Kidneys Stone in the Bladder Stricture Gravel Gonorrhma Gleet and is especially recommended for Fluor Ahus tor Whiles) jffyEach package of 5 Vegetable Memeay is wrapped in dark enamelled paper and printed in gold letters and contains one bottle filled with Sugar-coatedPills and one vial with Medicated Powders sufficient to make one pint of injection and one Syringe enough to ours any ordinary case MW Price 85 per package sold by fill Druggists or sent by mail for 8550 1 fi Ths Vegetable and Vegetable Remedy are sold by responsible Druggists everywhere some dealers however try to sell cheap and worthless compounds in place of these in order to make more money Be not deceived ask for these 85 preparations and take no others if tho dealers do not keep them enclose the money in a letter and we will send them by return mail Ladies or Gentlemen writing for treatment will state their symptoms in full they need not hesitate on account of their inability to visit ns as we have treated patients successfully in all portions of the continent by correspondence Mir We desire to send onr thirty-two page pamphlet entitled and Woman as to every reader of this paper Bend address with Stamp to pay return postage and address as follows Sr Louis If mini Xmocunou 11? VOXTU I1XTU VTOXVT Rjtvt Ions Ifisnotnif Mil It 'ft i INSURANCE MASONIC MUTUAL Life Assurance Association So 9 Union Street Memphis Tennessee ffi-m CONSTITUTES YOU A MEMBER-P I 810 for policy $1 examining fee and 81 annually Ne other expen exoeptin case of the death of a member when you will be ae-eed 82 It-UO-t REMOVAL Dr de Aragc HAS REMOVED FROM 79 CHARD avenue to HO 8(1 STR1 In theground floor of ST JOSEPn IN ARY Order ran be left at No 81 Cha avenue at Walts Daco which will be promptly attended to lofore the Doetor give particular ot te all private and chronic diseases soi ulcers and the disease of female yJK JA ifevtir-lfattseat-sWeak Stomach The qonditjon of weuk stomach fas n4rst pel liiiptwid by kithkrlB diugi They merely increase the irritation which it id aU-itnporiuat to'nllay There is no preparation in existence which so quickly coid ceiftunlyNlieves nausea' as TASQum i i Its mimediate effect is to soothe ana refresh the uneasy organ I) arrests vomiting or the disposition to Vonut at once and carries 'off through the iutesdines tbe morbiiemetic matter which the provocative of nauseai A dose of the Aperient Will always effectually settle the stomach after a- night's dissipation SOLD BY od-rtw-113-124 Eecommended and Endorsed hj sver Seven Hundred Doctors ti i i DR i i 1 )( '1 i i OOirrOCKD FLUID BrrtACT 0 0 0 TDK GREAT 1 a HEALTH RESTORER Not a Secret (lnaek 1 Tormula AtoihkI the Bottle rairiagi) bolxlt ti -t Dr Lawrence Organic Chemist KOSKOO ft 7 Strikes at the Root of Disease PURIFYING THE BLOOD -H i RESTORING TUB LIVER AND KIDNEYS TO A EALTHY ACTION AND IN- i VIQORATING THE NEK- VOUS SYSTEM11- 1 1 1 i- This is the Secret of Its Wonderfn Snece88 la Curing1 1 CONSUMPTION IN ITS EARLY STAGES SCROFULA SYPHILIS DYSPEPSIA LIVER COMPLAINT CHRONIC RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA i KRV01IS AFFECTION- ERUPTIONS OF TUB SKIN HUMORS LOSS OF VIGOR DISEASES OF KIDNEY AND BLADDER -and itu- Diseases Caused by a Bad State of the Blood 1 r-7 It thoroughly erndicatra every kind of Humor and Bad Taint nnd rratoret tin entire ygtera to healthy condition It In beyond question the ntnat rokio lit vanwotLD i ct-r- 1 Thonsendi have been ehnged hy th dh this medicine from weak eickly saffering creature to strong healthy and happy men and women Invalid eannot hesitate to give It trial No medicine has obtained each great reputation os this justly celebrated eompound TESTIHOHIAUi I I From physicians eminent divines editor! druggists merchants1 ste se KOSKOO ALMANAC for this year (- tf1 i lid I PRICE GNE DOLLAR PER BOmi FOB Si LI IT riri tr i I The Principal Druggists in the United States and British America mr Da Fnmn curst JOB PRINTING PRICE JOKES CO JOB PRINTERS 1 -i 1 AND Vy 1 1) ir i fxy- A ra A Blank Book Manufacturers KOS 3 1SD 9 JEFFERSON ST i U-t MEMPHIS Though exactly the hydrophobia that mayor is mad At Rochester on Sunday last while the Bev Dr Thompson was baptizing three little children the whole congregation was astonished at seeing a white dove float slowly in at the open window It hovered a few feet above the children and remained in that position while the minister pronounced the blessing and then flew quietly away I 1 One of the most curious wills evor made was by an Englishman at Mont-1 gadtard in 1822 thus quoted in Once a Week: is my will that any one of my relations who shall presume to abed tears at my funeral shall be disinherited He on the other baud who laughs the most heartily shall be sole heir I order that neither Jhe church or xnf hearse shall be bung yrltk block cloth but that on the day of my burial the hearse and church shall be decorated with flowers and green boughs Instead of the tolling of bells I will have drams fiddles aud fifes All musicians of Montgaillard and its environs shall attend the funeral Fifty of them shall open the procession with hunting tunes waltzes and I SPECIAL NOTICES Our Skins ar Seivas-And through millions of orifices ooze the transparent Said which natiudoiaot need for vital purpose This is a wins provision of Providence bat evewsiv perepiratkm is nevertheless extremely weakening During the brats of summer all hard-working men perspire to a extent that is more or ten debilitating They of all classes ef the commnnitz require a wholesome invigorant at this season let them not seek It ia the liquors of the bar-roomt Hi? will aot find it than A medicated stimulant par find sndetled It what they need: and among this class of remedies Btomaoh- Bitters (tends alone Not valid plea Can be urged against Its gee even by the genius of Temperance itself fur seen the Main law permits the sal of diffusive stimli for medicinal purposes As general traovatifig preparation the Bitters has equal anywhere But this is only on of th merits of this famous inrigoratorj Its regulating properties gir it an immense superiority ora all th tonics of th Pharmw-opwi Ia rase of chronic constipation it is the most useful and certain of all aixrients It creates no violent commotion in the discharging organs but gently relieving them of their abstractions leaves them in a healthy vlgiirons randitioaa At serais Mnetmry to state in view of tbs mam of testimony no to Its effects in dyspepsia that it if a permanent cure for that terrible and bat too 'general complaint D-'-i i--jM -j The numerous under various names which mercenary dealers endeavor to snbtiUite for Stomach Bitters should be avoided for tbeirown sakeg by the sick and the pabtie at farg Hoetetter' Bitters are procurable in bottles only find is never sold ia bulk For Coughs Croups Hoarseness Whooping Cough Spitting Blood Bronchitis and diseases of the lungs Parties purchasing should be careful as there are two or thiee counterfeits resembling the genuine calculated to mislead fill in want of this preparation The genuine is warranted or the money refunded aud this is prepared by Dr Janxn Mason Forkkst A Co since 1862 Price reduced to thirty-tire gents i GOODYEAR A HILLS 9-U-t 281 Main st Sole Agents Memphis -p.

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Public Ledger from Memphis, Tennessee (2024)
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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Views: 6019

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (46 voted)

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Author information

Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.