The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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20 Htlp Malt 5h CltVHAND PLAIN DIALER TUESDAY SEPT 18 S4 20 Help Mala bo Help Verticle 1 79 38 ST Operators Welders Workers Inspectors 17601 Brookpark Rd 1311 Chardon Rd Operators Machine SPECIALISTS to or Shaper Hands Citizenship' YOUNG AGGRESSIVE Surface7 Grinders Office Hours 745 tq 4:30 Monday through Saturday Sunday 8:30 to 12:30 Toolroom Machinists Toolmakers Machinists fled Cleveland Hobbing Machine Co Experienced operator needed for 2d shift mutt be able to read' blueprint and aet up all job good hourly rate bene fits clean well run ahcp am ple parking facilities 1 'MUST WORK ANY sh*t Drill Press Operators PRODUCTION MACHINISTS: High Hourly Rate Plus Cot of Living Allowance i Apply in Person a the Employment Officer Internal Grinders MAN iteady to aaalst tn shipping tocti no experience necessary gnoq chance tor advancement 5 day 40 hur week MA 1 5350 Employment Office 2051 55 St 8 am ti 4 45 Mon Tri Open Saturday 8 a ai 3 Cleveland office nt la Na tional chain hsa Immediate npenlnr for 2 or 3 neat ap pearing aerlous minded young' men: pleasant contact work transportation furnished! Phone Mr Batchelor MA 1 9359 9:30 to 2 PRIME CONTRACTOR Time and Motion Please Bring Proof of Thompson Products 20 Help Mali TOOLROOM MACHINISTS Must be Experienced Milling Machine Operators Experienced all around men to work in research and pro duction GOOD WORKING CONDITIONS 5885 Lorain Ave OL 1 6400 28 Hdp WaiiliMaU' Eave a large and diverii advertiung program and need a responsible man to carry part of the lead The man we aeek should have 7 to 10 years of significant ad vertuing at least 3 years of which would be in a leadership position responsi ble for the work of other men A roupded experience on both agency and manufacturer's sides of the desk is desirable ae looking for a man with a college degree based on creative English or jour nalism and either business administration or marketing A good common crea tive ability is needed plus poise and presence to deal with other members of a top marketing team If you are looking for glam our and a quick this is not a spot for you But if you are looking for solid sat isfaction in accomplishments living conditions and work ing conditions then you will be interested You can start the ball rolling by writing to us giving all pertinent person al and business information Write to: Professional Employment Monsanto Chemical Ce Plastic Division Springfield 2t Mass 10590 Quincy Ave Borematic Operators The ollowing TOOLROOM Tool and Cutter Grinder ATERNOON sh*t Must br experienced on 'cutter grinding and sharp ening carbide brazed tools Central Engineering Shops of Industrial Toolmakers 1 Precision Grinder Operator or Tool and Gauge Work Toolroom Milling: Machine Operator High hourly rate overtime pension and other fringe ben efits Time 'Study Some Experience or Trainee With Technical Background Steady Day 5 Day Week National Malleable Now Selecting Qualified TOP OPPORTUNITY IN LARGE ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Wanted by wholesale piper hU3e: Must have fwi? experience In rutting nina nn a KawhAld wz'hfn Inanlra Mr Gascon JWHftig to learn auto parts bmineu Gascon Paper Co llOth Detrolt Apply Trattner RA 1 6945 Office Opportunities A manufacturer of automo tive and plumbing supplies needs a young man not over 36 years old to train for the future job of office manager Thia is a good position for a man who ia willing to work We offer ydu a profit aharing plan with a progressive 'com pany and at young alert management Muat have kriowledge of accounting We will train in our office pro cedures Send written resume