Two elusive stories... - Quicksand Fans (2024)

You mean this abomination? I found it by searching Google's usenet search. Two elusive stories... - Quicksand Fans (1)

Cheerleaders -- We're in This Together
by Duncan M. Edwards

As is typical for a late September day in southern Alabama , it was hot
enough to drive with the windows up and the air-conditioner on . That
was the way that the girls in both cars preferred it anyway. Melted
make-up and wind blown hair were two things frowned upon by properly
raised , young ladies thereabouts. Both vehicles turned and bounced down
a narrow dirt road that ran parallel to a shallow , meandering river .
The river turned back on itself to form a horseshoe with a narrow
opening . At the top of the horseshoe was a small , muddy lake that
formed whenever there was a heavy rain and stayed until there was an
extended dry spell . It was a bleak place , heavily wooded on one side
and all cattails and reeds on the other . Nothing could have looked more
out of place than the six perfectly made up , coiffured , young ladies
that got out of the cars as they stopped nearby. Five of the six wore
the uniforms of cheerleaders from the local high school , the sixth was
clad in designer shorts and a halter top . All of the girls carried the
look of proper upbringing , athletic grace , and youthful beauty . To
call them merely "pretty" would be an injustice , they were fabulous
babes if ever any existed .
Of the six young ladies present , there was one who was always in
charge by virtue of the fact that she , Rebecca , was known as "the
smart one." Rebecca had a close friend in the squad , Michelle , who
shared her attributes. The two were inseparable and were often referred
two as "Picard and Riker" by the rest . The five in uniform lined up and
faced the other and began to exchange words.....

"Cheryl , do you know why we brought you way out here in the boonies ?"
asked Rebecca .

Cheryl glanced down at the ground and then turned her eyes up toward
Rebecca . With half a smile she said "So you could tell me that I made
the squad ?"

"That's right !! Congratulations!! " Smiled Rebecca as she extended her
arms in a welcome hug. The other girls crowded around and did likewise .
All of them were happy to have Cheryl on the team.

Cheryl had never been accused of being overly bright and as the
congratulations died out even she was beginning to suspect that all was
not what it seemed .

"You didn't have to bring me way out here just to tell me that....."

"No ," said Rebecca , as the others all repressed grins and took a half
step toward Cheryl. "We brought you out here so we could throw you in
the lake !!"

"No way!!"

Cheryl made a quick turn and bolted away from the gathered cheerleaders
. Utilizing her skills from the track team she quickly put some distance
between herself and the pursuing threesome of Debbie, Tamara and Robin.
Rebecca and Michelle laughed and brought up the rear of the chase .
Cheryl disappeared into the trees and scrub at the far side of the lake
only a few steps ahead of the next three. She probably could have
outdistanced them but something got in her way . Heading for a clearing
on the shoreline she jumped down a small bluff the height of a porch
step. Her muscled legs carried her for a few more steps before she fell
on her knees in what felt like a muddy water bed. Debbie, Tamara and
Robin , propelled by their own momentum stumbled right in behind her ,
one on top of the other . At first there was laughter , then disgust ,
and then some unladylike words as they tried to stand up . Cheryl tried
to push up with her hands only to find that her legs immediately sank
into the mud up to her thighs. She felt the ground falling out from
beneath her as the mud climbed up the toned curve of her derriere and
swallowed her designer shorts. The other three cheerleaders stumbled ,
twisted , and clutched each other for support as they joined a similar
descent into the mud. Rebecca and Michelle came running up and stopped
just short of sharing their fate at the edge of the flat , muddy , bog.

"What have you guys gotten into now ?" laughed Rebecca as she watched
the continuing struggle.

"Uh...Rebecca...I think I've got the answer here." said a now straight
faced Michelle as she pointed to a sign on a tree just behind them. The
sign brought no joy in its discovery.....It read simply...


Stunned silence lasted almost two seconds as the weight of their
distress fell on them and then panic set in . A chorus of terrified
teenage voices erupted from the bog and then all grew silent again as
they set their eyes on Cheryl. She had been the first one in and time
was shortest for her . As her buoyant breasts strained briefly against
her halter top she stretched out her right arm and pleaded....

