Teen dad? - Chapter 20 - Itachis_ring - 呪術廻戦 (2024)

Chapter Text

Nervousness? No, he couldn't explain how he was feeling right now with just that word.

Gojo was freaking out, they were heading towards the Zen'in's. Megumi seemed curious and excited, which pissed him off.

The sorcerer was tapping on his leg nervously, he was thankful of Ijichi driving them there, because he was at edge all day.

He made sure that Megumi was dressed occasionally, something that was formal but still something he can move easily in. After all, this whole visit was for the kid to show off his skills.

Gojo knew that Megumi was more than capable of becoming the next heir for the Zen'in clan, he would be perfect.

The ten shadow technique was something that sorcerers feared.

For understandable reasons.

Megumi sighed looking at his phone, since Gojo got him a new one he was always playing on it. The sorcerer got mad at this game called angry birds, that the kid downloaded on his old phone.

He threw it on the floor when he lost. So he had to buy Megumi a new one. The kid wasn't even angry, he was actually happy that Gojo bought him a new one.

Apparently he was the only one who hadn't heard of this game, even Shoko and Nanami knew about it.

It was shocking.

He had no idea how to act.

If he should actually show that he was freaking out, or that he was totally cool and calm about this.

Even though he totally wasn't.

While Gojo was having a crisis in his head, Megumi seemed to be pretty calm about it.

The sorcerer was pissed because of it, he should be following Megumi's example but he knew them.

He knew how the Zen'in clan was, he knew their trick's.

How they could manipulate someone, they would do anything to get what they want.

“You know that I will be with you next to you the whole time?” Gojo asked, glancing at the kid. He nodded looking up from his phone.

Gojo was in the passenger seat next to Ijichi while Megumi sat in the back. Green eyes landed on him, realizing why the sorcerer was clarifying this.

“There is nothing to worry about Dad.” Megumi shrugged nonchalantly, the kid knew that this word was a weapon.

It worked for a few minutes. In those few minutes Gojo sat calmly with a big smile on his face.

Ijichi turned up the radio a little to make the mood better, but honestly it wasn't helping.

“Don't let them get in your head.” Gojo said, and the kid nodded, probably not listening to anything he said.

“Whatever they say to you about me is a lie, they just want to turn you against me.” Satoru murmured, he was scared that they would mention Toji. He never even told Megumi about it, and didn't even plan.

Not for now at least.

“There is nothing that could make me hate you.” Megumi said, and the sorcerer smiled a little, it was forced.

He wasn't so sure about it.

If it got out that he killed his father? He wasn't sure how Megumi would react, even if he doesn't really like his father.

“Got it, so the next time I scold you, you won't hate me for it?” Gojo asked, teasing the kid, who just huffed at that, flipping him off.

“Rude.” The sorcerer said, he looked at the time, they were almost there.

He was dressed up in a suit, but got the jacket off, because it was warm, he left the waist coat on though.

Maybe he was a little bit overdressed, or maybe under dressed? They do have the jacket, maybe he should get it on, but then it would be too hot. He doesn't want to be sweaty, he hates being sweaty.

He is overthinking-

Megumi chuckled a little in the backseat, the sorcerer glanced at the mirror.

“What are you laughing at kiddo?” He asked, and the kid showed him the text Shoko sent him.

They were talking sh*t about him, Shoko just texted saying ‘he is probably sh*tting his pants he is so nervous’.

Gojo looked at the kid who was looking away.

“You think this is funny?” Satoru asked, raising a brow, the kid met his gaze.

“Very.” He answered, and the sorcerer couldn't even say anything because they were particularly right.

He was really nervous, for a very understable reason.

Shoko knew most of it, but not really at the same time.

Megumi, thank God, doesn't really know anything about the Zen'in clan. Satoru always made sure that he was distant from them.

Everytime they tried to reach out, Gojo would do anything in his power to prevent it.

