The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


8. 1883. Thlnga eontlnne to happen in Mobile, end Uism tit Boit lmporuat in the Are. It 1 a cotndo'cpc) that the oonnagnUlooa of tbe week have taken pUc Just before daybreak, ana la tka basin portion of town, where tba booses ara clnawit up at sight. The fire yesterday tornlng waa Aiseovsred at a o'oliMf, and it place of ori ca tw underneath tit talrway oa to lower Caor at a three story brick storehouse.

co*ck nree are attributed to the eaaapaaaa of aw teheey While tola lira waa regiag on Commmo street. Knottier alarm sounded Car a fire lk tbe extreme aoutliera portion, of tba town. Pertunetely. botk eoiirlagra tiona vera extinguished, baton any great etameea waa done. Mr.

C. Powers Baa tmportod several Md af Una Frleeland cattle, and. the are attracting general attention. The sow of tnia importation kaa a record of sLa poaade af milk for oaa day. Mr.

Power la fa the position to greatly improve the local Tk wedding of the week waa that la which A a (rust Grata. and Mies alia 2Toran took a leading part. Tko eerema le were at the Germaa Latheraa Church, Bar. George Freak, of Algiers, oppoalte Vow Orleans, having eome ever expressly peifuia tka earns. After taa eoopie were made ana tkere wa a great Jelilrlce tlon at too reaidanaa of Mr.

Grata, on Iaa phlne street. It la many a day alaoa suck an aid time, wkeleaoaied party kaa bean aeeembled in this city. It waa a least and rejoicing which made tka heart glad, and. not one of tka parUctpaata la tka eeiebra Horn wlU ever forget It. Tkara were floods of wine, tona of eakevbaakale of flowers, a bras bend af an aaawmtily of Mends who knew kow to appreciate gener oa hospitality.

waa not tkara, oat a friend waa waa said It took two hoars for atom to get on of tko house. It would seem Ska tka cat lent of hospitality set la ao strongly tkat It wa aa mack sake could Co to keep from belag swept away by it. In bttuf eon tnat la tka tern tile drouth wklek sail prevail. Tko river ara getting down to kard pan, and tba weila are drying lrp. It la reported that tka market garden ers nave to nam water wicnt nun uwu tka creeks and rivers, and that, if tba rain does act come, tka water earta wlU have to go even further and perkapa fear mora than at present.

Tka ateaniboata eonfinaa to ran bat bare mora or lea troabla. In addition to tbe low water and abort erapa, together wltk tka rnwanrpinnt lack of money la tko Interior, tka boat ara forced to fight tko Penlnak, tka New Orlaana steamer heretofore meaOoaed. Tko way tka Penlaah la managed eauaaa eoaaiaeraola dlacnaalon. Ehagetano baalneaaatalLaadtkeaaptaln aita on the boiler deck, amokee kla elgar and says it la ail right. Bka kaa forced all eava ana of the hom*o steam era to eat rates one half, bat all the freight goes the same way It did before aha arriTad.

She la ranking abort tripe twice a week and the lmpreaslon la tkat she la paid by Sew Orlaana parties to work Her in order to keep her away from 2ew Orieana. At any rata it la evident the captain la not losing bis own money. When man loans 1700 a week he. mast show some eanoem, or he mast rash around a little and try to mimtl the loss. Caps.

Gil ham jloea neither one nor the other. He maol Xeaxa the utmost Joiilty and does not stir a per to ptrk up business. The Mobile Merchants' Exchange la erl fl entry on the tarn. Over 123 of the auo shares ot stock have been taken, the omeers ara elected, and the committee appointed'' In aero rosace with the eoasUtotton adopted last Wednesday. Mr.

A Pope 8t John, a very Intelligent gentleman, has been selected as Secretary of the Exchange. The Exchange Tr a big mistake as the atart, kowever. br niacins' the aalarr at alow figure. The omoe reqnlrea first alas work tk every respect and deeerree a first el ana aalarr. in tnia eaao is la raise eooaooij tm balidis? for its purpose, but will no doubt oan erect a home for itself whiek will be a oic and to the dtv.

Wear having lota of excitement over a counterfeit of the Hew Orieana standard dollar. A large number of tko small retail era have been bit. It ia a very well made rleee. aboat one quarter light weight, gray Ineolor and ally la ppearaaeew The die from which the counterfeit la made, la in every respect a masterpiece of engraving. Mad the ooanterfeitara a powemu stamping machine, or a nrmar metal than, leadthe cast would be perfect.

As it is, it will deceive nine people out of ten, but more par. ncuiariy the newspaper men, wno ara unaccustomed to handling money la suck large aoma. The detective fell to the racket at one and. soon spotted an Invalid In the Providence Infirmary, who waa aeoastomed he had basin esa down town. A boat midnight he would re tarn, and for two or three hoars later a light In his room would Indicate that he waa busy.

In the day rvs he did nothing but read, and appeared jae a eonaumptlv In aa advanced stage. A few davs before the counterfeits were discovered, this man moved from the Infirmary to the Golf City Hotel and was there eauee upon by a detective. He restated the Intrusion, and waa only arrested after a struggle. On being examined all of the victims tvxeept one declared that the accused resembled very muck the man who passed the money, bat not one eouid swear tkat he was the Identical man. He was accordingly released.

The dollars are preserved as mementoes of some one's ennningraaoaltty. The Bayou Sara locomotive has been eue ceaafnCy raised. Superintendent Belknap raised it from the bottom ot the bayou by means of barges which he sank along side af it and then pumped oat. The flotilla was tar zed down to the Mobile Hirer and taenoe to me railroad shops below this city. There tbe locomotive.

brges and all were put Into dry dock and lifted a p. hi locomotive waa then run oat upon a barge and thence by a false track was moved Into the repair sbopa. This engineering feat has been very kuiiuBy and rapidly performed and reflects credit upon Mr. Belknap. Th schooner Oay break eamefn this week i from Mantego Bay, Jamaica, bringing; be iues 100.O0O ooeeaauta, the mate and two seamen of the American bark IX Chap kiam These sailors report that on the 16ta of September their veaael waa dismasted and wrecked In a cyclone In Mantego Bay.

lie bark waa owned ia and bound for Baltimore, with phosphate from the island of aavasea. I do not find any suck vessel In eiaded in the shipping list af tka Mart drop atr. The Mobile and Ohio Railroad win run twa trains dally from here on and after the frit, to connect wifktheSorthaasternRoad Meridian. This extra train will leave here about a o'clock every morning and will rrre oar people and ear newspapers a mnok tded outlet. The one train a day system Us done a great deal to hold back the rrtnrthof the road, but It has not been done svay wnh because is Is claimed that a seo train would not pay.

The argument ia a weak one and unworthy a great railroad corporation, ft la pleasant to note that Col. Joraan ia determined to make tkeexperi iwj int way. He will be surprised to And ilitwill pay. To put on aa extra train, verer. will require more engines and rolling atock.

It la expected, there we. that there will be at once a big revival at the Whistler shop. The Police Board ia now about to attack oydra. public gambling boose. Tkere tt law, bat it enforcement amounts 5 7 to a license.

The Police Board propose to enforce a similar law or prove eon i eirrjT that sock a law cannot be en cd. The argument la that If. the law anything It should be put In prao bat if it Is mean in glees and a frsnd. it onghs to be abolished: ra. If gambling" has got to exist, and are imposed, the port aa welUa the tbe State Attorney, should par la the profits so aecruiDg.

