The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois (2024)

Th Pantagriph B-6 Bloomlngton-Norml, lit. Ftb. 4, 196? Weather ESecorri STOCK MARKETS DOW JONES AVCRAOf fCuurteiv cl White 1 CO I (Wednesday ClOllnt ttock Avt'aotlt 10 Industrie's 4S up 0 I 20 UP 0) It Ut.lltl 1 J9 44 UP 0 04 tl Sockt US Si no 0 4 Vtlvmt 13.750.000 Snaret AGRICULTURAL Baby Poultry, Supplies Pantagraph Weather Reeerd Wednesday's maximum 38; minimum 22. 8 a.m. 11 a.m.

1 p.m. Stocks Manage Narrow Gains NEW YORK (AP) Despite'erage at noon was up 2.68 at weakness in tobaccos and same 948 6ti. broadcasting issues, the Mock! Gains outnumbered losses by market nudged irregularly to about 10) issues on the New the upside earlv this altenwon. I York Stock Exchance. OOW JONII ITOCK AVERAGf linurscair I PM Closing Slock Avtrtesl BA5Y CHICKS or STARTED PULLCT5.

Order tarly. KEV'i Malchary, Da'-n. 33 34 36 I' tin jw 40 uo cm Temperature WM7HH PH. J44 J2J. Wrilf lor prill mi Barometer 29.52 29.51 29.51 IJ9 SI uo 0 0 uo 0 34 PULLETS-J1 tnd watlc utilities 65 Slock i ii.i rrn.t im Avallaaa Hatchary, Cfaisworlrv UU PH.

OOW JONEi INDUSTRIALS (Figures ol'cr oi-omei points Oft s'si lues Ai-d. 104 or 435-37W, Clce (i (. This r-iitnrntta nnrl hrAnrlxact. Allied Chemictl 34 44 irading was active. The Dow Jones industrial 00 OCA AM tnt Way.

Chick s-Feed-Sueeiitt MATCHINO EACH WEEK' WMtt Rock. Cornish Cross, HIN Ltqhorn chicks. PLACE your order for started puiiait. ZEHR HATCHERY MILl Ph ll'll iiiumiuiiy oo er 1 Kainfail today up to 1 p.m. .11 inch.

Sun sets Thursday: 5:21. Sun rises Friday: 6:59. National Forecast Snow Thursday night in Illinois, Ohio, Indiana and eastern Montana; snow and snow flurries in Oregon, Idaho, Utah and 34 I 11.0 SJ 2 4i.4 602 51 it 0 J) 6 I Ml 90 4 11 5 II 1 54 2 SO Farm Equipment 77 HI 40 i too ilt 30 SI 2 19 5 72 0 Jt 4 79.1 JV 4 2 iso 7 6 Co- 0f Amer. ing companies reacted to a rule 'American can American Tobacco proposed by the federal Com-1 A.mconao mumcations Commission that i Bthi'MmT'sttti would ban cigarette advertising on radio and television. 'Cinirl Electric The Associated rres average poods Grreral Motor of W) stocks at noon was up .3 at arr 3go.5 with industrials up .7, rails off .2.

and utilities up .3. IJsriS Prices had a slight edge to the t'iyM Show law Tamparatwrts fiaatfitt A 4 Until fnday Mxnlnf i Nevada rain alone the Gulf HI from Louisiana to Florida and Ualaiea Praeialiaiiea Nal lnoiMaiea1- Caaiwll laial faraiait Atlantic coast from i along the AUGERS -Gri stortoe-Moltture tsl-ers-Atratlon Pans, liron Salts Ser. Vict, Inc. Behind Plvt Sti' 'ruck Sir0. off Rf.

4. Bloomington. Ph, 30l 2 2126. BACKHOH 142 Clt 430 WJ with and-loeder. Ph.

Chtnoa t45 Jl4 5:30 M. BALER-1960 John Deere 14T with bale thrower; Rake. 1963 New Holland Model 56; 1958. Transmlx cement mixer, brack tls for Ford tractor. Lylt Sutler, Piana aan.

Ph. J9t-268. BEARINGS Al lvpet. Ball and Roller. Tlmken and Palnlr and pillow block.

See Your Favorite Reptirmtn or Jeers RoebucK 65.1 ill). OH Of Colli 77 7 0.1 3 73. 11.4 upsiae on me American mock Exchange. Florida to Virginia; rain in California; cooler In the South- Si Oil 0' N.I. 31 5 ANNOUNCEMENTS i ANNOUNCEMENTS PUBLIC NOTICES Swiff 1 CO CO.

Union Carbide west. See AP Weather Map) LIVESTOCK i 00 7 31. 10 44 5 it 5 41 I 4i i "Business A Partonal Where To Go CMICAOO LIVESTOCK (jnlird Aircrjft Beans Attract Buyers CHICAGO (AP) Wheat fu tures declined l3 cent a bushel On the Chicago Board of Trade today, but other grains and soybeans were irregular. Trade again was verv light although mixed. The lack of major developments in the strike of longshoremen, nearing its 7th week, was a major factor in the Statt Temperatures Rock ford NOTICE TO BIDDERS CITY OF BL00VINGT0N, ILLINOIS TRACTOK BIDS Staled bids will bo received al th of.

Ilea of the City Clrrk, City Hall, Bloom- THE ELMS SMORGASBORD 41 0 64.3 31.6 C. A SANDBOKl ATTENTION Sally ISmilhl Cot has returned 'o LaParlslrnna Btauty Salon, No. 12 Towanda Plan, Friends, and pa- i mnw iur-ii ivjui-uvesrc i $fwl Thursday. Wcstinohoust Mog 4.000. Barrows and gilts strong Wooiworth 'to 24 cms hirr.

firly active. 2i )- unofficial Close fwadi N'J. 1-5 204 JM ih 31 2i. il 7sA pnon i7.Tu El Paso, III. Ph.

180 for reservations Selected at en of 59 outstanding "as you 4.w- ington. Illinois, until I ha hour of II AM rrunj rn, yor-riu or eB-uea, CHAIN SAW NEW HOMELITi .10 .01 .08 35 4ii .10 Nfld Jjno; loo hd JI 74; So I ARIA STOCKS Li, i-rioay. f-aoruary ji, or tnt AUTO AND TRUCK LICENIE-Plrkup. purpose of tnt purcha of ont (lj trac-1 Public; 39 years experience in travel ask us tourist stops by aianoaro Oil Co. Homemada Pies Homecooked Food home baked takes made to order.

