Recent Progress in Coalescent Theory - · range of techniques from modern probability theory may be success-fully applied to these questions. These tools include for - [PDF Document] (2024)

Recent Progress in Coalescent Theory -· range of techniques from modern probability theory may be success-fully applied to these questions. These tools include for - [PDF Document] (1)


200X, Volume XX, X–XX

Recent Progress

in Coalescent Theory

Nathanael Berestycki

Abstract. Coalescent theory is the study of random processeswhere particles may join each other to form clusters as time evolves.These notes provide an introduction to some aspects of the mathe-matics of coalescent processes and their applications to theoreticalpopulation genetics and in other fields such as spin glass models.The emphasis is on recent work concerning in particular the con-nection of these processes to continuum random trees and spatialmodels such as coalescing random walks.

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 60J25, 60K35, 60J80.

Recent Progress in Coalescent Theory -· range of techniques from modern probability theory may be success-fully applied to these questions. These tools include for - [PDF Document] (2)


The probabilistic theory of coalescence, which is the primary subjectof these notes, has expanded at a quick pace over the last decade orso. I can think of three factors which have essentially contributedto this growth. On the one hand, there has been a rising demandfrom population geneticists to develop and analyse models whichincorporate more realistic features than what Kingman’s coalescentallows for. Simultaneously, the field has matured enough that a widerange of techniques from modern probability theory may be success-fully applied to these questions. These tools include for instancemartingale methods, renormalization and random walk arguments,combinatorial embeddings, sample path analysis of Brownian motionand Levy processes, and, last but not least, continuum random treesand measure-valued processes. Finally, coalescent processes arise ina natural way from spin glass models of statistical physics. Theidentification of the Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent as a universalscaling limit in those models, and the connection made by Brunetand Derrida to models of population genetics, is a very exciting re-cent development.

The purpose of these notes is to give a quick introduction to themathematical aspects of these various ideas, and to the biologicalmotivations underlying them. We have tried to make these notesas self-contained as possible, but within the limits imposed by thedesire to make them short and keep them accessible. Of course, theprice to pay for this is a lack of mathematical rigour. Often we skipthe technical parts of arguments, and instead focus on some of thekey ideas that go into the proof. The level of mathematical prepa-ration required to read these notes is roughly that of two courses inprobability theory. Thus we will assume that the reader is familiarwith such notions as Poisson point processes and Brownian motion.

Sadly, several important and beautiful topics are not discussed.The most obvious such topics are the Marcus-Lushnikov processesand their relation to the Smoluchowski equations, as well as works onsimultaneous multiple collisions. Also not appearing in these notesis the large body of work on random fragmentation. For all theseand further omissions, I apologise in advance.

A first draft of these notes was prepared for a set of lectures at

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IMPA in January 2009. Many thanks to Vladas Sidoravicius andMaria Eulalia Vares for their invitation, and to Vladas in particularfor arranging many details of the trip. I lectured again on this mate-rial at Eurandom on the occasion of the conference Young EuropeanProbabilists in March 2009. Thanks to Julien Berestycki and PeterMorters for organizing this meeting and for their invitation. I alsowant to thank Charline Smadi-Lasserre for a careful reading of anearly draft of these notes.

Many thanks to the people with whom I learnt about coalescentprocesses: first and foremost, my brother Julien, and to my other col-laborators on this topic: Alison Etheridge, Vlada Limic, and JasonSchweinsberg. Thanks are due to Rick Durrett and Jean-FrancoisLe Gall for triggering my interest in this area while I was their PhDstudents.

N.B.Cambridge, September 2009

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1 Random exchangeable partitions 71.1 Definitions and basic results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71.2 Size-biased picking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

1.2.1 Single pick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121.2.2 Multiple picks, size-biased ordering . . . . . . . 15

1.3 The Poisson-Dirichlet random partition . . . . . . . . 151.3.1 Case α = 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161.3.2 Case θ = 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191.3.3 A Poisson construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

1.4 Some examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211.4.1 Random permutations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211.4.2 Prime number factorisation. . . . . . . . . . . . 241.4.3 Brownian excursions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

1.5 Tauberian theory of random partitions . . . . . . . . . 261.5.1 Some general theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261.5.2 Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

2 Kingman’s coalescent 322.1 Definition and construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

2.1.1 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322.1.2 Coming down from infinity. . . . . . . . . . . . 352.1.3 Aldous’ construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

2.2 The genealogy of populations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.2.1 A word of vocabulary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 422.2.2 The Moran and the Wright-Fisher models . . . 442.2.3 Mohle’s lemma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462.2.4 Diffusion approximation and duality . . . . . . 48

2.3 Ewens’ sampling formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 532.3.1 Infinite alleles model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 532.3.2 Ewens sampling formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . 552.3.3 Some applications: the mutation rate . . . . . 582.3.4 The site frequency spectrum . . . . . . . . . . 60

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3 Λ-coalescents 643.1 Definition and construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

3.1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 643.1.2 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 653.1.3 Pitman’s structure theorems . . . . . . . . . . 663.1.4 Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 713.1.5 Coming down from infinity . . . . . . . . . . . 73

3.2 A Hitchhiker’s guide to the genealogy . . . . . . . . . 793.2.1 A Galton-Watson model . . . . . . . . . . . . . 803.2.2 Selective sweeps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

3.3 Some results by Bertoin and Le Gall . . . . . . . . . . 893.3.1 Fleming-Viot processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 903.3.2 A stochastic flow of bridges . . . . . . . . . . . 953.3.3 Stochastic Differential Equations . . . . . . . . 973.3.4 Coalescing Brownian motions . . . . . . . . . . 99

4 Analysis of Λ-coalescents 1024.1 Sampling formulae for Λ-coalescents . . . . . . . . . . 1024.2 Continuous-state branching processes . . . . . . . . . . 106

4.2.1 Definition of CSBPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1064.2.2 The Donnelly-Kurtz lookdown process . . . . . 113

4.3 Coalescents and branching processes . . . . . . . . . . 1174.3.1 Small-time behaviour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1184.3.2 The martingale approach . . . . . . . . . . . . 120

4.4 Applications: sampling formulae . . . . . . . . . . . . 1214.5 A paradox. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1234.6 Further study of coalescents with regular variation . . 124

4.6.1 Beta-coalescents and stable CRT . . . . . . . . 1244.6.2 Backward path to infinity . . . . . . . . . . . . 1254.6.3 Fractal aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1264.6.4 Fluctuation theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128

5 Spatial interactions 1315.1 Coalescing random walks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131

5.1.1 The asymptotic density . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1325.1.2 Arratia’s rescaling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1355.1.3 Voter model and super-Brownian limit . . . . . 1375.1.4 Stepping stone and interacting diffusions . . . . 140

5.2 Spatial Λ-coalescents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1455.2.1 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145

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5.2.2 Asymptotic study on the torus . . . . . . . . . 1475.2.3 Global divergence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1485.2.4 Long-time behaviour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150

5.3 Some continuous models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1535.3.1 A model of coalescing Brownian motions . . . . 1535.3.2 A coalescent process in continuous space . . . . 155

6 Spin glass models and coalescents 1586.1 The Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent . . . . . . . . . . 158

6.1.1 Random recursive trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1586.1.2 Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1626.1.3 Further properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166

6.2 Spin glass models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1676.2.1 Derrida’s GREM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1676.2.2 Some extreme value theory . . . . . . . . . . . 1706.2.3 Sketch of proof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171

6.3 Complements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1746.3.1 Neveu’s branching process . . . . . . . . . . . . 1746.3.2 Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model . . . . . . . . . 1746.3.3 Natural selection and travelling waves . . . . . 175

A Appendix: Excursions and Random Trees 181A.1 Excursion theory for Brownian motion . . . . . . . . . 181

A.1.1 Local times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182A.1.2 Excursion theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184

A.2 Continuum Random Trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186A.2.1 Galton-Watson Trees and Random Walks . . . 187A.2.2 Convergence to reflecting Brownian motion . . 190A.2.3 The Continuum Random Tree . . . . . . . . . . 191

A.3 Continuous-State Branching Processes . . . . . . . . . 194A.3.1 Feller diffusion and Ray-Knight theorem . . . . 194A.3.2 Height process and the CRT . . . . . . . . . . 196

Bibliography 200

Index 211

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1 Random exchangeable partitions

This chapter introduces the reader to the theory of exchangeable ran-dom partitions, which is a basic building block of coalescent theory.This theory is essentially due to Kingman; the basic result (essen-tially a variation on De Finetti’s theorem) allows one to think of arandom partition alternatively as a discrete object, taking values inthe set P of partitions of N = 1, 2, . . . , , or a continuous object,taking values in the set S0 of tilings of the unit interval (0,1). Thesetwo points of view are strictly equivalent, which contributes to makethe theory quite elegant: sometimes, a property is better expressedon a random partition viewed as a partition of N, and sometimes itis better viewed as a property of partitions of the unit interval. Wethen take a look at a classical example of random partitions knownas the Poisson-Dirichlet family, which, as we partly show, arises in ahuge variety of contexts. We then present some recent results thatcan be labelled as “Tauberian theory”, which takes a particularlyelegant form here.

1.1 Definitions and basic results

We first fix some vocabulary and notation. A partition π of N isan equivalence relation on N. The blocks of the partition are theequivalence classes of this relation. We will sometime write i ∼ j ori ∼π j to denote that i and j are in the same block of π. Unlessotherwise specified, the blocks of π will be listed in the increasingorder of their least elements: thus, B1 is the block containing 1, B2

is the block containing the smallest element not in B1, and so on.The space of partitions of N is denoted by P. There is a naturaldistance on the space P, which is to take d(π, π′) to be equal to 1over the largest n such that the restriction of π and π′ to 1, . . . , nare identical. Equipped with this distance, P is a Polish space. Thisis useful when speaking about random partitions, so that we can talkabout convergence in distribution, conditional distribution, etc. Wealso let [n] = 1, . . . , n and Pn be the space of partitions of [n].

Given a partition π = (B1, B2, . . .) and a block B of that partition,

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Coalescent theory 8

we denote by |B|, the quantity, if it exists:

|B| := limn→∞

Card(B ∩ [n])n

. (1)

|B| is called the asymptotic frequency of the block B, and is a mea-sure of its relative size; for this reason we will often refer to it asits mass. For instance, if π is the partition of N into odd and evenintegers, there are two blocks, each with mass 1/2. The followingdefinition is key to what follows. If σ is a permutation of N withfinite support (i.e., it actually permutes only finitely may points),and Π is a partition, then one can define a new partition Πσ by ex-changing the labels of integers according to σ. That is, i, j are in thesame block of Π, if and only if σ(i) and σ(j) are in the same blockof Πσ.

Definition 1.1. An exchangeable random partition Π is a randomelement of P whose law is invariant under the action of any permu-tation σ of N with finite support: that is, Π and Πσ have the samedistribution for all σ.

To put things into words, an exchangeable random partition is apartition which ignores the label of a particular integer. This sug-gests that exchangeable random partitions are only relevant whenworking under mean-field assumptions. However, this is slightly mis-leading. For instance, if one looks at the random partition obtainedby first enumerating all vertices of Zd (v1, v2, , . . .) in some arbitraryorder, and then say that i and j are in the same block of Π(ω) if andonly if vi and vj are in the same connected component in a realisa-tion ω of bond percolation on Zd with parameter 0 < p < 1, then theresulting random partition is not exchangeable. On the other hand,if (V1, V2, . . .) are independent random vertices chosen according tosome given distribution on Zd, then the random partition definedby putting i and j in the same block if Vi and Vj are in the sameconnected component, is exchangeable. Indeed, in these notes wewill later see several examples where random partitions arise from anontrivial spatial structure.

Kingman’s theorem, which is the main result of this section, startswith the observation that given a tiling of the unit interval, there isalways a neat way to generate an exchangeable random partitionassociated with this tiling. To be formal, let S0 be the space of

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Coalescent theory 9

tilings of the unit interval (0, 1), that is, sequences s = (s0, s1, . . .)with s1 ≥ s2 ≥ . . . ≥ 0 and

∑∞i=0 si = 1 (note that we do not require

s0 ≥ s1):

S0 =

s = (s0, s1, . . .) : s1 ≥ s2 ≥ . . . ,



si = 1


The coordinate s0 plays a special role in this sequence and this iswhy monotonicity is only required starting at i = 1 in this definition.An element of S0 may be viewed as a tiling of (0,1), where the sizesof the tiles are precisely equal to s0, s1, . . . the ordering of the tilesis irrelevant for now, but for the sake of simplicity we will orderthem from left to right: the first tile is J0 = (0, s0), the second isJ1 = (s0, s0+s1), etc. Let s ∈ S0, and let U1, U2, . . . be i.i.d. uniformrandom variables on (0, 1). For 0 < u < 1 let I(u) ∈ 0, 1, . . . denotethe index of the component (tile) of s which contains u. That is,

I(u) = inf

n :



si > u


Let Π be the random partition defined by saying i ∼ j if and onlyif I(Ui) = I(Uj) > 0 or i = j (see Figure 1). Note that in thisconstruction, if Ui falls into the 0th part of s, then i is guaranteed toform a singleton in the partition Π. On the other hand, if I(Ui) ≥1, then almost surely, the block containing i has infinitely manymembers, and in fact, by the law of large numbers, the frequency ofthis block is well defined and strictly positive. For this reason, thepart s0 of s is referred to as the dust of s. We will say that Π hasno dust if s0 = 0, i.e., if Π has no singleton.

The partition Π described by the above construction gives us anexchangeable partition, as the law of (U1, . . . , Un) is the same as thatof (Uσ(1), . . . , Uσ(n)) for each n ≥ 1 and for each permutation σ withsupport in [n].

Definition 1.2. Π is the paintbox partition derived from s.

The name paintbox refers to the fact that each part of s defines acolour, and we paint i with the colour in which Ui falls. If Ui fallsin s0, then we paint i with a unique, new, colour. The partition Πis then obtained from identifying integers with the same colour.

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Coalescent theory 10

U86U U




5 U1


0 1









Figure 1: The paintbox process associates a random parti-tion Π to any tiling of the unit interval. Here Π|[8] =(1, 4, 2, 3, 7, 5, 6, 8). Note how 2 and 6 form singletons.

Note that this construction still gives an exchangeable randompartition if s is a random element of S0, provided that the sequenceUi is chosen independently from s. Kingman’s theorem states thatthis is the most general form of exchangeable random partition. Fors ∈ S0, let ρs denote the law on P of a paintbox partition derivedfrom s.

Theorem 1.1. (Kingman [107]) Let Π be any exchangeable randompartition. Then there exists a probability distribution µ(ds) on S0

such thatP(Π ∈ ·) =



Sketch of proof. We briefly sketch Aldous’ proof of this result [2],which relies on De Finetti’s theorem on exchangeable sequences ofrandom variables. This theorem states the following: if (X1, . . .) isan infinite exchangeable sequence of real-valued random variables(i.e., its law is invariant under the permutation of finitely many in-dices), then there exists a random probability measure µ such that,conditionally given µ, the Xi’s are i.i.d. with law µ. Now, let Π be an

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Coalescent theory 11

exchangeable partition. Define a random map ϕ : N→ N as follows:if i ∈ N, then ϕ(i) is the smallest integer in the same block as i. Thusthe blocks of the partition Π may be regarded as the sets of pointswhich share a common value under the map ϕ. In parallel, take anindependent sequence of i.i.d. uniform random variables (U1, . . .) on[0, 1], and define Xi = Uϕ(i). It is immediate that (X1, . . .) are ex-changeable, and so De Finetti’s theorem applies. Thus there exists µsuch that, conditionally given µ, (X1, . . .) is i.i.d. with law µ. Notethat i and j are in the same block of Π if and only if Xi = Xj . Wenow work conditionally given µ. Note that (X1, . . .) has the samelaw as (q(V1), . . .), where (V1, . . .) are i.i.d. uniform on [0, 1], and forx ∈ R, q(x) = infy ∈ R : F (y) > x and F (x) denotes the cumula-tive distribution function of µ. Thus we deduce that Π has the samelaw as the paintbox ρs(·), where s = (s0, s1, . . .) ∈ S0 is such that(s1, . . .) gives the ordered list of atoms of µ and s0 = 1−∑∞

i=1 si.

We note that Kingman’s original proof relies on a martingale ar-gument, which is in line with the modern proofs of De Finetti’stheorem (see, e.g., Durrett [65], (6.6) in Chapter 4). The interestedreader is referred to [2] and [133], both of which contain a wealth ofinformation about the subject.

This theorem has several interesting and immediate consequences:if Π is any exchangeable random partition, then the only finite blocksof Π are the singletons, almost surely. Indeed if a block is not asingleton, then it is infinite and has in fact positive, well-definedasymptotic frequency (or mass), by the law of large numbers. The(random) vector s ∈ S0 can be entirely recovered from Π: if Πhas any singleton at all, then a positive proportion of integers aresingletons, that proportion is equal to s0. Moreover, (s1, . . .) is theordered sequence of nondecreasing block masses. In particular, ifΠ = (B1, . . . , ) then

|B1|+ |B2|+ . . . = 1− s0, a.s.

There is thus a complete correspondence between the random ex-changeable partition Π and the sequence s ∈ S0:

Π ∈ P ←→ s ∈ S0.

Corollary 1.1. This correspondence is a 1-1 map between the lawof exchangeable random partitions Π and distributions µ on S0. Thismap is Kingman’s correspondence.

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Coalescent theory 12

Furthermore, this correspondence is continuous when S0 is equippedwith the appropriate topology: this is the topology associated withpointwise convergence of the “non-dust” entries: that is, sε → s asε → 0 if and only if, sε

1 → s1, . . . , sεk → sk, for all k ≥ 1 (but not

necessarily for k = 0).

Theorem 1.2. Convergence in distribution of the random partitions(Πε)ε>0, is equivalent to the convergence in distributions of theirranked frequencies (sε

1, sε2, . . .)ε>0.

The proof is easy and can be found for instance in Pitman [133],Theorem 2.3. It is easy to see that the correspondence can not becontinuous with respect to the restriction of the `1 metric to S0 (thinkabout a state with many blocks of small but positive frequencies andno dust: this is “close” to the pure dust state from the point ofview of pointwise convergence, and hence from the point of view ofsampling, but not at all from the point of view of the `1 metric).

1.2 Size-biased picking

1.2.1 Single pick

When given an exchangeable random partition Π, it is natural to askwhat is the mass of a “typical” block. If Π has only a finite number ofblocks, one can choose a block uniformly at random among all blockspresent. But when there is an infinite number of blocks, it is notpossible to do so. In that case, one may instead consider the blockcontaining a given integer, say 1. The partition being exchangeable,this block may indeed be thought of being a generic or typical block,and the advantage is that this is possible both when there are finitelyor infinitely many blocks. Its mass is then (slightly) larger than thatof a typical block. When there are only a finite number of blocks, thisis expressed as follows. Let X be the mass of the block containing1, and let Y be the mass of a randomly chosen block of the randomexchangeable partition Π. Then the reader can easily verify that

P(X ∈ dx) =x

E(Y )P(Y ∈ dx), x > 0. (2)

If a pair of random variables (X, Y ) satisfies the relation (2) we saythat X has the size-biased distribution of Y . For this reason, herewe say that X is the mass of a size-biased picked block.

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In terms of the Kingman’s correspondence, X has a natural in-terpretation when there is no dust. In that case, if Π is viewed asa random unit partition s ∈ S0, then X is also the length of thesegment containing a point uniformly chosen at random on the unitinterval.

Not surprisingly, many of the properties of Π can be read from thesole distribution of X. (Needless to say though, the law of X doesnot characterize fully that of Π).

Theorem 1.3. Let Π be a random exchangeable partition with rankedfrequencies (Pi)i≥1. Assume that there is no dust almost surely, andlet f be any nonnegative function. Then:






∫ 1


µ(dx) (3)

where µ is the law of the mass of a size-biased picked block X.

Proof. The proof follows from looking at the function g(x) = f(x)/x,and observing that E(g(X)) = E(

∑i Pig(Pi)), which itself is a con-

sequence of Kingman’s correspondence, since the Pi are simply equalto the coordinates (s1, . . .) of the sequence s ∈ S0, and U1 falls ineach of them with probability si.

Thus, from this it follows that the nth moment of X is related tothe sum of the (n + 1)th moments of all frequencies:





)= E(Xn). (4)

In particular, for n = 1 we have:

E(X) = E



P 2i


This identity is obvious when one realises that both sides of thisequation can be interpreted as the probability that two randomlychosen points fall in the same component. This of course also appliesto (4), which is the probability that n+1 randomly chosen points arein the same component. The following identity is a useful applicationof Theorem 1.3:

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Coalescent theory 14

Theorem 1.4. Let Π be a random exchangeable partition, and letN be the number of blocks of Π. Then we have the formula:

E(N) = E(1/X).

To explain the result, note that if we see that the block containing1 has frequency ε > 0 small, then we can expect roughly 1/ε blocksin total (since that would be the answer if all blocks had frequencyexactly ε).

Proof. To see this, note that the result is obvious if Π has some dustwith positive probability, as both sides are then infinite. So assumethat Π has no dust almost surely, and let Nn be the number of blocksof Π restricted to [n]. Then by Theorem 1.3:

E(Nn) =∑


P(part i is chosen among the first n picks)



E (1− (1− Pi)n)

= E(fn(X)),

say, where

fn(x) =1− (1− x)n


Letting n →∞, since X > 0 almost surely because there is no dust,fn(X) → 1/X almost surely. This convergence is also monotone, sowe conclude

E(N) = E(1/X)

as required.

Theorem 1.4 will often guide our intuition when studying thesmall-time behaviour of coalescent processes that come down frominfinity (rigorous definitions will be given shortly). Basically, this isthe study of the coalescent processes close to the time at which theyexperience a “big-bang” event, going from a state of pure dust to astate made of finitely many solid blocks (i.e., with positive mass).Close to this time, we have a very large number of small blocks. Anyinformation on N can then be hoped to carry onto X, and conversely.

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Coalescent theory 15

1.2.2 Multiple picks, size-biased ordering

Let X = X1 denote the mass of a size-biased picked block. Onecan then define further statistics which refine our description of Π.Recall that if Π = (B1, B2, . . .) with blocks ordered according to theirleast elements, then X1 = |B1| is by definition the mass of a size-biased picked block. Define similarly, X2 = |B2|, . . . , Xn = |Bn|, andso on. Then (X1, . . .) corresponds to sampling without replacementthe possible blocks of Π, with a size bias at every step.

Note that if Π has no dust, then (X1, . . . , ) is just a reordering ofthe sequence (s1, . . . , ) where s denotes the ranked frequencies of Π,or equivalently the image of Π by Kingman’s correspondence. Thatis, there exists a permutation σ : N→ N such that

Xi = sσ(i), i ≥ 1.

This permutation is the size-biased ordering of s. It satisfies:

P(σ(1) = j|s) = sj

Moreover, given s, and given σ(1), . . . , σ(i− 1), we have:

P(σ(i) = j|s, σ(1), . . . , σ(i− 1)) =sj

1− sσ(1) − . . .− sσ(i−1).

Although slightly more complicated, the size-biased ordering of s,(X1, . . .), is often more natural than the nondecreasing rearrange-ment which defines s.

As an exercise, the reader is invited to verify that Theorem 1.4 canbe generalised to this setup to yield: if N is the number of orderedk-uplets of distinct blocks in the random exchangeable partition Π,then

E(N) = E(

1X1 . . . Xk

). (5)

This is potentially useful to establish limit theorems for the distri-bution of the number of blocks in a coalescent, but this possibilityhas not been explored to this date.

1.3 The Poisson-Dirichlet random partition

We are now going to spend some time to describe a particular familyof random partitions called the Poisson-Dirichlet partitions. These

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partitions are ubiquitous in this field, playing the role of the normalrandom variable in standard probability theory. Hence they arise ina huge variety of contexts: not only coalescence and population ge-netics (which is our main reason to talk about them in these notes),but also random permutations, number theory [62], Brownian mo-tion [133], spin glass models [40], random surfaces [86]... In its mostgeneral incarnation, this is a two parameter family of random par-titions, and the parameters are usually denoted by (α, θ). However,the most interesting cases occur when either α = 0 or θ = 0, and soto keep these notes as simple as possible we will restrict our presen-tation to those two cases.

1.3.1 Case α = 0.

We start with the case α = 0, θ > 0. We recall that a randomvariable X has the Beta(a, b) distribution (where a, b > 0) if thedensity at x is:

P(X ∈ dx)dx

=Γ(a + b)Γ(a)Γ(b)

xa−1(1− x)b−1, 0 < x < 1. (6)

Thus the Beta(1, θ) distribution (θ > 0) is the distribution on (0, 1)with density θ(1− x)θ−1 and this is uniform if θ = 1. If a, b ∈ N theBeta(a, b) distribution has the following interpretation: take a + bindependent standard exponential random variables, and considerthe ratio of the sum of the first a of them compared to the totalsum. Alternatively, drop a + b random points in the unit intervaland order them increasingly. Then the position of the ath point is aBeta(a, b) random variable.

Definition 1.3. (Stick-breaking construction, α = 0.) The Poisson-Dirichlet random partition is the paintbox partition associated withthe nonincreasing reordering of the sequence

P1 = W1,

P2 = (1− P1)W2,


Pn+1 = (1− P1 − . . .− Pn)Wn, (7)

where the Wi are i.i.d. random variables

Wi = Beta(1, θ).

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We write Π ∼ PD(0, θ).

To explain the name of this construction, imagine we start witha stick of unit length. Then we break the stick in two pieces, W1

and 1 − W1. One of these two pieces (W1), we put aside and willnever touch again. To the other, we apply the previous constructionrepeatedly, each time breaking off a piece which is Beta-distributedon the current length of the stick. In particular, note that whenθ = 1, the pieces are uniformly distributed.

While the above construction tells us what the asymptotic fre-quencies of the blocks are, there is a much more visual and appealingway of describing this partition, which goes by the name of “Chineserestaurant process”. Let Πn be the partition of [n] defined induc-tively as follows: initially, Π1 is the just the trivial partition 1.Given Πn, we build Πn+1 as follows. The restriction of Πn+1 to [n]will be exactly Πn, hence it suffices to assign a block to n + 1. Withprobability θ/(n + θ), n + 1 starts a new block. Otherwise, n + 1 isassigned to a block of size m with probability m/(n + θ). This canbe summarized as follows:

start new block: with probability θ


join block of size m: with probability mn+θ


This defines a (consistent) family of partitions Πn, hence there isno problem in extending this definition to a random partition Π ofP such that Π|[n] = Πn for all n ≥ 1: indeed, if i, j ≥ 1, it sufficesto say whether i ∼ j or not, and in order to be able to decide this,it suffices to check on Πn where n = max(i, j). This procedure thusuniquely specifies Π.

The name “Chinese Restaurant Process” comes from the followinginterpretation in the case θ = 1: customers arrive one by one inan empty restaurant which has round tables. Initially, customer 1sits by himself. When the (n + 1)th customer arrives, she choosesuniformly at random between sitting at a new table or sitting directlyto the right of a given individual. The partition structure obtainedby identifying individuals sitted at the same table is that of theChinese Restaurant Process.

Theorem 1.5. The random partition Π obtained from the Chineserestaurant process (8) is a Poisson-Dirichlet random partition withparameters (0, θ). In particular, Π is exchangeable. Moreover, the

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size-biased ordering of the asymptotic block frequencies is the onegiven by the stick-breaking order (7).

Proof. The proof is a simple (and quite beautiful) application ofPolya’s urn theorem. In Polya’s urn, we start with one red ball anda number θ of black balls. At each step, we choose one of the ballsuniformly at random in the urn, and put it back in the urn alongwith one of the same colour. Polya’s classical result says that theasymptotic proportion of red balls converges to a Beta(1, θ) randomvariable. Note also that this urn model may also be formally definedeven when θ is not an integer, and the result stays true in this case.

Now, coming back to the Chinese Restaurant process, consider theblock containing 1. Imagine that to each 1 ≤ i ≤ n is associated aball in an urn, and that this ball is red if i ∼ 1, and black otherwise,say. Note that, by construction, if at stage n, B1 contains r ≥ 1 inte-gers, then as the new integer n + 1 is added to the partition, it joinsB1 with probability r/(n+ θ) and does not with the complementaryprobability. Assigning the colour red to B1 and black otherwise, thisis the same as thinking that there are r red balls in the urn, andn − r + θ black balls, and that we pick one of the balls at randomand put it back along with one of the same colour (whether or notthis is to join one of the existing blocks or to create a new one!)Initially (for n = 1), the urn contains 1 red ball and θ black balls.Thus the proportion of red balls in the urn, Xn(1)/n, satisfies:


−→n→∞ W1, a.s.

where W1 is a Beta(1, θ) random variable. (This result is usuallymore familiar in the case where θ = 1, in which case W1 is simply auniform random variable).

Now, observe that the stick breaking construction property is infact a consequence of the Chinese restaurant process construction(8). Let i1 = 1 and let i2 be the first i such that i is not in thesame block as 1. If we ignore the block B1 containing 1, and lookat the next block B2 (which contains i2), it is easy to see by thesame Polya urn argument that the asymptotic fraction of integersi ∈ B2 among those that are not in B1, is a random variable W2 withthe Beta(1, θ) distribution. Hence |B2| = (1 − P1)W2. Arguing byinduction as above, one obtains that the blocks (B1, B2, . . .), listedin order of appearance, satisfy the strick breaking construction (7).

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It remains to show exchangeability of the partition, but this is aconsequence of the fact that, in Polya’s urn, given the limiting pro-portion W of red balls, the urn can be realised as an i.i.d. coin-tossingwith heads probability W . It is easy to see from this observation thatwe get exchangeability.

As a consequence of this remarkable construction, there is an exactexpression for the probability distribution of Πn. As it turns out,this formula will be quite useful for us. It is known (for reasons thatwill become clear in the next chapter) as Ewens’ sampling formula.

Theorem 1.6. Let π be any given partition of [n], whose block sizeare n1, . . . , nk.

P(Πn = π) =θk

(θ) . . . (θ + n− 1)



(ni − 1)!

Proof. This formula is obvious by induction on n from the Chineserestaurant process construction. It could also be computed directlythrough some tedious integral computations (“Beta-Gamma” alge-bra).

1.3.2 Case θ = 0.

Let 0 < α < 1 and let θ = 0.

Definition 1.4. (Stick-breaking construction, θ = 0). The Poisson-Dirichlet random variable with parameters (α, 0) is the random par-tition obtained from the stick breaking construction, where at the ith

step, the piece to be cut off from the stick has distribution Wi ∼Beta(1− α, iα). That is,

P1 = W1,


Pn+1 = (1− P1 − . . .− Pn)Wn, (9)

There is also a “Chinese restaurant process” construction in thiscase. The modification is as follows. If Πn has k blocks of size

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n1, . . . , nk, Πn+1 is obtained by performing the following operationon n + 1:

start new block: with probability kα


join block of size m: with probability m−αn .


It can be shown, using urn techniques for instance, that this con-struction yields the same partition as the paintbox partition associ-ated with the stick breaking process (9).

As a result of this construction, Ewens’ sampling formula can alsobe generalised to this setting, and becomes:

P(Πn = π) =αk−1(k − 1)!

(n− 1)!



(1− α) . . . (ni − α) (11)

where π is any given partition of [n] into blocks of sizes n1, . . . , nk.

1.3.3 A Poisson construction

At this stage, we have seen essentially two constructions of a Poisson-Dirichlet random variable with θ = 0 and 0 < α < 1. The first oneis based on the stick-breaking scheme, and the other on the ChineseRestaurant Process. Here we discuss a third construction which willcome in very handy at several places in these notes, and which isbased on a Poisson process. More precisely, let 0 < α < 1 and letM denote the points of a Poisson random measure on (0,∞) withintensity µ(dx) = x−α−1dx:

M(dx) =∑



In the above, we assume that the Yi are ranked in decreasing order,i.e., Y1 is the largest point of M, Y2 the second largest, and so on.This is possible because a.s. M has only a finite number of pointsin (ε,∞) (since α > 0). It also turns out that, almost surely,



Yi < ∞. (12)

Indeed, observe that


( ∞∑




∫ 1

0xµ(dx) < ∞

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and so∑∞

i=1 Yi1Yi≤1 < ∞ almost surely. Since there are only afinite number of terms outside of (0,1), this proves (12). We maynow state the theorem we have in mind:

Theorem 1.7. For all n ≥ 1, let Pn = Yn/∑∞

i=1 Yi. Then thedistribution of (Pn, n ≥ 1) is that of a Poisson-Dirichlet randomvariable with parameters α and θ = 0.

The proof is somewhat technical (being based on explicit densitycalculations) and we do not include it in these notes. However werefer the reader to the paper of Perman, Pitman and Yor [130] wherethis result is proved, and to section 4.1 of Pitman’s notes [133] whichcontains some elements of the proof.

We also mention that there exists a similar construction in the caseα = 0 and θ > 0. The corresponding intensity of the Poisson pointprocess M should then be chosen as ρ(dx) = θx−1e−xdx, which wasKingman’s original definition of the Poisson-Dirichlet distribution[105]. See also section 4.11 in [9] and Theorem 3.12 in [133], wherethe credit is given to Ferguson [83] for this result.

1.4 Some examples

As an illustration of the usefulness of the Poisson-Dirichlet distri-bution, we give two classical examples of situations in which theyarise, which are on the one hand, the cycle decomposition of randompermutations, and on the other hand, the factorization into primesof a “random” large integer. A great source of information for thesetwo examples is [9, Chapter 1], where much more is discussed. Inthe next chapter, we will focus (at length) in another incarnation ofthis partition, which is that of population genetics via Kingman’scoalescent. In Chapter 6 we will encounter yet another one, whichis within the physics of spin glasses.

1.4.1 Random permutations.

Let Sn be the set of permutations of S = 1, . . . , n. If σ ∈ Sn, thereis a natural action of σ onto the set S, which partitions S into orbits.This partition is called the cycle decomposition of σ. For instance,if

σ =(

1 2 3 4 5 6 73 2 4 1 7 5 6


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then the cycle decomposition of σ is

σ = (1 3 4)(2)(5 7 6). (13)

This simply means that 1 is mapped into 3, 3 into 4 and 4 back into1, and so on for the other cycles. Cycles are the basic building blocksof permutations, much as primes are the basic building blocks of in-tegers. This decomposition is unique, up to order of course. If wefurther ask the cycles to be ordered by increasing least elements (asabove), then this representation is unique. Let σ be a randomly cho-sen permutation (i.e., chosen uniformly at random). The followingresult describes the limiting behaviour of the cycle decompositionof σ. Let L(n) = (L1, L2, . . . , Lk) denote the cycle lengths of σ, or-dered by their least elements, and let X(n) = (L1/n, . . . , Lk/n) bethe normalized vector, which tiles the unit interval (0, 1).

Theorem 1.8. There is the following convergence in distribution:

X(n) −→d (P1, P2, . . .)

where (P1, . . . , ) are the asymptotic frequencies of a PD(0, 1) randomvariable in size-biased order.

(Naturally the convergence in distribution is with respect to thetopology on S0 defined earlier, i.e., pointwise convergence of positivemass entries: in fact, this convergence also holds for the restrictionof the `1 metric).

Proof. There is a very simple proof that this result holds true. Theproof relies on a construction due to Feller, which shows that thestick-breaking property holds even at the discrete level. The cycledecomposition of σ can be realised as follows. Start with the cyclecontaining 1. At this stage, the permutation looks like

σ = (1

and we must choose what symbol to put next. This could be anynumber of 2, . . . , n or the symbol which closes the cycle “)”. Thusthere are n possibilities at this stage, and the Feller construction isto choose among all those uniformly at random. Say that our choiceleads us to:

σ = (1 5

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At this stage, we must choose among a number of possible symbols:every number except 1 and 5 are allowed, and we are allowed toclose the cycle. Again, one must choose uniformly among thosepossibilities, and do so until one eventually chooses to close the cycle.Say that this happens at the fourth step:

σ = (1 5 2)

At this point, to pursue the construction we open a new cycle withthe smallest unused number, in this case 3. Thus the permutationlooks like:

σ = (1 5 2)(3

At each stage, we choose uniformly among all legal options, which areto close the current cycle or to put a number which doesn’t appearin the previous list.

Then it is obvious that the resulting permutation is random: forinstance, if n = 7, and σ0 = (1 3 4)(2)(5 7 6), then

P(σ = σ0) =17· 16· . . . · 1

2· 11


because at the kth step of the construction, exactly k numbers havealready been written and thus there n − k + 1 symbols available(the +1 is for closing the cycle). Thus the Feller construction givesus a way to generate random permutations (which is an extremelyconvenient algorithm from a practical point of view, too).

Now, note that L1, which is the length of the first cycle, has adistribution which is uniform over 1, . . . , n. Indeed, 1 ≤ k ≤ n,the probability that L = k is the probability that the algorithmchooses among n− 1 options out of n, and then n− 2 out of n− 1,etc., until finally at the kth step the algorithm chooses to close thecycle (1 option out of n− k + 1). Cancelling terms, we get:

P(L = k) =n− 1

n· n− 2n− 1

· . . . · n− k + 1n− k + 2

1n− k + 1



One sees that, similarly, given L1 and L1 < n, L2 is uniform on1, . . . , n−L1, by construction. More generally, given (L1, . . . , Lk)and given that L1 + . . . ,+Lk < n, we have:

Lk+1 ∼ Uniform on 1, . . . , n− L1 − . . .− Lk (14)

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which is exactly the analogue of (7). From this one deduces Theorem1.8 easily.

1.4.2 Prime number factorisation.

Let n ≥ 1 be a large integer, and let N be uniformly distributed on1, . . . , n. What is the prime factorisation of N? Recall that onemay write

N =∏

p∈Ppαp (15)

where P is the set of prime numbers and αp are nonnegative integers,and that this decomposition is unique. To transfer to the languageof partitions, where we want to add the parts rather than multiplythem, we take the logarithms and define:

L1 = log p1, . . . , Lk = log pk.

Here the pi are such that αp > 0 in (15), and each prime p appearsαp times in this list. We further assume that L1 ≥ . . . ≥ Lk.

Theorem 1.9. Let X(n) = (L1/ log n, . . . , Lk/ log n). Then we haveconvergence in the sense of finite-dimensional distributions:

X(n) −→ (P1, . . .)

where (P1, . . .) is the decreasing rearrangement of the asymptotic fre-quencies of a PD(0, 1) random variable.

In particular, large prime factors appear each with multiplicity 1with high probability as n →∞, since the coordinates of a PD(0, 1)random variable are pairwise distinct almost surely. See (1.49) in [9],which credits Billingsley [33] for this result, and [62] for a differentproof using size-biased ordering.

1.4.3 Brownian excursions.

Let (Bt, t ≥ 0) be a standard Brownian motion, and consider therandom partition obtained by performing the paintbox constructionto the tiling of (0, 1) defined by Z ∩ (0, 1), where

Z = t ≥ 0 : Bt = 0is the zero-set of B.

Let (P1, . . . , ) be the size of the tiles in size-biased order.

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Figure 2: The tiling of (0, 1) generated by the zeros of Brownianmotion.

Theorem 1.10. (P1, . . .) has the distribution of the asymptotic fre-quencies of a PD(1

2 , 0) random variable.

Proof. The proof is not complicated but requires knowledge of ex-cursion theory, which at this level we want to avoid, since this isonly supposed to be an illustrating example. The main step is toobserve that at the inverse local time τ1 = inft > 0 : Lt = 1, theexcursions lengths are precisely a Poisson point process with inten-sity ρ(dx) = x−α−1 with α = 1/2. This is an immediate consequenceIto’s excursion theory for Brownian motion and of the fact that Ito’smeasure ν gives mass

ν(e : |e| ∈ dt) = Ct−3/2

for some C > 0. From this and Theorem 1.7, it follows that thenormalized excursion lengths at time τ1 have the PD(1

2 , 0) distribu-tion. One has to work slightly harder to get this at time 1 ratherthan at time τ1. More details and references can be found in [134],together with a wealth of other properties of Poisson-Dirichlet dis-tributions.

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1.5 Tauberian theory of random partitions

1.5.1 Some general theory

Let Π be an exchangeable random partition with ranked frequencies(P1, . . .), which we assume has no dust almost surely. In applicationsto population genetics, we will often be interested in exact asymp-totics of the following quantities:

1. Kn, which is the number of blocks of Πn (the restriction of Πto [n]).

2. Kn,r, which is the number of blocks of size r, 1 ≤ r ≤ n.

Obtaining asymptotics for Kn is usually easier than for Kn,r, forinstance due to monotonicity in n. But there is a very nice resultwhich relates in a surprisingly precise fashion the asymptotics of Kn,r

(for any fixed r ≥ 1, as n → ∞) to those of Kn. This may seemsurprising at first, but we stress that this property is of course a con-sequence of the exchangeability of Π and Kingman’s representation.The asymptotic behaviour of these two quantities is further tied toanother quantity, which is that of the asymptotic speed of decay ofthe frequencies towards 0. The right tool for proving these results isa variation of Tauberian theorems, which take a particularly elegantform in this context. The main result of this section (Theorem 1.11)is taken from [91], which also contains several other very nice results.

Theorem 1.11. Let 0 < α < 1. There is equivalence between thefollowing properties:

(i) Pj ∼ Zj−α almost surely as j →∞, for some Z > 0.

(ii) Kn ∼ Dnα almost surely as n →∞, for some D > 0.

Furthermore, when this happens, Z and D are related through

Z =(


Γ(1− α)



and we have:(iii) For any r ≥ 1, Kn,r ∼ α(1−α)...(r−1−α)

r! Dnα as n →∞.

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The result of [91] is actually more general, and is valid if onereplaces D by a slowly varying sequence `n. Recall that a functionf is slowly varying near ∞ if for every λ > 0,



= 1. (16)

The prototypical example of a slowly varying function is the loga-rithm function. Any function f which may be written as f(x) =xα`(x), where `(x) is slowly varying, is said to have regular varia-tion with index α. A sequence cn is regularly varying with index αif there exists f(x) such that cn = f(n) and f is regularly varyingwith index α, near ∞.

Proof. (sketch) The main idea is to start from Kingman’s represen-tation theorem, and to imagine that the Pj are given, and then seeΠn as the partition generated by sampling with replacement from(Pj). Thus in this proof, we work conditionally on (Pj), and allexpectations are (implicitly) conditional on these frequencies.

