The Commercial Appeal from Memphis, Tennessee (2024)

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The Commercial Appeali

Memphis, Tennessee

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1 uS li11 wm fc i lyi 6-A THE COMMERCIAL APPEAL MEMPHIS THURSDAY MORNING JANUARY 1 1942 jL Big Crops High Prices $200000000 Defense Program Bring Boom In Mississippi i rnmmmmm in ii i iYn fciWfci nr iiyii ijrJh'M min i'- i fcVtf 'jVT 'fn Vr Something New In 'The Land Of Coahoma Income Of $1000000 From Cotton Crop' Of 1941 Doubles 1940 'I Farmers Pay Off Mortgages As 1041 Income Skyrockets Business Shows Big Rise Tax Collections For First 11 Months Of 1941 Are $2500000 Greater Than For Entire Year $5000000 Surplus Seen Clarksdale Has Best Holiday Trade In 20 Years Bank Deposits Gain Over $3000000 To Hit Total Of More Than $10000000 At End By LOIS SCHULTZ CLARKSDALE With bank deposits having increased nearly $3500000 during the past year and with Clarksdsls and Coahoma By KENNETH TOLER From The Commucial appmI Jackaon lHadadpsL Buraau JACKSON Lika every other a tat a in which large naUonaT defense expenditures are being made Mississippi is experiencing boom days which will probably continue through 1942 Federal expenditures for national defense exceed 1200000000 with (he largest items going to ships being built at the Pascagoula yards of the Ingalls Iron Works Taking their cue from the mounting business other fields have likewise experienced "better days are here Tax collections are at new highs- farm prices are at new peaks employment is avail- able to all those who want to work and in general a healthy condition exists for the 2000000-odd Missis-- County business man enjoying tho best holiday trade In 20 years hankers industrial and farm leaders are predicting that the coming year will be one of prosperity for this section of the MiaslBalppI Delta Tho great increase In hank deposits and tho splendid buslneis is attributed largely to a good cotton crop and the best price received for cotton and cotton seed in a dozen years The Coahoma County Bank A Trust Co reported deposits on Deo 1 as $3186188 an Increase of $1536817 over the previous year Deposits at the Bank of Clarksdale on Dec' defense program in its field through the timber severance tax For the first 11 months of 1941 It reached $283772 against $80096 for the same period in 194a Thousands of Mississippi farmers i are enlistiifg in the "Food For' More Wells To Be Drilled On Farms In 1942 25000000 pounds of cheese before pressing by 8 I ter legume crops in 1940 to 95000 pounds of Winter legume crops I planted in 1941 reflects tha increase in soil building crops and practices Yields of cotton per acre which represents tha major cash crop in Chickasaw County have Increased for tho past three ot four years 30 per cent to 40 per cent as a result of legume crops Interest is shown in tha oil development In tho county and several of the major companies have completed selsmographle surveys Approximately 75 per cent of the land of the county la under leaas and these leases together with annual rentals have brought into the county nearly $100000 during the past year Retail merchants report a large Increase In sales over the past year Both local banks show a substantial Improvement Deposits are up and collections are better Greenwood Yield Totals $96000000 In 1941 LIVESTOCK IS INCREASING New Livestock Fair Association Now Readj To Build Barns And Will Stage First Show Xn April By BLACKSTQNE GREENWOOD Miss Cotton still reigns aa king hers because Greenwood again maintains Its position as "tho largest inland long staple but Leflore and other Delta counties bid fair to develop another cash crop which will add greatly to their Income Tho success of those In this area who have already experimented with cattle raising has been remarkable To encourage stock raising the Delta Livestock Fair Association has been organised and the first annual show will bs staged In Greenwood In April 1942 The location hero establishes this city as the center of livestock marketing for this area Just as Greenwood Is the greatest Inland long staple cotton market In tho world it can become the greatest livestock market In the stats and possibly the TriStates A drive has been under way for several weeks and necessary funds are practically In hand to assure the construction of adequate bams and sheds These permanent buildings will bs erected near the American Legion baseball park The facilities of the Greenwood Armory will be used to house the 4-H Club boys who attend the show The committee handling the show la composed of CL Humphreys of Itta Bens chairman who owns one of tho finest herds of purebred herefords In the South