There is nutbat should tbe PoUoe Board de at Its next meeting to put a atop to a it has been pot a stop to la 1 thing can be done practically 1 pliiy. Xbe doubt in tills case at te tbe Bolice Board, which bet A bord than it is indindoaliy. and 1 counted opon to act in an entirely a Et manner. It is folly to expect; 'BtaatnroaataoaHf the board aopsndent irsaaansunana' Iss for aoia. ia this connection it 1.

that th Mnhilit er.ij nextmaa in succession to the InimMnr a a Ic ais aay that if ae kaa any Willi thm TfrJim pM) A eace tt to put an end, to Administrator Rich's ordinance. In the meantime roulette and keso houses floerish en the prmelpal streets of this city, and every Bacxtrday night toe laboring man oa posits therein two thlrda If not mil ot kia week's earnings. It is deplorable to see the result and desvadatlon which follows. Whisky is the next article resorted to, and thence onward tko ruin la speedy and complete. This eommtmleatloa ends with railing attention to the tact that the a I shame Ksilroad Commission advise railroad eo paniea to provide their passenger ear with psa faeed boxea.

Into which may be slipped eards bearing the Barnes of the stations. By sock a system timeean be saved and alee tka trouble caused by the aalrtaree psssew gera make nuasmg tneir staaoaa. a.w LAGNIAPPK A glaoee. a smGa I see It yet A moment ere the train waa starting: How strange to tell! We scarcely met, And yet I laU a pain at parting 1 And yon (alas that aU the while Tie I alone who am confessing What ttKmflht waa larking in your smile Is auUe beyond my simple gaeeetng. I only know those beaming rare Awoke In me a a trance emotion.

Which, tV rr In their warmer blase. Perhapa might tloaie to aeveuon. many smllli a heart aa staunch aa this. Br ng lips allared from doty Has rank In nassion'a dark ab va Wracked en the coral reels of beauty 1m watt tnfn'i swift ftlff hfe. TiMt bore awav my aharmlnsT stranger.

Took her God bless karl oat of slgbt. And me, a a ulekly oat of danger! JAjs Q.Baxe. preventive of typhoid fever la to boil the drinking water. and a preventive of dyspepsia Is to drink the boiling water. A matter of choice as well a of taste.

Karir font Post Prof tea or to class fat surgery "The right leg ot the patient, as yea see, la shorter, than the left, lk eensequenee of which he limps. Sow, what would, yoa do In a ease of this hind Bright student' Limp, toe. Joke. We read In an exchange eta young lady having been made erasy by a sudden kiss. This fhffn teach young ladles to be constantly expecting aometning of that kind and to be prepared for It wnen It cornea.

Dear mat cried Mrs. Blossom, as She laid down the paper, it does seem to me aa If those State militia fellows are always In trouble. Here's an account of a recent inspection where the eompssy turned oat nxty three men. Too had, ain't It 'A nan. A little girl sat on the floor, crying.

After a while she stopped' and seemed buried tat thought. Looking np suddenly, she said; Mamma, wbas waa I erytn' about "Because I wouldn't let yoa go down town. and she act up a howl. 4ra sew Traveler. Is waa a very fair dinner at Sir Garry said Mrs.

Bamsbotbaun though I think a little more attention might nave been bestowed on tbe entmols, and if the lights had sad what the French call their it would nave better for the ey ee." Londot Pwara. A eoupie af pickpockets followed a gentleman for some blocks with a view of availing themselves of tko first opportunity to relieve him of his purse. He suddenly turned Into a lawyer's office. What shall wa do rmvt" asked one. Wait for the lawyer, said the other.

Philadelphia Morning Cait. rm terribly grisved and disappointed in the market, said an up town man on loosing at the paper on Saturday evening. Why. what a the matter with it Inquired a soudteus friend. Well, yoa see, Tvo been en all sides of the thing this week.

It's gone the other way every time, sadly responded the sufferer. S. X. Commercial Advertiser. Tkere are some fellows who cant remember anything.

Here'a an advertisem*nt from the Dispatch Lost. If the party who get my pocxet book at the fire last night will please forward my letters of introdus. tion to my wife, I shall esteem It a kind. neaa. A man who kaa been away from home so long that he kaa to get a friend to write him letter of introduction to his wife, ha no business to be fooling around a fir.

ntlMntry Telegraph. Workmr up to it: I eaa swim the whirlpool at Siagara, said a stranger in a confidential whisper to a hardware man on Woodward Avenue yesterday. "Can your I feel that lean. I should like some advice from yon. Would yoa try it if yow were me Wo.

air no air. I wouldn't think of such a thing. A man who hasn't been In bath tab far a year, nor had on a clean shirt for a month, wouldn't stand the ghost of a ahow with a whirlpool. You'd better go and tackle a drink of water and gradually work up to a.wDeiroU Free Press. I HAILEOAD TI1IE TABLE.

acoBrxje BOTTTX. CLsadsvlUe aas hTasbvilla Hsitr rt) leaves. Arrr if, 9:47 P.M. ri lll llllilISllStliai 3:37 P. M.

OrOa A. M. Past slS P. 9M 0SXAT JACXS03T BOTJTS. (C3daaga, Lean sad Mew deaa 11a 1 as.

Arrives. MxuiamfskaarllAJCJsTxpissa Mo, 17:08 A.3C Jrnram.NaAaPTMJl'Tpiw l.lfetfaJC Boaasy Jbeorsian Saaday Bxoarsioa Sals .74 A. Mi Me. II ft aOP.M. ASS PACmo XAXXVWAT.

TJCA.M. 710 p.m. 0XAB AJTD CJLMJBCXST XOUTM. Lsavsa. Arrlvaa.

r.lA.M. MtP.aT. UM. THE BIYEK. PICATXrar OFrTCE, 1 Wedneatlay, Oct.

10, 1881.5 Sffa*glS OP WATXS TBT THI KXVTfCBa, with changes la the 24 hours ending a P. liwsday, Oct, 9. 188 a. Above Cnsngea. TMangT low water.

Bias. Fall. Lisa. ftls. Pt.

Ia. Pt.Xn. Pt. 4 a so 7 .4 8 40 8 13 a 0.0 40 60 4 1 Sbrsveport bv. louis.

wieksb "Below high water DEPARTURES Wetftune. Jewel. Belle of the Coast. Mabel Comesnx, J. M.

White. Future City and target. DEPARTURES THIS DAT, Burae Daisy, 11 A.M. Quarantine Alfln.UA M. Ouachita Hanna Blanks, JF.Tt XJonaldsoaville Aaaumption, 13 M.

Bayou Sara Corona, a P. M. Memptda Helena, P.M. St Loci Montana, P. M.

rJEPABTUBES TO MORROW. Port Bads Neptune. A. M. yalrn plantauoa Jewel, 11 A.

M. Hampton Point Mabel Comeaux, 11 M. Donaldaonville Belle of the Coast, ia M. tireenvliLe Ed. Biehardsoa P.M.

JACKSTAFTS. The weather eonunue clear and warm. Bain is greatly needed In this section, and every body 1 suffering for want of Buaineaa waa fair on the Levee yesterday. The J. M.

White had a goad trip To day's departures are officered, as fol lows: Daisy Oliver Canton, master. Alvln W. T. ScoveU master, Frank 800 H. Hanna Blanks J.

Blanks, Assumption A. Dugas, mastar, lor, clerk. Corona John tUaomaaflfrJho. Helena Crane, maater. Geo, ILltenH srser.eierg..i i fi a 1 Montana IfxyeatJmaatarr.

The Helena amvea yeaxeruay wi pac sages of freight. Including 8107 bales oottoaw Itia rumored that the New Orleans and Tlcksburg Packet Company WlU shortly pUce two more boaU la (ho Ylokaaarg mi iiimim 8 8 18 a 8 3 Uubuq a a Lacrosse 1.5 O) Little fc lirir 3 1 1 7 3 atawrpbis 3 tJ. 1 7 I Haw 8 0.0 5 0 3 is 0 0 9 OOOl 1 3 a 0 11 mark of 1874. TESTBRDAT. trade, and have a regular line af boatanm nincm xasooBiver.

The John H. tT" waa brought to the landing, head of Foydrae street, yesterday. to receive a new soars. Tbe Dyerabarg has been, withdrawn from. ixrwer coast traoe.