"Oh God , Rebecca , help me please's deep....I can't ..."

Tears filled her eyes and completed her sentence as the mud rose to her
shoulders . The rest of the girls remained silent as they watched Cheryl
leading their descent into the quicksand . Just as in the chase , they
weren't far behind . Cheryl felt the mud close over her shoulders and
extended her arms as far toward the others as she could reach. Robin ,
now submerged to her armpits , reached out for her . The silence was
broken only by Cheryl's plaintive , sob choked , cries . The inaction
was broken by Rebecca finally gathering her senses and acting to save
her friends. Just as the life-saving class at the YWCA had taught her ,
she began with steady encouragement .

"Hang on girls , we'll get you out ."

"Just don't freak !" added Michelle.

Rebecca reached behind her , unzipped her uniform and pulled it over
her head. Instinctively , Michelle did the same . Both girls , tall
graceful brunettes , stood clad only in their lacy underthings ,
revealing reasons besides pep , for their being cheerleaders four
straight years. Rebecca tied the uniforms together and stepped into the
quicksand . She kept adjusting her balance as the ooze hungrily devoured
her beauty . She was up to her waist before she could toss the end of
her makeshift rope back to Michelle on firm ground. Wrapping one end
around her wrist , she reached as far as she could for the nearest
cheerleader , Debbie , the tiny , strawberry blonde .

"Make a chain....hold hands....hang on tight...." Rebecca reached as far
as she could and came just a little bit short of grabbing Debbie's hand
. Michelle tried to extend her reach by adjusting her grip on the tree
she was holding on to .... Almost there , just another inch....and...
She felt the bark under her arm lose its grip on the tree . Gravity and
Rebecca's weight combined to hurl her forward , face first , into the
brown depths . Everything seemed to go into slow motion as she put her
arms forward to stop her fall . She stopped only after she was consumed
up to the elbows and her ample bosom left heaving only centimeters over
the surface.
Rebecca had seen her friend go flying past her and now looked down in
horror as her own figure was swallowed by the bog . Her long waist , her
stomach , tanned and flat , her delicate bosom in its lacy carriage from
Victoria's Secret , all disappeared as she watched the quicksand
envelope her like her boyfriend's sleeping bag , warm and up to her neck
. Transfixed , she watched as Cheryl , her arms raised skyward , her
long , blonde hair stained brown , grasped at Michelle's hand and sank
up to her eyes. Debbie , still holding Rebecca's hand , pulled herself
toward Rebecca dragging Robin with her . Frantic struggling to save
each other and themselves only aggravated their desperate situation.
They were all only minutes away ,at best, from going under .
Michelle lunged again for Cheryl's extended hand and managed ,this time
, to get a tentative grip . Michelle imagined that some unseen demon
must be holding her back, pulling her down to the doom that she had just
kept Cheryl from , if only for a minute or two. She was sure that she
could feel some monster holding on to her, its tentacles wrapped around
her muscular calf . She began to do battle with this new enemy,
determined that the inevitable end would not come without a fight .
Suddenly Michelle stopped struggling . She loosed her grip on Cheryl's
hand and reached down into the mire as far as she could , it wasn't far
enough . Michelle plunged both arms into the quicksand as far down as
she could , closed her eyes and inhaled deeply , a look of resignation
on her face. Death was creeping up on all of them but Cheryl couldn't
bear to watch what she thought was happening before her.

"No ! Michelle, please no ! Don't give up , pleeeeze !" Cried Cheryl in
a voice that went beyond mere pleading. Cheryl couldn't watch and
closed her own eyes as Michelle went under in the quicksand . Rebecca ,
lunged at the spot where the last of Michelle's long , dark , hair was
floating on the surface , following her down . She fell short by
several inches of one last touch of her best friend . All hope was
abandoned now , all the girls began crying if they hadn't already been
doing so , from Tamara came a fervent prayer as her shoulders
disappeared from sight.