of entire background to gether with recent photo graph Reply to Box 25935 Plain Dealer ExperiencedHydraulic Machine I 1 APPLY IN PERSON TELEPHONE Salesman: Advertising Experience Steady work Labor paper Phone SW 5 88OS 9 8 irst class only make ownetupa '45 hour week day and second shift' high hourly rate vacation plan paid hospitalization and in surance machines pleasant working condi tions jSe Mr Schudel Visidneering Co 1800 27 St Mechanical or aeronauti cal engineers experienced in hydro mechanical yitem sign combustion develop ment fluid controls and servo mechanisms Engineering Coordination Mechanical ifncl electronic en gineers to bei responsible for systems integration and com posite design Dutiet in clude responsibility for sys tems engineering supervision of detailed design ground systems test flight testand poit flight ihalysistjEngineers with experience in radar mis sile or aircraft design are re quired Structural Design Deignf aireraft typ ktruc tures Engi neer experienced in design ing for quantity production using steel weldments perma nent mold or injection mold castings honeycomb steel lam inates and magneiium titan ium Design Drafting' Electronic add mechanical layout of missile systems and components Designers and Draftsmen in preparation of electronic mechanical layouts or design development nd checking Electronic Production Electronic engineers with ex perience: electronic produc tion Knowledge of fac tory operation and electronic manufacturing prdceising es sential Engineering degree helpful and other Engineering Opportunities Or Send Resutne to Employment Department Bcndix 'Products Division of BENDIX AVIATION CORPORATION 40 I Bendix Drive South Bend Indiana arts counter: permanent position reliable finni 5 days 40 hr wk or Interview call Mr Cunningham OL 13600 ARNOLD WHOLESALE CORP 5209 DETKOTAVE TELEVISION INSTRUCTOR Must be able to tach servtcinr (the ory and lab) 'three eveninzs petrek 5 45 tn 10:4 5 hourly rate SV 17301 Excellent Opportunity for young man to learn th wholesale drug business learn while you earn draft Exempt high school graduate 40 hour week Drug atore experience preferred but not essential Paid vacations re tirement plan and hospitaliza tion McKESSOlWi ROBBINS INCi 1382 9 St TOOL and DIE MAKERS Lead man who i ambitious and willing to aaume reponibility for building good die Here i your i opportunity to progret at top rate Ple'nty of overtime paid vacation insurance and many other benefit VARIETY CORP 12695 Elmwood Ave ott w' J17 St Has Opening for ELECTRICIANS familiar With 7 Machine Tool Control Tool and Diemaker Small and medlum stxed work days Erhard 3734 TENNYSON RD GRINDERS Must be experienced High hourly rate Excellent working conditions Apply in percn Employment Office on Entle Rd South of Brookpark Rd 17601 BrookoarkRd ORD MOTOR CO' Tool Designers' Layout Draftsmen Permanent positions plenty of Over time rood hourly raft plus all fringe benefits ZAGAR INC 24000 Lakeland Blvd Euclid Ohio Time Study Men: Excellent Opportunity Immediate Opeftingj SW'5 6810 TOOL GRINDER 2nd shift 'ofening for experi enced production too grind er West Side plant fully paid insurance 56 lour week Phone for further detalli awick Airllejf Diy AWICK corp 9919 Clinton Rd AT 1 2211 SAND PIT Near Charrin alls: operator for 4 and loader: union scale CH 7 7757 ROOM bath cookiny facilities for chores Pensioner CE 1 7294 immediate opentnr for InteUfcrht younr man for west side field ofne of electrical contractor Will handh Payroll employment etc records lr job some typinr PERMANENT: PAYAVORK 6175 PER HOUR TO STARTCun Mr Kelsey i DAVID MURRAY CO 5475 tNGLE RD CL 3 0030 YOUNG MEN'i 3 8 TO 20 VriW To Assist TELLERS Experienced orWILL TRAIN (minimum age 2 I good teller ALWAYS ha a and a UTURE Train NOWfor thi interet ing public contact work in the friendly aur rounding of our Main Office orEat Side branche 5 day week mjny benefit NATIONAL CITY BANK Personnel Dept 2nd loors 629 Euclid Ave apco 4540 AV 160 South off of Purita Tool Cutter Grinder 60 hour week day shift all benefits Industrial Enterprise Co 19306 Redwood Rd off Nottingham A svv of brrokkeepinxi i folder man not bjecttonabi 1 2314 or A 1 7139 arnditatn with I degrees but' 1'1 train aggressive young men with math aptitudes Ex tensive training given any application( methods time a re nt inmfi Excellent opportunity per manent position rood salary Inter viewing hoars 8:30 to 11 ana 1 to 4 Monday through riday American Greetings Corp 1300 78 OL 1 5000 timkiiplrv ATERNOONS and EVENINGS experi enced preferred reliable: salary meals uniforms benefits Personnel office HOTEL STATLER STANDARDS ENGINEER' Experience in MTM and Time tudy preferred Claw in MTM to be given atarting 5 92756 education high achool and ome' college Well progtam good opportunities MO 2 2100': PESCO Products Div BORG WARNER CORP 24700 Miles Between Green and Richmond Rds I Test Engineers Excellent futurr leading tn sppii ance engineering and design soma college training ln physics engi neering fundamentals or equiva lent required Experience in appli ance or mechanical test work helpful but not essential Palary commenurrate with background American Gas Association Laboratories' 83d St EN 1 0475 Ext 46 1 Operators Experienced Hourly Rate Company Lifa insurance Accident insurance Hopitalization Surgical insurance 5p Other hours by sppotntmrnt Baker 'Raulang' Co SutoftUary of Otis Elevator 1250 80 OL 1 3000 Time'studyEngineer Experienced in feeds and correlating standard data top rate for qualified man excellent working conditions numerous company benefits Call Vai Turk for 1 Appointment I 7221 The Cleveland Graphite Bronze Co 17000 ST CLAIR AVT I Division ofClevite Corp Time Study Man txpHeneed preUrsbl stoat lh sheet zmetal line such as UbricatiDi andAssembly 6 'This is good opportunity tef iht rijht man salarp Magic Chef Inc S201 HARVARD RETIRED MECHANIC To assemble grease guns Retired screw machine hand or turret lathe operator 5 days or part time Hourly rate Old company Box 3839 Plin Dealer YOUNG man tor motor tfreint com pany: general office some tyong qulred experience helpful uui rot nec essary Salary permanent pos tton: comoanv benefits WERNER TRANSPORTATION CO SU 1 9212 23 Hil Male TRUCK driver semi westtSIde man 1551 102 Truck Mechanic Experienced with GMC andREO i Good hourly rate plus overtime Kroehler Mfg Co 4020 II6 Truck Mechanic and Helper 8 days Union seal Apply Wavr Interstate Motor reight System 4818 Hough TRUCK mechanic experienced age 21 35: hourly rate 8216 Railway Express Agency Garage 1642 Lakeside Yourig Man 25 to 30 To worg In sales order DEPTntenng and expediting ordersan customers relations 7 Would like man however would consider without experience if strong personality Salary open write Box 2421 1 Plain Dealer with your job? fe A 'WT4 Would you swap your present job forgone with bigger earn ings better working condi tionsand more security? Call ON I 3832' a nd give you the story Guaranteed salaryand auto matic raises every 9 week Apply Mon TueiZi Wed i ON 1 3832 si rft Milling Machine Operators Warehouse Man' YOUNG Opportunity to learn tool repair 37J5 weekalary and many employee benefit State experience Box 21139 Plain Dealer TALOS GUIDED MISSILES Cleveland Interview Call: CORONA Phone: PRospect 1 6857 September 1 8 6:00 PM 8 :00 PM September 19 and 20 10:00 A 800 September 2 1 10:00 A 3 :00 PM or Intereating Assignments In Electronic Tiiting Electronic testing of highly complex electronic systems Electronics Engineers experi enced in missile system test ing test planning test equip ment design reliability engi neering and quality control engineering Levels up to project engineer Special Test' 71 Equipment Design Broad engineering experience in techniques of microwave and pulse circuitry andor high performance servo Sys tems for origins design of special automatic or manual test equipment fdr Guided Missiles System! 