Mr. B. G. Bawilngs Is on the J. M.

White posting about the river between Ylckabarg and ITew Orleans. Tka RaUms, will rMMTS MBS extenwIVO alterations at the ooaelnsion ot the present business season. She will be lengthened 60 feet, and her stern remoaateo. wm ra now and lmnroved machinery, and her cabin, will be enlarged and more ele gantly rormaned. rhl tt Txmmm, Slaaka leave to dar.

aa advertised, taking freight for the Ouachita i.hairRiTra. with the privilege of reshlpping it on the Marcus Collins and HeDerc. Tka Ed. Richardson left Lake Providence last aleht. with 4SOO bale eotum.

Tbe City ot Taaoo started from Ylckabara; at II o'clock yesterday morning with. I3uO pa ire wnmC la the master with the Tieksborg HeraJdf Only a month or a ago we re member reading tn lta editorial eoinmns a 1 mt iii tmttn relative to tha otBanr and steamboat of the New Or mm.m Vt kaluipap PMkat COmTWar. Cant, raathar waa lnvanaoiy wnnou fthnnt. ajnoncr other eomplimoBtary ex nri itfin as m. mmM ot sood Old hOTM mom." and his views on the Mis sissippi River and the Elver Commlasion ware aired in lta oolnmna Without stint.

Pint. namDball waa on all occasions farml to as "malal lovlaL elever. a tiO tOP steam boatman, and a jrood man to travel witk." wkiia csdl xooin eama ror bu pro rata of the same arncie. nu. bow, tmH ta tar.

all this kaa SUd diiBiT rhsnntd Cant. TilSthnra. it hasn't anv mora rood old horse aense," and Capta. CampbeU andTo bta are away below par. botk a clever men and reliable teamboatmen.

In tact, tbe whole tea party 1 no good any more. The. Herald la evidently rampant about aome thlna? or other, ami we are at a loss to un derstand what it la all about, unless It is. as some one suggests, owing to the fact tnat tka Packet Company has Believed its oolnmna of three or four lance advertisem*nt. the anJbstantial enjoyment of which that paper had all to itself for years anal recently.

We hope such Is not the case. It would be very poor taste, to say the least. In view of the fact that the national Board of Steam Navigation will meet in convention in New York on the lsth of this month, it would be well for the steamboat owners of this port to hold a meeting shortlv and aoooint one or two intelligent delegates to attend the convention and represent their large Interests. Cincinnati. Enquirer, 7th Major D.

Bubiett, Assistant Engineer of the Kentucky Birer lmprovent, reports the completion of dam No. 4 on the Kentucky River, Just below Frankfort. The first timber waa laid July 23. and the last sheeting; waa pat on yesterday. The dam la 038 fet long at the crown.

2134 feet high and S4 feet wide. It contains about 40,000 lineal feet of timber, 100,020 feat of akeetlng; 6931 cubic yards of rip rap stone and ls.ouw pounds of Iran and spike, and cost the Government Memphis Appeal, 8th The construction of matULBscs has been con tinned daring the past ten days by Major Miller, above Hope field, and 664 by lw feet ot mattress was constructed and 1033 by 140 feet of mattress sunk. Hesetof ore the matUussus have au been atraight. The one sunk dnting the ten daya waa eurved ao aa to conform to the outline of the bank. Tbe mat was sunk without any accident, and 490 by 40 feet upper bank revetment waa made.

Durlnar the ten daya too hydraulic grader graded 665 lineal feet, or 4iua cable yards of earth, at a cost of 22 cents per lineal foot, or eents per coble yard. The work was oonsid eraiilv delaved bv a thick stratum Of bine day, overlying sand, which waa very hard to cut. xne anagooas jonn meigs na been employed in removing snag, and accomplished the following work Eighty nine snags removed and two rack heaps broken na. It la exneeted ahe will nnuh by Oct. 10.

The lira bam and the Daphne have been employed in towing Barges ana in obtaining supplies from Memphis. The two willow parties lunmnea mi euros 01 brush and 78 cords of poles daring the 10 days. Considerable dimonlty ia experienced in obtaining a aatfioieat supply of brush on account of the low stage of water and trooble in getting and holding labor. Nine hundred and thirty eubio yards of stone were received during the 10 days. Vicksburg Post.

8tn: Xka auagooat uenry S. MeComb had got down ae far as Wilson's Point yesterday, wnere toe issaquena passed her. She had done some good work from Greenville to that place, polling all the snags In the channel aa she came alonsr. It la expected ahe will get down to Chotard today, where ahe will find plenty ot work. St.

Louis Republican, 7th: Major Frank Blgney. the lightning river editor of the Globe Democrat, la arranging the pablioe Vonof a Journal of Honor, to make Its appearance. Nov. 1. and It will be spicy and ably edited.

We bespeak a good eobaenp eon. rBy Telegraph. Dsxta, Law Oct. To Win. R.

Friable, 47 Carondelet street John Gilmore down at 11 A. M. Ail right. Jao. H.

Loire. Vicasarao, Oct. 9. To Lord MePeake Leave at It A. 1300 bales.

T. G. LaDBBTTTBTR. Steamer City of Yasoo. Pkovtdejiox, Oct.

To E. Conery St Sen Leave here to night with 4400 bales of eotton. Leave Thursday as usual for Greenville and the bends. W. N.

Calm its. Clerk steamer Ed Richardson. LoiTirmTXk, Oct. 9. The river Is rising slowly with 4 feet 10 Inches in the canal.

Business good. Indian summer. Cellna in from Evansville, Minnetonka left for Cairo. Capt. Carter has gone down to take the Behenek South from Flint Island.

The City of Madison, Cincinnati. Memphis, Oct. The river ia rising slowly. No arrival or departures. Weather clear.

lABOE NEWS. WWVvV wwwsww PICATTTNX OTP! CX, Oct. 10. CLZ4SXS TCSTkUUAX. Span 'Steamship Xayagues.

Mendialdoa, for Malaga, Mair. DaekwortkAco rltnamihir Gager, for Sew Tork. A MoBltoa Acs Steamship Wa Hawea, Km, for Havana, Morgan's La A Tex BB A 83 Co Brit Bteamahip Notth Cambria, Evans, for AKMUlardse 1 Bteeasahtp Kate Carroll. McBaker, for Providence, I. aUaaWcekaAao AJUtTVaOlL French Bteamahip Bordeaux.

Beculoax. from antwerp via Havre sad Bordeaux, to sent tall. Clayton eo ta oishtcs oratall. Clayton oo ta oishtcs Hteamshlp Oaa sea, Ptper, 8a days from all, in baUaet, to MaU A Yaughan tk etoariet 4a Brit Sull, sth a Brit Scar Btea Ward. days from Bnatan, to Sivori 1st diatrio 15 Schr Laara, Pttijrrve.

36 days from Boston, to Crescent City lea Cs 1st district ffTXisTFT1. Helena, Crane, fm St Louis. Arrla, Scevell, tm Lower Coast. Corona. I.ibano.

fm Bayou Sara. XXPOBTS. MALAGA Steamshio Mayagues 1505 bales eoetoa 40. 250 pea staves NEW TORK Steamshtif Lonlsiana 2873 bates osttoa so bale mass 70O bbl oU 310 bbls rice 34a bdla hide 3340 aka eottaa ased meal 7s pks mdse 177 sks wool 6i0 case Imabaa's sbrimp pes stave NW TO BK Steamship Morgan City 8787 balasoattea 183 bale hide 90 bales istle 7 bales hair 1377 ska wool 1375 eases salmon S7S sks beans Z50 bbls oU 31 bales hops 169 bf bbls wino and brand 1861 dry hide S44 bdla aide IOO bbla rice ao bbls melaassa 30 hhds boas 75 bsisa asoaa 1782 ssa eoctaa seed meal 845 akga HAVRE Steamshtp Norft Cambria 0670 baaMieotton FBOVibXIfCr (ft I) Steamship state Carroll 2487 cotton AN TW EBP ateamahlp Bordeaux 27.745 roils wire 34 pkc a nadse to order til do SO eases rtn 8 cka wine 34 eases do Belize Lino 135 do pohlmaa Jr 3 do 6 eks do Keck A Dreyfus 25 easea cheese A A Bolari 40 do Oelpi A Bro 1 ptaao Vaa Hathea 7S easea toys. poreelalBe ate A Keeaig Aeo 21 pkaa mdse to sionraa Line 2 bbls do Generally 4 casesi do A BoehaiaDn Ac 1 do A Tubman A 00 8 dot II Isaac.

