The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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HELP MALE (Coiiunued I rum t'l'ecedtnr I'uge) ftdVSLMAN Ga ticncr ence AJJ05V tiOUbEMLN hour! rale "with Utfuiunenc Apply Hotel Cleve land 3d St INDUSTRIAL or infg? concern 100 miles Cleveland salary Bex 3 lifts Plain Dealer InPI CT6rS GixxT" hourly rate Ap tny weekdays 8 5 Thompson Products IuCjx 23ouj Euclid PreusioiT expert i enced or will train: apply a Euclid Rd Machy Co 1361 Chardon INSPECTOR work In process: ateady rood hourly nte Osborn Migo 5401 Hamilton lojytCToR Hour and "layout: 3d sniff hourly rate Le Rol Co 12500 Berea Rd 1 6rA St rtictui al and weld mg experienced or will train: apply a a tn EuchdRl Machy Co 1361 Chardon I rPbvT7)R isuaV: no experience necessary hourly rate Precision Cast ings 12600 Berea Rd man: or am plifier experience must travel: expenses t' aid hourly Box lc6s Plain Dealer IRON woraer: Hourlv rate American Steel Wire Co 2145 Harvard DI 3636 JANITOR: White: permanent job In downtown office building salary Apply ito5 jUuardianBtuhimg JAMTQR White eiderly man accept able: salary 10 12 Mon 6323 EuclIdRoom 214 JEWELRY salesmanrTapabic experience retail vwfiry: god opportunity salary Box 14168 lam Dealer JR Accountant Experience wry 5 dav wees salary Trie Glidden Co 11001 Madhon Ave WO8300 KlfOiElC service man: S'eady position salary: meals Room 335 Personnel iPdel Statler LABORATORY assistant: opportunity: salary: small plant Mr Murphy OR 0030 orbes Varnish Co 3H00V 4 3 LABORERS and factory help 1st and 2d shifts: hourlv rate Monarch Alumi num 9301 Detroit LABORER maintenance dept hourly rate: steady job for steady man su peripr cast ing L7qx Euclid LABORERS ouiilry 9:30 a to experienced: hourly rate bonus Buckeve Brass b410 Hawthorne dtAfeORERS: or ail 3 shifts Tidurfy rate time and one half over 40 hours 104 3E6 2d LABORERS: Alf shifts hourly fate erro Machine oundry Inc 3155 66th machinists: Nights' "SO hours: hourly rate be Lee ioul Co Broadway IATHE Opportunity tolearn hourly rate plus shift bonus Apply a Euclid Rd Machy Co 1361 Ch ard EaTHE operators 1st class on touT'die work job shop experience hourly rate Efficient Tool Die 0314 Elizabeth LAYEROUT Experienced on steel plate work hourly rate huuu colonial Iron Works 17643 St Clair LEARNERS and helpers Mr operations good hourly rate on car une Lamson bessions Co 8400 Madison ve LITHOGRAPH cameraman plate maker write experience salary requirements etc Box 33383 Plain Dealer Kt 1ST: All round ret lathe onerator 3A: own setups hourly EX 2bzt A CHINTSTS? 'machine men or' repair and assembly: 2d shut hourly National Carbon 1257 7 4 tn MACHINE hands: Experienced day and night shifts piecework Eberhard Mfg Co 2734 Ten yon MACHINE operators: 21 45 turret en gine latnes milling machine boring mill hourly rate plus incentive Oster Mfg 2 057 6 Pl MACHINE operators: Learners ist Sd shifts good hourly piecework rales Monarch Aluminum 9301 Detroit MACHINE operators or trainees hourly plus bonus: apply 8 a Euclid Rd Machinery Co 136 LN Chardon MACHINE repairman: experienced days good hourly rate White Motor Coacli Divx 1455E 185 18 to talar Cleve land Graphite Bronze Co 17000 St Clair maintenance man experienced on electrical welding hourly rate Apply Mr Adams 2335 67 MALE attendants: daliy rate army medical experience helpful Uni versity Hospitals 2065 Adelhert MANAGER 2 35 retail tobacco sales: dept store advancement tasan com mission Box 18345 Plain Dealer MANAGER: Downtown bldg know construction management asing etc salary Box 73o3 Plain Deale MANAGER Restaurant with fountain knowledge food costs downtown lota 1 on salary Box 5483 Plain Dealer MANAGER: BulKI sales force direct selling item drawing account unusual future Box 281 Dealer MASSEUR physical director downtown club salary Box Dealer MASTER mechanic: Gut of town indus try practical experience nettsaary sal 1 Dealer MATERIAL" handlers 2d shift hourly rate Cuyahoga Stamping 1U2UL Harv ard Ave MEATCUTTER wanted Reference good pay 17819 Euclid Ave kE 1612 or YE 9630 MEATCUTTER: Experienced rood sal ary steady 1 I 509 bt Clair MEaTCUTTER: Experienced salary Steady xi'5 105 St MEGHAN GAL designer drafumen Heating air condition plumbing houily rale AusttnCoj 16112 Euclid MECHANICAL designers: Process piping lengthy employment good salary erguson Co17R3 11 CH 57O MECHANICAL designers: Power house detail piping flues salary snn1783Eli CH 5870 MECHANICAL draftsman qualified for layout and detail work salary Murray Ohto MrKjCo1Jll5EJlS2 MCHAN'iCAlenglneer recent graduate: rrdio experience desired: salary Btusn Development 3631 Peklns MECTlANiCJfr'Truek and machine assem bly start 2d shift hourly thus bonus Apply 8 a Euclid Rd Machy Co 3 361 Chardon MECHANIC with wide experience tor re search In educational laboratory pcr a ne a 1 ary A t68 0 Li tie 74 ME'CHANTC: Qualified to operate and repair Thew Lorain shovels hourly rate21BA3 3 9 eGh ANICS heavy biis truck work hourly rate Mr Barth Central Grevhound 2600 Hamilton MECHANICS: Small sdrew machines and assembly young growing concern hour ly rate Call EV 3000 Sun between 1 5 MEENGER boy and clerk hourly rate Addressograpn Mulugrapii 1200 Babbitt Rd METAL experimental work spinning lathe aluminum brass copper Box CPD 1152 13 42 New Ymjc MILL helper: Paint plant hour ly MI 8580 erro Enamel Corp MTTLING machine operators 50 hours: Ire insurance paid vacation hourly rate Ohio Tool Co 3 1 6 0 VvL 1 0L MILLING machine operator: Job shop experience hourly rate Bud WHco Mach A Tool 81 2 3 Clinton WO 6818 MILLING machine hand shaper hand: Day shift good hourlv rate McKinney Tool Co TV 2302 uel id A rabella A MILLING machine operators: Hourly experienced 2d and 3d shifts Na tional Tool Coj 1 1 200 Madison XllLLROOM workers' Bd shift $102 hour erro Machine A oundry Inc 3155 66th JOINING or mechanical engineer un derground experience preferred state salary desired Box SlSSPlain Dealen MODEL' maker' mechanic products from stampings East Side mfg: steady hour ly rate Box 17176 Plain Dealer MOIDER bench experienced "on cast Iron jobbing work: A 21 8 hourly Bowler dry Co 4255 19 NEWSPAPERMEN: 27 to 42: experi enced feature writers $3000 Box 16261 Plain Dealer AffIC! trainees: Some college account Ing training: salav American Greeting Publishers 1300 7th St (OICE man: Genera! office take charge1 keep records typing salary Box 21560 Plain Dalr OPERATORS: Planer horizontal eal boring mill hourly overtime Vean Equip Corp 22800 LakejandIY 50 PACKING depL helper and Stockers steady employment hourly rate Lam xnn Co 63d St PAINT machinery mechanic: Manufac turer in ideal small Ohio City Box 28574 Plain Dar PAINT shader Experienced with syn thetics whit and color saaiy fis'80 erro Ennmel CnrX Unfn: 1st cfassl Ebert A Son A 2959 eve ER 1393 PANDORA dry cleaning machine opia fnr Experienced only salary The Halle Bro Co PAPER hangers Skilled mechanics tor finest tvpe residential work steadv: union rate 8307 Superior Ave ARTS' man: Experienced motor truck distributor: salary call Mr Sllwtnski SK 2000 Mon tkcONNEL placement haw local est employment agency Box 24063 Plain Dealer RaKMAOUTICAL salesman: Cover Akron and vicinity experience preferred salary and commission Box 394 Plata Dealer ST' ar rime eves nouriy manager Lauie Drug aT Or commission Lea Arlington Akron PHef work: hourly Hollendenurug Co nr taker some Bookkeeping eri Hoe: ajary $MfiTO studio deal res young man to warn onotograpny A ply 1250 Ontario st 2d Tinor pt bort yean or Ider can make piM trryi aaatea paid 7 one MU PHARMACI 97th Euci)d PHARA1ACJ' drug cicrx Drug 666 PHONE ord 9727 prs: Colored: sin cnnklnr fa cilities: noon 3 a rm neid by Itae SNcre wL PE 1155 after 1 3 pprrfT Sirperviaor experienced good working condition: mjh White ferrg Afarplne CO 1231 Mafrl Ave pbAr'rr man 2i 3j emplov Tif sates teennicai knowledge iry nt US Eng 516? Plain Dealer hand A tor ottrt work gnM ho*rij rate Apply 2tH Church vfATEp assifiar 1 rr atri ana enrotnv nnir 95c fomr Royal Brass 142Q ffXTlP and piilers Tper Homfy rat ArT'fy Lornr Pletlnr Co 3134 91 of Kinsman TTwaZR Ecriiorrd is App'y 1TT09 HELP MALE POLISHER and buffer must have job ihop experience salary Champion Haring Wcuks 59U2 Carnegie Ave OLIbilERb Hand and automatic: 'th hourly and piecework rate dav shift Monarch Aluminum 9301 DetroR iuLktHERb and (2i: hourlv rate piecework steady A Metal Polishing Cnao JS ulton Ct 2d shift hourlv rate ex pern lived tuyahuga stamping 102U1 Harvard Ave i 'L Is i yTpeHenced'cn white metal1 hourly rate Cleveland lamp Co 551 Euclid Ave I Hourlv' rate and piecework 4 0 26E R9th st IDRThR Days fur leading restaurant" rtfejences no Sun salary Appiv rear after 7 Zephyr Room 16706 Kinsman ORTER 'Uhite for cleaning bak eiy steady: $30 week no pnnne call 9i'12 Lorain Ave bORTER General utility furniture store veteran preferred Mr npfftnan ME 464 