II i M-UO it. No. 2J 240 lb. Aam'fl Coro. IVI $129.95 Don Welcomt, Salts 1 rvica 150 South.

Bloomington. Ph, I29-490S Moline, cloudy Quincy, drizzle Vandalia, fog Chicago, CP. snow Peoria, drizzle handling ail types ol vehicle hcenslnq problems. ryton Gun 604 N. Mam.

Daily 117; 5-; sun. ii jos to Specifications are en fin and may be t9 9Q 1(1 obtained at the office of tin city Clark, City Hall. Bloomington. Illinois. 42 35 .13 Tne Bloomin'Hon restrvas th It 6 7 61.6 402 39.5 1.5 9.1 55 2 52.7 Found I will' not responsible" for any' debts Losf a)fld other than those contracted by mvseif.

lia ivii.jf): no. it II I.j00.i5, CoifPiiiO' No. 3 4 It). Firton 1 So io nw.liK 2i lcnt lower, iGcti ff. 4 ic.

moflprair acfivf. No. l-i 3W 400 id. Illinois Power Co. lb.

ins.ii.7i, Nc inf. Nat'l Inj IJOOHO It.; 55l)0 lb. l600-'Wodin ICi Bci' I40O-I50O. Ward i Canit IWO, no caiyr supply 1 National Union mamiy cow selling fully titadr an Mortntrn III.

Gat CHISEL PLANTER CASE, Tht only OP-I timum planter on the market, youth's COMBINES-Special at our Inventory id r. irtl eny ana an plus una waive v. Land, tit S. Indianapolis, Blooming r.i ksrs FOUND: Pair ot technicailtie in bidding. Springfield, drizzle 45.4 60 6 39 2 3' 6 14 6 55.0 524 351 344 276 110-190 24.

41.1 ton. in. .14 49 54 I will not be responsible for any debts Belleville, cloudy 57.7d MARGUERITE L. ZOOK City Clerk Published February Jth, 41 and 7th, 1969 Bloomington, Illinois Slate of Illinois, County of McLean, SS lacnye "tat. unuiy and commercial cowj.RaHfon Purint glasses found Friday morning In 1000-1 U0 block East Washington.

Ph. 121993 alter p.m. LOST German Shepherd months o'd, black (grty lint) with Ian paws. Ph. 129- 9665.

other than those contracted bv mv.eit Ruby Boat, 319 E. Locust, Blooming, ton. III. Kt Shk lt.0-19 0 761 41.0 II cannrr ang tullar 16.00-1 sneeo injufficienl to establlth a markef. Dynamics Corp.

Corn Products Tha Weather Eltewhart H'tih Low Pr. I will not be responsible for any debts other than those contracted by myself. Blair Sanders, 204 S. Mill Lt Roy, III. price fcr Fttirvtrt only, interest rrn until use date.

Drw Power a. Equipment Rl. ISO and 66, BloomingtcnJII. COMBINE-101, 10 loo; grain head, header control, number JJ cornhead, $1650. Ph.Mlnonk 432-2802.

COM I E-M-F 1967 with used 4-row cornhead SIS.CCO COR nhe ADS New 4 row narrow S3.2n Used 6 row, narrow S3 500 TRACTOR M-M 900 at, demonstrator, new warranty S4.00O FAIRBURY IMPLEMENT CO. A a 1 1 ev-Ferouson Glencoe Gehl M-M LOST co*cker Spaniel, blonde, about months old. Ph. 828-6672. STATE OP ILLINOIS, COUNTY OP McLEAN, SS.

APPLICATION UNDER THE ILLINOIS MOTO: CARRIER OP PROPERTY ACT Before the Illinois Commerce Com .01 Albany, snow 24 Albuquerque, clear 54 IS MOST ACTIVE STOCKS NEW YORK (UPD-Tha 15 most ft-tlvt stocks traded on fht New York Stock. Pyrhanoe Wednesday. tSTIMATIO IIVISTOCK I API oificai rstimattd llrtstock rectipti for Friday; CAT i IE ,500 HOGS 4.000 No Etilmai EAST ST. LOUIS LIVESTOCK NATIONAL in iAa Close Che. Atlanta, rain lack of trade.

Liquidation of wheat futures got under way at the opening and prices eased a full 'i cent before some res'stanre developed. Rye trade showed a small measure of Improvement and 9IVI mitslcn. Docket No. JISOI MC, Sub 3, 10510 MC, Sub 8. To IrVhom II Vey Concern: The undersigned hereby oive notice to LOST Gtrman Shepherd, beige, months old.

Answtrt to "Duke." Last teen east ot Towanda, III. William Augusnnt. Ph. 728-4710 REWARD: SIM for an exclutivt" listing we accept and do not tell in 90 days. BAUMAN REALTY, Ph.

452 1177. Bunker Ramo Coastal St Gas Eiec Music Occidental Pet 485.600 15' 281,900 35 221.100 r. 206.100 47t 191,000 S1V 102,100 71 161,800 33 0Q tr public that they have filed with the I Illinois Commerce Commission under tnd by virtue of Stctlon 13 of tht Illinois -Bismarck, snow -J Boise, snow Boston, clear ZL' I Buffalo, clear Estimaies tor Friday: Hogj J.000) cattle 700; calyei 7Si thtmo 10. UNA Corp FREE Checking Account No Service Charge barrow and lltt fully 50 Mlllt centj hioner; 1-2 230 lbs. 21.00; 2-3 J5v, if lb(.

MfW-jnit- II inn i Sun Oil P' Armour Sun Oil Pf prices were higher 159 300 53't .03 .10 WHO CAN DO IT 17.59 Rmr.4. hoAa.nn In 1-3 J0O4O0 lbs. wvinv. iiugiiig nao i iwiv va jn 10 uv; IDS. boars Falrtury, tt r.

Phone 692-331 93, 10' 15)" with 15 piatlorm and 22 corn headt 45 HI-Low with 210 corn headj A-C forage her-vester with pickup attachment and '-row corn heao. 704 Gas, J-POlnti S40-D, 2-poi nt; 460; O. 4020 and 3020 Farmall 806 Cast I H. Cub Lowboy, 1 yean old. McFEETER'S International-Harvester and New Idea Clinton.

III. Ph. (217) 35-3151 tK It -k I4.50-J5 00. Vt Business Servict Directory Gt Fncl 135.BO0 23' Eastman Kod 133.200 71' Chicaoo Pneumatic 130,200 as Beth Steel xl 14,700 36 AJ Industries 114,500 17 Am Tel Tel 107,400. 54.