From Havre 560 cases pickle. 2a! casks do 50 basket champagne to order SOOt baiwr sags Mertoa, Bbtw Aoe 1 eaa xlas Vl srtw ia It oeo. A Bseylw 4 do laaa. 4 Bros Tda KavT3atlea 1 floLJi Bavna a lafltan A imfiDiow.l. 44 A Been 1 forwUer tkhLeisy Aca akgs iiwwrs.U utmn pajsLJ Iimandz Jf do Jottnseu 1 do La.

roe 4: co 22 Vjni ramitrrre e'nm etc Hpear A ksceseT pairs mrtse tf i aM wnwu rases cbampaso t'orstalL Clayton Aeo IOO do 82 Vkss auloe Morrcaa Line do 2( Knnts 1 ess win Qeaeraliy IOO bbl aornns to Oslpl A Bra 11 case preserves laatf Tourno 1 case samples a to filaekwa Ao 5 pkgs drags A Won at casks china ware A koenlg dtco 0 esses choose tt bchrlsTor. sardines 50 abarnthe 10 ease nak vegetable as eases mustard 3a caae vruae a at as ooian 53 ranns sardines Br AOO 197Q do 3 15 rssra rrtno Tn rstr jrscnane aaoa 1 bhd An oaa mini aardiaea 114 eaao bread nnna ifHl rnans nrsnUT I'M! ease a synth SO ease mnanrooms Schmidt A Zlegisr 8 hbd wm Rev air suraae 7 pags Harness a Menard 3 pkgs mds Fourton 4 eassa eap 10 case fish jf Lhnongy 35 do 45 cases canned goods 15Q case aardinwe 865 caaoa wine Gelpl A Bra S5 so i aada do Baasetli A Xianes 7 cases da 10O rsnns sartlln 765 eases orandy ehrrie 860 eases viaeirsr 85 eaad5hkdsdo Dnimii)iikieiuuwinj uacnes eons a cka cagnae 1 hbd win 1 box sample Nadai Id nnds wins bf do 36 nasri uo cases jiqnor 18 eases sardine 50 ease vinegar ft bf eks do 4 ahiattaasa num duisa AN Zom us 6 eases card pictures BrtHatonr Aeo 18 eases toys 1 and wine a Koenla Aeo lO csaaa da 14 easea dry roods Holmes Aeo 11 eases muse a Sembrc 8 do feenarellv I do Catlier 300 easss prone SS Lsoia A MiasVaUeyTransCo psm cniaa ana wars drtnd; nwwder Cavaioe A Son pkgs imitation brans Scooler 10 cases cloga Coraibe 10 do 4 ease win 3 pkgs mds Le. Blase 83 do 89 ease sardines S45 casoa wlao ISO oascia nsk 34 nuns wine ns ao za eases Vermont ForssaU. Claytea Aoo li vinoton MMnultiB Wanderer 1 9 8 ItiMifrM IS tMaratabrlboxdo8 bXBDlanta Maebeea Bros 7 sks coffee a Dales sarsapamia bbla ana ar 1 bale skins bide A B.

Mot. is. Ynm tmr Claratm SflOO bnncbes bananas 7000 eeosanat 3 aks ooffe 1 6 bxa miaarala Macheca Xros, from Belise 70.IHH) coeoanats av.b i a plaatafba 305 bunches bananas 6 bbla oraagea 5 bbls limes Macheca Bros RCATAS none King Dove 19,000 baaawaa euw Doacaea oaceanat lass, da tux XXCXTPTB OF PKODTJCS. ct Tfrr na BimniKr TTntiwim bbls aaslea It Lawrence Aoo 1 do A Wayae 183 ska brs bberldaa A Bvaa 59 do ttibbone Aco SIS do Courtln A 480 do Gomlla Aeo 135 do Potaimann ir Aco us ao aa ooi gear Baddecke Aco 367 do 87 sks bran Vairin Aco 145 sks eora oomMi aco isa bsa awn Xroia 63 bbls flour ttlover A Odan. dabl 178 da JAM Schwasachsr 3 do I Wise a bbls oatmeal.

Tnenxer A lieesvar 37 a sks mait Bwntbera BrewtagCe 105 do Klnmpp 35 ck Deer at ue aoo i ao a. nwmn cases b'ware Oaocbe's Son 8 ska rroand oats Jno Chaffs A Bona 6 coils rope Kuetoel A Baqoet ISO pes pipe L. j.aaerDaeK was ieanesy Bia soo amstv barrels ITorton A Manning so kegs ahot Hoyle lot mdse Bios, Bora Aco da Htsnffinr. Maaraadv Aeo do A Adler Ae 15 da baskats Pae 14 pkgs mds I Lyon 8 A i ADlts 7 do A Baldwin Aoo 31 do Borter Aoo 1 do Coyia do Manion Aeo 133 kegs id it M. ung dm moiasnna Hill 1 do Hartwell A Chambers lot mds Dnrns do Seh warts do Sarrsaln do bsrraain a pea eascins Leeds Aeo 15 bbls floor Klvoc bbls whisky 3 bf do sad aadrie Bed Bivor Trans Co 6 bxs soao Her gaa Liao 874 bales eotton Phelp Aco 384 do Abraham Aeo 349 i Hardie Ao 281 Bicbardsoa A May 337 Allen, Wast A Bosk 138 MAC swt as 137 vaa ateyer oo 139 B.

Allaa Ac 1Q5 Harris, Paraer Aoo 18 to order 94 Lanande 63 Adler, Uold. bsbb Ace 40 MlUer Aoe 30 Jnrey AGiln 17 Gambel Aoo 16 Shattoek A Hodman 13 Britton A Maysoa 18 Craig Aco IO Dobbins A Dasey 5 Gidlera, Bay Aoo 4 Kirkpat rlek Aeo 3 Boekaer Aoo 3 Issae Levy 1 tra nam. Black Aoo sumlrie to ortier Total 9107 bales not ton uiwiTt COAST Steamer Arris 133 bbla rice to Usspel 101 do A A A Vulermm 37 do Boder Aoo sundries to order at at 2 6 1 bbls lice kayo nana roam fir corona oi oaie eotton MAC Mewmaa 39 VAA Meyer Aas 87 ThiuMi, a Aoa 34 Norwood A Bich srds 33 Gambel Aoo 3 Harris, Parker Aco 81 Gnmbel Bros A Mayar 19 Richard soa A Mar 17 Ben tell Aoo 11 Gidlera. Jay Aeo 9 a Albert a uraaard 9 Scanaell A Lafava 8 Hymaa, Ltohtea stein Aco 5 Payne, Kennedy Ae 4 Bash A Levert 4 Flower Aco 3 Thompson Ac a Lacassagne 163 ska eotton sasd Cotton Beed Asa's 13 sks seed cotton Gretna Ginnery A Co 3 do A Babia 8 do 5 bb syrno Groebel Aco 43 bbls sugar Scan, sell A Lsmye 3ft oo Miller Aoo 138 sks rougb rice Mloolo A Iaraie 1 hbd hide A Babia 17 bbls pecans and aandriea to order Total 366 bale cotton 168 ska cotton seed 83 ska seed eotton 138 ska rough rice 78 bbla sugar new) bbl eyrnp (nw BICETPTS AT THM HIW BASIN. PXABX.