Wade Maury McIntyre Charles Whittington all of Greenwood and William Morgan of Morgan City Cotton Income Soars Comparison of values of the cotton crops for 1940 and 1941 give an insight to tho prosperity which the Mississippi Delta enjoys this year: 1040 1941 Cot too 840879 noo 6MRTOOOO mms atnioon AAA Payments Stniooo 11798000 Total 181988000 199900000 The above figures indicate an increase for 1941 over 1940 of $35-032000 and this increase wse definitely reflected in the holiday business of local merchants Practically ell report tremendous increase! In Christmas buying one store reporting an increase of 86 per cent in a certain week The two Greenwood banks showed deposits on hand of $9 088641 on Oct 81 the largest in the history of the in fact larger than back in 1930 when Greenwood had six banks Checks paid from January through October totaled $138234921 Aiding Defense Greenwood and Leflore County have made definite contributions to National Defense Headquarters Battery 114th Field Artillery unit of the National Guard was inducted into the regular service several months sgo and now in camp This unit Is composed almost entirely of Greenwood and Leflore County boys About 30 boys from this county are serving their country well in the Pacific war sons Almost immediately following ths declaration of war against Japan Mayor 8 Keesler wired Major General Walter A Frank commanding general of tho 3rd Air Force at McDill Field Tampa Fla offering the facilities of tho Greenwood Airport for the use of the Army Greenwood Is proud of Us sales of Defense Bonds and Stamps over $575000 bonds and stamps having been purchased here slpplans Business conditions generally are about 35 per cent better than a year ago Farm Income generally throughout the state is up about 40 per cent with some sections showing even greater gains As a result of the Increased prices being paid for farm produce many old mortgages are being lifted and improvements made to buildings as well as to the lands Every section of the state is feeling the effects of the general improvement Shipbuilding Is Active Along the Mississippi Gulf Coast are two major defense programs the ship building at Pascagoula and the training center being built at Biloxi for mechanics for the Air Corps At Hattiesburg first to feel the boom of national defense with completion of Camp Shelby that entire southern area is in the spending circle and benefltting In the Eastern sector Meridian has a large air base and one is under construction in the northeastern area near Columbus Across the state westward in the Delta around Greenville another air base Is being built with $5-000000 base already completed Aside from national defense yet in line with that program private funds are being used in the construction of a huge transcontinental pipeline through Mississippi extensions are being made to industries to cars for Increased orders a pipeline from the newly discovered Tinsley oil field in Yasoo County is planned two refineries are already in operation there and twolarge electric generating plants planned for South Misaisslpi one by the Rural Electrification Authority and the other by the Mississippi Power A Light Co 300 Oil Wells Now Mississippi's new oil field discovered in 1939 is producing over 77-000 barrels of crude dally from the 300 producting wells In addition a new field is in prospect nearby in Madison County with explorations going on around Vicksburg and Natchex The state is getting around $1500 daily in taxes from the crude production The 1941 production will approximate 15000000 barrels with 85000000 anticipated In 1942 Reflecting in the retail field the boom has been gaged through tax collections by the State Tax Commission For the first 11 months of 194L collections totaled $16607797 against $14173314 for the entire 12 months of 1940 The old standby gage the sales tax showed total collections for the first 11 months of 1941 at $8020336 against $6380-415 for the same period in 1940 That Mississlppians are making money la shown in the income tax collections which through November totaled $2861646 as against $1-862933 for the same period in 194a The lumber and sawmill industry discloses the effects of the national 1 totaleld $7131422 an Increase of $1725243 Bank deposits In both institutions total $1031761 Ralph Baltser of tha Coahoma County Bank Sc Trust Co and Cton-well Sykes of tho Bank of Clarksdale predict good business for 1942 They see continued good prices for cotton Cotton Income Doubled Harris Barnes county farm agent says the farmers of Coahoma County received approximately $10000000 for their 1941 cotton crop as compared with $5000000 during 194 He said Government benefits would amount to