Union Pee Pf W.SOO 11' iuiii pit uut. naa casnj- ou- CATTLb-600; calves 100; test market- sorbed by commission houses Tm 18 28 40 9 31 12 13 23 34 14 23 32 12 35 52 12 72 33 46 -6 61 12 41 26 18 23 49 27 56 39 26 -10 61 26 78 46 Chicago, snow Cincinnati, rain Cleveland, cloudy Denver, clear Des Moines, rain Detroit, cloudy Fairbanks, cloudy and local professionals. cnoic 'Motor carrier of Properly Act, as emend-ad, an application for Walter W. Uniick- an Indiv dual, of R. R.

2. I Hire is. lo acquire ccntrol ol H. G. Evans and Sons, Inc.

an Illinois Corpora-Id, of P. O. Box 346, Bloomington, Illinois by purchase of all outstanding and Issued -hares of sail corporation from Marion L. Tauibee, I Ridgemont Road, Normal, Illinois. 1 he authority as a Common Carrier under Certificate No.

III. C.C. 10510 MC-C p'tsentiy held I H. G. Evtnt Sons, i suthoriies the followinq: (I) As Common Carrier: Aoricultur-I at commodities, minerals, building ma.

i teriais and "moral freight within a fifty (50) mile rndius of 808 East Bissell 1 Applianct Repairing 12 APPLIANCE A i A II sm ail tppFi- "'f jo w4j.uu; voog croict rnces in me new croo monins w- No Minimum Balance Stop in our Downtown Bonk and see Julia Carmody OR at the Jewel Box" on E. Washington St. of McLean St. ond ask for Kathy i tucro 1 ns, jntcr-- ui. lAmnc rr iaat MARKETS AT A GLANCE NEW YORK (UPI) Markets at 4 ances, 30 years' experience.

SMALL APPLIANCES 52H Main St. Phone 828 9213 came under particular selling ib. 2oo, stood and 24 00- 2.50 at Ih close on Wednesday: i CULTIVATOR Glencoe 13'. 3 point, used. GRINDER-MIXER New Bear Cat.

i TRACTOR M-M G-900 diesel. Special. Price. ROTARY HOE-Used 'WHEEL HORSE Lawn and Garden Slocks Wired In moderate trading. pressure, however.

Oals futures ti'ended lower in light trade. 12 Appliance Repairing in Fort Worth, cloud; PEORIA LIVESTOCK Bonus Irregular PEORIA, ill. lMi- 1.1 1 U.S. Government Bonds Easier (APPLIANCE PEPAIR-Ali small appli JOO-230 lb. butchers JO.75-JI.2S 1-3 200-2-'Oiauiel I Helena, cloudy An accumulation of export American Stocks Lower in moderate Thomas.

American State Bank i.j ds. 20 000.50; oS 1-1 306-So business overnight tended to at Slreet, Blcomingion, Illinois and to transport sucn property lo or from any point outside of sucn authorized area of ootra- Honolulu, cloudy Indianapolis, rain WIUU IM- "-mm, boars .18 13.50-15.50. ances. 30 years' experience. SViALL APPLIANCES 526 N.

Main St Phone 82J-9213 AUTHORIZED MAYTAG SALES AND SERVICE All washers, gas and electric dryers repaired. HERMAN'S. 906 W. rirket Ph 829-2775. Jacksonville, cloudy 64 Juneau, cloudy 18 LICENSED HOME-Personal care.

Three balanced meals daily. Vacancy for man or woman Ph 829-3993 Tr-ricrs Snow Blades and Blowers. GRAFF IMPLEMENT CO. Goodyear Tires G.E. Appliances.

MM New Idea Kewanee Fox Inie I. Phone 392-3121 CUlYFvATOR New 4 row front mounted USED MS0 PLANTERS 494 end 49S used, your choice ol attachments. TRACTOR 30J0 diesel, 3 Point hitch 84, '00 MINIER FARM EQUIPMENT 17 Concrete, Mason Work Kansas City, cloudy 48 42 Los Angeles, rah; ..59 S3 trading. London Stockt Lower. Cotton Futurts Mixed.

Chicago Grain Futures Wheat closed UP to cant; corn off to up oats off lo up 'A I rvt off to unchanged! sovbeant off to up V. Hogs steady to SO cents higher, top S2I 75 Cattle steady to 50 cents lower, lop (30.75 Sheep Steady, top $28.50. Dress'd pork loins 50 cents to $1.00 lower top $51.50. STANDARD POOR'S INDEXES NEW YORK (UPD-Standard 1 Poor's hourly indexes for Wednesday. (1941-43 equals 10.) ti.iiiii .73 Political Advertisem*nt Registered Vcter-A vote for Miller for City Clerk Feb.

II will be greatly appreciated. Carl. tract buyers in the soybean pit. Soybean meal and soybean oil, however, lost some ground under commission house and local After about on hour, wheat was li to cent a bushel higher, March 1.34; corn was lower to higher, March 1. lii's; oats were unchanged to BRICK, BLOCK, CONCRETE-Old and new; patios, experienced Free estl-mates, Ph.

or Minler 392-3462. CATTLE-100; high good lb vu oo cW" lb- COUNTRY MARKETS SPRINGFIfcLD. III. (AP)-ntrlor 'Stala-Federtl): Receipts 1-2 200-220 lb. butchers 20.3i-20.50i 11 200-2M IBs.

mostly 20 1-3 185-J00 lbs. 19.25-20.00; 2-3 230-250 lbs. 19.25-JOOO; tows 1-1 275-300 lbs. 17.00-10 00; 1-1 IS50? Jii 4OO500 lbs. CHICAGO (UPI)-Livestock futures: Ooan High Low Latest Units LIVE BEEP CATTLE- tlon for a thlpper or shippert within surh area.

Tht purchaser, Walter W. Unzlcker, now holds tht following motor carrier authority. I.e.: Certificate as a Common Carrier No. III. C.

21903 MC-C. Initial hearing on tht application will be held at 10:00 o'clock A.M. In the offices of the Illinois Commerce Commission at 222 South College Street, Springfield, Illinois, on the 4tn day of March, 199. Any further Information relative to the apolication may be obtained bv writing the Illinois Commerce Commission, Motor Carrier of Property Oivision, 222 South Collet street, Sprlnqlle'd, Illinois. Hated this 31st day of January A.D 1969.