BXVBB Schr sawder Jane 33.000 feet lnmbar to Adam AKlAtiOULA eciir Lone Mtsr tu.uuu met lumber to order wolp bivek senr Jo a merino jj.uwi feet lumber H. Buddls TCHBPIXNCTA HI. KJHr OCuT JjaisT 4UW bbla sand to Wllmoth rASCAGO la ociir uen aanmgton owu bbbi ebareoal to order TL Jr" Li HA Kivait ocnr 30 ceres wool to order feisl Hiysa Bew rairouia sx aa.www feet lumber to Adams WOLP JilVKK Hour jsionae leet lumber to Nevers han uo BO no tcar Mt Kf juuwi miwi feet lnmber to atarrits BILOX1 scbr Friendsmn xeet ram Oer tm Bnddlg TUli 1LF i i71 A glYBU oonrxmosi. naaa 350 bids aana to Clark t. a Kg milium rtnnr jrair riar bim shells to order JODAN Bl ViLB BCOr UZZ1 Aioers uuw bbls charcaal to order yr lttf4 AT THM OLD BASIM.

BLIND BrVBB Schr Hattle 27 cords wood to order Tl'HKFUJiCTA KJ. VKH Cnr AJemOCTS 10OO bbls charcoal to order TCH aJTU it a aivin nwrrMiisai 80 cord wood to order TA)TTL9YILZJB AND NAHHV1LLM BJU Oct 9 154 oars, loaded as follows 881 bale eotton Banger Aoo 139 Harris, Parser oa 94 to order tfl uaraner ex jopp sxar ut Lia 54 Lahmaa, Abrabam aeo 83 Allen rest a Bush Miller Aoe 3 A Ciason A ik a Bawhns 3 A Harden Aco 8 a ears eottaa aeed cake to Cannon A Stew art 3 ears lumber Pieeher 3 cars nails Bio. Born Aco 1 do Staaffer. Macready Aco ft ears oil Aldige 3 ears seal Banner Ace 1 ear bay Converse 1 car potatoes Miller Bro 1 do ratten et jteneoict a inuiw jm uw ir so hhu umlii unn A Wildermann 1 ear floor eiovar A OdoBdafal 1 oa eroebel Aco 3 do MeCloekey A Henderson 1 arlo 8 ear stavea McFarland Aoo 1 do Perrilllat 4 cam lumber I Fletcher 3 ao Glenn 1 do 4 ear coal Harahan 1 ear ayrup Delgado A eo lao May A Vaaght ldo Mslaoa Aeo I da Bchulss 1 ear gineas Barkley, Thomson Aeo 1 car oornmeal Lswreao Aoo 1 oar empty barrel 1 ear starch Bortea A Manning 1 ear woooen ware at areiw A Miller Aeo 8 do Stockmever 1 car all oak Allaa. West A Bash 1 ear boos poles A Beck 1 ear flour A Bchwabaobar 1 ear a luaiMi'i Hon 1 do a Clark 1 da Ong aoi pks tobacco a Hernsheim A Bro 1 horse McOraw 6 pkgatobaco Hart Aco 40 case do Levy A Mandevill 305 da to order 38 do Sarrasia 8O0 tab batter A Cannon Aco 300 do Vee Bros 1 ea paper 1 1 Fletcher 1 ear ream Simpson 1 ear co*ke Whitney Work 1 car lumber Langlea Aco 1 ear cattle Ayoock, MicheU Ac 1 idoT a Dillaid 1 car hoga a Coppa 1 car pip 0 Wet math 3 cars bagging Bton A Tutt 35 tbla whisky Dreyfus 10 do KeudaU A 10 tabs batter 1 Paimer aS bdla paper 1 Meyer 7 rolls leather Hmith, Boallemet A Davis 8 bxa beet uoodcliaax A Silbemagei 53 bbls whisky Betooa Ao 35 do Flash.

Preston Aoo 4 do Locht A Cordesavia bales mots 9 Duffour IOO esses powder Smith Bros Aoo lot axl end JT Schwai Aco 166 pka mdaa Bailer lot do Wast A Son do btauffer. Macready Aoo do Barrett A Weiman do Hollo way A Gtardee do Bice, Born Aco do A Baidwin Ace a bbl eider Shropshire Aoo lot furniture and mdse to vanoua consignees Total 147 bale oottoa ILLINOIS CXNTBAL iTT.tlO ATX Trip Oct 8 IOO ears. loaded as follows 114 bales oottoa to order 85 Richardson A May 70 Hymen, Uohteastsln Aco ttardnar A Oopp 44 Aoo 33 Thorns Aco 31 Chaffs A Powell 31 Bickham A Moore 87 OumbelAoo 33 A PhilipplAce 20 Bobbins A Dasey ao Lehman. Abrabam Aco 19 H. Waln.aley Aeo 15 kliere.

Bay Aeo 13 MAO JSewmaa 13 Craig Aoe lti Chaff A Soaa IO Aolec eoldmana Aco A A Meyer Aeo 98 Bawllas 8 Stewart Bros Aco 7T JCar ver Berk son Bros 6 Payne, Kennedy Aco SJD Hswkins Aco 5 Gnmbel Bros A Mayer 3 Palke AKykers 3 Flower Aoo 3 WB Thompson Aoo 8 sreis Aoo a Norwood A Bichards 1 Allen, West A Bask 1 8 Block 1 Harris, Parker aco a cars cattle Fiautt 1 da Dnlard 1 do Ayooek, Miebell Aoo 1 do A Montgomery 1 ear beer HobonUt a ears Fatten A Benedict 1 ear meat McClesaey A Heuflerson 1 ear canned sood 4lO bxs soap TTW bite Aco fed bxs cheese 30 tub batter Lawrenoe Aco 13 do Eurenaing Sutter 80 do 38 bxs cheese Veee Bro 3 oo 10O case milk Moore Ir Aeo 300do Levi Kroe IOO do pur 311 9 pea meat Howard, Plow at eo SO bbls win35 1 do Tbeurer A Beeger HOO baas mait taoutbera Brewmg Co 12U sola lime Oag 10 bbls apple Pace 170 do Ci Bavlson Aco 17 do atich A Son 18 do Kt ller 178 do Doberty 30 rolls leather Mnitb. Borillrmet A Davis 6 hhds tobacco Geo 8 do estockmeyer I phaeton Scbwarta 1 ear eeeperage McFarlaap 128 pkga tobseoa Irby A Bro 10O bbls a pules Bertaeei A co 1 ear wood aster lot ami. tnjsand aadriea tovarioaa eoaaigaaas lear wlie ear sails 1 car beer 1 oar esculents 1 car; floar 1 car soap 6 cars anndries to ardor Tot 1 703 balaa oatt 14 hhds fcLoo KOUQA1 JU0hlxisMSCO fOtTXaJS; suj jaxLano aTtvarTYP cowa Oct 9 Leeal 3 bbla mclaaaas 3 Spev 5to iBuUersi Xy Afn 3 rtar isaaae Wets 1 bbl. nj VI Am, Hebjnldt A Tllns lar 1 1 AO MaxweUA Pals 6 4 Parno, Kaan dy AoepA GumbslAoo 10 BTBoekner 8 Norwood Blcbarus 1 Walmaiey Aoo 8 Gibert 25 VAA Meyar Aco a Walker A pykere 4 1 Reirshaw Cammack Aco 43 Miller Ac 8 aeHsvasB 29 Ufeasa, Abrabam AC 6 LLaeassas; a Wil llama 33 I Wei AO: 3 Plssh. Prsatea Aeo 17 Seated Ao 13 A A Moutoa 17 Levy, Loea, Sckener Aeo 30 A F' lt" AOS 1 FlaspoUetf 3 Pnelp A eo 9 A A A Villsrmin 1 Gidlera, Day Aoo 3 sks seed eotton Britton A Maysoa 01 bbls rice i Walsh 78 ska rougb no Lenaax A Teta 10 ilo Item At IT TT TTi fr aka Prom Bordeaux S0 ea eottaa saaa A Plassan dteo 40O aka saltV A A Mayer Aco 83 bales moM 5 hhda aid bbLa do 87 aids SO pkrs eggs 1 6 head cacti and auav nes vo roer lHai A ti All BaU bales wool 3 bale Taatkar 50 bbl wine lnf do 1 case do a easea blankets 3S eases esamed rnsda 70 cases dried fruit 873 bar loaa ao pksa tea I3S sas copper cement 194 bars copper bullion Morgaa La A Tax BB, a at co 9 a5 akewbeat jb aisoro ao hi esses canned sooda to order 6(1 bbl wtna Jons 1 oar meat Wm Pagan 3 ear abeep A Bao ai aeaa cattls AycoeK, susneu steo Per stfismnhln Araasas.