an additional $1-500000 practically the same as the year before Mr Barnes stated that not only had tha planters enjoyed a prosperous year but that tenants in Coahoma County had mads more money In 1941 than in tho past 20 years Most farmers produced their own feed stuffa and many had a surplus to place on tho market Mr Barnes stated that there had been nn approximate 50 per cent increase in livestock over the previous year and 25 per cent increase in hog raising Several hundred head of purebred cattle were purchased for tho planters of tho county to Improve tho breeding stock In an effort to comply with the defense program the raising of moro dairy cattla and feed stuffs is planned for 1942 Mr Barnes estimated an Increase of from 10 to 15 per cent In dairy cows Slnca the Government la advocating tho increase in ths production of soybeans for tho Delta the Coahoma County Chamber of Commerce has launched a movement to secure a warehouse terminal at Ctarkadalx A $250000 grain elevator and warehouse with a capacity of approximately 750000 bushels will probably bo erected during the Spring according to James Meadow secretary of the Coahoma County Chamber -of Commerce Air Base Is Sought Within ths next few weeks Increased housing facilities will be opened to 110 negro families This project is now being completed at an approximate cost of $275000 A housing project for 40 white families soon will be started In Clarksdale in Riverton There is little unemployment in thle section and there Is not a vacant business house in tha city Clarksdale business concerns are optimistic over the prospects for securing nn air baas for this city According to Senator Theoidore Bilbo Clarksdale has been designated if the Government decides that additional bases are needed In this area Officials ha vs stated the structure will cost between $6000-000 and $8000000 and would be used to train approximately 2000 officers Officials believe that early In 1942 definite plans will be an nounced regarding this structure The Lumber Industry lumber Industry be- Umber supply in Michigan and the Crest Lakes region in the 187Cs and 1880s grew in importance as the railroads spread over the state In the lata 1920s tha Industry began to decline mills having cut most of tho accessible timber By HAROLD CASE FERRIDAY An oil development In Catahoula and Concordia parishes has been the highlight of progress In this section of Northeast Louisiana during tho past year and with additional wells being drilled and with much activity la tha offing 1942 la expected to prove a banner year Progress In agriculture banking and industry has not been up to par during tha past year but the oil and gas development is more than making up for the lull Several new Industries have corns to the parish Among these Is the Angelina Lumber Co hardwood mill which Is operating full blast and several smaller mills including stave mills and cooperage plants plants some of which are working on national defense orders Ths first of ths producing oil wells in Catahoula Pariah was tho Larto Lake well while the second urns that of the Womach Cotton No both near Jonesvllle Both wells art producing and the outlook is bright for wells now being spudded in In Concordia Pariah These Include tho walls at ths plantation of 8 I Winston In the lower part of the parish and another at Elkhorn Plantation near Joneaville but in Concordia Parish and still another well at Red Gum near Fer-riday IN OKTIBBEHA COUNTY Starkville Creameries Processing Milk For England By GRADY IMES STARKVILLE OkUbbeha County's dairy Industry creating a cash income that has dons much to make tha county widely known as Jersey center brought into tho pockets of local dairy farmers approximately $1500000 in 194L Monthly payments of Borden Milk Condense ry and the Co-operative Creamery have reached tho largest flgurs sines predepression days For tho month of July Borden patrons were paid $78982 and the Creamery paid out approximately $49000 exceeding the highest monthly pay roll of 1940 by moro than $2000 Much of ths milk being processed by the two plants la shipped to England Income to farmers from ths sale of dairy cattle beef cattle hogs and sheep during 1941 amounted to moro than $40000 A few carloads of Spring Iambs were shipped from tho county as well as a carload of turkeys Retail trade is up 15 per cent over 1940 and Christmas trade for 1941 Is estimated to exceed that of 1940 by 20 per cent Growing importance of tho MidSouth as a dairy region is shown in tho fact that in 1941 tha states of Tennessee Arkansas and Mississippi produced over Here cheese is being "hooped" campaign sponsored by the Department of Agriculture and plan increased plantings of food1 