23 Louisville, rain 56 Memphis, rain 50 Miami, cloudy 70 Milwaukee, cloudy 26 Home Improvements ORNAMENTAL Porch Columns, Railings, Equalizing Frame Trailer Hitches. Normal Welding Works. Ph. 452-3754 REWARD' SIM for any exclusive listing we accept and do not sell In 90 days. BAUMAN REALTY, Ph.

452-1177. HARDWOOD FLOOR Sanding, refinljhed. Also Interior painting. Free estimates. Ph.

829-4241. HOME REPAIRS Improvements. Wall poneling. odd iobs, Qualified free esli-m-ls. Richard Knight, Ph.

111.78 54.95 70.56 103.05 MD SnOW II a.m. Noon .04 111.74 111.90 111.95 111.65 57.03 57.04 56.90 56.79 70.58 10J.01 70.56 io3.i5 New Orleans, rain New York, clear 18 61 32 62 THANKS 703 a25 Close 31J Prev Close lower. March 75's cents; rye was unchanged to li higher, March 1.22'14 and sovbeans were Bloomington-Normal and McLean County Homeowners for a GREAT Applicant's Attorney (V Address: Pcutman Lawley 3CP Relsch Building Springfield, Illinois 351 I Okla. City, clear Painting, Paper Hanging, Plastering Feb 28 57 28 60 28.50 28 $5 Aor 27.55 27.70 27.50 27.55 Jun 77 0 727.15 27.07 27.02 Aug 27.22 27.3J 27.20 27.25 Oct J7.10 27 05 27.05 FROZEN PORK BELLIES: Feb 33.35 33.35 32.85 32.95 Mar 33.00 33.15 32.75 32 85 May 33 60 33 AO .11 11 IS STANDARD POOR'S INDEXES 121 31 I John Deera Dealer Minier III. Phone 392-45)1 DISC-13'4" Kewenee 18" blades, 1 vear old.

SPREADER I. H. No. 40, PTO, excellent. ROTARY CUTTER Woods 80" TRACTOR I.

H. 560 gas. tast hitch, complete overhaul on transmission and eigine, new paint $7,650 Two I.H. 450 gas tractors, power steering, wide front. ROTOVATOR-80" Howard, fast hitch.

1 vear old $W0 HAWTHORNE IMPLEMENT CO. Savbrook.JM. I.H. Dealer Ph. DISC I.H.

No. 37, 14', wheel type; PLOWS I.H. i bottom, 16" NO. 540 semi-mounted 3 point. TRACTORS I.H.

1206, low hourtl f-Sn Diesel, excellent; I.H. 460; I.H. 50 Diesel; I.H. 50 Gas; Ftrmall 706, completely eouipped; 1964 J.D. 4020 gas.

F. M. McGRATH I.H. Gibson City, III. Ph.

784-4281 'it higher, March unchanged to 2.64. NEW YORK (UPD-Standard Poor't hourly Indexes lor Thursday. (1941-41 equals 10). 425-lnd 2.084 1,397 January, inert must ravt been a Mavhe YOU should have a carpet conversation with the Karpet Kings. "We'll floor you." SWEENEY BROS.

PAPER HANGING PAINTING Interior-Exterior Decorators. Free esli-mites. A. J. Painting, Ph.

947-93)1. 508 Omaha, rain 42 Philadelphia, cloudy 32 Phoenix, clear 66 Pittsburgh, cloudy 31 Ptlnd. clear 14 II a.m 112" oa.93 70 85 1 03.42 Jlv 33.70 33.7? 33.40 3340 Aug 32.95 32.97 32.50 32.50 271 37 117.28 103.49 Noon 38 Sewing Machine Service 56 94 57.10 56.90 70.80 70.75 70.73 103.61 41 44 64 21 15 54 22 39 28 18 40 II 26 18 26 41 36 51 44 31 51 28 6 p.m PRODUCE 112.42 111.95 103.20 Prev Close Applicants' Names a. Addresses: Walter W. Vendee R.

R. No. 2 Roanoke, Illinois Marion L. Tauibee. Vendor I Ridgemont Road Normal, Illinois H.

G. Evans Sons, Inc. P. O. Box 346 Bloomington, Illinois Principal place of business In Illinois SEWING MACHINE REPAIR-Singer and all makes.

W. Montgomery. Ph. Danvers- 963-4814 or Lexington 365-336). MARKET NYSE Index 237 E.

Front St. Ph.828-7287 VICTOR TOEPKE, R.R. 1, Bloomington, had 3 prospects to buy the Pontiac he offered for sale with a Pantagraph Want Ad. Do youhavecarto sell? WANTED: Room and board for elderly lady in Bloomington-Normal or surrounding area, tome personal care, no nursing. Write Box M-8I-M, Pantaqraph.

Vacuum Cleaner Service 44 INDEXES 58.47 uo 0.11 $32.63 off 0.06 134.47 PC Off 0.02 PC 945.98 up 0.87 103.20 UP 0.28 ASE Index UPI Indicator Dow.jones Ind. 500 Stocks 50 VACUUM CLEANERS Klrbv, Hoover, Eiectrolux. All makes guaranteed. Nvhiiklre'; E. Front Ph.

Farm Equipment CHICAGO PRODUCE CHICAGO API BUTTER Wholesale buying prices: 93 score AA 66; A 66; 0 89 60' Cart 90 64; (9 EGGS Wholesale buying prices: grade A whites 41; mediums 35; standards 39; Clerks V. POTATOES-Arrlvals 40; on track 146; U.S. shlpmentt 347; carlot track saics: laaho russet burbanks 5.50-6.25; North Dakota round reds J. 90-3. 15.

ST. LOUIS PRODUCE cf H. G. Evans Sons, Inc. will be P.

O. Box 346, Bloomington, Illinois. $50 Cosh Ptlnd, cloudy 42 Rapid City, cloudy 53 Richmond, cloudy 58 St. Louis, cloudy 57 Salt Lk. City, cloudy 41 San Diego, cloudy 61 San rain 51 Seattle, clear 41 Tampa, cloudy 64 Washington, cloudy 47 Winnipeg, clear 4 Churches, Schools, Clubs or Non-Proflt BOARD OF TRADE NOTICE OF LETTING Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids SPRINGFIELD LIVESTOCK HOGS: 50 higher; 180-220 lbs.

111.50-lb- JW0 J70-3J0 lbs. S16.50-H.75. CATTLE: steady; choice steert choica heifert S23.5O-26.00. CASH GRAIN NEWS BLOOMINGTON GRAIN (Courtesy Bloomington Grain) The following Quotations represent the bes possiblt estimate of cash oraln prices at country tlevaters in the area served. Thty art based upon the highest bids available including rail bids of all terminal and sub-terminal narkets served by this area as well as truck bids tor rivet pointt and Interior mills and processors.