rraaa Conms Christ aad Beckport 94 bdla hid 82 sks waei 76 bale skins 14 bale bsir 90 base is Use afar, gaa' La A Tax BB A SS Co 17 bale skins to Illinois Central BB 40 eases canned turtles a Dunbara Bona 3 turtle Bartboioamw Aoa ldoT JBesr Pram ealvsston 12 bales cotton Wm Blake TZXAB ANT PACTPIXT BATXBOA1X Oct 9159 bales cottun Hirrwr BM Walmslay Aoo 69 Gmnbel Bro A Mayer AO A Bocb 38 8 Bawlins 25 Harris, Parker A eo 83 Kreasner 31 Chaffe A Sena 16 8 Nicholson Aeo 15 Jnrey A Gillis 13 Kirkpa. rick Aoo 13 Wei Aco 1 2 Cbaffs A Powels VAA Meyer Ae 8 Flower Aeo 3 Kr wood A Blcbards 3 Gidlera. Day Aco 1 Max. well A Peala and aandriea to order Total 538 BT TZLXQBAFK. Nnr Tost, Oct 9 To A Moolton Ace The steamship Hndsoa, capt Freeman, arrived 8POICEX "Ratt.

Prfebaniel. from Bremen forNewOr leans Sept 13, lat 48, Ion 14 BOMXSTZO POSTS. Newport New, Oct 5 Arrived. Brit steam. snip sjumnatono, iooson.

irom uriaana for coi ai Newport. Oct 5 Sailed, eteamshin miller. Bow, for New Orieana Plain T0BXTQN POBTS. Antwerp. Oct 4 Sailed, ship Dunrobin, Scott, tor uaive.ton Hull, Oct 5 Sailed, bark wordena Dronnlng.

enrlakea. for Pen sacola Liverpool. Oct 4 bailed, bark Mark Twain, MelviUa, for Galveston. 5 balled, skip eonver. Alien, tor jmow unease LIST OP TESSELS.

rp Clsare nasi Sailed far Vow Oris OCTOBKB. 10. 1S83. BTEW TOBK. Steamshtp Excelsior, Hawthorn Oct 8 Bteamani Knickerbocker.

Kembie sid Oct 9 "Tnmafliir ftT TMItttt 'lf 3 Stsamabio Alaiara. Oct 3 NBWPOBT. Staamahip PHTLA HUPBIa. Brig Ellen Munroe, Mrs rm tH Sept 19 BOSTON. Schr Anna Pcrvers Oct 3 LTVEBPOOL.

Steamship Chancellor, KayiL ld Sept 28 axpiorer, siaca ua eept 1 Bid Aug 19 BTssmship Historian, Hnghes. ateamaam Taiazerro.3onea. sum Bnin Vancouver. Alien id Oct 5 Shi Jona Watt, aweetser. 4 Ship rred xsytor, xutey sld aept 14 tuuf jNortnamoria, joi Ma sept j.

Idff aept 13 fiui uoeio, jieaisy. Bark Maria Stoneman stoiAren aspt LONDON. Steamskip Silvertown 19 Bark Bestba, kostar. i uct a BTBLL. Bteamahip Zgyp.

Mouair.h.rrtr.kasn.aM Sept 22 BBXSTOL. Ship Walter Wallet, Berry aid Sept 16 SHIELDS. Bteamahip Lady Armstrong aid Sept 19 StSSMBSnip wpe a ateamalup Soutk jr 28 NJCWPOBT. Btaamship Nymphal, Brooks aid Sept IS Steamship Clandon, Piltnoksld Sept 18 Steamship Nitn, Marcbaat. Sept 16 Bteamahip 'r' SPt 12 TTNM.

Steamship Lady Armatrong, aid Sept 15 DUAL. Bark Bmbrovackl. 8 opt 15 i BABBOW. Staamahip Huntmgdon, Peters Sept 30 iCABDLTP. Bark Neophyte, Porter ldg Sept 14 MABSJCXLLKS.

Btsamsblp Blrmisia. Ttonlio Barb Roma. Gerslimicb 81t sept 37 nxjg mffla, aept 7 OBDJCATJX. Steamship Bordedux. Id Sept 15 Bai Lnls, Ivanelch sail Oct 1ft Bark alphoaao et Maria, to sail OctlO HAVRE.

ntaaiasbnr Fournel Id Sept 21 Bteamanlp Provincia, Ship lie Maxthe, Tranchemar, Sept 8 Sept IS BBXMXN. Ship Prtedrich, Ang28 I. Aug 82 Bark Prethaaoai, wa EESTEMTJNDE. Steamship Haawla, Plsase ld Sept 17 CABTHAGENA. Bark Gustaf Adolf, ld Sept 15 GENOA.

Bark Gtaseppe Lsnsts, Gaudolf a. aid Sept 23 Bara Lonisiaaa. Podeeta. aid aept 4 IvaAciek. ldAug87 MONTEVIDEO.

Bark Glen Grant. Aug 20 BIO DK JANEIRO. 8teamship Gaaaendi, Pym to sail Sept 23 Bark Diana, Heickan ldg Sept 1 Bark Drothiag Sofia, Svensew ldg Sept 1 STROCBOJLTSe iwf 0ar sT JrJ 4 4 FOB ST. LOUIS, CAIRO, MEM phis sad way landing Mteamer ilUlH lACI A Geo. Keith, master, J.

X. Esrle, clerk. JLesves wkDJSifiajJAY, uct. ao, at a r. ja.

1 Por freight or paaaage apply on board or to o7 td 104 Com mom street. ST. LOTIS AND BTKW OBUCANS JlNCIIOB line. FOR ST. LOUIS AND ALL 'JtJtvij laading, reserving the right aaawMsawsto pa aU landings that th captain may deem nwssf The steamer Leave at 6 P.M.

Por freight or paaaage apply to J. B. WOOD, General Agent. 44 tf 104 Common atrest. REGULAR MEMPHIS, HELENA AND MEW ORLEANS PACKET.

Leave oa WKDNSSDAY, Oct. IO, at 5 P. M. FOR JAU; 441 11:4, liJiLJtjA. Terrene, Arkansas City and all way landings The steamer HELENA, John Crane, master, Geo.

Mutenberger, clerk, lesTe positively as above. Boat reserving the right to pass all landings that the Captain may deem unsafe. For freight apply on board, or to JNO. A. WATSE, Agent, No: 53 Carondelet street, BROCKETT A CARTER, 97 Common street.