PhLsER Steady work: hourly rate" Appiv Miner Bros :1559 Winchester Lakewood RSbERS exp'rlHnceiieady' hour) rate berty Clemreis 6326 Lorain Ave RESbhRS Must Rood hourly rate Society Dry cleaners 34 19 Carnegie 1 REER and rouuh spotters: experi enced hourly rale Apply auO? Deni son Ave I RLbbER: Steady work 5a per hou Swiss Cleaners 4145 Weal Take Rd AC 4108 I RhSEl8 Must be good1 st' ady7 huurlv rate kinxbury Cleaners 660 8 Moreland Blvd WA 0509 PRESSERS: Ixperlenivd: steady work? high hourly rate Mullaire Dry Ciean ers 36 1 ca rnegle Ave PREeSER Experienced hourly rale lalrmount cleaners 12397 Cf dar Cn eland Heights I REISER Experience necessary for modern dry cleaning plant: hourly rate: Steacy 7100 BE nu gh: clean! nplant: ly rate steady job 14024 Aspinwall St Clair 140th rar IEESbER Men clothing: experienced? good salary or piecework Sherman Clothes REbiER Experienced hourly rate? Steady work A Jav Cleaners 7005 kinsman 1 RESbER Experienced: 44 hour' week KUirantee hourly rate Service Cleaners 3385 105 1 REssER a 1 min: $150 hourly 13906 Madison Bp 9923 REbbER: Experienced must be gikal: steady job SH25 hour GA 4110 I REbbROOM operators and helpers high hourly rate isher Body Co 140th and Coit Rd 1 RIMER: Some experience: will train shop work linotype: hourly rate Hotel Cleveland Print Shop PR1NIER all round man for Jou shop: Kluge press power cutter permanent salary 2018 105th SLRA 3333 PRIMING pressman: Experienced let ter press to operate Davidson offset: hourly Il 5 03 1 RiKEss engineer: Eiectro plating fin ishing expertem automatic polishing machines essential: $7000 Box 2174 i iftln Dealer PRODvC stock SidftT" full time salary advancement program isher oods 2323 Lakeside RODUCT designer: Electric vacuum cleaner salary Electric Vacuum Clean er Div of GEr17 34 lsanhoe PRODUCTION mgr: Experienced re pairing tailoring garments: salary plus bonus Box 14275 lam Dealer PRODUCTION manager's assistant good at figures: assume responsibility salary Box 6776 Pl a Deal er PUNCH press opera ExpcrienoeH' only good hourly rate Ma chine Tool Die Co 3180 Berea Rd press operators: shift" hourly rate plus overtime Columbia Metal Stamping CoJ19pO Harvard PUNCll press operator experienced: day shift hourly rate 5901 Mllord off E55 pONClt press operators "(JSass A hourly rate day or night shift Boehm Pressed Steel CoWalworthat W63 PUNCH press and shear machine opera tors: lst 2d shifts hourly rat' 5 days iron Ireman Mfg Co3170 lOoth PUNCH press operators and workers 1 2 shift: hourly rate Morri son Prod Inc 1 6a 1 6 Waterloo Rd PUNCH press operator: Experienced high hourly rate Vpson Waltun Co 12500 1 17 PUNCH ress opera tor Expe rfencrtt only 2d shift piecework Geometric Stamping Co 1111 200 RADIAL" learn: hourly rate plus shift bonus Ap ply 8 a Euclid Rd Machy Lo 1361 Ch ardon REAL estate opportunity for salesman nr broker: commission Carlton Schult Mgt Inc 2vu Keith Bldg REAL estate salesman: "Pull or part time big bonuses and ronimlwlon Phone Mr Herman AT 0880 Monday REAL estate salesman liberal commis sion properties and buvert Jakewtxxl Really Co LA 2110 REAL estate salesmen commission hot spot corner Jack Tracy 1094 Lorn In REALTY sales manager and 3 good men mnimisKoiijlus Mr eck CL 8502 REGKlNAlI refrigeration service engi neer: Large eastern rnfgr travel sal ary Jinx 2783t Plain Dealer ROLL thread nperatoi high hourlv rate: office open daily except Sat National Sciew A 2410 75 PI BBEU compounder College graduate tire and lube experience pieferied sal ary Box 6583 Plain Dealer PUG Hourly rate plus bonus good working condition ullers 76n4 Carnegie SAI ES correspondent: Salary perma nent voung man with IL degiee in chemistry call du Pont Co MA A5JA 5ale correspondent 20 25 industrial or mechanical engineering experience or training salary MI 4560 SALES correspondent: amfffar wltK factory maintenance give age and ex perience Bex 26783 Plain Dealer SAIS engineer: Resistance welding ex perience free to travel good salaiy Write 112 113 42 St New York 18 SALESMEN calling on shoe stores live item for sideline liberal commission Call SU 3674JMon a SALES engineer: Commercial re frlgorarion successful record: draw commisslon BenneltCH 3r6 SALES engineer electric heating mctaK lurgica) equipment Cleveland ara sal ary Box 33069 Plain Dealer SAI ES DIVER young lent future salary and commission South Euclid Cleaner 4491Mavfield SALESMAN: 30 35 well known Cleve land co: Industrial oil some accounts est commission: full particular Box SALESMAN1 We will show you how ram $20 dally experienced men only nerd apply Mon 10 noon Room 707 1 3b5 Ontario 6 9 up to $40 week Apply 50u Great Lakes Life Ridg uih Ave 7 onda sa LES xfA Experienced 'furniture good proportion salary Baer furniture Co 71 Nfain Akron SALESMEN calling on hardware stores new insecticide item liberal commission su 3674 Mon a SALESMAN: Experienced aluminum ga rare donrs wholesale retail commis sion Box2583sPUInpcaier: SALESMAN with car for photographic studio veteran' preferred eve com mission 107 6 SALESMAN Atti'ictive educational cmf lea Is training high comml Mon 3J i Keith Rldg SALESMAN: Educational salary and car expenses paid plus commissions must have car Call 4 w01t SALESMAN: Young man with experi enre for wholesale jewelry: commission baris good opportunity MA 4 266 SALESMAN lover 501'Tifenmt tuition local territory about $15 based on sales 917 Citizen sE Idg SALESMAN with car sell local factories business firms good commission repeat ordeis 500llm Bldg SALESMAN: Combination window and doors: highest commission Wcather Tite Co 72 Woodland Experienced whofesale elec trical fixtures est route have car com mission B'x 1568 Plain Dealer SALESMAN: Wholesale housewares gift wares Western Ohio territory car nec draw commission SK4 7 8 8 SALESMAN: Open un Cleveland terri tory commission Cleveland Wholesale Grocery 1216 Woodland SALESMAN' Experienced tor shoe? 2 days week rt and SaL salary steady 11618 Buckeye Rd SALESMAN with retail meat experience to sell food processing machine com mlssmn EX1 1 77 SALESMAN: Wel educated for elec tronic equipment from $300 up have car draw Mr Sherman EN3t06 SALESMAN1 25 40 West Side terri tory will train drawing account car requiredWagner Awning 4k Mfg Co SALESMAN Sell radius dressers for sur face grinder to tool shops commission Box 9568PlainDealer SALESMAN Oil burner experience cm mission appointment call KE 2727 SALES manager Specialty advertising item instruct managers salesmen sai ary Be 2547 Plain Dealer SAiES mgr rw Cleveland ership salary plus bonus and expenses Box 6983 Plain Dealer SALESMEN 2: Experienced hou5 to house canvaslg7draw against commis yi 10 to 11 7823 Carnegie SALESMEN with car married preferred: rrTmisrion Stainless Steel 1814 4Xlnteryiew 0 2 SALESMEN 1 2 Car: $20 $3 waiTy has ta 1y rnM cyriited you draw against commission 1372 3d SALLSMEN Mennen Co hospital divi sion: must ha car: salary: enclose photograph Box 5078 PiainDea)er SALESilEN Aggressive selling intan gible single with draw cnmmix sion B'g4376 Dealer SALESMEN 5 to be trained in heating and air condirioning Holland urnace 1630 DtrotIA 241 SALESMEN salary commission and car allowance LQ2 2 SALESMEN: If yi can eCr willing to work Holland ha future to learn heat dw aceocnt 1474 St Clair 5MESMEN On th training team Leatuig buxines excellent future right mn Holland urnace 12500 New al tn fnn we G'aift: big earning drawing to start Rnofr 310 Proept 4th Oofs' selffng $200 enfnmtsaion sei Ung BjW Batches ea credit RMris 313 salesmen1 Onstrwfjrm rmpaay: ary tommlMion CE 574 4 HELP MALE hfALE repair and serviceman some'fiu dustrial scale experience hourly rale overtime Atlas ui 1 1 20 Ivanhoe rGRElARY: Also know hw io write newspaper cupy steady: salary Write Russell Publishing H91 6 buckeye SHU ICE engineer induxtrial dinl five to travel Yale A Towne Mfg Co 4530 Tacony St Philadelphia 24 Pa SERVICE mgr for new Cleveland Buick dealership: salary $350 plus bonus Box 8KS3 Plain Dealer SERVtCh salesman T'lirysler salary De Mooy Motors: ak (or Mr King 1 43 2l) troit EE iCf sta Ion attendant: white ex perienced all around: salary and com mission Lu 9851 SERVICE station High school graduates aalaiy 3iS9 Broadway idiHiard Oil Co of Ohlo ScVIng machine service men for local dept store inside: salary Apply Mon WhitebcwngMachlne J23JL Main Ave bEAlNG machine mechanic: permanent repiescntative Cleveland April 12 Lee Co JSouth SHAPER hand Night houny rale National Tool 11200 Madison SHEE metal man machine shop: trie aodemuhng and wiring houilv rate TO 07 Perkins Ave I metal or Industrial sheet meta! work: hourlv rate sheet Metal Products Co 1390 170th SHEPT metal man and lielpor expe rienced on seda fountains1 hourlv rate (all MfClaikcCH38M6 SHEET me'al workers1 1 ligh hourlyYate? oHice nour 8 to 5 dnilv except Sat National screw A co 2440 75th helper: 21 45: husky7 prefer high school icmiy rate Oster