Prlcet will vary slightly due te normtl dfferenlials In fran.pnrtatlriii. Based on tht late Thursday morning quotations, elevators were paying bout the following prlcet: Watch Jewelry Repairing 47 DIAMOND SE TING 1 4k mountings, S9.95 and up; regis red watchmaker, guaranteeu repair. Eaton Jewelry wrv town Normal. Ph. 452-1449.

organizations for selling Famous Wat kins Vanilla or Pepner. Ph. 829-2041. Tht Rangt: Hlfh Low Clos Prev. Open will be received up to the hour of 11:00 A.M., CST, Tuesday, February 11, 1969 in the office of the County Clerk, Room 102, Court House, Bloomington, McLean County, Illinois then duly opened and WHEAT Where To Go Mar Miscellaneous Service 48 l.34r 1.33n 1.3414 1.37't 1.36 1.37 1.35 1.33'i 1.35 l.374 1.36"t 1.37514 1.42' 1.41' 1.421 1.34'i 1.364 1.34k 1.37 1.42 1.34'i 1.34's 1.34' 1.37H 1.42e SANDY'S DRIVE IN Towanda and Empire ST.

LOUIS (AP) Eggs, consumer grades: A large 36-4), A medium 31-36, A small 27-30, large 31-36; wholesale grades: standard 30-32. medium 27-29, unclassified 22-23, pullet 24-25. Hns, heavy 14; light, over J' lbs. tinder j',) lbs. broiltrt and fryers read in the office of the superintendent of Highways, 303 West Jefferson Street, Bloomington, McLean County.

Illinois for STEAK SHAKE Hannah 1214 N. the following listed work under Road 300-BUSHEL CORN 100-BUSHEL SOYBEANS Learn how top farmers art ttltlnf thtst yields at tha 1969 CORN-BEAN CLINIC THURS. FEB. 13th SCOTTISH RITE TEMPLE BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS Program tttrtt at 9:50 a.m. Free collee al fret lunch.

Doer prizes, tree admission. Coma and spend the day hearing the latest production and marketing Irendt. 609 S. Main District Motor Fuel Tax monies: 1.17 1.17 1.16H 1.I6H 1.17 1.20'4 1.20'4 1.19 1.19? 1.20'4 1.22' 1.22' 122'4 1.22 1.22' Chenoa R.D. Sec.

113Q.TR: 16' bit. Marble Repaired polished cut furniture Iron striped bv regulated sand glass. Ph. $28-0994. DRY UAsem*nT GUARANTEED Rest-dential, commercial non-organic materials pressurized below tooting.

For free estimate Ph. 829-8315. VULCAN BAsem*nT WATERPROOFING. (M Missing) (T-Trace) High yesterday. Low for 12 houn ending 6 a.m.

today. Precipitation lor 24 hours ending at a.m. today. turl. subcl.

A-3 (7102 t.V.) 0.75 on rd. 1.21' 1.21' 1.21 1.21's 1.164 1.16' 1.16 WHEAT Lexhgfon R.D.-Sec. 110Q-TR: 16' bit. 1.16' 1.197 1.20' 1.197 1.2(T-i 1.20' 7 Want Ad Rates May Jlv SP Dec CORN Mar May Jlv Sep Dec Mar OATS Mar TOay Jlv Sep Dec RYE Mar May Jlv Sep surf. tr.

tubcl. A-3 (21,157 t.y.) 2.2 on rd. No. I No. 2 IDS 1.01 Yates R.D.

See. 114Q-TR: 14' 16' bit. 4 .72 .726 KLEIN'S INVISIBLE RE WEAVING Now listed in the Yellow Pages of your rone book, 804 S. East Ph 879-3677. surf.

tr. subcl. A-3 (27,853 s.y.) 3.1 -CORN--OATS- SOYBEANS- Bulletin .74 .68 i on rd. Specifications, bidding blanks, etc. may .69 .671 .681, .71 .71 .704 No.

No. I .63 9.54 SO Farm Equipment OFFICE HOURS Mon. thru 8:30 oe had by applying to 303 West Jefferson Bloomington, Illinois. On all construction work plans and n.rvt 10 m. Sundays and Holidays, 5PM to P.M Want Ads accepted bv phone onlv Mon thru Frl up 1.22 1.22'4 1.72' i 1.21V4 1.214 1.21? 1.2W4 1.211 1.2t"s 1.2? 1.211 1.214 1.2114 1-21'i Reports Damage To Parked Car A Bloomington woman reported hit-and-run damage to her car Wednesday to Normal Police.

Carol J. DeVault, R.R. 2, said her car, parked in the Citizens Savings Loan Association, was hit by an unknown vehicle about 1:45 p.m. Wednesday. proposal forms will be issued only to prospective bidders who have compiled 10 '111 6.

Nt corrections kills or ads accepted after closino time 1.214 1.2P'4 1.241a 1.24V) with the requirements of Article 102.01Par.B) of the Standard Specltlce- Dec Ilassifieo Advertising ttarts In the morn SOYBEANS MARTIN BROTHERS IMPLEMENT COMPANY ons adopted August 1, 1968. BIRTHS Mr. and Mn. Arthur Crteeh, 304 W. Mill, a girl born Wednesday at St, Joseph's Hospital.

2.64 2.64 2 63V 2.63 2.445 ing edition and runs through he eve nlng As an accommodation art Mar Tne several Road Districts, along with McLean County, reserve the right to re- CHICAGO CASH GRAIN CHICAGO (AP)-WHEAT-No. hard yellow 1.43Jn; No. 2 soft red Lisun. CORN No. 3 yellow l.iaiii No.

3 yellow 1.1414-ma; No. 4 yellow f.10-134 No. yellow 1.084. OATS No. 2 extra heavy whltt 76'4i No.

1 heavy whltt TT. SOYBEANS No. 1 yellow IMWi No. yellow 2.6IJ4J. SOYBEAN OIL or cancellations received Monday through 7.67 2.0 4.00V1 .001 JI.6V4 2.68'4 2 68'4 2.67MI 2.67' 2.68' 2.6444 2.644 3.64 2.64V 3.644 r-rioav oetore io-3C a.m wilt be accent Mr.

and Mrs. Orvllle Malcom, 706 N. Catherine, a boy born Wednesday at SI. May Jlv Aug Sep Nov ad for the evening edition However ads lect any end an 010s it It seems to do so. No bidding blanks will be given out af J.494 2.49H ran 2.42 appearing one edition ot any calen j.av 2.414 2.41 2.41 3.45 2.45 2.45'4 1957 IHC TD with hydraulic tilt etor.

dar day wilt be charged tht rata for ter 12:00 o'clock noon the day prior to 3.454 2.45U Jan er, ade $2950 SOYBEAN OIL Joseph hospital. DWIGHT (PNS)-Mr. and Mrt. William Doles, a girl born Tuesday at SI. Mary's Hospital.