After a while they got tired and stopped, knowing that as long Megumi was young and was under Gojo's strong protection they would have no chance.

He only read the last letter to Megumi because he does have a right to know, and he also didn't really expect the kid to see him like that.

He was also hoping deep down that Megumi would say no to it but that's irrelevant.

Gojo looked around and he knew they were very close now, the Zen'in clan was just as hidden as the Gojo's clan household.

It would be annoying to walk up, but it had to be done.

They drove a little before they arrived, Ijichi stopped the car and waited for them to get out.

“Thanks, drive back safely.” Megumi said, the man nodded.

“See you later alligator!” Gojo yelled slamming the door, the kid cringed at how the older man acted.

“Can you stop being so embarrassing?” Megumi murmured, the sorcerer laughed.

“This is how me and him communicate, I have known him for so long.” Gojo said as they started walking towards the Zen'in's.

“Did I ever tell you that Ijichi actually wanted to be a sorcerer?” Satoru asked, and the kid shook his head, putting away his phone.

“Well, he originally wanted to be a sorcerer, but I told him he was sh*t at it.” Gojo admitted, he was of course harsh but it was for his sake.

That man would have died on the first mission, he pretty much wanted to save his life.

“You are so rude.” Megumi countered back, and the man just shrugged laughing.

“I told him to get a driver's license, and be a manager. I didn't want him to get killed by some curse. He is a great man, but not sorcerer material.” He explained, his kid nodded, kind of understating why Gojo told him that.

“He doesn't have what's sorcerer's need to survive, which is ego. Also you have to be crazy.” He added, and Megumi frowned at that. No matter how many times Gojo said this he never understood.

“You will understand it when you are in a flight or fight situation.” Gojo muttered, and the kid nodded.

“What do you mean by that?” Megumi asked while going a around a puddle. The sorcerer just walked through it, his infinity protecting him.

“What I mean is when you are in a situation where you are close to death you can't freeze, you need to be crazy enough to move, and continue to fight. Most people would accept their fate.” Gojo shrugged, and the kid thought about it for a second.

“I guess you are right.” He said it, and the sorcerer smiled widely at that.

“Why do you hate the Zen'in's so much?” Megumi asked suddenly, and Gojo smiled a little.

“I don't agree with their teachings, and the way they treat people.” Gojo answered simply, hoping that Megumi would understand it this way.

“Your hate goes much deeper than that doesn't it? But why?” Megumi pressed on the topic, Satoru couldn't say because your father killed my friends and almost killed me too.

Or because he wanted to sell Megumi, or that the clan agreed with it.

Or that they would have even paid more just for him?

The way they treated Maki and Mai.

“They are horrible people, they have their unique teaching methods and don't care if any of them die during it. They would have bought you, kiddo. For money, like you are just an object. I would never agree with anything they do.”Gojo said, already getting mad just by thinking about it. The kid sighed at that.

“Thank you, for saving me from them.” Megumi said, and Gojo just smiled, pulling the kid close to him. Putting his hand around his shoulder.

“You don't need to thank me for anything, I did what I wanted to do.” Satoru said, and the kid smiled a little.

He lied.

He did what he felt like he was obligated to do.

He killed Toji, he had kids and Gojo the least he could have done was give them money. That was his first idea, even though it didn't end up like he originally planned.

He was happy that Megumi got under his care, even though the circ*mstances weren't good.

He is grateful for everything, but Megumi doesn't need to know this if Gojo has to lie until his last breath.

He will.

Because he doesn't want to lose what's dearest to him.

He isn't sure if Megumi could ever forgive him, if the truth got out.

Protecting this kid from everything that could harm him, that's what Gojo will do until his very last breath.

“We are almost there.” Gojo murmured, his nerves spiking up.

They just crossed the safety borders.

The sorcerer put up his sunglasses, because he can already feel so many cursed energies, it annoys his eyes.

