Richmond Times-Dispatch from Richmond, Virginia (2024)

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Richmond, Virginia

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-'t -t 1 -K I'e- -C f- a i ft ft I A 4 vr IEMTHE and Vegetables CHEAPER NOW THIN EVER TO HIS BE x-1 A 'v BROAD STREET-TWO BTBEET Mr' tieorge Shepperson Passes Away at ah Ad- vancsed Age Three New Shirt-Waist Corsets All Warner Rust-Proof Models t- 'f s- i v- v- too esil of tho Finest Corn now lOc packags American' Oat Flake now aBc Fresh Strlnglsss Snaps perQuart 1 Sc Largsst Barly York Cabbags per pound eaoeaessoaSa The flneet and largest new Potatoes quart ASMtSSMMtM TC Very bat Byrd Island Flour per tack 87e Smoked Hams (butts) those are fine ate fawvo 7o Nicest did Irish Potatoes peck lOo and 18 l8e The finest and largest Roe Herring dossn iimmmimmmi 90q Beat American Bntr pound mi Be New Cut Herring dosen 6ci per 100 eetsess tflfie Best City 11 Ground Msalic' peck eta4PMeetMbpi 17c i And thousands of other articles at tame rate I 1 For Corset comfort during warm weather hot find anything at the prices that will give you more satisfaction than one of these Warner Models The Glenora illustrated to-day is of German batiste jrlth low bust and short hip (or slender figure $1-00 The Oayety is another 1100 model: German batiste high bust short hip (or the average figure 1 No 250 is glrflU of fine tetlete trimmed with lace top end bottom for slender girlish figure 1100 that all Warner Corsets are rust-prodf steels Oil Ee Marshall Street 790 Cary Street 114 Eighteenth Street 1781 Main direct Brook Avenue and Clay' Street These Days fV 'Vv 1 -4 eeBBa Steady Growth -x i -y s- 1 v- it may eiasily be that you need additional banking facilities We have them 1 NATIONAL BANK From UR to UffiAand again In UR-7h ho was a judge of tho Supreme Court of Tea-' MUM Ia 1S1 ho was elected Governor on th Republican ticket- He wns defeated for the ensuing term INMEMORIAM OF OUR OLDEST PRINTERS Member of Firm of Whittet Shepperson From ItOrgani-1 Funeral To-day Mr George Shepperaon ene of Rich oldest printers and publishers and ia member of the firm of Whittet A Shepperson fftmt Its formation nearly forty years age died yesterday morning at his home No 109 West 'Marshall Street Though not unexpected by his family iad closest friends the death of this good man was a shock' to tha hosts who loved him His health and strength had been fulling for several years and for soma months he had been confined to Ms home most of the tlme but his cheerful spirits and strong will-power led those who loved him moet to hope that hs would rally Ho became worse on Tuesday and throughout Wednesday it was apparent that ha could not last long Good and Useful Man Mr Shepperson was a native of Richmond and waa a devoted son of the city and State A few months more and hs would have reached three score and ten His life waa a busy and useful aa well as long ana- Ho entered upon his trad as pressman whan a mars boy and tn his early life was associated with some of the older-' printing houses her Richmond was then a small dty as compared with the Richmond of to-day Tho modest man who rejoiced In the steady growth and prosperity of the dty was as an upright and successful business man- a factor In this growth When tho war came on Mr Shepperson waa enrolled for service but was exempted on account of his trade by which he was able to render valuable service to tho Oonfede-racy He like all the other men who were able assisted In the home defense Boon after the war Mr Shepperson farmed a copartnership with Mr James Whittet In tha firm of Whittet A Shepperson printers and publishers which has grown to ha ons of tho largest in the State The firm continues to-day as It begun except that the eons of Mr Whittet have been admitted' The personal relations between the two men hav been as doss ss their business ues Their devotion has been like that of brothers Mr Shepperson was a good man and his Ilfs was a benediction to tho community In business in hie social relations In the hom*o and In the church ho represented the purest and highest type of Christian man He became