The Commercial Appeal from Memphis, Tennessee (2024)

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8 THE COMMERCIAL APPEAL MEMPHIS TUESDAY MORNINC JUNE 28 1D10 paugh of Statesville Wlburne Cleo Whorton of van den Berg nf Rotterdam Dubuque Iowa and Douglas Wil-Holland Julian VV Webb of Sher-son of Toronto Canada 48 TO BE GRADUATED FROM LUMBER SCHOOL Archie Reynolds both of Mor-ganza La John Sandor of Corning Ark Robert Sawyer of Baltimore Walter Scott of Renfrew Ont Panton Seltzer of East Orange Brady Teve- Loaito of Elmira and Robert Liigar of Phelps Wis And Robert Masson of New Orleans Hoy Mollow of Augusta Ga Brian Perks of Toronto Canada Edwlird Price of Texarkana John Purpera and ri Carter Hacker nf Gooae Rock Ky Earl Hacker of Cotton-glm Ky Gordon Henderson of Marjcaretville Clyde Henry of Sligo Penn Charles Hudson of Knoxville Howard Kirkwood of Nacogdoches Texas A KHng nf Mayville Don Leird of Liltle Hock Sammy Trara ft ROLL IPAINTS Commencement Exercises To Be Held On July 14 CHANDLER TO GIVE TALK olio 0 PICKLE IRON CO ORNAMENTAL IRON WINDOW GUARDS FENCES Reasonable Prices 3007 Summer Thono 34-8951 BETTER PAINTS FOR BETTER PROTECTION Easy to Parle and Shop at If 1 Carroll Co Sine Over 75 Year Drive la Oar Privets Perking Let In Rear 1 Osr Store Retail 1070 Union Factory and Sales 330 Gayoso Phone 1-3188 Herbert Streuli "Boot Streuli Walter Streuli Prompt PICTURE FRAMING Wall Pictures Photographs Dnrumrnta Maps Etchings Oil Paintings Water Colors Finest Material Rest Workmanship Mail Orders Filled Memphis Photo Supply Co 13 Modlses I 1 30-INCH EXHAUST OR ATTIC FANS $950 24-Inch $6450 Associated Southern Industries VAN NATTA BUCKINGHAM 1161 UNION AVENUE MEMPHIS Air-Conditioning Heating Insulation Attic Fans Appliances Serving Since 'XI BEFORE HIKIDLILIS Says: Twa iekN oOoon VgSr Forty-eight students will he graduated at the commencement exercises of tha National Hardwood Lumber Inspection Training School at the Peabody on July 14 The commencement address will be given by Walter Chandler for-' mer Memphis mayor with Frank Hutcheson president of the Lumber Association talking on Inspection training Nelson To Be Heard I William If Nelson chief inspector of the Association will discuss grading standards Introduction of ctass members and awarding of certificates will be made by I Nicely director and instructor at the school Dr Hay of the First Presbyte-i rian Church will give the invocation Memphis and MidSouth students tn ba graduated Include Richard If Bodine of 54 Rose Road Walter Fields of 1089 Greenlaw William Boykin of De Soto Miss: James Brown and Jimmy Woodard both of Paris Tenn John Hinds of Clarksdale Miss Lynn Jackson of Bolivar Tenn Jonea of Natchez James Martindala of Jackson Tenn Moseley of Philadelphia Miss Gilbert Pyle of Meridian Miss and Jon Scales of New River Tenn Others Are listed Other graduating students are Walter Ames of Mayville John Blair of Lenoir Bruce Bush of Mayville Bill Comer of Metropolis III John Culligan of Oshawa Ont William Deal of Lenoir Leonard Dworsky of St Paul Minn Edward Elliott of Artemua Ky Theodore Fredrickson of Cas-sadaga ad Dale Fleming of Columbus Ga Also Franklin Griffin of Chl- Do fernsls functional perlodlo ailments msks you feel so nervous strangely restless so tens and weak a few days just before vottr period? Then start taking Lydia Vrgrtahle Compound to rellev eur-li aynip-tums! It has such soothing snniforting antispasmodlc effret on one of woman's nnnl important organa working through the synijintlietic nervous spat "in Pfnkham'a Compound dor mere than relieve iieriodie pnin It also relieves pre-period nervous irritability tense emotiona this aalure Regular use of this great medicine helps build up resistance against such female dlstreaa man's friend! dbj NOTE 1 Lydia with added sistsnee against such resa Truly ths wo- 1 Or pan may prefer Plakkam'a TABLETS iddad baa 1 0 I LYDIA Vegetable Compound klm to aaa aa ee aa aa Don't Be FAT! helps vou reduce IUI ItMX '1'aiurle for