“These are the glasses I got you.” Megumi said, and Gojo nodded happily.

He always wore these after he got them from Megumi for Christmas.

“Yes, they are perfect, very good quality too.” He said, taking it off, and looking at the glass inside it. It was pitch black, normal sunglasses wouldn't work for him.

They would just overwhelm his eyes, besides he can see clearly with it.

For his ability he can see buildings and everything in almost like a thermo type of way.

Even if it doesn't have necessarily cursed energy it does have some residue.

“Shoko helped me, at that time.” He shrugged, and the sorcerer smiled.

Shoko really liked Megumi, and the kid liked hanging out with her too.

Even if she was teaching him a lot of bad things that Gojo didn't approve of, she still cared about him deeply.

There was a maid waiting for them, and it was suddenly very nostalgic, because this has already happened once.

“Mr. Gojo, Megumi, welcome. The elders are already waiting for you, at the training facility.” The maid said, and Gojo nodded, motioning Megumi to stay close, luckily the kid understood.

They walked through the garden, of course everyone stared.

“Does everyone always look at you like this here?” Megumi whispered, and Gojo nodded, shrugging. He doesn't care, they are lucky to keep their eyes when they are staring at him like this.

“Pretty much, I don't really care though.” Gojo explained, he didn't care about his volume.

“They are lucky I didn't kill every single one of them.” He said loudly, a few of them gasped and cursed him under their nose.

He just smiled at them.

“You are horrible.” Megumi muttered, the corner of his mouth tilting upwards.

“I'm just honest.” Satoru admitted, and the kid clicked his tongue at that.

When they were reaching the training facility Gojo felt cursed energy, a lot of it.

“Hey, there wasn't anything said about curses.” Gojo said harshly.

The maid kept quiet bringing them there.

“I am talking to you lady, we didn't discuss that.” Satoru raised his voice, already irritated. He thought that there would be hand to hand combat.

Megumi hasn't fought with curses before.

“I was just told to escort you here, Mr. Gojo, if you have any problem talk to the elders.” She said, faking a polite smile.

Gojo just pushed past her and walked inside, Megumi followed him after a second.

“You old f*ck’s this isn't what we discussed.” Gojo walked inside, angry. The elders just looked at him from their seats.

“What did we discuss, enlighten us?” Naobito asked the clan head.

“You didn't mention that Megumi would be fighting against curses.” Gojo hissed, Naoya had a smirk on his face. He was Naobito’s son.

“Megumi is a Zen'in and also the ten shadows user, he won't have a problem dealing with them, it's in his blood. Our blood runs through him.” He teased Gojo, they wanted to make him lose his cool. They wanted Satoru to get angry and entertain them.

“Megumi isn't a Zen'in.” He said before turning to Megumi, the kid seemed surprised by the way Gojo was acting.

“You don't have to go down there. We can leave right now, you have nothing to prove to them.” Gojo lowered his voice, so that Megumi could hear him and no one else.

“I will be fine, you taught me well.” The kid said, already determined, Gojo sighed. He didn't want to do this.

“Let's drink some tea before we start, huh?” Naobito suggested, Gojo won't be drinking any tea they are giving.

“We aren't thirsty but feel free to drink.” Satoru suggested not trusting them. They could easily put anything inside it.

“Suit yourself.” Naoya said, everyone sat down, Megumi too.

“Are you studying at Jujutsu High, Megumi?” Naoya asked, the kid shook his head.

“He is studying at a normal school.” Gojo answered for him, only because he knew Megumi wouldn't be saying anything else besides shaking his head.

“Why?” Naobito asked, and the sorcerer waited for Megumi to say something, but it seems like he wanted Gojo to answer.

“He is a kid, he will learn at Jujutsu high enough. Besides, I give him lessons.” Satoru answered, and they just shook his head in disapproval.

“This wouldn't be happening here Megumi, you would have learned Jujutsu from a very early age.” Naobito said, and the kid just shifted in his seat.