Streator. CONGERVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Dwlshl 196Z mm 500 wneel loader and back ont tun nay Phont 829-9411 Ask for ciassifito Ad Taker 8.51 8.55 Mar 1.49 8.39 hoe $2150 COMING PUBLIC SALES 15 ton AMTEC trailer, beaver tall and loading ramps $2495 1963 Deere 1010 crawler loader and 93 backhoe $4750 the date of the letting. H.

W. BEKERMEIER Supt of Highways McLean County, Illinois Eddie Lavalller, Hwy. Comm. Chenoa R.D. Roy E.

Freed, Hwy. Comm. Lexington R.D. Francis Harrison, Hwy. Comm.

Yates R.D RATES EFFECTIVE MAY 1, 1968 1.47 8.36B 1.32 8.31 7.90 7.55 7.45 7.45 8.46 8.41 8.37 8.00 7.57 7.48 May Jlv Aug Sep Oct Dee 8.44 1.38 8.37 8.00 7.55 7.48 7 49 Minimum Size Ad 1 5 words or 3 lines 1960 IHC 40 diesel wheel loader and INDUSTRIAL 198 Deere JD 570 (trader, cab, scarifier, used 600 hours, like new $12,950 Two 1963 Deere 5010 self-loading scrapers, completely rebuilt, ea. $13,500 1959 Hopto 500 hydraulic back hoe mounted on Duplex carrier, i yard capacity $8,450 197 Deere JD 450 crawler, 1 18 yard bucket, excellent condition $8750 1963 Hoplo 500 crawler, hydraulic back-hoe, yard bucket, 21 It. depth $11,500 1965 Case Model 1000 crawler loader, log forks, canopy, winch end log arch $10,500 CASH PRICES backhoe $2450 DAILY COSTS 7.49 Jan FEB. 15-Charlet and Harry Lyon, Thaw-vine, III. Closing Out Sal.

El wood 8 44 8.36 8.32 8.31 7.90 7.52 7.44 7.45 71.90 73.50 74.85 74.75 72.50 69 JO 68.80 68.85 1960 Case 1000 Series crawler oadi 8.34 8.32 7.94 7.58 7.46 7.46 72.25 73.90 75.15 74.95 72.75 69.75 SOYBEAN MEAL Sioter, a girl born Wednesday al Brokaw Hospital, Normal. MERNA Mr. and Mrs. David Anderson, a boy born Wednesday at Brokaw Hospital, Normal. TOWANDA Mr.

and Mrs. Herbert Beer, a boy born Wednesday at Brokaw Hospital, Normal. PONTIAC Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Olson, Mar 72-tJ if-" May er and ripper $4950 1962 Mich.

75A 4-wheel drive loader, cab, log forks, with hydraulic finger $6250 Be lure thai yew publK test it listed in this directory II will bt published every da txctpl Sunday listing will begin 11 days before the salt provided a minimum tut advertisem*nt al inchet is uteo 7 oi more lime in I he Daily Hantagraph Sales oslng less than this minimum amount et space will be stagen Auction service. Feb. 15-August Dletrick Hopedale, III. Hog Dispersal Sale, Jack Klely, Auctioneer. ANNOUNCEMENTS 72.20 73.75 75.25 75.05 72.85 69 80 73.80 75.30 75.05 72.85 69.80 69.00 68.90 73.70 74.90 74.85 72.75 69.40 68.90 68 90 1965 case 530 wheel loader and back, hoe, with 3 point hitch, A-1 eon Funeral Directors Jiy Aug Sep Oct Dee Jan B-Bld.

FEB 15 Carl Harris Estate, Clinton, III. Closing Out Sale, Harold Kindred, a boy born Wednesday at St, James 69.00 69.00 dltlon S4650 listed 4 days prior to tale. 68.90B 68.95 Auctioneer. FEB. 15-F.

L. "Ferd" Rieke, ReddlcX BECK MEMORIAL HOME ervmg Cur Community Since 1888. Hospital, Pontlac. MARRIAGE LICENSES Michael R. Brown, El Paso, and SIZE 8 DAYS 4 DAYS I DAY Wordi Cash Daily Cosh Doily Cosh In Ad Price Cost Price Celt Price 15 6.40 .80 3.95 .99 1.67 -22 8.08 1.01 4.98 1.24 1.96 28 9.60 1.20 5.94 1.49 2.25 34 11.44 1.43 7.13 1.78 2.70 '40 13.36 1.67 8.32 2.08 3,15 46 15.28 1.91 9.50 2.39 3.60 52 17.20 2.15 10.69 2.67 4.05 58 19.12 2.39 11.88 2.97 4.50 209 E.

Grove Si. Phone 967-947J III. Closing Out Sale, Carl Ronnow, wuciiuneer. Walters, Bloomington. EAST LAWN MEMORIAL CHAPEL pameia 5, Richard FEB.

li Otto "Spike" Gerlets, Petersburg, III. Closing Out Salt. Gtule, M. Snyder and Carolyn A. Ph.

947-9529 Marion Ward NEW 3020 and 4020 tractors In ttock ready for immediate delivery, available on our 4 ytar lease plan and 4 year crop payment plan. Check into our tow finance plan and 4 year crop payment plan. New self-propelled combines available on above plans also. Ashley, both Bloomington. our Goal Is ycur satisfaction.

i-ouie. oauie ana foreman. FEB. 17 Mrs. Delmar Ransrtell.

"Shlrlev. Flinspacii-Kurth Memorial Home III. Closing Out Sale. Kindred and Bob Carl W. Fonard, Springfield, and Pauline Fozzard, Kankakee.

Nicholas S. Lea and Marilvn William. "Golden Rule" Service Moderate Cost Phone 827-5565. 1104 N. Main St.

FEB. 6 Willou9hby Implement Large Public Sale, Arthur. III. Warren Martin, A'jctlon Co. FEB.

7 Eicon Christensen, Savbrook, III. Closing Out Sale. Kindred and Trunk, Auctioneers. FEB. 8 Albert Ahrends Estate.

Crescent Citv, III. Closing Out Sale. Lloyd Yates. Auctioneer. FEB.