mrala to wp you curb vnur appetite for linn red rd Srtren meala DX- Tableta help you atave off hunger that raus-r pou to ovrrtndulrr in fatt-ninp anarka Redurkig rroinra more plraaant nor enjoyable wap of eal- ff pour Sorfor hai (old PMl take off welgnt aak him ab ait the wimderfut OX Tableta and am DX Tabina crnitain a harmful Airlift 2 Lrtthe Sr a Ira Show You a Vou do want to Inae wri(ht Jon Juut Thrn bup park-air of DX Tablru mid I IS nDX Rr durini Plan "Not for Glandular tMaordera' Individually Tailored For Your Window -( NOW Vdimetiatami UBMmdls Teu law Weight or Money-lack JrTSsf Slats flexible or aluminum Slats flexible steel or aluminum Tapes and cords that will last for years Die cut hardware not stamped steel Heavy wood head member and tilt rail Ponderosa pine bottom roil Mechanism concealed with attractive fascia board Modal MJ-77 Net Shewe Tod at 'ft best buy in Mlonded 'Whiskey I Pebbleford S2315 Dewe S214 Weekly AMERICA'S 1101 REFRIGERATOR 3 80 up Nb mtii production Each blind in d'vidually built to your window sizes Tbey'ra good quality better fitting more beautiful and last longer Lrf Us Modernize Your Kitchen with Youngstown Metal Cabinets and Sinks Kcniiikv Straight Hour bon Whiskey Bottled in Bond 100 proof All Over Town people siy Hostess Creamed-Filled Cup Cakes are as delicious as the finest French Pastry and here's why: made from a secret blend of chocolate from the African Gold Coast and Brazil And the whipped richneas'of their super-smooth creamed-filling is simply out of this world You honestly can't make cup cakes like these in your home We generate Mattreaaes Mail Order fflvea rmmpt Attentian Also Reconditioned Refrigerators Ranges Washers on Easy Terms OPE Treat your family to this new super dessert Cost only 10 for 2 In cellophane at your grocer's today Every member of your family will love Hostess French Pastry Creamed-Filled Cup for dessert for lunch boxes for be tween-meal snacks Get some today! Continental Bating Co I me FRENCH PASTRY CREAMED-FILLED EBBLE FORD HOLLIS APPLIANCE 2516 Poplar Sales and Service Phone 4-2148 Frigidaire Bendix Maytag Easy Washers Tappan Gas and Frigidair Electric Ranges Zenith Radies Youngstown Metal Sinks Cabinets Goodyear Tires Esso Products AH Sold on Easy Term! CFTY -1 1 1 807 UNION AVE PHONE 5-4444 enjoyed In fine American home 9 UUlTUUIir? lXJiUKUj KBBLEKOKD DISTILLERY tnt IIIAIGHI WHISKEY OISTIllING CO OF AMERICA INC Why docs MLDNESS START ON TOP? BUKG EtTflBWS'E MENiTi SurP Tuc AT In Complete Liquidation By Order of Dallas Manufacturing Company VALUABLE INDUSTRIAL REAL ESTATE MACHINERY EQUIPMENT DWELLINGS LAND and Trade Marks of tha DALLAS MANUFACTURING COMPANY AT HUNTSVILLE ALABAMA 53000 Long Draft Spindle 1274 Loom Cotton Mill Manufacturers of Wide and Narrow Sheetings To Be Sold on the Premises Wednesday and Thursday July 20 and 21 1949 Starting at 10:00 A Each Day Central Standard Time ho Real Estate Main Mill 4 3 5 Story Brick Construction 630' a 102' 2B2S40 Square Foot of EacolUnt Manufacturing Spec Worokouaoa 100' a and 2 60' a 101' 14940 Square Foot of Eacallent Warehouse and Storage Space In Addition Mite Room and Building 32902 Square Foot of Space Total Floor Space 400312 Square Foot Dwelling and Land 10 Single Dwelling Fully-Equipped Rocraation Building Boiaball Field and 10 Parcel of Unimproved land Standi Size Boa Canopy Blower lo wall Sizing KarHe Bronzod Pump Starch Hopper 3 Conveyor Norma 2-llade Cloth Shear 116" Four-Blade Shear St A The Machinery and Equipment 2 Sace-lewoH Opening Unit complain 1926 with now 194B Cleaner 1 7 SPECIAL GROUP SMOOTH LEATHER CONNIE LO-HEELERS FEW MEN would be bald if hair grew as fast on top of the head as it does on the sides and back! Why it? Science gives this reason: The crown of your head simply does not enjoy the same vigorous blood circulation as the sides You get older scalp tension increases dandruff and foreign matter pack the shrinking hair tubes and your hair roots literally for want of blood Your Mueller