'Analysis Analysis of over all dynamic behavior of missiles and weap ons systems Experience in aerodynamics aerv6 mech anism' electronics heat trans fer it ess analysis shock and vibration! to work with ana logue computers and digital differential analyzers Electronic Control Development of guided missile control systems Electronic Engineers experienced in ser vo mechanisms gyroscope engineering regulating ampli fier design battery applica tion and design and cabling and connector development Evaluation Engineerings 7 Exceptionally high quality component evaluation Electronic Engine era' experi enced in evaluation of elec tronic components including supervision of extensive lab oratory environmental testing or co ordination of detail spe cification with vendors Propulsion and Hyrdaulics Ram jet and hy Tool Diemaker Mtn experienced diecast trim die pre ferred htih hourly rate plenty bi overtim" paid holidays vacations and other benefits BOBINCHUCK MACHINE TOOL CO 9202 Reno DI 1 6336 TOOL AND DIEMAKER? Experienced In ehert meUI work APPlXI INTERIOR STEEL EQUIPMENT CO '3353 58 St Qulnfr ATTENTION Shift workers and students Could you use $16 commission for 3 hours work i choose your hours Watkins Products1 41ft? Av 812 a ro or 3 8 tn i MIDDLE a edT couple: Jive in: man must be able to drhe: wile care for Invalid woman: 3 room apt tarayt "ceneroua 3waes tor couple White only Wl 2 5625 mornings GOOD opportunity for neat agsresMve young salesman to earn above average pay with well established company paid training period Apply tn person 5900 Ellen Ave between ranklinand Bridge Ave Turret Lathe We hav4 opening oh our '2dhift for killed operator West Side plant fully paid in surance high tarting rate 56 HOUR WEEK Phone for further detail awick Airflex Div AWICK CORP 9919 Clinton Rd AT 1 221 1 1 Turret Operator Able to do own setup Work to aircraft standard on wide variety of bar and chucking work excellent hourly rate Troth Kilroy Mfg'Co 13800 MILE8 AVENUE Turret Lathe Job shop experience: day shift: paid holidays and varatton: ed on 2A i SA High 'y rate Western Reserve Mfg Co' 3710 83 St TYPIST: Must be fast and accurate verltyper or XBM experience pre ferred but not essential Permanent Top salary to rlsht man Mr Sam mca TO 1 5818 VOdAL teacher forfull dr part time In reputable downtown studio Salary based on ablUty LA 14574 WALL washers and paper cleaners ex perienced preferred: call 9 a tn 10 JI OR 1 5001 Turret Lathe Operators 20 Help Male STOCKMAN To handle stock la our production department irst shift 8 a tn to 42 permanent wort: 5 day week: xtod hourly rate Interviewing hours Monday throuth riday 6:30 to 11 a and 1 to 4 m4 American Greeting Corp 130Q 78th Off Lake Ave OL 1 5000 STOCK ROOM WORK Yount man: Interested in learning a buMneu very good chance tor ad vancement for ViEht party Salary Box 32039 Plain Dealer SUPERVISOR RIGHTS To wpervise charwomen from 6 pm to 230 am Monday through riday Past experience desirable but not nec essary: permanent position: salary: many employe benefits Interviewing hours Mon throuth rl I to 11 ov and 1 to 3 American greetings 'Corp 1300 78 St OL 1 5000 Ott Like Ate TAILOR: gxpKlencd for dr clr ti er Klnsiburr Or Cleaner 16008 Vn Aken 1 i TAILOR: EXPERIENCED' IN