a Christian early in life and was an active and consecrated one He placed himself and all he had on tho altar of service Mr Shepperson had been a member at Immanuel Baptist Church since Its organisation aa a mission twenty years ago was senior deaeon treasurer of the Sunday-school and was Identified with 'all branches of the church's work He i waa also a Pythian and a member of McCarthy Co un pll Boyal Arcanum' His FainOy- Mr Shepperson Is survived by hla wife and one daughter He bed 'been twice married Hie first wife who died many yean ago wgs Mlaa Lucy Tenser They had one son Charles Edward who died some yean ago leaving three daughters and two sons 1 The second wife who survives waa Miss Alice' Clayton The only daughter Is Miss Grace Shepperson The funeral will take place from Immanuel Baptist Church this afternoon at 4 Tho service will he conducted by the pastor Rev Stone Tho poll-bearsra will be the Meeera John Sale Foster TO-thall Dorset- 8 Woodfln and Byron Goodman with Messrs James and Robert Whittet the younger members of the firm of which the deceased had so long been a part 1 OBITUARY '-a' Waverly Lawrence Tho funeral of Mr Robert Waverly Lawrence proprietor of the Hotel Lawrence who died suddenly -while waiting on a customer at the cigar counter In hie cafe Wednesday afternoon wilt take place this afternoon and the Interment will be In tha family burying ground about eight miles from Richmond on the Broad Street road The body will be taken away at o'clock this morning from the residence of hie brother No A North Twenty-Moth Street where It wag taken shortly after death Mr Lawrence was thirty-five years of age and woj unmarried He had been In the hotel and restaurant business in Richmond for many years and was widely known and popular I He had been In 111 health for some years though hie death which resulted from heart failure was quits sudden Mr Lawrence was a member of the Elks and several other secret orders' He Is survived by hie father 1 and mother Mr and Mrs Lawrence and three brothers as foHowst Lawrence James A Lawrence and Alton Lawrence Charles Pinckney Crump Mr Charles Crump formerly of this city and a son of Ptofessor Thomas Crump principal of ons of the public schools hers died on' Monday lapt at his horns at Vienna Fairfax county Mr Crump waa thirty-seven years of age and is surviyed by a wife two eons one brother and his father He had been for many years (n the office of the Southern Railway Company SPRING CATARRH On the morning of April 22d 1M onf -Heavenly Father called to his eternal rav- ward the beloved motor of the Church of tho Epiphany Barton Helshts Va Rev CHRISTIAN ROBERT KUYK While to this dispensation of Almighty God wo bow with humble and submiaelvn hearts knowing that his merry Is over all Me work yet we are deeply eeneiMe of the grsat and painful lose wa have i tabled In the death of our pastor friend Our vestry bas been deprived of a wise counsellor our congregation of a warm and sympathetic spiritual advisor tho church of a faithful and powerful ex-1- ponent of her toachiriga 4 -God had endowed him with iphoM 1 native gifts a thinker of rare power with mu ima gloat km beautiful in Its oon- eeptlon of God and his rsdosmtag lovs with a vision elsar and firm in Hs grasp of truth and with a faculty of presenting powerfully (he truth as he sew It to his bearer He was In all respects a great preacher We feel that no servant of God has -preached the Gospel of love with mom tenderness and aweetnsss than ho and In the etrength of Chat love which he preach-ed hewsa at aU times ptrong and tender and true In the latter yeara of hie life God lied laid upon him a heavy affliction which none but himself knew how grievous it waa to bear Under It and through ft otruggled manfully courageously and un- --oompiainingly When at last one only -hope of reflet eras held out to hho under -t tho surgeon's knife bravely and fearlmely ho gave himself to this last hope and era in awoke from it God had called him hom*o -f In hie life ho was faithful valiant and heroic tn hla death he wns triumphant He approached his death "Like one that wraps tho drapery of his couch