8 Mrs. Virgil Shellon. Beltflower. III. Closing Out Le Roy Auction Service.

FEB. 8 J. Rov Byeriy, St. Joseph, III. Closing Out Sale.

Lievd Cole, Auctioneer. FEB. I Implement Machinery Auction. Manlto, III Cavlnder-Link Auction Service. Gibson Citv III.

4 Report Hit-Run Damage 1964 Allis Model C2 combine with both Bloomington. TRACTORS row corn head $4900 In The Atmosphere Of Your Home Carmody Funeral Home McLean and Chestnut Sts. Ph. 828-3113 roaer, Auctioneers. FEB.

17 Richard Fienhoid, Pontiac, III. Closing Out Sale. Carl Ronnow. Auctioneer. FEB.

18 Hiram Shull Estate, Mount Pulaski, i. Closing Out Sale. Warren Martin Auction Co. Robert E. Cummings Normal, and Kathy L.

Benthien, Winnebago. 21966 Deere 4020 wide front, 3 1966 Deera 434 com head, hookup for point hitch, dual control, hydraulic I 95 or 105 S2o cylinder $4750 each 1962 Massey 35 S.P. combine with Metzler Memorial Home A Service To Fit Any Financial Need 1115 E. Washington St. Phone 828-2415 1967 Deere 2010 utllfty, with 3 point i ft.

header $950 In Memcriam FEB. 18-Whllwood Fertilizer Servict, Hudson, III. Public Saw. Kindred and Art Feller. Auctioneers.

hitch, hvdr. ulic outlet $2450 1968 Deere 4020 wide front, 3 point ORDER NOW! hitch, useiJ 66 hourt, new war- Your new platelets planter from Mar- Four motorists reported hit- Stamper Memorial Home Ambulance Service Ample Parkins FEB. 18 Frank H. Reed. Pontlac.

III. 914 N. Main St Phone 859-2296 1968 Deere 4020 a. 'wide front'. standard I 'nt to assure yourself delivery for FEB.

8-Ralph Trimble, Blue Mound, III Closing Out Salt. Warren Martin A.iction Co FEB. 8 Delmar Hensen Estate, Anchor, WITH A SINCERE desire to render a helpful service to those ol our patrons who with to have In Memonem notices published we have and-run damage to their cars Wednesday, Bloomington police said. Flowers transmission, hydraulic cylinder, spring. used 495 hours $5700 2 Brand new Deere 3020 gas, ro l-o-1 PLOWS AND DI5KS BLOOMING PLANTS Cut flowers, green plants and funeral designs.

NOVAK The count is tor average tlze words ot 5 letters I he Pantagraph reserves the right to determine exact number ot tines to be occupied bv any ad Cost is determined num. ber of lines not words in the ad Cash rate earner) tf oaifl bv city advertiser within live days trom billing ano bv suburban advertisers within seven davt Every other day orders oavable at nne dav rate National rate applies to ads from outside primary circulation rone 00 service ana mailing charge tor blind ads Quotation ot rates gladly given toi other than set solid ciassifleo Ads Liability ot Publisher ano Newspaper for errors it limited to tpact occupied tor ad Credit lot errors not the ault ot the advertiser will bt limited to 1 day's republication et ad The Pantagraph Is responsible lor tht first Incorrect Insertion onlv mat hydraulic cylinder $4650 i it ivniD i ri piuwi f-LOWcKS. 1312 Main. Ph. 967-6081.

IV03 v.iver mv, unn engine, ouois, ex- tM Daniel A. Preston, R.R. 3, gathered together hundreds ol suitable verses and have pub -1 ima ns. i Closing Out Sale. Carl Ronnow, Auctioneer.

FEB. 19 Machinery Auction Heller Farm Store, El Paso. III. Cavinder-Llnk-Art Feller Auction Service, Gibson City, III. FEB.

19 Sherman Gall Estate, Maroa, III. Closing Out Sale. VJarrtn Martin Auction Co. FEB. 20-Meyer Brothers.

Ottawa, III. larce Machinery Sale. Art Feller and Reiier, Auctioneers. FEB. 20-Chester Smith, Le Roy, III.

Closing Out Sale, Le Rny Auction lci Lnu, luuv riuvi 9 sojuu ri i in.r i idiiv-siraiv urcic ri-j uiuw, j-io Cemetery Lots iroa rare wiae "wr-1 20 llen, coverboards $1095 reported $100 damage to his car, which was hit between 1 lished them In an attractive booklet which may be had free bv calling Deere F245 semi-mounted 6-14" con- MJU ....111.1. a- 1 ew rn pk VCTIIUIC flVr 4lW H.r, 829-9411 or writing the Special Service PARK HILL A lovely place, with the funds and the commitment to assure it will remain so. Ph. 828-8424. iwo Deer uu roii-o-marfc jnjm, ny- rrtwr-KArH twi i-rv cnui Department, eo Dally Pantagraph.

winiif peere 145 sem -mounted cover- and 5 p.m. Wednesday while parked in the 900 block of West 91473 A 1 ill.n CtV)C AC a. IAICIIU3I Ll'IIUIIIUII 7U In Memoriam iwo Deere ga5, Tiny-equippea, in- tia uhtusi hiv. im Wood Street, III. Closing out sale.

Eiwood Stagen. Auctioneer FEB. 8 C. Weaver, Norrls, III. Closing Out Sa e.

Ro'h and Wolf, Auction- FEB. 6 Shenon, Farmer City. III. Closing Out Sale, Le Rov Auction Service. FEB.

8 William Ol'ver Estate, Car. lock. III. Closing Out Salt. Wiesand and Kindred, Auctioneers.

FEB. 10 Central III. Angut Association Show and Si't. Congerville. HI.

Ken Coulter, Auctioneer. FEB 10-Flovd Littell, Towanda, III. Closing Out Sale. Kindred ana Wiegand, Auctioneers. FEB.

li Ivan Peterson. AsrJtum. lit. Closing Out Sale. Yates and Rosen- r-ocn, Auctioneers.

FrTS. ll-Vernon "Bud" R'ed, Pontlac, III. Closing Out Sole, Can Ronnow, auctioneer. FEB. 11 Chants Beeler.

McLean. III. Closing Out Saie Kindred, Donovan Murpv. Auctioneers. 1967 Deere 4020 wide front, 3 point 7.