Through bill of lading signed to Camden, Little Bock and stations on the L. B. M. B. and Tex R.

end its connections Arkansas City, by BROCiLETT A CARTER, Areata. oT td UACHIT A AffGHsTA LAY A. WJisryA CO SO LID ATED OXTaCHTTA RTVEB LT3TB CABBTCG 1 1 FjU HTAifcB at. ma. fOBTKKJ lTJm, nujuttun sail 7 lam! infrs oa Ouachita and Black ew 3 Rivera, eoiraeetlnsr at Black: Hawk Point with the MABCUa COLLI SS for Stmmaport.

Cbnrehvllie, and all iamliag oa the Atcbafalaya Biver aa fares Merrill Crossing, eonneetinget Black Hawk Point witk the HERBERT The steamer H. HANNA JBliANKS a j. w. BlenkSrarAster, J. s.

Holmes, elerav will leav a obea WEDNESDAY. Oct. 10, at jp.M. a The right JsreeerVedtapaaaaU landings the captain may deem uneais, yorfrei) itor pasa rs apply P. A.

BTaak Presldenv Nos 7 Deita stree D. Hite, John A. Wsynei Gv P. Warsv Lord A Mo Pease, B. Bf! nos.

Areata a8 tf ELiCTRlC LrGHT PACIiT. AiJ KusstsQ Pont and all way land 'lass tt The inaw Ji andepm IT RArcmn. clerk. wlU leavea above TUESDAYS. THU DATS aad SATURDAYS, at 12 A I turnmg down tbe coast oa alternate days.

Mas a clerk at the bead of Con tl street daily to rectv freight. iSQ. HOBaU snaro "rrlCB Ha OAltP frClT (TJT 8TAT8S). CHAk P. TRUSLOW, Presideat; M.

S. WOOD, Barrmtadeat; iL AjA. W. KOWBT, SsWy lass through Bil of lAdmstoaUpolnt la Tkf a la eeanseUoa witk Xha Tots saA Paelfl Railway sad lta connections. For all Texas LnftmvaUon apply at oa.v omoe.

i.U'T". "kU POn RED RXV "JrPsVR COAST to PLAQUEMXBE. BAYOU LAPOURCHB tadXOWEa COAST. tar tm ua iesai ta rurat to si mi vguns st tn nsjTain. wmttars raapaaainA lis fislgtithria Daring the LOW WATER SSASOS ear smailer class boats wfH rar from 4 T.

TEX A 1T DBXA and COTTLE up and down Red River, aa far as navigation will permit, in coanection with Morgan's and Texas andPaclna BaUroadsv By application at our ofHce, a 4d Cnip streets ahlppsrs can gat THROUGH BATE8 aad fall instruction how to ship their freighta, and aR "nfbrmation will be cheerfully gtveav We are prepared ta ksndle promptly aU buafj nosafrom THIS TUa. irrPsTJt COAST nasi DONALDSONTILX.a ASSTJ flr TIONe. A. Dngas, aTaster. John Taylor, elerav leavea svery M05DAT, WZD5E8DAY and FRIDAY, at 13 omaing down tba Oaa on alternate day.

Taklns; freight for Bayott Laf ourcke, witk the privunga at rehipplag on ilatboatA B.BXVET, Agenk. TOR PLAQUEMXSB. 5 ft ct sarMr. Ti anb Ttai iwiua. nisi leave every MOSTDAY as ft P.M.


MAIL PACKET. Leare every THURSDAY, at 5 P. M. fTT FOB GREsVN VILlE, VICKS fburg aad way landinga The mag meBaeAnMiWBt nasaenaer steamer KD. mCHARDSON, Jona W.

Tobln. master. connecting as Vlckaburg with the Lin for the Yasoo and Tal tali aim hie, and at Delia with. UieV.audP. Railroad.

This boat toserves the right pas all laad mga that the captain may deem ansafaa a. P. Work, no. anney, Geo. D.

Bite, AgenTA. 7 tf PARISOT LINE. Leavea every MONDAY aad FRIDAY, at 5 FOR VICRSBURG. UfATCHEZ. Davis Bend aad all way landlnfra Th new.

fin pssseenf er ateamnr S. H. fAJEilSOX, John A. Stevenson, master, A. Mo Vey, dark, Leaves every MONDAY, st 5 P.M.

Trhe hn steamer CITY OP YAZOO, T. G. Ledbetter, master, Frank Beck, clerk, Leave svery FRIDAY, at 5 P. M. Making dn eet connacttaa at Vioksourgwtth: steamers of P.

Line for all landiaga oa th Kazoo, Tallahatchie and Snnhower RlTera. Por freight or passage apply to LORD A 123.Graviar at. BRoCKETT A CaBTEB, 07 Common at. a2b UNIT JED STATES MAIL PACKET. Leaves svwrv TUESDAY at 5 P.

M. sw FOR VICKSBURG. HATCBTEZ. TDsvis'a Band aad way landings Tbs steamer J. M.

WHITE, CamnbelL W. L. Cannoa. Xaavea a above, oonaacttna at Vicksborjr with tk P. Lino, with th Anchor line for St.

Loaia, aad at Delta with the S. aad P. G. jr. wan.

sa. aa. xlul jooa a. wavask John Jaansy.Ageata. dS 4f BATOC SARA, MEBS HANTS' AND PLANTXBS PACKET COHrAB X.

POR MEW ELXAIfS. BAYOTT Sara, Port Hudson. Baton Boaga aad coast lanoinn xne nn pa. CLINTON. J.

J. Brown, master. Theo. Jobln, leave very us day ana Friday at a p. 1L, commencing FRIDAY, September 31.

For trelrht or passssw apviv to J. K.CARUN. 35 Slatebe street. JSO.A WAYSE, S3 Caroa delet street, R. P.

BRITTOS, 6 Tchoapitoabts street, Agents. aula tf MERCHANTS' AND PLAJTTER3 PACKET co*kFAHY. OBXJEANS AMD BATONT BOTTSF. fr GROS8E TETJS R. SL, BATON ip wtt Bouge, Piaquefame, Bayoa Goana, Staamer bT.

sUUN( J. P. Mas, clerk. evwrvavUOl AAA SBd FRIDAY St P.M.' ror iravsntar aaaaaa appirtoj. a.i.ia tti.i rt.

35 Sattuies J2IO. A. WAYNE, 53 CaromU let st. Agent. myd tf IfEW ORLXANB.

BATOM ROUGH AMD bayou a a na rALJuir tuurAj y. rm FOR BAYOU SABA. PORT Mickey, Baton Bongo, Donaldson vuie ana war landinrs. EJ3WAJEUJ. 8.8,atrck.

master. Leavea MONDAY and FRIDAY at 5 P. M. Por frstght pasaag apply ea boara, sr to JOHM JAJJNEY, Common street. GEO.

D. HITE. 137 Gravter street. auStf THOMAS P. LEATHERS.

Maaaaor. Ave WXDNXSDAT. SATURDAY, ft P. M. 3 FOB BAYOU SABA, PORT BjaaayBaBoaga stssisaT fTn alaoa af Jna.

H. Hanna. I John Issaaa, aiaatar, J.M. Massop, clerk, Boat tmsrvaa tba right ta pas ail laadlnga tn eaptaia may ss am snaafe Por freight or passes apply board, arts Geo. D.


The steamssipa ax the MOBTa GERMAN LLOYD win resums thai op nexs xauas louowa Maw Orleans. HOHE5ZOLLERN, October S. Aboat WEaEB, Nevember 17. About PRICES OP PASSAGE. Southampton or Havre to Hg iw wie spin, si aw.

Prom Now Orlaaa ta Soohaarrtesv Bvr rtTtwuen sditi, aiaw. BtAsraga, gia. Prom New Orleans to Havens Cabin, gz Children adar 10 ywara, half year, ATw. h. bl Our ssrent far Texas, Mr.

J. Waldo, la huhl ia anthorlsed ta lssu taaras aas aac orAers at the following through ratast PramBiamen to Oalvaataa, g3a. The eempany reserves th nght to change th rout of th steamers, thsir advertised aaya sf depsrtureana tn or Havre ts Mew Orlaaa a by th stgsed. Far further ier narUrrsIan. srrctv tM KD.