Mfg 2057 61 PL at Carnegie SHIPPING and I'elp: "18 35: permanent position: hourlv rate cam pus Sweater 234 St Clair SHIPPING clerk married prefcr'rod? hourlv rate Mr Bartell Bowler ound rv J255J'4jLst: snow card and sign writer experi enced steady position: salarv Amerl can Meat Co 193 1 XV 2bth St SILK spotter: Steady position: hourly rate Miller Bros irv (leaning 1539 incheater Ave Iaxewood SILK spoler: Must know work well: hourly rate or salary Society Cleaners 34 19 Carnegie SODA fountain: Day or night shift: good salary pleasant surroundings Mil lerDrug Col515 Euclid SOLDLREP: Torch experience preferrcif: days Imurly Picker ttay 17325 1 ud id SPu ITER Steady union s' ale Mullaire Dry Cleaning Co 3631 car negie SfRAV painter Synthetic enatnel: con vejor day shift: hourly rate Spero Electric Corp3 8 2 22LankenAve Si ABLEMAN' White: salary Cavalry Rtding jicadeniy 2000 130 STENOGRAPHER Experienced sEort hand: permanent: day week: salary CH 3 131 Ci erKT'iake charge uf groceries shipping white: premanent: hourly rate ApplMon in 1971 65 STOCK handler recelwng dept: hourly rat plus bonus Lola Co 2530 Su rlnr I ucKa! Ln 'T empor'ary morning or afternoon shift hourly rat American 1300W thSt SiOCKMLN cull "time: salary Apply personnel pf'ice Stars 8nul Carnegie si OCR ROOM men: Young mm "pre ferred ax learners hourly rate Apply 8 a Euclid Rd Machy Co 1161 Chardon KjKHtMJM WhoTSuJ' warehouse? hand tools hardware automotive Items hourly rate Box 18276 Plain Dealer ST CK ROOM 'assistant: Weekly snlarv and meals Damon's Dining Room 1A loon SToVE repair man salary and car expenses Ros 11178 Plain Dealer STRUCTURAL engIru cr25 30 fur sales position: interesting work sa 1 aJ7 WA 5841 sTruCTUIIAL anti concrete1 detailers piping hourly part time also Design Service EX 6O4O STRUCTURAL designer dustrtal bldgs hourly rate Amun Co 16112 Euchd GL 5400 capable checker: goM salarv IL ergusnn CH 537O STRUCTUBAL fillers: Cood pppvriunliy I to learn this work hourly plus bonus Apply a Euclid Rd Marhy Co iiul Chardon ScpVfflXTlWDENT: Prtorj iiwrT enrwd foundry machine shop automatic pollthing and buffing $9000 Box 31374 Plain Dealer fcuHLNTESDENTr or geneT ron tractor stale age experience salaty Bex 9668 Plain Dealer SWEEPER: fhlp hauler5d3Ki'f'Kn' iy rat Lr RoCoJ 2500 Berea Rd IHNICIAN training design specifu arions sahry East Side GL 3530 Mr Clark TtM i'LATE makers hH meiaOsvouC experienced dayt good hourly rase Uhite Motor Coach Div 1455 145 TIME Mudv man at least 1 year's petit ace standard data salary lL 3530 Mr Clark TIMESTUDY7' At least' ence salaiy hast Side puig Box 16466 Hain Delr TLbNKR Good "hourly' rate steads! 1 02 Superior Ave VXL crib "attend an Tor young man hourlv plus shift bonus Ap ply 8 a Euclid Rd Machy Co Chardon anti eulter" grinder: fTet wonting conditions permanent: hounv isle la ter Mfg Cm 2057 61 Pl TXL crib atlemlant: 3d hihrmurly rate Le Rl Co12500 Berra Pd TftCL jle and fixture i years experience East Side salary GL 3530 Mr Claris "IKL and dernakr: ed 2d shift hourly Cleveland Heater 1933 llti rbrtwecn Madlsnnh rngfneer metal cut ting tools mfr: to travel stale ags salary Ux 2483 Plain Dealer TOOL grinder crib attendant cnced 11 train hourly Apply 8 a EuclH Rd Machinery Co 1361 Chardon TC8)L grinder: 3d shift hour rate Le RoJ C0t 12500 Berea Rd for trim die and fixtures for die caatuig hourly rate Appir Cleveland Hardware A orging 451A lakMide TtMHMAKER: make up fmir slide tools hourly Call MA 4 5 6 TWOlA STSTTriKTiV 50 bour wfTk IOC extra nignt bonus Harris Seytwld Uo4 51O 7 1 TOOLMAKER: Experienced In model and sheet metal work days hourly PRkrr Ray 17325 Euchd JI a KERS I iourl yrate "SlTHouT The Lee Tool Co 4151 Broadway TOOLROOM grinders alT round 1st class job shop tix dlrs hourly rate fcH ADiefUl £ElDabr TRAVELING mrotianlc General' mainte nance refrigeration boiler experience salary expenses transportation Bo 16361 Plain Dealer TRAVELING' mechanic service branch trucks salary Apply 10 a Mar 31 Standard Brands 450J Euclid TRIMMERS headlining' inside trim deck men hourly rate lsticr ttxly 14 0th Cott Rd TRUCKfBS Able to work any shill good hourlv rate Apply week days 8 5 Thompx Products Inc 23555Euchd TftOCtC repairman Experenced on gas and electric trucks: high hourly rate Apply isher Bcxly 1 4 Colt RL TPUCK'mechanics Houny rate Halverstadt Inc 1501 Payne Ave CH 7 7 4 6 TRUCK driver young organization chance for advancement local delivery hourly Call EV 300 0 Sun between 1 5 7 RUCK driver Experience in cuy knowledge of plumbing beating: hourly rate GrenncH Co 1204 IL56 Truck driver Willoughby Mentor or extreme east part days hourly rale 1 Euchd car passes factory IV 2 302 Tl'RRET lathe operators irst class day shift overtime hourly Sum Ma chine Product 1 76 1 0Wterloo TYPIst clerk Young high schol grad uate hourly rate permanent National Ca 1 oad i gCorp 8JQ le el Pla te Dr TYPIST er Hourly rate: 12 noon to 8 Michigan Motor reight Lines Inc 38th and LakesideN 0442 UPHOLSTERERS Experience? and ap prentices high piecework rate 49 44 hour week Kroehler Mfg 4020 1 16 UPHUISTERER: Work room making fine custom furniture: hourly rate: ex Prienrod Box 2514 Dealer UPHOLSTERER Must be all around man good opportunity top wages and bonus A 2652 UPHOI STERER Steady work top saT ary good opportunity for right man WO 6566 dav pvcs WA 0273 UPHOLSTERER wanted for Sat work salary Apply office Laxeshoie Hotel 12506 Edgewater USHERS Neighborhood young men over 18 wishing exra work hourly ra ha HayJcn Th eater WAITER'S axsiatants expei enced white good salary tips meais yxpply Pextaurant 178h 9 St WALLPAPER paint Experience re tail line only chare ary Apnly Dept Store Ateron Ohio WALLPAPER mgrj Large "deed store opportunity state age expernre and salary Box 2374 PJaln Dealer WALL washer 6 dy week dally rate 1 meal furnished Rainbow Hospital Green Rd WAREHOUSEMAN Shipping plumbing supplies: experienced Box 257 47 Dealer WAREHOUSEMAN 4 (T 56 nandirelee trical construction materials hourly rate Dtorle Clark Co Mon Titot MA 673 WA REHOUSEMAN: With expanding or ganization: gxj opportunity to advance salary EN 3745 WATCHMAKER: 1st das only tody work old est salary or commission Wohh A CO Cal! Bedford 204 WATHMAN janitor: steady job' hourly rate: hwr 1 to 8 a Apply Buell Sun IO Keith Bg WWERS: ETer'Hr arc: good hourly rate Apply weekday 8 to 5 Thonp son Product Ine 23355 EacUd Ave ELDERS airEouny rate shift bonus? overtime Apply 6 a Euclid Rd Machinery Co 1 3 6 1 Chardon WBLDERS 2d sfilfi hourly rate? Cuya hoea Stamping Co102 01 Ham wi Ave deanen bit work boor I rate Cleveland Board of Edu ra Bnslnn Dept 130 6 St WINE Nationally advertised brand salary and bonw Phone Sen A 4 235 U'dCD'P KERS Hourly Cuya hofiia Lumber Co 1948 Carter Rd CH 14 6H fXpWNTED' af rufier 53 A 3744 Sim As4 boy Tm 'trd salary 311t Loran Are MALE INSTRUCTION iat hhig: hand tools Harvard Ave $250 SOIL $230 open 6395 at Superior Open men Urge 50 $600 Mfg 10217 ir cost accountant $mo land Barber CcUgp 2132 9 $185 $180 up UP UP $450 young $300 $650 open $750 $450 to cleaner competition er $300 $200 $400 VZUU $160 $160 $150 $175 100 75hlo KenfucVt? raner J26O $225 1260 up $UN men East or West ble (or communication training: permanent plan Wttojn Electric 2016 $160 $150 Side: salaiy Insurance underwriter trainee to $1 5 COLOTON EMPLOYMENT SENILE De yms war a new or better Izt fit Kb to ynq Many good ocntor Shop offke saies technical exacelive opporiUTi tie tor beginnr't APPROVED for I training Cleveland rt MA $070 'pin setting BuYS 13 to macaroni hourlv rate Ideal Macaroni Co cn a 1 1 Over permanent aJ vancement: salary Hoorn 335 Employ ment uflice rtotel Statler Box 26075 Plain Dealer bi KN: Semiskilled with dismantling materials good hourly rato 10 30 YOiTPG men: fiver 18: A3 as delivery assistants Warehouse Interviews 8 1 1 2 5 $150 $200 X3O 75 15000 51954 $3 37 TELEVISION training under BiTl of Rights see American Television uca tinnal classification LYING school: Approved for veterans fly tn spare time no age limit Horns lying School RA 0077 RA 5373 MEN shipping and receiving: sniall local warehouse salarv: 40 hour weex Continental Rubber Works 2731 Pros peci SLRVlCl schools textbooks: over $100 weekly based on sales have car MA 8694 Buelard AVIATION Mechanics school: approved bv United States government and veter ans Administration General Airnwtive Airpur! CL 38O(L ACCOUNTING shorthand typlng'comp tometer xwttehboard dav eve classes Approved I training Wilcox College 307 Public Bqunre Hldg MA 2425 UNCLE Sam jobs1 Prepare: sample S3OO $hO0 GENERAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE Assistant supt mechanical engineer $500 Rirrn nop loreinan Miller Bros Drv Clean Lakewood wrt 20" 4th TH 1075 MEDICAL rTACEMENT SERVICE 2 br SU 2'0 MA VOCATIONAL Your East Side Employment Nervlc Satoj mechanical loan travel Houston Tex 5OUNG man electHeal experience tTaln for permanent