MEN USED CLOTHING: 183 OS (Nn whrk NedM 'M In easy to fet to shop: hlth hourly rat with 48 hour week many benefits: you should have 3 experience to start Warner Swasey Employment Office 2051 Et 55 8 to 445 MON THRU R1 OPEN SAT 8 A 3 Toolroom Apprentice Ynun mn between 18 and 38 Must be hizh Khool graduate Hourl rate plu overtime 3415 Lebeide 1 WAREHOUSEMAN MECHANICALLY Inclined to work in wHixu iuuLiurtt nr4 l0 wtrt truck other au cmnerv a ige la 12oOQ $85 Week YOUNGMAN Eberhard Mfg Co 2734 Tennyon Rd4 sh*t STUDENTS Could ou use 81 cdmmlsslon tor 3 hours Choose your own hours Call LO 1 4833 7 ta 8:30 TV BENCH MAN Black white and color: most be well 3ualifird to repair all make and pro ucc: salary 3123 week to start Box 1 plln Dealer TV Phono Radio Repairman par toy qdaiine man ONLY: able to'iiae scope and signal generator OL 1 268 4 TV RADIO PHONd'KEPAIRMAN bench work: also young maA' wnh electrical or meehanf ral backtround to work on insulation crew Inquire at 1771 South Taylor vaTV Serviceman Bnch man outside man Must have experience Apply in person rate or commiselcn "'ti American Appliance Co 5 12419 SUPERIOR MAN Experienced shop work only: perma nent: full time: salary Dey Radio Service 2019 Broadview Rd 'tv service man full time: for radio Ird television service Apply In Per son Wellman Radio Television 15720 Lorain Ave 2' TelevisioKman ull or part time? or house calte GA 13500 TV serviceman: must be experienced: salary hourly rate: apply In person only AUBURN 11723 Detroit TELEVISION BENCH MAN Steady: 3 yr experience salary 2 0888 between 1 5 i TV serviceman lor home calls COm Hton IV 6 0591TELEPHONE Salesman: for order de partment salary and paid vacations position permanent VU 3 4306 Telephone Solicitors rU from cur office 6 to 9 Mm thnurh rt 6150 rer hour Wus bonus Apply up to 6k30 22 St Room 215 YOUXG MAN 18 to 26 high school gradu ate mechanically inclined Complete training program with nationally known office equipment company Interest ing work with good starting salary and benefits Excellent working conditions 40 hour week permanent WriteBOX' 1 3035 Plain Dealer RELIABLE older man to nandie bird dogs Guide hunting parties Do gen eral farm work West Work 7 to 5 6 dy week 200 monthly plus room Reply to Indian Hollow Shooting pre sene Jim Browning manager Box 636 Elyria MAN for pert time warehouse and de livery work 7 a and 4 tn atartlng rate 91 per hour with merit increases: should lire in or near Maple Heights See Holly 10 a to noon Tom Watson Co 5204 War remville Rd Maple Heights BOYS VETS TRAVEL 18 26 leave once California re turn: transportation expenses ad vanced average J83 weekly See Mrs Alkon St Regis HoUl 82 Eucild 10 3 BOY: After school and weekend: ap ply in person Lowe Drug 13000 Buckeye BOY: ree room and beard for porter work 3 hours colored SW 1 5933 after 5:30 EXPERIENCED GLAZIER WANTED Able to Install and cut window glass A 1 1393 Turret Lathe The Sheet Metal following ord Motor Co Ray Corp Dissatisfied Turret Lathe Gag Makers Swasey Inc: IM WAREHOUSE run hlzh Khool zr3 uate Good Opportunity Nick Klruner Supply 1588 40 St WEATHERSTRIP nKl'intc: Eiprl rnerd: rm ploymmt Box 1 893P yaln Dealer WELDER Muat know bow to read blueprints electrio arc welding fabrication component parts Jor machine tools lint shift tempo Products 5490 Dunham Rd Maple Heights Welders EXPERIENCED Good ktartnrj jate cost of living group inurance cafeteria etc App1y(at Employment Office Mfg Co Stamping Division t17877 St Clair I A Welders Arc With experience on stainless steel and alloyaj rnuat be able to qualify for ASME Code work high hourly rite over time profit sharing and other benefits IRON WORKS 17643 5t Clair KE 1 2300 WcldcrvCombination A day