about him And lies down ta pleasant dreams i We thank God for tho beautiful rx- ampin of his patience for tho heroic ex-tilbUlon of hla faith and for tho simple yet sublime testimony which he horn to bio confidence In Ms risen Lord To his family wo tender our heartfelt sympathy In their sod bereavement and commend them to the tender mercies of Father whom their lovto one io our Heavenly- faithfully 't- yj lu' Council Called to Meet Joint Session This Evening 1 WEDDING BELLS LAST NIGHT Improvements to be Made Courtroom Other Notes to Manchester Bureau Timet-Dispatch I No 110S Hull Street A Jolnt 'oeasion of Council has been called for to-night at o'clock for tho lection of various city officers Those to ho chosen are bridge commissioner member of school board from Second Ward gae Inspector and two fire commissioners i For the latter places Councilmen Atkins and Lindsay will he chosen Station House Inspected The Grounds and Building Committee met lest night and inspected the Police Court and station houses' They decided to make decided Improvements at this place A new cell will be put in and there will be lota at- painting and other Improvements to the Court room It was decided to postpone the jail Inspection to tho next mooting Work at the Pump-House The water commissioners ha vs let the contract (Or tho Improvements to the pump-houee and In a few months the water supply will be etfial to any In the country In any city the els of Manchester i The sum of $MOO will ho spent In the Imprtntenwnte Jarhloh will supply the city with a sufficient quantity of water to answer whatever demands are placed upon them Dunn Childs Superintendent Allen has Just returned from Goochland county where ho went to attend the marriage at his nephew Mr Dunn to Miss Ellis Virginia Childs both of that county Tho ceremony was performed by Rev Wakefield sue wedding march was played by Miss Dots Trice After the ceremony there was a supper and dancing was kept up until morning The groom Is a well known young plantin' of Goochland and his bride la a charming young lady of that county both of whom have a number of friends In this city Personals and Briefs The social announced (Or to-night at Bain bridge Street Baptist Church has been postponed until Tuesday night May Zd at 8 FARMERS DEBATE Interesting Meeting Held Seven Pines Last Night Tho second meeting of the Debating Society" was held at the residence of Mr A Smith Seven Pines last night Thera waa a large attendance of the members and a most enjoyable time they bad: An election of officers for tho ensuing year resulted as follows: President Matthew fiplge Vice-President Dr A Howard Secretary Wingfield Treasurer A Smith Entertainment Committee Howard A It Smith Hannah Smith and I Wey-land The literary entertainment was opened with a piano eoto ny Miss Annie Howard This waa followed with an address on Welfare of the New Organisation" by Mr Wingfield The "Point of Agriculture' was the subject of an address by Mr A Smith The speeches were dosed with a short talk on "Rotation of Crops" by Mr Matthew Bpigel The entertainment closed with a vocal solo by Miss Howard NEW OYSTER COMPANY State Corporation Authorizes Concern With Local Capital The Stats Corporation Commission yesterday granted the following charters: Bone bland Oyster Company (Incorporated) Richmond: Cardwell president Ashland Winston secretary and treasurer Hanover WJn-tun director Hanover: capital stock $25000 to buy sell lease and cultivate oyoter denting ground In this State to build manage and occupy buildings In connection therewith The Dublin Institute Dublin Frank Bell Withrow Howe Jordan directors who ore to manage the institute Dublin otdect-for the education of boys ana gins Services at Immanuel The congregation at Immanuel Baptist Church last night waa one of the largest of tho week and the service waa one of deep interest Rev Mr Baroody preached an excellent sermon There will he preaching to-night but the afternoon service will ho dispensed with on account of the funeral of Mr George Shepperson Virginia Manuscripts Mr Edward Steptoe Evans assistant librarian to tho Virginia Stato Library