P. KXaaAUsYEX oo. as atAlTDaTIXXsT COf INUTOM ABITA 8PMXNGS. UNITED STATES MAI TMTT.W flAMKl SUMMER ABBAMGEMENT. i will leav Milaoburg ear thaa rnva DpoV UaC, jrslaA, Plaid Jt 5t't tLB bmA fUi iiU nuaa Meriday sttd rksraaayv ftorsgj TBdarr AdagK aad.

tirvim ilaiimlwr ijit teaaiag fea jTdara tna to (Jul a wenssdavaf tor MAadavtUa Old a Landing. VT A i ry 9A.lL Hirndays, tur a snas rme man i MOSVS. SBW mm nwj IVliiO. i If arefiirviiteireT. i oy i "'jri 'ir' MT T.a rtav rve wa Suadsy Excursioaa HAL'SiaS 5aT6m TAwl rrrn nek KaskswuS lpo, had of airod affsali C3 (mmaaui (SrsgV pass aU laadiiiv aad to efas take OatglU ss UOTTZZl COAST laavaas faOawst i POM PORT MADS tr.

a. Matt 1 KAPTLlAe JSasaett. mmmUa2 T. Sfmaxaaydra, eiam. TU18DAT8 saaTTtMUltaAAAYAsa BC and SATURDAYS a il aTsC rwfnrmiw BtfNDAYS, WEDaESD A Via aaOJT RXDAT a ALYTN.

Priaik SovL elaric. MONDAYS, WEDXTESDAYS andFai DAYS, at A. for AKASTI ktaU TION. aad, whoa justilled. to th PO ATA, tmralagoa altai naisdays.

imxtklT' (: Jaa. T. CPry, master, O. Lgiar, elet TUESDAYd, THURSDAYS and SAT OB, DAYS, at 11 A. for aU freigb and it gar landing to NAIRN PitAJiTATION, r.

tnrnlag on aonaaya, WedwesJtya ana PrVlay i 9 TOS BTXBAS T. 8. Mau Btaamsr TOAIST; OUver Canton. Master. leaves MONDATB, WEDNESDAYS ad FaL.


P. Aacoln. master, Edw. Kiosae. clark.

levea every TUESDAY, THURSDAY aaA SATURDAY, at 13 aL, taking treigbt tor Bayou Lafourche, with the pnvllec of rw shipping oa tl at hosts. B. RIVET. AAsnt. lAHDura at all riTMia to beceivm sa STEA dTsh*tS, MOBGAKTB LOUIHXANA AND TSXAS B41T.BOAD AMD STaUMkyECIPT COMPANY.

CORPUS CHBJ8TI AMD BROW SM VLLkV TByaiaa Fields sa, at 7:15 A. iZfrsaualns itm saa City at 13 thar oesneaUns; wiub staa. plyiag from Morgan City ia eanneeoea wiik and Tsxas TOH OOnrrrsi imnr nr Will sail mna Varna i araNsas AvUt AAAJAT. OCk 1(V The iron stsamaf XJT A x. win MONDAY A AMD THTTRSDAYaV LlgbbBtar at Carpaa Chrlsti Uf any) at IJghtsrag at Brass lif ay)atrlskaf gi.i 9mm Mt.

Ti .1 Raioad.foojt at Lafayvtt straat, daily, ur i TirksTs anfl sffnniiims aaainail iiiiui f. arenf rttUnm, nrnth fwrf iSl11SS Th aTSWa tag el depart ur. A. HUTCHINTSON, Praaldsnt. J.

0. SCHBIE VER, Traifl Msaaga. aiWf Oorser Magaalae aad aTatobe fa. TORkW MOaMtAWB LA. AMD TEXAS B.


The Mmmsaia MOBQAN OITYV sinsMr mAigisrssm TUESDAY. Oct. p. JSC XMBUBAN CM TO BMW YOsUL FEB OMBTTt Freight tor tbaabov port received as a pat of Morgan' aad Tsxas BallxsaA loot at DaXuystt street, dsiiy, aatu ft P. A.

kVtxjHTJTSON, Prsalflsat. 4. smjaasu A nut. Tram THM CROMWELL LTNM, POM SIV TOBI DIXIOT. TasaU sa.

SATURDAY. Oct. 13. aa 8 A. Tnia iTaaiai JLSlCE sBOCKEB, HUDSON, Louisiana.

mmwoblmamb. NiiW OTRT.TriATg a i jrnisarrsmrwharx. foot or TmimM INBOMANCM BT THIS T.T7IM PER CJXBT ilia rstsarai 'Pralrkt far UvrtotM. Br Ir i try tb la Tina and throngh ItlUg a vest iar tn iraigns pa ge aypiy a AI.BBirn MuIILTOW A riTA. 1 Carondelet CMUZ.

POR VESA CRUZ VIA GALVESTOM. The Al iron rtasjnahip whitney; Cspt.P.w.BIaxlv WlU leave from Algiers on rUEaDAY, ootooor 18, 5 P. M. Passengers take Margaa'a ferryboat, foot Of XlysiaB Fields street, at 6 P. M.

Caoin gg Bteeratr paaaair. 3S Round trip ti casts So received wlUiOTt erdexn, nor rreiftnt pasaag apply A. C. president. J.

G. 8CHR1EVER, Tram Maaager. s20 Office cor. Msg sins and Match st. VERA CRCk, VIA BAGDAD IStATAStu' ros.

Tampiaa aad Tmxpaa, swerlg witk stosmarsfor Havaaa and Nsw 1 ork. The steamship Cspt, A. O. ijuery, sail SUNDAY. Oct.

14, at a A. M. Par ijatxht or pssns sa apply to SkA W. A. lUttSA, AIWA ar Gravier aad CaradItsi a33'83 ly BwurAwt( Weila.

Fsras Ac CsVe Ki Omea. 18a Gravier street, will basAA ahioi for th City ot Mexico aad ail otbar potaia la i the Republic of Mot too. Psrtles shlppiag mast always furnish Invoices af content paeav age. Blank larroloee hirklatisa an appllflSBaa atthiaaaioe. myl tf T.


Oct. 25, 1883. MOBQAN. TH17BSDAY, Nov. 1883.

Passengers tak Morgan' ferry Uoat, foot Elyiiisa a ialds street, at 7:15 A.M. Superior passenger ecmsodatloaa At freights wlB be received at Morgan sisaa nd Texaa Railroad depot, foot of Lsfsyewa sUast. For freirht and psssagsapply to A.C. HUTXIHINsOi, Prasulent, J7at bckRlSVKA. Tradifl MaaagSBj oa tf Corner Msmg igjJgg i i.i'.n unr.

9tM.Ta, 4 wialBHAB raV8. TAMPA mtr0m Mnatse.Taw Th stoams'iia s.fuiiii JAUI1TJ'I' Jaa. ate at maater, wftr lesv hs'lndb3fb foetoX Liberty sueeAV Zt KZon. OISflAV. October 3.

at 4 P. vot frelsJit or pasaare ari'ly to fwii ttxfv.Qj aBd3 hi a rsr street. St. NO frefrlit will rsceived wi tboat aa atom mm umceu wm Vw' CItTlAll' VTS apjs ryrEB pioneer LrsraV Tae new nrst iron staatior. m.

"8wV OTJ2RI, "is txf pizzatf. maev, wUl leav dirvr for Bustai, "fnxUi, ftifV. Bonaccaaad HodarA ft SATC1; UAY, ef 't UStft V.JA' LUiaAxt eisa U. tm jrs bv AJiI, Jtti i ir, M. Pissad, master, win leave for the above mentioned port aa WEDNESDAY.

Oct. IO. Forfreightar paaoppjf 23 and 75 South Front street, near uraviac. mkad'83 Ly if.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.