shift Inb for an expert wd welder Must have Navy 2' welding certificate or be capable of passing test Hourly rate: paid hcspltaliiaUon and otner benfftt Ohio Crankshaft Hirrrd WELDERS GAS and ARC tor light SHEET METAL WC'RK '4 a The Northern Blower Co 65 St SOUTH DENISON WELDER combination and fitter steady work: 50 haur week: vacation and holiday 2020 Center St (below Mai Ave Bridge Welding Assembler Must have experience in arc welding and some layout High hourly rate Steady work Power Pack Conveyor Co'13910 Aspinwall Ave A Wire Drawer Permanent positon for ex perienced man or will train 40 hour week good tonnage rate" 6 See MR PELL The Angel Chaplet Co 4580 71 St Woodworkers Experienced assemblers tor furniture frames: high hourly rate permanent AMOUS URNITURE MG CO 70S Bolivar Rd MA 1 9178 'X Ray' Technicians ALL sh*tS OPENINGS QR BOTH Experienced Technician and Trainees Mut have High School Education Wellman Bronze Aluminum Co 2525 93d St Young Man it for Display Opening for alert young man with window trim ming and interior display experience Good salary permanent pension plan group insurance Apply MR BLASK Baker Co 1001 Euclid Ave Young Man to 25 High tchool graduate with good maris in icience or mathematica to aait engineer in experimental work RESEARCH CENTER 540 1 05 ST 1 5500 HIGH'1 SCHOOL GRADUATE To workdn engineering department learner must run blueprint machine filing and general clerical work Chace for Advancement Hourly rate Steel Equipment Co 30805 Aurora Rd MO 3 8400 PART TIME EVENINGS Add $75 per week To your preatnt income Apoly Mon or Tur Sharp 718 Th Atvid 401 Euclid Avenue i Appliance urniture SALESMAN All lead furnished must 6e expert enced: commission basis: best financing to town Apply to oenon American Appliance Co 124 1 9'SUPERIOR 8 xB Halp Kl Steady Permanent with uture 52 Good Pay a Yearr TO QUALIY You must be 18 to 40 yean old have an up to date driv license be of goo4 char acter: with: a good wort Complete employee benefits BE A Driver Salesman WITH THE LARGEST HOUSE TO HOUSE BAKERY SALE and DELIVERY ORGANIZATION a uture for Qualified Men Apply EAST SIDE Vy 96 WEST SIDE 81 1 6 'Lorain Aye A If you are now working call tor Evening Appointment Cll ME 1 0014 OMAR hNC' Are You 1 Stopped by Salary Restriction? Here Is The OpportunityWe Offer $300 Guaranteed mini mum income Thorough training pro gram and constant field su pervision Leads and proven pros pecting method 4 National and local ad vertising Largeitbmpany of its kind in the world A continuing career training program and an op portunity to build Ya secure future 1 CALL MR Mutual oi: OmaKa TO 7572 eu or men to lern paper box trade firat or second' shift ateady work 4apid advancement hourly rate overtime other benefits Weft' Sider onlyAppIy9 tp'J 1 BOX CO 7275 Wentworth Ave OIt CUrk Av bu Un I Broke? If you havea a neaYj appearance good characr ter will work hard arid need moneyL I cant help you! months nf patient consistent coaching plus working for a nstlonslly tdvertlstd manufac turer could br the turning point of your career Mr earned leas than $80 per week In industry: last week his 1st week with us he earned 6177 To learn all about it apply today at s2419 St Clair and 6: 30 to 8 THE MILLS COMPANY 963 WAYSIDE RD (Between Euclid and St Clair) LICENSED 7 i i'ireman Xa)B 'Watchmarij Rotating Shifts 1 T' Employee Benefits': 2 boys APIY MB SANDERS Western Union 2040 9 Sts W' 10 MEN work 30 9:30 weekday 9 1 Saturdays De? Scellmt 'ork Um' 50me mechanical ap retion: rood othr ime WARD INDUSTRIES CORP 3801 PAYNE WANTED a'Lre knd STi Uor CH 1 0649 4:30 only ask for personnel mana ull or part time You sell $10 book for $250 commissions and BOYS VETS TRAVEL 18 36 Leave at once Cash