position national commu nication co: moderate salary start: like 1 rm 1 Detweiler LN 7235 CAPABLE man: grouse oil help maintenance refrigeration experi ence hourly rale 1829 55 HE LEARN tailoring and palternniaking of men and garments day or eve Prnitewdveashton 0 6Euclid IEGrRlCllY school: Practical courses: Plant layout Estimator production Clerical positions many Tool designer young tioirMriTri A IH a Material and production control umexeeprr Ratos trainees many fields Accounts payable receivable 517 Public Square Bldg LAKE CITY HELP MALE MuDERN fixture plant experienced cab inetmakers permanent job: $ul her week guaranteed Biuchteins Inc NGINVV MAN for rug cleaning dept: Experi enced preferred: hourly rate Society Ex PhfR tn carry ST line tailor supplies in Cleveland commission Sigmund Straus Co174 3d SALESMAN Willing to travel out'lcT? state give experience Box J321 Santa Carnegie Ave) PR U032 AIRLINES need Passenger Reservatlun tsts Ticket Agents 1 approved Central 00 1 740 a rd 1 a nB 1 I RERIGERATION Alr resi dent classes 1 approved Boston Tech Jnst4 7u7Euchd EX7 3 4 3 EMPLOYMENT BUREAU MALE" INTERSTATE EXCHANGE 40th year CH uaor fabrication assemblies $750 51 4850 JU 806 Hippodrome Plant managers precision metal products Irmirsfrial pnp'nreri nitv Designer fractional motors Chemists compounders ruuuer $350' Magnetic drawn ue engineer inausuiai alluuihaiu van Jr engineers all branches entice procedure xupervuwrs miinwr hvrt ra til ir Time study methods quality control prkiiing ciotnii Mtlntename torrrran Wm? 504 men hf at eve I 0240 Bhctoeer civil MructunJ ch rodt foreign tOrx ddia 000 I sae design mnment 500 Office Ndr mgr $5J5 oreman prel'e dies 4 50 Copywriter irhiucsl adv agency JiOO I architettuai IL design 35S00 DeLiin detail mdl euipmnt $400 or physicist radio npe'tonce 100 AWunrant auditors Draftsman eecwcju nrouna S'enogra brr rmatoi rwe rtork POSTER ABJM5C Production control top Mint if nKleit oreman proriatem nperlKwOpn Supervisor pipefitter men young elect ronic $300 Training program tor Sale traffic cor napondent supervisory tmutanee bbo retry field wrvire all types of engi neering accounting (some under Bills to $250 Smvervlaor acmunu rereivaUe Cleik cost and general ledger $190 1011 Hf'HiilKLD Rllx MA 0993 MUCKER A ASSOdATES 700 Sctodield Bld CH Mfr heavy mfg Io J960Q Sr industrial to $720(1 Draftsman sheet mefal to 350 Nxcuine uainte Bairs framer Jr industrial Ukamiial produxtpa Jr electrical sale I operator Strnographe 1 2 Acrountfng trainee IntH'mr control BRADLEY PLACEMENT SERVICE Chief I excellent company $33 Production mr stove experience Open Ctmxfructton hnewttal to HftoO Method sheet metal 100 Chief inspector ahet too Katos construct ion trainingOpen Sale electronic or physi $400 traffic mrr rate sale drug car required 00 Rakkreper East young 1 60 Shipping ctork preferred $200 Sato aut motive opn 555 Leader BMf Mon eve MA BUSINESS Machine shop Unit study man feed ar 1perd wf 275 $300 Engine lathe liands I 1 5 1 145 hour Chemical engineer 2 year roller var nish dept up to $300 Advertising literature stork topt clerk rorng 145 50 General Inner nffke clerk $145 Insurance dept clerk accounting greund 200 225 Tvpistl and billers $160 14900 DetrniL 303 Dctroit Bldg LA 7430 LA 5223 SERVICE HI Citiren Bldg CH 4 500 Industrial engineer rof5000 LubncaWon sale engineer to 7000 Production engineer methods 5000 Methods procedure system $400 Supervisor specifications etc4 jOO Sale chemical engines $4 200 Assistant to traffic Open Plant engineer layout $6000 personnel trd labor negotiation 5p Sale trainee electrical $2 400 Sr auditor industrial 4 00 Jr accountant $3000 MELBA OLIVER 839 Guardian Bldg CH Devetopment Engineer Export mgr nc America Asiatic countries refrigeration 00 Purchasing director adm staff $00 Industrial rost analyst $600 Civil foundry construction 450 method tooting production SvOO Chemical E's designing research Open Physicist 9i research Open torrous nonferrnu roroarrh Ccrywriter publicity promotion to 500 Supervisor paint S400 EMBEbYMENT General rot accounting Controller chain store $i2too VETERAN to learn xpottlm emm: nouriv in? 1 Wu hn hc itar Avp EXPERIENCED mattress roll edge and tape edge operator: piecework rale II Goodman Inc 275 1 3 1 VETERANS: To learn drop forng Hade: ori 'he jnb training program piecework Vlchck Tool 3001 87th YWUNG man typist clerk fine opportu nity casualty insurance: state salary Box Plain Dealer MN Kv BO 7343 HELP WANTED SHT piaatk TaUeslu*tTi roves Lvery woman a proxpert tampto swatohe free Cat well Product iJO Atila I tt I nnlnur Ch helpers In plating (waroner industrui tv a rs 4 Apply 4 rn aaafl to 000 Product im engineer 3 5 44to $500 Gectronlcs 'pen Traveling audV to 1350 Na i ra I 4 0 Employment mgr coaching or recreation experleru 300 up movtiir expense Jr ttfiieen to Rales oil heating (quick placement i account or Satos retail tn ear $250 Aroouniant roat general 250 DREHER EMPtfh'MENf Rorn The Old A trade ND 3512 IftdUitnal engineers nrr 30 to 17 00 tvato cos repcndht yvung jOO 5250 i I jv rod Caat tlera 6lAPERSr All mother next this item terninrie open Winder lnra 423 Euclid HELP WANTED SALESMEN EXCLUSIVE lerrftojy tor est Im ci ana pnvsicai inerapy naqwn ahuv hous ei nv in lf Pl neator ENGINEERING wtosman olTSt' exwo pny call senj Dieel plants Ifneral coiwmfwtnn 1 Brot 1 674 Plain Dealer CORRUGATED carton and pacagtar rcmrr'sston 'A 4392 MALE INSTRUCTION i ASTlCS 'rlase I ap proved arbnoL pastac Tach School 5200 MARK "pen' with instant dy InS XIKa HVIV nrorit Rnnm 307 3133 9 SALESMAN Vacuum reai opportunity: IRfc riui' rvin 4 fATfi Th orTTremendnus dmand tor ne burglar alarm for car home farms Northwest Electric Dak awlfch and puJT" ewi marker' Big profits Rovai Glow 1473 Broadway Bp York KELL duTonrelaa plastic costs commission advanced Atta Baincoal (Mfri 819 CongrtM Chi vltamtna $2s0 car toeaL? 2f0 235 $3 000 UP Satos experience 250 up jr maintenance engineer Jr dransmen experienced Engineering dept supervisor Clerical kern cost hast Clerk typist East Clerical nttic typing 214H ooy co Shipping ctorit Kiirhri OHIO STATE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE wn narge Bookkeeper Cafeteria Arounlart Clerk shorthand bw Kkeeplng Dentut ielodie $4000 Operators ulOl I rt supervisor planner 2 Mnt itocun Structural designer Time study men 1 ait Trainees store traffic Typui 74 7 EUCLID AVE controllr 72hn Assistant accounting supervisor $3000 Purchasing agent 5000 up Prorow piping mfr 5000 up Pleasure vessels design $5000 up Engineer all ar Oncn Production control 100 Trainees travel $1 Trainee learn trade $1 hour Material cortr nJ no exprlenc hour 723 Unton Commerce Bldg PR 1000 Comptroller rota 16000 Sales tool steel $10 000 Sales "gr Open Architect to 00 structural dmxe er ioo Machin trot designer $400 Metallurgist 9 Entire 410 25O tno Investigator 150 4 00 Stork clerk stationery $13 Salesmen i3u Commlwinn HAWLEY AND ASSOCIATES 615 R'd? CH 4304 BAVERS EMPIOYMNT Employment counsellor 23 year 512 Hippodrome Bldg PR s100 Sales engineer machine tenia JShO chief draftsman designer 5425 TnolrnOm foreman automatic 375 Traffic rote experience Open Office mgr acoouru mt under 40 jno Engineering graduate trainee to ADaiyitca rnemisi fcOYR over" 17 pleasant outdoor work $2 5 3 hourly rommiMinn plu bonus See Ray King Room B06 2 63 4 White "general mainte nance woman dining room wtirk room board HllkTeat945 MGHE to "sell uller Bfushn $10 25 per dav profit oasts' It out of 10 buv apply 759 Leader BW me'! a rorim hourly rite Peitocltta C0J457 40 SL Country Ilk children man may be otherwise employed inlary Cha grin rails YOUNG man nationally edvertikej company train drawing to Mart JUWn 302 1077 E4 PAltT tJme cabinet repair' rnefl? esperP enccd hourly rat Wrote he1ng Ma chin Co 1231 Main Ave or man Operat aamall farm on shares also small dairy Wille Bui Kelley Island CE 4216 RX Io 20 linotype operator give full UHorinattaa Hot 13474 Plain MEN for warehouse drug rxsiertoncr day week hourlv rate Gray Dlug Store inc Superior kCt' riwfeprat la tourers houtly tale Casting MEN "let us show voti hnw Hr earn fl JirSie derree rommuaton dally Dent Studio 141 The 4 nn I hem iat degree auu a vr I rodwclton planning deg eo $200 MAN 3 1 26 msh grad 1ft i Maehirt foreman Kaat 350 a I Meth'rit engineer ma htnery ttw 7 I Assembly foreman Kaat $35Q VklhHANS Italn lot diafnng pan I W4(n rrtrR Ah 1300 DISTRIBUTOR need 4 good men to sell frozen food equipment commission rtcfd 1700 Chester SALESMAN Cail sporting good? store in Ohio western Pa sell na HonaHv advertised club LA l7 MANUACTURER'S agert reprosrut Chicago merhsnlral spring concern Wrfte details Box 24974 Plain Daler SALESMEN Earnimts' up to $15b(J monthly ce Business Opportunities Dis tnbut or Saiesmen Matlack UNDER 30: Nationally known household line to grocery trad: salary car tx penses Box 18171 Plain Dealer Y(5UNG