“God, just shut up. He was a kid, at least he had a childhood.” Gojo said, and they just scoffed at that.

“Enough of this bullsh*t.” The sorcerer said he wasn't here to have a little tea party and chit chat.

“Are you ready then Megumi?” Naobito asked, and the kid nodded.

Naoya stood up and walked over to him, Gojo stood in his way, his body protecting Megumi.

“What the f*ck you want?” Gojo basically spat his words, Megumi pushed him away a little, at first Satoru was mad.

Why did he push him away? He was protecting him.

“I just wanted to introduce myself and wish him good luck.” Naoya said he turned to Megumi, who had a blank face.

“I'm Naoya Zen'in, nice to meet you, Megumi Zen'in.” He offered his hand, the kid put his hand in his in a firm handshake.

“It's Fushiguro, I heard you aren't the sharpest so I will ignore what you said.” Megumi said, Naoya’s brows went up for a second before his smile turned manic.

“I can see that you raised him.” Naoya said before going back to his seat.

Before Megumi was escorted down to the curses pit, he walked over Gojo.

“I don't need you to protect me.” He murmured before walking down. Satoru stood there, he watched as Megumi walked down.

Gojo found himself a seat, close to the Zen'in's just in case he needed to snap one of their necks.

When Megumi was down, he stood in the middle.

Naobito stood up, and walked close to the edge.

“The rules are simple, you fight against curses until you tap out. After that the fight will end.” He explained, Megumi looked up at him.

“His expression is just like his father's.” Naobito murmured, luckily Megumi didn't hear.

“Let's see how an outsider trained him.” Naoya motioned for a curse to be let out.

Gojo didn't let them see his nervousness, he was waiting to jump in and get Megumi out of this sh*t hole.

“Don't forget who you are talking to.” Gojo said, that wicked man has to know his place.

The sorcerer will gladly show him.

Gojo wasn't just the strongest, but he was also the clan leader, and the clan's agreed on peace for now. They have been at a ceasefire, but it could be broken anytime soon.

Especially if they would do something against Gojo.

He wouldn't be able to promise that any of them will leave this place alive.

Megumi focused on the curse that was approaching. It was slow and weak. Seems like they are gonna get stronger each time.

The kid’s cursed energy was calm and collected, he summoned his divine dogs. The dogs barked at the curse before killing it easily, and chewing on the remaining flesh.

The next curse was let out but now it was two at the same time.

It was two four grade's, these were weak enough to take down by a bat. Megumi didn't even use his dogs, he punched it, focusing his cursed energy into his fist.

Gojo smiled a little, relaxed for now that Megumi paid attention to his lessons.

He knows that the curses will only grow stronger from now on.

The only thing he doesn't want is for Megumi to use his trump card. He wasn't able to tame it.

Satoru will make sure it doesn't come to that.

The next curse was let out stronger than the three combined.

Gojo could see and feel the swarm of curses inside that chamber.

It was annoying his senses a little.

Megumi let his dogs fall into the shadows, he focused his cursed energy once again in his fist.

The kid was good at hand to hand combat, he was also good with cursed tools, Gojo tries to work on that with him.

Maybe he should set Megumi up with Maki for training.

Naoya sat at the edge of his seat, his smile just growing.

Gojo tried not to focus on them.

Megumi got out his rhythm for a second, getting on the ground before he bounced back and killed the curse.

“I am tired of child's play.” He yelled up and Naobito smirked, motioning for the maids to let out something stronger.

Oji Zen'in didn't say anything, not yet. He was Naobito's brother.

Gojo preferred him not to talk, he was horribly annoying.

Grade two curse was let out, it was fast and Megumi still lacked some more speed but he was able to react quickly when it was running for his blood.

The curse charged, muttering some nonsense that was inaudible for Gojo.