"Our Father , Who art in Heaven ....."

The girls jointly closed their eyes to avoid the terror of seeing each
other join Michelle under the bog . Cheryl could feel herself slipping
back into her grave and , wanting to see the world one last time ,
opened her eyes . An ear splitting scream came from her opened mouth ,
her exhausted legs kicked up , her arm seemed to grow by several inches
and she reached out for a last grasp......a last grasp at Michelle's
arm , waving above the surface and clutching salvation ......a rope !

"Look ! Look ! " Was all she could get out . Her final lunge gave her a
good purchase on Michelle's hand and the rope that it clutched in a
death grip . The other cheerleaders , thinking that they had just heard
Cheryl's last gasp, were shocked to hear her frenetic , cries . Opening
their eyes they saw Cheryl pulling herself toward them with one hand
and reaching down for Michelle with the other. Rebecca felt herself
being pulled down as she pulled her legs and body into as flat and
straight a line as she could manage. She too grasped the rope and wound
it around her hand , her other hand went to feel for Michelle . She
grabbed a handful of Michelle's thick tresses and wound those around
her other hand . Pulling with all their might , they struggled hand over
hand , toward the bank . Tugging with every fiber in their athletic ,
young bodies , they brought Michelle's face above the surface . Michelle
broke the surface , emotion visible through the muddy blob that was
her face . Gasping , choking , crying , sputtering , she joined the tug
- of -war with the quicksand , helping pull herself and her teammates
toward solid ground .

"Pull ! " was the only thing that Rebecca could get out . She opened her
legs and wrapped them around Debbie in a powerful embrace . Debbie
grabbed Tamara's hand and Robin wrapped her arms around Tamara . Cheryl
, Michelle and Rebecca could now use both hands each to drag the
collected squad toward the bank of the bog but the quicksand was now
catching up with the girls on the end of the chain .

"Hurry ! We're sinking.....Hurry! Robin's going under and
I...mmphf....ppphhhfff...ugh " was the last thing that Tamara was able
to get out before the two enjoined girls sank to their eyeballs .
Rebecca , arms straining past any workout she had ever put herself
through , felt her knee squish into relatively solid mud . Her breath
went in and out of her and the other girls in great gasps as they pulled
, struggled , stumbled , their way out of the earth's deadly embrace .
Pulling on the rope they saw Tamara and Robin emerge from the quicksand
and begin to drag themselves to solid ground . Breathless , naked and
filthy , they collapsed on the ground in wordless silence , the rope
that saved them tangled around them all.

After a full ten minutes of exhausted silence , they all began to sit up
and take notice of the wonderful rope that saved them . Apparently ,
whoever had nailed the danger sign to the tree had tied this rope around
its base for any future unfortunates . Michelle's finding it wrapped
around her leg was just the kind of coincidence that they could only
pray for . They all took turns hugging each other , crying , laughing in
near hysteria at their miraculous deliverance and their current ragged
state .

It was Robin who finally posed the question that had been overlooked
from the beginning . "Cheryl , what on earth did you run away for ? You
can't be afraid of the water , we all go swimming together . Don't tell
me that you were afraid of us ?"

"Oh no . It was nothing like that . " said Cheryl with her eyes toward
the ground .

"Then what was it ? What in the world did you make us chase you into
this awful mess for ?"

Cheryl looked up sheepishly , her mud covered face hiding the red that
was spreading through her cheeks . "It was nothing like that . It's just
that I had my hair done this morning and I didn't want to mess it up . "

Silence. No one said a word .

Rebecca stood up with her mouth open and stared back at Cheryl . The
silence was broken as Rebecca , the leader of the squad , the
cheerleaders , cheerleader , one who had almost died trying to save them
all , gave a command , in a humorless monotone ....

"Throw her back in ......"

Six beautiful girls , embraced by slime , would never again care quite
so much about their appearance .

It's a dirty job but I got to do it for over 20 years. Thank you.

Two elusive stories... - Quicksand Fans (2024)
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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Last Updated:

Views: 5975

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (46 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.