Rather than looking at the partition obtained after n samples, itis more convenient to look at it after N(n) samples, where N(n) is aPoisson random variable with mean n. The superposition propertyof Poisson random variables implies that one can imagine that eachblock j with frequencies Pj is discovered (i.e., sampled) at rate Pj .Since we assume that there is no dust, this means

∑j≥1 Pj = 1

almost surely, and hence the total rate of discoveries is indeed 1. LetK(t) be the total number of blocks of the partition at time t, andlet Kr(t) be the total number of blocks of size r at time t. StandardPoissonization arguments imply:


→ 1, a.s.


→ 1, a.s.

That is, we may as well look for the asymptotics in continuous Pois-son time rather than in discrete time. For this we will use the fol-lowing law of large numbers, proved in Proposition 2 of [91].

Lemma 1.1. For arbitrary (Pj),


→ 1, a.s. (17)

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Proof. The proof is fairly simple and we reproduce the arguments of[91]. Recall that we work conditionally on (Pj), so all the expecta-tions in the proof of this lemma are (implicitly) conditional on thesefrequencies. Note first that if Φ(t) = E(K(t)), then

Φ(t) =∑


1− e−Pjt

and similarly if V (t) = varK(t), we have (since K(t) is the sum ofindependent Bernoulli variables with parameter 1− e−Pjt):

V (t) =∑


e−Pjt(1− e−Pjt)



e−Pjt − e−2Pjt

= Φ(2t)− Φ(t).

But note that Φ is convex: indeed, by stationarity of Poisson pro-cesses, the expected number of blocks discovered during (t, t + s] isΦ(s), but some of those blocks discovered during the interval (t, t+s]were in fact already known prior to t, and hence don’t count inK(t + s). Thus

V (t) < Φ(t)

and by Chebyshev’s inequality:



− 1∣∣∣∣ > ε

)≤ 1


Taking a subsequence tm such that m2 ≤ Φ(tm) < (m + 1)2 (whichis always possible), we find:



− 1∣∣∣∣ > ε

)≤ 1


Hence by the Borel-Cantelli lemma, K(tm)/Φ(tm) −→ 1 almostsurely as m → ∞. Using monotonicity of both Φ(t) and K(t), wededuce


≤ K(t)Φ(t)



Since Φ(tm+1)/Φ(tm) → 1, this means both the left-hand side andthe right-hand side of the inequality tend to 1 almost surely as m →∞. Thus (17) follows.

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Once we know Lemma 1.1, note that

EK(t) =: Φ(t) =∫ 1

0(1− e−tx)ν(dx)

whereν(dx) :=


δPj (dx).

Fubini’s theorem implies:

EK(t) = t

∫ ∞

0e−txν(x)dx (18)

where ν(x) = ν([x,∞)), so the equivalence between (i) and (ii) fol-lows from classical Tauberian theory for the monotone density ν(x),together with (17). That this further implies (iii), is a consequenceof the fact that

EKr(t) =tr


∫ 1




∫ 1

0e−txνr(dx), (19)

where we have denoted

νr(dx) =∑


P rj δPj (dx).

Integrating by parts gives us:

νr([0, x]) = −xdν(x) + r

∫ x


Thus, by application of Karamata’s theorem [82] (Theorem 1, Chap-ter 9, Section 8), we get that the measure νr is also regularly varying,with index r − α: assuming that ν(x) ∼ `(x)x−α as x → 0,

νr([0, x]) ∼ α

r − αxr−α`(x),

by application of a Tauberian theorem to (19), we get that:

Φr(t) ∼ αΓ(r − α)r!

tα`(t). (20)

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A refinement of the method used in Lemma 1.1 shows that


→ 1, a.s. (21)

in that case. Putting together (20) and (21), we obtain (iii).

As an aside, note that (as pointed out in [91]), (21) needs not holdfor general (Pj), as it might not even be the case that E(Kr(n)) →∞.

1.5.2 Example

As a prototypical example of a partition Π which verifies the assump-tions of Theorem 1.11, we have the Poisson-Dirichlet(α, 0) partition.

Theorem 1.12. Let Π be a PD(α, 0) random partition. Then thereexists a random variable S such that


nα−→ S

almost surely. Moreover S has the Mittag-Leffer distribution:

P(S ∈ dx) =1





k!Γ(αk + 1)sk−1 sin(παk).

Proof. We start by showing that nα is the right order of magnitudefor Kn. First, we remark that the expectation un = E(Kn) satisfies,by the Chinese restaurant process construction of Π, that

un+1 − un = E(






This implies, using the formula Γ(x + 1) = xΓ(x) (for x > 0):

un+1 = un(1 +α


= (1 +α

n)(1 +


n− 1) . . . (1 +



=Γ(n + 1 + α)

Γ(n + 1)Γ(1 + α).

Thus, using the asymptotics Γ(x + a) ∼ xaΓ(x),

un =Γ(n + α)

Γ(n)Γ(1 + α)∼ nα

Γ(1 + α).

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(This appears on p.69 of [133], but using a more combinatorial ap-proach).

This tells us the order of magnitude for Kn. To conclude to thealmost sure behaviour, a martingale argument is needed (note thatwe may not apply Lemma 1.1 as this result is only conditional onthe frequencies (Pj)j≥1 of Π.) This is outlined in Theorem 3.8 of[133].

Later (see, e.g., Theorem 4.2), we will see other applications ofthis Tauberian theory to a concrete example arising in populationgenetics.

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2 Kingman’s coalescent

In this chapter, we introduce Kingman’s coalescent and study itsfirst properties. This leads us to the notion of coming down frominfinity, which is a “big bang” like phenomenon whereby a partitionconsisting of pure dust coagulates instantly into solid fragments. Weshow the relevance of Kingman’s coalescent to population models bystudying its relationship to the Moran model and the Wright-Fisherdiffusion and state a result of universality known as Mohle’s lemma.We derive some theoretical and practical implications of this relation-ship, such as the notion of duality between Kingman’s coalescent andthe Wright-Fisher diffusion. We then show that the Poisson-Dirichletdistribution describes the allelic partition associated with Kingman’scoalescent. As a consequence, Ewens’s sampling formula describesthe typical genetic variation (or polymorphism in biological terms)of a sample of a population. This result is one of the cornerstones ofmathematical population genetics, and we show a few applications.

2.1 Definition and construction

2.1.1 Definition

Kingman’s coalescent is perhaps the simplest stochastic process ofcoalescence. It is easier to define it as a process with values in P,although by Kingman’s correspondence there is an equivalent versionin S0. Let n ≥ 1. We start by defining a process (Πn

t , t ≥ 0) withvalues in the space Pn of partitions of [n] = 1, . . . , n. This processis defined by saying that:

1. Initially Πn0 is the trivial partition in singletons.

2. Πn is a strong Markov process in continuous time, where thetransition rates q(π, π′) are as follow: they are positive if andonly if π′ is obtained from merging two blocks of π, in whichcase q(π, π′) = 1.

To put it in words, Πn is a process which starts with a totallyfragmented state, and which evolves with (binary) coalescences. Theevolution may be described by saying that every pair of blocks mergesat rate 1, independently of their size. Because of this last property,one may think of a block as a particle. Each pair of particles merges

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at rate 1, regardless of any additional structure. When two parti-cles merge, the pair is replaced by a new particle which is indistin-guishable from any other particle. Πn is sometime referred to asKingman’s n-coalescent or simply an n-coalescent (the definition ofKingman’s (infinite) coalescent is delayed to Proposition 2.1).

Consistency. A trivial but important property of Kingman’s n-coalescent is that of consistency: if we consider the natural restrictionof Πn to partitions in Pm, where m < n, we obtain a new randomprocess Πm,n. The claim is that the distribution of Πm,n exactly thelaw of Kingman’s m-coalescent (and is thus independent of n). Thisis not a priori obvious, as the projection of a Markov process needsnot even stay Markov. However, it is easy and elementary to verifythe claim.

One important consequence of this property is, by Kokmogrov’sextension theorem, the following:

Proposition 2.1. There exists a unique in law process (Πt, t ≥ 0)with values in P, such that the restriction of Π to Pn is an n-coalescent. (Πt, t ≥ 0) is called Kingman’s coalescent.

To see how this follows from Kolmogorov’s extension theorem, notethat a partition π of N may be regarded as a function from N intoitself: it suffices to assign to every integer i the smallest integer in thesame block of π as i. Hence a coalescing partition process (Πt, t ≥ 0)may formally be viewed as a process indexed by N taking its valuesinto E = N[0,∞). The consistency property above guarantees thatthe cylinder restrictions (i.e., the finite-dimensional distributions) ofthis process are consistent, which in turn makes it possible to useKolmogorov’s extension theorem to yield Proposition 2.1.

Quite apart from this “general abstract nonsense”, the consistencyproperty also suggests a simple probabilistic construction of King-man’s coalescent, which we now indicate. This construction is in themanner of graphical constructions for models such as the voter model(see, e.g., [115] or Theorem 5.3 in these notes), and serves as a modelfor the more sophisticated future constructions of particle systemsbased on Fleming-Viot processes. The idea is to label every block Bof the partition Π(t) by its lowest element. That is, we construct forevery i ≥ 1, a label process (Xt(i), t ≥ 0), where Xt(i) = j meansthat at time t, the lowest element of the block containing i is equalto j. Thus Xt(i) has the properties that X0(i) = i for every i ≥ 1,

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and Xt(i) can only jump downwards, at times of a coalescence eventinvolving the block containing i. At each such event Xt(i) jumpsto the lowest element j such that j ∼Π(t+) i. The point is that(Xt(i), t ≥ 0) can be constructed for every i ≥ 1 simultaneously, asfollows. For every i < j, let τi,j be an exponential random variable.To define Xt(n), there is no problem in making the above informaldescription rigorous: indeed, to define Xt(n), it suffices to look atthe exponential random variables associated with 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n, asthe τi,j with n ≤ i < j cannot affect Xt(n). Thus there can never beany accumulation point of the τi,j since there are only finitely manysuch variables to be considered.

[More formally, let T1 = infτi,j , 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n, and definerecursively

Tk+1 = infτi,j : 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n, τi,j > Tk.

Thus (T1, T2, . . .) is the sequence of times at which there is a potentialcoalescence. Let ik, jk be defined by Tk = τik,jk

. Define Xt(i) = ifor all t < T1. Inductively now, if k ≥ 1, and Xt(i) is defined for all1 ≤ i ≤ n, and all t < Tk. Let I be the set of particles whose labelchanges at time Tk:

I = i ∈ [n] : Xt(T−k ) = jk.

Define Xt(i) = XT−k(i) if i /∈ I for all t ∈ [Tk, Tk+1), and put Xt(i) =

ik if i ∈ I, for all t ∈ [Tk, Tk+1).]Once the label process (Xt(i), t ≥ 0) is defined simultaneously for

all i ≥ 1, we can define a partition Π(t) by putting:

i ∼Π(t) j if and only if Xt(i) = Xt(j). (22)

Moreover, it is obvious from the above description that the dynamicsof (Π(t), t ≥ 0) restricted to Pn is that of an n-coalescent. Thus (22)is a realisation of Kingman’s coalescent. Note that despite the la-belling process which seems to favour lower labels rather than upperlabels, the partition Π(t) is, for every t > 0, exchangeable: this fol-lows from looking at the restriction of Π to [n] for every n ≥ 1 whichcontains the support of a permutation σ with finite support. Fromthe original description of an n-coalescent, it is plain that Πn(t) isinvariant under the permutation σ. Hence Π(t) is exchangeable.

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2.1.2 Coming down from infinity.

We are now ready to describe what is one of Kingman’s coalescent’smost striking features, which is that it comes down from infinity.As we will see, this phenomenon states that, although initially thepartition is only made of singletons, after any positive amount oftime, the partition contains only a finite number of blocks almostsurely, which (by exchangeability) must all have positive asymptoticfrequency (in particular, there is no dust almost surely anymore,as otherwise the singletons would contribute an infinite number ofblocks). Thus, let Nt denote the number of blocks of Π(t).

Theorem 2.1. Let E be the event that for all t > 0, Nt < ∞. ThenP(E) = 1.

In words, coalescence is so strong that all dust has coagulated intoa finite number of solid blocks. We say that Kingman’s coalescentcomes down from infinity. This is a big–bang–like event, which isindeed reminiscent of models in astrophysics.

Proof. The proof of this result is quite easy, but we prefer to firstgive an intuitive explanation for why the result holds true. Notethat the time it takes to go from n blocks to n− 1 blocks is just anexponential random variable with rate n(n− 1)/2. When n is large,this is approximately n2/2, so we can expect the number of blocksto approximately solve the differential equation:

u′(t) = −u(t)2

2u(0) = +∞.


(23) has a well-defined solution u(t) = 2/t, which is finite for all t > 0but infinite for t = 0. This explains why Nt is finite almost surelyfor all t > 0. in fact, one guesses from the ODE approximation:

Nt ∼ 2t, t → 0 (24)

almost surely. This statement is correct indeed, but unfortunatelyit is tedious to make the ODE approximation rigorous. Instead,to show Theorem 2.1, we use the following simple argument. It isenough to show that, for every ε > 0, there exists M > 0 such that

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P(Nt > M) ≤ ε. For this, it suffices to look at the restrictions Πn ofΠ to [n], and show that

lim supn→∞

P(Nnt > M) ≤ ε. (25)

Here we used the notation Nnt for the number of blocks of Πn

t . Forevery n ≥ 1, let En be an exponential random variable with raten(n− 1)/2. Then note that, by Markov’s inequality:

P(Nnt > M) = P



Ek > t


≤ 1tE





≤ 1t



2k(k − 1)


The right-hand side of the above inequality is independent of n, andcan be made as small as desired provided M is chosen large enough.Thus (25) follows.

2.1.3 Aldous’ construction

We now provide two different constructions of Kingman’s coalescentwhich have some interesting consequences. The first one is due to Al-dous (section 4.2 in [5]). Let (Uj)∞j=1 be a collection of i.i.d. uniformrandom variables on (0, 1). Let Ej be a collection of independentexponential random variables with rate j(j − 1)/2, and let

τj =∞∑


Ek < ∞.

Define a function f : (0, 1) → R by saying f(Uj) = τj for all j ≥ 1,and f(u) = 0 if u is not one of the Uj ’s. Define a tiling S(t) of (0, 1) bylooking at the open connected components of u ∈ (0, 1) : f(u) > t.See figure 2.1.3 for an illustration.

Theorem 2.2. (S(t), t ≥ 0) has the distribution of the asymptoticfrequencies of Kingman’s coalescent.

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Figure 3: Aldous’ construction. The vertical sticks are located atuniform random points on (0, 1). The stick at Uj has height τj .These define a tiling of (0, 1) as shown in the picture. The tilescoalesce as t increases from 0 to ∞.

Proof. We offer two different proofs, which are both instructive intheir own ways. The first one is straightforward: in a first step, notethat the transitions of S(t) are correct: when S(t) has n fragments,one has to wait an exponential amount of time with rate n(n− 1)/2before the next coalescence occurs, and when it does, given S(t), thepair of blocks which coalesces is uniformly chosen. (This follows fromthe fact that, given S(t), their linear order is uniform). Once thishas been observed, the second step is to argue that the asymptoticfrequencies of Kingman’s coalescent forms a Feller process with anentrance law given by the “pure dust” state S(0) = (1, 0, . . .) ∈ S0.(Naturally, this Feller property is meant in the sense of the usualtopology on S0, i.e., not the restriction of the `1 metric, but thatdetermined by pointwise convergence of the non-dust entries.) Thisargumentation can be found for instance in [5, Appendix 10.5]. Sinceit is obvious that S(t) → (1, 0, . . .) in that topology as t → 0, weobtain the claim that S(t) has the distribution of the asymptoticfrequencies of Kingman’s coalescent.

The second proof if quite different, and less straightforward, butmore instructive. Start with the observation that, for the finite n-coalescent, the set of successive states visited by the process, say

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(Πn, Πn−1, . . . ,Π1) (where for each 1 ≤ i ≤ n, Πi has exactly iblocks), is independent from the holding times (Hn, Hn−1, . . . , H2)(this is, of course, not true of a general Markov chain, but holdshere because the holding time Hk is an exponential random variablewith rate k(k − 1)/2 independent from Πk.) Letting n → ∞ andconsidering these two processes backward in time, we obtain that forKingman’s coalescent the reverse chain (Π1,Π2, . . .) is independentfrom the holding times (H2,H3, . . .). It is obvious in the constructionof S(t) that the holding times (H2, . . .) have the correct distribution,hence it suffices to show that (Π1, . . . , ) has the correct distribution,where Πk is the random partition generated from S(Tk) by samplingat uniform random variables (Uj) independent of the time k ≥ 1(here Tk is a time at which S(t) has k blocks).

To this end, we introduce the notion of rooted segments. A rootedsegment on k points i1, . . . , ik is one of the possible k! linear orderingsof these k points. We think of them as being oriented from left toright, the leftmost point being the root of the segment. If n ≥ 1 and1 ≤ k ≤ n, consider the set Rn,k of all rooted segments on 1, . . . , nwith exactly k distinct connected components (the order of these ksegments is irrelevant). We call such an element a broken rootedsegment.

Lemma 2.1. The random partition associated with a uniform ele-ment of Rn,k has the same distribution as Πn

k , where (Πnk)n≥k≥1 is

the set of successive states visited by Kingman’s n-coalescent.

Proof. The proof is modeled after [24], but goes back to at leastKingman [107]. It is obvious that the partition associated with Ξn,a random element of Rn,n, has the same structure as Πn

n (as boththese are singletons almost surely). Now, let k ≤ n and let Ξ be arandomly chosen element of Rn,k, and let Ξ′ be obtained from Ξ bymerging a random pair of clusters and choosing one of the two ordersfor the merged linear segment at random. Then we claim that Ξ′ isuniform on Rn,k−1. Indeed, if ξ ¹ ξ′ denotes the relation that ξ′ can

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be obtained from ξ by merging two parts, we get:

P(Ξ′ = ξ′) =∑

ξ∈Rn,k:ξ¹ξ′P(Ξ = ξ)P(Ξ′ = ξ′|Ξ = ξ)





2k(k − 1)



k(k − 1)|ξ ∈ Rn,k : ξ ¹ ξ′|.

The point is that, given ξ′ ∈ Rn,k−1, there are exactly n − k + 1ways to cut a link from it and obtained a ξ ∈ Rn,k such that ξ ¹ ξ′.Note that there can be no repeat in this construction, and hence,|ξ ∈ Rn,k : ξ ¹ ξ′| = n − k + 1, which does not depend on ξ′. Inparticular,

P(Ξ′ = ξ′) =n− k + 1

k(k − 1)|Rn,k| (26)

and thus Ξ′ is uniform on Rn,k−1.

4 2 3 651

4 2 3 651

4 2 3 651

4 2 3 651

4 2 3 651

4 2 3 651

Figure 4: Cutting a rooted random segment.

The lemma has the following consequence. It is easy to see thata random element of Rn,k may be obtained by choosing a randomrooted segment on [n], and breaking it at k − 1 uniformly chosenlinks. Rescaling the interval [0, n] to the interval (0, 1) and lettingn →∞, it follows from this argument that Πk, which is the infinitepartition of Kingman’s coalescent when it has k blocks, has the samedistribution as the unit interval cut at k− 1 uniform random points.This finishes the proof of Theorem 2.2.

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This theorem, and the discrete argument given in the second proof,have a number of useful consequences, which we now detail.

Corollary 2.1. Let Tk be the first time that Kingman’s coalescenthas k blocks, and let S(Tk) denote the asymptotic frequencies at thistime, ranked in nonincreasing order. Then S(Tk) is distributed uni-formly over the (k − 1)-dimensional simplex:

∆k =

x1 ≥ . . . ≥ xk ≥ 0 :



xi = 1


We also emphasize that the discrete argument given in the secondproof of Theorem 2.2, has the following nontrivial consequence forthe time-reversal of Kingman’s n-coalescent: it can be constructed asa Markov chain with “nice”, i.e., explicit, transitions. Let (Ξ1, . . . ,Ξn)be a process such that Ξk ∈ Rn,k for all 1 ≤ k ≤ n, and definedas follows: Ξ1 is a uniform rooted segment on [n]. Given Ξi with1 ≤ i ≤ n − 1, define Ξi+1 by cutting a randomly chosen link fromΞi. (See Figure 4).

Corollary 2.2. The time-reversal of Ξ, that is, (Ξn, Ξn−1, . . . , Ξ1),has the same distribution as Kingman’s n-coalescent in discrete time.

As a further consequence of this link, we get an interesting formulafor the probability distribution of Kingman’s coalescent:

Corollary 2.3. Let 1 ≤ k ≤ n. Then for any partition of [n] withexactly k blocks, say π = (B1, B2, . . . , Bk), we have:

P(Πnk = π) =

(n− k)!k!(k − 1)!n!(n− 1)!



|Bi|! (27)

Proof. The number of elements in Rn,k is easily seen to be

|Rn,k| =(

n− 1k − 1


. (28)

Indeed it suffices to choose k − 1 links to break out of n − 1, afterhaving chosen one of n! rooted segments on [n]. Ignoring the orderof the clusters gives us (28). Since the same partition is obtained bypermuting the elements in a cluster of the broken rooted segment,we obtain immediately (27).

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It is possible to prove (27) directly on Kingman’s coalescent byinduction, which is the one chosen by Kingman [107] (see also Propo-sition 2.1 of Bertoin [28]). However this approach requires to guessthe formula beforehand, which is really not that obvious! Inductionworks, but doesn’t explain at all why such a formula should holdtrue. In fact, miraculous cancellations take place and (27) may seemquite mysterious. Fortunately, the connection with rooted segmentsexplains why this formula holds.

Alternatively, we note that, given Corollary 2.1, (27) can be ob-tained by conditioning on the frequencies of Πk, which are obtainedby breaking the unit interval (0, 1), at k−1 uniform independent ran-dom points, and then sampling from this partition as in Kingman’srepresentation theorem. This has a Dirichlet density with k − 1 pa-rameters, so such integrals can be computed explicitly, and one finds(27).

Later, we will describe a construction of Kingman’s coalescentin terms of a Brownian excursion (or, equivalently, of a Browniancontinuum random tree), which is seemingly quite different. Boththese constructions can be used to study some of the fine propertiesof Kingman’s coalescent: see [5] and [16].

2.2 The genealogy of populations

We now approach a theme which is a main motivation for the study ofcoalescence. We will see how, in a variety of simple population mod-els, the genealogy of a sample from that population can be approxi-mated by Kingman’s coalescent. This will usually be formalized bytaking a scaling limit as the population size N tends to infinity, whilethe sample size n is fixed but arbitrarily large. A striking featureof these results is that the limiting process, Kingman’s coalescent, isto some degree universal, as shown in the upcoming Theorem 2.5.That is, its occurrence is little sensitive to the microscopic details ofthe underlying probability model, much like Brownian motion is auniversal scaling limit of random walks, or SLE is a universal scalinglimit of a variety of critical planar models from statistical physics.

However, there are a number of important assumptions that mustbe made in order for this approximation to work. Loosely speaking,those are usually of the following kind:

(1) Population of constant size, and individuals typically have few

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(2) Population is well-mixed (or mean-field): everybody is liableto interact with anybody.

(3) No selection acts on the population.

We will see how each of these assumptions is implemented in amodel. For instance, a typical assumption corresponding to (1) isthat the population size is constant and the number of offsprings ofa random individual has finite variance. Changing other parametersof the model (e.g., such as overlapping generations or not) will notmake any macroscopic difference, but changing any of those 3 pointswill usually affect the genealogy in essential ways. Indeed, much ofthe rest of the volume is devoted to studying coalescent processesin which some or all of those assumptions are invalidated. This willlead us in general to coalescent with multiple mergers, taking placein some physical space modeled by a graph. But we are jumpingahead of ourselves, and for now we first expose the basic theory ofKingman’s coalescent.

2.2.1 A word of vocabulary

Before we explain the Moran model in next paragraph, we brieflyexplain a few notions from biology. From the point of view of ap-plications, the samples concern not the individuals themselves, butusually some of their genetic material. Suppose one is interestedin some specific gene (that is to say, a piece of DNA which codesfor a certain protein, to simplify). Suppose we sample n individualsfrom a population of size N À n. We will be interested in describ-ing the genetic variation in this sample corresponding to this gene,that is, in quantifying how much diversity there is in the sample atthis gene. Indeed, what typically happens is that several individu-als share the exact same gene and others have different variations.Different versions of a same gene are called alleles. Here we will im-plicitly assume that all alleles are selectively equivalent, i.e., naturalselection doesn’t favour a particular kind of allele (or rather, theindividual which carries that allele).

To understand what we can expect of this variation, it turns outthat the relevant thing to analyse is the ancestry of the genes wesampled, and, more precisely, the genealogical relationships between

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these genes. To explain why this is so, imagine that all genes are veryclosely related, say our sample comes from members of one family.Then we expect little variation as there is a common ancestor tothese individuals going back not too far away in the past. Genesmay have evolved from this ancestor, due to mutations, but sincethis ancestor is recent, we can expect these changes to be not verymany. On the contrary, if our sample comes from individuals thatare very distantly related (perhaps coming from different countries),then we expect a much larger variation.

Ancestral partition. It thus makes sense to desire to analysethe genealogical tree of our sample. We usually do so by observingthe ancestral partition process. Suppose that we have a certain pop-ulation model of constant size N which is defined on some intervalof time I = [−T, 0] where T will usually be ∞. Then we can samplewithout replacement n individuals from the population at time 0,say x1, . . . , xn, with n < N , and consider the random partition Πn


such that i ∼ j if and only if xi and xj share the same ancestor attime −t. The process (Πn

t , 0 ≤ t ≤ T ) is then a coalescent process. Itis very important to realise that the direction of time for the coales-cent process is the opposite of the direction of time for the “natural”evolution of the population.

Recalling that we only want the ancestry of the gene we are look-ing at, rather than that of the individual which carries it, simplifiesgreatly matters. Indeed, in diploid populations like humans (i.e.,populations whose genome is made of a number of pairs of hom*olo-gous chromosomes, 23 for humans), each gene comes from a singleparent, as opposed to individuals, who come from two parents. Thusin our sample, we have a number of n genes, and we can go backone generation in the past and ask who were the “parents” (i.e., theparent gene) of each of those n genes. It may be that some of thesegenes share the same parent, e.g., in the case of siblings. In that case,the ancestral lineages corresponding to these genes have coalesced.Eventually, if we go far enough back into the past, all lineages fromour initial n genes, will have coalesced to a most recent commonancestor, which we can call the ancestral Eve of our sample. Notethat if we sample n individuals from a diploid population such as hu-mans, we actually have 2n genes each with their genealogical lineage.Thus from our point of view, there won’t be any difference betweenhaploid and diploid populations, except that the population size is

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Figure 5: Moran model and associated ancestral partition process.An arrow indicates a replacement, the direction shows where thelineage comes from. Here N = 7 and the sample consists of indi-viduals 1,3,4,5,6. At time t, Πt = 1, 3, 5, 4, 6, while at time T ,ΠT = 1, 3, 4, 5, 6.

in effect doubled. From now on, we will thus make no distinctionbetween a gene and an individual.

2.2.2 The Moran and the Wright-Fisher models

The Moran model is perhaps the simplest model which satisfies as-sumption (1), (2) and (3). In it, there are a constant number ofindividuals in the population, N . Time is continuous, and every in-dividual lives an exponential amount of time with rate 1. When anindividual dies, it is simultaneously replaced by an offspring of an-other individual in the population, which is uniformly chosen fromthe population. This keeps the population size constant equal to N .This model is defined for all t ∈ R. See the accompanying Figure5 for an illustration. Note that all three assumptions are satisfiedhere, so it is no surprise that we have:

Theorem 2.3. Let n ≥ 1 be fixed, and let x1, . . . , xn be n individualssampled without replacement from the population at time t = 0. Forevery N ≥ n, let ΠN,n

t be the ancestral partition obtained by declaringi ∼ j if and only if xi and xj have a common ancestor at time −t.

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Then, speeding up time by (N − 1)/2, we find:

(ΠN,n(N−1)t/2, t ≥ 0) is an n-coalescent.

Proof. The model may for instance be constructed by considering Nindependent stationary Poisson processes with rate 1 (Zt(i),−∞ <t < ∞)N

i=1. Each time Zt(i) rings, we declare that the ith indi-vidual in the population dies, and is replaced by an offspring froma randomly chosen individual in the rest of the population. Sincethe time-reversal of a stationary Poisson process is still a stationaryPoisson process, we see that while there are k ≤ n lineages thathave not coalesced by time −t, each of them experiences what was adeath-and-substitution in the opposite direction of time, with rate 1.At any such event, the corresponding lineage jumps to a randomlychosen other individual. With probability (k − 1)/(N − 1), this in-dividual is one of the other k − 1 lineages, in which case there is acoalescence. Thus the total rate at which there is a coalescence isk(k−1)/(N −1). Hence speeding time by (N −1)/2 gives us a totalcoalescence rate of k(k − 1)/2, as it should be for an n-coalescentwith k blocks.

In the Wright-Fisher model, the situation is similar, but the modelis slightly different. The main difference is that generations are dis-crete and non-overlapping (as opposed to the Moran model, wheredifferent generations overlap). To describe this model, assume thatthe population at time t ∈ Z is made up of individuals x1, . . . , xN .The population at time t + 1 may be defined as y1, . . . , yN , wherefor each 1 ≤ i ≤ N , the parent of yi is randomly chosen amongx1, . . . , xN . Again, the model may be constructed for all t ∈ Z. Asabove, all three conditions are intuitively satisfied, so we expect toget Kingman’s coalescent as an approximation of the genealogy of asample.

Theorem 2.4. Fix n ≥ 1, and let ΠN,nt denote the ancestral parti-

tion at time t of n randomly chosen individuals from the populationat time t = 0. That is, i ∼ j if and only if xi and xj share the sameancestor at time −t. Then as N →∞, and keeping n fixed, speedingup time by a factor N :

(ΠN,nNt , t ≥ 0) −→d (Πn

t , t ≥ 0)

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where −→d indicates convergence in distribution under the Skorokhodtopology of D([0,∞),Pn), and (Πn

t , t ≥ 0) is Kingman’s n-coalescent.

Proof. (sketch) Consider two randomly chosen individuals x, y. Thenthe time it takes for them to coalesce is Geometric with success prob-ability p = 1/N : indeed, at each new generation, the probability thatthe two genes go back to the same ancestor is 1/N since every genechooses its parent uniformly at random and independently of oneanother. Let TN be a geometric random variable with parameter1/N . Since


TN −→d E,

an exponential random variable with parameter 1, we see that thepair (x, y) coalesces at rate approximately 1 once time is speed up byN . This is true for every pair, hence we get Kingman’s n-coalescent.

We briefly comment that this is the general structure of limitingtheorems on the genealogy of populations: n is fixed but arbitrary, Nis going to infinity, and after speeding up time by a suitable factor, weget convergence towards the restriction of a nice coalescing processon n particles.

Despite their simplicity, the Wright-Fisher or the Moran modelhave proved extremely useful to understand some theoretical prop-erties of Kingman’s coalescent, such as the duality relation which willbe discussed in the subsequent sections of this chapter. However, be-fore that, we will discuss an important result, due to Mohle, whichgives convergence towards Kingman’s coalescent in the above sense,for a wide class of population models known as Cannings models andmay thus be viewed as a result of universality.

2.2.3 Mohle’s lemma

We now describe the general class of population models which isthe framework of Mohle’s lemma, and which are known as Canningsmodels (after the work of Cannings [50, 51]). As the reader has surelyguessed, we will first impose that the population size stays constantequal to N ≥ 1, and we label the individuals of this population1, . . . , N . To define this model, consider a sequence of exchange-able integer-valued random variables (ν1, . . . , νN ), which have the

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property thatN∑


νi = N. (29)

The νi have the following interpretation: at every generation, all Nindividuals reproduce and leave a certain number of offsprings in thenext generation. We call νi the number of offsprings of individuali. Note that once a distribution is specified for the law of (νi)N

i=1, apopulation model may be defined on a bi-infinite set of times t ∈ Zby using i.i.d. copies (νi(t))N

i=1, t ∈ Z. The requirement (29) corre-sponds to the fact that the total population size stays constant, andthe requirement that for every t ∈ Z, (νi(t))N

i=1 forms an exchange-able vector corresponds to the fact that there are no spatial effectsor selection: every individual is treated equally.

Having defined this population dynamics, we consider again thecoalescing process obtained by sampling n < N individuals from thepopulation at time 0, and considering their ancestral lineages: thatis, let (Πn,N

t , t = 0, 1, . . .) be the Pn-valued process defined by puttingi ∼ j if and only if individuals i and j share the same ancestorat generation −t. This is the ancestral partition process alreadyconsidered in the Moran model and the Wright-Fisher diffusion.

Before stating the result for the genealogy of this process, whichis due to Mohle [122], we make one further definition: let

cN = E(

ν1(ν1 − 1)N − 1

). (30)

Note that cN is the probability that two individuals sampled ran-domly (without replacement) from generation 0 have the same par-ent at generation −1. Indeed, this probability p may be computedby summing over the possible parent of one of those lineages and isthus equal to

p = E





νi − 1N − 1

)= cN

since E(νi) = E(ν1) by exchangeability. Thus cN is the probabilityof coalescence of any two lineages in a given generation. Note that ifwe wish to show convergence to a continuous coalescent process, cN

(or rather 1/cN ) gives us the correct time-scale, as any two lineageswill coalescence in a time of order 1 after speeding up by 1/cN . Wemay now state the main result of this section:

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Theorem 2.5. (Mohle’s Lemma.) Consider a Cannings model de-fined by i.i.d. copies (νi(t))N

i=1, t ∈ Z. If

E(ν1(ν1 − 1)(ν1 − 2))N2cN


0, (31)

then cN → 0 and the genealogy converges to Kingman’s coalescent.

The formal statement which is contained in the informal wordingof the theorem is that (Πn,N

t/cN, t ≥ 0), converges to Kingman’s n-

coalescent for every n ≥ 1.Although the proof is not particularly difficult, we do not include

it in these notes, and refer the interested reader to [122]. However,we do note that the left hand side of (31) is, up to a scaling, equalto the probability that three lineages merge in a given generation.Thus the purpose of (31) is to demand that the rate at which three ormore lineages coalesce is negligible compared to the rate of pairwisemergers: this property is indeed necessary if we are to expect King-man’s coalescent in the limit. See Mohle [121] for other criterionssimilar to (31).

2.2.4 Diffusion approximation and duality

Consider the Moran model discussed in Theorem 2.3, and assumethat at some time t, say t = 0 without loss of generality, the popula-tion consists of exactly two types of individuals: those which carryallele a, say, and those which carry allele A. For instance, one maythink that allele a is a mutation which affects a fraction 0 < p < 1of individuals. How does this proportion evolve with time? What isthe chance it will eventually invade the whole population?

From the description of the Moran model itself, it is easy to seethat, in the next dt units of time (with dt infinitesimally small), ifXt is the fraction of individuals with allele a, we have, if Xt = x:

Xt+dt =

x + 1N with probability Nx(1− x)dt + o(dt)

x− 1N with probability Nx(1− x)dt + o(dt)

x with probability 1− 2Nx(1− x)dt + o(dt).

Indeed, Xt may only change by +1/N if an individual from the Apopulation dies (which happens at rate N(1−x)) and is replaced withan individual from the a population (which happens with probability

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x). Hence the total rate at which Xt increases by 1/N is Nx(1−x).Similarly, the total rate of decrease by 1/N is x(1 − x), since forthis to occur, an individual from the a population must die and bereplaced by an individual from the A population.

Thus we see that the expect drift is

E(dXt|σ(Xs, 0 ≤ s ≤ t)) = 0

and that

var(dXt|σ(Xs, 0 ≤ s ≤ t)) =2N

Xt(1−Xt)dt + o(dt).

By routine arguments of martingale methods (such as in [75]), itis easy to conclude that, speeding time by N/2, Xt converges to anondegenerate diffusion:

Theorem 2.6. Let (XNt , t ≥ 0) be the fraction of individuals carry-

ing the a allele at time t in the Moran model, started from XN0 =

p ∈ (0, 1). Then

(XNNt/2, t ≥ 0) −→d (Xt, t ≥ 0)

in the Skorokhod topology of D(R+,R), where X solves the stochasticdifferential equation:

dXt =√

Xt(1−Xt)dWt; X0 = p (32)

and W is a standard Brownian motion. (32) is called the Wright-Fisher diffusion.

Note that the Wright-Fisher diffusion (32) has infinitesimal gen-erator

Lf(x) =12x(1− x)


dx2. (33)

Remark 2.1. In some texts different scalings are sometimes con-sidered, usually due to the fact that the “real” population size forhumans (or any diploid population) is 2N when the number of indi-viduals in the population is N . These texts sometime don’t slow downaccordingly the scaling of time, in which case the limiting diffusionis:

dXt =

√12Xt(1−Xt)dWt; X0 = p

which is then called the Wright-Fisher diffusion. This unimportantchange of constant explains discrepancies with other texts.

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As we will see, this diffusion approximation has many consequencesfor questions of practical importance, as several quantities of inter-est have exact formulae in this approximation (while in the discretemodel, these quantities would often be hard or impossible to computeexactly). There are also some theoretical implications, of which thefollowing is perhaps the most important. This is a relation of duality,in the sense used in the particle systems literature ([115]), betweenKingman’s coalescent and the Wright-Fisher diffusion. Intuitively,the Wright-Fisher diffusion describes the evolution of a subpopula-tion forward in time, while Kingman’s coalescent describes ancestrallineages backward in time, so this relation is akin to a change ofdirection of time. The precise result is as follows:

Theorem 2.7. Let E→ and E← denote respectively the laws of aWright-Fisher diffusion and of Kingman’s coalescent. Then, for all0 < p < 1, and for all n ≥ 1, we have:

E→p ((Xt)n) = E←n(p|Πt|


where |Πt| denotes the number of blocks of the random partition Πt.

Proof. (sketch) Consider a Moran model with total population sizeN ≥ 1, and consider a subpopulation of allele a individuals obtainedby flipping a coin for every individual with success probability p.Choose n individuals at random out of the total population at timeNt/2. What is the chance of the event E that these n individualscarry the a allele? On the one hand, this can be computed by goingbackward in time Nt/2 units of time: by Theorem 2.3, there arethen approximately |Πt| ancestral lineages, where Π is Kingman’sn-coalescent, and each of them carries the a allele with probabilityp. If each of them carries the a allele, then their descendant alsocarries the allele a, so

P(E) ≈ E←n (p|Πt|).

On the other hand, by Theorem 2.6, at time tN/2 we know that theproportion of a individuals in the population is approximately Xt.Thus the probability of the event E is, as N →∞, approximately

P(E) ≈ E→p (Xnt ).

Equating the two approximations yields the result.

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The relationship (34) is called a duality relation. In general, twoprocesses X and Y with respective laws E← and E→ are said to bedual if there exists a function ψ(x, y) such that for all x, y:

E→x (ψ(Xt, y)) = E←y (ψ(x, Yt)). (35)

In our case Xt is the Wright-Fisher diffusion and Nt = Yt is thenumber of blocks of Kingman’s coalescent, and ψ(x, n) = xn. Inparticular, as n varies, (34) fully characterizes the law of Xt, as itcharacterizes all its moments.

As an aside, this is a general feature of duality relations: as yvaries, the E→x (ψ(Xt, y)) characterizes the law of Xt started from x.In particular, relations such as (35) are extremely useful to proveuniqueness results for martingale problems. This method, calledthe duality method, has been extremely successful in the literatureof interacting particle systems and superprocesses, where it is of-ten relatively simple to guess what martingale problem a certainmeasure-valued diffusion should satisfy, but much more complex toprove that there is a unique in law solution to this problem. Havinguniqueness usually proves convergence in distribution of a certaindiscrete model towards the continuum limit specified by the martin-gale problem, so it is easy to see why duality can be so useful. Formore about this, we refer the reader to the relevant discussion inEtheridge [72].

We stress that duals are not necessarily unique: for instance, King-man’s coalescent is also dual to a process known as the Fleming-Viotdiffusion, which will be discussed in a later section as it will have im-portant consequences for us.

We now illustrate Theorems 2.6 and 2.7 with some of the promisedapplications to questions of practical interest. Consider the Moranmodel of Theorem 2.3. The most obvious question pertains to thefollowing: if the a population is thought of as a mutant from the Apopulation, what is the chance it will survive forever? It is easy to seethis can only occur if the a population invades the whole populationand all the residents (i.e., the A individuals) die out. If so, how longdoes it take?

Let XNt denote the number of a individuals in a Wright-Fisher

model with total population size N and initial a population XN0 =

pN , where 0 < p < 1. Note that XNt is a finite Markov chain with

only two traps, 0 and N . Thus XN := limt→∞XNt exists almost

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surely and is equal to 0 or N . Let D be the event that XN = 0 (thisis event that the a alleles die out), and let S be the complementaryevent (this is the event that a wipes out A). In biological terms, thetime at which this occurs, say TN , is known as the fixation time.

Theorem 2.8. We have:

P(S) = p; P(D) = 1− p. (36)

Moreover, the fixation time TN satisfies:

E(TN ) ∼ −N(p log p + (1− p) log(1− p)). (37)

Proof. The first part of the result follow directly from the observationthat XN

t is a bounded martingale and the optional stopping theoremat time T . For the second part, we use the diffusion approximationof Theorem 2.6 and content ourselves with verifying that for thelimiting Wright-Fisher diffusion, the expected time T to absorptionat 0 or 1 is

E(T ) = −2(p log p + (1− p) log(1− p)). (38)

Technically speaking, there is some further work to do such a check-ing that 2TN/N → T in distribution and in expectation, but we arenot interested in this technical point here. Note that for a diffusion,if f(p) is the expected value of T starting from p, then f(p) satisfies:

Lf(p) = −1;f(0) = f(1) = 0,


where Lf(x) = 12x(1−x)f ′′(x) is the generator of the Wright-Fisher

diffusion. To see where (39) comes from, observe that, for any ε > 0,and for all 0 < x < 1,

f(x) = Ex(T ) = Ex(Ex(T |Fε)),

where Fε = σ(Xs, s ≤ ε). Thus by the Markov property, lettingPf(x) be the semigroup of the diffusion X:

f(x) = Ex(ε + EXε(T ))= ε + Ex(f(Xε))= ε + Pεf(x)= ε + f(x) + εLf(x) + o(ε)

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where the last equality holds since Lf(x) = limε→0Pεf−f

ε . Sincethis last equality must be satisfied for all ε > 0, we conclude, aftercanceling the terms f(x) on both sides of this equation and dividingby ε:

1 + Lf(x) = 0

for all x ∈ (0, 1), which, together with the obvious boundary condi-tions f(0) = f(1) = 1, is precisely (39).