Megumi summoned a frog, it seemed like the curse was used to close battle. The frog will be able to create a distance when needed.

Smart choice for the kid.

Megumi tried to attack but the curse jumped away from his reach. It let out miniature curses from its mouth, like it was throwing it up.

The kid frowned, disgusted by it.

When the curse charged at his kid again Megumi's frog let out its long tongue and grabbed the back on shirt pulling him close.

The kid jumped to the side when the frog let him go, punching the curse away from the side.

It didn't die yet, while Megumi let the frog swallow up the little curses, he went and finished off the grade two curse.

Gojo's chest swelled with pride.

“If he was raised here he could have finished that curse quicker.” Naoya said to Naobito, loud enough for Gojo to hear.

“I doubt it.” Satoru spoke, Naoya was one year younger than Gojo.

The problem wasn't that but he was weak, even if he was one of the strongest members of the Zen'in clan.

He had a big mouth, the saying ‘all bark but no bite’ was perfect for him.

“Let out more at the same time.” Naobito ordered, and he looked at Satoru.

“We will see if Gojo Satoru's training was a waste or not.” He said, and the sorcerer wanted to kill him.

He was really thinking about it, what consequences would it have if he just killed all of them. He had to think rationally, so he decided against it.

He didn't say anything to their previous comment.

Megumi was struggling and started to get tired but he pushed through.

Even if Satoru told him that he has nothing to prove, it seemed like Megumi was still pushing his limits.

He never fought with curses before, and he was already fighting grade two curses.

It was dangerous, way too dangerous for Gojo's liking, but he will let Megumi fight. If he is in trouble the older sorcerer will be there in a second before anything could happen.

Megumi was able to defeat one of them, he had to call Nue out. It hasn't been long since they tamed it, so working with the bird still wasn't flawless.

It was smaller in size right now, but it was still able to fly around.

Megumi tried to hit the curse but it wasn't working, he couldn't get close enough.

The kid stopped while the bird tried to attack the curse. Megumi was thinking about what tactic he should use to kill it.

Gojo gulped when the curse got a hold of Nue and injured its wings.

Megumi was shocked and immediately called the bird back into the shadow's.

He summoned the divine dog's, they were faster and there were two of them. Maybe they would be able to distract the curse while Megumi was working on exorcizing it.

His kid attacked from the directions while the divine dogs charged at the curse barking at it, while Megumi tried to find an opening in its defense.

He was able to hit the curse but it just went flying, surviving the attack.

He should pour more cursed energy into his fists then he should be able to finish him. Gojo wasn't sure if Megumi still had the energy for it.

Come on kiddo, one more and it will die.

One of the divine dogs was able to get its leg, trying to rip apart the curse skin.

Megumi charged, pouring his cursed energy into his fist, and he- was able to kill it with one last punch.

Gojo smiled a little.

“That's enough.” Megumi said out loud, however Naoya clicked his tongue.

“Don't be like that Megumi, I'm sure you can handle more.” He said, and Gojo wanted to kill him.

“I said enough, I tap out.” Megumi said, Naobito motioned for a new curse to be let out, it wasn't just any curse.

It was a special grade.

Gojo was in front of Megumi in the blink of an eye.

The infinity was protecting them, Satoru expanded the size of it so Megumi was inside it too.

“I told you, that you all are lucky to be alive. It was almost like you guys wanted to kill Megumi.” Gojo smiled, he watched as the curse tried to get through the barrier, but to no avail.

“We are leaving.” Gojo ordered Megumi, he looked at them once more before teleporting away.

He had to get out of there,he would have killed them.

The kid stumbled trying to keep his legs up after appearing outside the safety barrier.

“We shouldn't have come here.” Gojo said, and Megumi sat down at the stairs. He was tired.

“I told you that they are up to no good-” The sorcerer said, and the kid just shook his head.

“But no, stupid me let you decide because I thought you have the right to choose in these kinds of matters.” Gojo rambled on, he was angry. He was itching to kill them and burn them all to death.