troaing orgsuilzition salary commission Call Sun 3000 be to $200 SUPERIOR 4900 CLEVELAND VOCATIONAL Chief method engineer $10000 Deaig mill rquipr cnt $6000 Assistant to factory mgr $6000 Chemist analytical 600 Sales riectfie appliance $400 Sales 'tood appliance Intangible de trgent automotives $225 5 350 Personnel par roll clerk 30 Stortographerg $200 Jr accountant cost Shipping supervisor food 35 Train' office sales traffic 314 Schftfirid Bldg MAln cllW ElfreS'MENT Villurnison BMj TT25 Industrial engineer under 40 to Plant engineer structural $6 000 Hrrice engineer bldg $5uuo rrxeM $400 tync study $350 dfaler prompt ton 500e Bale bldg material IO At 5UU Cost aecuunUnt $350 College men train accounting le credit finance J5O Jr Cie $175' $240 ll M1N win uttisena Bitig 300 menda! home products: ad vancement Apply 1743 Chester 12 I you have a car and can get along on $2 pr hour commission then se Mr Asbury 9 1 2 a 7023 Lexington type snort hand preferred handle phon orders small sal 'S agency 38 hourweekslary HE 4 850 MLN: i neat: prefer vets $200 month guaranteed: circulation dept 401 9th es er Idg 8:30 9 a OVKR $20 a day: sell name plates" for the front door Wme Bx 47 Waltham 5 1 Mass ELDERLY men lake care apt Weal Side: living quarters salary Box 19583 plain Dealer MAN experienced 1 ns uranrecTai tn investigator: car necessary: salary Box 727R Plain Dealer VOUNG man: statistics: figure work know various office machine oppor tunity: 1857 5 Plain Dealer gnti jobs dis charged I al Euthd Rd Machy Co 1361 Char(ton OVER "week Easy worE" Spar time Sell name plate far doors Box 28774 Plato Dealer MAN: 'fouxig capable: some typfng: bolt mfg: branch office West state salary i etc Box 19m3 Plain Dealer MAN fur auto parts bulfiLng wER 1 teach if necessary' hourly rate Apply in person 9100 hl Clair YoUNG man to learn photograph TTn Ishing talsry Apply 250 Ontario 2d floor MAN to wor In funeTal lionte 3 roorn a and salary Box Deator BOYS as jumpers salary Apfny TSelhT ery Dept 4 3 and Rayne Ave The Ma Co ir VOUNi man: opportunity learn rtfrigeiaiton bualneas hourly rate Box 2S547Plato Dealer HIGH senoof part time service station Side location: nourly rale 3083 ronimiMton 5713 ud I A Cov wholesale automotive company Son Supply Co 2425 Ash SALESMAN: Car nationally advertised Infants notions rainwear advance com mission: give phon no Box 23274 Plain Dealer SALES and service engineer on weld tou steels field work with men salary travel expense Box 1468 Pla tn Dealer Pl IDTOG accessOTv "saTSmii Midwestern manufacturer has high grade line available corntolsaton Box 5674 Plain Dealer A I KR fTslN'd iw 'matches': i llgner commissions 1947 catalogue showing actual samp! ready Chicago Match IJbertTvtlle 1 III SALESMAN' Nationsfly a A i brands fishing tacxle: liberal rommt lions Standard American Producta 1525 53 Chicago Salesman Est' follow In 7 5 a fonery bock dpt stores: carry "CortW' 25c gift wraps: commission American Gift Wrap 55 4 2 St New York 1 4 SALESMEN Ohio territory full time side line Walt Disney lamps other roquets commission tiyciaM AAfi fit rllr SALESMAN Assistant manager" credit jewelry store write experience salary expected Rnecri A Cm MansflridO SALESMEN "colored uller "BruibesJ commission bonu Mr isher PO Ana Gal SALES MAN becorativllnens side line cover Ohio Mich commission Melrose Linens 23O 5thAe New York City SALESMAN: Cal Jewelrv firm commis sion Swimmer isher Co 712 Olive lzs Ange! Cal SELL quality shoe wonderful year round commissions: utft Merrit Sh'es DeptP Brocatmv Mass SALESMAN: To solicit account for col lection excellent program commission 124 4 Standard RMg SALESMAN with following tor Ohio: Ex cellent line of curtain linens beddings Box 2974 Plain Dealer AUTOMOTIVE snecialtlcs: selling own territory: high commission to rlgt man car needed 573 Ham Dealer SALES mcr: Combine1 on windows and highest commission Weather Te 726 Woodland DRUG salesman contact physkTans ruestores: salary tvs us car expenses Box 2R5S3 Plain Dealer sAfr5 MEN saIs women: 254S commission: $100 nfr Rmm 12 G1 EE independent sH rawieigh products good rr bv locality open Ravleigh1 br pt OHC 104 reeport HI to CH 7640 irr jvrt a i rAu i iriuv auu tai zt dr bmhey tarter Hotel cb ld LO 9311 i Wiv nu 8 82 De iWtir marhme teudm oih rienrd: rotate 3 htfU 45 hour start 0Se General Electric 1133 152 i CAEmrnntaiV)' operator or typist to Pay Side no 'i'ienographrr MA 580 HsM 508 A rienced saT ary eoster rores 10525 Carnegie We i Ruler rumatlc Tool men i The Bank of i GENERAL Taxe PR suits dresses Marys Style yal Ride on sal 5 dav 1045 Euf Brt DAIRY salarv on Paper time: rate 74 tuU hourly salary Buhop 1 600 for purchasing depL? 40 nour week al Co DI 7100 Law ofnee Wifiiam experience not necc CLERICAL assutant and calculator downtown uifce aaty A STENOGRAPHER Permanent: pleasant conditions 35 to 40 hours: aalary open Novelty Lighting Corp 2460 we train voo: high weekly salary Green wald Cleaner 15 0 LERK: pav roll and crTrtom ter 41 Job: advancement salary Gl 3530 Clark HOUSEKEEPER Gc 'd home: exchanc for Ihing quarters: home: near Bedford Montrose alter 3 ALAD sardwUh iiaxrr 10:50 a 3 30 rood asiary meals: no Sundays Ctoveileaf Restaurant 62 CHd Must like children: no help rinplnyrd own commiaslon: conT John ManviH siding kitchen Experienced Gray SALES girt with pleasing peraonanre to sell waunaper readily trained saiary 0 2 307 Superior sAIJs audit reTrk Jr rTpc Icmrod permanent salary 10 to 12 2 to 4 Burrows 3 dronr and Itnterie dtria: good salary fnoe makerX 14616 Detroit Ae MESSENGER nle girl rrad are 18 to 21 single salary 5 davs Iron em a g03 170 IQ 6 1 St MiLLlfiliRY: Make and trim Kats ex perienced good houny rate Dorothy Addrosaegrapb Maiiirraph 1 300 MU Ed HELP WANTED EMALE li noal while no heavy laundry: 2 school age chil dren stay Kiitland 3387 Reverse )0 tin 16 5 dav 'week East bo 12 Cameeie A'e i PREISER Diap 1 small I rate plus bonus I L5L: THphcr 2 tvpists: hourly rate Salvation Army Campaign 4 months SU 347 HOULSEftvdRK: (General: experienced: rtf eronces stay plain cooking: nice room bain no laundry: bus rspidWA 7797 HOUSEWORK 9 to 5 days' 3 small children references $20 YE Experienced elec Cievriand hinders Chicago iiriAii itsiniw bai an maintenance Iv 0026 cifICK Transportation office some typing telephone good at figures permanent sa ary HE 2919 O'fTuE Gerk: Tale "teicpnone 'ortierR other clerical duties good salary Kummer Co Carnegie at rt5ih OKiuEghr telling: excehenl working conditions 5H duv good salary Best Jewelry297 Euclid Ave OICE gtfl tor general "office work permanent: salary Kresge Co 2)6 Euclid (next door to 5tay CoL OICE clerk? some typing anJfifing 40 hours permanent salary Mr Sie benhaar Room 4 3200 65 bt Of*ck g1rT: Smail duct answer phone tome bookxet ping typing mi arv viton Rd 9 10 a OMCLwork: General must type ca pable 40 hour good saary Best Auto Par? 113I3J5upertor OPERATOR Experienced high piece work mint1 working condi tions 14 26W 3 Room 516 ORDER clerk' fror general oftice age 18 25 will train yither roods 2323 Lakeside Ave: Sr Clair car OLbER woman some nursing xrnerienre to with invalid 2 afternoons week DR 1072 PACKER' Experienced for cleaning store steady good hnurlv rate YE STKnOC ft A KERS or perma nent salary 5 day week American Steel Wire 1048 Rockefeller Bldg STENUGRAPHER' prefer expert encM but nt good saury R(Xml 220 BC Bidg Mon am STENOGRAPHER: Opportunity lor" ai' vancement: 40 hour week salary Ameri can stovejCo 401Perkma STENOGRAPHER: "Experlenctdipfori operator: downtown good salary promo tion 40 hour CH 6252 Sales iejSu ST3y salary must be experienced EE 5155 STENCXiRAPHUi salary: excellent op pm tunny yuchd Rosa Machinery Co 1361 Chardon STENOGRAPHER Kherfeiictdf short and iwcmancnt: hbj day week salary BAHY sitter Shaker Square apt perienced reference SK 6471 white: plain good salary 1573 1 child Moreland perieneed houri Huron Rd Hom ptal Belmore Terra Rd Mr Rorei rAprPWA Ntrht Shift! 