Now, (39) can be solved explicitly and the solution is indeed (38),hence the result.

For p = 1/2, we get from Theorem 2.8 that

E(TN ) ∼ 1.38N

or, for diploid populations with N individuals, E(TN ) ∼ 2.56N . AsEwens [80, Section 3.2] notes, this long mean time is related to thefact that the spectral gap of the chain is small.

In practice, it is often more interesting to compute the expectedfixation time (and other quantities) given that the a allele succeededin invading the population. In that case it is possible to show:

E(TN |S) ∼ −N(1− p)p

log(1− p).

See, e.g., [66, Theorem 1.32].

2.3 Ewens’ sampling formula

We now come to one of the true cornerstones of mathematical pop-ulation genetics, which is Ewens’ sampling formula for the allelicpartition of Kingman’s coalescent (these terms will be defined ina moment). Basically, this is an exact formula which governs thepatterns of genetic variation within a population satisfying all threebasic assumptions leading to Kingman’s coalescent. As a result, thisformula is widely used in population genetics and in practical studies;its importance and impact are hard to overstate.

2.3.1 Infinite alleles model

We now define one of the basic objects of this study, which is the al-lelic partition. It is based on a model called the infinite alleles model

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which we now describe. Imagine that, together with the evolutionof a population forwards in time (such as considered in the Moranmodel or in the Wright-Fisher model, say), there exists a process bywhich mutations occur and which induces differences between the al-lele observed in a child from that of his parent. If we consider a largegene, (i.e., one which consists of a fairly large DNA sequence), it isreasonable to assume that the mutation will make a change neverseen before and never to be reproduced again by a future mutation,that is, every mutation generates a new, unique allele. To simplifyextremely, imagine we are looking at the genealogy of a gene codingfor, say, eye colour. We may imagine that, initially, all individualscarry the same allele, i.e., have the same eye colour (say brown).Then as time goes by, a mutation occurs, and the child of a cer-tain individual carries a new colour, maybe blue. His descendantswill also all have blue eyes, and descendants of other individuals willcarry brown eyes, until one of them gets a new mutation, giving himsay green eyes, which he will in turn transmit to his children, andso on and so forth. The allelic partition is the one that results whenwe identify individuals carrying the same eye colour (or, more gener-ally, the same allele at the observed gene). We describe this partitionthrough a vector, called the allele frequency spectrum, which simplycounts the number of different alleles with a given multiplicity: thatis, ai is the number of distinct alleles which are shared by exactly iindividuals. See Figure 6 for an illustration of the allelic partition.

For instance, (the two following datasets are taken from [66], andwere gathered respectively by [57] and [150]), in a study of n = 60drosophilae (D. persimilis), the allelic partition was represented by,

a1 = 18, a2 = 3, a4 = 1, a32 = 1.

That is, 1 allele was shared by 32 individuals, 1 allele was sharedby 4 individuals, 3 alleles were found in pairs of individuals, and 18individuals had a unique allele. Thus the associated partition had18 + 3 + 1 + 1 = 23 blocks. In another, larger study of Drosophila(D. pseudobscura), on n = 718 individuals:

a1 = 7, a2 = a3 = a5 = a6 = a8 = a9 = a26 = a36 = a37 = 1,

a82 = 2, a149 = 1, a266 = 1.

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Figure 6: The allelic partition generated by mutations (squares).

2.3.2 Ewens sampling formula

Given the apparent difference between these two data sets, what canwe expect from a typical sample? It is natural to assume that muta-tions arrive at constant rate in time, and, that, for many populations,assumptions (1), (2) and (3) are satisfied so that the genealogy ofa sample is defined by Kingman’s coalescent. Thus, we will assumethat, given the coalescence tree of a sample (obtained from King-man’s coalescent), mutations fall on the coalescence tree accordingto a Poisson point process with constant intensity per unit length,which we define to be θ/2 for some θ > 0, for reasons that will beclear in a moment. We may then look at the (random) allelic par-tition that this model generates, and ask what does this partitiontypically look like. See Figure 6 for an illustration.

Note that, Πn defines a consistent family of partitions as n in-creases, so one may define a random partition Π, called the allelicpartition, such that Πn = Π|[n] for all n ≥ 1.

Theorem 2.9. Let Π be the allelic partition obtained from King-man’s coalescent and the infinite alleles model with mutation rateθ/2. Then Π has the law of a Poisson-Dirichlet random partition

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with parameter θ. In particular, the probability that A1 = a1, A2 =a2, . . . , An = an, is given by:

p(a1, . . . , an) =n!

θ(θ + 1) . . . (θ + n− 1)




aj !. (40)

Proof. We first note that (40) is simply a reformulation of Ewens’sampling formula in Theorem 1.6, taking into account the combina-torial factors needed when describing Π indirectly through the sum-mary statistics (a1, . . . , an), which is the traditional data recorded.Note in particular that (40) shows that the vector (A1, . . . , An) hasthe distribution of independent Poisson random variables Z1, . . . , Zn

with parameters θ/j, conditioned on the event that∑n

j=1 jZj = n.

A particularly simple and elegant proof that Π has the Poisson-Dirichlet (0, θ) consists in showing directly that Π can be constructedas a Chinese Restaurant Process with parameter θ. Suppose thecoalescence tree is drawn with the root at the bottom and the nleaves at the top (like a real-life tree!) To every leaf of the tree,there is a unique path between it and the root, and there is a uniquefirst mutation mark on this path, which we run from the leaf to theroot, i.e. top to bottom (if no such mark exists, we may considerextending the coalescence tree by adding an infinite branch fromthe root, on which such a mark will always exist almost surely).Note that to describe the allelic partition Πn, it suffices to know toknow the portion of the coalescence tree between all the leaves andtheir first marks, and do not care about later coalescence events ormutations (here, time is also running in the coalescence direction,i.e., from top to bottom). This consideration leads us to associateto the marked coalescence tree a certain forest, i.e., a collection oftrees, which are subtrees from the coalescence tree and contain allthe leaves and their nearest marks.

Define 0 < Tn < Tn−1 < . . . T2 < T1 to be the times at whichthere is an event which reduces the number of branches in the forestdescribed above. These events may be of two types: either a coales-cence or a mutation (which “kills” the corresponding branch). In ei-ther case, the number of branches decreases by 1, so there are exactlyn such times until there are no branches left. The Chinese Restau-rant Process structure of the partition is revealed when we try todescribe this forest from bottom to top, by looking at what happens

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at the reverse times T1, T2, . . . , Tn. At each time Tm, 1 ≤ m ≤ n,we may consider the partition Πn

m, which is the partition defined bythe m lineages uncovered by time Tm. At time T1, we are adding alineage which may be considered the root of this forest. Naturally,the partition it defines is just 1. Suppose now that m ≥ 1, andwe are looking at the distribution of the partition Πn

m+1, given Πnm.

This (m + 1)th lineage disappeared from the forest for either of tworeasons: either by coalescence, or by mutation. If it was a mutation,then we know this lineage will open a new block of the partitionΠn

m+1. If, however, it was by a coalescence, then our (m + 1)th cus-tomer joins one of the existing blocks. It remains to compute theprobabilities of these events. Note that between times Tm and Tm+1

there are precisely m + 1 other lineages. Suppose the cluster sizes ofΠn

m are respectively n1, . . . , nk. The total rate of coalescence whenthere are m + 1 lineages is m(m + 1)/2, and the total mutation rateis (m + 1)θ/2. It follows that,

P(new block|Πnm) =

θ(m + 1)/2m(m + 1)/2 + θ(m + 1)/2

m + θ.

Indeed, the event that there is a coalescence or a mutation at time Tm

rather than a mutation, is independent of Πnm by the strong Markov

property of Kingman’s coalescent at time Tm+1. Similarly,

P(join block of size ni|Πnm) =

m(m + 1)/2m(m + 1)/2 + θ(m + 1)/2




m + θ.

Indeed, in order to join a table of size ni, first a coalescence must haveoccurred (this is the first term in the right-hand side of (41)), thenwe note that conditionally on this event, the new lineage coalescedwith a randomly chosen lineage, and thus a particular group of size ni

was chosen with probability nj/m. We recognize here the transitionsof the Chinese Restaurant Process, so by Theorem 1.5 we get thedesired result.

Remarkably, when W. Ewens [79] found this formula (40), thiswas without the help of Kingman’s coalescent, although clearly this

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viewpoint is a big help. There exist numerous proofs of Ewens sam-pling formula for the infinite alleles model, of which several can befound in [95], together with some interesting extensions.

2.3.3 Some applications: the mutation rate

We briefly survey some applications of the above result. One chiefapplication of Theorem 2.9 is the estimation of the mutation rate θ/2.Note that, by Ewens’ sampling formula, the conditional distributionof π given the number of blocks Kn is

P(Πn = π|Kn = k) = cn,k



ni! (42)

where cn,k =∑


∏ki=1 ni! where the sum is over all partitions with

k blocks. Equivalently, since∑n

j=1 aj = k,

p(a1, . . . , an|k) = c′n,k




aj !(43)

for a different normalizing constant c′n,k. The striking feature of(42) and (43) is that both right-hand sides do not depend on θ. Inparticular, we can not learn anything about θ beyond what we cantell from simply looking at the number of blocks. In statistical terms,Kn is a sufficient statistics for θ. This raises the question: how toestimate θ from the number of blocks?

Theorem 2.10. let Π be a PD(θ) random partition, and let Πn beits restriction to [n], with Kn blocks. Then


log n−→ θ, a.s. (44)

as n →∞. Moreover,

Kn − θ log n√θ log n

−→d N (0, 1). (45)

Proof. (44) is an easy consequence of the Chinese Restaurant Processconstruction of a PD(θ) random partition. Indeed, let Ii be the

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indicator random variable that customer i opens a new block. ThenKn =

∑ni=1 Ii and the random variables Ii are independent, with

P(Ii = 1) =θ

θ + i− 1.

Thus E(Kn) ∼ θ log n,, and var(Kn) ≤ E(Kn). Find a subsequencenk such that k2 ≤ E(Knk

) < (k + 1)2. (Thus if θ = 1, nk = e2k

works.) By Chebyshev’s inequality:



log(nk)− θ

∣∣∣∣ > ε

)≤ var(Knk

)ε2(log nk)2

≤ 2θ


for every ε > 0. By the Borel-Cantelli lemma, there is almost sureconvergence along the subsequence nk. Now, using monotonicity ofKn and the sandwich theorem, we see that for n such that nk ≤ n <nk+1, we get


log(nk+1)≤ Kn

log n≤ Knk+1


but since 1 ≤ log(nk+1)log(nk) ≤ (k+1)2

k2 → 1, we see that both left- andright-hand sides of the inequalities converge to θ almost surely. Thisproves (44). The central limit theorem (45) follows from a similarapplication of the Lindeberg-Feller theorem for triangular arrays ofindependent random variables (see Theorem 4.5 in [65]).

As Durrett [66] observes, while Theorem 2.10 is satisfactory froma theoretical point of view, as it provides us with a way to estimatethe mutation rate θ, in practice the convergence rate of 1/

√log n is

very slow: it takes n = e100 to get a standard deviation of about 0.1.In fact, it can be shown using Ewens’ sampling formula that the

maximum-likelihood estimator of θ is the value θ which makes E(Kn)equal to the observed number of blocks. In that case, the varianceof that estimator is also roughly the same, as it can be shown usinggeneral theory of maximum likelihood (see below Theorem 1.13 in[66])

var(θ) =(



∼ θ

log n

which is the same order of magnitude as before, i.e., very slow. Otherideas to estimate θ can be used, such as the sample hom*ozigosity:this is the proportion of pairs of individuals who share the same allelein our sample. See [66, Section 1.3] for an analysis of that functional.

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2.3.4 The site frequency spectrum

Along with the infinite alleles model, there is a different model forgenetic variation, called the infinite sites model. For arbitrary rea-sons, we have decided to spend less time on this model than on theinfinite alleles model, and the reader wanting to move on to the nextsubject is invited to do so. However, this model will come back asa very useful theoretical tool in later models of Λ-coalescents, as itturns out to be closely related to the infinite alleles model but ispartly easier to analyse.

The infinite sites model looks at a type of data which is altogetherdifferent from the one we were trying to model with the infinite allelesmodel. Suppose we look at a fixed chromosome (rather than a fixedlocus on that chromosome). We are interested in seeing which sitesof the chromosome are subject to variation. Suppose, for instancethat the chromosome is made of 10 nucleotides, i.e., is a word of 10letters in the alphabet A,T,C,G. In a sample of n individuals, we canobserve simultaneously these 10 nucleotides. It then makes senseto ask which of those show variation: for instance, we may observethat nucleotide 5 is the same in all individuals, while number 3 hasdifferent variants present in a number of individuals, say k. These kindividuals don’t necessarily have the same nucleotide 3 or at otherplaces, and so it would seem that by observing this data we gainmore insight about the genealogical relationships of the individualsin our sample (as we can observe several loci at once!) but it turnsout that this is not the case.

The infinite sites model starts with the assumption that each newmutation affects a new, never touched before or after, site (locus)of the chromosome. This mutation is transmitted unchanged to allthe descendants of the corresponding individual, and will be visi-ble forever. Hence mutations just accumulate, instead of erasingeach other. Our assumptions will still be that the mutation rateis constant, and that, given the coalescence tree on n individuals(a realisation of Kingman’s n-coalescent), mutations fall on it as aPoisson point process with constant intensity θ/2 per unit length.In this model, there is no natural partition to define, but it makessense to ask:

1. what is the total number of sites Sn at which there is somevariation?

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2. What is the number Mj(n) of sites at which exactly j individ-uals have a mutation?

Sn is called the number of segregating sites and is often referred toin the biological literature as SNPs for Single Nucleotide Polymor-phism. The statistics (M1(n),M2(n), . . . , Mn(n)) is called the sitefrequency spectrum of the sample. Note that

∑nj=1 Mj(n) = Sn.

Note also that Sn may be constructed simultaneously for all n ≥ 1by enlarging the sample and using the consistency of Kingman’s co-alescent.

Theorem 2.11. We have:


log n−→ θ, a.s. (46)

as n →∞, and furthermore for all j ≥ 1:

E(Mj(n)) =θ

j. (47)

Proof. Naturally, the reader is invited to make a parallel with The-orem 2.10. The result (46) is conceptually slightly simpler, as giventhe coalescence tree, Sn is simply a Poisson random variable withmean θLn/2, where Ln is the total length of the tree, i.e., the sumof the lengths of all the branches in the tree. But observe that whilethere are k lineages, the time it takes to get a coalescence is exponen-tial with mean 2/(k(k−1)). Thus since there are exactly k branchesduring this interval of times, we get:

E(Ln) =n∑



k(k − 1)= 2




= 2hn−1

where hn is the harmonic series. Thus

E(Sn) = E(E(Sn|Ln)) =θ

2E(Ln) = θhn−1

∼ θ log n.

Easy large deviations for sum of exponential random variables andPoisson random variables, together with the Borel-Cantelli lemma,show the strong law of large numbers (46).

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For the site frequency spectrum, we use the Moran model em-bedding of Kingman’s coalescent (Theorem 2.3). Let N denote thepopulation size, and let n = N be the sample size: that is, the sampleis the whole population. Recall that the genealogy of these n indi-viduals, sped up by a factor (N − 1)/2, is a realisation of Kingman’sn-coalescent. Note that if a mutation appears at time −t, the prob-ability that it affects exactly k individuals is precisely pt(1, k) wherept(x, y) denotes the transition probabilities of the discrete Markovchain which counts the number of individuals carrying that muta-tion. Since mutations only accumulate, we get by integration overt :

E(Mj(n)) =∫ ∞

0pt(1, j)θdt = θG(1, k) (48)

where G(x, y) is the Green function of the Markov chain, whichcomputes the total expected number of visits to y started from x.(Since this chain gets absorbed in finite time (and finite expectation)to the state N or 0, the Green function is finite. It is moreover easyto compute this Green function explicitly. Let G denote the Greenfunction for the discrete time chain, X. Note that

G(x, y) =1

q(y)G(x, y) (49)

where q(y) is the total rate at which the chain leaves state y. In ourcase, that is 2y(N − y)/N . Now, note that G(k, k) is 1/p where p isthe probability of never coming back to k starting from k. Indeed, thenumber of visits to k started from k is geometric with this parameter.When the chain leaves k, it is equally likely to go up or down. Usingthe fact that X is a martingale, and the optional stopping theoremsuch as in Theorem 2.8, we get:

p =12



1N − k


k(N − k).

ThusG(k, k) =

k(N − k)2N

. (50)

Now, note that by the Markov property,

G(1, k) = P(Tk < T0)G(k, k) =1kG(k, k)

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and thus we get:

G(1, k) =2(N − k)


Remembering (49):

G(1, k) =1k. (51)

Using (48), this completes the result.

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3 Λ-coalescents

In this chapter we introduce the Λ-coalescent processes, also knownas coalescents with multiple collisions. We show a useful and intu-itive construction of these processes in terms of a certain Poissonpoint process, and analyse the phenomenon of coming down frominfinity for these processes. We explain the relevance of these pro-cesses to the genealogy of populations through two models, one dueto Schweinsberg, and another one due to Durrett and Schweinsberg:as we will see, these processes describe the genealogy of a popu-lation either when there is a very high variability in the offspringdistribution, or if we take in to account a form of selection and re-combination (these terms will be defined below). Finally, we give abrief introduction to the work of Bertoin and Le Gall about theseprocesses.

3.1 Definition and construction

3.1.1 Motivation

We saw in the previous chapter how Kingman’s coalescent is a suit-able approximation for the genealogy of a sample from a populationwhich satisfies a certain number of conditions such as constant pop-ulation size, mean-field interactions and neutral selection, as well aslow offspring variability. When these assumptions are not satisfied,i.e., for instance, when size fluctuations cannot be neglected, or whenselection cannot be ignored, we need some different kind of coales-cence process to model the genealogy. Assume for instance that thepopulation size has important fluctuations. E.g., assume that fromtime to time there are “bottlenecks” in which the population size isvery small, due to periodical environmental conditions for instance.In our genealogy, this will correspond to times at which a large pro-portion of the lineages will coalesce. Similarly, if there is a largeimpact of selection, individuals who get a beneficial mutation willquickly recolonize an important fraction of the population, hence wewill observe multiple collision when tracing the ancestral lineages atthis time. Large variability in offspring distribution such as manycoastal marine species also leads to the same property that manylineages may coalesce at once. In those situations, Kingman’s coa-lescent is clearly not a suitable approximation and one must look for

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coalescent processes which allow for multiple mergers.

3.1.2 Definition

Of course, from the point of view of sampling, it still makes sense torequire that our coalescing process be Markovian and exchangeable,and also that it defines a consistent process: that is, there exists anarray of numbers (λb,k)2≤k≤b which gives us the rate at which anyfixed k-tuple of blocks merges when there are b blocks in total. To askthat it is consistent is to ask that these numbers do not depend onn (the sample size), and that the numbers λb,k satisfy the recursion:

λb,k = λb+1,k + λb+1,k+1. (52)

Indeed, a given group of k blocks among b may coalesce in two wayswhen reveal an extra block b+1: either these k coalesce by themselveswithout the extra block, or they coalesce together with it. (Forreasons that will be clear later, at the moment we do not allow formore than 1 merger at a time: that is, several blocks are allowed tomerge into 1 at a given time, but there cannot be more than 1 suchmerger at any given time). We will refer to coalescent processes withno simultaneous mergers as simple.

Definition 3.1. A family of n-coalescents is any family of simple,Markovian, Pn-valued coalescing processes (Πn

t , t ≥ 0), such that Πnt

is exchangeable for any t ≥ 0 and consistent in the sense that thelaw of Πn restricted to [m] is that of Πm, for every 1 ≤ m ≤ n. It isuniquely specified by an array of numbers satisfying the consistencycondition (52), where for 2 ≤ k ≤ b:

λb,k = merger rate of any given k-tuple of blocks among b blocks.

Naturally, given any consistent family of n-coalescents, there existsa unique in law Markovian process Π with values in P such that therestriction of Π to Pn has the law of Π.

Definition 3.2. The process (Πt, t ≥ 0), is a Λ-coalescent, or coa-lescent with multiple collisions.

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3.1.3 Pitman’s structure theorems

Multiple collisions, of course, refer to the fact there are times atwhich more than 2 blocks may merge, but also implicitly to the factthat such mergers do not occur simultaneously. (Processes withoutthis last restriction have also been studied, most notably in [143].They have enjoyed renewed interest in recent years, see, e.g., Taylorand Veber [149] or Birkner et al. [35]).

The name of Λ-coalescent, however, may seem mysterious to thereader at this point. It comes from the following beautiful character-isation of coalescents with multiple collisions, which is due to Pitman[131].

Theorem 3.1. Let Π be a coalescent with multiple collisions associ-ated with the array of numbers (λb,k)2≤k≤b. Then there exists a finitemeasure Λ on the interval [0, 1], such that:

λb,k =∫ 1

0xk−2(1− x)b−kΛ(dx) (2 ≤ k ≤ b). (53)

The measure Λ uniquely characterizes the law of Π, which is thencalled a Λ-coalescent.

Proof. (sketch) Pitman’s proof is based on De Finetti’s theorem forexchangeable sequences of 0’s and 1’s: it turns out that (52) is pre-cisely the necessary and sufficient condition to have:

µi,j = E(Xi(1−X)j), i, j ≥ 0.

for some random variable 0 ≤ X ≤ 1, where µi,j = λi+j+2,j+2. (See(23)-(25) in [131]).

This proof is clean but not very intuitive. We will launch belowinto a long digression about this result, which we hope has the meritof explaining why this result is true, even though, unfortunately thisheuristics does not seem to yield a rigorous proof. However, alongthe way we will also uncover a useful probabilistic structure beneath(53), which will then be used to produce an elegant construction ofΛ-coalescents.

The bottom line of this explanation is that Theorem 3.1 should beregarded as a Levy-Ito decomposition for the process Π. The mainreason for this as follows. Because we treat blocks as exchangeable

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particles (in particular, we do not differentiate between an infiniteblock and a block of size 1), it is easy to convince oneself that a coa-lescent with multiple collisions (Πt, t ≥ 0) (in the sense of definition3.2), is a Levy process, in the sense that for every t, s ≥ 0 we maywrite, given Ft = σ(Πs, s ≤ t):

Πt+s = Πt ? Π′s (54)

where Π′s is independent from Ft and has the same distribution asΠs. Here, the ? operation is defined as follows: for a partition π =(B1, . . .) and a partition π′ = (B′

1, . . .), the partition ρ = π ? π′ isdefined by saying that we coagulate all the blocks of π whose labelsare in the same block of π′: for instance if i and j are in the sameblock of π′, then Bi and Bj will be subsets of a single block of ρ. Theoperation ? is noncommutative and does not turn P into a group.However, it does turn it into what is known in abstract algebra as amonoid (i.e., the operation is associative and has a neutral elementwhich is the trivial partition into singletons).

The identity (54) says that (Πt, t ≥ 0) may be considered a Levyprocess in the monoid (P, ?). At this point, it is useful to remind thereader what is a Levy processes: a real-valued process (Xt, t ≥ 0) iscalled Levy if it has independent and stationary increments: for everyt ≥ 0, the process (Xt+s−Xt, s ≥ 0) is independent from Ft and hassame distribution as the original process X. The simplest example ofLevy processes are of course Brownian motion and the simple Poissonprocess (an excellent introduction to Levy processes can be found in[27]). The most fundamental result about Levy processes is the Levy-Ito decomposition, which says that any real-valued Levy process canbe decomposed as a sum of a Brownian motion, a deterministic drift,and compensated Poisson jumps. The simplest way to express thisdecomposition is to say that the characteristic function of Xt maywritten as:

E(eiqXt) = exp(tψ(q))


ψ(u) = c1iq − c2q2


∫ ∞

−∞eiqx − 1− qx1|x|<1ν(dx). (55)

Here, c1 ∈ R, c2 ≥ 0 and ν(dx) is any measure on R such that∫

R(|x|2 ∧ 1)ν(dx) < ∞. (56)

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A measure which satisfies (56) is called a Levy measure, and theformula (55) is called the Levy-Khintchin formula. It says in partic-ular that the evolution of X is determined by a Brownian evolutiontogether jumps and deterministic drift, where the rate at which theprocess makes jumps of size x is precisely ν(dx). The integrabilitycondition (56) is precisely what must be satisfied in order to makerigorous sense of that description through a system of compensationof these jumps by a suitable drift.

The notion of Levy process can be extended to a group G, wherehere we require only the process X to satisfy that X(t)−1X(t + s)is independent from Ft, and has the same distribution as X(s), forevery s, t ≥ 0. Without entering into any detail, when the groupG is (locally compact) abelian, the Fourier analysis approach to theLevy-Khintchin formula (55) is easy to extend (via the charactersof G, which are then themselves a locally compact abelian group)and yields a formula similar to (55). In noncommutative setups, thisapproach is more difficult but nonetheless there exist some importantresults such as a result of Hunt for Lie groups [100]. (I learnt of thisin a short but very informative account [7]).

I am not aware of any result in the case where the group G isreplaced by a non-abelian monoid such as P, but it is easy to imaginethat any Levy process in P (i.e., a process which satisfies (54) maybe described by a measure ν on the space P, which specifies theinfinitesimal rate at which we multiply the current partition Πt byπ:

ν(dπ) = rate: Πt → Πt ? π. (57)

Now, note that in our situation, we have some further informationavailable: we need our process to be exchangeable, and to not havemore than 1 merger at a time, i.e., to be what we called simple. Thusν must be supported on measures with only one nontrivial block, andmust be exchangeable. By De Finetti’s theorem, the only possibleway to do that is to have a (possibly random) number 0 < p < 1,and have every integer i take part into that block by tossing a coinwith success probability p. Let κp denote this random partition.

Definition 3.3. The operation π 7→ π ? κp is called a p-merger ofthe partition π.

In words, for every block of the partition π, we toss a coin whoseprobability of heads is p. We then merge all the blocks that come

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up heads. That is, we coalesce a fraction p of all blocks throughindependent coin toss. Therefore, we see that (57) transforms into:given a coalescent with multiple collision (Πt, t ≥ 0), there exists ameasure ν on [0, 1], such that

at rate ν(dp) : perform a p-merger.

If this is indeed the case, then note that the numbers λb,k satisfy:

λb,k =∫ 1

0pk(1− p)b−kν(dp).

This is now looking very close to the statement of Theorem 3.1. Itremains to see why ν(dp) may be written as p−2Λ(dp) where Λ is afinite measure. (This is, naturally, the equivalent of the integrabilitycondition (56) in this setup). However, this is easy to see: imaginethat there are currently n blocks. If p is very small, in fact smallenough that only 1 block takes part in the p-merger, then we may aswell ignore this event since it has no effect on the process. In orderto have a well-defined process, thus suffices that the rate at whichat least two blocks merge is finite (when there is a finite number ofblocks), and thus this condition reads:

∫ 1



)p2ν(dp) < ∞. (58)

Naturally, this is the same as asking that ν(dp) can be written asp−2Λ(dp) for some finite measure Λ. Thus

λb,k =∫ 1

0pk−2(1− p)b−kΛ(dp) (59)

for some finite measure Λ on [0,1]. This is precisely the content ofTheorem 3.1.

I do not know whether this approach has ever been made rigor-ous (or has ever been attempted). The problem, of course, is thatthe Levy-Ito decomposition (57) is not known a priori for generalmonoids. This is a pity, as I think this approach is more satisfying.

However, all this digression has not been in vain, as on the way wehave discovered the probabilistic structure of a general Λ-coalescent.It also gives us a nice construction of such processes in terms of a

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Poisson point process. This construction is often referred to as thePoissonian construction. (As explained above in length, this shouldreally be regarded as the Levy-Ito decomposition of the Levy process(Πt, t ≥ 0). We summarise it below. The construction is easier whenΛ has no mass at 0: Λ(0) = 0.

Theorem 3.2. Let Λ be a measure on [0, 1] such that Λ(0) = 0.Let (pi, ti)i≥1 be the points of a Poisson point process on (0, 1] ×R+ with intensity p−2Λ(dp) ⊗ dt. The process (Πt, t ≥ 0) may beconstructed by saying that, for each point (pi, ti) of the point process,we perform a pi-merger at time ti.

Recall that a p-merger is simply defined by saying that we mergea proportion p of all blocks by independent coin-toss. This con-struction is well-defined because the restriction Πn of Π to Pn iswell-defined for every n ≥ 1, thanks to the remark that the totalrate at which pairs coalesce is finite (58). As usual, since the re-strictions Πn are consistent, this uniquely defines a process Π on P,which has the property that Π|[n] = Πn.

We stress that this structure theorem is often the key to provingresults about Λ-coalescents, so we advise the reader to make surethis sinks through before proceeding further. At the risk of boringthe reader, here it is again in simple words: a coalescent processwith multiple collisions is entirely specified by a finite measure Λ on(0,1): p−2Λ(dp) gives us the rate at which a fraction p of all blockscoalesces (at least when Λ(0) = 0).

The case where Λ has an atom at 0, say Λ(0) = ρ for someρ > 0, is not much different. It can be seen from (53) that thisnumber comes into play only if k = 2: that is, for binary mergers.It is easy to see what happens: decomposing

Λ(dp) = ρδ0(dp) + Λ(dp) (60)

where Λ has no mass at 0, the dynamics of (Πt, t ≥ 0) can be de-scribed by saying that, in addition to the Poisson point process ofp-mergers governed by p−2Λ(dp), every pair of blocks merges at rateρ. More formally:

Corollary 3.1. Let Λ be a measure on (0,1) and let ρ := Λ(0).Let (pi, ti)i≥1 be the points of a Poisson point process on (0, 1]×R+

with intensity p−2Λ(dp)⊗dt, where Λ is defined by (60). The process

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(Πt, t ≥ 0) may be constructed by saying that, for each point (pi, ti) ofthe point process, we perform a pi-merger at time ti, and, in addition,every pair of blocks merges at rate ρ.

Thus, the presence of an atom at zero adds a “Kingman compo-nent” to the Λ-coalescent. We will see below that, indeed, when Λis purely a Dirac mass at 0, the corresponding Λ-coalescent is King-man’s coalescent (sped up by an appropriate factor corresponding tothe mass of this atom).

To conclude this section on Pitman’s structure theorems, we givethe following additional interpretation for the significance of the mea-sure Λ.

Theorem 3.3. Let Λ be a finite measure on [0, 1] with no mass atzero. Let (Πt, t ≥ 0) be a Λ-coalescent. Let T be the first time that1 and 2 are in the same block. Then T is an exponential randomvariable with parameter Λ([0, 1]). Moreover, if F is the fraction ofblocks that take part in the merger occurring at time T , then F is arandom variable in (0, 1), with law:

P(F ∈ dx) =Λ(dx)

Λ([0, 1]). (61)

In other words, the finite measure Λ, normalised to be a probabilitymeasure, gives us the law of the fraction of blocks that are coalescing,when two given integers first become part of the same block.

Proof. The proof is obvious from Theorem 3.2. Until 1 and 2 coa-lesce, their respective blocks are always B1 and B2 because of ourconvention to label blocks by increasing order of their least elements.Given an atom of size p, the probability that 1 and 2 coalesce isprecisely p2. Thus, define a thinning of the Poisson point process(t′i, p

′i), where each mark (ti, pi) is kept with probability p2

i . By clas-sical theory of Poisson point processes, the resulting point process isalso Poisson, but with intensity measure Λ(dp) ⊗ dt. Thus the rateat which they coalesce is precisely Λ([0, 1]), and the first point of thisprocess has a distribution which is proportional to Λ.

3.1.4 Examples

It is high time to give a few examples of Λ-coalescents. Naturally,the main example of a Λ-coalescent is that of Kingman’s coalescent:

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Example 1. Let Λ be the unit Dirac mass at 0:

Λ(dx) = δ0(dx).

In that case, (53) translates into λb,k = 0 except if k = 2, in whichcase λb,2 = 1. Thus the corresponding Λ-coalescent is nothing butKingman’s coalescent (every pair of blocks is merging at rate 1).

Example 2. Another measure which will play an important roletowards the end of these notes will be the case where Λ(dx) = dx isthe uniform measure on (0, 1). In this case the Λ-coalescent is knownas the Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent , and the transition rates λb,k

can be computed more explicitly as

λb,k =(k − 2)!(b− k)!

(b− 1)!=

[(b− 1)

(b− 2k − 2


, 2 ≤ k ≤ b. (62)

The Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent first arose in connection withthe physics of spin glass, an area about which we will say a few wordsat the end of these notes. But this is not the only area for whichthis process is relevant: for instance, we will see that it describesthe statistics of a certain combinatorial model of random trees andis thought to be a universal scaling limit in a wide variety of mod-els which can be described by “random travelling waves”: all thosetopics will be (briefly) discussed in that last chapter.

Example 3. Let 0 < α < 2. Assume that Λ(dx) is the Beta(2−α, α)distribution:

Λ(dx) =1

Γ(2− α)Γ(α)x1−α(1− x)α−1dx. (63)

The resulting coalescent is simply called the Beta-coalescent withparameter α. It is an especially important family of coalescent pro-cesses, for both theoretical and practical reasons: on the one handwe will see that they are related to the genealogy of populationswith large variation in the offspring distribution, and on the otherhand, they are intimately connected with the properties of an objectknown as the stable Continuum Random Tree. This correspondenceand its consequences will be discussed in the next chapter.

Example 4. A peculiar coalescent arises if Λ is simply taken to be aDirac mass at p = 1. In that case, nothing happens for an exponen-tial amount of time with mean 1, at which point all blocks coalesce

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into 1. The corresponding coalescent tree is then star-shaped : thereis one root and an infinite amount of leaves connected to it. For thisreason some authors call this process the star-shaped coalescent

Let 0 < α < 2, and consider the Beta-coalescent (Πt, t ≥ 0) de-fined by (63) in Example 3. Note that when α = 1, this is justthe Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent, while when α → 2−, the Betadistribution is an approximation of the Dirac mass, and hence if µα

denotes the distribution (63), we have:

µα ⇒ δ0, (α → 2).

where ⇒ is the vague convergence (convergence in distribution).Thus one should think of a Beta-coalescent with 1 < α < 2 assome kind of interpolation between Kingman’s coalescent and theBolthausen-Sznitman coalescent. In fact, we have:

Theorem 3.4. Let (Π(α)t , t ≥ 0) denote a Beta-coalescent with 1 <

α < 2. Then as α → 2 from below, we have:

(Π(α)t , t ≥ 0) −→d (Πt, t ≥ 0),

where Π is Kingman’s coalescent, and −→d stands for convergencein distribution in the Skorokhod space D(R+,P).

An illustration of this result is given in Figure 7, which was gen-erated by Emilia Huerta-Sanchez, whom I thank very much for al-lowing me to use this picture.

3.1.5 Coming down from infinity

Fix a finite measure Λ on [0, 1], and consider a Λ-coalescent (Πt, t ≥0). One of the first things we saw for Kingman’s coalescent is that itcomes down from infinity, meaning that almost surely after any pos-itive amount of time, the total number of blocks has been reducedto a finite number (Theorem 2.1). Given that in Kingman’s coales-cent only binary mergers are possible, and that here we may havemany more more blocks merging at once, one may naively think thatthis should be also true for every Λ-coalescent. In fact, such is notthe case, and whether or not a given Λ-coalescent comes down frominfinity depends on the measure Λ. This is part of a more generalparadox, which we will describe in more details later, that Kingman’s

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Figure 7: The Beta-coalescent for two different values of the pa-rameter α: top, α = 1.2; bottom α = 1.9. Courtesy of EmiliaHuerta-Sanchez.

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coalescent is actually the one in which coalescence is strongest (seeCorollary 4.2).

It is easy to see that there exists some Λ-coalescents which do notcome down from infinity. Indeed, for some measures Λ, Πt has apositive fraction of dust for every t > 0 almost surely (and hence aninfinite number of blocks):

Theorem 3.5. Let D be the event that for every t > 0, Πt has somesingletons. Then P(D) = 1 if and only if

∫ 1

0x−1Λ(dx) < ∞. (64)

In the opposite case, P(D) = 0.

Proof. (sketch) If this integral is finite, then the rate at which agiven block takes part in a merger is finite, and so after any givenamount of time, there remains a positive fraction of singletons thathave never taken part in a merger. The converse uses a zero-onelaw for Π along the lines of Blumenthal’s zero-one law (details in[131]).

For instance, if α < 1, then the Beta-coalescent has a positivefraction of singletons at all times, while this fails if α ≥ 1. In par-ticular, the Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent does not have any dust.We will see below that the Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent (which,we remind the reader, corresponds to the case α = 1 of the Beta-coalescent) is a two-sided borderline case, in the sense that it doesnot come down from infinity but has no dust. However if α is largerthan 1, then the corresponding coalescent comes down from infinity(Corollary 3.2), and if it is smaller then the coalescent has dust withprobability 1.

What are the conditions on Λ to ensure coming down from infinity?The first thing that is needed is to say that, if the number of blocksbecomes finite, this can only happen instantly near time zero, exceptin the case of the star-shaped coalescent.

Theorem 3.6. Assume that Λ(1) = 0. Let E be the event thatfor every t > 0, Πt has only finitely many blocks. Let F be the eventthat Πt has infinitely many blocks for all t > 0. Then

P(E) = 1 or P(F ) = 1.

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If P(E) = 1 we say that the coalescent comes down from infinity,and if P(F ) = 1 we say that the process stays infinite.

Clearly, the assumption Λ(1) = 0 is essential, or otherwise weget a coalescence of all blocks in finite positive time. This possibil-ity being taken away, the argument is a (fairly simple) applicationof the zero-one law mentioned above together with the consistencyproperty. See [131] for details.

[131] left open the question of finding a practical criterion for de-ciding whether a given Λ-coalescent comes down from infinity. Thefirst answer came from the PhD thesis of Jason Schweinsberg, whoproved a necessary and sufficient condition for this. We describe hisresult now. Given a finite measure Λ, let λb,k denote the rate (53)and let

λb =b∑




)λb,k. (65)

Note that λb is the total coalescence rate when there are b blocks. Itturns out that the relevant quantity is the number

γb =b∑


(k − 1)(



)λb,k. (66)

To explain the relevance of this quantity, note that if there are cur-rently Nt = b blocks, then after dt units of time

E(Nt+dt|Nt = b) = b− γbdt (67)

since if a k-tuple of blocks merges, then this corresponds to a decreaseof Nt by (k−1). Define a function γ : R+ → R by putting γ(b) := γbbcfor all b ∈ R+. Following the differential equation heuristics (23) al-ready used for Kingman’s coalescent, we see that if u(t) = E(Nt),from (67) we expect u(t) to approximately solve the differential equa-tion:

u′(t) = −γ(u(t));u(0) = ∞.


Forgetting about problems such as discontinuities of γ and rigour ingeneral, we get by solving formally the differential equation (68):

∫ t


ds = −t (69)

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so that making the change of variable x = u(s),∫ ∞



γ(x)= t. (70)

We see hence that u(t) is finite if and only if∫∞ dx

γ(x) < ∞. Remem-bering that γ(x) = γbxc leads us to Schweinsberg’s criterion [142]:

Theorem 3.7. Let Λ be a finite measure on [0, 1]. The associatedΛ-coalescent comes down from infinity if and only if



γ−1b < ∞. (71)

Proof. (sketch) We will sketch the important steps that lead to The-orem 3.7. The first one is to define Tn which is the time it takes tocoalesce all n first integers. Then we have naturally, 0 = T1 ≤ T2 ≤. . . ≤ Tn, and note that the coalescent comes down from infinity ifand only if T∞ := limn→∞ Tn < ∞ almost surely.

Assume that (71) holds. Fix n ≥ 1 and consider the restrictionΠn of Π to [n]. Let R0 = 0, and define Ri to be sequence of times atwhich Πn loses at least one block, and if there is only one block leftthen define Ri = Ri−1. Thus Rn−1 = Tn as after n− 1 coalescenceswe are sure to be done. Thus if Li = Ri − Ri−1 we have E(Tn) =∑n−1

i=1 E(Li). Now, conditioning upon Ni−1 := NTi−1 the number ofblocks at time Ti−1, we see that Li is exponentially distributed withrate λNi−1 so long as Ni−1 > 1. Thus

E(Tn) =n−1∑



1Ni−1>1). (72)

Observe that, if Ji = Ni−1−Ni is the decrease of N at this collision,we have

P(Ji = k − 1|Ni−1 = b) =(





and thus E(Ji|Ni−1 = b) = γb/λb. Plugging this into (72) yields:

E(Tn) =n−1∑




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since when Ni−1 = 1, Ji = 0 anyway. It follows that

E(Tn) = E(n−1∑



Ji). (73)

Looking at the random variable in the expectation of the right-handside in (73), X =

∑ni=1 γ−1

Ni−1Ji, we see that, intuitively speaking this

random variable is very close to∑n

b=2 γ−1b , as γ−1

Ni−1will be repeated

exactly Ji times. Thus if Ji isn’t too big and if γb doesn’t have toowild a behaviour, it is easy to understand how this yields the desiredresult. For instance, we get an easy upper-bound by monotonicity:some simple convexity arguments show that γb is nondecreasing withb, and hence

X = γ−1Ni−1

Ji ≤Ni∑



Thus under the assumption (71), we get by the monotone conver-gence theorem E(T∞) < ∞ and thus the coalescent comes down frominfinity.

The other direction is a little more delicate, and the main thing tobe proved is that if the coalescent comes down from infinity, i.e., ifT∞ < ∞, then in fact this random variable must have finite expec-tation. Granted that, a dyadic argument applied to (73) does thetrick. Thus we content ourselves with verifying:

Lemma 3.1. The coalescent comes down form infinity if and onlyif E(T∞) < ∞.

Proof. Let Am be the event that Tm > Tm−1, that is, at time Tm−1,Πm still has two blocks. Then the expected time it takes for thesetwo blocks to coalesce is just λ−1

2,2 =: ρ. Thus

E(T∞) =∞∑


E(Tm − Tm−1) = ρ∞∑



Hence, assuming E(T∞) = ∞, we get∑∞

m=2 P(Am) = ∞. An ap-plication of the martingale version of the Borel-Cantelli lemma thenshows that Am occurs infinitely often almost surely. When this is so,T∞ is greater than an infinite number of i.i.d. nonzero exponentialrandom variables, and hence T∞ = ∞ almost surely. This finishesthe proof of Lemma 3.1.

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The reader is referred to the original paper [142] for more detailsabout the rest of the proof.

As an application of this criterion, it is easy to conclude:

Corollary 3.2. Let 0 < α < 2. The Beta-coalescent with parameterα comes down from infinity if and only if α > 1. In particular, theBolthausen-Sznitman coalescent does not come down from infinity.