Business Personal 5 ATfETTrTON-Lvnri'tWinirett) Kraft has returned tc LaParlsienne Beauty Salon, 711 N. Main, Normal. Friends and pa-trons Ph. 452-4493 or 452-4494. ch' evllnder' I sealed bearings.

3 years eld $450 In loving n.emory of my husband, ISAAC "IKE" PRICE, who passed away five years ego today, Feb. 6, 1964. Fondly loved end deeply mourned. Heart nf my heart, I miss you so. Wife Eva and Family 7 Deere BW IvVj ft.

wheel disks, IV I blades, used 3 years $795 service, FEB. 20-Jeff Springer, Lincoln, Closing Out Sale. Kindred and Wiegand, Auctioneers. FEB. 20 Harold Reed, Canton, III.

and Deibert Endres, Lewistown. III. Angus Cattle Sale. Estes Sale Pavilion, Can-ton. III.

Ken Coulter, Auctioneer. FEB. 20 Harvey Rieger, Forrest, 111. Closing Out Sale, Ronnow and Meti, Auctioneers. Morris Rudolf, Clayton, said his car was struck in the right rear side between 4 and 5:25 p.m.

Wednesday, while it Business Personal 5r Business Personal ueere pwa zi ft. wheel disk, 20" blades, 4 years old $675 SPECIAL CAB SALE! Card of Thanks COZY TRACTOR CABS FOR IHC, OLIVER, ALLIS, CASE, AND ANTERS ANO FEB. 20 Cecil Outlaw, SavbrooK, assembled, installed in minutes. Closing Out Sale. Glenn Bradd, I.ULIIVAIOK5 The family of RUBEN MOUNCE wishes to gratefully acknowledge the many kind expressions of sympathy shown them FEB.

20-Kerml Hamblln. Farmer City, auring rneir recent bereavement. III. Closing Out Sale. Warren Martin Tilt-off construction, insulated roof, ventilating fan.

3 semi-loads In stoc ready for Immediate delivery. PRICE $490. TERMS: BUY NOW PAY LATER. SPECIAL PRICE TO DEALERS. was in the Eastland Shopping Center parking lot.

Damage was estimated at $55. Vernon Doyle, 504 Allin, reported his car struck on the left side by an unidentified car Funeral Notices FEB. 11-Jim Agee. Maroa, III. Public Saie, Warren Martin Auction Co.

FEB. 12 J. G. Chambers, Farmer City, Closing Out Sale, Lloyd Cole, A'ctioneer. FEB i2-Elmef Dossett Estate, Minier oslng Cut Sale.

Harvey Miller, Aue- Deere (94 AN planter row rubber presswheels, used 3 yean $1250 Deera 694 AN planter, 6 row 30" rubber presswheels, minimum tllleoe $850 Deere 495 A plen'er, flouid fertl'lrer attachment, used years $47S 2 Deera 494 A plantert, only 1 year aid 4C Auction Co. FEB. 21 Duane L. Harms, Chetsworth, I'l. Closing Out Sale.

Immke and Trunk, Auctioneers. FEB. 21-Ray McCreadv, Clinton. III. Cosing Out Sale.

Warren Martin Auction Co. Feb. 22-Cyril Weeks, Fairbury, III. Clos-, COMBINES ANO CORN ATTACHMENTS The MARTIN MEN Are Coming in the parking lot of Casey's state, Maroa, FEa. 13 Jesse Rilev I Out Saie.

1 3 Deere Rft Atrt ruttlvntnr. A rraw w. Hugh Klrkwood, Ing Out sale, Harold Kindred, Auc Market Basket supermarket at 1501 N. Main. Repairs were Mr.

Jay Heitman 205 W. Chestnut St. Services Funeral Home Friday. :30 A.M. Holy Trinity Jhurch 10:00 A.M.

Interment 1967 Deera 105 combine, cab and 435 rear mounted, used 9 s-'Mnns Cot's head $5500 $650 each, 1960 Deere 95 combine, cab th 3 or 1964 MM 4 row cultivator, r' 4 row com head $7950 mounted 1965 Deere 105 combine with 434 corn Oliver 4 row evltWetnr front moun'rt. head, t-30" rows $7950 1 late ttv'a fits leoo $3co 1961 Deere 55 combine with 210 com Deere No. 12 plant-r hitches head $3450' $100 to $150 each tioneer. FEB. 22 Weldon Community Sale.

Weidon, III. Sponsored bv Weldon lions Club. Auctioneers: B'own, Murphy and Lane. FEB, 22 Maroa Community Sale. Maroa, 1:1.

Warren Martin Auc'ion Co. FEB. 24 McLean Irterr.atioral Inc Mc Lean, 7th Annual Barga Roundup estimated at $150. Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Swear-ineen. 506 N. Mason, said their Fri. Eastin Estate. Roberts, rn tait.

Feller, Trunk and -1--fx. Auctioneers. ti -ES Sart'S, MCLttn Ctev ri San. Kindrtd Murphy, Kb i HTwtrd and John Hoffman. r.r.t-y.

I'1, Cioslrt Out Sele, lAarrtn Auction Co IHI 1. Murphy I Kindred. Auct cneers. car was struck on the right side in the city parking lot at the FEB. 25 'Pere" Pedenen, Dwiglt, III.

osing Cut Salt, CB'l Ronnow, Auc- Write for Our Complete List of Used Equipment Kankakee emorial Gardent Cemetery FEfe. 15 A'vin Tlnberg, Onion. IH. Pub-1 If. Tr-sn-son.

Stade. KnKt and AuTtmers. FES. 15 Geyge Kapraun. B'n--o.

Cs9 OjI Sa'e, Leora-d Stonitr.l Ajcfc-'. I FEB. 26-BoalJ Wiv. Vgnuovt, III. Cmting Out Sale, barren Martin Auc-tier Co.

FEB. 26 Mcltan County Service Annual Meeting. Scotflsn Rife Temple, B'oamingon, To The MALL February 13-23! intersection of Front and Madison streets about 11:53 a.m. Wednesday. No damage estimate Kankakee, Illinois Carmody Funeral Home MARTIN BROTHERS IMPLEMENT CO.

ROANOKE, ILL Prion 923-2741 FEB. IS Vaykjn Ceder ard Dor isk, d'y. Cosing Out Sale. fd Feller, Auctioneers. FEB.

15 Haroid Bailey Fstate. III. Cosing Out Sa', Warren A-e-imj lUliU Ca. FF6. 77-Co Aw Sons, Ill PutX-G Mrr r.

vart.r, Auction jjj-jjjp poliCC Sflid. Co..

The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois (2024)
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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Author information

Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.