1 rale erro Machine oundry inc hmtrlv 8920 Euclid Light work Prod 10 1 2 andSuperior CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER MARCH 30 1947 HELP EMALE hALESLADlEb 21 or over: 40 hours Mary regular Increases: Suu workr Harvey Union Terminal Mr Brooks NAlESLADV Some typing fwr'fcwelry store experience efficient only salary up to $fto steady IV 4104 Steady employment: "good salary Apply Le Roy's Jewelry 429 Jr permanent op portunity for advancement 5 days sal ary Willard Storage Battery 246 JloUSfcWUHk: General: plain cooking: modern country home Ince children: salary Gales Mills 759 or HE 7026 Monday HOUbEWOHK 254 dren high pay: stay ntgnts other heli) i jiploy cd A 4239 Hl JUftfcWWHK: cookhip 01 hpr room bath and radio: slay A 2967 HOUNEWORK: General: 20 40: no launch cooking own room and bath: stay references $25 WA P876 HOUSEWORK 3 room apt: frl wHIte? to assist mother: no laundrv: g'vxt sal ary rctoicrH ps Call tveg KA 2341 HOLSMUjRI Gfiwal'' slay must like children no laundry on car bus line top salary YE33 1 5 HOUSEWORK: No washing or cooking'1' stay own room and bath: reference sv Salary: pleasant working Arf lressftgranh MtiitigrBplL 1200 Babhltt Rd CLERKS for dry cleaning stoics 1 Broadv 55 st and 34 CamzU sal ary Soden Cleaner 3419 Carnegie ClERK tynlst Experience desirable gxxxi salary ana opporr tnnjr Vno RAl rtijn'n nu clerks: ney Rc TOM El ER operator: Permanent? day wtex: salary West Bru Inc 1836 Euclid CH 6607 lMEIER operator Sfilarv open hor appointment call Rosen Bakery MA HELPWANTED EMALE ACGUN 1 receivable clerk: hxperl enued permanent salary Bus 2bl6u Plain Dealer Act OUN 1 payable General other light typing plumbing contiaciurs of fice: salarvMA 3iM) ACCOUM payable cumptometcr "opera tor5 dayweek sala a 11 SU4 2 554 ADDkttiMlGHAHl Giaphoiype Expert turn gnod salaiy: downtown location oUA2in mam Dealer ALTERA PION sewers: experience fine dresses and suits: permanent: arv Rell Co 1011 AR1IS1 commercial with ideas: experi ence unnecessary: salary 2515 Canal Rd ASSEMBLERS: 18 35 easy work: we Itain days hourlv rate overtime Rdd Products 10n er MA 7564 AtEMh needed to sell spring line: hours to suit convenience: commission pay Room304 423 Euclid ASoLsTANT Bookkeeping department! salary permanent Lewis Jeuelry 244 Euclid Mr Haucr ANSlaTAw housekeeper permanent: g') salary experienced preferred Huron Road HosjntaL East Cleveland 11 5030 AbSlsiANT book keeper ihandi! some experience duwntow 3 hour week: salary Zook SH 1660 'vpist iisslrani in control dpt: 5 da wk: Mlary Har ris Product CoDl CLERKS Office typing nm necuaro grw4 nd xrv tor Coach D1 11ME 185 CLERKS OiDce pleasant surroundings m1t Western I ne 101 01 Wnndland Cr 3700 iLERK" for general worn salary Anpiy in person Laurel Drug PT LERK: General drugstore work no rijM or Sun salary Apply Biess Phfi'mavx ilvOO Clair CLPKS Drv cleaning stores toca tod I17 Drain rood uU society Clean ers Camegto CLERK 18to hnriforr ro ordr 5 day eek saiarv no experience The A ro Co 7301 Pto mrr iERK: Yourg g'rt to wait tv trxir: dry rleanr aary I54 3 Eocdd CLERK 4 30 to 12 9 saxary in qwtr 1 5 a A CriLI JTTtriX ror T' ro Vrxpnnce and Miary desued Boa 69t9 NA 1 es LA DY Experienced handbags and hosiery full tune top salary com inlulon Wilbur Rogersu422 Kucild NALENLAD1 Cosmetics toilet gcds over 18 salary commission Marshall Diug 201 Euclid Ave Mr HilL rur coats experienced only salary Shop 15106 St Clair SALESLADY shoes: work: good salary Jo afiik Shoes 92 OS Lorain SALESLADY: Experienccdln dry goods pielerred Mlat2: L0 0195 SALESWOMAN: Experienced in selling 'Children shoes: full time salary The Halle Bros Cp SALESA OMEN air or part time: aP ary commission Apply Personnel rs 5 0 1 Ca i SALESWOMEN Notions records drugs: permanent saary commission Apply Personnel Scar SEAMnIRESS: Experienced on repair ing ladies1 garments: hourly rate bonus Summers 65th and Carnegie SEAMSTRESSES: Simple drosses good opportunity: suadv 5 days hourly rate Vacation Cli18644 SECRETARY stenographer: 4 0 hour 5 ciay week Mon through rt salary Bishop Babco*ck Mfg EN 150p SECRETARY: Salary" executive offices of Dresser Industries 1130 Terminal Tower MA 44 64 SECRETARY typtsts1 With expanding organization: good opportunity to ad vaive gala ry 3745 SECRETARY: International institute A interesting position: salary 31 A SECRETARY: CapafT on dictation ex cellent working hours and saalry Aero Wavs Inc Municipal Airport OR I ACiVRY workei 1 4 I txrrmAnrHt ar irmoGrarv: American Greeting Pub 1300 experience StTT day weex downtown permanent sal ary CH 290 BGOk EE 1 "light lie ta ion high Khoui graduate 16 22 salary: downtown Box 22069 Plain BiXjKKEPlNG Im general: Mary permanent Great BSbKKiErtR1 Grnrarxfrlhrer uafl ary Guthne Schreiber Cnevrolet lne 16303 Detroit AC 4 3 40 SbokREEPER Jn willhT tofearflTac eounilnt 5 Gy weex salary Apply Peraunr ri DptM Bd iGKKIEPJNG machine cperaior rough Wt Rid resident goad 600 or 0036 ee Mu'SIIERS ani 35 houriv ra'e Apply Mr Henry 2335 67th DEMO YfPATQR excellent wary: experience and car help DKMoNSTiATORS tor retail aale: stimulating work: $30 guaranteed Apply Employment Office The xMay co DtiMONsTRATOKN! tor nationally ad veruacG f'Xjd product tn local super chain markets: salary EX DEaiONNTRATOR for dept store px nenenced salary bonus Call Mr Mae Keller Carter HotelMOQ or lues DeMOnST RA1 OR in food store 2 davs each week hourly rate A 9100 DIETITIAN Assistant degree I exper enred hospiUE salary Bex 671 Plain Dea er DICTAPHONE operator Apply In person or by letter state experience salary Arthur McKee 4 Co 3300 Chester DiCTaPHGNK operator: Ediphone: full or part lime hourly rale PruiU Bieder m5 J97lK DiCi' APlfONE'oprii toG wek" m1 ary pieasant working conditions will train Dofrerfcmun Co 3301 Monroe DKTaTinG machine operator: salary 5 ds West WO Oh84tLine 25 UETarV daily rate 1 meal furnished Ramocw HwpiUL Greo Rd DINING room helper: Whiter salary and mamtruance Llua Jennings Home Bn 02 DINING ronm kitchen ka'iarv' room board Alndw HocpIUL cU rwm attendant MmTi sry uriiforma btouffer 1375 Euclid WJW BMfr OlSKWASVlER: Dwcton no Sunday meah: salary nij CheaterAve 9i I' i i't iC UliJ Ort lll I HIM IX 'l checaets hourD rate plus tc nus Summer Csniep'R o5th kAlTCto'Y wonerr ls 4 5 part tirxael permanent temporary nouny American Crtetirg Pub 1300 AiitiHH wnurn 21 J1 huur rate Hule Dwh STENOGRATixERT day week salasy steady Cleveland Steel Products Co 730ft Madison STENOGHAPJIER: 40 hour 5 day week' Mon rnruuxn rn Ba brock Mfg EN STENOGRAPHER some 1 tvord wora ary rantz Mfg stenographer1: son Bldg: legal urr MiJire MA STENOGRAPHER: Genera! office arv 37M hours pleasant wording con divnns Kroger Co 5700 JTruseon Ave STENOGRAPHER: or purchasing dept? experienced 5 days salary Gray Drug Stores InCj 24 00 Superior STENOGRAPHER 1 girl office 37 hour 5 day wecru salary vacation Room 304 4500 Euclid an Call after 7 OR 7357 BAKERY help' Davs or nights: hourly rate Rosens Bakei 2 22 1 MKre Ave Bank clerxs for ntgnt work: 40 nour wp salary Apply in person at City Bank Euclid at EbthM BEAUTICIAN: Salaiv end commission Charles Anthonv 15bU4 Detroit LA 0177 Ct MUO27O BEAUTICIAN: Experienced stvBsi with downtown following salary and commis sion CH 2 79 6 BEAUTICIAN Expert permarnent waver no following necessary: salary and com mission 41 5 A Budd 1 ng BEAUTICIAN ull time salary and commission Lakewood Beauty Shop 1 4708 Detroit fA 7700 BEAuTY operator: Experienced: 5 day week good salary commission Vavette Itoautv baton mOOI Lorain ME 7913 BILLING cierx Elliot risher: hourly rate overtime The Piinu Biederman CO 1974 61 BlLLER general office Salarv 4 0 hour week erma nent d3? St Cia A est BINDERY girl experienced" nr we ran instruct hourly rato Town Press 1900 'superior BOOKKEEPER: ull charge for id i furniture store: salary excelmnt opportunity Call Mrs Minto ME 4t40 interview' BritSi iKEEi'ER Stencgrapher: enced permanent: good opportunty sal ekA KH I xtepinj machine salarv: near iforvard 71 St Ml 4974 1 Darn er BiXikhEErtdR irrough typewriting machine 76 76: steady 40 hours 5 disjs: salaiv good conditions 7200 SOriKSEEPEH avB EwwESc good salary and opportunity Bank of Ohio 921 Huron Rd B(K)R EkRER teller: '6aatown Tinan csal institution: salary 1676 6th CH Ou 11 Mnjtagenbuen BOOKKEEPER: Experienced Eurrougfix or salary Appiv Room 1005 Centra National Rank30 Euclid ftX)KKEELER: lull charge light "dic tation 5 days salary West fitde salary tme rondriion writer Co 400 CLERKS? Jr permanent week American A Wire RockefUr Bide CLERK Jr condition Store Inc CENEALoIto Time 1 GENERAL Office jilrv RA 34 GENERAL office typing riling: experi ence not necessary: salary HE 5444 GraPHOTYPE operator tomporary 2 3 month 5 div week: tauirv see Mr Eticrscle Penton Pub Co 1213 1A 3u HAM) rr on men tntl mary Zucker1 120 Eucitd HOMEMAKER1 Mending upstah white: stay refinement abiltiy refer ences ieonuM fI 1 40 HOME telephone survev hourly rtn 12(11 Bldg trrw rv rr prn hom own ronm bth reference 6990 HOUSEK EEPltf practical nurse care elderly ladv room board aSrrvw Olmsrwl Salix 17i0 HOUSEKEEPER Middle axed: fuITcfiarce rnr'iiric 2 sons away at colicke $5 mnritri Wetik 0 1 While: private home pleasant surroundinss star or home gb's no laundrv: 25 I A 275 HOi'sEKEPER tor hotel? downtown: husband for cusr dlan sms $200 a morn: experienced: reference GA 64 1 HOUSEKEEPER: Relub: no laundry or heavy cleaning experienced with baby: derly mother and son stay 9116 HOUSEWIVES Balance budxet take or ders: wearing apparel: near home $1 pr twmr commission MA 062 HOUSEWORK Conking Whit rar married room tt husband 1006 HOUSEWORK: Tming woman tn ray: good salarv UJ 5023 HOUSEWORK General: no conking: stay children LO 3250 frOUEW5l'K No cuurtnaT mH apt: nay only few night YE 6174 HOUSEWORK Con serve downstair: live tn: $28A 7029 Hdt'ShWOK1 white