We will see later that another (equivalent) criterion for comingdown from infinity is that

∫ ∞



ψ(q)< ∞

where ψ(q) =∫ 10 (e−qx − 1 + qx)x−2Λ(dx) is the Laplace exponent

of a certain Levy process. As we will see, this criterion is related tocritical properties of continuous-state branching processes. There isin fact a strong connection between Λ-coalescents and these branch-ing processes; this connection will be explored in the next section,and hence this will give a different proof of Theorem 3.7. Alongthe way, we will be able to make rigorous the limit theorem whichis suggested by the heuristic approach outlined before this theorem:that is, for small times t > 0:

Nt ≈ u(t), where∫ ∞



γ(b)= t. (74)

3.2 A Hitchhiker’s guide to the genealogy

This section is devoted to the study of a few simple models where thegenealogy is well-approximated by Λ-coalescents. There are a num-ber of models where such convergence is discussed. For instance,Sagitov [139] gave a simple model which is closely related in spiritto the first one we will be studying. (Remarkably, that paper waspublished simultaneously to that of Pitman [131] and, although in-dependent, it also contained a definition of Λ-coalescents, so thatboth Pitman and Sagitov share the credit for the discovery of thisprocess). We have chosen to discuss two main models. These are:

1. a Galton-Watson model due to Schweinsberg [144] where theoffspring distribution is allowed to have heavy tails,

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2. A model with selection and recombination (also known as hitch-hiking), studied by Durrett and Schweinsberg [68].

We also note that recently, Eldon and Wakeley [70] came up witha model which illustrates further the impact of offspring variabilityand gives rise to Λ-coalescents for the genealogies. Some biologicaland statistical implications of these findings are discussed in [70] and[71].

3.2.1 A Galton-Watson model

We now describe the population model that we will work with inthis section. This is a model derived from the well-known Galton-Watson branching process, but, unlike these processes, the popula-tion size is kept constant by a sampling mechanism: we assume thatthe offspring distribution of an individual has mean 1 < µ < ∞,so that by the law of large numbers, if there are N individuals inthe population at some time t, then the next generation consists ofapproximately Nµ > N individuals. Instead of keeping all thoseNµ individuals alive, we declare that only N of them survive, andthey are chosen at random among the Nµ individuals of that genera-tion. Thus the population size is constant equal to N . Formally, themodel is defined generation by generation, in terms of i.i.d. offspringsX1, . . . , XN (where the distribution of X allows for heavy tails andis specified later), and from random variables (νi)N

i=1 which are ex-changeable and have the property that

∑Ni=1 νi = N . The variable νi

corresponds to the actual offspring number of individual i after theselection step. Note that this population model may be extended toa bi-infinite set of times Z by using i.i.d. copies (νi(t))N

i=1, t ∈ Z:thus this model belongs to the class of Cannings populations modelsdiscussed in Theorem 2.5.

Having defined this population dynamics, we consider as usual thecoalescing process obtained by sampling n < N individuals from thepopulation at time 0, and considering their ancestral lineages: thatis, let (Πn,N

t , t = 0, 1, . . .) be the Pn-valued process defined by puttingi ∼ j if and only if individuals i and j share the same ancestor atgeneration −t. This is the by-now familiar ancestral partition. Wenow specify the kind of offspring distribution we have in mind forthe Galton-Watson process, which allows for heavy-tails. We assume

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that there exists α ≥ 1 and C > 0 such that for all x ≥ 0:

P(X > x) ∼ Cx−α. (75)

One can also think of the case

P(X = x) ∼ C ′x−α−1, (76)

although (75) is a slightly weaker assumption and so we prefer towork with it. When α > 1, µ := E(X) < ∞ and we further assumethat E(X) > 1, so that the underlying Galton-Watson mechanism issueprcritical. Recall that in Cannings models, the correct time scaleis given by the inverse coalescence probability c−1

N , where:

cN = E(

ν1(ν1 − 1)N − 1

). (77)

As was already discussed, cN is the probability that two randomlysampled without replacement at random from generation 0 have thesame parent at generation −1, and thus it is the probability of coa-lescence of any two lineages. Schweinsberg’s result states that thereis a phase transition at α = 2 for the behaviour of the genealogies.

Theorem 3.8. Assume (75) and µ > 1. For any n ≥ 1, as N →∞:

1. If α ≥ 2, the genealogy converges to Kingman’s coalescent.

2. If 1 ≤ α < 2, the genealogy converges a Beta-coalescent withparameter α.

As usual, the formal statement which is contained in the informalwording of the theorem is that, in the case α ≥ 2, (Πn,N

t/cN, t ≥ 0), con-

verges to Kingman’s n-coalescent for every n ≥ 1, while it convergesto the restriction of a Beta-coalescent to [n] if α ∈ [1, 2).

Remark 3.1. Note that α = 2 is precisely the critical value whichdelimitates the convergence of the rescaled random walks (Sn :=∑n

i=1 Xi) towards a Brownian motion or a Levy process with jumps.As we will see in the next chapter and in the appendix, this is not acoincidence: Galton-Watson trees can be described in terms of pro-cesses known as height functions, or contour processes, which areclose relative of random walks with step distribution X. If this stepdistribution is in the domain of attraction of a normal random vari-able, we thus expect a tree which is close to the Brownian continuous

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random tree, for which the genealogy is closely related to Kingman’scoalescent, as is proved in [16] and will be shown later in these notes.On the contrary, if the step distribution is in the domain of a stablerandom variable with index 1 < α < 2, then the limiting tree is calledthe stable continuum random tree and its genealogy is known to begiven by Beta-coalescents ([20]), as will be discussed in more detailslater on.

Remark 3.2. When α < 1, the coalescent obtained from the ances-tral partitions converges to a coalescent with simultaneous multiplecollisions. As we do not enter in the detail of these processes in thesenotes, we only refer the reader to part (d) of Theorem 4 in [144].

Proof. We will go over a few of the important steps of the proofof Theorem 3.8, leaving as usual the more difficult details for theinterested reader to find out in the original paper [144].

Case 1. Let α ≥ 2. The main idea is to use Mohle’s lemma(Theorem 2.5). Thus it suffices to check that (31) holds. Recall thatthis condition states that

E(ν1(ν1 − 1)(ν1 − 2))N2cN

→ 0

as N →∞. It is easy to see that this can be rephrased as:



(X1(X1 − 1)(X1 − 2)




N→∞0, (78)

where X1 is the offspring number of individual 1 before selection,and SN = X1 + . . . + XN . Now, it is easy to see, when α > 2, thatcN = E(X1(X1 − 1)/S2

N ) ∼ c/N for some c > 0. Thus (78) reducesto showing that


X1(X1 − 1)(X1 − 2)S3



)−→ 0.


X1(X1 − 1)(X1 − 2)S3


1SN≥N ≤X3


max(X31 , N3)

and thus









N3P(X =k) + P(X > N)

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Multiplying by N2 and using (75) it is easy to see that this convergesto 0, and hence the condition in Mohle’s lemma (31) is verified.

Case 2. Assume that 1 < α < 2. There are two steps to ver-ify. The first one is to compute the asymptotics of cN , the scaleparameter.

Lemma 3.2. We have the asymptotics, as N →∞:

cN ∼ CN1−ααµ−αB(2− α, α) (79)

where B(2− α, α) := Γ(α)Γ(2− α).

Proof. (sketch) Note that

cN ∼ E(

X1(X1 − 1)S2




Write SN = X1 + S′N , where S′N = X2 + . . . XN . By the law of largenumbers, S′N ≈ Nµ, so

cN ≈ E(

X(X − 1)(X + M)2


with M = Nµ. Thus (79) follows from the statement



X(X − 1)(X + M)2

)= CαB(α, 2− α). (80)

This is purely a statement about the distribution of X, which isshown by tedious but elementary manipulations.

The second ingredient of the proof is to show a limit theorem forthe probability that there is a p-merger for some 0 < p < 1 at agiven generation. Note that this is essentially the same as askingthat X1/SN ≥ p.

Lemma 3.3.





SN≥ p) =

1B(2− α, α)

∫ 1

py1−α(1− y)α−1y−2dy. (81)

Proof. (sketch) To explain how this comes about, we follow the sameheuristic as above, and write:


SN≈ X1

X1 + Nµ

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so that:



SN≥ p

)≈ P


X1 + Nµ≥ p


= P(

X1 ≥ p

1− pµN


Using the assumption (75), we deduce, using Lemma 3.2:




SN≥ p

)≈ 1

αB(2− α, α)

(1− p



Using the substitution z = (1−y)/y in the integral of (81), the right-hand side can be rewritten as a Beta-integral, so this is precisely whatwas requested.

The last lemma shows that the infinitesimal rate of a p-mergeris, for any 0 < p < 1, approximately what it would be if this wasa Beta-coalescent. From there, is not hard to conclude to the case2 of Theorem 3.8 (the i.i.d. structure of the generations gives theasymptotic Markov property of the coalescent). Thus the proof iscomplete.

Remark 3.3. Theorem 3.8 should be compared to the earlier paperof Sagitov [139]: in that paper, general Cannings model are consid-ered and it is shown that the genealogy could converge to any Λ-coalescent under the appropriate assumptions. (This is what led himto define Λ-coalescents in the first place, as opposed to the more“abstract” route based on consistency and exchangeability which wasfollowed by Pitman and in these notes). His main assumption isthat N2σ2(N)P(ν1 > Nx) → ∫ 1

x y−2Λ(dy), together with some addi-tional moment assumptions. The model of Theorem 3.8 is of coursea particular case of the Cannings model, however checking this mainassumption is where all the work lies.

3.2.2 Selective sweeps

In this section we describe the effect of a phenomenon called selectivesweeps on the genealogy of a population. As usual we will start byexplaining what we are trying to model (that will lead us to thenotion of recombination, hitchhiking and selective sweeps, all thesebeing fundamental concepts in population genetics) and then explain

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the mathematical model and associated results, which are due toDurrett and Schweinsberg [68].

This model is our first which doesn’t ignore selection. When afavourable allele is generated through mutation, it quickly spreadsout to the whole population (this is easy to see with variations ofthe Moran model: suppose at each step we have a higher chance tokill an A individual than an a individual: such a selective advantagequickly drives the A population out with positive probability). Whenwe look at the ancestral lineages, what happens is that all lineagesquickly coalesce into one, which is the lineage corresponding to theindividual that got the mutation. Thus we have approximately astar coalescent at this time, which isn’t so interesting. However,some interesting things occur when we look at another location ofthe genome (one says locus). The reason why this is interesting isthat there are some nontrivial correlations between the genotypes ofan individual at different locations.

The main mechanism which gives rise to this correlation is calledrecombination. This is a type of mutation which rearranges largeportions of one’s genetic material: more precisely, it causes two ho-mologous chromosomes to exchange genetic material. As a result,a chromosome that is transmitted to a recombinant’s offspring con-tains genetic material both from the mother and the father (whereasnormally, it is only that of one of the two parents). Recombinationis a truly fundamental process of life, as it guarantees a mixing ofthe genetic material.

Suppose a selective sweep occurred at some locus α, where theallele a, being favourable, drove out the resident A population, andconsider a different locus β along the same chromosome, this onebeing selectively neutral. Now, in a sample of the population, afterthe sweep, most people descend from the initial mutant that got thefavourable a allele at locus α. On the face of it, one would thusexpect that at locus β, everybody should get the same allele as theone that this individual had at locus β (say b). However, becauseof recombination, some individuals got their genetic material at thelocus β from individuals which may not have been a descendant fromthe original mutant. As a consequence, a fraction of individuals “es-cape” the selective sweep. Let Θ be the random ancestral partition,which (as usual) tells us which individuals from the sample of size nhave the same ancestors at the time of the advantageous mutation.

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Then this elementary reasoning shows that this random partition islikely to be “close” to the partition κp which defines p-mergers: thatis, with one nontrivial block B which contains a positive fraction p ofall integers, selected by independent coin-tossing (in our description,1−p is the probability to escape the sweep). Of course, this demandssome care, as there can be several sources of error in this reasoning(for instance, once a lineage escapes the sweep by recombination,the parent of the recombinant could himself be a descendant of theinitial mutant, or individuals who escape the sweep may coalescetogether - however, all those things are unlikely if the sweep occursrapidly compared to the time scale of Kingman’s coalescent).

The fact that different loci are not independent is called Linkagedesequilibrium so we have seen how recombination is a (main) con-tributor of this desequilibrium. That a selectively neutral allele canquickly invade a large part of the population due to linkage desequi-librium (for instance through recombination with a favourable allele)is known as Genetic Hitchhiking . I believe that the first rigorous in-vestigation of this phenomenon goes back to Maynard-Smith andHaigh [118] in 1974, which was another cornerstone of theoreticalpopulation genetics.

Model. It is time to define a model and state a first theorem.First, let 0 < s < 1 be the selective advantage of the allele a: we workwith a Moran model with selection, which says that every time an a isreplaced by an A individual, this change is rejected with probabilitys. Let 0 < r < 1 be the recombination probability at locus β: in oursetting, this means that when a new individual is born, it adoptsthe genetic material of his parent at both loci most of the time,but with probability r, the allele at locus β comes from a differentparent who is selected uniformly at random in the population (thisis because we are treating the two parents as two separate membersof the population).

Theorem 3.9. (Durrett and Schweinsberg [67], [68])Let p = exp(−r(log N)/s). Assume that there exists C1 such thatr < C1/ log N . Then there exists C > 0 such that, conditionallygiven that allele a eventually invaded the whole population:

dTV (Θ, κp) <C

log N. (82)

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Here dTV denote the total variation distance between the law ofthe random partition Θ and that of the p-merger partition κp:

dTV (Θ, κp) = supπ∈Pn

|P(Θ = π)− P(κp = π)|.

We note that martingale arguments imply that the probability thatallele a eventually invades the whole population (and thus that aselective sweep occurs) is


1− (1− s)N,

which is approximately s if s is large compared to 1/N , or approxi-mately 1/N if s is smaller.

While Theorem 3.9 tells us what the genealogies look like betweenthe beginning of the selective sweep and its end, in reality that is notwhat we care about: we do not simply wish to trace ancestral lineagesback to the most recent selective sweep, but we wish to describe theentire genealogical tree of the sample of the population we are lookingat. In that case, it is more likely that the genealogy has been affectedby a series of selective sweeps that have occurred at various portionsof the genome. We still assume that the locus we are consideringis neutral, but study the combined effects of recombination after aseries of selective sweeps. Of course, we cannot expect the selectiveadvantage s and recombination probability r to be the same duringall those events: this depends on the type of mutation, but alsoon the position of this advantageous mutation with respect to theobserved locus: the further away this advantageous mutation occurs,the smaller the recombination probability r. This led Gillepsie [89]to propose the following:

Model. We run the usual Moran model dynamics. In addition,the chromosome is identified with the interval I = [−L,L] and weobserve the locus at position x = 0. Mutations occur as a pointprocess

P =∑



on the state space [0,∞) × [−L,L] × (0, 1). The first coordinatestands for time, the second for the position on the chromosome,and the third coordinate s is the selective advantage associated with

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this mutation. We assume that P is a Poisson point process, whoseintensity measure K is given by:

K(dt, dx, ds) = dt⊗ µ(dx, ds)

where the measure µ(dx, ds) governs the rate of beneficial mutationswith selective advantage s occurring at position x. We also assumegiven a function r : [−L,L] → (0, 1), which tells us what is therecombination probability r when there is a mutation at positionx along the chromosome. The function r that we have in mind issomething like r(x) = r|x| (i.e., the recombination probability isproportional to the distance), but we will simply assume that:

1. r(0) = 0;

2. r is decreasing on [−L, 0] and increasing on [0, L].

In general, we will work with a Poisson point process P = PN wherethe subscript indicates a possible dependence on the total popula-tion size N , and will do so consistently throughout the rest of thissection. Strictly speaking, one must also specify if a selective sweepstarts when a previous one hasn’t already been completed. Here wewill simply reject this possibility (in the regime we will study, thispossibility is too infrequent anyway).

We may now state Durrett and Schweinsberg’s key approximationfor this model (Theorem 2.2 in [68]):

Theorem 3.10. Assume that the functions rN is such that (log N)rN

converges uniformly towards a function R : [−L,L] → (0,∞) satis-fying (i) and (ii). Suppose also that NµN converges weakly to ameasure µ. Then the genealogies, sped up by a factor of N , con-verge (for finite-dimensional distributions) to a Λ-coalescent, whereΛ = δ0 + x2η(dx), where

η([y, 1]) =∫ L


∫ 1

0s1e−r(x)/s≥yµ(dx, ds). (83)

The term “s” in the integrand corresponds to requiring that thesweep is successful, and the other term comes directly from Theorem3.9. Note that (as noted in [68]) the finite-dimensional distributionconvergence may not be strengthened to a Skorkohod-type conver-gence, as there are in reality several transitions occurring “simulta-neously” when there is a single selective sweep.

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To get some intuition for (83), it helps to consider a few examples.If all mutations have the same selective advantage s, and if rN (x) =r/ log N for some fixed r > 0, with all mutations occurring at rateα/N for some α > 0, then the measure η which appears in Theorem3.10 is a point mass at p = e−r/s of mass sα.

If now µ(dx, ds) = αdx⊗δs (that is, the selective advantage is stillconstant and the mutation rate is constant along the chromosome,with total rate αL/N), and if r is constant, then Λ = δ0 +Λ0 and Λ0

has density cy for e−rL/s < y < 1 and 0 otherwise, with c = e2αs2/r.In particular, as L → ∞ (infinitely long chromosomes) this is themeasure Λ0(dy) = cydy for all 0 < y < 1.

Finally, note that any measure Λ which contains a unit mass at 0may arise in Theorem 3.10 (see example 2.5 in [68]).


1. The upper-bound in Theorem 3.9 is of size 1/ log N , which, inpractice, is not that small. Durrett and Schweinsberg prove thata better approximation can be obtained by using a coalescent withsimultaneous multiple collisions.

2. Etheridge, Pfaffelhuber and Wakolbinger [74] independently (andsimultaneously) obtained some equivalent approximations but usinga quite different route.

3.3 Some results by Bertoin and Le Gall

In this section, we briefly go over some of the results proved byBertoin and Le Gall in their papers [30] and [31]. This section isintended to give a bird’s eye view on this part of their work, whichwould take more time to cover properly. This section does not coverthe work of [29] and [32] (the former will be discussed towards the endof the notes in connection with the Bothausen-Sznitman coalescent,while the latter will be discussed in the next section with the fineasymptotics of Λ-coalescents).

The first observation of Bertoin and Le Gall is that any Λ-coalescentprocess may be realised as a stochastic flow in the classical sense ofHarris [98]. The state space of the flow is the so-called space ofbridges, that is, cadlag nondecreasing functions going from 0 to 1 on

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the interval (0, 1):

B = f : [0, 1] → [0, 1] cadlag nondecreasing ;f(0) = 0 and f(1) = 1. (84)

This point of view allows to define a measure-valued process calledthe (generalized) Fleming-Viot process, which is a neat way of gener-alising the notion of duality to Λ-coalescents. The stochastic differ-ential equations which describe the generalized Fleming-Viot process(i.e., the equivalent of the Wright-Fisher diffusion in this context) isthen studied, and finally this is used to come back to Kingman’scoalescent and show a surprising connection to a coalescing flow ofparticles on the circle. We will follow a somewhat different order ofpresentation, starting with Fleming-Viot processes, partly becauseof their importance in what follows.

3.3.1 Fleming-Viot processes

The idea behind Fleming-Viot process is quite simple, but unfor-tunately things often look messy when written down. We will tryto stay as informal as possible, following for instance Etheridge’sexcellent discussion of the subject [72].

Suppose we consider the population dynamics given by the Moranmodel, with a total population size equal to N , run for an undeter-mined but finite amount of time. Suppose that in addition to thedata of the ancestral lineages, we add another information, whichis the allelic type carried by each individual. Of course, this de-pends on the initial allelic type of every individual in the popula-tion at the beginning of times. To make things simple, we imaginethat, initially, all the N individuals carry different types. We la-bel them, e.g., A1(0), A2(0), . . . , AN (0), and note that it absolutelydoesn’t matter what is the state space of the variables Ai(0). Forthe sake of convenience we choose them to be independent randomvariables U1, . . . , UN , uniformly distributed on (0,1). These typesare then transferred to the offsprings of individuals according to thepopulation dynamics, and this gives us for every time t a collec-tion Ai(t)N

i=1. Each of the Ai(t) is thus an element of the initialcollection A1(0), . . . , AN (0).

Consider the distribution of allelic types at some time t > 0:how does this look like? The first thing to note is that the vector

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(A1(t), A2(t), . . . , AN (t)) is exchangeable. This suggests consideringthe measure

µN (t) =1N



δAi(t) (85)

and taking a limit as N → ∞. Indeed, if we speed up time by afactor N , nothing prevents us from defining directly a sequence oflabels Ai(t)∞i=1 for all t > 0 which has the following dynamics:

1. Initially Ai(0) = Ui is a collection of i.i.d. uniform randomvariables Ui on (0, 1).

2. At rate 1, for each i < j, Aj(t) becomes equal to Ai(t).

Note then that the sequence Ai(t) is an infinite exchangeable se-quence, so we can apply De Finetti’s theorem, which tells us thatfor each fixed t > 0, the empirical distribution of labels µN definedin (85) has a weak limit almost surely. In fact, the next result givesa stronger statement. To state it we need the following notations: ifn ≥ 1, and f(x1, . . . , xn) is any continuous function on [0, 1]n, onemay define a function F on measures µ on [0,1] by saying

F (µ) =∫

. . .

∫f(x1, . . . , xn)µ(dx1) . . . µ(dxn). (86)

The function F may be interpreted as follows: given a measure µon [0, 1], sample n points (x1, . . . , xn) distributed according to µand evaluate f(x1, . . . , xn). The expectation of this random variable(conditionally given µ) is equal to F (µ). Further, if x = (x1, . . . , xn) ∈Rn, let xi,j denote the element x′ ∈ Rn with all coordinates x′k = xk

except x′j = xi. That is, it is x but where xj is replaced with xi.

Theorem 3.11. As N →∞, (µN (t), t ≥ 0) converges almost surelytowards a measure-valued strong Markov process (µt, t ≥ 0), calledthe Fleming-Viot diffusion. Initially, µ0 is the uniform measure on(0,1), but for any fixed t > 0, the measure µt consists exactly offinitely many atoms. Moreover, it has a generator L defined by thefollowing property: if F is a function of the form (86), then

LF (µ) =∫

. . .

∫ ∑


(f(xi,j)− f(x))µ(dx1) . . . µ(dxn). (87)

This property characterises the Fleming-Viot process (µt, t ≥ 0).

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The almost sure convergence referred to in this theorem corre-sponds to the topology on measure-valued functions defined by say-ing µt(A) → µ(A) for all Borel sets A, uniformly on compact sets in(0,∞).

See, for instance (1.49) in [72] for the form of the generator of theFleming-Viot process. (The construction which we have used hereis closer in spirit to the “almost sure construction” of the Chapter 5in [72] and the Donnelly-Kurtz lookdown process - more about thatlater, see Definition 4.4). The fact that µt consists of only finitelymany atoms for every t > 0 is in fact the same phenomenon thatKingman’s coalescent comes down from infinity.

We note that there exists numerous versions of Fleming-Viot pro-cesses. The version which we have considered here is the simplestpossible: for instance there are no mutations in this description. In-corporating small mutations (with allelic type given by an element ofthe integer lattice Zd) leads (in the limit of small mutation steps) tothe spatial Fleming-Viot process which is related to super Brownianmotion (more about this later, too).

The generalisation which was considered by Bertoin and Le Gallin [30] for Λ-coalescents was the following. Let Λ be a fixed measureon (0,1) (without any atom at zero for simplicity). Consider a popu-lation model with infinitely many individuals 1, 2, . . . , whose initialallelic types are, as above, i.i.d. uniform random variables U1, . . ..Let (pi, ti) be a Poisson point process

P =∑



with intensity p−2Λ(dp) ⊗ dt, as in the Poissonian construction ofTheorem 3.2. The model is defined by saying that at each time tisuch that (pi, ti) is a point of P, we selected a proportion pi of levels,say I1, I2, . . . , by independent coin-toss. Then the allelic types ofindividuals I1, I2, . . . , are all modified and become equal to AI1(t

−).An example of the evolution of allelic types at one such time is givenin Figure 8.

To see that this construction is well-defined, note that (as in thecase of Λ-coalescents), the rate at which something happens in thefirst n levels of the population (i.e., among the first n individuals ofthis infinite population), is finite, and that the restrictions are con-sistent. Again, we can consider the empirical distribution of allelic

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.31 .31

.62 ×.22

.13 .13

.49 ×.22

.22 ×.22

.87 .87

Figure 8: Example of evolution of allelic types in the Λ-Fleming-Viotprocess. The red crosses indicate which levels were selected by cointossing.

types at time t > 0:

µN (t) =1n




and consider limits as N →∞. For a fixed t > 0, it is easy to see thatthe sequence Ai(t)∞i=1 is exchangeable: this is slightly counterintu-itive as it seems a priori that lower levels play a more important rolethan upper ones, but is nevertheless true and is a consequence of thefact that the initial type sequence is i.i.d. and therefore exchange-able. By De Finetti’s theorem, the limit of µN (t) thus exists almostsurely, and one has the following. If x = (x1, . . . , xn) ∈ Rn, and ifI ⊂ [n] = 1, . . . , n, let xI denote the element x′ ∈ Rn, with coor-dinates equal to those of x, except that all the coordinates x′j , j ∈ Ihave been replaced with xi and i = inf I.

Theorem 3.12. As N →∞, (µN (t), t ≥ 0) converges almost surelytowards a measure-valued strong Markov process (µt, t ≥ 0), calledthe generalised Fleming-Viot or Λ-Fleming-Viot process. The gener-ator L is defined by the following property: if F is a function of the

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form (86), then

LF (µ) =∫

. . .

∫ ∑


λn,|I|(f(xI)− f(x))µ(dx1) . . . µ(dxn),

(88)where λn,k =

∫ 10 xk−2(1 − x)b−kΛ(dx) is the coalescence rate of any

k-tuple of blocks among n in a Λ-coalescent. The property (88) char-acterises the Λ-Fleming-Viot process (µt, t ≥ 0).

The form of the generator and the fact that the martingale prob-lem is well-posed can be seen from Section 5.2 in [30], and essentiallyboils down to the duality which we now discuss. It is more or less ob-vious that there is a relation of duality with the Λ-coalescent, whicharises when time is running backwards (as usual!) The basic reasonfor this is that the time-reversal of a Poisson point process with acertain intensity dν⊗dt is also a Poisson point process with the sameintensity. Here is the corresponding statement. To state it, we startwith a number n ≥ 1 and a function f(x1, . . . , xn) on [0, 1]n. Letπ ∈ Pn be a partition of [n], and assume that π has k blocks. Thenfor all x ∈ Rk, we may define xπ to be the element of x′ ∈ Rn suchthat for all 1 ≤ i ≤ k, and for all j ∈ Bi (the ith block of π), x′j = xi.In short, each of the k coordinates of x is copied along the blocks ofπ to create an element of Rn. Define the functional

Φ(µ, π) =∫

. . .

∫µ(dx1) . . . µ(dxk)f(xπ). (89)

The duality relation states (see (18) in [30]):

Theorem 3.13. Let E→ denote the expectation for the Λ-Fleming-Viot process (µt, t ≥ 0) and let E← denote that for the Λ-coalescent(Πt, t ≥ 0) restricted to [n]. Then we have, for all functions Φ of theform (89):

E→µ0(Φ(µt, Π0)) = E←π0

(Φ(µ0, Πt)) (90)

where π0 is the trivial partition on [n] into singletons.

We have already discussed how dual processes can be so useful (forinstance, it is a crucial step in proving that the martingale problemis well-posed for the generalised Fleming-Viot process). In our case,we will see later that Fleming-Viot processes are an essential step todescribe the connection of Λ-coalescents to continuous-state branch-ing processes and continuum random trees. Further, this will be

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used below to describe natural stochastic differential equations andstochastic flows attached to Λ-coalescents.

3.3.2 A stochastic flow of bridges

We have already introduced the space of bridges B above, but therandom bridges we will discuss will have the following extra property:

Definition 3.4. A random bridge X is a random variable in B suchthat the increments of X are exchangeable.

There is a natural operation on bridges, which is the composition: if X and X ′ are two independent bridges, then so is X X ′.

What is the connection between bridges and Λ-coalescents? Thisconnection is simple to explain if we think about a Cannings modelwhose genealogy is approximately a Λ-coalescent. (Recall that Sag-itov [139] showed this is always possible - see Remark 3.3). Thus,let N ≥ 1, and let ν1, . . . , νN be the exchangeable vector giving therespective progeny of individuals 1, . . . , N . Then

∑Ni=1 νi = N , so

what we can see is that the vector (ν1, . . . , νN ) encodes a discreterandom bridge: more precisely, define a function

∆ : 0, . . . , N → 0, . . . , N

such that if 0 ≤ j ≤ N :

∆(j) =j∑


νi. (91)

Thus ∆(j)/N is the fraction of the population at the next generationwhich comes from the first j individuals. (This interpretation willbe crucial for what comes after). Note that ∆ is a discrete bridge inthe sense of Definition 3.4: it goes from 0 to N between times 0 andN , and has exchangeable increments.

Now, introduce the time-dynamics of the Cannings model: thuswe have an i.i.d. collection of exchangeable vectors

νi(t)Ni=1, t ∈ Z.

To this we can associate a discrete bridge ∆t for each t ∈ Z as in (91).Note the following property: consider two times s < t ∈ Z. Thenfor each 0 ≤ j ≤ N , the fraction of individuals in the population at

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time t, that comes from the first j individuals of the population attime s, is precisely:


∆t−1 . . . ∆s(j) (92)

Thus let us define, for every s ≤ t in Z, the bridge BNs,t as the linear

interpolation on [0, 1] of

BNs,t(x) =


∆t−1 . . . ∆s(j) (93)

if x = j/N . Bertoin and Le Gall call the collection of random vari-ables (BN

s,t)s≤t∈Z a discrete stochastic flow of bridges because:

1. Bs,s is the identity map.

2. Bt,u Bs,t = Bs,u for all s ≤ t ≤ u ∈ Z (the cocycle property)

3. Bs,t is stationary: its law depends only on t− s.

4. Bs,t has independent increments: for every s1 < s2 . . . , sn ∈ Z,then the bridges Bs1,s2 , . . . , Bsn−1,sn are independent.

(Note however that [30] and [31] take for their definition Bs,t whatwe call here B−t,−s). When N →∞ and time is sped up by a certainfactor cN (the one which guarantees convergence of the genealogiesto a Λ-coalescent process), it is to be expected that the flow

(BNs/cN ,t/cN

,−∞ < s ≤ t < ∞) ⇒ (Bs,t,−∞ < s ≤ t < ∞) (94)

with respect to some topology. (Bs,t,−∞ < s ≤ t < ∞) is then a(continuous) flow of bridges because it satisfies properties 1–4 above,and furthermore in condition 1:

B0,t → Id, t → 0

in probability, in the sense of the Skorokhod topology. This is thus acondition of continuity. We can now state Theorem 1 in [30], whichstates the correspondence between bridges and Λ-coalescents. Fora random bridge B, let s ∈ S0 be the tiling of (0,1) defined by theranked sequences of jumps of B (where continuous parts are asso-ciated with the dust component s0). As usual, the correspondencearises by fixing a time (say t = 0) and running s backwards:

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Theorem 3.14. Let (Bs,t,−∞ < s ≤ t < ∞) be the flow of bridgesdefined by (94). Let S(t) be the tiling of (0,1) obtained from thebridge B−t,0, for all t ≥ 0. Then (S(t), t ≥ 0) has the same law asthe ranked frequencies of a Λ-coalescent. Furthermore if V1, . . . arei.i.d. uniform random variables on (0,1), we may define a partitionΠt by saying i ∼ j if and only if Vi and Vj fall into the same jumpof B−t,0. Then

(Πt, t ≥ 0) is a Λ-coalescent.

The proof outlined above was not the route used by Bertoin andLe Gall to prove this theorem, and it might be worthwhile to turnthis outline into a more precise argument.

3.3.3 Stochastic Differential Equations

The points of view developed above (that is, the flow of bridges onthe one hand, and the Fleming-Viot process on the other hand), al-low us to discuss analogues and generalisations of the Wright-Fisherstochastic differential equation, which was used to describe the pro-portion of individuals carrying a certain allele in a population whosegenealogy is approximately Kingman’s coalescent.

To explain the first result in this direction, we first introduce whatmay be called microscopic bridges or infinitesimal bridges: the isthe bridge which describes the effect of one “individual” at locationx ∈ [0, 1] having a progeny of size p ∈ (0, 1). This bridge has theform:

b(u) = bx,p(u) = u(1− p) + p1u≥x. (95)

Let (Bs,t)−∞<s≤t<∞ be the flow of bridges constructed in (94) andlet Ft = B0,t. Thus Ft(y) is the fraction of individuals at time tdescending from some individual in the interval [0, y] of the popula-tion at time 0 (this is indeed the equivalent of the quantity which wetrack when we study the Wright-Fisher diffusion, with initial frac-tion of alleles a equal to y). When there is an atom (x, p) at sometime −t, then what is the change in Ft(y)? This atom means that anindividual located at x ∈ [0, 1] is producing a macroscopic offspring,which represents a fraction p of the population right after. Thus bythe composition property, letting F = Ft−(y) and F ′ = Ft(y), wesee that F ′ = b F = F (1 − p) when F < x, in which case theinfinitesimal increment is dF = −Fp. If on the other hand, F ≥ x,

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then we have F ′ = p+F (1−p), and thus the infinitesimal incrementis dF = p(1− F ). Thus define the function

ψ(x, p, F ) =

−pF if F < x

p(1− F ) if F ≥ x.

If p−2Λ(dp) is a finite measure, there are only a finite rate of eventsin the stochastic flow of bridges of the previous paragraph, and if welabel these events (ti, xi, pi), and let

M =∑



which is a Poisson point process with intensity dt⊗ dx⊗ p−2Λ(dp),we get immediately that Ft = B0,t may be written as a stochasticintegral:

Ft(y) = y +∫

[0,t]×[0,1]×[0,1]M(ds,dx,dp)ψ(x, p, Fs−(y)). (96)

It turns out that this stochastic integral still makes sense even if wedon’t assume that x−2Λ(dx) is a finite measure. This is, as usual,stated as a result of weak existence and uniqueness: any filtered prob-ability space with a measure Poisson point process M with intensitydt⊗ dx⊗ p−2Λ(dp) and cadlag process Xt = (Xt(y), y ∈ [0, 1]), suchthat Xt(y) satisfies the stochastic differential equation (96) almostsurely for all y ∈ [0, 1], is called a weak solution of (96).

Proposition 3.1. (Theorem 2 in [31]) There exists a weak solutionto (96), with the additional property that a.s. for every t ≥ 0, Xt isa nondecreasing function on [0, 1]. Furthermore, if X is any solu-tion to (96), then (Xt(y1), . . . , Xt(yp)) has the same distribution asthe p-point motion (Ft(y1), . . . , Ft(yp)). In particular there is weakuniqueness.

There is an associated martingale problem, which may be formu-lated as follows: given an atom (x, p), we define an operator on C2

functions g : [0, 1]p → R by:

∆x,pg(y) = g(y + ψ(x, p, y))− g(y)−p∑


ψ(x, p, yi)∂g


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Then for every y1, . . . , yp, the p-point motion Ft(y1), . . . , Ft(yp) sat-isfies

g(Ft(y1), . . . , Ft(yp))−∫ t

0Lg(Fs(y1), . . . , Fs(yp))ds

is a martingale, where

Lg(y) =∫ 1


∫ 1


This is well-defined as for any g ∈ C2, by Taylor expansion one gets∆x,pg(y) ≤ Cp2 for some C which does not depend on p (or on x).

3.3.4 Coalescing Brownian motions

We end this statement with a surprising result of Bertoin and LeGall, which links Kingman’s coalescent to a certain flow of coalescingBrownian motions on the circle.

To this end, define an operator T on C2 functions defined on thetorus T = R/Z:

T g(y1, . . . , yp) =12



b(yi, yj)∂2g

∂y1∂yj(y) (97)

where the covariance function b(y, y′) satisfies:

b(y, y′) =112− 1

2d(y, y′)(1− d(y, y′)). (98)

The generator T defines a martingale problem, and we note thatif X is a solution to this martingale problem (that is, if g(Xt) −∫ t0 T g(Xs)ds is a martingale for every g ∈ C2(T)), then each of the p

particles follows individually a Brownian motion on the torus withdiffusion coefficient

√1/12. However, these Brownian motions are

not independent, and are correlated in a certain way. In particu-lar, we will see that particles following this flow have the coalescingproperty : if Xi

t = Xjt for some time t > 0, this stays true ever after.

Let X be a solution to the martingale problem defined by (97) withstarting point X0 = (V1, . . . , Vp) given by p independent uniformrandom points on the torus, and define a partition Πp

t on Pp byputting i ∼ j if and only if Xi

t = Xjt , i.e., particles i and j have


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Theorem 3.15. There is existence and uniqueness in law to themartingale problem defined by (97). For any solution X, the process(Πt, t ≥ 0) is Kingman’s p-coalescent.

Proof. The uniqueness part of the result is a consequence of the factthat the generator is smooth away from the diagonal (i.e., xi 6= xj fori 6= j) and of the fact that particles which hit each other coalesce,in the sense that they stay forever together. This can be seen asfollows: consider for examples particles 1 and 2, and let T = inft ≥0 : X1

t = X2t . Fix also a z ∈ T, and consider the process

Yt = (z, X1t )− (z,X2

t ) ∈ [−1, 1]

where if z, x ∈ T, then (z, x) denotes the length of the counter-clockwise arc from z to x. This is a C2 function of the trajecto-ries X1

t , X2t , . . . , Xp

t so long as neither X1t = z or X2

t = z, so ifT ′ = inft ≥ 0 : X1

t = z or X2t = z, and if g is any C2 real function,

we get a local martingale

Mt = g(Yt∧T ′)−∫ t∧T ′

0T g(X1

s , . . . , Xps )ds

= g(Yt)−∫ t

12|Ys|(1− |Ys|)g′′(Ys)ds

for every C2 function g and any solution to (97). Thus on [0, T ′], Yt

is the diffusion on [-1,1] with generator

12|y|(1− |y|) d2


for which zero is an absorbing boundary (this is, up to the sign, thesame generator as in the Wright-Fisher diffusion, where the absorp-tion property is easy to see). This guarantees that Yt ≡ 0 for allt ∈ [T, T ′], and from this the coalescence property follows easily.

To get the statement in the theorem which identifies the coales-cent process Πp

t as Kingman’s coalescent, the idea of the proof is asfollows. Consider a measure ν(dp) = p−2Λ(dp) on (0,1), and assumethat ν is finite. Consider a Poisson point process of points

M =∑



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with intensity dt⊗ λ(dx)⊗ ν(dp), where λ is the Lebesgue measureon the torus T. We use these points to create a stochastic flowof bridges just as above, except that now we consider functions notfrom [0, 1] to [0, 1] (bridges) but functions from T to T. A coalescenceoccurring at individual x ∈ T, with mass p ∈ (0, 1), corresponds tothe composition by an elementary “bridge” just as in (95), whichsends an arc of size p centered at x to x and sends the complementof this arc onto the full torus in a linear fashion. That is,

β(y) = x if d(y, x) ≤ p/2

and, letting x be the point sitting opposite of x in T

d(x, β(y)) =1

1− pd(x, y) otherwise.

We let βx,p = β be the above function, and we call

Φs,t = βxk,pk . . . βx1,p1

where (xi, pi) are the list of atoms of M between times s and t listedin increasing order (which is possible since ν is assumed to be finite).Taking V1, . . . , a collection of i.i.d. uniform variables on T, it is thentrivial (see, e.g., Theorem 3.13) to check that

(Πt, t ≥ 0) is a Λ-coalescent (99)

where Πt is defined by saying i ∼ j if Φ0,t(Vi) = Φ0,t(Vj). Specializ-ing to the case where for ε > 0,

Λε(dx) = δε(dx)

so that Λε ⇒ δ0 and the associated coalescent Πε converges in theSkorokhod topology towards Kingman’s coalescent, it now sufficesto study the limiting distribution as ε → 0 of the p-point motionΦε

t (V1), . . . , Φεt (Vp). Note for instance that in the case p = 1, Φε(t)

is a continuous-time random walk on T with mean zero and secondmoment which can be computed as


∫ 1

0(x− 1

2)2dx =



This is enough to characterize the limiting distribution of 1-pointmotions as Brownian motions with diffusion coefficients

√1/12. The

rest of the theorem follows by a similar Taylor expansion when p ≥2.

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4 Analysis of Λ-coalescents

In this chapter we give some general asymptotic sampling formulaefor Λ-coalescents that are the analogues of Ewens’ sampling formulain these models. The mathematics underneath these results reliesheavily on the notion of continuous-state branching processes, whichmay be thought of as the scaling limits of critical Galton-Watsonprocesses. After first stating these formulae, we give a basic exposi-tion of the theory, and develop the connection to Λ-coalescents. Thisconnection is then used to study in details the small-time behaviourof Λ-coalescents, i.e., close to the big-bang event of time t = 0 whenthe process comes down from infinity. This raises many interestingmathematical questions, ranging from the typical number of blocksclose to t = 0, to fractal phenomena associated with variations inmass of these blocks. Surprisingly, while many questions concerningthe limiting almost sure behaviour of Λ-coalescents have an answer,our understanding of limiting distributions is much more limited.We survey some recent related results at the end of this chapter.

4.1 Sampling formulae for Λ-coalescents

We start by stating some general asymptotic sampling formulae forΛ-coalescents, which are the analogues of the Ewens sampling for-mula for Λ-coalescents (see Theorem 2.9). We focus in this exposi-tory section on the case of the infinite alleles model. To refresh thereader’s memory, the problem we are interested in is the following.Consider a sample of n individuals, and assume that the genealogi-cal relationships between these individuals is given by a Λ-coalescent,where Λ is an arbitrary finite measure on (0, 1). Conditionally giventhe coalescence tree, assume that mutations fall on the tree as aPoisson process with constant intensity ρ on every branch. (In thecase of Kingman’s coalescent, it is customary to parameterize thisintensity by θ = 2ρ). Recall that in the infinite alleles model, everymutation generates a completely new allelic type. We are interestedin describing the corresponding allelic partition of our sample, e.g.,how many allelic types are we likely to observe in a sample of sizen, how many allelic types have a given multiplicity k ≥ 1 (i.e., arepresent in exactly k individuals of this sample), etc. Recall alsothat in the case of Kingman’s coalescent, a closed formula for theprobability distribution of this partition is given by Ewens’ sampling

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formula. In the general case of Λ-coalescents, the problem is notice-ably harder, and in general no exact closed formula is known – noris it expected that such a formula exists. One possible approach,investigated by Mohle [123], is to derive a recursive formula for thisdistribution, which makes it possible to compute numerically somequantities associated with it. However it is hard to extract usefulinformation from it. Instead, we follow here a different approach,which is to obtain asymptotic results when the sample size n tendsto infinity.