“You are saying it's my fault?” Megumi asked, finally looking up and looking into Gojo's eyes.

“I'm saying that you were naive for accepting it.” Satoru said, and the kid scoffed at that.

“You let me!” Megumi yelled and the sorcerer wanted to shout, he wanted to burn down everything.

His cursed energy wasn't under control.

The kid winced a little from the pressure. Gojo's cursed energy was making his head hurt.

“Kid, you had nothing to prove there, but you still pushed past your limits! What were you trying to prove Megumi?” Gojo yelled back, the kid's eyes hardened before opening his mouth.

“I wanted to prove to them that you raised me better than they could ever have.” Megumi lowered his voice and Gojo's heart sank, so this is what it was about?

All this time, Megumi just wanted to prove them wrong…

He was trying to prove to them that Gojo was capable of raising a kid, and teaching him, shape him into a good sorcerer.

“Megumi, I told you that you don't have to prove anything. Especially not for my sake.” Gojo walked closer to him, squatting down in front of the kid.

“I also didn't want to disappoint you.” Megumi said, and the sorcerer chuckled, he ruffled his hair.

“You could never disappoint me. I'm proud of you kiddo.” Gojo said, and Megumi bit his lower lip, sucking in a deep breath, nodding.

“Thanks dad.” Megumi said he tried to get up but it seemed like he was still tired and shook from the previous events.

Gojo helped him get up and walk all the way down where Ijichi was already waiting for them.

“Let's go home.” Satoru said, and Megumi smiled, letting more of his body weight be carried.

“Yeah, home.” The kid muttered.

“You will sleep through the whole afternoon won't you?” Gojo asked and Megumi chuckled a little nodding.

“Probably, but I will take a shower first. I'm sweaty and I stink.” Megumi said, now it was Satoru's turn to laugh.

“Yeah I feel it, you really do stink.” Gojo said, pretending to sniff the air. Megumi pushed a little at him with his side.

“You are annoying.” Megumi muttered, and the sorcerer just smiled widely.

“You have said it so many times now.” Gojo said, but the kid just shook his head.

“Do I have to go to school tomorrow?” Megumi asked, and the sorcerer laughed.

“Of course, why wouldn't you go to school tomorrow?” Satoru asked, and the kid sighed at that.

“Because I'm gonna be tired? How am I supposed to focus in school if I'm tired?” Megumi was overacting this whole thing, he just wanted to ditch school and lay all day in front of the TV.

“It's fine, you can still write your notes. Besides you are a smart kid, you need to finish your education. I can't let you ditch school.” Gojo tried to appear serious but it wasn't really working.

“You act like you loved going to school.” Megumi said and Gojo rolled his eyes.

“First of all, I loved going to school. It was lots of fun. Second of all, I was only absent when I was really sick.” Gojo lied, he never got sick. Never got the flu or anything.

“Liar, Shoko told me that once you didn't go school because you were too lazy to get the blanket off of you.” Megumi exposed him.

“What a traitor.,” Gojo said while looking around, they were almost out of the woods.

“I would have let you stay home, so don't even worry about it. Sleep as long as you want to.” Gojo said and the kid just smiled .

Megumi rolled his eyes at that.

“You know how I am.” Satoru said and the kid nodded.

“Unfortunately.” Megumi sighed, and Gojo just smiled.

When they arrived at the car Ijichi seemed to be nervous, probably about Gojo's mood.

Everyone knew how much he hated the Zen'ins.

Megumi and Gojo sat in the back seat, and the kid fell asleep on the way home.

The sorcerer knew that Megumi would fall asleep, so he sat next to him in the back.

After a few minutes he was sleeping quietly.

His head slumped against Gojo's shoulder.

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

Teen dad? - Chapter 20 - Itachis_ring - 呪術廻戦 (2024)
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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.