rUereDce near ear lire LA 50 1 2 HOUSWOK pt Hne 5 day wek most hke children a 5016 HOUSEWORK G' crri no heavy work: heme YE 4533 1'ntsyvnpK £toy rcictonce $2' to tv fa 2 HOUSEWORK No conker tv nDMrn rocm and ba A good pay YE 7456 i fl LRK sale order dept ary? Up Walton Co Perry Payne Bldg I 740 superior Ay6 W' I Cl PK tvnlst bonkkeeping experience yr' 1375 HELP EMALE fUMPTOMETER Pty Arpt TS Hours salary security Box 11061 Plain ator CuM PToMETER Expericncea: ''full time" 35 hours salary good opportunity Bakery 34tu croton LUMP fOMETER operator hxjtviieiiced In all operation: salary American meeting PubllsherA13U()W 76lhSL CoMLT ()ME TER upetrftog Tbmputing lime an pay mil: sleadv work: hourly tote 1059 0 Quin tv eT (era tor: cost dent East side: Sfllarv: 5 iiav week Box ftbbb' Plain Dealer CUM TUM hl 1 is Pay roll expe totue steady salary Bud Radio inc Drv cleaning stores: at Tur slso Memphis Ave: salary J4tv carnegie with tratninc on the salary Arthur aKKee PANTftV girt Sa! arv meals hour no Sundav Aonly after 11 a tn Tavern 1600 11th SL I'AnT Young girt Sourly rei'plu Western Reserve University 11105 Euclid CE 8780 PARtOR maid waTtress and uTfer Re liable white capable LI 140 aKTRY cook: General cafeteria work 40 hours: saiarv 30o3 Broadway sundard Oil Co Ohio tvpsst Whl train: small of fice: Southeast salary Broadway Lum ber Co 8022 Broadway operator small board' "typing? downtown: salarv 40 hour week Miss Burns 1015 Euclid Ave rebcl tvput: 5 day down town: permanent Insurance salary Box 1 8 17n Pla In Deal er operator and hotel desk cl era: salary: age 40 55: rotating anliL Bex 333 Plain Dealer relief operator: Combtnew ilh general office salary Miss Truesdale White Motor 84 2 79 PRACTICAL nurse Mending upstair work: stav nights refinement ability and rfcirnres required LI 1407 PRACTICAL nur: Willing to live in at Amasa stone House Phone Gl 1886 vDVCBTwnrv ztont hlh hnnrlv iasi liramillt lai? Procneet PRESSERS: Silk experienced alio leam er: high hourly rate New Richman leanor 1210o Oakfield PRESS operator: xpenenccd on shirts rr evening hourly or piecework Appir 8920 Euclid Experienced on ladles or men garment? hourly piecewotk Apniv cleaning aem PUNCH press operator: houriv rate overtime rAAr ara naar 1 press operator bo week: 75c per hour: totaled hough i 5Mh St dlMrlrt Call EX I nlihtu itii1 ifrjilw 75751 4 JR LfcRtCAL woAT" of art saTary? I regular rlM 4nhMir wevx Ohio Belt i Telephone Co Ria tn 901 700 Pro teri IlvlKley I itoiiTih rom perleare ptferrd: wUl train aalary apply Hotei CaSMTEHA Tart Ume slate age past etpenencr hourly rate Ho I 6o6 Plain Dealer CASHIER: Asrist with bndi keeping eee typing 9 hours fory excel lent future CH 8 2O ASHlERS rapper tTperience no? 'towm full time salary Appiv em ptoynjent Taylor son Co k'tnerirne: nl steady wotv: night hourly Appy otUb WineoeCieantng ou12j0 R9 Checkers and wrapper for laundry Atosuy: hourly ra: Merk Bros Laundry 841 103 CHECKER? Packer 2l tn $5 colored or hourly rate Apply foundry 1830 35 Checkroom 7lrt Neat attractive saiarv: rull or part time Call mmfl between 35 St her Hotel Cilf'MUTS Bippen experienced stead? work safotji 740 W'whnd I CLEANING Ionian dy morning i hourly rate western Reserve Lnher ny 11105 Euclid 7P0 White dy and houny rate CAMHERS clm Good iry opiw luaity The Kroger Co 22342 Nboie Blvd MJ 2 2 4 EH Mr GeUL we fx3 salary Apply Ca'tert RMtance Elec tric lOfts Ivanhoe CASH kH put Gnv4 ii wa 1 promotion" exceHeni worxne condition 4194 peart Hoad ASHfEk super marlet saUrrer Mr Um wil lakelaHd xd Matt 15617 DetroU CASHIERB ExperieireiJ day nr eve ning htns: Miller Drvg office am jo? out no Run1 salary Colonnade Cafe jwaM Clerks ist comptometer: A Co 2300 CT ERK Permanent position 5 1 dav week: good Marling salary Mr lsnn A 619 8 fTRK: Diy cleaning store 185 Iake Shnre and Krnnmi Comers good Miarv society leaner34 1 Carncgi CLERK:" or no soda toun 1 tatn1 hourly rate Village Drug 3427 Lee Rd Snaker Heist ta I CLERK typisl salaiy Iay wrk Tp I piy in writing giving full dail Du Pont Cn 1271 Guardian Bdg CLERK: Yount buinewtmn resl 1 deuce swmhbi'nL emit tal saary full maintenance GA 6794 CLERK jr Mayheid arrensvHle Cn I tor uiary 40 hours Appy 30 3 Broadway OH Co Ohio ine opportune in pay roll dept of large concern hourly 10076 Plain Dealer CLERK' Invoicing good opportunity salary: 40 hour 5 day wee Cycloneence Division EN 1 230 COMPTOMETER 1 surroundings: permanent: salaty Waste Electric 10101 Woodland CE 3700 COMPTOMETER oneiator: nmy: good salary permanent Drug Stores Inc 24UU Nuperioi COMPTOMETER ooerntor: or dept: steady jxjshion: $150 $175 month Rox 45t8t Plain Dealer COMPTOMETER operator typist: salary? American Ntcel Wire Co MI 1474 CO PTC ETE boerator: GxhI wq ing MA 8940 COuK White: experienced: references: 1 adult living alone: 4 rixini apt 18675 Parkland Dr 508 SK 8305 (7tOk No havy cleaning or laundrv: white own room bath city references YE 6157 White: salary 0282 vOPY typist (2i: Accounting ary 40 hour week The Over Corp 1 9300 Euclid KE 030L LttoT clerk: Standards dept must know typewriter and or comptometer salary GL 3530 Mr Clark COSTUME jewelry sales from own home excellent commissions earned Windsor Inc 423luchd COUNTER girls: Days or nights: salary A it system 5501 Euclid1 0 am CREDIT ciek: Typing and filing experi ence We4 Side: 5 day wecx salary Cal! WO 7650 Line 15 CREDIT cieric cashier general office: salaiy permanent Lewis Jewelry 2j4 Mr Hauer tfnd grocery salesgirls advancement program Uster Jril Iaxeslrte Ave DEMONSTRATOR trk al houseware appliance dept tore: saiary bonus Mfg Cd 3669 Michigan Irivt Bxrv Co GENERAL office gome experience nc iflvs: saiaiy 'in? wim 24 00 Superior 7f witH scrre typing tuU salary Thejfolie Bros Ca jvl'iiik irumnck 10 to 14 noon par tunny 9 stoet 39th ID 200 I'lNljaJIiffc 'handut! mto 2wir lTffft penenccd In fritlrg fine dress suits and coats: stMdy gxrtalary Bella Co 10415 Cariegte xperknceT permanent mK ary: nw management in alteration dept Mllfrim Iftd? Euclid HXxiii Wuscketper: experience salary meals Room 335 Personnel Of fhe tel Statler rlrccien Appiv Auditor Hotel (Jevetond oUnTaIn aitrnaantsTlunefieoneite ex Hence salary meas unllonna Hol idn Drug Co OOD sorter and packing: Whit only houny rate SU 1959 GAr N51' "Vac white hourly rate A Dry Cleaning Co General clerical typing pay mu wid train: permanent: salary 40 hour Tue rn 4SA0 fmi fK'Sk 'r Sea "IN Pleasant wnrr saiary sown oriivc at EucHd SS EN 3050 Mr Voytovich fcNTRAL office: art and arcurato tvnut: Wet Side 5 day week salary Bny 17075 Plain Dealer OENEWAL ufficeSome typln'c alto HIT several fli clerk position 5 day pr manentwaniMA 0oo GENERAL office some typing opportu nity tor aavancemmt salary GL 3530 Mraark General t8Uor) to day week 4000 Ji6 East Blvd general office cierH typiats' ex panding organisation: oprunity vancement sal rju 3j4 5 GENERAL on ice art time typlre: small fire 2 3 day: Euclid 55 aiea: salary over 30 EX 78 76 General cjlc Experience not neces sary: salary 'itodie Arianne Trsnpor tatton CnPR 637 CeneRaL office: torn gchom graduate will salary 40 hours opporiu nitv tor advancement EN m3644 fcNERATofftce typing bookkeeping Ty roll' 1 giri not over 36 year saliuy 4718 General office typing: rate 4 4 hour eek ey opening right person Ohio HR 330 gnTRAL dictaphone experience salary 40 hour VHtinr Air Con dillontng Corp 5600 tiworth general or young woman experience unnecessary: will train hour ly rate 4115 Prospect RAL office TvpTri dictaphone beginner gccemed days Box 262t Plain Dealer lpliu Salary Cuya Laumirv jjVi superior aw switrhboarc Ucht tvn God at figures: salary rench A 4 9V MIMEOGRAPH operator: 25 30 dupTT STENOGRAPHER: Part lime 3 4 days cator muneogiaph' salary Room 1005 part days iieaswt conditions Central Nauonal Bank 3QP Kuclld open Novelty Lighting Corp MULTJCRAPH Salary and I vpport unity 5 day overtime Addreograph STENOGRAPHERS jr salary fto a jAo ijftn Wihtatt wft view Mon through Art to to 4 Sun TCXTKrt "lirii wrfui po Central Greyhound 2600 Hamtl a aalaai i Euu Twl fit rw'r XJi RiTi IhlBl Phalli I tUft A'g NUIliE ethnical experfenccT West Sde d'M tor office salaiy BO 5736 WO 3646 NURSfe aide weekly rale and maintenance offered permanent Rainbow Hoapual Grn Rd NURkE aide 'V'fiite 2 6 5 0 ad'ance tnent salary plus uniforms St Hospital 1131 1 NhakerBlvd NLRbE anaesthellsir'Jenial office wfto Lses children test pay Box x92a3 Plain Dealer nl EnEs) Charge and duty tot 36 ix hospitaL section saury GL 4400 Mr Penbrid? NURsr Some teS nical experience west ide doctor office saiary BO S736 WQ 3646 NuRsfcN and nurse1 aMs: To troric with old age pattnits: hourly oak wood Nurrng Home WQ 1435 NUltSE Nigfit autr a la ry room board laundry Windsor Hospital call Cherrfn alls 734 7 small office 5 cay wees permanent WestSfde CH 7630 STENOGRAPHER: Rromriyn PariTU resP dent work elose to home: good salary 600 0036 eves sTTnOGRTpHER