accompnled by Mra Evans arrived In Richmond yeterdayv from Washington where he spent several days making a calendar of manuscript relating to Virginia contained in the Library of Congress and the various department libraries in that city Remains Expected To-day The remains of Mra Thomas Moore who died in Lew Angeles lest Sunday on her way abroad will reach here over the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad some time to-day The funeral arrangements are now being made Water Committee The Committee oh Witter held a re ulsr meeting last night and disponed of a good deal of regular business All at however related to the routine affairs of the department Amherst Affairs 'Hpeelal to The TlmM-Dlapath) AMHERST VA April 27-QulM a large crowd greeted Polk Miller and his negro quartette here last night This Is the first time that Mr Miller has ap-pesred in Amherst since he secured hie negro quartette and his audience was highly enAartalned The entertalnmnt was given under the auspices of the ladies of Ascension Church and the proceeds wltl he used for the Ineuranoe of the church td7 The School Trustee Electoral Board ol this county met lost week and elected the following truHtces of the county Courthouse District Mnore Temperance Campbell Elun fi Watt: Pedler Watts It Morris In Courthouse District to succeed Coleman resigned Confirmation ta Tha Hmaa-DiMafch) rrLFEPER VA April 27-Bshop Gibson preached In the Episcopal Church here to-day and confirmed a large class The mint of Old Kentucky coins tfcie finest julep-made with' tiiskey Hottled in So nd Distilled by original hand process that give the wonderful flavor for which Kentucky whiskey is famous' Oevgryent stamp across coik ia your protection Leokar'TOM 8srbeeMou lift faksf JnaT Babes 4 Co LoubvilkKy ILL FOR SHEET S-- -'tWS SUE Beautiful and Successful Bazaar Being Held at Old Bijou v- Tha basaar which la being given at the old Bijou Theatre by St Agues Guild of Monumental for the benefit of a room In the Retreat for the Sick la proving such a success that It will probably be' continued next week though ft was expected ft would close to-morrow night There aye number of interesting features which are drawing' many visitors each night i Chief among these Is the military drill In- which forty odd pretty maidens participate These young girls clad In In white and bearing United States flags ere jt rained: by George Bklp-wlth find 8ergant Btuobe or tlw uev-enlleth Regiment and their part In the programme each nisht creates great enthusiasm rtf The offloen' and privates In the company are os follows: Captain Francks Teller First Sergeant Louise Hlckerson Right Gblde Jean Me- Grow Corporals Lucy Goode 1 Louise Hall Jessie Hutchinson Ruth Hutch ln-n Marion Johnson Bert Myers and Virgie Pettit Privates Allen Ethel Boudar Genevieve Burroughs Ruth Cowles Francis Crane 1 Ethel Davis Bertha DeUereuxY Cornelia Ellington Elisabeth Gaines 1 Myra GUIs Etta Godsey Nannie Hall Edna Hlckerson Nettie Johnson Florence Leech Elisabeth McGraw Alline Moore Helm Moore bouse Linda Preston Mattie Preston Annie Richardson May Spindle Ruby Taylor Sarah Thornton India Thomas Mary ITueman Elisabeth Watkins and Maude Woodfln Another feature of Interest la a Democratic primary In which persona may vote for all State and- city officers shortly to be chosen Governor Montague la slightly leading Senator Martin for the United States Senate and Willard is ahead for Governor Swanson as a close second Mr Ellyson leads his' opponents for the second place though then are many votes for Mr Cabell A hard race Is on (Dr Batata Senator Colonel Anderson and Mr' Alnslis running neck and neck Cunningham has a majority of votes so far for City Collector There Is much Interest in all the other fights The pretty lady judge having chugs of the ballot box kindly 1 consented to count up the vote for the newspaper man though she did not wish to be understood as tampering with the ballots Mr Hutcheon Here Mr James Hutcheon of Chlhunhua Mexico is in Rlohmona visiting friends and relatives Mr Hutcheon has lived jn Mexico for a number at years having luge mining interests tHere He came