Our first result comes from [18] and gives the asymptotic num-ber of allelic types An for a general measure Λ, subject only to theassumption that the coalescent comes down from infinity.

Theorem 4.1. For λ > 0, let

ψ(λ) =∫ 1

0(e−λx − 1 + λx)x−2Λ(dx). (100)

As n →∞, we have the following asymptotics in probability:

An ∼ ρ

∫ n



ψ(λ)dλ, (101)

by which we mean that the ration of the two sides converges to 1 inprobability.

As the reader might have recognized, the function ψ(λ) defined in(100) is the Laplace exponent of a Levy process whose Levy measureis x−2Λ(dx). There is in fact a connection between this Levy processand the Λ-coalescent, which goes through the notion of continuous-state branching process. This probabilistic connection is interestingin itself and is developed in the next sections. A necessary andsufficient condition for the Λ-coalescent to come down from infinityin terms of the function ψ is obtained later in Theorem 4.9 as aconsequence of this connection.

There are certain cases where one can obtain much more preciseinformation about the allelic partition, such as the entire asymptoticallele frequency spectrum. This is the case where Λ has a propertywhich we call (with a slight abuse of terminology) “regular variation”near zero:

Definition 4.1. Let Λ be a finite measure on (0, 1) and let α ∈ (1, 2).We say that the Λ-coalescent has regular variation with index α if

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there exists a function f(x) such that Λ(dx) = f(x)dx and a numberA > 0 such that

f(x) ∼ Ax1−α (102)

as x → 0.

In that case, we obtain the following result. Let ρ > 0 and assumethat Λ satisfies (102) for some 1 < α < 2. Let Π be the randominfinite allelic partition obtained by throwing a Poisson process ofmutations on the infinite coalescent tree with constant mutation rateρ. For n ≥ 1 and 1 ≤ k ≤ n, let An(k) be the number of blocks of sizek of Π|[n]. Thus An(k) is the number of allelic types of multiplicityk in the first n individuals of an infinite sample, under the infinitealleles model. Let also An =

∑nk=1 An(k) be the total number of

allelic types, as above. Note in particular that the random variables(An)n≥1 (resp. (An(k))n≥1 for any k ≥ 1) are now all simultaneouslyconstructed on a common probability space, so that it now makessense to talk about almost sure convergence in (101). This couplingis natural in that it corresponds to revealing more and more datafrom a large sample, and is thus suitable for applications.

Theorem 4.2. ([20], [18]) Under assumption (102) we have, almostsurely as n →∞:


n2−α−→ ρC (103)

where C = α(α − 1)/[AΓ(2 − α)Γ(α)]. Moreover, for every fixedk ≥ 1:


−→ ρC(2− α)(α− 1) . . . (α + k − 3)


almost surely as n →∞. Moreover, if P1, P2, . . . denote the orderedallele frequencies in the population, then

Pj ∼ C ′jα−2, (105)

almost surely as j →∞, and C ′ = (C/Γ(α− 1))1/(2−α).

Comments. (1) The convergence in probability was first obtainedin [20] in the case of Beta-coalescents with parameter (2−α, α), usingan exact embedding within the so-called stable Continuum RandomTree and an analysis of the mutation process using queues. However,these methods were limited to the case of Beta-coalescents and did

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not yield the almost sure limit. This extension was done in [17] and[18] using a different, martingale-based approach to the problem.The same result also holds for the frequency spectrum of the infinitesites model.

(2) Taking k = 1, we see that the fraction of singletons in the allelicpartition is An(1)/An ∼ 2− α almost surely as n →∞. Thus α canbe measured in a straightforward fashion from a sample, because itis approximately 2 minus the proportion of alleles with multiplicity1. Note that in Kingman’s coalescent, this fraction is asymptotically1/ log n, and hence tends to 0 as n → ∞. Thus if the fraction ofsingletons is not negligible in a particular data set, this is a good in-dication that Kingman’s coalescent is not suitable for this data andthat coalescent with multiple collisions are better approximations.Various data sets from pacific oysters suggest a value for α approx-imately around 1.4. See however the discussion in Example 4.2 of[66] and the work of Birkner and Blath [34] for further investigation(but in the case of the infinite sites model).

(3) In the case where the Λ-coalescent does not come down frominfinity, Mohle [124] has obtained a limiting result for the numberof allelic types if in addition one assumes that

∫ 10 x−1Λ(dx) < ∞,

i.e., by Theorem 3.5, if there is almost surely dust at any time in thecoalescent. In that case, he was able to show that


nρ−→ A

in distribution as n → ∞, where A has a distribution which can bedescribed as follows: let Xt = − log St, where St is the mass of dustat time t (and note that Xt is then a subordinator). Then A has thesame distribution as

∫∞0 e−ρt−Xtdt. (A similar result has been shown

by Freund and Mohle [85] for coalescents with simultaneous multiplecollisions that have dust). The condition that the coalescent has dustexcludes cases such as the Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent, but thisparticular example has been analysed in detail by Basdevant andGoldschmidt [12] and with slightly less precise results by Drmota etal. [69].

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4.2 Continuous-state branching processes

4.2.1 Definition of CSBPs

In this section, we backtrack a little to give an introduction toContinuous-State Branching Processes (or CSBP for short), whichwe will then use to give a flavour to some of the proofs in Theorem4.1 and Theorem 4.2.

In a nutshell, CSBPs can be seen as generalisations and/or scalinglimits of Galton-Watson processes. Our presentation departs fromthe classical one, in that we have chosen not the most elegant ap-proach but the most effective one. In particular saves us the need tolater introduce the technology of Continuous Random Trees, whichwould force us to get significantly more technical tan these notes aremeant to be. However, this theory is extremely elegant and manyideas described below are more natural when seen through this par-ticular angle, so we have included in the appendix some notionsabout these objects.

As mentioned above, a continuous-state branching process is a con-tinuous analogue of Galton-Watson processes. That is, the popula-tion size is now a continuous variable which takes its values in theset R+ (as opposed to the set Z+ for Galton-Watson processes). Todefine it properly, we first make the following observation in thediscrete case. Let (Zn, n ≥ 0) be a Galton-Watson process withoffspring distribution L. Then, given Zn, one may write Zn+1 asZn+1 =

∑Zni=1 Li, where Li are i.i.d. random variables distributed as

L, so

Zn+1 − Zn =Zn∑


Xi (106)

where Xi = Li − 1. If we view Xi as the step of the random walkSn =

∑ni=1 Xi, then (106) tells us that we can view Z as a time-

change of the random walk (Sn, n ≥ 0), where to obtain Zn+1 fromZn we run the random walk S for exactly Zn steps. That is, onemay write

Zn = STn , n ≥ 0 (107)

where Tn = Z1 + Z2 + . . . + Zn−1. Similarly, if (Zt, t ≥ 0) is aGalton-Watson process in continuous time (i.e., individuals branchat rate a > 0 and give birth to i.i.d. offsprings with distribution L),then one can associate a continuous time random walk which jumps

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at rate a > 0 to a position chosen according to the distribution ofX = L−1. Thus, given Zt = z, the rate at which Zt jumps to z+x issimply z times the rate at which the random walk (St, t ≥ 0) jumpsto z + x.

It is this last representation which we want to copy in the con-tinuous setting. The random walk (St, t ≥ 0) will be replaced by aprocess with independent and stationary increments (Yt, t ≥ 0), i.e.,a Levy process, which will have the property that all its jumps arenonnegative, since the jumps of the random walk are always greateror equal to -1. This −1 will vanish in the scaling limit and so we willonly observe jumps. On the other hand, the positive jumps of Y canbe arbitrarily large. Thus let us fix (Yt, t ≥ 0) a Levy process withno negative jumps (one says also spectrally positive), and let ν(dx)be the Levy measure of Y . That is,

E(e−λ(Yt−Y0)) = exp(−tψ(λ)),


ψ(λ) = aλ2

2+ bλ +

∫ ∞

0(e−λx − 1 + λx1x≤1)ν(dx).

(Recall that ν is a Levy measure means that∫∞0 (h2∧1)ν(dh) < ∞.)

The is the Levy-Khintchin formula already discussed in the proofof Theorem 3.1. To simplify our presentation, we assume in whatfollows that a = b = 0. Then the corresponding Levy process maybe characterized by its generator G (see Sato [140], pp. 205–212): iff is rapidly decreasing function (an element of the Schwartz space,but there is no harm in thinking of a C∞ function with compactsupport, which forms a core for the generator), then

Gf(x) =∫ ∞

0[f(x + h)− f(x)− h1h≤1f ′(x)]ν(dh).

Essentially this formula means that jumps of size h occur at rateν(dh) (and through an ingenious system of compensation it is enoughto require that the sum of the square of those jumps smaller than 1up to a given time has a finite expectation). We define the associatedbranching process as follows:

Definition 4.2. For f ∈ C∞ with compact support, let Lf(z) =zGf(z). We call continuous-state branching process associated with

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ψ, any process (Zt, t ≥ 0) with values in R+ such that

f(Zt)−∫ t


is a martingale with respect to the natural filtration of Z, for anyf ∈ C∞ with compact support. This property determines uniquely thelaw of (Zt, t ≥ 0), which is called the ψ-continuous-state branchingprocess, or ψ-CSBP for short. The function ψ is called the branchingmechanism of Z.

It can be shown that Z is a Markov process. This definition meansthat the transitions of a ψ-CSBP are the same as those of a Levy pro-cess with Levy exponent ψ(λ), but they occur z times as fast, wherez is the current size of the process. Note that CSBPs get absorbedat Zt = 0, because then the rate of jumps is 0. The following result,which goes back to Lamperti, explains this further, by establishingthe analogue to (107) in continuous space.

Theorem 4.3. Let Z be a ψ-continuous-state branching process,and let (Yt, t ≥ 0) be the associated Levy process. Then if U(t) =∫ t∧T0 Y −1

s ds, where T is the hitting time of 0 by Y , and if U−1(t) isthe cadlag inverse of U , i.e.,

U−1(t) = infs ≥ 0 : U(s) > t.then

(Zt)t≥0d= (YU−1(t))t≥0. (108)

It is easy to check this result: indeed, everything is made so thatthe process defined by the right-hand side runs the clock at speed zwhen Zt = z, and has apart from this time-change the same transi-tions as the Levy process (Yt, t ≥ 0). If we want to emphasize thestarting point of the CSBP, we write Zt(x) to mean that the processwas initially started at Z0 = x > 0. As a simple consequence of thisdefinition, we get the following property:

Theorem 4.4. Let (Zt(x), t ≥ 0) be a ψ-CSBP. Then Z enjoysthe branching property: that is, if x, y > 0, and if Z ′(y) denotesan independent ψ-continuous-state branching process started from yindependent of Z, then we have the representation:

Z(x + y) d= Z(x) + Z ′(y), (109)

where the equality is an identity in distribution for the processes.

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Proof. It is obvious that the right-hand side is also a Markov processwith the correct transition rates, so the right-hand side is indeed aψ-CSBP, and its starting point is obviously x + y. Thus the law ofthe right-hand side is indeed identical to the law of Z(x + y).

The meaning of the branching property (109), is as follows: if theinitial population is x+ y, we can think of these two subpopulationsevolving independently of one another, and their sum gives us thetotal population Z(x + y). This is why it is often convenient torecord the initial population x as Z(x). Theorem 4.4 is traditionallyused as the definition of CSBPs: this is indeed the definition usedby Jirina in 1958 [101], where these processes were first discussed:a continuous-state branching process is any Markov process on R+

which enjoys the branching property. That the two definitions areequivalent is a sequence of theorems due to Lamperti [110, 111]. Wehave preferred to use Definition 4.2 because the role of the measure νis more immediately transparent, and the properties of CSBPs canbe established much more directly, as we will see in what follows.When using Theorem 4.4 as a definition, Lamperti’s transformationtheorem (Theorem 4.3) is far from obvious, and in fact the proof in[111] misses a few cases. A recent paper by Caballero, Lambert andUribe Bravo [49] contains several proofs and a thorough discussion.

Theorem 4.5. (Lamperti [110]) Any continuous-state branchingprocess (Zt, t ≥ 0) is the scaling limit of Galton-Watson processes.That is, there exists a sequence of offspring distributions L(N) (N ≥1), and a sequence of numbers cN , such that, if Z(N) denotes theGalton-Watson process with offspring distribution L(N) started fromN individuals, then



, t ≥ 0)−→

N→∞(Zt(1), t ≥ 0)

weakly in the Skorokhod topology.

Proof. (sketch). This is a rather simple consequence of the classi-cal fact that any Levy process can be approximated by a suitablerandom walk: that is, there exists a sequence of step distributionX(N) and constants cN such that ( 1

N S(N)t/cN

, t ≥ 0) converges weaklyin the Skorokhod topology towards the Levy process (Yt, t ≥ 0),where (S(N)

t , t ≥ 0) is the random walk with step distribution X(N).

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Furthermore, X(N) can be chosen to be integer-valued and “skip-free” in the sense that X(N) ≥ −1 almost surely. Then the offspringdistribution L(N) is simply constructed as L(N) = X(N) + 1. Therepresentation (107) then tells us that the relation (108) must holdin the limit, and hence the result follows.

An important example of continuous-state branching process isgiven by the class of α-stable processes:

Definition 4.3. The stable CSBP with index α ∈ (1, 2) is the continuous-state branching process associated with the stable Levy measure

ν(dx) =α

Γ(1− α)x−α−1dx. (110)

In this case, the branching mechanism is ψ(u) = Cuα for some C >0.

In fact, if ψ(u) = u2 (quadratic branching) it is still possible todefine a corresponding CSBP. Naturally, in that case the processis related to Brownian motion and is nothing else but the Fellerdiffusion: see Theorem A.6 in the appendix. In this case we stillspeak of the 2-stable branching process.

We now come to an interesting property, which shows a relationbetween branching processes and a certain differential equation. Itturns out that this differential equation lies at the heart of the anal-ysis of Λ-coalescents.

Theorem 4.6. Let Z be a ψ-continuous-state branching process.Then for all λ ≥ 0,

E(exp(−λZt(x))) = exp(−xut(λ)), (111)

where the function t 7→ ut(λ) is the solution of the differential equa-tion


= −ψ(ut(λ))

u0(λ) = λ.(112)

Remark. This connection is the prototype of some deeper linkswhich arise when the branching process is endowed with some ad-ditional geometric structure, in which case the differential equationbecomes a partial differential equation: see, e.g., Le Gall [112].

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Proof. Define F (t, x, λ) by saying Ex(e−λZt) = exp(−F (t, x, λ)). Bythe branching property, it is easy to see that F (t, x, λ) must be multi-plicative in x: that is, there exists ft(λ) such that F (t, x, λ) = xft(λ).Then the Markov property shows that ft(fs(λ)) = ft+s(λ). So The-orem 4.6 can be rephrased as saying that any solution to this func-tional equation must in fact satisfy (112) for some Laplace exponentψ(λ) of some spectrally positive Levy process (Yt, t ≥ 0).

To see why this is true, we go back to the discrete case, where theargument is somewhat more transparent. Thus consider a Galton-Watson process (Zt, t ≥ 0) in continuous time: each individualbranches at rate a > 0 and leaves i.i.d. offsprings distributed ac-cording to (pk)k≥0. Let Q be the generator of the process: thusQ = (qij)i,j≥0 where qii = −a + ap1 (since nothing happens whenan individual branches and leaves 1 offspring), and qij = apj−i+1 ifj ≥ i− 1. The Kolmogorov backward equation P ′(t) = QP (t) showsthat

P ′1j(t) =


Q1kPkj(t) = −aP1j(t) +∑



Therefore, if we look at the moment generating function of Zt, i.e.,F (s, t) = E(sZt |Z0 = 1) = E1(sZt), we observe that




sjP ′1j(t) = −aF (s, t) +





= −aF (s, t) + a∑


pkEk(sZt) by Fubini’s theorem

= −aF (s, t) + a∑


pkF (s, t)k by the branching property.

Thus if φ(λ) = au − g(u), where g(u) is the moment generatingfunction of (pk), we have


∂t= −φ(F (s, t)) (113)

which is the precursor of (112). Using the discrete approximation ofTheorem 4.5 and taking the limit in (113), we obtain (112).

This explains further the role of the branching mechanism ψ: itmay be interpreted as the Laplace exponent for the infinitesimaloffspring distribution.

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When Z is the α-stable CSBP and α = 2 (quadratic branching),the differential equation (112) is ·u = −cu2, which should look fa-miliar to you: it is precisely the same differential equation that wasobtained for the heuristic analysis of Kingman’s coalescent in (23).This is naturally not a coincidence: in fact, we will develop in nextchapter a connection between Λ-coalescents and ψ-CSBP (for a cer-tain branching function ψ to be determined) which will finally makethis connection rigorous, and from which many other properties willfollow.

We end this section on the basic properties of branching processeswith a statement about a necessary and sufficient condition for theprocess to become extinct, and, when the process does become ex-tinct, what is the chance it has already gotten extinct by some timet. Here, becoming extinct means that there is a finite T > 0 suchthat ZT = 0 (since 0 is absorbing, then Zt = 0 for all t ≥ T auto-matically).

Theorem 4.7. (Grey’s criterion [94]) Let Z be a ψ-CSBP. Then Zbecomes extinct in finite time almost surely if and only if

∫ ∞



ψ(q)< ∞. (114)

Let pz(t) denote the probability that Zt > 0, given Z0 = z. Thenpz(t) = 1− exp(−zv(t)), where v(t) is defined by

∫ ∞



ψ(q)= t. (115)

Proof. (sketch) Note that

P(Zt = 0) = limλ→∞

E(e−λZt) = limλ→∞


where ut(λ) is the solution to the differential equation (112). Observethat this differential equation can be solved explicitly:


ψ(us)= −1

so integrating between times 0 and s, and making the change ofvariables x = ut we find (since u0(λ) = λ):

∫ λ



ψ(q)= t. (116)

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Thus if (114) does not hold, it must be that limλ→∞ ut(λ) = ∞,since the right-hand side of (116) does not depend on λ. HenceP(Zt = 0) = 0, for all t ≥ 0. On the other hand, if (114) holds,then limλ→∞ ut(λ) = v(t) as defined by (115). Thus there is positiveprobability of extinction by time t > 0, which is equal to exp(−zv(t)).One must work slightly harder to show that eventual extinction hasprobability 1.

Note that the situation is slightly more complicated in the con-tinuous world than in the discrete. For instance, (114) may fail butthe process still has Zt → 0 as t →∞ (for instance, Zt(x) = xe−t issuch a CSBP!) On the other side, there can also be explosions: thisis investigated by Sliverstein [146].

4.2.2 The Donnelly-Kurtz lookdown process

Let (Zt, t ≥ 0) be a ψ-continuous-state branching process. We wouldlike to have a notion of genealogy for Z, i.e., a way of making senseof the intuitive idea that in this evolving population, some individu-als descend from a certain group of individuals at some earlier time.This turns out to be rather delicate in this continuous setting, andrequires some additional technology. There are essentially two waysto proceed: one is to introduce continuum random trees, i.e., treeswith the property that they branch continuously in time, such thatthe total population process has the law of (Zt, t ≥ 0). A briefoverview of this approach is presented in the appendix. The otherpossibility, which we have chosen to discuss here, is Donnelly andKurtz’s so-called (generalised) lookdown process. That these twonotions of genealogy coincide is a theorem proved in [19] (see The-orem 12 in that paper). However, for the developments we have inmind (i.e., the analysis of Λ-coalescents through a connection withCSBPs), the approach which we propose here does not rely anymoreon Continuum Random Trees, and so this aspect of things may beignored by the reader. We stress however that initially (in [19, 20],the connection relied on the continuous random tree approach ratherthan the Donnelly-Kurtz lookdown approach developed here, whichowes much to the work of [18]. Hopefully the latter approach makesthese ideas more transparent.

We now describe the lookdown process. This was originally in-troduced in [63], in order to provide a system of countable particles

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whose empirical measure would be a version of some predeterminedmeasure-valued process (and CSBPs can precisely be viewed as onesuch example). This representation is very much in the spirit ofthe classical Fleming-Viot representation of Theorems 3.11 and 3.12.One way this process could be described would be to ask the follow-ing question: suppose a continuous population evolves according tothe dynamics of a CSBP. Then we ask: what would samples fromthat population look like as time evolves?

To ask the question in a more specific way, we may as usual endoweach individual initially present with a unique allelic type (which, forus, will be just a uniform random variable on (0,1)). We sample fromthe population at time 0 and run the population dynamics for sometime. How has that sample evolved? Our only requirement is thateach allele at time t > 0 is represented with the correct frequencyin our sample, but otherwise we may proceed as we wish to run thedynamics. The answer is as follows: assume for simplification that Zhas only jumps and no Brownian component. Suppose that at sometime t > 0, the population Z has a jump of size ∆Zt > 0. This jumpis produced by “one individual” who has a macroscopic offspring ofsize ∆Zt. In the population right after the jump, a fraction

p =∆Zt


has just descended from that individual and thus carries the typeof this individual. The other individuals in the population haven’tdied but their relative frequency is now only (1−p): thus if an alleleoccupied a fraction a of the population, it now occupies a fractiona(1 − p). One can check that the following procedure produces ex-actly the desired change:

1. A proportion p of individuals is selected by independent coin-toss. (They are said to participate in the birth event). Thetype of those individuals is changed (if needs be) to the typeof the lowest individual participating in the birth event.

2. The other types are shifted upwards to the first possible non-participating individual. (See figure 9)

This procedure described what happens at any single jump timeof the population Z. If this procedure is applied successively at all

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:7:1 //


// :8:7 //


:6:6 //

77 // :8:8 // :8:3 // :3Figure 9: Representation of the lookdown process. Levels 2,4 and 5participate in a birth event. Other types get shifted upwards. Thenumbers on the left and on the right indicate the types before andafter the birth event.

jump times of the population, then we obtain a countable system(ξi(t), t ≥ 0) which indicates the type of the individual at level i.Naturally, at any time t ≥ 0, ξi forms a subcollection of the initialtypes Ui. While it seems a priori that no type can ever be lostin this construction (things just get shifted upwards, and never die),this is not accurate: in fact, jumps may accumulate and push agiven type “to infinity”, at which point it has disappeared from thepopulation and does not exist anymore. In fact, we will see thatunder Grey’s condition (114), the number of types that survive upto any time t > 0 is only finite almost surely. Since the initialcollection of types is initially exchangeable and that the rest of theevolution is determined by i.i.d. coin-tosses, we immediately get that(ξi(t))∞i=1 is an infinite exchangeable sequence for each t ≥ 0.

Definition 4.4. The almost sure limit

Ξt := limN→∞





is called the Donnelly-Kurtz (generalised) lookdown process.

We have done everything so that Ξt would accurately represent thecomposition of types in the population Z, so it remains to now state

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the theorem. First, we associate to the continuous-state branchingprocess (Zt, t ≥ 0) a measure-valued process (Mt, t ≥ 0) which is ameasure on (0,∞). Informally speaking, for r ∈ [0, 1], Mt([0, r]) isthe size of the population descended from the first r individuals ofthe population, i.e., from individuals initially located in the interval[0, r]. One way to define it is to define a process Zt(x)t≥0,x≥0

simultaneously for all t and for all x ≥ 0. The way to do so is to usethe branching property: for instance, to construct simultaneouslyZt(x) and Zt(x + y), we start with a version of Z(x) and add anindependent version of Z(y). The sum of these two processes is usedto construct Z(x+ y). This construction defines uniquely a measureMt on R+ such that

Mt([x, y]) = Zt(y)− Zt(x), 0 ≤ x ≤ y ≤ 1.

From this measure Mt, there is another way to represent the com-position of the population given this process Mt, which is simply tolook at the ratio process:

Rt[0, r] =Mt[0, r]

Zt, r ≤ 1,

where Zt = Mt[0, 1] is the total mass. Thus Rt is a measure withtotal mass equal to 1.

Theorem 4.8. The ratio process (Rt, t ≥ 0) and the lookdown pro-cess (Ξt, t ≥ 0), have the same distribution.

A consequence of this representation is the following result aboutthe Donnelly-Kurtz lookdown process, which tells us that the numberof types which survive to time t > 0 is finite if and only if theassociated branching process (Zt, t ≥ 0) dies out almost surely.

Corollary 4.1. The number of types surviving at time t > 0 inthe Donnelly-Kurtz lookdown process (Ξt, t ≥ 0) (i.e., the numberof atoms of Ξt), is finite for all t > 0 almost surely, if and only ifGrey’s condition (see Theorem 4.7) is fulfilled. Moreover, if Grey’scondition holds, then the number of types which survive at time tis Poisson with mean v(t) < ∞, where v is the function defined in(115).

Proof. Fix some n ≥ 1, and separate the interval [0, 1] into n subin-tervals [i/n, (i + 1)/n]. In the Donnelly-Kurtz lookdown process, we

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identify all individuals whose types fall into the same subinterval.Thus by the branching property, we have n copies of a ψ-CSBP, allstarted with mass 1/n, which we view as n different families. Howmany of those families have survived by time t? By Theorem 4.7, thisis a Binomial random variable with parameters n and pz(t) wherez = 1/n. Recall that pz(t) = 1 − exp(−zv(t)) ∼ v(t)/n as n → ∞.Thus by the Poisson approximation to binomial random variables,we find that as n →∞, if Kn(t) is the number of families survivingby time t,

Kn(t) d−→ Poisson(v(t))

as n → ∞. On the other hand, limn→∞Kn(t) exists almost surelyand is equal to the number of types in the Donnelly-Kurtz lookdownprocess. Thus this has the distribution of the random variable in theright-hand side of the above equation, and proves the corollary.

Corollary 4.1 will be a crucial step towards proving fine resultson Λ-coalescents in next section. The Poisson distribution for thenumber of types is perhaps easier to understand in terms of contin-uous random trees, and should be compared with Theorem A.10 .For instance, this is the same reason why the number of excursion ofBrownian motion up to time τ1 (the inverse local time) is a Poissonrandom variable.

4.3 Coalescents and branching processes

Having given a brief overview of continuous-state branching pro-cesses and the lookdown process, we are now ready to describe theconnection which relates Λ-coalescents to certain CSBPs. Intuitively,this connection states that, at small times, the genealogy of any ψ-CSBP is given by a certain Λ-coalescent. It is essential to note thatthis description is valid only asymptotically as t → 0 (however, anexact embedding exists for the α-stable case, as will be discussedbelow). This connection allows us to state a general result about Λ-coalescents, which gives a second necessary and sufficient conditionfor coming down from infinity, and if they do, tells us the speed atwhich they come down from infinity. That is, we find a deterministicfunction v(t) such that Nt/v(t) → 1 almost surely as t → 0, whereNt is the number of blocks at time t.

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4.3.1 Small-time behaviour

We point out that, if Λ does not satisfy Definition 4.1, some con-siderable difficulties arise, and will generally lead to Nt oscillatingbetween different powers of t as t → 0. (An instructive example ofsuch a measure is analysed in a fair amount of details in [18]). Thegeneral solution that we now present is due to [17, 18].

Let Λ be any finite measure on [0, 1). Then define

ψ(q) =∫ 1

0(e−qx − 1 + qx)x−2Λ(dx). (117)

Let (Zt, t ≥ 0) be the CSBP with branching mechanism ψ.

Theorem 4.9. The Λ-coalescent comes down from infinity if andonly if Z becomes extinct in finite time, i.e.,

∫ ∞



ψ(q)< ∞ (118)

If it does, then define v(t) by:∫∞v(t)

dqψ(q) = t. Then as t → 0,


v(t)−→ 1, (119)

almost surely and in Lp for every p ≥ 1.

Proof. It is easy to understand that coming down from infinity mightbe related to the extinction in finite time of the CSBP. Indeed, byTheorem 4.7, extinction of a CSBP is equivalent to the fact that onlyfinitely many individuals at time 0 have descendants alive at timet > 0, for any t > 0. When this occurs, the entire population at timet > 0 comes from a finite number of ancestors and thus, running timebackwards (assuming that the genealogy is approximately describedby a Λ-coalescent), the coalescent has come down from infinity. Theconvergence (119) also follows intuitively from a similar argumentand Corollary 4.1 once this connection is accepted.

We now explain why the genealogy of (Zt, t ≥ 0) should be givenby a Λ-coalescent asymptotically as t → 0. Consider the CSBP(Zt, t ≥ 0) defined by (117) and its genealogy defined in terms of thelookdown process. Then we know that at a time t > 0 such that∆Zt > 0, a proportion p = ∆Z/Z of lineages is coalescing. Assume

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to simplify that Z0 = 1 (this is of course unimportant). Recallthat, by Lamperti’s transform, Z is a time-change of a Levy process(Yt, t ≥ 0) with Laplace exponent ψ(q). Now, both the time-changefunctional

U−1t = inf

s > 0 :

∫ s


Ys> t

and Y are almost surely continuous at t = 0. Therefore Z is alsocontinuous with probability 1 near t = 0, and it follows that if t issmall, the proportion of lineages that coalesces at time t is

p =∆Zt

Zt≈ ∆Zt. (120)

But using Lamperti’s transform one more time, we see that ∆Zt =∆YU−1

t. Thus, we conclude that at time Ut, a fraction approximately

∆Yt of lineages coalesces. Remembering that Ut =∫ t0 (1/Ys)ds, we

see that for t small, Ut ≈ t as well.To summarize, we have seen that with a negligible time-change

the fraction of lineages that coalesces is equal to the jumps of thespectrally positive Levy process (Yt, t ≥ 0). But by the Levy-Ito de-composition, these jumps occur precisely as a Poisson point processwith intensity

dt⊗ x−2Λ(dx)

since, from (117), we see that the Levy measure of Y is x−2Λ(dx).By the Poisson construction of Λ-coalescent (Theorem 3.2), this givesprecisely a Λ-coalescent.

While this is a convincing argument for why the genealogy of Zclose to t = 0 should be given by a Λ-coalescent approximately, it ismuch harder to turn it into a rigorous proof. The difficulty, of course,lies in the error made by the approximations. The main source oferrors is due to the potentially wild fluctuations of the Levy processY around its starting point. These fluctuations are understood witha fair amount of details (see, e.g., [135]). It is for instance known thatthe increments Yt−Y0 may oscillate between two different powers of twhich are known as the inverse lower- and upper-index respectively.This helps controlling the error but ultimately this approach needssome assumptions on the regularity of the Levy process: namely, thatthe lower-index β should be strictly greater than 1. The approachwhich we describe below bypasses these difficulties by giving a directproof of Theorem 4.9.

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4.3.2 The martingale approach

We introduce now a martingale discovered in [17] which is a crucialstep for the proof of Theorem 4.9. Observe that the function v(t) isthe unique solution to the equation

log v(t)− log v(z) +∫ t



dr = 0, ∀0 < z < t. (121)

Since we wish to prove that Nt is approximately equal to v(t), itmakes sense to study the quantity:

Xtz := log Nt − log Nz +

∫ t



dr, ∀0 < z < t. (122)

Lemma 4.1. There exists a bounded process (Ht, t ≥ 0) such that

M tz := Xt

z +∫ t


is a martingale. Moreover, there exists C > 0 such that the secondmoment process of Mz satisfies E((M t

z)2) ≤ C(t−z) for all 0 < z < t.

Since the second moment process of Mz is small, this implies byDoob’s inequality that Mz must be small, and hence (since the in-finitesimal error H is negligible) that Xt

z itself is small. Since v isthe unique solution to (121), this and some further analysis yieldsTheorem 4.9.

Why is this a martingale? Let 0 < p < 1 and assume thenumber of blocks is currently n. Let Yn,p be a Binomial(n, p) randomvariable. We may think of Y as the number of blocks that participatein a p-merger. If Y > 0, then the number of blocks after the p-mergeris n−Yn,p +1. Thus we see that, since Y is typically small comparedto n, and using the approximation log(1− x) ≈ −x,

E(d log Ns|Fs) =∫ 1



n− Yn,p + 1Yn,p>0n


≈∫ 1

[−E(Yn,p) + P(Yn,p > 0)n


=∫ 1

−np + 1− (1− p)n


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Recalling that n = Nt and noting that (1−p)n ≈ e−np in the integralabove, we recognize in this integral the right-hand side of the equalitywhich defines the function ψ in (117). Hence we conclude that, upto some small errors,

E(d log Ns|Fs) ≈ −ψ(Ns)Ns


which is coherent with Lemma 4.1.

Interpretation. With hindsight, the martingale M tz has a simple

interpretation. Recall that if Nt is the number of blocks of a Λ-coalescent, then we always get a martingale (Mz

t , t ≥ z) for all z > 0by defining

Mzt = Nt +

∫ t

zγ(Ns)ds, t ≥ z

where γ(n) = γn =∑n

k=2(k − 1)(nk

)λn,k. It is not hard to see ana-

lytically that ψ(λ) ∼ γ(λ) as λ → ∞. Thus the martingale M zt of

Lemma 4.1 can be viewed as the martingale that one obtains fromapplying Ito’s formula for discontinuous processes to log(Nt). Fromthis point of view it is rather surprising that the method of [17] isconclusive: indeed, the logarithm function of t is typically insensitiveto small fluctuations and only picks up variations in the “power” oft. However this turns out to be a strength as well, since the great-est challenge in this problem is to control wild fluctuations of thefunction ψ(λ), which may oscillate between two different powers ofλ.

4.4 Applications: sampling formulae

We now briefly explain how to obtain Theorem 4.1 and Theorem 4.2from the small-time behaviour of the number of blocks, i.e., Theorem4.9.

Sketch of proof of Theorem 4.1. Consider the infinite alleles model,and make the following observation. Every mutation that appearson the tree is quite likely to have a corresponding representative inthe allelic partition. Indeed, once a mutation arrives on the tree, itbecomes quite difficult to fully disconnect it from the leaves: this isbecause a randomly chosen mutation is quite likely to be at the topof the tree. By analysing this process more carefully, a result of [18]shows:

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Lemma 4.2. Assume that the Λ-coalescent comes down from infin-ity. Let Mn be the total number of mutations on the coalescence treerestricted to [n], and let An denote the total number of families in theallelic partition restricted to [n]. Then An/Mn → 1, in probability.

Given this lemma, our first task is thus to estimate the total num-ber of mutations on the tree. (Note that this is identical to the totalnumber of allelic types in the infinite sites model). Since mutationsfall as a Poisson process with intensity ρ, we have that given thecoalescence tree,

Sn = Poisson(ρLn), (124)

where Ln is the total length of the tree, i.e., the sum of all the edgelengths in the coalescence tree of the first n individuals in the sample.Thus the problem becomes that of finding asymptotics of Ln. Butnote that if initially the number of blocks is N0 = n, then the totallength of the tree may be written as

Ln =∫ ζ

0Ntdt (125)

where ζ is the coalescence time of all n individuals. Indeed thecontribution to Ln of the time interval (t, t + dt) of all branchesin the tree is Ntdt, so integrating gives us the result (125). Usingconsistency of the Λ-coalescent, we can rewrite (125) in terms of aΛ-coalescent process started with infinitely many particles as Ln =∫ ζε Ntdt, where ε is chosen such that Nε ≈ n. (It is not obvious at all

that such a choice of ε is possible with positive probability, but it canbe proved that this indeed the case at least in the regular-variationcase, as we will discuss later. Other tricks need to be used in thegeneral case, which we do not discuss here). Since Nt ∼ v(t), thismeans ε ∼ u(n) where u(λ) =


dqψ(q) . Plugging into the formula

Ln =∫ ζε Ntdt, and making the change of variable λ = v(t), or t =

u(λ) and dt = 1ψ(λ) , we find:

Ln ≈∫ n



ψ(λ)dλ. (126)

The lower-bound of integration makes no difference and we mayreplace it by 1 if we wish. Recalling (124), we now obtain directlythe result of Theorem 4.1.

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Sketch of proof of Theorem 4.2. A moment of thought and recalling(110), we find that if Λ(dx) satisfies the regular variation property of(102), then ψ(λ) ∼ Cλα as λ →∞, for some constant C > 0 whosevalue below may change from line to line. From this it follows byTheorem 4.1 that, in probability:

An ∼ ρ

∫ n

1Cλ1−αdλ ∼ ρCn2−α (127)

It turns out that the estimates in [17] and [18] are tight enough thatthis convergence holds almost surely. Since the allelic partition isobviously exchangeable, we may now apply results about the Taube-rian theory (Theorem 1.11). Theorem 4.2 follows immediately.

4.5 A paradox.

The following consequence of Theorem 4.9 says that, among all theΛ-coalescents such that Λ[0, 1] = 1, Kingman’s coalescent is extremalfor the speed of coming down from infinity. This is a priori surprisingas in Kingman’s coalescent only two blocks ever coalesce at a time,whereas in a coalescent with multiple mergers it is always a positivefraction of blocks that are merging. The assumption

Λ[0, 1] = 1 (128)

is a scale assumption, as multiplying Λ by any number is equivalentto speeding up time by this factor.

Corollary 4.2. Assume (128). Then with probability 1, for anyε > 0, and for all t sufficiently small,

Nt ≥ 2t(1− ε).

Proof. Without loss of generality assume that the Λ-coalescent comesdown from infinity. To see how the corollary follows from Theorem4.9, observe that since e−qx ≤ 1− qx + q2x2/2 for x > 0,

ψ(q) ≤ q2


[0,1]x2ν(dx) ≤ q2

2(due to (128)). (129)

Hence if u(s) =∫∞s

dqψ(q) (so that v is the inverse of u):

u(s) ≥∫ ∞



dq =2s

and v(t) ≥ 2t. (130)

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Due to Theorem 4.9, Nt ∼ v(t) as t → 0, implying that Nt ≥2(1− ε)/t with probability 1 for all t small.

4.6 Further study of coalescents with regular variation

The next section is devoted to a finer study of the case where themeasure Λ is the Beta(2 − α, α) distribution, with 1 < α < 2. Inthat case, an exact embedding of the coalescent in the correspondingcontinuous-state branching process (or the CRT) exists, and the spe-cial properties of this process (in particular, self-similarity) allowsus to deduce several nontrivial properties of the Beta-coalescents.Some of these properties can be transferred by universality to themore general coalescents with regular variation.

4.6.1 Beta-coalescents and stable CRT

Let (Zt, t ≥ 0) be an α-stable CSBP, (i.e., with ψ(λ) = λα: see (110).Assume to simplify that Z0 = 1. If we use the same reasoning asin the sketch of the proof of Theorem 4.1, we may ask: what is therate at which we will observe a p-merger of the ancestral lineages,for any 0 < p < 1? Let

g(x) =α(α− 1)Γ(2− α)


be the density of the Levy measure of the stable subordinator withindex α. Thus, if the current population size is A, the rate at whichthere is a jump of size x in the population is Ag(x)dx. Reversing thedirection of time, this means that a fraction p of lineages coalesces,where

p =x

A + xor x =


1− p

since the new population size after birth is A + x. Thus:

rate of p-merger = Ag(x)dx


= Aα(α− 1)Γ(2− α)


1− p

)−1−α A

(1− p)2dp

= cA1−αp−2Λ(dp)

where Λ is the Beta distribution with parameters 2 − α and α andc = α(α − 1)Γ(α). Thus if time is sped up by a factor Z1−α

t /c, the

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rate is exactly the rate of p-mergers in a Beta-coalescents. We havethus proved the following result.

Theorem 4.10. Let 1 < α < 2 and let 0 ≤ s < t. Define a randompartition πt

s by saying i ∼ j if and only if individuals i and j havethe same ancestor in the Donnelly-Kurtz lookdown process of the α-stable branching process. Let Rt = c

∫ t0 Z1−α

s ds and let R−1t be the

cadlag inverse of R. Then for all 0 ≤ s ≤ t, if Πs = πR−1(t)R−1(t−s)


(Πs, 0 ≤ s ≤ t)

is a Beta-coalescent run for time t.

The version of this result quoted in the theorem was first provedby Birkner et al. in [36]. There is an equivalent version on Con-tinuum Random Trees, which was subsequently proved in [20] byshowing that the two notions of genealogies defined by the lookdownprocess and by the continuum random tree must coincide. (It is theversion on CRTs which is the most useful for capturing fine aspectsof the small-time behaviour – although see [19] for what you cando with just the lookdown process). However, the elementary ap-proach which we give here, is based on yet unpublished work with J.Berestycki and V. Limic [18], and this bypasses the rather complexcalculations of [36]. This result may be seen as a generalization tothe stable case of an important result due to Perkins [129] in theBrownian case: see also [16] for related results in this case.

Note that this result gives us a better understanding of Theorem3.8, where genealogies of population with offspring distribution inthe domain of attraction of a stable random variable converge to aBeta-coalescent.

4.6.2 Backward path to infinity

It is also possible to get some information about the time-reversalof the process, a bit like in Aldous’ construction and Corollary 2.1.However this is much more complicated in the case of Beta-coalescents:the first difficulty is that one doesn’t know how many blocks were lostin the previous coalescence (unlike in Kingman’s coalescent, wherewe know we have to make exactly one fragmentation).

A first result in this direction says that roughly speaking, if Nt = nand Sn

1 , Sn2 , . . . denote the previous number of blocks at times before

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t, then a result of [19] states that, after shifting everything by n,(Sn

1 −n, Sn2 −n, . . .) converges in distribution towards a random walk

with a nondegenerate step distribution (S1, S2, . . .). The limitingstep distribution Si+1 − Si turns out to have an expected value of1/(α− 1). This result, combined with a renewal argument, shows:

Theorem 4.11. ([19]) Let Vn be the event that Nt = n for some t.Then

limn→∞P(Vn) = α− 1. (131)

We also note that there exists a formula for the one-dimensionaldistributions of the Beta-coalescent, which can be found in Theorem1.2 of [19].