and feed stuffs as well as livestock and dairy production in 1942 Quotas representing increases have been set in the counties Bank debits are approximately SO per cent over last year postal receipts up about 22 per cent life insurance sales up about 12 per cent power consumption increased about 28 per cent around 14 per cent more telephones in use and tax collections up about 62 per cent An indication that Mississippi is steering away from the one crop (cotton) program is the fact that the state is about fifth now in the breeding of livestock with production over the state far ahead of last year Farm Owners Increase The Increase in purchases of farms for tenants through the Farm Security Administration indicates that farm owners are on the increase Meanwhile the State Extension program of shifting from cotton curtailment to production of foodstuffs has shown healthy improvement with farmers taking-their posts for their part through this avenue in the defense program Sharing in the of better days is the State of Mississippi The general fund now shows a surplus of around $3640 00a with increased spending during the re-remainder of the biennial period ending June 3a 1942 likely to boost this surplus to close to $5 00000a As a buffer to post-war conditions the state has outlined a six-year building and improvement program to involve around $18000000 The plan is to Inaugurate it annually starting next year the Legislature approving with $L-ooo ooa SLEDGE BUSINESS BETTER Food and Feed Crops Cattle Production Show Big Gains By A POSEY SLEDGE Miss In all lines was better here than in 194a and the year was marked with many civic improvements Highway No 3 traversing Quitman County north and south has been hard surfaced through Sledge Rural electric lines have been extended in this area and are getting power from TV A Cotton gins report a substantial increase in ginning over last season A phenomenal increase is noted In food and feed crops and cattle raising A new dial telephone system will be in operation by Jan 1 During the year a Lions Club was organised HARRIS looks good for the next three or four yesri Most of tho beef and dairy cattle in Europe have been killed Mr Bates said and this means that this country is going to have to supply tho world The local Swift plant ships a carload of cheese each week to England There was an almost 100 per cent increase in the construction of new residences in West Point in 1941 County Agent Helms is very optimistic and predicts that under normal conditions (rainfall etc) that 1942 will find tho farmers of Clay County doing moro than their share in the all-out defense program Mr Heims said that every fanner in the county has agreed to increase feed poultry canning as requested by the Department of Agriculture might Mr Helms said "that the feed crops in 1942 should he best in years because neBrly every farmer has increased his acreage in oats about 100 per "Under normal conditions the farm Income in the county should increase about Helms added Dairying Replacing Cotton As Chief Source Of Income By MRS ASHTON TOOMER Oil cams to Mississippi when tha first well was brought in near Yazoo City in 1939 and a ha today tha state has 300 producing wells with more in sight as prospecting spreads These hunters are viewing some of the new derricks that have risen in Yazoo County by VlnlMtppI Stale Board of Development $15000000 Ammunition Bag Plant At Flora Aids By MENDEL DAVIS Staff Jackaon Chamber of Commerce JACKSON Mias The capital city of Mississippi faces 1942 with national defense playing a steadily Increasing role In the Ufa And economy of tha community but as yet successful in avoiding the dislocations of a wartime boom town Designation of Jackson as an official "defense for housing has enabled local builders to obtain necessary materials to con-inue hom*o building thus far to accommodate the influx of Army officers and construction officials resulting from the several Important defense projects in this area Work is being speeded on constriction of tho Mississippi Ordnance Plant rear Flora where approximately $15000000 is being spent lor a big loading factory to load charges for howitzers and cannon New $5JM000 Air Base Initial construction at the Jack-son Air Base home of the 38th Bombardment Squadron and allied unite was completed several months ago Tho bass represents an Investment of approximately $500000 Further expansion is anticipated as Federal Court proceedings have already been filed for more than 600 additional acres of land Work Is going forward on the new Hinds County Airport 12 miles west of Jackson where an estimat ed $750000 is to bo spent by gov- 'elo emmental agencies to develop an auxiliary