to Richmond on account of the repent death ol hfs brother Mr Archibald Hutcheon but will remain here for some week 4 Governor Indisposed Governor Montague Is confined to his room suit-ring from a severe cold and for this nwmn was uanMe to sit with the Slate Board of Education last night His physician-will probably permit him to leave his room to-day Big Saw-Mill Burned (By Associated Press) WHITE SPRINGS April Z7-The aw mill of Jand Camp ons of the largest concerns of the kind in TOrida was burned here to-day with the dry kiln veneering mill commissary and two million feet of lumber Thd fire spread to neighboring houses and several of them worn destroyed The loss will reach at least 66ft 00ft STIRS THEM UP Son of JChief of Augusta Fire Department Killed by Train (Special to Tha Times-(lispatch) WINSTON-SALEM April Messrs Brown And A oorrell left to-nhiit for Washington to prosMr Mtiiiors from ilia 'Board of Trade and board of Aldermen asking Secretary Shaw of the Treasury Department to make the neoesssry arrangements fur nork to begin once on public biillilmga A white men named Reynolds supposed to be Hixiut thinly years old was fouvi lead iiiix morning on the Norfolk and Western yard ut Madison One or two ee-vere Kaohm were found on1 hl head' and is b-iicvii) man waa struck by a through freight last night A letter was found In Reynolds' pocket staling i hut hie father was chief' of the f)r d' jKiriment at Augusta The letter wns supposed to have been written by the sop says any uorldent hefdilg me notify my father nt Augusta 1 The radmud authorities have wired Augusta to see if tha father wishes the remains shipped there I A i' A Wnora $100 Remnants of Dress Goods and Silks Greater Opportunities (Or You Day Than Ever Before A business for April that has far exceeded our expectations la leaving in its wake an enormous collection of remnant These odd lots and short pieces are years at prices low enough to make them decidedly good bar- gains especially aa the lengths art so useful Stay llanton Patterns 10c each GREAT CROWDS SEE THE TWO DIG SHOWS Ben Hur and the Boer War Play to Capacity Walter Ed-v wards Coining If the city ordinances had not made the "standing room sign a useless adjunct to the box office of theatres in this city it would have been very much In demand at the Academy this week Every seat In that playhouse eras occupied last night and the sale of seats indicate that this will bo the rule the entire week Those who go to the box- office late In the day to procure tickets for the Ben Hur performance of the earns evening' generally find that not a seat lias been left unsold There will be a special matinee to-day af 9 o'clock The Boer War The Boer War Spectacle was seen twice yesterday the crowd in the evening numbering about dOOO every seat in the immense enclosure being occupied About seventy-five Confederate veterans attended the afternoon performance and met General Crania who welcomed them as his guests Twenty-five officers of the Seventieth Regiment were the special guests of General Crooje at the exhibition last night A pleasing taddagf to the men of the organisation presenting- tfle spectacle occurred yesterday when- Mr Davidson a German who has spent fifteen yean in South Africa visited some of his old friends Mr Davidson recently located In Lawrencevllle In this State where he la now engaged in business Hs came to the city yesterday for the spe-' cial purpose of meeting old friends who were here O-onje recognised Mr Davidson and heartily welcomed him The Boer War Spectacle goes from hero to Charlotte avUle and then to Staunton Walter Edwards Coming Fstrona of the theatres will next week have a chance to renew their acquaintance with Walter Edwards the actor Who has several times appeared in this -city and who has ihade many friends here by hie clever work Fighting a new play dif- ferent from the others Is to be the offer-- ing and is said to afford still further opportunity for the display of the versa-i tility of the actor UMPIRE JUSTICE JOHN He Declares Three Men Out and One Was Sent On After the captains of the First and Second had stated that thtir teams were