4.6.3 Fractal aspects

Changing the topic, recall that for random exchangeable partitions,we know that the number of blocks is inversely related to the typicalblock size (see Theorem 1.4). Here, at least informally, since thenumber of blocks at small time is of order t−1/(α−1), we see thatthe frequency of the block which contains 1 at time t should be ofthe order of t1/(α−1) (this result was proved rigorously in [19]). Putanother way, this says that almost all the fragments emerge from theoriginal dust by growing like t1/(α−1). We say that 1/(α − 1) is thetypical speed of emergence.

However, some blocks clearly have a different behavior. Considerfor instance the largest block and denote by W (t) its frequency attime t.

Theorem 4.12. ([19])

(αΓ(α)Γ(2− α))1/αt−1/αW (t) →d X as t ↓ 0

where X has the Frechet distribution of index α.

Hence the size of the largest fragment is of the order of t1/α, whichis much bigger than the typical block size. Note that the random-ness of the limiting variable X captures the intuitive idea of a rein-forcement phenomenon going on: the bigger a block is, the higherits chance of coalescing later on. Random limits in laws of large

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numbers are indeed typical of processes with reinforcement such asPolya’s urn.

This suggests to study the existence of fragments that emerge withan atypical rate γ 6= 1/(α−1). To do so, it is convenient to consider arandom metric space (S, d) which encodes completely the coalescentΠ (this space was introduced by Evans [77] in the case of Kingman’scoalescent). The space (S, d) is the completion of the space (N, d),where d(i, j) is the time at which the integers i and j coalesce. In-formally speaking, completing the space 1, 2, . . . with respect tothis distance in particular adds points that belong to blocks behav-ing atypically. In this framework we are able to associate with eachpoint x ∈ S and each t > 0 a positive number η(x, t) which is equalto the frequency of the block at time t corresponding to x. (This isformally achieved by endowing S with a mass measure η). In thissetting, we can reformulate the problem as follows: are there pointsx ∈ S such that the mass of the block Bx(t) that contains x at timet behaves as tγ when t → 0, or more formally such that η(x, t) ³ tγ?(Here f(t) ³ g(t) means that log f(t)/ log g(t) → 1). Also, howmany such points typically exist?

We define for γ ≤ 1/(α− 1)

Sthick(γ) = x ∈ S : lim inft→0

log(η(x, t))log t

≤ γ

and similarly when γ > 1/(α− 1)

Sthin(γ) = x ∈ S : lim supt→0

log(η(x, t))log t

≥ γ.

When γ ≤ 1/(α− 1), Sthick(γ) is the set of points which correspondto large fragments. On the other hand when γ ≥ 1/(α− 1), Sthin(γ)is the set of points which correspond to small fragments. In thenext result we answer the question raised above by computing theHausdorff dimension (with respect to the metric of S) of the setSthick(γ) or Sthin(γ):

Theorem 4.13. ([20])

1. If 1α ≤ γ < 1

α−1 then

dimH Sthick(γ) = γα− 1.

If γ < 1/α then Sthick(γ) = ∅ a.s. but S(1/α) 6= ∅ almostsurely.

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2. If 1α−1 < γ ≤ α


dimH Sthin(γ) =α

γ(α− 1)2− 1.

If γ > α(α−1)2

then Sthin(γ) = ∅ a.s. but S( α(α−1)2

) 6= ∅ almostsurely.

Comment. The maximal value of dimH S(γ) is obtained when γ =1/(α−1) in which case the dimension of S(γ) is also equal to 1/(α−1). This was to be expected since this is the typical exponent for thesize of a block. The value of the dimension then corresponds to thefull dimension of the space S, as was proved in [19, Theorem 1.7].



1/α α/(α−1) 2

Figure 10: Multifractal spectrum map γ 7→ dimH S(γ). The left-derivative at the critical point is α while the right-derivative is −α.

4.6.4 Fluctuation theory

The analysis of fluctuations, even for Beta-coalescents, seems consid-erably more complicated than any of the law-of-large number typeof result described above. Only very partial results exist to thisdate. For instance, there isn’t any result available concerning thefluctuations of the number of blocks at small time, or the biologi-cally relevant total length of the tree. However for this last case,there is a partial result which is due to Delmas, Dhersein and Siri-Jegousse [59], which we describe below. We first need a result onthe total number of collisions which was proved simultaneously andindependently by Gnedin and Yakubovich [92] on the one hand, and

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by Delmas, Dhersein and Siri-Jegousse [59] on the other hand. Letn ≥ 1, and let τn denote the total number of coalescence events of aBeta-coalescent started from n blocks, before there is only one blockleft. That is, τn is the total number of jumps of the chain whichcounts the number of blocks (and decreases from n to 1).

Theorem 4.14. As n →∞,


(n− τn

α− 1

)d→ Yα−1

where (Ys, s ≥ 0) is a stable subordinator with index α started from0.

This result also holds under a slightly more general form of regularvariation than (102), and the exact assumptions needed in [92] andin [59] are slightly different (note that the α of [92] is what we herecall 2 − α). Note in particular that the order of magnitude of τn is(α− 1)n, to the first order.

Delmas, Dhersin and Siri-Jegousse then consider the length of apartial tree of coalescence, i.e., the sum of the length of the branchesfrom time 0 until a given number k of coalescence events. In view ofthe above discussion, it is sensible to choose k = bntc with t < α−1.Let Ln(t) denote the corresponding length. The main result of [59](Theorem 6.1) is as follows, and shows a surprising phase transitionat α = (1 +

√5)/2, the golden ratio. Let

`(t) =y(t)

Γ(α)Γ(2− α), where y(t) =

∫ t

(1− r

α− 1



Theorem 4.15. Let α0 = (1 +√

5)/2. Let (Ys, s ≥ 0) be a stablesubordinator with index α started from 0, and let β = −1−(1/α)+α.

(1) Let α ∈ (1, α0). For all t < α− 1, we have the convergence indistribution:

nβ(Ln(t)− n2−α`(t)

) d→∫ t

(1− r

α− 1


Yrdr. (132)

(2) Let α ∈ [α0, 2). Then for any ε > 0,

n−ε(Ln(t)− n2−α`(t)

) d→ 0

in probability.

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Intuitively, when we plug in t = α− 1 in the left-hand side, Ln(t)is then almost the same thing as Ln since there are approximatelyno more than (α − 1)n coalescence events by Theorem 4.14. Notethat by doing so, we recover the correct first order approximationof Theorem 4.2. This strongly suggests that the result is true alsofor Ln instead of Ln(t) in the left-hand side and t = α − 1 in theright-hand side, but this has not been proved at the moment.

Theorem 4.15 allows the authors of [59] to deduce a corollary aboutthe fluctuations of the number of mutations that fall on the partialtree. For α sufficiently small, the fluctuations of the length of thetree dominate the Gaussian fluctuations induced by the Poissoniza-tion, hence obtaining the random variable on the right-hand side of(132), while for larger α it is the opposite, and the limit is Gaussian.Surprisingly, the phase transition here occurs at α =

√2, rather than

the golden ratio. See Corollary 6.2 in [59] for further details.

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5 Spatial interactions

We now approach an area which seems to be expanding at a rapidpace, which consists in studying coalescing processes of particles withspatial interactions. The prototype of such a process is the modelof (instantaneously) coalescing random walks, so we first describea bit of classical work on this, such as the duality with the votermodel, the result of Bramson and Griffeath [42] on the long termdensity of the system as well as Arratia’s Poisson point process limit[8]. (This is done by appealing to the intuitive approach recentlydeveloped by van den Berg and Kesten [25], which we describe). Wethen move off to the stepping stone model, which are spatial versionsof the Moran model, and describe some results of Cox and Durrett[53] and of Zahle, Cox and Durrett [152]. Reversing the directionof time leads us naturally to the spatial Λ-coalescents, introducedby Limic and Sturm in [116]. We describe their result about thelong-term behaviour of spatial coalescents on a torus. We then pushthe description of spatial coalescents further by briefly describing theresult of [6] on the global divergence of these processes. Finally wedraw a parallel with the work of Hammond and Rezkhanlou [96],which leads us to a general discussion on coalescent processes incontinuous space.

5.1 Coalescing random walks

The model of coalescing random walks is awfully simple to describe:let d ≥ 1 and imagine that, initially, every site of Zd is occupied by asingle particle. As time evolves, particles perform independent sim-ple random walks in continuous time with identical rates of jump (say1). The interaction arises when a particle jumps onto a site whichis already occupied: in that case, the two coalesce instantly. Thatis, their trajectories are identical after that time. (One must firstensure that the model is well-defined but that is not a big problem:see, e.g., Liggett [115]). Obvious questions pertain to the density ofthis system and to the location of particles after rescaling so that thedensity is of order 1. Some more subtle ones ask what is the locationof the set of ancestors of a given particle. This system may be easyto define but its analysis is far from simple, and has given birth to arich theory.

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5.1.1 The asymptotic density

Let pt be the probability that there is a particle at the origin at timet. Of course, the system is translation-invariant so this is also theprobability that there is a particle at any given site. Hence pt shouldbe regarded as the density of the system at time t. Bramson anGriffeath showed the following remarkable result on the asymptoticbehaviour of pt:

Theorem 5.1. As t →∞,

pt ∼ gd(t) :=

(πt)−1/2 if d = 1log t/(πt) if d = 21/(γdt) if d ≥ 3


Here γd is the probability that simple random walk on Zd never re-turns to its starting point.

Bramson and Griffeath’s original proof was rather complicatedand based on a moment calculation of Sawyer [141], which, beingessentially a big computation, did not shed much light on the subject.Later, a simpler and more probabilistic proof was discovered by Coxand Perkins [56] using the super-Brownian invariance principle forthe voter model of Cox, Durrett and Perkins [54]. As we will see,the voter model is indeed dual to coalescing random walks and henceit is not a surprise that this invariance principle would be of greathelp.

However, a completely elementary approach has been recently de-veloped by van den Berg and Kesten [25], and this approach hasthe merit of being extremely robust to changes in the details of themodel. The drawback is that one often has to work in higher di-mensions, i.e., above d = 3. However, since this approach is bothelementary and elegant, we propose a brief exposition of the mainidea.

Proof. (sketch)The idea is to try to compute the derivative of pt. On first order


dtpt ≈ −p2

t (134)

since the density decays when two particles meet, which happens atrate roughly p2

t if the location of the particles were independent. If

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(134) was an equality, we could solve this differential equation andget that, as t → ∞, pt ≈ 1/t. This gives us the right order ofmagnitude when d ≥ 3, but even then note that the constant is off:we are missing a factor γd.

A more precise version of (134) is the following. Assume thatd ≥ 3. Note that, to compute the derivative of pt there is an exactexpression based on the generator of the system. If η ∈ 0, 1Zd

denotes the configuration of the system (where we identify η withthe set of occupied particles), and if ηx→y denotes the configurationwhere a particle at x has been moved to y, and ηx→∅ the configura-tion where a particle at x has been killed, then the generator G ofthe system of particles is

Gf(η) =∑x∈η


[f(ηx→y)− f(η)]12d



[f(ηx→∅)− f(η)]12d

(where y ∼ x means that y and x are neighbours). Specializing tothe function f(η) = 10∈η, and denoting I = #y ∼ 0 : y ∈ η thisimplies

Gf(η) = 10/∈ηI

2d− 10∈η


2d(1− 10∈η)− 10∈η

Therefore, by translation invariance, since E(I) = 2dP(0 ∈ η), weget:


dtpt = E[Gf(ηt)]

= −P(both 0 and e1 are occupied) (135)

where e1 is any of the origin’s 2d neighbours. If the occupationof both 0 and e1 at time t were independent events, we would thusimmediately obtain equality in (134). However, this is far from beingthe case: indeed, if there is a particle at the origin, chances are thatit killed (coalesced with) any particle around it! There is thus aneffect of negative correlation here. Remarkably enough, it turns outthat this effect can be evaluated.

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Indeed, what is the chance that both 0 and e1 are occupied? LetE be this event, and fix some number ∆t > 0 such that ∆t → ∞but ∆t = o(t) (think, for now, of ∆t =

√t). For the event E to

occur, there must be two ancestor particles at time t −∆t, locatedat some positions x and y ∈ Zd, and the trajectories of two indepen-dent simple random walks started from x and y must find their wayduring time ∆t to 0 and e1 without ever intersecting. If ∆t is largeenough, then chances are that x and y must be far apart, in whichcase the events that x and y are occupied are indeed approximatelyindependent. Hence the probability that x and y are both occupiedis about p2

t−∆t. However, since ∆t = o(t), pt−∆t ≈ pt and thus thisprobability is approximately p2

t . Now, to compute the probabilitythat the two random walks end up at 0 and e1 respectively withoutintersecting, we use a time-reversal argument: it is the same as theprobability that two random walks started at 0 and e1 never inter-sect during [0,∆t] and end up at x and y. That is, letting S and S′

be these walks:

P(E) ≈∑


P(S∆t = x, S′∆t = y, S[0,∆t] ∩ S′[0, ∆t] = ∅)p2t

= p2t P (S[0, ∆t] ∩ S′[0, ∆t] = ∅)

But since the difference of two independent rate 1 simple randomwalks is rate 2 simple random walk started from e1, we see that theprobability of the event in the right-hand side is the same as theprobability that a random walk started from e1 never returned tothe origin up to time ∆t. Since d ≥ 3 and ∆t is large, it followsthat simple random walk is transient and thus this probability isapproximately γd. We conclude:


dtpt ∼ −γdp

2t . (136)

Integrating this result gives Theorem 5.1.Naturally, there are various sources of error in this approximation,

all of which must be controlled. For instance, one error made in thiscalculation is that the ancestors x and y are not necessarily unique.They are however likely to be unique if ∆t is not too big. van denBerg and Kesten [25] have used this approach to obtain a densityresult for a modified model of coalescing random walks, where themethod of Bramson and Griffeath, relying on the duality with the

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voter model and the exact computation of Sawyer, completely col-lapses. However, they were able to obtain an asymptotic densityresult based on this heuristic (first in large enough dimension [25],and then for all d ≥ 3 [26]).

5.1.2 Arratia’s rescaling

Soon after Bramson and Griffeath proved Theorem 5.1, Arratia con-sidered the more precise question of what can be said about thelocation of the particles that have survived up to time t. In order tobe able to see a limiting point process, one has to rescale space sothat the average number of particles in a cube of volume 1 is one,say. That is, we shrink each edge to a length of

ε := gd(t)1/d (137)

and letPt(dx) =



Arratia’s remarkable result [8] is as follows:

Theorem 5.2. Assume that d ≥ 2. Then Pt converges weakly toa Poisson point process with intensity dx, the Lebesgue measure onRd, as t →∞. If d = 1 then there exists a nondegenerate limit whichis non-Poissonian.

Proof. (sketch) Arratia’s proof is deceptively short, and we onlysketch the idea of why this works: the reader is invited to consult[8] for the real details of the proof. The reason we get a Poissonianlimit only in dimension 2 and higher is because it is possible to finda ∆t such that ∆t = o(t) but ∆t is large enough that

√∆t À 1/ε.

Since ε = gd(t)1/d ∼ 1/(√

πt) in dimension d = 1, it is not possibleto find such a ∆t in dimension 1. However, taking for instance∆t = t1/2+1/d in dimension d ≥ 3 and ∆t = t/

√log t for d = 2 works.

Once this is the case, the idea is to say that if B is a fixed compactconvex set of Rd, with high probability there are no coalescencesbetween times t−∆t and t within B. More precisely, if Pt denotes

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the same Point process as P except that the coalescences are notallowed during this time interval, then

P(Pt|B 6= Pt|B) → 0, as t →∞. (138)

Indeed, note that, on the one hand, η always has more particles thanη, and on the other hand, by applying the Markov property at times = t−∆t, so that if pt(x, y) denotes the transition probabilities ofcontinuous time simple random walk on Zd, and if we let ηt(x) =1x∈ηt,

E(ηt(x)) =∑


E(ηs(y))p∆t(y, x)

= ps


p∆t(x, y)

= ps.

Therefore, putting these two things together, we find, for x ∈ Zd:

P(ηt(x) 6= ηt(x)) ≤ E(ηt(x)− ηt(x))≤ ps − pt,

and it follows that

P(Pt|B 6= Pt|B) ≤∑

x∈Zd∩( 1ε)B

P(ηt(x) 6= ηt(x))

≤ 1εd

λ(B)(ps − pt)

≤ 2λ(B)ps − pt

pt→ 0.

It follows from this that we can pretend (with high probability) thatno coalescence occurred, in which case particles behave as if theywere independent simple random walks. However, since

√∆t À

(1/ε) (which is the typical size in the original lattice of the set B),it means that “particles have enough time to mix” and thus theirlocations are i.i.d. uniform in B. Since the mean number of particlesin B is 1, this can only mean that particles are distributed as aPoisson point process with unit intensity.

This argument shows why the limit cannot be Poissonian in d = 1:particles meet and coalesce too often for them to have the time to

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get back to some sort of equilibrium density. Indeed, in dimensiond = 1, the effect of negative correlations is so strong that it doesnot disappear even at large scales of space. The limiting object is aprocess known as Arratia’s coalescing flow which shares similar prop-erties of the coalescing flow analysed in Theorem 3.15 for Kingman’scoalescent. This is also intimately connected to an object calledthe Brownian web, which has been the subject of intense researchrecently.

5.1.3 Voter model and super-Brownian limit

To describe more precise questions connected with the geometry ofthe set of individuals that have coalesced by some time, it is useful tointroduce a system of particles called the (multitype) Voter model .It turns out that this model is in duality with coalescing randomwalks on the one hand, and on the other hand, that there exists aninvariance principle for this model (due to Cox, Durrett and Perkins[54]). That is, this model is known to have super-Brownian motion asits scaling limit. This invariance principle has been further sharpenedby Bramson, Cox and Le Gall [41] who showed that the geometryof a single “patch” (i.e., the set of individuals that coalesced to asingle particle currently located at the origin, provided that there issuch a particle), has the geometry of the Super-Brownian excursionmeasure.

We first explain the notion of duality with the voter model. The(multitype) voter model is a system of particle on Zd where eachvertex is occupied by a certain opinion. This opinion may take twovalues (0 or 1) in the two-type case, but in the multitype case everyindividual initially has their own opinion. As time evolves, at rate1, any site x may infect a randomly chosen neighbour, say y: theny adopts the opinion that x currently holds. Thus it is convenientto label opinions by the vertices of Zd. To say that vertex x at timet has the opinion y ∈ Zd means that there was a chain of infectionsfrom y to x in time t. (Thus x carries the opinion that individualy was carrying at time 0.) The duality between the two-type votermodel and coalescing random walks η states the following. Let E↓denote the expectation for coalescing random walks ηt started froma set B ⊂ Zd; and let E↑ denote the expectation for the two-typevoter model started from a set A. (That is, initially x ∈ A carriesopinion 1, and everybody else carries opinion 0). Let ξt denote the

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set of 1 opinions at time t in this model:

Theorem 5.3. Let A,B ⊂ Zd be two subsets. Then we have theduality relation:

P↑(ξt ⊇ B|ξ0 = A) = P↓(ηt ⊆ A|η0 = B). (139)

Proof. (sketch) The proof is most easily seen with a picture, as bothprocesses can be constructed using a graphical representation. Foreach oriented edge e = (x, y) linking two neighbouring vertices, asso-ciate an independent Poisson clock (N e(t), t ∈ R) with rate 1. Thisclock has two interpretations, depending on whether we wish to useit to construct coalescing random walks or the voter model. For theformer, a ring of the clock N e signifies that x infects y, i.e., y adoptsthe opinion of x. For coalescing random walks, a ring of the edgemeans that a particle which was at x moves at y. This is shown inFigure 11. Fix 0 < t. For s < t and two vertices x, y we say there isa path down from (t, y) to (s, x) if following the arrows emanatingfrom y at time t leads to x at time s. Define a process (W t,y

s )0≤s≤t

by putting W t,ys = x if and only if there is a path down from (t, y) to

(t− s, x). Then it is easy to see that (W t,ys )0≤s≤ty∈Zd is a system

of coalescing random walks run for time t. On the other hand, ifA ⊂ Zd we may define for all t ≥ 0, ξt = y ∈ Zd : W t,y

t ∈ A. Then(ξt)t≥0 has the law of the two-type voter model started from ξ0 = A.Now note that, with this construction

ξt ⊇ B = W t,yt ∈ A for all y ∈ B = ηt ⊆ A

where ηt is the system of coalescing random walks defined by theprocesses (W t,y

s )0≤s≤ty∈B. This completes the proof.

Observe that, with the voter model, we have a nice dynamicsforward in time with a clear branching structure. The fact thatthe density of coalescing random walks is asymptotic to 1/(γdt) indimension d ≥ 3 implies that the a given opinion at time 0 in themultitype voter process has a probability about 1/(γdt) to surviveup to time t. It is well-known that there is a similar behaviourfor critical Galton-Watson branching processes with finite variance([108], [102]): P(Zt > 0) ∼ K/t, where K = 2/σ2.

This suggests that, in dimensions d ≥ 3, the branching structureof the voter model is well-approximated by a critical Galton-Watson

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Voter model

Coalescing random walks

Figure 11: The duality between coalescing random walks and thevoter model. A dot indicates an edge which rings. Only the ringswhich affect the particles have been represented.

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process. On top of this branching structure, particles are movingaccording to simple random walk: therefore, we do expect in the limitas t → ∞ that this system can be rescaled to the super Brownianmotion, as this is precisely defined as the scaling limit of criticalbranching Galton-Watson process with Brownian displacements (seeEtheridge [72] for a wonderful introduction to the subject). Theinvariance principle of Cox, Durrett and Perkins states this resultformally:

Theorem 5.4. Let ξNt denote a voter model started from a certain

initial condition ξN0 . Let d ≥ 2, and let mN = N if d ≥ 3 or N/ log N

if d = 2. If XNt (dx) = 1



tδy(dx), then, provided XN

0 ⇒ X0

as N →∞, we have:

(XNtN , t ≥ 0) −→d (Xt, t ≥ 0) (140)

the super-Brownian motion with branching rate r = 2γd and spatialvariance σ2 = 1.

We finish this discussion by stating the sharpened result of Bram-son, Cox and Le Gall [41], which describes the geometry of the patchIt of the origin, conditionally on the event that there is a particle atthe origin.

Theorem 5.5. There is the following convergence in distribution ast →∞: It√

t−→ Supp(X)

where X has the distribution of a super-Brownian excursion condi-tioned to reach level 1.

(This convergence holds with respect to the Hausdorff metric oncompact sets.) We haven’t defined the super-Brownian excursionproperly, nor super Brownian motion in fact. This is simply therescaled limit of a single critical Galton-Watson tree with finite vari-ance, conditioned to reach a high level n, and with independentBrownian displacements along the tree. See [41] for details.

5.1.4 Stepping stone and interacting diffusions

We now provide a very short and partial presentation of the steppingstone model of population genetics. Essentially, this is a spatial

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version of the Moran model studied in Theorem 2.3, and it mayalso be viewed as a generalization of the voter model of the previoussection. The model is as follows. Fix a graph G which for us will bealways the d-dimensional Euclidean lattice or a large d-dimensionaltorus (Z/L)d, and let N ≥ 1. We view each site as a colony or deme,and N is the total number of individuals of a given population ateach colony. Here we only define the model without mutations, butit is easy to add mutations if desired. The stepping stone modeltracks the evolution of various allelic types at each site x ∈ Zd, asthey are passed along to descendants. Since this is a spatial versionof the Moran model, individuals reproduce in continuous time atconstant rate equal to 1, and when individual i reproduces, someother individual j adopts the type of individual i. We merely need tospecify how j is chosen. This is done as follows: fix 0 < ν < 1, whichwe think of being a small number. With probability 1−ν, j is chosenuniformly at random different from i but in the same colony as i,say x ∈ Zd. Otherwise, with probability ν, j is chosen from anothercolony, with colony y being selected with probability q(y, x), whereq(y, x) denotes the transition probabilities of a fixed random walkon Zd. This choice is made so that when we follow the genealogicallineages of this model, backward in time, we obtain a random walk incontinuous time with transition probabilities q(x, y). In what follows,the reader may think of the case where q(x, y) is not only symmetricin x, y ∈ (Z/L)d and a function only of y−x, but also that it has thesame symmetries as Zd. (Naturally, it is fine to think of the simplerandom walk transition probabilities: q(x, y) = (1/2d)1x∼y, wherex ∼ y denote that x and y are neighbours in the torus (Z/L)d).

The exact quantity which we track may depend on the context: forinstance, by analogy with the Fleming-Viot model of Theorem 3.11,it may be convenient to start the model with all individuals carryingallelic types given by independent uniform random variables on (0,1),and follow the process

Xt =






; t ≥ 0.

Here ξi(t, x) ∈ (0, 1) denotes the type of the ith individual at time tin colony x. The stepping stone model has a long history, which itwould take much too long to describe here. We simply mention thethree papers which had huge impact on the subject, starting with

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the work of Kimura [103] and the subsequent analysis by Kimuraand Weiss [104] and by Weiss and Kimura [151]. Durrett [66] devotesChapter 5 of his book to this model. It contains a fine review of somerecent results on this model due in particular to Cox and Durrett[53] as well as Zahle, Cox and Durrett [152]. We describe some ofthe main results below. For those results, what matters is only thetime of coalescence and genealogical properties of the model (whichis why it is not too important what is the exact quantity tracked bythe stepping stone model).

To start with, we describe some results regarding the time of co-alescence of two lineages. We take the case d = 2, which is not onlythe most biologically relevant but also the most interesting mathe-matically. The result depends rather sensitively on the relative orderof magnitude of the starting locations of these lineages, the size L ofthe torus, and the size N of the population in each colony. To startwith, assume that the two lineages are chosen uniformly at randomfrom the torus. Let T0 be the time which the lineages need to findthemselves at the same location, and let t0 be the total time theyneed to coalesce (thus t0 ≥ T0, almost surely). The following resultis due to Cox and Durrett [53].

Theorem 5.6. Let d = 2. For all t > 0, as L →∞, and ν → 0,


T0 >L2 log L


)→ e−t.

Moreover, after T0, the additional time needed to coalesce t0 − T0

satisfies:E(t0 − T0) = NL2.

Here σ denotes the variance of q in some arbitrary coordinate(since q has the same symmetries as Zd, it does not matter whichone).

Proof. (sketch) By considering the difference of the location of thetwo lineages, the question may be reformulated as follows: start froma location at random in the torus, and ask what is the hitting timeof zero for a rate 2ν continuous time random walk (Xt, t ≥ 0) withkernel q. By stationarity, the expected amount of time Xt has spentat 0 by time L2 is exactly equal to 1. On the other hand, if X0 = 0,

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the amount of time Xt = 0 in the next L2 units of time is, by thelocal central limit theorem,

∫ L2

0P0(Xt = 0)dt ∼ log(L2)


log L


since P0(Xt = 0) ∼ (2πσ2(2νt))−1. Thus, on average the particlespends one unit of time at the origin by time L, but conditionally onhitting 0 this becomes approximately log L/(2πνσ2). It is not hardto deduce from these two facts that

P(T0 < L2) ∼ 2πνσ2

log L.

Using a mixing argument (after a large constant times L2, the walkhas mixed and forgotten its initial state, so there is a fresh chance tohit o in the next period of the same length) one can deduce the firstresult without too much difficulty. The second result is a much moregeneral property of so-called symmetric matrix migration models,see Theorem 4.13 in [66].

There are thus two situations to consider for the asymptotics oft0: either t0 − T0 dominates or T0 dominates. The first one happensif

E(T0) = O(L2 log L

ν) ¿ E(t0 − T0) = NL2

i.e. if Nν/ log L →∞. In this case we obtain:

Corollary 5.1. Assume that Nν/ log Ld−→∞. Then as L →∞,


→ E,

an exponential random variable.

The interesting case occurs of course if both contributions to t0are of a comparable order of magnitude. Thus


log L→ α. (141)

Theorem 5.7. We have:


t0 > (1 + α)L2 log L


)→ e−t. (142)

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This is complemented by a result, due to [152], which says thatthe genalogy of a random sample of n individuals from the torus isapproximately given by Kingman’s coalescent, after a suitable time-change. Let hL = (1 + α)L2 log L/(2πσ2ν). The following result(Theorem 2 in [152]), is originally formulated for the number of lin-eages backward in time of such a sample, but can be reformulatedin terms of convergence to Kingman’s coalescent, which we do here.Let k ≥ 1 and let (ΠL,k

t , t ≥ 0) denote the ancestral partition processfor these k individuals.

Theorem 5.8. As L,N → ∞ and ν → 0 in such a way that (141)holds, then

(ΠL,khLt, t ≥ 0) d−→ (Πk

t , t ≥ 0),

Kingman’s k-coalescent.

The proof of this result follows the lines of an argument due to Coxand Griffeath [55], who proved a similar result in the context of thevoter model, or coalescing random walks. Naturally, the idea is toexploit the fact that particles are very well mixed on the torus by thetime they coalesce, leading to the asymptotic Markovian property ofthe ancestral partition process, and to the fact that every pair ofcoalescence is equally likely. (The fact that only pairwise mergersoccurs is also a consequence of the relative difficulty to coalesce inmore than 1 dimension: we rarely see three particles close enough tocoalesce instantly on the time scale that we are looking at).

A particularly interesting case of this question arises when the twolineages are not selected just uniformly at random from the torus butfrom a subdomain of the torus which is a square of sidelength Lβ with0 ≤ β ≤ 1. This reflects the fact that, in many biological studies,samples come from a fairly small portion of the space (see [152] orsection 5.3 of [66] for results). In that case Theorem 5.8 still holdsbut the time-change is slightly more complicated (and is not justlinear, in particular). In the next section on spatial Λ-coalescents,an even more extreme view of individuals sampled from the exactsame location is presented.

Note that mutations may be added to the stepping stone modelwithout difficulty (instead of adopting the type of his parent, a new-born adopts a new and never seen before type). Also, if we imag-ine following forward in time the evolution of the densities at var-ious sites of a certain subpopulation (say they are of type a, and

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there are no mutations), then we can establish a relation of dualitywith certain interacting Wright-Fisher diffusions. These diffusions(px(t), t ≥ 0)x∈Zd are characterized by the infinite system of SDEs:

dpx(t) =∑


qxy(py(t)− px(t))dt +√

px(t)(1− px(t))dWx(t) (143)

where Wxx∈Zd is a collection of independent Brownian motions.This duality is exactly the spatial analogue of Theorem 2.7 betweenKingman’s coalescent and the Wright-Fisher diffusion. (Note thatexistence and uniqueness of solutions to (143) is non trivial but fol-lows from the duality method).

5.2 Spatial Λ-coalescents

5.2.1 Definition

When considering population models in which the geometric inter-action of individuals is taken into account, we are led to studyinga process which was introduced by Limic and Sturm in 2006 [116],called the spatial Λ-coalescent. Loosely speaking, these models areobtained by considering the ancestral partition process associatedwith the stepping stone model of the previous section. However,there are two differences. On the one hand, the graph G will be thed-dimensional lattice Zd rather than a torus, where d = 1, 2 are themost relevant cases: for instance, one can think for d = 1 of a specieswhich lives on an essentially one-dimensional coastline. More impor-tantly, there is an additional degree of generalisation compared tothe stepping stone model. Strictly speaking, if we reverse the timein the stepping stone model (and speed up time by (N − 1)/2, as inTheorem 2.3), the process which we will obtain is the spatial King-man coalescent: pairs of particles coalesce at rate 1 when they areon the same site, and otherwise perform independent random walksin continuous time. In the spatial Λ-coalescent, the mechanism ofcoalescence is such that it allows for multiple mergers at any site.More precisely, the model is defined as follows. Given a graph G anda set of particles:

1. Particles follow the trajectory of independent simple randomwalks in continuous time on Zd, with a fixed jump rate ρ > 0.

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2. Particles that are on the same sites coalesce according to thedynamics of a Λ-coalescent.

Definition 5.1. This model is the spatial Λ-coalescent of Limic andSturm [116].

We content ourselves with this informal description of the processand refer the reader to [116] for a more rigorous one. It is non-trivial to check that the process is well-defined on an infinite graph,but this can be done using a graphical construction together withthe Poissonian construcion of Λ-coalescents. We do not specify inthis definition the initial configuration. In fact, it could be quitearbitrary: in particular, it is possible to start the process with aninfinite number of particles on all sites of a given (possibly infinite)subset. This follows from the fact that there is a natural propertyof consistency which is inherited directly from the concistency ofΛ-coalescents.

A particular case of interest is, naturally, the spatial Kingman co-alescent, where particles perform independent simple random walkswith constant jump rate ρ > 0 and each pair of particles on thesame site coalesces at rate 1. This is related to the genealogical treeassociated with the stepping stone model.

A first property of spatial Λ-coalescents is that if Λ is such thatthe Λ-coalescent comes down from infinity (i.e., if Grey’s condition issatisfied or the condition in Theorem 3.7 holds), then at every timet > 0, there is only a finite number of particles on every site. Intu-itively, this is because coming down from infinity is a phenomenonthat happens so close to t = 0 that particles don’t have the time tojump before it happens. Limic and Sturm actually showed a strongerstatement than this, showing that coming down from infinity, inter-preted in the sense of a finite number of particles per site, alwayshappens in a uniform way, independently of the graph structure: ifB is any finite subset of the graph, let Tk be the the first time whenthe number of particles in B is no more than k per site on average(i.e., no more than k|B| particles in B). Then the following estimateholds:

Theorem 5.9. Assume that∑∞

b=2 γ−1b < ∞ so that the Λ-coalescent

comes down from infinity. Then for any graph G,

E(Tk) ≤∞∑




γk< ∞.

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5.2.2 Asymptotic study on the torus

Limic and Sturm considered the situation of a spatial Λ-coalescenton a large torus of Zd. They were able to show the following result:if d ≥ 3, as the torus increases to Zd, the genealogy of an arbi-trary number of samples from the torus is well-approximated by amean-field Kingman’s coalescent run at a certain speed. This is theanalogue of Theorem 5.8, except for the initial condition (as we nowexplain).

To state this result, let G be the total expected number of visitsat the origin by a simple random walk in Zd started at the origin,that is, G = 1/γd where γd is the probability of not returning to theorigin. Define

κ :=2

G + 2/λ2,2. (144)

Suppose that a fixed number of particles n is sampled from thetorus of side-length 2N +1 and that the initial location v1, . . . , vn ofthese particles does not changed as N →∞ (here the torus is viewedas a subset of Zd with periodic boundary conditions). Because simplerandom walk is transient, it is possible to define unambiguously apartition Πn which is the eventual partition formed by running thedynamics of the spatial Λ-coalescent on Zd. Thus i ∼ j in Πn ifparticles started from vi and vj did coalesce at some point. (Thispartition is typically nontrivial because of transience!)

Theorem 5.10. Let ΠN,nt denote the partition obtained from run-

ning the dynamics of the spatial Λ-coalescent on the torus of side-length N for time t. Then if (Kt, t ≥ 0) is the (mean-field) Kingmancoalescent of chapter 2, started from the partition Πn, then we have:


, t ≥ 0) −→ (Kκt, t ≥ 0). (145)

This convergence holds as N →∞ and in the sense of the Skorokhodtopology for Pn.

Proof. (sketch) The idea of the proof is the same as in Theorem 5.8and in [55]. We are working in higher dimension than 2 here, butthat can only help mixing. Note that the definition of the term κin (144) precisely takes into account the effects of transience andmixing on the one hand, and coalesence on the other hand. This iswhy both G and λ2,2 come up in this definition. That κ depends

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only on Λ through λ2,2 = Λ([0, 1]) is to be expected, since typicallywhen particles meet, the density is so low that there are only twoparticles at this site, and the other are far away.

We point out that a version of Theorem 5.10 was first proved byCox and Griffeath [55] for instantaneously coalescing random walksand by Greven, Limic and Winter for the spatial Kingman coalescent[93].

5.2.3 Global divergence

While Theorem 5.9 tells us that for a Λ-coalescent which comes downfrom infinity, there are only a finite number of particles per site, whatit does not tell us is whether a finite number of particles are left intotal at any time t > 0. To consider an extreme case, imagine thatthe initial configuration at time 0 is an infinite number of particleson the same site but no particle anywhere else. What is the totalnumber of particles at time t > 0? It might happen that, even thoughthere are only a finite number of particles per site, sufficiently manyhave escaped and they have instantly spread all over the lattice. Theanswer to these questions is provided in [6], which shows that globaldivergence is a universal rule, no matter what graph and underlyingmeasure Λ. We start with the case of Kingman’s coalescent.

Theorem 5.11. Let Nnt be the number of particles at time t if ini-

tially there are n particles at the origin in Zd. Then there existsc1, c2 > 0 such that with probability 1 as n →∞,

c1(log∗ n)d ≤ Nt ≤ c2(log∗ n)d. (146)

Here the function log∗ n is simply defined as the inverse log∗ n :=infm ≥ 1 : Tow(m) ≥ n of the tower function:

Tow(n) = eTow(n−1) := ee. . .e

︸ ︷︷ ︸n times

. (147)

In words, start with a number n, and take the logarithm of thisnumber iteratively until you reach a number smaller than 1. Thenumber of iterations is log∗ n. In particular, log∗ n has an incrediblyslow growth to infinity: for instance, if n = 1078, (the number ofparticles in the universe) log∗ n = 4. Thus, whether or not you con-sider that the spatial Kingman coalescent comes down from infinity

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or not is essentially a matter of taste! (In particular, if you are abiologist, you might consider that log∗ n = 3 for any practical n...)

Since Kingman’s coalescent is the fastest to come down from in-finity (Corollary 4.2) it follows that any spatial Λ-coalescent on Zd

is globally divergent. Since moreover Z is the smallest bi-infinitegraph, we get:

Theorem 5.12. Any spatial Λ-coalescent on any infinite graph isglobally divergent (i.e., does not come down from infinity).

This is in sharp contrast with the non-spatial case where comingdown from infinity depends on the measure Λ.

Proof. (of Theorem 5.11 - sketch). The basic idea is to first focuson the vertex at the origin, and investigate how many particles evermake it out of the origin. We may thus represent the coalescence ofparticles there as a tree and we put a mark on the tree to indicatethat the corresponding particle has jumped. For the moment, ig-nore the behaviour of particles after they have left the origin, so forinstance you may think that a particle that jumps is frozen immedi-ately. Note that, since jumps occur at constant rate ρ, the numberof particles that ever leave the origin is exactly equal to the numberof families in the allelic partition with mutation rate ρ. In particu-lar, this number is equal to Kn, the number of blocks in a PD(θ)random partition restricted to [n] with θ/2 = ρ. By Theorem 2.10(which is a simple consequence of the Chinese Restaurant Process)this number is approximately θ log n.

Moreover, some more precise computations show that most of theaction happens in a very short span of time: roughly, the vast major-ity of the particles who are going to leave the origin have already doneso by time 1/(log n)2. By this time, particles which have jumpedonce have not had the time to jump any further or come back. Dueto the fact that there are about 2/t blocks in Kingman’s coalescentat a small time t, there are about 2(log n)2 particles left at the ori-gin, and about n1 = (θ/(2d)) log n particles at each neighbour (bythe law of large numbers). Starting from here, we can replicate thisargument: about θ log n1 will ever leave all sites at distance 1 fromthe origin, so that in the next step, the sites at distance 2 from theorigin receive about n2 := (θ/2d) log n1 ≈ (θ/2d) log log n particles.The argument can be iterated, and each time one wants to colonizea new site, a log has to be taken. This may go on until we run out

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of particles, which happens after precisely log∗ n iterations. At thispoint, a ball of radius log∗ n has been colonized, which correspondsto a volume of about (log∗ n)d. On each of those sites, using thework of Limic and Sturm for finite graphs (Theorem 5.9), at timet > 0 there will about O(1) particles on every site. Theorem 5.11follows after estimating the various errors made in this induction andshowing they are negligible.

Applying this reasoning to measures Λ with the “regular varia-tion” property of Definition 4.1 (such as the Beta distribution withparameters (2− α, α)), gives us:

Theorem 5.13. Let 1 < α < 2 and consider the spatial Λ-coalescentwith regular variation of index α. Let Nn

t be the number of particlesat time t if initially there are n particles at the origin in Zd. Thenthere exists c1, c2 > 0 such that with probability 1 as n →∞,

c1 log log n ≤ Nnt ≤ c2 log log n. (148)

5.2.4 Long-time behaviour

Consider the spatial Kingman coalescent, started from a large num-ber of particles at the same site. The results from the previoussection tell us that the particles quickly settle to a situation wherethere is a bounded number of particles per site in a rather “large”region of space (large in quotation marks, as we have seen that afterall log∗ n shouldn’t be considered large for any practical purpose!).After this initial phase of decay, a different kind of behaviour kicksin, where the geometry of space plays a much more crucial role thanbefore. Particles start diffusing and coalescence events become muchmore rare than before. The behaviour is then altogether rather sim-ilar to the case of instantaneously coalescing random walks: indeed,when two particles meet, they stand a decent chance of coalescing.Thus, starting from a situation where a ball of radius m = log∗ nhas about one particle per site (or m = log log n for spatial beta-coalescents), we can expect the density to start decaying like 1/t asin Theorem 5.1 for a while. When particles start realising that theinitial condition wasn’t infinite (i.e., there wasn’t one particle persite on every site of the lattice but only a finite portion of size ap-proximately m), the density essentially stops decaying. This takesplace at a time of order m2 because of the diffusivity of particles. At

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this time, the density is about 1/m2 and particles are distributed ina volume of about md. Thus, in dimensions d ≥ 3, we expect aboutmd−2 particles to survive forever. This heuristics is confirmed by thefollowing result:

Theorem 5.14. Let N∞ be the number of particles that surviveforever, if initially there are n particles at the origin, and let m =log∗ n. There exist some constants c > 0 and C > 0 (depending onlyon d) such that, if d ≥ 3:

P(cmd−2 < N∞ < Cmd−2

)−−−→n→∞ 1, (149)

In dimension 2, since simple random walk is almost surely recur-rent, every pair of particle is bound to meet infinitely often and thusto coalesce. Hence only one particle may survive forever. However,the heuristics above can be adapted to show what is the asymptoticrate of decay of the number of particles. As anticipated, the correcttime-scale is of order m2:

Theorem 5.15. Let d = 2 and let Nt be the number of particlesthat survive up to time t > 0. If δ > 0, there exist some universalconstants c1 and c2 such that



log(δ + 2)log m < Nδm2 <


log(δ + 2)log m

)−−−→n→∞ 1. (150)

There are two statements hidden in (150). The first one says thatthe number of particles at time δm2 is about log m. The second saysthat if δ is large, then the constant term in front of log m is of theorder of 1/ log(δ).