Eciphone operator sales office: salarv 1620 Williamson Bldg txnertenced down town location 5 day week salary or est City Products 205 I hl ENGriRAPhEk: Experienced lor large i law office permanent: good salary Bor i bin 1 Dealer STENOffRAPHSR: Opportunity Jr' pendable girl lookinc for a permanent salaried position CH 0900 STENOGRAPHER Pleasant working con ditions gooa salary and secure future Bgx1 fj 3 to3 la in Deal er STENOGRAPHER: Downtown financial institution: saiary 1876 6 CH 0611 Mr Hagenbueh STENOGRAPHER 5 day salary motion picture industry Columbia JNc ture Corp 2iO8 aroe Ave STENOGRAPHER Opportunity pleasant working conditions permanent: saiary Mr Nolan CH 5280J STENOGRAPH ER Lserk Permanent: sal ary rance $i50 $190 Remington Rand Inc 34 0Hu rnn Rd Gauldlne STENOGRAPHER: Legal experience p1 ferred permanent job in law office salary MA 2548 STENOGRAPHER: Urge iaw firm? legal experience desrable but net necessary saiary Bov 1433 Plain STENOGRAPHER: Rapid tmd at ure 4 to hour daily excellent sal ary RA 3543 STENOGRAPHER: Permanent some ex pifnence 40 hour salary open 850 I tin 1411 A i kAt fk i Smr saforv ooen EX 7069 Mr Nash STENOGRAPHER Some office expert" ence: a day week: permanent salarv Ucatherbrad Co 300 131 STENOGRAPHERS General office roriT some experience 40 hour 5 days: sal ary Harris Sevbold DI 3120 Line 71 STENOGRAPHER Jr: fast accurate 5 day week salary Appiv Personnel floor MidlandJRIdg STENOGRAPHER: personnel dept good working conditions 40 hours saiary MA 8940 TENOGRAPKER: 1 girt sale office: Itcl*t bookkeeping: downtown salary Box la 183 STENOGRAPHER: Downtown day permanent prefer high yhool rraduftte: salary MA 4 4 76 fENOGRAPHER Property fa surance: reference: salary The HsleCA 208 The Arrade STEnOuR A PR ER Co: ect Ion experience an opportunnv! Good saary Electric Neon Onrii Co 1220 Huron STtN 6G RA Pi i ft typis bteatfy wm experienced reierence required salary Mr Golden CE 24 STENOGRAPHER: groan office downtown work per manent salary Cl! 1050 SIbNOuRAPHER Jr: Pleasant perma nent sitton downtown: 35 hours: 5 dav week: salarv MA 3603 STENOGRAPHER rroeral office South east section modern mcc salary Sch'wmberger Co Ml 440 STENOGRAPHERS Safo cPM raise 40 hour week Onio Beit Tr'e pN a Roon901 700 Prospect tMflKArn in 5 day wee 6000 STENOGRAPHERS cnodittans Miary: In yv Radio Pictures 2340 ayse A EDIPHONE cpratoror typist to Jea'rm permanent saiary ftpportumty: 5 day itarsnaw unemicai hourly rate 115 National City Rank BWg PR ACTOR help 1340: steady Sidera only hourly rate Shell a tox CO lW01MadiM3nAve hiTUftf presses' enerd full time: salary Wm Taylor Sen A Co Eurril Ave RECEPTIONIST: Gorri at figures rroo craphir: prerer eprtenred: days aal downtown CH 410 RECEPTIONIST 18 21 attracth white: drvtori office: rate salarv de sired Box iSlTiJla Dealer RECEPTIONIST 21 307 permanent grod hours: salary 41 Colonial Arcade 10 a to noon RECKPTlONlST typlst aalary City Loan At Savings Co f41 Euclid SAlAD ms a er ot higher tyre read ing restaurant serving dinners: Clerical typing 5 day rd houny rar Mr Case Strwf (anime 4 lUmmcnd 1392 3 MA 6760 I CLERlCAl effiee: Several permanent po Bitton open aome typing hourly i overtime rimt Btederman Jft4 61 itERTCAL: Must "good at figures houriy rate Precision Casting Co 12600 Berea Rd Drug elrar candy dept: experienced at will leach salary commiMion Gray Diugs inc a400 Supcrtor Typt: neral mftoe work 5 dav week: West Side manuiacturer: sal try Detroll Cihlon Un 7850 Secretary a1o know how to write newspaper copy steady salary Write Rusnell co 89 16 Buckeye Experienced 35 sal ary: 5 day week The Glidden Co J1001 Madim Ave WO 8300 SECRETARY: 30 40: 1 gir! office en gineering salary: pleasant office pe manent Boxl 27 1 Lisin Df iler SECRETARY Stenographer temporary experienced pleasant working conditions salary Mr Wetter 01 14 ECR A enog ra he 5 days "top opportunity: good working conditions salaiy Radio Coro 718 KeithBlaiL SECRETARY: Light bookkeeping rea estate office salary loxl Guaidlan Bide CH0384 1 SERVICE representative College or business experience' advancement Ohio Bell Telephone Co Room 901 700 Prospect SERVICE LvpUt billing clerical duties 5 days: salary The Apx Electrical Mfg Co 1070 152 SEWERS "and fitters Salary oster rocks 10525 arnegie SEWING machine operators: WWt pieccwoiif rates lift htaltxi Insuiartoe i vacation pay GOrtfnea co SEWING machine operators experienced I or inexperienced hourly rate 1426 3 Room 419 SEWING operators: Experi enced good hourly rat piecework per mancntWA 4284 13834Union Ave SEWING machine operators on dresses white experienced' piecework or hourly 328 Superior 6th tloor SEWING machine operators: Pleasant working conditions iuod hour rate Warner Awning 265 Scranton Rd SEWING machine operators clothing good piecework opportunity Joseph r'eisg 214 9 53d TEWING woman: Machine mending 4 4 hours hourly rate permanent Univer sity Hospitals 2065 Adalbert SHIRT presser: Experienced hourly rate Manor Laundry 2015 Prospect SJLC pressers: operating "light modern machines hourlv plus bonus Summers'wrrwre ai 65 SlLk finisher: experience good salary white preferred full or part time CL p326 SILK finisfier: Experienced high beuny rate plus bonus an Caste! Ck anmj Co362 2 Prospect SqDa' fountain Day or'nisKt sHTfi good salary pleasant surroundings Miller Drug Cot 1515 Euclid STda over teach salary permanent Gray Drug Stores Inc 2400 Superior PdT 2d shift' hourly rate? Cuyahoga Stamping 10201 Harvard STATISTICAL" Side b'days" excehent conditions salary state rx pertencequaliUcations Box6266 STEAM table' experience salary Tne Gabies 3 6bOO Lorain Ave Closed Monda sTENOfiRAPflERS: 21 to 30 banking credit Investment rtct saias Room 1005 Central National Bank 308 Hd 8 1 ENOGRAPUEP: Ed I phone operator modern downtown Office 5 davr sal ary Warren Refining Chemical Co 50 Euclid STKNOC7RAHER Part lime 3 4 days pan Gays jH as4in mi Sun HotelJThesteGlbOS KJUSL MANAGER shoe drpu ad vancement saiary twinmission hmpluy ment offtoe Steam Co 1021 kuclid MASSEUSES' State ag" weight ex perience good salary excellent tips Box 13 Plain Deafer Af tKlATTIhdWi muftniMrlr rate Cuvahoga Stamping 10201 Har HOUSEWORK: 25 50: cooking Hke children: pleasant home on lake HOUSEWORK No laundrv: stay 4 nights: references: raoid we 0525 HuUSEAOHK: 22 40 small home: no couKiiig no washing: own room radio1 salary city roftrences EV 4366 HOUSE A Experienced cook no heavy cleaning no heavy laundry: own room hath stay references DA 3725 HOUSkttORH jilted young no coaxing no laundry stay nights1 5 days A 1575 HOUSEWORK: I5ET preschool children: light laundrv: city references $30 start A 131 9 HOUNErtuRk: "General and oxiking: about 10:30 to 7 small apt LO 6991 bhaKer Square 1 JtftEA ORK: Cooking experienced: adults stay exrelient salary Shaaer Blvd near Ie Rd WE 6515 HOUSE OR cooking: roung woman employed husband acceptable: own ruom batn referneces LA 8944 HOUSEWORK 2 adults small house private room and bath Sun and eves yfurown a 8039 HOUSEWORK: General: bus stop at door own room batn radio: white references 3746 lldtaEW'OPk: 5 rooms I door1' own room bath no laundry or cooking: near rapid: salary WA 9bl3 HOUSED URa Assist: girl white want ing home privileges opportunity to office work LA 5602 HOuSEwORK: General: tay" 054131 BM MIIS CliU 1W yjll IN ORMa flfJN clerk Steady position: salary advancement Room 335 per sonnel offce Hotel Statler ISspS Olts: COwurlvraI: Api! ween days 8 5 Thompson Products inc 23an5 Euclid INSURANCE casualty underwriting "cferar permanent 5 dav wees salary experl ericed tGO Leader Bldg MA 500 lr SV iAnE: ire and casually 1 gIrT vfnee: futl charge: $175 start saiary increases Box 4 5a3 Plain Dealer INSURANCE ID liable lire and casual tv small office $165 saiary to start SU 0550 INVENTORY control Like figuring Knowledge typing helpful: 5 day salary vacation Curtis 1000 fnc 2630 Payne IN vdftE anif Older clerk experienced mathematical ability essential perma nent salarv MA724 JUNIOR inventory clerk: 5 days jO hour week saiary Bvwtnaa Lroducts 850 72d SL jR clers: Nome typing: nu experience: 4 4 hours salary SL Luke's Hospital 11311 Shaker Blvd KEY punch operatorPrrmanmt I trained East bide office 40 hours salary Box 4 668 Dealer KEYPUNCH operator "permanent salary 40 hour Miss raser DT 5000 Amer 3 1 A Wlto 450 0 4 9 KEY puncK "operator? I II experi ence permanent West salary Mr Bennett CL 2930 KITCHEN helper permanent salary no Sun Colonnade Cafeteria Bulkier 501 Euclid LAUNDRY and clean Vn txperlence3T 5 cays a weex A 654 1 MACHINEfiMers higK" nnurty rate good cafeteria National Screw MU 2440 75 I.

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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Views: 6315

Rating: 4 / 5 (41 voted)

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Author information

Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.