ready Justice John called the game and Soorekeeper Thomas sharpened his pen- The first man up waa Charles Payne He attempted to bunt but the umpire taw he was In bad 'condition and af-1 ter the second rhanre lie was sent to the bench Charles was a bum player and was released by hit captain but more will be heard from him after the crowd In the Hustings Court grand stand hear from him at the meeting of the next grand Jury The charge against him ia that of collecting certain sums of money belonging to Gate and Bon amounting to SQM about two years ago Slnco that time he has been in Philadelphia Bailey Shelton waa the second man nut He handed Mamie Shelton a foul strike and It coat him a fine of life The third man out wa Eubank who got too much on board while per-f ambulating Broad Street He wan sent to the bench with a fine of hanging over him The other players refused to play be- cause they were not in good condition and they were each released WARM GAME LIKELY Richmond College and William and Mary to Cross Bats Base-ball enthusiasts expect to see a warm game at Broad Street Park this afternoon when William and Mary go up against Richmond College in the chnm- ptonsbtp game on the collegiate schedule The college team will line up as ft did in Yale game last week and expect to visitor do notslntend to allow them any cards or spades The local lineup will he ee follows: gnrad catcher Griffin pitcher Crawford short awp Sutherland first base RicMrdgffn Remember boned with 5c Yard For Remnants of Percales Madras Ginghams Calicoes tike (Basem*nt) These goods sold up to I2c and 15c per 'yard in the full piece 1 The leftovers in short lengths will be cleared up at gc yard on sale In Trimming Department second base Harwood third base Mench left field: Robertson (captain) center field Dunnaway right field Richmond will not have their coach Stanley Blgbie with them as he has gone to join his team at Lowell Mass The game wlU be called at 4 i ii HIGH-WATER MARK Membership of Post A A Greater Than Ever Before The monthly meeting of Poet A A held at their headquarters at Third and Main Streets this evening waa a most enthusiastic one and largely attended The report of the secretary shows membership of the Fast the largest In Its history applications being received dally Mr Clowes chairman of the Hotel Committee stated that he was In correspondence with the Savannah convention in regard to the accommodation of the delegates or other persons who wish to attend the National Convention of the Protective Association which will be held In Savannah in May beginning the 16th The A party from Richmond will leave here on tho 14th Those intending to go will communicate with Mr Clowes- who will furnish any desired information A SPLENDID MISSION First National Bank Has Done Much to Upbuild Virginia Authority has been granted by the Comptroller of the Currency for the ro-extenslan of the charter of the First National Bank of Richmond Va for twenty years from April Mth 1906 This institution was originally chartered April Mth 1WK and to-day enjoys the distinction of being one or the largest strongest and most conservative banking Institutions of the South with capital surplus and undivided profits of considerably over one million dollar and total assets of over six million doilare This bank him confined itself to the handling of etrlctly commercial banking business and has been largely instrumental in the upbuilding of vast manufacturing and jobbing Interests of the Virginias and the Carolines Its management has always been characterised by a broad spirit of liberality and conservatism and It is source of gratification that Its stockholders have decided to further Increase Its usefulness VALUABLE PROPERTY Trustee Buys Main Street Lots Will Build Handsome Structure Mr Charles Williams trustee has Just closed d'-ol by which he as trustee becomes the purchaser fit the valuable M11 Street property Noe 720 and 731 The two lots with the store houses thereon were purchased one from Valentine estate and the other from Brown A Sons Mr Williams paid for the two properties $111400 aT now occupied by two-story buildings one of