Proof. We are not going to offer any justification of Theorem 5.14or 5.15, but we will give a rigorous argument for a lower-bound onthe expected number of survivors. This argument has the merit ofmaking it clear that this is indeed the correct order of magnitude.The idea is the following: in the ball of radius m initially, label allparticles 1, 2, . . . , Kmd for some K > 0, in some independent ran-domized way (for instance, uniformly at random). To every particlelabelled 1 ≤ i ≤ V , with V = Kmd, associate an independent contin-uous time simple random walk Si started at xi, the initial positionof particle i. In the event of a coalescence between particles withlabels i < j, we decree that the lower-labelled particle necessarily

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wins: after this event, both particles i and j follow the trajectory ofthe walk Si.

Fix ε > 0 and let P be the population of particles with labels1 ≤ i ≤ εm2. It suffices to show that a typical member of P standsa nonzero (asymptotically) chance to survive forever. However, aparticle i ∈ P may only disappear if it coalesces with a particlewith a lower label than itself, and hence it can only disappear ifit coalesces with another member j from P in particular. Let usassume for instance that this particle is sitting at the origin initially.If j ∈ P is at position x ∈ Zd initially, the probability that Sj it everis going to meet Si is smaller or equal to the expected number ofvisits to the origin by Sj − Si, which is equal to the Green functionG(x) of simple random walk. Now, it is standard that:

G(x) ∼ c|x|2−d (151)

Hence, the expected number of coalescences K(i) of i with othermembers of P is smaller than

E(K(i)) ≤∑


P(there is a particle from P at x)

× P(the two particles coalesce)

≤ Cm∑


kd−1 εmd−2


≤ Cm−2m∑



= Cε.

The probability that i disappears is smaller than the expected num-ber of coalescences with members from P , thus the probability ofsurvival is greater than 1 − Cε. By making ε sufficiently small,this is greater than 1/2, and we conclude that the expected num-ber of particles that survive forever is thus at least greater or equalto (1/2)#P = (ε/2)md−2. Some more precise computations on thedependence between these events for various particles i and a mar-tingale argument are enough to conclude for the lower-bound in The-orem 5.14.

The upper-bound is on the other hand much more delicate, and theargument of [6] uses a multiscale analysis to show that the density

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decays in a roughly inversely proportional way to time in d ≥ 3. Thekey difficulty is to control particles that may escape to unpopulatedregions and thereby slowing coalescence. The multiscale approachallows to bound the probability of such events at every stage.

5.3 Some continuous models

At this stage the understanding of spatial Λ-coalescents is quiterough and it would be of considerable interest to establish moreprecise results about the distribution of the location of the particlesin the manner of, say, Theorem 5.4. The first step is to identifythe effective branching rate in the time-reversed picture. There areseveral possible ways to do this. One of them is to get some inspira-tion from a remarkable study by Hammond and Rezkhanlou [96] ofa model of coalescing Brownian motions.

5.3.1 A model of coalescing Brownian motions

In this model, N particles are performing a Brownian motion in Rd

with d ≥ 3 say, although they have also studied the case d = 2in a separate paper [97] (see also [137] for a related model wheremasses may be continuous). Two particles may interact when theyfind themselves at a distance of order ε of one another, where ε > 0.One way to describe this interaction is that there is an exponentialclock with rate ε2 for every pair of particles, such that when thetotal time spent by this pair at distances less than ε exceeds thatclock, then the two particles coalesce, and are replaced by a singleparticle at a “nearby location” (usually somewhere on the line seg-ment which joins the two particles for simplicity, although this isn’tso important). In this model, the diffusivity of particles depends alsoon the size of the block that it corresponds to: thus there is a func-tion d(n) ≥ 0 which is usually non-increasing such that a particle ofmass n (i.e., made up of n particles having coalesced together) hasa diffusivity of d(n). This models the physically reasonable situa-tion where larger particles don’t diffuse as fast as light particles. Weare also given a function α(n,m) which represents the microscopicpropensity for particles of masses n and m to coalesce, thus the ratefor the exponential clock is chosen to be ε2α(n,m).

Hammond and Rezakhanlou are able to prove in [96], subject tocertain conditions on the functions d(n), that the density of parti-

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cles rescales to an infinite hierarchy of PDEs called Smoluchowski’sequations. The initial number of particles N is chosen so that everyparticle coalesces with a bounded number of particles in a unit time-interval. A simple calculation based on the volume of the Wienersausage of radius ε around the trajectory of a single Brownian mo-tions shows that this happens if Nε2−d = Z is constant. Withthese conventions, their result is as follows. Let gε

n(dx, t) denotethe rescaled empirical distribution of particles of mass n at time tand at position x, that is, gε

n is the point measure:

gεn(dx, t) = ε2−d



where P(t) is the set of particles alive at time t and xi is the locationof particle i. Then the main result of [96] is as follows.

Theorem 5.16. For any test smooth test function J(x), and anyn ≥ 1, and for all t ≥ 0, as ε → 0:


J(x)gεn(dx, t) L1−→


J(x)fn(x, t)dx

where the functions fn(x, t) satisfy:




∆fn(x, t) + Qn1 (f)(x, t)−Qn

2 (f)(x, t), (152)

where Q1 and Q2 are given by

Qn1 (f) =



β(k, n− k)fkfn−k


Qn2 (f) = 2fn



β(n, k)fk.

The numbers β(n, m) are given in terms of a certain PDE whichinvolves α(n,m): first find the solution to

∆un,m =α(n,m)

d(n) + d(m)(1 + un,m), in B(0, 1)

with zero boundary condition on the unit sphere ∂B(0, 1), and then

β(n,m) =α(n,m)

d(n) + d(m)

B(0,1)(1 + un,m). (153)

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The equation (152) has an intuitive interpretation: roughly, fn

changes because of motion (which gives the Laplacian term), orbecause of coalescence of two particles of size k and n − k, where1 ≤ k ≤ n, (giving the first term Q1) or because of coalescence of aparticle of mass n with a particle of possibly different mass k ≥ 1(this is a loss in this case, and is responsible for the term Q2). Itshould be emphasized that proving existence and uniqueness of so-lutions to (152) can be extremely difficult, essentially due to thefact that some nontrivial gel may form (i.e., creation of particles ofinfinite mass in finite time). This is an old problem, and one thatHammond and Rezkhanlou have also partly contributed to clarify insubsequent papers.

One of the remarkable features of this result is that the macro-scopic coagulation rates β(n,m) differ from the microscopic onesα(n,m). This reflects the fact that a kind of macroscopic averagingoccurs and there is an “effective rate of coalescence”, which takesinto account how much do particles effectively see each other whenthey diffuse and may coalesce with others.

The model of spatial Λ-coalescents may be viewed as a latticeapproximation of the model of Hammond and Rezakhanlou in theparticular case where the diffusivity d(n) does not depend on n.In that case, the hierarchy of PDE’s (152) simplifies greatly andbecomes simply:



12∆f − βf2 (154)

for some β > 0. Thus it is tempting to make the conjecture that theequation (154) also describes the hydrodynamic limit of the densityof particles at time t and at position x in spatial Λ-coalescents. Thenumber β is the solution to a certain discrete difference equationwhich is the discrete analogue of (153).

5.3.2 A coalescent process in continuous space

The fact that the number β in (154) does not agree with (153) israther disconcerting. It is an indication that, even after taking thehydrodynamic limit, the discrete nature of the interactions and theexact microscopic structure of the lattice on which these interactionstake place, play an essential role in the macroscopic behaviour of thesystem. This makes it doubtful thats such models should be takentoo seriously for modeling real populations. Instead, it is natural to

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ask for models that are more robust or universal, just the same way asBrownian motion is a valid approximation of many discrete systems,irrespectively of their exact microscopic properties. Moreover, thekind of models discussed above (spatial Λ-coalescents and the modelof coalescing Brownian motions of Hammond and Rezakhanlou) fallroughly in the same kind of models as that of coalescing randomwalks, and thus we also anticipate that the genealogical relation-ships they describe is similar in some way to that of super-Brownianmotion. It should however be pointed out that super-Brownian mo-tion, although a rich source of mathematical problems in their ownright, is rather inadequate as a model of populations living in a con-tinuum. We refer the reader to the discussion in the introduction of[22] for such reasons. The difficulty is that they predict that if notextinct, at large times, the population will form ‘clumps’ of arbitrar-ily large density and extent, which goes against the intuition thatsome kind of equilibrium is settling in.

To circumvent this fact, Etheridge has recently introduced in [73]a new model of coalescence in continuous space, which is based ona Poisson point process of events in a roughly analogous fashion tothe Poissonian construction of Λ-coalescents. Suppose that we aregiven a measure µ(dr, du) on R+ × (0, 1). The measure dx ⊗ µ onRd×R+×(0, 1) indicates the rate at which a proportion u ∈ (0, 1) oflineages in a ball of radius r around any given point x coalesces. Thelocation of the newly formed particle is then chosen either uniformlyin the ball of radius r around x, or precisely at x. The analysis ofthis process is only at its very initial stage at the moment. To startwith, even the existence of the model does not appear completelytrivial: one needs some conditions on µ which guarantee that nottoo many events are happening in a given compact set: for instance,the trajectory of a given particle will be a Levy process and one setof conditions on µ comes from there. Another set is purely anal-ogous to the Λ-coalescent condition. Conditions for the existenceof the process and some of its properties are analysed in [10], whor*ly on a modification of a result due to Evans [76]. Among otherthings, they study scaling limits of this process when space is nolonger the full plane but rather a large two-dimensional torus, andthe measure µ(dr, du) may be decomposed as a sum of two measurescorresponding to “big events” which involve a large portion of thespace (such as a major ecological catastrophe) and a measure for

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small (local) events. They show that there is a large spectrum ofcoalescing processes which may be obtained in the limit to describethe genealogies of the population. This contrasts with the spatialΛ-coalescent model of Limic and Sturm where the scaling limit isalways Kingman’s coalescent, regardless of the measure Λ (Theorem5.10).

We note that a model of a discrete population evolving in contin-uous space is described in the paper [22], where the main result isthat for certain parameter values the process is ergodic in any di-mension. (As noted above, this contrasts sharply with populationmodels based on super-Brownian motion). It is believed that the co-alescent process associated with this model converges in the scalinglimit to Etheridge’s process. See [73, 22, 23] for details.

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6 Spin glass models and coalescents

In this chapter we take a look at some developments which relate acertain description of spin glass models to a coalescent process knownas the Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent. This is the Λ-coalescentprocess which arises when one takes Λ to be simply the uniformmeasure on (0, 1). We first introduce a beautiful representation ofthis process in terms of certain discrete random trees which wasdiscovered by Goldschmidt and Martin [90], and use this descriptionto prove some properties of this process. We then introduce thefamous Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model from spin glass theory, as wellas the simplification suggested by Derrida known as the GeneralizedRandom Energy Model (GREM). We describe Bovier and Kurkova’sresult [40] that the Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent describes thestatistics of the GREM as well as Bertoin and Le Gall’s connection[29] to Neveu’s continuous branching process. Finally, we describesome recent outstanding conjectures by Brunet and Derrida [46, 47]which are related to this and to several other subjects such as randomtravelling waves and population models with selection, together withongoing work in this direction.

6.1 The Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent

Definition 6.1. The Bolthausen-Sznitman (Πt, t ≥ 0) is the P-valued Λ-coalescent process obtained by taking the measure Λ to bethe uniform measure Λ(dx) = dx.

Thus the transition rates of the Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescentare computed as follows: for every 2 ≤ k ≤ b, and for every n ≥ 2, ifthe restriction of Π to [n] has b blocks exactly, then any given k-tupleof blocks coalesces with rate

λb,k =∫ 1

0xk−2(1− x)b−kdx =

(k − 2)!(b− k)!(b− 1)!

=[(b− 1)

(b− 2k − 2


. (155)

6.1.1 Random recursive trees

We follow the approach of Goldschmidt and Martin [90] which showsa representation of the Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent in terms ofcertain random trees called recursive trees.

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Definition 6.2. A recursive tree on [n] is a labelled tree with nvertices such that the label of the root is 1, and the label of verticesalong any non-backtracking path starting from the root is monotoneincreasing.

In other words, the label of a child is greater than the label ofthe parent. There are exactly (n− 1)! recursive trees on [n]: indeed,suppose that a tree of size 1 ≤ j ≤ n − 1 has been constructed.Then vertex with label j + 1 can be added as the child of any of thej vertices already present in the tree. It follows directly from thisdescription that a randomly chosen recursive tree (i.e., a recursivetree chosen uniformly at random among the (n−1)! possibilities) canbe obtained by a variation of the above procedure: namely, havingchosen a randomly chosen recursive tree on [j] with 1 ≤ j ≤ n − 1,one obtains a random recursive tree on j +1 by attaching the vertexwith label j + 1 uniformly at random at any of the j vertices of thetree.

There is a natural operation on recursive trees which is that oflifting an edge of the tree. This means the following: assume that theedge e = (i1, i2) which is being lifted connects two labels i1 < i2, sothat i1 is closer to the root than i2. Let i2, i3, . . . , ij be the collectionof labels in the subtree below i1. Then this subtree is deleted andthe label of i1 becomes i1, . . . , ij . Graphically, all vertices below i1bubble up to i1 and stay there (see Figure 12 for an example).

Goldschmidt and Martin [90] use the word cutting for the oper-ation just described, but we prefer the word lifting as it is moresuggestive: we have in mind that the subtree below the edge is givena lift up to that vertex.

This leads us to the slightly more general definition of recursivetree. Let π = (B1, . . . , Bk) be a partition of [n], with the usualconvention that blocks are ordered by their least element.

Definition 6.3. A recursive tree on π is a labelled tree with k ver-tices such that all k vertices of the tree are labelled by a block ofthe partition. The label of the root is B1, and the label of verticesalong any non-backtracking path starting from the root is monotoneincreasing for the block order.

Given a partition π = (B1, . . . , Bk) there are naturally exactly(k − 1)! possible recursive trees on π, and the previous notion of

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2 3 6

78 5 4 9


2,7,10 3 6

8 5 4 9





8 5






2,5,7,10 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

Figure 12: Lifting of successive edges of a recursive tree on 10 ver-tices.

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recursive trees corresponds to the case where π is the trivial partitioninto singletons.

With these definitions, we are able to state the following result,which is due to Goldschmidt and Martin [90], and which gives a strik-ing construction of the Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent in terms ofrandom recursive trees. Let n ≥ 1, and let T be a random uni-form recursive tree on [n]. Endow each edge e of T with an inde-pendent exponential random variable τe with mean 1, and use thisrandom variable τe to lift the edge e at time τe. The label set of thetrees defined by these successive liftings define a random partition(Πn(t), t ≥ 0).

Theorem 6.1. The process (Πn(t), t ≥ 0) has the same distributionas the restriction to [n] of the Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent.

Proof. The proof is not very difficult. The main lemma, which in[90] is generously attributed to Meir and Moon [119, 120], is thefollowing: (note that it is not literally the same as the one given in[90], where slightly more is proved).

Lemma 6.1. Let L be a given label set with b elements, and letT be a random recursive tree on L. Let e be an edge of T pickeduniformly at random, independently of T , and let T ′ be the recursivetree obtained by lifting the edge e. Then, conditionally on the labelset L′ of T ′, T ′ is a uniform random recursive tree on L′.

Proof. Fix a label set L′ = `′ such that L is more refined than L′, i.e.,L′ has been obtained from L by coalescing certain blocks, and let t′

be a given recursive tree on L′. Let us compute P(T ′ = t′; L′ = `′).Since both L and L′ are given, we know which blocks of L exactlymust have coalesced. Let us call L = `1, . . . , `b the labels of Tordered naturally, and let `i1 , . . . , `ik be those labels that coalesce.Thus let M1 = `i2 , . . . , `ik, and let M2 = L \M1. Let us considerthe various ways in which the event T ′ = t′ may occur. Firstbuild a recursive tree t1 on M1 rooted at `i2 (there are (k− 2)! waysof doing so), and consider the recursive tree t2 on M2 obtained bychanging the label `i1 , . . . `ik of t′ into `i1 . Link `i2 to `i1 by anedge e. The tree T must have been the one obtained by the junctionof t1 and t2 (which has probability exactly 1/(b− 1)!), and the edgee linking `i1 to `i2 must be lifted (which has probability 1/(b − 1)).

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P(T ′ = t′;L′ = `′) =(k − 2)!

(b− 1)(b− 1)!(156)

In particular, after division by P(L′ = `′), the above does not dependon t′ and thus T ′ is a uniform random recursive tree on L′.

It is now a simple game to conclude that the process Πn(t) hasthe Markov property and the transition rates of the Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent. Indeed, the lemma above shows that con-ditionally on Πn(t), the tree Tn(t) is a uniform random recursivetree labelled by Πn(t), and moreover since there are b − 1 edges inthe tree, the total rate at which a merger of k given blocks occurs(say `i1 , . . . , `ik among the b blocks `1, . . . , `b) is exactly b− 1 timesP(L′ = `′) using the notations in the above lemma. This may becomputed directly as in the lemma, as all that is left to do is chooseone of the (b− k)! recursive trees on M2, so

P(L′ = `′) =(k − 2)!(b− k)!(b− 1)(b− 1)!


(b− 1)2(k − 2)!(b− k)!

(b− 2)!


(b− 1)2

(b− 2k − 2


. (157)

(Another way to obtain (157) is that since T ′ is uniform conditionallygiven L′, and sice we already know that there are (b− k)! recursivetrees on L′, we conclude from (156) that P(L′ = `′) is (b− k)! timesthe right-hand side of (156), which is precisely (157).)

Thus multiplying (157) by (b− 1), the rate at which (`i1 , . . . , `ik)is merging is exactly the same as λb,k for the Bolthausen-Sznitmancoalescent (155). This finishes the proof.

6.1.2 Properties

Theorem 6.1 allows us to prove very simply a number of interest-ing properties about the Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent, some ofwhich were already discovered by Pitman [131] although using moreinvolved arguments. We start with the following result:

Theorem 6.2. Let (Πt, t ≥ 0) be the Bolthausen-Sznitman coales-cent. Then for every t > 0,

Πtd= PD(e−t, 0)

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has the Poisson-Dirichlet distribution with α = e−t and θ = 0. Inparticular, Π does not comes down from infinity.

Proof. The proof is simple from the construction of Theorem 6.1:all we have to do is observe that the Chinese Restaurant Processis embedded in the construction of random recursive trees. Indeed,let E1, . . . , be independent exponential random variables with mean1. Fix a time t > 0 and imagine constructing a random recursivetree T on [n] by adding the vertices one at a time. We also put amark on the edge ei which links vertex i to the root if and only ifEi < t. We interpret a mark as saying that the edge has been liftedprior to time t, but rather than collapsing it we keep it in placeand simply keep in mind that we have to do the lifting operationin order to obtain Πn(t). Suppose that after collapsing those edges,we would have k blocks of respective sizes n1, . . . , nk, with smallestelements i1, . . . , ik. When vertex n + 1 arrives, it forms a new blockif it attaches to one of i1, . . . , ik and if its edge isn’t marked, whichhas probability ke−t/n. Otherwise, it becomes part of a block of sizenj if it attaches to one of the nj − 1 vertices below ij (regardless ofwhether its edge has a mark) or if it is attached to ij and its edgeis marked. The probability this happens is

nj − 1 + (1− e−t)n

=nj − α


where α = e−t. Thus Πt has the Poisson-Dirichlet PD(e−t, 0) distri-bution. One can deduce from this and Theorem 1.11 that the numberof blocks at time t in Πn(t) is approximately nα with α = e−t. Sincethis tends to ∞, this proves Theorem 6.2.

Another striking application of Theorem 6.1 is the following de-scription for the frequency of a size-biased picked block. That is,consider F (t) the asymptotic frequency of the block containing 1 inΠt, where (Πt, t ≥ 0) is the Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent.

Theorem 6.3. The distribution of F (t) is the Beta(1−α, α) distri-bution, where α = e−t. Moreover, we have the following identity indistribution for the process (F (t), t ≥ 0):

F (t), t ≥ 0 d=

γ(1− e−t)γ(1)

, t ≥ 0

, (158)

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where (γ(s), s ≥ 0) is the Gamma subordinator, i.e., the processwith independent stationary increments such that P(γ(s) ∈ dx) =Γ(s)−1xs−1e−xdx.

Note that the right-hand side of (158) is Markovian, hence so is theprocess (F (t), t ≥ 0). There is no obvious reason why this should bethe case, and in fact we do not know of any other example where thisis the case. Another consequence of this fact is that − log(1− F (t))has independent (but not stationary) increments.

Proof. It is easier to think of a random recursive tree on the label set0, . . . , n with thus n + 1 vertices. Then note that as we build therandom recursive tree on this vertices, the partition Pn of 1, . . . , nobtained by looking which vertices are in the same component of thetree if we were to cut all edges connected to the root 0, is exactly aChinese Restaurant Process but this time with with parameters α =0 and θ = 1. Thus it has the same distribution as the one induced byrandom permutations. It follows that in the limit, these normalizedcomponent sizes have precisely the PD(0, 1) distribution. Now, usethe construction of Theorem 6.1 on n+1 vertices with edges markedas in the proof of Theorem 6.2, to see that the ranked jumps of F (t),say J1 ≥ J2 ≥ . . ., are precisely given by the ranked components ofa PD(0, 1) random variable. This sequence of jumps is furthermoreindependent of the corresponding jump times (T1, . . . , ), which are byconstruction independent exponential random variables with mean1. It is fairly simple to see that these three properties and the Poissonconstruction of PD(0, 1) partitions (see the remark after Theorem1.7) imply Theorem 6.3.

Analysing in greater details the probabilistic structure of randomrecursive trees (which turns out to involve some intriguing numbertheoretic expansions), Goldschmist and Martin are able to obtainsome refined estimates on the limiting behaviour of the Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent restricted to [n] and close to the final coagula-tion time. We discuss a few of those results.

The following says that the sum of the masses Mn of the blocksnot containing 1 in the final coalescence of (Πn(t), t ≥ 0), is approx-imately nU , where U is a uniform random variable. More precisely:

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Theorem 6.4. Let Mn be as above and let Bn be the number ofblocks involved in the last coalescence event. Then

(log Mn

log n, Bn

)d→ (U, 1 + Y (UE))

where U is a uniform random variables, (Yt, t ≥ 0) is a standard Yuleprocess, E is a standard exponential random variable and Y, U,E areindependent.

The Yule process is a discrete Galton-Watson process which branchesin continuous time at rate 1 and leaves exactly two offsprings. Theconvergence of the second term in the left-hand side indicates thatthere is a nondegenerate limit for the number of blocks in the lastcoalescence event. One can similarly ask about the number of blocksinvolved in the next to last coalescence, and so on. Let (Mn(1), . . . , )be this sequence of random variables, i.e., Mn(i) is the number ofblocks involved in the ith coalescence event from the end. Gold-schmidt and Martin [90] show that all this sequence converges forfinite-distributions towards a nondegenerate Markov chain. ThisMarkov chain converges to infinity almost surely. They interpretthis last result as a post-gelation phase where most of the mass hasalready coagulated and the remaining small blocks are progressivelybeing absorbed.

Along the same lines, they obtain a result concerning the time atwhich the last coalescence occurs. Naturally, this time diverges to∞ since Π does not come down from infinity, and Goldschmidt andMartin establish the following asymptotics:

Theorem 6.5. Let Tn be the time of the last coalescence event. Then

Tn − log log nd→ − log E

where E is an exponential random variable with mean 1.

This means that the order of magnitude for the last coalescencetime is about log log n. This could have been anticipated from thefact that, by Theorem 6.2 and Theorem 1.11, the number of blocksat time t is about nα, with α = e−t. This becomes of order 1 whent is of order log log n.

Finally, a result of Panholzer [127] (see also Theorem 2.4 in [90])about the number of cuts needed to isolate the root in a randomrecursive tree implies the following result.

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Theorem 6.6. Let τn be the total number of coalescence events ofa Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent process started from n particles.Then

log n

nτn → 1 (159)

in probability, as n →∞.

6.1.3 Further properties

Many other properties of the Bolthausen-Sznitman have been stud-ied intensively. The time reversal of the Bolthausen-Sznitman co-alescent is studied by Basdevant [11] and is shown to be an inho-mogeneous fragmentation process after an exponential time change.A similar idea was already present in the seminal paper of Pitman[131]. In fact, this process is closely related to the “Poisson cascade”introduced even earlier by Ruelle [138], and it was Bolthausen andSznitman [37] who noticed that an exponential time change trans-formed the process into a remarkable coalescent process. Pitmanlater realised that this coalescent was an example of the coalescentswith multiple collisions which he was considering.

The allelic partition of the Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent wasstudied by Basdevant and Goldschmidt [12], using an elegant mar-tingale argument which fits in the theory of fluid limits developedby Darling and Norris [58]. They were able to show that if there isa constant mutation rate ρ > 0, then almost all types are singletons,meaning that they are represented in only one individual (or thattheir multiplicity is 1). More precisely, they showed:

Theorem 6.7. Let Mk(n) denote the number of types with multi-plicity k in the Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent, and let M(n) be thetotal number of types. Then as n →∞,

log n

nM(n) → ρ

in probability, and for k ≥ 2,

(log n)2

nMk(n) → ρ

k(k − 1),

as n →∞ in probability.

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A similar result was first proved by Drmota et al. [69] for the to-tal length of the coalescence tree, rather than the number of types.The biological interpretation of this result is less clear, since we donot have any evidence that this coalescent process is appropriatefor modelling the genealogies of any species. However, it is believedthat the Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent describes a universal scal-ing limit for certain model with high selection, as will be discussedbelow.

6.2 Spin glass models

6.2.1 Derrida’s GREM

We start by a heuristic description of the model invented by Derridaknown as the GREM (for generalized random energy model). Thefirst version of the model was introduced in [60], and this was gen-eralized in [61], to incorporate several energy levels. This idea wasfollowed up by Bovier and Kurkova in the form of the ContinuousRandom Energy Model (CREM), which is the version we now dis-cuss. We start by stating the problem and give the result of Bovierand Kurkova [40] about this model, which is followed by a brief de-scription of some of the ingredients in the proof. We then explainthe relation to the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model.

The model is as follows. Let N ≥ 1 and consider the N -dimensionalhypercube SN = −1, 1N . An element σ ∈ SN is a spin configu-ration, i.e., an assignment of ±1 spins to 1, . . . , N . We identify SN

with the N th level TN of the binary tree T as follows: if σ ∈ SN , thenσ may be written as a sequence of −1, +1, say σ = σ1 . . . σn, andwe interpret this sequence as describing the path from the root ofthe binary tree to the vertex σ at the N th level of the tree: the firstvertex is the root, the second is the left child of the root if σ1 = −1,and the right child of the root if σ1 = +1. The second vertex in thispath is the left child of the preceding vertex if σ2 = −1, and its rightchild if σ2 = +1, and so on.

Given two spin configurations σ and τ , there is a natural distancebetween them, which is the genealogical metric:

d(σ, τ) = 1− 1N

max1 ≤ i ≤ N : σi = τi. (160)

Thus for 0 < ε < 1, the distance between σ and τ is less than ε ifthe paths from the root to σ and τ are identical up to level (1−ε)N .

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In other words, the distance d(σ, τ) is 1 minus the normalized levelof the most recent common ancestor between σ and τ . We thenassume that we are given a function A : [0, 1] → [0, 1] which isnondecreasing, such that A(0) = 0 and A(1) = 1. Consider nowa centered Gaussian field (Xσ, σ ∈ SN ) which is specified by thefollowing covariance structure:

cov(Xσ, Xτ ) = A(1− d(σ, τ)). (161)

Thus with this definition, note that spin configurations σ and τ thatare closely related genealogically are also highly correlated for theGaussian field X. On the other hand, for spin configurations whosemost recent common ancestor is close to the root of the tree, then thevalues of the field at these two configurations are nearly independent.

In the GREM, one fixes a parameter β > 0 and consider the Gibbsdistribution with inverse temperature β defined as follows:

µβ(σ) =1Z

eβXσ , (162)

where Z is a normalizing (random) constant chosen so that∑

σ µβ(σ) =1 almost surely. Thus the Gibbs distribution favours the spin con-figurations such that Xσ is large. Now, consider sampling k spinconfigurations σ1, . . . , σk independently according to the Gibbs dis-tribution. A natural question is to ask what is the genealogicalstructure spanned by these spin configurations, i.e., what is the lawof the subtree of T obtained by joining σ1, . . . , σk to the root. Thenext result, which is due to Bovier and Kurkova [40], shows that thisis, up to a time-change, asymptotically the same as the Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent.

More precisely, let ΠkN (t) be the partition of [k] defined by: i ∼ j

if and only d(σi, σj) ≤ t. Then we have the following result.

Theorem 6.8. Let (Θt, t ≥ 0) denote the restriction to [k] of theBolthausen-Sznitman coalescent. Then the process (Πk

N (t), t ≥ 0)converges in the sense of finite-dimensional distributions as N →∞to the process (Θ(− log f(1− t)), 0 ≤ t ≤ 1), where for 0 < x < 1,

f(x) = min

√2 log 2A′(x)

, 1

and A denotes the the least concave majorant of A, and A′(x) indi-cates the right-derivative of A.

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A is also known as the convex hull of A, since it is the functionsuch that the region under the graph of A is the convex hull of theregion under the graph of A: see Figure 13. The case where A



Figure 13: The convex hull of the function A.

takes only finitely many values effectively corresponds to the modeldiscussed by Derrida (in the terminology of the spin glass literature,this represents finitely many energy levels), while the case whereA contains a continuous part is the “Continuous Random EnergyModel” analysed by Bovier and Kurkova. In what follows we willsketch a proof of this result in the case of a finite number of energylevels (in fact, with only two energy levels to simplify things).

Note that in Theorem 6.8, the Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescentarises regardless of β and A. The dependence on β and A is onlythrough the time change. However, there are some degenerate cases.For example, if

β < βc :=

√2 log 2

limx↓0 A′(x),

then f(x) = 1 for all x, and the Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescentgets evaluated at time zero, so there are no coalescence. In thephysics language, β is inverse temperature and 1/βc is the criticaltemperature, above which there is no coalescence because we are not

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sampling enough from the values σ for which Xσ is large.

6.2.2 Some extreme value theory

The first ingredient is a basic result from “extreme value theory”.To begin with the simplest case, suppose X1, X2, . . . are i.i.d. witha standard normal distribution, and let Mn = maxX1, . . . , Xn.Following Exercise 2.3 in [65] or Exercise 4.2.1 in [133], choose bn sothat P(Xi > bn) = 1/n. Then bn ∼

√2 log n and for all x ∈ R,

limn→∞P(bn(Mn − bn) ≤ x) = e−e−x

. (163)

This is the famous result that the distribution of the maximum of nnormally distributed random variables has asymptotically a Gumbel(double exponential) distribution. Furthermore, because the randomvariables Xi are independent, one can see from (163) that the ex-pected number of the random variables X1, . . . , Xn that are greaterthan bn + x/bn is e−x, and that the distribution of the number ofsuch random variables should be Poisson. More precisely, one canview the set of Xi as a point process on the real line, and we canobtain a nontrivial limit by setting the origin to be where we roughlyexpect the maximum to be, i.e., bn. Indeed, as n →∞, we have theconvergence of point processes:



δbn(Xi−bn) →d P, (164)

where P is a Poisson process with intensity e−x. A version of thisresult is stated as Theorem 9.2.3 in [39]. We call P the exponentialPoisson process. The exponential Poisson process enjoys several re-markable and crucial properties which we now describe. Let τkk≥1

be the points of a uniform rate 1 Poisson process on [0,∞), and letΨk = log(1/τk).

1. Ψkk≥1 forms an exponential Poisson process on R.

2. For β > 0, and c > 0, the points θk = ceβΨkk≥1 form aPoisson point process of intensity β−1c1/βx−1−1/β on [0,∞).

3. The points Ψk + Ykk≥1, where the Yk are i.i.d. with densityg, form a Poisson process with intensity h(x), where

h(x) =∫ ∞

−∞e−zg(x− z) dx =

∫ ∞

−∞ey−x g(y) dy = e−xE[eYk ].

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Thus if V = logE[eYi ], they are a translated exponential Pois-son process, with the new origin taken to be equal to V .

4. If we superimpose independent Poisson processes, where theith has intensity e−(x−xi), the resulting Poisson process hasintensity f(x), where

f(x) =∞∑


e−(x−xi) = e−x∞∑


exi = e−(x−W ),

where W = log(∑∞

i=1 exi).

6.2.3 Sketch of proof

We are now ready to discuss a sketch of the proof of Theorem 6.8.We assume that A has finitely many energy levels, i.e., A is the dis-tribution function of a probability measure with n atoms at positions0 < x1, . . . , < xn say, with respective masses a1, . . . , an. Thus we as-sume that

∑i ai = 1 and that ai ≥ 0 for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n. Without loss

of generality we may assume that xn = 1 and we let x0 = 0.We slightly change our notations for a spin configuration σ ∈ SN :

we now write it as σ = σ1 . . . σn, where σi ∈ SN(xi−xi−1), i.e., σi

consists of N(xi−xi−1) spins. (Here we do not worry about the factthat N(xi − xi−1) is not necessarily an integer). Then it is easy tosee that the random field Xσ on SN may be explicitly constructedas follows: for all 1 ≤ k ≤ n, and for all σ1, . . . , σk, let Xσ1...σk

bei.i.d. standard Gaussian random variables. Then define Xσ to be

Xσ =√

a1Xσ1 +√

a2Xσ1σ2 + . . . +√

anXσ1...σn . (165)

Indeed one can check directly from the above formula that Xσ hasthe correct covariance structure (and it is naturally a Gaussian field,being a linear combinations of i.i.d. standard Gaussian random vari-ables).

Assume to simplify that n = 2, so that 0 < x1 < x2 = 1. Forσ1 ∈ SNx1 , let ησ1 = eβ

√Na1Xσ1 . By extreme value theory, there is a

constant bN such that the points bN (Xσ1 − bN ) converge to a Pois-son process with intensity e−x. Also, because there are 2Nx1 of therandom variables Xσ1 , we have bN ∼

√2 log 2Nx1 =

√(2 log 2)Nx1.

Therefore, the points

ησ1 = eβ√

Na1b−1N bN (Xσ1−bN )e−bnβ


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form approximately a Poisson process with intensity CNx−1−1/β1 ,where CN > 0 depends on N , a1 and x1 but not on x, and

β1 =β√


bn= β


(2 log 2)x1. (166)

Similarly, for each fixed σ1 ∈ SNx1 and all σ2 ∈ SN(x2−x1), let ησ1σ2 =eβ√

Na2Xσ1σ2 . Then

ησ1ησ1σ2 = eβ√



a2Xσ2 ) = eβ√

NXσ .

By extreme value theory again, the points ησ1σ2 form approximatelya Poisson process with intensity C ′

Nx−1−1/β2 , where

β2 = β


(2 log 2)(x2 − x1).

It follows that for each σ1, the points ησ1ησ1σ2 form a Poisson processof intensity C ′

Nη1/β2σ1 x−1−1/β2 . Therefore, if we consider all points of

the form ησ1ησ1σ2 = eβ√

NXσ , they form a Poisson process with inten-sity Ax−1−1/β2 , where A = CNC ′


∑σ1 η


σ1 , and once we conditionon this entire Poisson process, the probability that a given pointsampled from the Gibbs distribution µβ(σ) = Z−1eβXσ belongs tothe “family” associated with a particular σ1 is proportional to η

1/β2σ1 .

This gives us the following picture for the genealogy of the process.First, we sample n of the values Xσ with probability proportional toeβ√

NXσ . We are likely to sample the same point more than once: infact, as discussed above, sampling according to eβ

√NXσ is approxi-

mately the same as sampling from a Poisson point process P withintensity Ax−1−1/β2 with weight proportional to x. If we identify thesamples which come from identical points, this gives us an exchange-able partition Π0 where the frequency of the block corresponding tothe point x ∈ P is proportional to x. Thus the distribution of theranked frequencies of this exchangeable partition is given by theranked components of


j≥1 xj, i ≥ 1


and since P has intensity proportional to x−1−1/β2 , we conclude bythe Poisson construction of Poisson-Dirichlet (α, 0) partitions (The-orem 1.7) that the vector (167) has the same distribution as the

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ranked coordinates as a Poisson-Dirichlet random variable with pa-rameters α = 1/β2 and θ = 0. Thus Π0

d= PD(1/β2, 0), and thusΠk

N (0) has approximately the same distribution as the restriction to[k] of a PD(1/β2) random variable.

Going back to the previous level, note that a given sample x ∈ Pchosen with weight proportional to its value x, comes from the “fam-ily” generated by σ1 with probability proportional to η

1/β2σ1 , which

is a Poisson process with intensity proportional to x−1−β2/β1 . Thusif we sample from P and identify the points that come from thesame σ1, we obtain an exchangeable partition Π1 whose ranked fre-quencies have the same distribution as those of a Poisson-Dirichletrandom variable with parameters α = β2/β1 and θ = 0. ThusΠ1 = PD(β2/β1, 0).

Thus taking t = (x2 − x1), we obtain ΠkN (t) by taking every

block of ΠkN (0) (which is a PD(1/β2, 0) random variable restricted to

[k]), and coagulate them according to a PD(β2/β1, 0) random vari-able. We claim that the resulting random partition is nothing but aPD(1/β1, 0) random variable. There are many ways to see this: oneof them being precisely using the fact that the Bolthausen-Sznitmancoalescent at time t has the PD(e−t, 0) distribution (Theorem 6.2).Indeed, by the Markov property for the Bolthausen-Sznitman coa-lescent at time t, we see that when we coagulate a PD(e−t, 0) par-tition with an independent PD(e−s, 0) partition, we must obtain aPD(e−(t+s), 0) random partition.

Thus we can write for t = t2 = 0, and t = t1 = x2 − x1, ΠkN (ti) ≈

PD(1/βi) with i = 1, 2 where



√(2 log 2)(xi − xi−1)



√2 log 2

A′(1− ti)

= f(1− ti) = e−(− log f(1−ti)).

Thus for i = 1, 2, we have shown that ΠkN (ti) has the same distri-

bution as Θ− log f(1−ti), as claimed in Theorem 6.8. Note that thisargument doesn’t really explain how do lineages coalescence betweenthe different energy levels, and this is why we only get convergencein the sense of finite-dimensional marginals in Theorem 6.8.

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6.3 Complements

6.3.1 Neveu’s branching process

The intuitive picture presented here essentially goes back to the workof Ruelle [138] who talks about probability cascades for the proper-ties of the exponential Poisson process. Bolthausen and Sznitman[37] then realised that reversing the direction of time defined the re-markable coalescent process which now bears their names. Bertoinand Le Gall [29], in their first joint paper on coalescence, showed thatthe Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent process was embedded in thegenealogy of a certain continuous-state branching process (CSBP),which is the CSBP associated with the branching mechanism

ψ(u) = u log u, u ≥ 0.

This CSBP is known as Neveu’s branching process. This was the firstpaper showing a relation between the genealogy of a CSBP and aΛ-coalescent, and was a partial motivation to the papers [36, 20, 18].However, in the case of Neveu’s branching process, the relation be-tween the genealogy and the coalescent is trivial, in the sense thatthere is no time-change. Bertoin and Le Gall’s original approach re-lied on a precursor to their flow of bridges discussed in Theorem 3.14.The ideas outlined in Theorem 4.9, which come from [18], providea direct alternative route (more precisely, the approach of Theorem4.10 shows that the point process (t,∆Z/Z) arising from the ge-nealogy of Neveu’s branching process and the Bolthausen-Sznitmancoalescent are identical). That Neveu’s branching process was re-lated to Derrida’s GREM was first realized by Neveu in [126], in apaper which is unfortunately unpublished, even though in hindsightit inspired many subsequent developments in the field. The link withextreme value theory is also discussed in that paper.

6.3.2 Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model

The Generalized random energy model (GREM) was proposed byDerrida in [60] and [61] as a possible simplification of the celebratedSherrington-Kirkpatrick model. The Sherrington-Kirkpatrick (SK)spin-glass model is similar to the GREM, with the difference beingthat we use the Hamming distance

dN (σ, τ) = #i : σi 6= τi,

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also known as the overlap between σ and τ , where σi and τi denotethe ith coordinates of σ and τ respectively. (Also, the SK modeltypically refers to the case A(x) = x, but other covariance functionshave also been studied.) Here dN is a metric but not an ultrametric.Because dN is not an ultrametric, it is not clear that it even makessense to define a coalescent process as was done for the GREM. How-ever, it is widely conjectured that if we consider k points σ1, . . . , σk

chosen at random from SN according to the Gibbs measure, the dis-tances between them dN (σi, σj) have the ultrametric property in thelimit as N →∞, which means that they can be viewed as points onthe boundary of a tree equipped with the genealogical metric. Ta-lagrand devotes section 4 of [148] to “the ultrametricity conjecture”for the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model and refers to ultrametricity as“one of the most famous predictions about spin glasses.” Derrida’sinsight consisted in imposing the ultrametricity directly in the modeland analyzing what comes out of it. Remarkably enough, this simpleaddition makes the model much more tractable and fits the physi-cists’ predictions about the SK model perfectly. See the monographby Bovier [39] for much material related to this field, and see alsothe lectures by Bolthausen in [38]. The ultrametric conjecture wasfirst predicted by Parisi [128]. We note however that an importantprediction which follows from the ultrametric conjecture is a seriesof identities which have been proved rigorously by Ghirlando andGuerra [88] (in a slightly weaker form than predicted), known as theGhirlando-Guerra identities.

Much of the magic of the emergence of the Bolthausen-Sznitmancoalescent in these spin glass models boils down to the crucial stabil-ity properties of the exponential Poisson process (by superposition,addition of noise, etc.). It is natural to guess that this process is,in some sense, the only point process which enjoys these properties.While this is an attractive route to the ultrametric conjecture, wenote that this seems a very difficult problem. We refer the reader tothe recent work by Aizenmann and Arguin [1] as well as referencestherein.

6.3.3 Natural selection and travelling waves

As was discussed in the proof of the Bovier-Kurkova theorem, Der-rida’s GREM may be viewed as an assignment of Gaussian randomvariables on the leaves of the binary tree of depth N with a covariance

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structure which depends on the genealogical metric between theseleaves. There is one natural model where such correlation structuresarise, which is the model of branching random walks where the stepdistribution is a standard Gaussian random variable, and where ateach step, individuals branch in exactly two particles. That is, startwith one particle at time 0. At each time step, particles divide intwo and take i.i.d. jumps given by a prescribed distribution (whichhere is Gaussian). Thus at time N , there are 2N particles, whoserespective positions rescaled by

√N form a centered Gaussian field

Xσ with covariance cov(Xσ, Xτ ) given by the following formula: ifthe most recent common ancestor between particle labeled σ andparticle labeled τ is at generation j, corresponding to a position Sj ,then there exists independent Gaussian variables N and N ′ suchthat Xσ = N−1/2(Sj +N ) and Xτ = N−1/2(Sj +N ′), so:

cov(Xσ, Xτ ) = E(XσXτ ) =1NE[(Sj +N )(Sj +N ′)]


j ) =j

N= 1− d(σ, τ).