tricliologist will correct this situation First the Mueller expert sterilizes the scalp and normalizes prepares your scalp to grow hair Then blood flow to the hair bulbs is stimulated so nature can take over exclusive subscalp stimulants hasten the return of natural hair-growing activity Do yourself this favor now Come to the Mueller clinic today for a professional examination and consultation no no obligation and you need an appointment Condensers Lowell 4-Sect Gyrator Conveyor S-L Single Preen BB 3 Boater Picker 40j Kitten Picker Waite Machine Auto Feodor 3 Condenser S-L Eloc Lap Scale 1940 Lowell Air Filter No 5 150 Soco-lowoH Petlee and Saco 3 fatten Revolving Flat Cord 40 12 Collar (All Equipped with S-l Ind Continuous Card Stripper) 10 S-P and Saco 3 Petteo Drawing From 24 Del Ea 11 S-L and Sac 3 Pette Slubber 12 6 21 S-l S-P and Saca 3 Pettea Intermediates 10 56 Saca-Lawell 276tp Lang Draft BB Tapa Drive Spin Framn 1939 3 Vi Ga Paper Bobbin (MD) 40 S-L and S-P 324 sp lD Tapa Drive Spin Frames 2li Go 1 716 MD 128 Saco 3 Petteo 224 ip Go LD Spin Frame 1 1516 1 and Ring Size (All above framn uiing Park Cramer Turbo Eloc Creel Typo Traveling Cleaner System 1939) 3 lorbav-Colman 100-sp Auto Spooler 1926 Mod KK 3 Pap-r Tubas 2 Wood Bobbin 3 B-C Hi-Spoad Warper 1926 with 432 End Creels I-C Tailings Mod TM20 B-C Warp Tying-ln Machine B-C Portable Eloc Warp Tying-ln Machine Mod 1C Now 1949 Warper Beams Choose Com 3 Truck 312 Draper 40 Ante Loom Modal 1939 with Hunt 1946 Spreaders MD 64 Draper 90 Auto Loom Med MD 364 Draper Auto-loom Mod 40 4B 3 54 and S34 Draper Auto loom Mod 63 72 II 90 99 and (AS with Stafford Thread Cutter) 6 lowoll 2-Copper Cyf Slasher 7' a S' with Heed 3 Creel Bruihing Units 3 Cloth Folder Board Winding Doubling and Impaction Machines Lowell Dio Stamping Machine Bush-nell Knuckle Cloth Presses and Railway Sowing Machine 41 52 3 110 Abingten Triple-Vacuum Stripping Cleaning 3 Convoying System for 150 Cords with Air Compressor Foster 60 sp Cano Winder Mod 101 MD Univ No 90 Winder Tarrall bobbin Stripping Machines Armstrong Cot Buffing Mach Long Yarn Conditioners Yarn Bool Grain Scales H-S Yam Taster and Yale 3 Comet Electric Hoists Factory Truck Bobbin Skewers Shut-ties Air Hose Raw Hide Picker Strap Lug Parts etc 3250 Fibre Roving Cons 12 American Moistening Co Electric Humidifier Heads Mod Ideal Jr (Throughout Plant! 2 Sullivan Anglo Compound Air Compressors 14 a 10 with 75 HP Motor Wait and GE 5 to 50 HP Motors ell 550 Volts Machine Woodwerk 3 Pipe Shop Equip including Do AH Metal Sow 16 South Bend OC Free Bench Lathe Ne 4441 Engine Lethe Bench 3 Upright Floor Drill Prosso Davis Kaysoator No 4 Kompsmith Univ Millar No 2 Racine Utility Pewar Hack Sow 1946 Fay 3 Egan Planar Band Saw Wood Turn latho Saw Tablo Drill Reamors Tap Vito Chain Hoist Oil Pumps leckor Portable Elec Drills Hobart Arc Weldor Economy Eloc Waste Baler 54 Gasoline Driven Lawn Mower etc Cafeteria Equipment Office Furniture Calculators Adding Machines Typewriters Payroll and Billing Mochiaot Electric Drinking Fountain Buick 1946 Sedan CMC and Dodge Truck Etc SORRY NO FMONf OR MAIL ORDERS HOURS 10 AM TO 7:30 PM SATURDAYS 10 TO 4 Clinics in Principal Southern Cities WRITE FOR (o) Illustrated Reel Estate Folder Descriptive Illustrated Catalogue of Machinery and Equipment WHITES TU-TONES! LEATHER-COVERED PLATFORMS! ALL SIZES IN MOST STYLES! NATIONALLY ADVERTISED! GDUDJIBB BQCPGQuS Under the Management of SAMUEL FREEMAN CO Auctioneers Established Nov 12 II0S 1808-10 CHESTNUT ST PHILADELPHIA 3 PA SO CHURCH STRICT NEW YORK 7 80 FEDERAL STREET BOSTON 10 MASS SOUTH'S LEAPING SCALPSPECIAUSTSJ Air-Conditioned Office 518 MEDICAL ARTS 248 MADISON Big Budget Basem*nt.

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The Commercial Appeal from Memphis, Tennessee (2024)
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Author: Dan Stracke

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Author information

Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.