which la used aa a barber shop and one as a harness and saddlery establishment It Is understood that these will be torn down by the new owners at aa early date and a splendid building somewhat of tha Kkyncraplng order will he erected In their places Jefferson Monument Fund In response to the augestion of "Rose-T- Wortham that admirers and friends of Joseph Jefferson erect a monument to him in Richmond 5 5umiSLr of bscrlptlons have been made These contributions will he re-by Mr Wortham and by The Times-Ihspatch The list at present follows: Rosemnry 2 40 B- Tuck 200 M- Wortham 2 00 JJwmce 8 llawes 00 Hume A Randolph Holladay 2 00 Jonathan Bryan 2 00 Crutchfield 2 40 An Alleged Deserter Detectives Gibson and Wren yesterday arrested a man at the show grounds Whom they surperted of being a deserter from the army He gave the name of Bowers and was locked up to wait the result of Investigation Warmly Congratulated "1 bl bride iTrd and Mr Pjdotk was at hlK post of duty in (lie 1 ho Chief of Police yesterday riwwwd mHn he He was by CTrleMa all day Dr Kerr to Preach Here ttaltlmore and iiexftty Dr Kerr Aina THE AMERICAN In Waabiagtoa havlns formerty been engaged here iu a similar service Mr Chump married Mies Julia Preston a daughter of tho late Rev London A Cutler of Loueia county and one pastor of Marshall Street Christian Church JohnTrexler Mr John Trexlor died at his raaldence US Beverly Btroot Wedneoday In tho alxty-flrst year at hie age' He is survived by a wife three brothers and six children "i- The funeral will take place from tho residence this afternoon at o'clock and tha Interment will be tn Riverrtew Cemetery Michael A Sullivan Mr Michael A Sullivan dtod at Me raaldence No 504 North Twenty-eixth Street yesterday In alxty-aeventh year of his age He leayee a wife two daughters and one son Tin funeral win take place this morn-ink at 10 with requiem mass from Bt Church V- Colin Reynolds Mr Colin Hays olds died at Ms residence corner Sixth and CUy Streets Wednesday afternoon Tho funeral -will take place from there at I o'clock to-day William Henth (Special to Tha Tlmee-Dispatch) BCOTTBVIULE VA April The body of Mr WUlle Heath who died on Wednesday In the Memorial Hospital Richmond waa brought to Soottsvllls today tor interment The burial took place at I o'clock In tho Presbyterian Cemetery Mr Heath leaves besides Mo parents one slater Mrs-J Martin Moon of Richmond and two brothers Messrs Scott and Lindsay Heath Miss Lizzie Phrr I Special to The Tlmm-Dispatch) -AMHERST VA April 27-Mlaa Lisaio Farr of this county died -'in Buena Vista Va yeeterday afternoon Miao Parr was an A 1 of Randolph-hlacon Woman's College of lamcbburg and waa teacher of mathematics In the Southern Seminary in Buena Vista She was taken sick on tho 10th bietant and for a number of days past her condition has been hopeless She will ho hurled at Allwood tomorrow morning Her mother Mra A Farr of this county and a number pt brother and Maters survive her' Mrs Fannie Vance (Special to The Tlraae-DUpotch) BRISTOL TENN April Mrs Fannie Vance widow of the- late Vance who was prominent lawyer here died this morning aged fifty-eight Two daughters and two sane survive One son le In business in Lynchburg and ths other la superintendent of tho electric car lino hero i' John Semong (Special to Tho Times-Dls patch) CHATHAM -VA April John 8 Semons of Callanda Pittsylvania county was found dead Thursday Death waa from heart disease He was about seventy Two sons and three daughters survive him Mrs Fowler (Special to The TImes-Dispatch) NORFOLK VA April Mra Laura Glbbe Fowler widow of James Fowler who was in the United States revenue service here for a number of years died this morning aged sixty-two years fORMEI ElffiMm IF MSSEEIM Alvin Hawkins Began Life Fnn Hand and Black-Smith as (By Aiiftflirf1 Prus) NABHVILE TENN April HFormer Governor Alvin Hawkins aged eighty three years died to-dag at his home in Huntingdon Tenn A ewwel Alvin Hawkins was horn In Bath county Kentucky December UO' the eon Df John and Folly Hawkins In 1M the family moved to Maury county and In 1228 to Carroll county Tenn Toung Hawkins did farm work and assisted