In particular, we may write cov(Xσ, Xτ ) = A(1 − d(σ, τ)) withA(x) = x. Thus Gaussian branching random walks give a naturalconstruction of a random energy landscape of the kind consideredin the random energy model. Unfortunately, this is a degeneratecase from the point of view of the application of Theorem 6.8, asA′(x) = 1 for all x ∈ [0, 1]. Nevertheless, we get out of this simplecalculation that the energy landscape defined in the GREM may beviewed as a form of perturbation of branching random walks, with arather complex covariance structure. Theorem 6.8 then asks aboutthe genealogy of this system of particles.

Recently, Brunet, Derrida, Mueller and Munier [46, 47] have intro-duced a particle system of this kind and made fascinating predictionsabout its genealogy. Rather remarkably, this model also has an in-terpretation in terms of a population model with selection, which wenow describe. As in the Moran model, the population size is keptconstant equal to N . An individual is represented by her fitness,which is a real number measuring the likelihood that this individ-ual will produce offsprings surviving in the next generation. Thus,the population at time t may be described by a cloud of N pointsX1(t), . . . , XN (t) on the real line, ordered in some arbitrary fashion,

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Figure 14: The two steps of the Brunet Derrida model with N = 4:at time t + 1/2, state of the population after the branching step(there are 2N individuals). At time t + 1, state of the populationafter the selection step. Only the N largest particles survive.

say linearly. The model has discrete generations and is Markovian.The evolution from one generation t to the next at time t + 1 con-sists in two steps: branching and selection. Thus we have an inter-mediate state, which we may call t + 1/2, where every individualgives a number of offsprings (let us fix this number to be equal to2 for every individual, although one may think of a random rule aswell). The position of the offsprings of individual i are denoted byX1

i (t + 1/2), X2i (t + 1/2) and are obtained by:


(t +


)= Xi(t) +N 1,


(t +


)= Xi(t) +N 2,

where N 1,N 2 are independent random variables with a fixed con-tinuous distribution (say Gaussian). At this stage there are thus 2Nindividuals, and so the next step, which is the selection step, willreduce the population size to N by keeping the largest N particlesfrom the population at time t+1/2. Formally, for 1 ≤ k ≤ N we putXk(t + 1) = Y such that

#i : X1i (t + 1/2) > Y + #i : X2

i (t + 1/2) > Y = k − 1.

An illustration of the model is given in the accompanying Figure 14:note the similarity with the Galton-Watson model of Schweinsberg

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in Theorem 3.8 (the difference being that here selection is based onfitness, whereas there selection was made at random).

The interest of [46, 47] is in the genealogy of an arbitrarily largebut fixed sample of the population when its size N tends to infinity,i.e., in the scaling limits of the ancestral partition process (Πk,N

t , t ≥0) (to use the same terminology as in the first sections of these notes).Using convincing but not fully rigorous arguments, they are ableto conjecture that the correct time scale for the ancestral partitionprocess is roughly (log N)3. More precisely, they conjecture:

Conjecture 6.1. The ancestral partition process, sped up by a factor(log N)3, converges to the Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent. That is,for all k ≥ 1,

(Πk,Nt(log N)3

, t ≥) d→ (Πkt , t ≥ 0)

in the sense of finite-dimensional distributions, where Πk denotes therestriction to [k] of a Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent.

This conjecture is accompanied with a very precise picture of whatleads to this behaviour. Essentially, the cloud of particle is thoughtto travel to the right with a positive speed vN where vN → 2 asN → ∞ (and there are some conjectures on the first and secondcorrection terms). The particles stay fairly compact, with a widthof no more than O(log N) at any time. Occasionally (every (log N)3

units of time), a particle travels far to the right, at distance approx-imately 3 log log N + O(1) away from the “bulk” of the population.A particle which does so will will stand a good chance to keep all itsoffsprings in the next generation after the selection step, and so itsdescendants quickly generate a large fraction of the population, sayp > 0. This leads to a p-merger in the ancestral partition process.Thus the multiple collisions only arise when one takes the scalinglimit, speeding up time by (log N)3.

The derivation of the characteristic time scale comes from an ar-gument of comparison with a stochastic PDE called the stochasticFisher-KPP equation (for Kolmogorov, Petrovsky and Piscunov),which has the following form:



12∆u + u(1− u) + ε

√u(1− u)W (168)

where W is a white noise. If one removes the noise from this equa-tion (i.e. if ε = 0), one obtains the standard Fisher-KPP equation,

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which is at the heart of the theory of reaction-diffusion partial dif-ferential equations. This equation was first obtained independentlyby Kolmogorov et al. [109] and Fisher [84], the latter to describe thespread of an advantageous gene in a population. It is known thatthis equation admits travelling wave solutions, i.e., solution of theform u(t, x) = F (x− vt) where v > 0. For certain well-chosen initialconditions, the speed of this wave will always be equal to v = 2.The idea of [46] is that the distribution function for the populationat time t behaves approximately as a solution to (168) started fromthe state u(0, x) = 1x≤0. In the presence of noise, the equation(168) generates random travelling waves, which move to the rightwith a speed vε such that vε → v = 2 as ε → 0. The asymptoticcorrection vε − v was studied by Brunet and Derrida [43, 44, 45]using non-rigorous methods. They conjectured:

vε − v ∼ − π2

4 log2 ε(169)

and [46, 47] predicted a second term

vε − v +π2

4 log2 ε∼ 3 log | log ε|

4| log ε|3 (170)

Recently, Mueller, Mytnik and Quastel [125] managed to prove rig-orously (169) and give upper and lower bounds matching (170) upto constants. As the reader has surely guessed, it is this secondterm (with cubic exponent in | log ε|) which is the most relevant forConjecture 6.1.

We note that Berard [14], and Berard and Gouere [15], have re-cently studied a discrete version of the Brunet and Derrida model(with particles’ locations on Z rather than R, and selection at randomin case of a tie), and were able to show that for each N , the systemof particles travels at a well-defined speed vN . Furthermore, the sec-ond paper [15] showed that vN − v0 ∼ −α(log N)−2 as N →∞, forsome explicit α > 0 depending solely on the step distribution. Thisimproved on the earlier paper [14] which showed that (log N)−2 wasthe correct order of magnitude for the correction to the speed. Thisresult relied crucially on some recent progress by Gantert, Hu andShi [87] on the near-critical behaviour of branching random walks.

Simon and Derrida [147] have considered a model branching Brow-nian motion with an absorbing wall and critical drift. They showed

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(using non-rigorous arguments) that when conditioned upon survivalfor a long time, this system has a genealogy which is also governed bythe Bolthausen-Sznitman asymptotics as in Conjecture 6.1. Brunet,Derrida and Simon [48] have also used this theory to describe certainmean-field models of random polymers in (1+1) dimensions at zerotemperature and found a similar behaviour, thus confirming furtherthe universal nature of the Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent. Thework in progress [21] partly confirms these findings for some relatedmodels.

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A Appendix: Excursions and Random Trees

What follows is a crash course on some deep ideas due essentially toAldous, Le Gall and Le Jan in the 90’s which relate excursions ofrandom processes (above or below a fixed level) to some random treeswhich enjoy certain branching properties and in which branchingoccurs at a dense set of times (or levels). The archetypical exampleis Aldous’ Continuum Random Tree and its relation to the Brownianexcursion and the Ray-Knight theorem on the local times of reflectingBrownian motions. We start by recalling the fundamentals of Ito’sexcursion theory for Brownian motion as this formalism is centralto the study of continuum random trees. We then briefly explainthe relation between random trees and random paths, and finallyexplain how these trees are related to the genealogy of CSBPs andthe lookdown process.

A.1 Excursion theory for Brownian motion

Let (Bt, t ≥ 0) be a one-dimensional standard Brownian motion.The excursion theory of Brownian motion is one of the best toolsto study fine properties of B. However, the basic idea behind thetheory is extremely simple. We call an excursion e of the Brownianmotion B, a process (e(t), t ≥ 0) such that there exists L < R with

e(t) = B(L+t)∧R

and for t ∈ [L,R], Bt = 0 if and only if t = L or R. That is, e is thepiece of B between times L and R, which are two consecutive zerosof B. The state space of excursions is Ω∗ the space of continuousfunctions from R to R such that there exists ζ > 0 satisfying:

1. et = 0 if t ≥ ζ

2. For t ∈ [0, ζ], et = 0 if and only if t = 0 or ζ.

ζ is called the lifetime of the excursion or its length. The basicidea behind the theory is that one can construct Brownian motionby “throwing down independent excursion” and concatenating them.The result should be, indeed, a Brownian path.

Of course, it is a little tricky to make this intuition rigorous atfirst, but it turns out that we can use the language of Point processto express this idea: we will view the collection of excursions of

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Brownian motion as a Poisson point process on the set Ω∗, and theintensity of the process is a measure called Ito’s excursion measure.However to say this properly, we must look at excursions in thecorrect time-scale, that is, the time-scale at which we are “addinga new excursion”. This time-scale is that of the inverse local timeprocess, since local time increases precisely at times when the processh*ts zero, and thus begins a new excursion. We will refresh thereader’s memory about these notions below.

A.1.1 Local times

It is well-known that Brownian motion spends an amount of timewhich has zero Lebesgue measure at any given point: for instance,if T =

∫ t0 1Bs=0ds then by Fubini’s theorem

E(T ) =∫ t

0P(Bs = 0)ds = 0

and so T = 0 almost surely. In fact this argument obviously gener-alizes to sets A such that A has zero Lebesgue measure: let T (A) bethe time spent by Brownian motion up to time t in any given Borelsubset of the real line, then if |A| = 0 T (A) = 0. Since T (A) is easilyseen to be a (random) measure, we get immediately, by the Radon-Nikodym theorem, that there exists almost surely a derivative T (A)with respect to the Lebesgue measure dx:

Definition A.1. We set

L(t, x) =dT


almost surely. L(t, x) is called the local time of B at time t andposition x (or level x).

This definition is nice because it is quite intuitive, but is not verysatisfactory because of the almost sure in this definition: this onlydefines L(t, x) for fixed t almost surely and almost everywhere in x.It turns out that

Proposition A.1. There exists almost surely a jointly continuousprocess L(t, x)t≥0,x∈R for which (171) holds for all t simultane-ously.

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This can be seen through Kolmogorov’s continuity criterion. Be-cause it is the Radon-Nikodym derivative of the occupation measureT (A), and because it is continuous in x and t, there are a couple ofproperties that follow immediately. The most useful is the approxi-mation:

Theorem A.1. For every t ≥ 0, as ε → 0, we have the followingalmost sure convergence:


∫ t

01|Xs−x|≤εds −→ L(t, x). (172)

We generally focus on level x = 0, in which case we almost alwaysabbreviate Lt = L(t, 0). From the approximation (172), it followsthat Lt is a nondecreasing function, and may only increase at timest such that Bt = 0. That is, let dLt be the Stieltjes measure definedby the nondecreasing function t 7→ Lt, then

Supp(dLt) ⊂ Z (173)

where Z is the zero set of B. Both sides of (173) are closed sets, soit is natural to conjecture that there is in fact equality. This turnsout to be true but it requires some non-trivial arguments. In fact,the proof relies on a famous identity due to Paul Levy, which statesthe following:

Theorem A.2. For every t ≥ 0, denote by St = maxs≤t Bs, the run-ning maximum of Brownian motion. Then (Lt, t ≥ 0) and (St, t ≥0), have the same distribution as processes.

This identity is in fact more general than this: the identity statedabove may be viewed as an identification (the maximum of B is thelocal time of a different Brownian motion B′), and in this identifi-cation St −Bt is equal to the reflected Brownian motion |B′|. Thuswe have the bivariate identity:

(St, St −Bt), t ≥ 0 d= (Lt, |Bt|), t ≥ 0. (174)

To save time, we do not give the proof of this result even thoughit is in fact quite elementary. (Most proofs in textbooks such as[136] use the so-called Skorokhod equation, but in fact, the identitymay already be seen at the discrete level of simple random walksapproximating Brownian motion).

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Armed with this result, it is easy to prove equality in (173). Whatis needed is to show that almost surely, at every time t > 0 suchthat Bt = 0 then Lt increases. Start with t = 0: then since L hasthe same law as S, which increases almost surely right after t = 0,then so does L, and so this property holds for t = 0. By the Markovproperty, it is not too hard to see it is also true at any time t suchthat t = ds for some fixed s > 0 (ds is the first zero after s, sods = inf Z ∩ [s,∞)). Playing around with the fact that rationalnumbers are dense finishes the proof, and so we get

Supp(dLt) = Z (175)

almost surely.

Our view of local times in these notes is purely utilitarian: eventhough they deserve much study in themselves, we will only stick towhat we strictly need here. For our purpose the last thing to defineis thus the inverse local time: for any ` > 0, define

τ` := inft > 0 : Lt > `. (176)

τ` is thus the first time that B accumulates more than ` units of localtime at 0. Thus τ` is a stopping time, and Levy’s identity (TheoremA.2) tells us that

(τ`, ` ≥ 0) d= (Tx, x ≥ 0) (177)

where Tx is the hitting time of level x by B. In particular, (τ`, ` ≥ 0)has independent and stationary increments, and is nondecreasing:that is, (τ`, ` ≥ 0) is a subordinator. Moreover, it is not hard to seethat in fact τ is the stable subordinator with index α = 1/2 (thisfollows simply from the reflection principle and the law of St). Thatis, the Levy measure of τ has density


|Γ(1− α)|s−α−1. (178)

A.1.2 Excursion theory

We will now state Ito’s theorems about excursions of Brownian mo-tion, which make rigorous the intuition explained above. First, aremark: by (175), we see that if e is an excursion of B, correspond-ing to the interval [L,R], then the local time of B is constant on thatinterval, since by definition there are no zeros during (L,R). Thus if

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(ei)i ≥ 1 is an enumeration of the Brownian excursions (somethingwhich it is possible to do since there are as many as jumps of a cer-tain subordinator, and these are countable), then we call call `i thecommon local time of the excursion ei, that is, the local time Lt atany time t ∈ (Li, Ri) which is associated to ei.

Theorem A.3. There exists a σ-finite measure ν on the space ofexcursions Ω∗, such that the point process:

P(dx) =∑



is a Poisson point process, with intensity d`⊗ ν(de).

Definition A.2. ν is called Ito’s excursion measure.

For instance, the number of excursions by time τ` with lengthgreater than some ζ0 is a Poisson random variable, with mean `ν(ζ >ζ0). Another consequence is, for example, that the quantity of localtime accumulated by time Tx (the hitting time of x > 0) is an expo-nential random variable, with parameter κ(x) := ν(sups≥0 es > x):indeed, in the local time scale, the number of points that fall inthe set of excursions that hit level x, is a Poisson process with con-stant intensity equal to κ(x). Thus the first point is exponentiallydistributed with parameter κ(x) as well.

Thus, in order, to be useful, this theorem should be accompaniedwith some descriptions of Ito’s excursion measure. First of all, theIto measure of excursion of length greater than ζ0 can be identi-fied through (178), since the jumps of τ` are precisely the excursionlengths. Thus from (178) we get the first description in the resultbelow:

Theorem A.4. We have, for every x > 0:

ν(ζ > x) =1√πx

. (179)

Moreover, if H = sups>0 es, then

ν(H > h) =12h

. (180)

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Proof. It is easy to convince yourself that in (180), the right-handside should be κ/h for some κ > 0. Indeed, fix some 0 < x < h. Onthe one hand, the number of excursions that reach h by time τ1 isPoisson with mean say κ(h). On the other hand, this is a thinning ofthe number of excursions that reach x, which is also Poisson but withmean κ(x). The thinning probability is nothing but the probabilitythat, given that an excursion reaches level x, it will also reach levelh. However, it is plain to see that an excursion, given that it reachesx, behaves after Tx as a Brownian motion killed at 0. Thus thethinning probability is

p = Px(Th < T0) =x


Hence we deduce:κ(h) = κ(x)



for all 0 < x < h. Thus κ(x) is equal to κ/x for all x ∈ (0, h) (forsome κ > 0). Since h is arbitrary, κ(x) = κ/x for all x > 0. Thatκ = 1/2 requires more work but is classical: see, e.g., (2.10) in Chap-ter XII of [136]. Note that the answer (with the correct value of κ)can also be guessed from a discrete argument: at each visit of 0, theprobability that the next excursion will reach Nx is (1/2)1/(Nx).(The first 1/2 comes from asking for positive excursion, and the sec-ond term is the familiar ruin probability estimate). At the N th visit,the total number of excursion that reach Nx is thus approximatelya Poisson random variable with mean κ(x) = 1/(2x) as N →∞.

One thing to pay attention to in (180) is that we do not countnegative excursions in this random variable H. That is, ν(H > h)measures only those positive excursions that reach level h. There isan obvious symmetry property in ν, so if instead we want to ask whatis the measure of excursions that reach h or −h (which we often dowhen we think about reflecting Brownian motion), then this measureis now 1/h instead of 1/(2h).

A.2 Continuum Random Trees

After rushing through local times and excursion theory, we now pro-pose another impressionistic rendering of the theory of ContinuumRandom Trees: that is, how to construct them, and how they arerelated to Brownian excursions.

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A.2.1 Galton-Watson Trees and Random Walks

The theory starts with a well-known observation that a (not neces-sarily random) rooted labelled tree may be described by a certainpath, sometimes called the Lukasiewicz path of the tree. This pathprovides us with a convenient way of proving things about trees (aswe will see that this path is a close cousin of random walk when theunderlying tree is a Galton-Watson tree) but it is also very conve-nient from a purely practical point of view: this path is indeed avariant of the depth-first search process which is used in any algo-rithm dealing with trees and graphs in general.

First a few definitions: given a finite rooted labelled planar tree T ,there is a unique way of labelling the tree in “lexicographical order”.That is, the first vertex is the root, u0 = ∅. We then list the childrenof the root, from left to right (this is why we require planarity).These children are called u1 = 1, u2 = 2, . . . , ur = r, say. We nowgo to the next generation, and attach to each vertex in the secondgeneration a string of two characters (numbers) which is defined asfollows: if that vertex is the rth

2 child of the rth1 individual in the

first generation, we attach the string r1r2. More generally, to anyvertex in the nth generation, we attach of a string of n characters,r1 . . . rn, which specify the path that leads to this vertex: hence, tofind the vertex whose label is u = r1 . . . rn, at generation 1, findthe rth

1 individual. In the next generation, find the rth2 child of that

individual, and so on. This way of labelling all the vertices of thetree is called the canonical labelling, of a planar labelled rooted tree.We may moreover list these vertices in lexicographical order (i.e.,as if placing them in a dictionary). This gives us a list of vertices(u0, u1, . . . , up−1). Note that this list entirely specifies the tree; itslength is the total size of the tree.

There is a natural way to encode this data into a path: simply,as you go through the list (u0, . . . , up−1) (in lexicographical order),record the height of the vertex you’re at. The height is just thegeneration or the level of the vertex: hence, a vertex in the secondgeneration of the tree has a height equal to 2. The root has a heightequal to 0. The height process of the tree T is the discrete function

h(n) = height of vertex un, 0 ≤ n ≤ p− 1. (181)

See Figure 15 for an illustration.

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1221 1222


11 12

Figure 15: A labelled planar tree and its height process.

The Lukasiewicz path of T , however, is a different process. Sup-pose that as we move through the tree in lexicographical order, werecordd the number of children ku of each vertex u. For 0 ≤ i ≤ p−1,define

xi = kui − 1 (182)

Thus xi is the number of children of vertex ui, minus 1. Define, for0 ≤ n ≤ p− 1,

s0 = 0, sn =n−1∑


xi if 1 ≤ n ≤ p. (183)

The interpretation of this has to do with the depth-first search of thetree. When we explore the tree, we can partition the tree into verticesthat are active, dead, and those not touched yet. Dead vertices arethose which we have already examined. Active vertices are childrenof dead vertices, but we haven’t explored yet their own children.Untouched vertices are all the rest: they are the descendants ofactive vertices. Then sn gives us the number of active vertices atstage n of the lexicographical exploration of the tree: indeed, whenwe explore vertex un, there are kun new vertices to add to the list ofactive vertices, but since we are examining un we need to subtract1. The path

(s0, . . . , sp) (184)

is called the Lukasiewicz path. What is the connection between thetwo processes?

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Lemma A.1. h(n) is the number of times that, prior to time n, sj

hit its infimum value between times j and n:

h(n) = Card

0 ≤ j ≤ n− 1 : sj = infj≤k≤n


. (185)

The reason this is true is because s only decreases when we havereached a leaf, which is also when h may decrease. Thus any pointuj such that sj is the future infimum of its path, must be an ancestorof un. See Figure 16 for an illustration.

This a simple combinatorial lemma, but its consequences are hardto overstate: it tells us that hn may be seen as the local time at 0 ofthe process s reflected at its infimum.

Now, consider an offspring distribution µ on N, and consider therandom Galton-Watson tree T associated with the distribution µ:that is, every individuals has an i.i.d. number of offsprings governedby the distribution µ. We make the assumptions that

1. µ is critical: E(L) = 1, where L ∼ µ.

2. µ has finite variance: E(L2) < ∞.

Observe that the Lukasiewicz path (S0, S1, . . . , Sp) associated withT is now a random walk on Z started at S0 = 0 and ended where itfirst hits level -1:

S0 = 0, Sn =n∑



where the Xi are i.i.d, random variables whose distribution is equalin law to L− 1. In particular, by assumption 1 and 2 above,

E(Xi) = 0; var(Xi) < ∞.

We may consider an infinite sequence of such critical Galton-Watsontrees and concatenate their Luckasiewicz paths. Every time the pathgoes below the starting level, this corresponds to exploring a newtree. The height process representation of Lemma A.1 still holds. Wehave thus encoded each tree in an infinite forest of Galton-Watsontrees by the excursions above the infimum of a certain random on Zwith mean 0, finite variance jump distribution. (See Figure 16).

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A.2.2 Convergence to reflecting Brownian motion

From the previous discussion, it is natural to consider a Brownianscaling of the height process, which is the most intuitive way ofencoding the tree.

Theorem A.5. As n → ∞, there is the following convergence indistribution, in the sense of the Skorokhod topology on D(R+,R):


Hnt, t ≥ 0)−→

(2σ|Bt|, t ≥ 0

), (186)

where σ2 = var(L) is the offspring variance.

Proof. (sketch) This theorem is not hard to understand intuitively:indeed, the Lukasiewicz path, under this scaling, converges towardsa Brownian motion with speed σ2 (being a centered random walkwith finite variance). The main observation is then to see that

Hn ≈ 2σ2

(Sn − In) (187)

where In = minSi, i ≤ n is the running minimum. Thus it isnatural to expect the convergence (186), since by the Levy identity(174), Bt − It is a reflected Brownian motion |βt|.

Thus it suffices to explain (187). Recall Lemma A.1; note that Hn

is the number of jumps of the red curve in Figure 16.By reversing the direction of time, we see that Hn is also the

number of times that the reverse path, S say, reaches a new lowestpoint (i.e., the number of jumps of the infimum process of the reversewalk S). Now, each time the infimum process jumps, what is thedistribution of the overshoot Y ? Let us denote by c > 0 the mean ofthis distribution. That is, on average, every time the reverse processjumps downwards, it makes a jump of size c. It follows that, by thelaw of large numbers, after Hn jumps, where Hn is large, the totaldecrease in the initial position is approximately cHn. But since thisdecrease in position must be equal to Sn − In, we see that

Sn − In ≈ cHn

from which we obtain Hn ≈ c−1(Sn−In) after division by c. Puttingthings together we deduce that


Hnt, t ≥ 0)−→

c|Bt|, t ≥ 0


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Figure 16: Concatenation of the Lukasiewicz paths of three indepen-dent critical Galton-Watson trees, T1, T2 and T3. Hn is equal to thenumber of jumps of the red curve.

as n → ∞. It is not too difficult to compute the expectation ofthe overshoot distribution and find that c = σ2/2. The result nowfollows. Further details can be found in Aldous [3], but see alsoMarckert and Mokkadem [117] and Le Gall and Le Jan [114].

Many corollaries follow rather easily from this asymptotic result.As a case in point, consider the following statement: if T is a GaltonWatson conditioned to reach a large level p, say, then its heightprocess satisfies

(1pHp2σ2t/4, t ≥ 0

)−→ (Et, t ≥ 0) (188)

where E is a Brownian excursion conditioned to reach level 1 (thatis, a realisation of ν(·|H > 1), where ν is Ito’s excursion measure).

A.2.3 The Continuum Random Tree

We have seen in Theorem A.5 that the height process, which encodesthe genealogy of a critical Galton-Watson trees, conditioned to ex-ceed a large height, converges in distribution towards a Brownian

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Figure 17: A simplified representation of the Brownian ContinuumRandom Tree. In reality branching occurs continuously.

excursion conditioned to reach a corresponding height. It is naturalto expect that, as a result, if we now view a finite tree T as a metricspace (as we may: we just think of each edge as a segment of length1), then rescaling this tree suitably, the metric space T converges (ina suitable sense) towards a limiting metric space Θ. This is indeedthe case, and the sense of this convergence is the Gromov-Hausdorffmetric. As this is pretty heavy machinery, we will not explain thisconstruction. Instead, we will describe the limiting object Θ (theContinuum Random Tree of Aldous [5]), and ask the reader to trustus that Θ is indeed the scaling limit of large critical Galton-Watsontrees. More details concerning the Gromov-Hausdorff topology andthis convergence can be found, for instance, in Evans’ Saint Flournotes [78].

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We now explain the definition of the Continuum Random Tree.Let f : R+ → R+ be an excursion, i.e., an element of Ω∗, and letζ be the lifetime of this excursion. We wish to think of f as theheight function of a certain continuous tree, and that will mean thefollowing: the vertices of the tree can be identified to the interval[0, ζ] (the time at which we visit this vertex) provided that we makethe identification between two times s ≤ t such that

f(t) = f(s) = infu∈[s,t]

f(u). (189)

Indeed, on a discrete tree T , if s and t are two times in 0, . . . , |T |−1,then the length of the geodesic between us and ut is easily seen tobe

h(s) + h(t)− 2 infu∈[s,t]

h(u) (190)

since that distance is simply the sum of two terms, which are thenumbers of generations between us and v and between ut and v(where v is the most recent common ancestor between us and ut).However, this most recent common ancestor is precisely at heighth(v) = infu∈[s,t] h(u)

Thus let ∼ be the equivalence relation on [0, ζ] defined by (189),and let

θ = [0, ζ]/ ∼ (191)

be the quotient space obtained from that relation. On the quotientspace θ, we introduce the distance

d(s, t) = f(s) + f(t)− 2 infu∈[s,t]


which is easily seen to be a distance on θ.

Definition A.3. The metric space (θ, d) is the continuum tree de-rived from f . If f(t) = 2et, t ∈ [0, 1], where (et, t ≥ 0) is the Brow-nian excursion conditioned so that ζ = 1, then the random metricspace (Θ, d) derived from f is called the (standard) Continuum Ran-dom Tree (or CRT for short).

To help make sense of this definition, we note that if T is a discretetree, and if C(t) is the Contour process of T (i.e., the linear inter-polation of the process which navigates at speed 1 along the edges,exploring the tree in the order of depth-first search but backtracking

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rather than jumping when it has reached a leaf) then T is isometricto the tree θ derived from C(t) in Definition A.3.

Thus we have the following:

1. Any time t such that f(t) is a local minimum is a branchingpoint of the tree.

2. Any time t such that f(t) is a local maximum is a leaf of thetree (there are in fact many other leaves).

For us, any tree associated with a Brownian excursion (be it aBrownian excursion conditioned to be of duration 1 or be it an ex-cursion conditioned to reach above level x > 0 for some x > 0, forinstance) will be called a Brownian CRT: naturally, they are relatedby a simple scaling.

A.3 Continuous-State Branching Processes

A.3.1 Feller diffusion and Ray-Knight theorem

Come back for a moment to the critical Galton-Watson model thatwe have already introduced, with finite variance. Assume for in-stance that the population at some time t > 0 is very large, say Nxfor some x > 0. Then the population size at the next generationcan be written as the sum of Nx i.i.d. random variable with mean1 (and finite variance). Thus we have, we let Nx = Zt:

E(dZt|Ft) = 0;

andvar(dZt|Ft) = σ2Zt.

This suggests the following diffusion approximation

Theorem A.6. (Feller 1951 [81]) Assume Z0 = N . After rescaling(speeding up time by a factor N and dividing the total populationsize by N), the process ZNt/N converges in the Skorokhod topologytowards the unique in law solution of

dZt = σ


Z0 = 1(192)

The diffusion (192) with σ2 = 1 is called the Feller diffusion.

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The Feller diffusion is also sometimes known as the square Besselprocess of dimension 0. However there isn’t much intuition to gainfrom that connection (it is hard to imagine what a Brownian motionis in dimension 0). Being the scaling limit of critical Galton-Watsonprocesses, Z is a continuous-state branching process (CSBP), asso-ciated with the branching mechanism ψ(u) = u2/2. Indeed, it is aneasy exercise of stochastic calculus to check directly that the Fellerdiffusion enjoys the branching property:

Proposition A.2. Let Z(x) be the Feller diffusion started from Z0 =x. Then Z has the branching property:

Z(x + y) d= Z(x) + Z(y)

where the two processes on the right-hand side are independent.

Proof. To see this, let B and B′ be two independent Brownian mo-tion, and consider two independent Feller diffusions Z and Z ′ drivenby B and B′ respectively. Then one has to show that Z + Z ′ alsosatisfies (192), as it is easy to check that uniqueness in distributionholds. However, if Y = Z + Z ′, then note that

dYt = dZt + dZ ′t


ZtdBt +√

Z ′tdB′t




Wt =∫ t


dBs +

√Z ′s√Ys


Thus W is a local martingale and, since B and B′ are independent,W has a quadratic variation equal to

[W ]t =∫ t


Ysds +

Z ′sYs

ds = t

and hence, by Levy’s characterisation, W is a Brownian motion.Thus Z has the branching property.

We now explain the connection between this diffusion and thecelebrated Ray-Knight theorem on the local times of Brownian mo-tion. Recall the setup of Theorem A.5, where we have an infinite

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sequence of critical Galton-Watson trees, and we showed that theconcatenated height processes converge towards the reflecting Brow-nian motion after rescaling.

Observe also that the number of visits of the height process at acertain level is precisely the total number of vertices at this genera-tion. Thus,

Local time of height process ↔ Population size

In particular, if we want to consider only the N first trees T1, . . . , TN ,we simply stop the height process at the time of its N th visit to theorigin, or equivalently, when it has accumulated a local time at theorigin equal to N . The total population generated by these first Ntrees in the next generation, evolves precisely like a Galton-Watsontree started with N individuals (it doesn’t matter that these indi-viduals weren’t connected to the same root earlier in time). Thusthe Feller diffusion approximation of Theorem A.6 holds, and giventhe above principle that the population size is the same as the localtime of the height process, we obtain:

Theorem A.7. (Ray-Knight theorem for Brownian motion.) Let(Bt, t ≥ 0) be a reflecting Brownian motion at 0, and let τ1 = inft ≥0 : Lt ≥ 1 where Lt is the local time at 0 of B. If for x > 0 wedefine

Zx = L(τ1, x) (193)

be the total local time that B accumulates at level x before τ1, then(Zx, x ≥ 0) is the Feller diffusion.

The Ray-Knight theorem (discovered simultaneously and indepen-dently by Ray and Knight) is actually more general than that, asthere exists for instance a version of this result which describes thebehaviour of L(Tx, a) as a function of a, while x > 0 is fixed. It isone of the most useful tools for studying one-dimensional Brownianmotion, and has been for instance extensively used to describe poly-mer models (see, e.g., [99] or [13]). Below we will see that this isactually a much more general statement about continuum randomtrees and continuous-state branching processes.

A.3.2 Height process and the CRT

We now show how the relation between the Feller diffusion (whichhere is seen as an example of CSBP) and the standard continuum

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random tree may be generalised to other CSBPs. This generalisationis along the lines of the work of Le Gall and Le Jan [114]. Essen-tially, we only touch on the surface of some fairly deep ideas thathave been developed in the last 10 years, and about which the excel-lent monograph by Duquesne and Le Gall [64] give a much broaderoverview.

Le Gall and Le Jan [114] proposed to study the rescaling of theheight process of discrete Galton-Watson trees whose population sizeprocess converges towards a given continuous-state branching pro-cesses. They showed indeed the existence of a scaling limit for theheight process, which takes the following form (the one which wequote is a variation on Theorem 2.2.1 in [64]).

Theorem A.8. Let Z be a fixed CSBP. Let L(N) be the offspringdistribution in Theorem 4.5, and let cN be the associated time-scalewhich guarantees convergence of the rescaled Galton-Watson processtowards Z. Let H(N) be the height process associated with an infi-nite sequence of i.i.d. random trees with offspring distribution L(N).Then we also have convergence of the rescaled height process:


, t ≥ 0) → (Ht, t ≥ 0)

in the sense of finite-dimensional distribution.

See Theorem 2.3.1 in [64] for a statement concerning the strongerconvergence in the sense of the Skorokhod topology (basically, thisconvergence is proved under the condition that the CSBP becomesextinct (114) and a technical, non-important condition).

It is now a good time to recall our principle “one function, onetree”: the limiting height process (Ht, t ≥ 0) encodes a certain Con-tinuum Random Tree Θ, and the convergence in Theorem A.8 en-sures that the corresponding rescaled trees, converge in distribution(in the sense of the Gromov-Hausdorff metric) towards Θ. This isa somewhat sloppy statement: for this to be true, we have to talkabout the Galton-Watson tree conditioned to reach a large height,for instance, much as we did in (188). However, for this to makesense, we need to make sure that H is almost surely continuous.That turns out to be true if and only if the corresponding branchingprocess becomes extinct, i.e., if and only if Grey’s condition (114)holds.

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Naturally, having made this definition we want to see how theCSBP relates to the Continuum Random Tree Θ, and the answer isagain via a Ray-Knight theorem. Thus, define:

L(t, x) := limε→0


∫ t

01|Hs−x|≤εds (194)

which is the amount of local time that H spends near x. One thingto realise is that it is not obvious at all why the limit (194) exists,as H is neither a Markov process nor a semimartingale. This limitis in fact shown to exist in L1 (uniformly in t) by Duquesne and LeGall in Proposition 1.3.3 of [64]. The Ray-Knight theorem in thissetup states:

Theorem A.9. Let (Ht, t ≥ 0) be the height process of a ψ-CSBP.Let L(t, x) be its joint local time process and let (τ`, ` ≥ 0) be theinverse local time at x = 0. Then

(Zx = L(τz, x), x ≥ 0) (195)

is a ψ-CSBP started from Z0 = z.

The advantage of having introduced a tree to describe a CSBP isthat it makes it possible to discuss issues related to the genealogy ofthis continuous-state branching process. For instance, the numberof individuals at time 0 who have descendants at time x > 0 is equalto the number of excursions above 0 that reach x > 0 (and is thusfinite almost surely under Grey’s condition (114).

Much as in the case of the Brownian CRT, where Ito’s excursionmeasures can be used to describe the statistics of “infinitesmial trees”above a given level, there is a valid generalisation of excursion theoryto height processes. This generalisation can be stated in terms ofexcursions as in Theorem A.3 or in terms of trees. We will refrainfrom stating explicitly this result, except to say informally that thecollection of trees generated by the height process above a certainlevel x > 0 is a Poisson point process of trees with intensity d` (thelocal time scale at level x) times a certain excursion measure, ν.For instance, given L(τ1, x) = `, the number of excursions (or trees)that reach level x + h is Poisson with mean `ν(sups≥0 Hs > h).Moreover this is “independent from what happened at lower levels”.(However, unlike in the Brownian case, it makes no sense to talkabout excursions below x for which there is no excursion property).

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We finish this section with a description of the excursion measure,which is the analogue to Theorem A.4.

Theorem A.10. Assume Grey’s condition (114).Let v(x) = ν(sups≥0 Hs > x) be the measure of excursions that reachabove level x. Then v(x) is uniquely determined by:

∫ ∞



ψ(q)= x.

Naturally, this result says exactly the same thing as Theorem 4.7for the lookdown process. Indeed, this can be proved directly usingthe same arguments, or can be deduced from it: it turns out thatthe notions of genealogy for (Zt, t ≥ 0), as defined by the continuumrandom tree and by the lookdown process, are identical. Recall thatin the world of CRT, an individual is identified with subtree belowit, i.e., with an excursion above a certain level, and u is an ancestorof v if the excursion associated with v is a piece of the excursionassociated with u. However, in the lookdown process, individualsare seen as levels of a countable population, and individual i at times is an ancestor of individual j at time t > s if ξi(s) = ξj(t), where(ξi(t), t ≥ 0)i≥1 denotes the lookdown process.

The following result was proved in [20], and shows that the twonotions are identical, in the following sense. Let (Zt, t ≥ 0) be aψ-CSBP started from Z0 = r > 0 satisfying (114), and assume thatZt is obtained as the local times of the height process (Ht, t ≤ Tr)as in Theorem A.9. The key point is to order the excursions abovea certain level t suitably. We choose to rank them according to theirsupremum. That is, we denote by ej(t) the jth highest excursionabove the level t. We draw a sequence of i.i.d. random variables(Ui)i≥1 uniform on (0, 1). For each j ≥ 1, we associate to ej(0) thelabel Uj . As t increases, a given excursion may split: we decidethat the children subexcursions each inherit the label of the parentexcursion. We define a process ξj(t), for all j ≥ 1 and all t ≥ 0 bysaying that ξj(t) the label of ej(t). Note that when an excursionsplits, a fairly complex transition may occur for (ξj(t), t ≥ 0) as theexcursions ej(t) are always ordered by their height. In fact, we havethe following result (Theorem 14 in [20]):

Theorem A.11. The process (ξj(t), t ≥ 0) is the Donnelly-Kurtzlookdown process associated with (Zt, t ≥ 0).

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Aldous’ construction of King-man’s coalescent, 36

Allele, 42Allele frequency spectrum, 54,

103Allelic partition, 53–55, 102Ancestral Eve, 44Ancestral lineages, 43, 85Ancestral partition, 43, 47, 80,

85, 178Arratia flow, 137

Beta distribution, 16, 72Beta-coalescent, 72Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent,

72, 158Branching mechanism, 108, 111Branching random walks, 176Bridge, 89Brownian web, 137

Cannings models, 46, 80Chinese Restaurant Process, 17,

20, 56, 163, 164Coalescing flow, 90, 137Cocycle property, 96Coming down from infinity, 35,

73, 79, 92, 163Consistency, 33, 65, 146Continuous Random Energy Model,

167Continuous-state branching pro-

cess (CSBP), 108, 174Continuum Random Tree, 72,

82, 192, 197Contour process, 81

De Finetti’s theorem, 10Deme, 141Depth-first search, 187, 188Differential equation, 35, 76,

112, 133Diffusion approximation, 49, 194Diploid, 44Donnelly-Kurtz, 92, 113, 115,

125, 199Drosophila, 54Duality, 50, 90, 94, 132, 138,


Evans’ random metric space,127

Ewens’ sampling formula, 19,20, 56, 102

Exchangeable partition, 8, 65

Feller diffusion, 194Fitness, 176Fixation time, 52Fleming-Viot

generalised, 93process, 90spatial, 92

Fluctuation theory, 128Frequency of a block, 8

Genealogical tree, 44Generalized random energy model,

158, 167Genetic Hitchhiking, 86Genetic variation, 42Genotype, 85Gibbs distribution, 168Graphical construction, 33


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Green function, 62, 152Grey’s criterion, 112Gromov-Hausdorff metric, 192Gumbel distribution, 170

Heavy tails, 80Height process, 81, 187Hitchhiking, 86hom*ozigosity, 59

Infinite alleles model, 53, 102,104

Infinite sites model, 60, 105Inverse local time, 184Ito’s excursion measure, 185Ito’s formula, 121

Kingman’s correspondence, 12Kolmogorov backward equation,


Λ-coalescents, 65Largest block, 126Levy measure, 68, 107Levy process, 67Levy-Ito decomposition, 66, 119Levy-Khintchin formula, 68, 107Lifting of an edge, 159Linkage desequilibrium, 86Local time

(definition), 182(for height process), 198

Locus, 60, 85Lookdown process, 92, 113, 115,

125, 199Lukasiewicz path, 187, 188

MarginalsKingman’s coalescent, 40Beta-coalescent, 126

Mittag-Leffer distribution, 30

Mohle’s Lemma, 48, 82Moran model, 45, 50, 85, 141,

176Multifractal spectrum, 128Multiple collisions, 65Mutation rate, 58

Neveu’s branching process, 174

Overlap, 175

p-merger, 68, 86Polya’s urn, 18, 127Paintbox process, 9Poisson-Dirichlet, 15, 163, 164,

172Poissonian construction

Λ-coalescent, 70Poisson-Dirichlet, 20, 172

Random permutations, 22, 164Ray-Knight theorem, 196Recombination, 85Recursive trees, 159Regular variation, 27, 103Rooted segments, 38, 40Ruelle’s probability cascades,


Schweinsberg’s criterion, 77Segregating sites, 61Selection, 42, 176Selective advantage, 85Selective sweep, 84Sherrington-Kirkpatrick, 158, 174Simple coalescence, 65Simplex, 40Simultaneous multiple collisions,

82, 89Site frequency spectrum, 61, 105Size-biased

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ordering, 15, 24pick, 12, 163

Slow variation, 27Small-time behaviour, 35, 117Smoluchowski’s equations, 154SNP (single nucleotide polymor-

phism), 61Spatial Λ-coalescent, 145Spectrally positive Levy pro-

cess, 107Spin glass, 72, 167, 174Stable

CSBP, 110subordinator, 124, 184

Star-shaped, 73Stepping stone model, 141Stick-breaking, 17, 22Stochastic flow, 96Subordinator, 164, 184

stable, 124, 184Sufficient statistics, 58Super Brownian excursion, 140Super Brownian motion, 92, 132,

137Super-Brownian motion, 156

Time-reversal, 40, 125, 134Topology, 12Total length of tree, 122Travelling waves, 72, 179

Ultrametric, 175Universality, 41, 72, 180

Voter model, 137

Wright-Fisher, 45, 97

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