advance No experience required Circulation promotion Educational and Interest romnSwun £ky Wrntee and commission Mr Castla st Rem phone 3'5 MEN wanted to work in kennels: must drive and know city PR 1 441K t0rV 3 to £2G 35to 45 Txoerienced Grill Counter Reliable Ability to assume full charge Salary DAIRY REEZE SW 5 3856 COLLEGE STUDENT: Neat appear ance part time promotion work No calls Apply in periei Mr Henderson Commodore Hotel I 1 a Spot Welders Brake Operator Brake Helper 1 The Mills Company 965 Wayside Rd Neecls No Experience Necessary' HERE IS A INE i OPPORTUNITY OR 1 A LIETIME CAREER RAPID ADVANCE MENT: NO EXPERI ENCE REQUIRED We need ambitious men 21 28 with at least high school education for our branch manager training pro gram If you own a car have a pleasing personality and enjoy working with the pub lic we have 'a challenging and interesting job for you We offer a good salary while training excellent employee benefits i promotion from within and a secure fu ture Build your career with America's oldest and largest consumer finance company SEE MR CURRAN 720 EUCLID ROOM 801 HOUSEHOLD Corp? 29 HIi Milt I YOU' 'GAN' thi we wff have a high income job for you A plea ant part time orfull time job for men 21 to 6O Investigate the opportunity to ''drive a work hour auited your achedule Em ploymjnt i 'open Monday through riday 8:30 am to 7:30 pmt Saturday 8:30 tol I 30 am 1 Yellow'Gab Co '1453 Superior Ave MARRIED MAN 22 38 or wll buslnsa for ever tncreulnr No Invtst 1 kuarantee Sion vn i o1? esl aide phone £P1 )914 Eart Sid MO 3 8433 time driver sales Men women and atudents if you hv hourl dany iendu to vour in come and live anywhere tn Cleveland hav tdpl up enyHnr you to em high commission nr allowance Call DI 1 1870 nr apply at 7821 Broad wav daily from 4:30 to 6 ull or Part Time' Pletjant outdoor work delivering sample and taking order No previous experience necessary Opportunity for over 50 Eamin up to $25 per oy from yerv start with advancement Opportunity open to all who can how proof of stability Cail SU 16340 Helpers With oma i)het tal knowledge A 'and expari ance 'lCood working condi tion with leading metal pa rtitiani company Hourly rate 'employe benefit OER' An interesting profitable and secure salts position You will earn $100 to $150 per week with $100 guarantee to start Muat have car and be a highchool cradyafe re 21 to 43 EAST M0 3 8433 WEST Call RD 1 0914 OUR automatic efup men and opera tors for New Britain and Acmes: learners accepted paid holidays and vacations CORMIER 4 SHAVER MG CORX 1838 40 EICIENT mamd tnan who seeks position with future and security in sales work Must have car and be able tn work 9 hours a day Will train al $100 a week Call SH 9 1480 ord Motor Co Engine Plants oundry l760lf BROOKPARK RD NEEDED AT ONCE! 2 Laypii Jnsccto rs Machinists 'Tinsmiths St XIndustrial LiIt Truck 'Tow Tractor 'RepairMillwrights Machine Repairmen Metal Pattern Makers ir High Hourly Rate cost of Living Allowance Excellent Working Condition Apply fa Person Employment Office 8nt' Rd South of Brookpgrk Rj Part Time Work TURRET iHorizontal J1' Boring MilPOperator experuncta rpn vanny or Mt hourly Umpco Products Inc R4 MapleHeight i COLLEGE MEN Work 15 to 30 hours Earn $3S to $45 weekly Car GA 1 0623 MEN PIN SKTTERS: S70 a week Kefe average earning Memphis BowL flPw ON 1 7037 Bench Hariris Shipp gR.

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The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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Author: Delena Feil

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Views: 6203

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (65 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.