hie father In' biackemlthing He succeeded however in' procuring a good education and for a time taught school Thereafter he reed law and in 1M2 waa admitted to the bar The public career of Mr Hawkins began In JU when he was elected a member of the General Assembly of Tennessee He wee an elector on tho Bell and Everett ticket In 1M0 Two year later fie wee elected to -Congress as a Unionist but irregularities In the election de-hanvd him from the seat For a year he served as United States district attorney for the- Western District of Tennessee In 1SR ho wee appointed United States consul-general at Havana which position bo resigned la the following year Resolved That this tribute to our loved rector be spread upon the minutes of tho vastly and a copy be sent to hi family THE VESTRY OF CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY Barton Heights Va DEATHS (V-- Died Monday April 24 lM at Ms resldenoe Vienna Fairfax county Va CHARLES PINCJKNET CRUMP In the thirty-seventh year of hie age Ho leaves a wife and two children- a father and a brother to mount their loco Died April 24 IMS COLLIN REYNOLDS Funeral from his tote residence Twenty-fourth and Cloy Va FRIDAY A flowers Washington (D CL) and Norfolk (Va) paper please copy Died Thursday April 27th at A at his residence No i West Marshall Street GEO fW In the seventieUi year of his age He leaves a wife and one daughter Funeral from Immanuel Baptist Church FRIDAY April 28th at 4 P-M Reiativee and friends are Invited to at-' tend Died at Ms residence' Ml North Twenty-sixth Street HIOHEAL SULLIVAN amid (fxty-eeven yean He leaves a wife two daughters and one son to mourn their loss- His funeral will take place FRIDAY MORNING at 10 o'clock with requiem moss from St Patrick's Church Friends and relative invited to attend Request no flowers 1 1 -V TREXLER--Died April 21 lMI'et his resldenoe 1838 Beverly Street JOHN TREXLER in the sixty-first year of hla age He is survived by hla wife three brothers eix children twenty-two grand- -children and two great-grandchildren Funeral from the residence THIS (Friday) AFTERNOON st I o'clock In- terment tn River View Friends and ao- -quahitances Invited to attend- A marm Married" April o'clock M- by the Rev Dr v' Hawthorne Mr WM RAND ALTa lof New York City1 and Mies MARJORIE -BLIZABETH ER8IG of Fort Wayne Ind Changeable Weather Causes Disease Breathe Hyomel and Cure Catarrh The changeable weather of Spring with Its warm days and cold nights Is responsible for a great Increase In the number of esses of catarrh It Is now that Hyomel the only guaranteed treatment for catarrh that cures without stomach doling should be used In every home Hyomri Is a scientific method by Which pure sir impregnated with own remedies for the cure of catarrh can be Inhaled by every sufferer In -hla or her home Breathed through the neat pocket Inhaler' that comes with every outfit its heeling volatile antiaeptlo fragrance reaches the lungs and air passages no stomach dosing possibly can do It gives immediate relief and makes lasting cures Proof that the Hyinnei treatment will do all that Is claimed tor it le found in the guarantee under which your druggist eelle it an agreement to pay back the price If the purchaser can say that Hyomel has given satisfaction Complete outfit extra bottles' 54c A Miller will refund the' money in ee-eonlonee with the above suaiantoo to anyone purchasing Hyomel nt thslr stars should It not give complete 1 SCHOOLS VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE LEXINGTON VA The Boon of Visitors at their Annual Meeting on the 10th of ant Iiiu will appoint STATE CADETS to fill vacancies In the 4 7th nth lKh Utb ttot ltd Mth Mth Senatorial District and two (Q AT LARGS These appointments cony free boert nd tuition Applications should be crtilicssul to the undersigned oa or before Juno 10th oa forme that will bo sent upon rsqueet scott smrr i i i 1 i i h1- t- I -J tr: erne a.

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Richmond Times-Dispatch from Richmond, Virginia (2024)
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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.