airport It will accommodate some of the nonmilitary flying now being carried on at Hawkins Field the municipal section of the City Airport now being used by the Army Air Corps With defense officials calling for renewed emphasis upon aviation it Is thought the Mississippi Institute of Aeronautics at Madison may be expanded to train mors Air Corps cadets Several Jackson Industries are busy 24 hours a day with defense orders Possibly the largest single operation of this typo ie the Avery Body Co making boxes for shells and ammunition and other wooden parte for various military' agencies Tax Collections Gain Sales tax collection figures for Hinds County during the month of September showed an Increase of more than $2000000 over the cor-responding month a year Taxable sales for tha county In September 1941 were $10548903 and for September 1940 $8150240 Taxable business volume In September 1938 was $5741130 Three busy stockyards and one packing plant in Jackaon provide outlets for livestock produced by Central Mississippi farmers Livestock production has increased several fold in the area In recent years and prospects for continued development along this Una In 1942 are said by farm leaders to bs good MILK YIELD DOUBLES IN AREA Farmers Were Paid $32622 In One Month In 1941 ByIIERSllELXi GEORGE Marked development in dairying stabilisation of cotton production a higher price for cotton diversification of farming an Improved system of state highways and farm-to-market roads plus a steady growth In con' struct ion symbolize the progress here In 1941 Steady advances in milk prices paid at the Fontotoo Dairies have stimulated the dairy industry in I'onlotoc County which is becoming ooo of tho loading dairy sections of tho state An all-time high wns ranched at the local plant during tha past Bummer when a '90 per cent increase In the volume of 'dairy buHinras and a 60 per cent increase of the market price of milk over tho past 12 months was made In one month county farm- rs were pnld $3262224 for milk according to Frank Johnson head i of tho plant This was about the nvernge for the Bummer County Agent Keller says the farmers of the rnunly will do their pert In 1912 toward national defense by producing more fond and feeijh crops HOUSTON Misa-The dairy industry again saved tha day for Chickasaw County farmers in 1941 The local plant of the Kraft Cheese Co has shown a steady increase in volume and prices have been better than in 194 With the improvements in production methods and foundation stock dairying is fast becoming the largest source of farm income Under the sponsorship of the Houston Exchange Club 27 production-bred Jersey sires from two of tha leading herds of the Nation were brought Into the county this being the largest undertaking of ita kind ever carried out in Mississippi Farmers expanded their diversified program in 1941 Legume crops increased approximately 60 re cent aa compared to 194 enty thousand pounds of Wln- Cattle Hogs Milk Spell $2000000 At West Point NATTIUIBAIL (BAS By SID WEST POINT Miss Retail trade here jumped approximately 25 per cent in 1941 over 194 and local merchants anticipate good business In 1942 provided suitable and sufficient stocks can bo obtained Bank clearings In October and September 1941 were 60 per cent greater than the corresponding months of 194 and 40 per cent higher in November I Yeates president of the Bank of West Point believes that business even under wartime conditions will continue good in 1942 The farmer he thinks will be getting more for his cattle hogs and produce Chief pay rolls here are the Swift Sc Co and the Bryan Brothers Packing Co Swift paid out close to a million dollars here for milk cream and produce In 1941 and Bryan Brothers paid out more than $1000000 for beef cattle and hogs Bates manager of Swift A Co says his company la paying 61 cents per pound for butterfat as compared to 88 cents in 1940 He says the dairying industry here lm the MdDMIE in the TMDIffiY is the EVER before in the entire South have you had the opportunity of having a more complete stock of supplies to select from And a competent corps of skilled workmen are always ready and anxious to serve you and your needs WhfthiT It I- fair the purpnnr nf liuy-lng or to see the newntt iu equipment and aupidien wo welcome your visit at all Uines MEMPHIS NATURAL GAS GO BLUE PRINTS PHOTOSTAT PRINTS ARTISTS' MATERIALS SIGN WRITERS' SUPPLIES SCHOOL SUPPLIES DRAFTING SURVEYING SUPPLIES "Service Built Our Business" i Exchange Bldg 0 8-6796 WRAY WILLIAMS BLUE PRINT COMPANY Memphis Tennessee STERICK BUILDING MEMPHIS TENN If 'aW MM.

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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.