The Commercial Appeal from Memphis, Tennessee (2024)

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I 18 THE COMMERCIAL APPEAL MEMPHIS SATURDAY MORNING NOVEMBER 25 1933 FEMALE WANTED -II RIVER NOTES Special Announcement of Sunday Services Sit JOBS (INOEO SPECIH Glim IIIM Teeilmoiilal meeting pm Wednesday Reading room 1101 Farnsworth Building open week days 6 am 16 1 pm i HELLENIC No 166 North Third Father Timothy Hountrae paabir Prayer am Holy Mass 10:30 am Sunday school 6:30 am NEW LOW RATES For Classified Advertisem*nts THE DAILY COMMERCIAL APPEAL AND THE BUNDAY COMMERCIAL APPEAL Rate par Una 25c minimum eharga 2 line 80a Count five average word to lln la-cluding name and addr pared" and 7:30 pm and Hanc-tmrd by lincf Alone" Hahhailt echnol 9:35 am laiih mlmuna lu am Prayer meeting 730 pm Wednesday GRACE COVENANT Poplar and Clay brook Tlif Kr tllrard Low paalor Mrrvlrra II am and pm Bunday school a in Christian Endeavor a 30 pm ITayrr meeting 7:30 pm Wed-nuday LI MW AT MEMORIAL Tulwllar and Dh'kmann Dr Jnaiah Sibley paalor Mervire 1 Am "Till Gladneea ci Thanksgiving" and pm "Tha 450th Anmvrraary uf Marlin Luthtr and Miller-lam" Mumlay school 945 am Chrlalmn rrmrAL (Sunday Niii Before Advent) FT MARY CATHEDRAL (Gnlkir Memorial I The Vry Kr IhI II Ni dnin Hnly Communion 7:15 am Churni school 5:30 am Adult Bible Class lu am Monunx prascr and mmng 11 ia Young People's Service League pm CALVARY CHI' The Kev Charles Hiaisdell DD rector Maly Cnmmiin-Ina 7:30 am Churrh echool and Bible dan 0:30 am Morning prayer and vr-moa 11 a Young People' Sendee Leacue 6:30 pm GRACE CHURCH -The Rf William 1 Tho Civil Worko Administration Bratton rarlnr Hilly Communion am chuiYh whnnl Lra I'm Position of Federal Barg Lina towboats In nautical miles from New Orleans as re-ported lo the radio atatloa at local headquarters at o'clock last night: Mlnnyola at St Louis Gulfport south bound Pull Tight 1140 Hoover north hound Leming 1023 Iowa south brand Gold ggg Missouri north bound Hale hie Tow bead 794: Nalchei south bound and Cairo north bound at Four Mile Ha you 741 Mobile north hound Jose Harry Tow head 732 Memphis north bound Ilia-wars 405 Vicksburg north hound Fancy (hmiih win ruu rmarw Point 140: Birmingham and Baton Rouge at New Orinne at new Orleans RIVER BULLETIN (Oheervatkme taken at am 75th Meridian Time) Flood Slags Height Rise Fan xObservatlon yesterday iDay before yeeterday RIVER FORECAST Tha Mississippi In this district al Cotton wood Point and above will rise It will change little below Cottonwood Point MENACE OF MOVIES Dr Fred articles on Menace of the Movies" will be discussed by the Adult Bible Class of the First Unitarian Church (Free Church of America) at 9:45 o'clock tomorrow at the church Prof Hughes the class leader Died At the Baptist Memorial Hospital Friday afternoon November 24 1933 FennleAranV' 'hmrtur I Rv' 5lloway Md Rev Fannie Arnof of McCrory Ark brother vnonr inianenu eiHnt of Joseph Arnof of New York City I Arnof nf MeCrnry Ark Mrs Mag Nathan of Shreveport La and Miaa Ruth Arnof of MeCrnry Ark Funeral will taka place from the Bpencer- Bturla chapel 1745 Union Avenue Du notice nf time will be given A Churrh Bunday morning 25 1933 6t 11:30 o'clock eondurled Young Interment churrh ermttrry Funeral Home in charge of Phone 3-2755 ALL OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF len St 'Friday afternoon November 24 1 Adah Chapter No 2 re-132 at 4:30 Lucy Young Brownlee aged quested to meet at the rnldence 875 Walk- 80 yean wilt of Sa Mn Atkin Young ofBrownavllla Tenn and Mra ry Young Brewnlea aged Bam Brownlee sister of in of Memphis a vine Tenn nnd Mra quested meet at tne rninenn arn I Nwi Si MjM Come prepared to attend the I funeral of slater Sarah Haeklne Blatar Margaret Wilkin of Braden Tennessee Funeral service conducted by the Rev Wright will be held from Thom puna Brother' Mortuary No 257 Adam Ave Saturday afternoon al 2 o'elork Friend Invited Interment In Elmwood Cemetery At residence 695 Vane Avenue Friday morning Nov 24 133 at 6:30 o'clock Jamb Goldsmith aged 53 years hueband of Dora Otlenheimer Goldsmith father of Mian Sophia Goldsmith Mr Sadie Kerxherg Fred Ella and Leo Goldsmith all of this city Mra Fanny PROPOSALS Proposal will be received by the Board of Water Commiuioner City of Memphis Water Department at Ita office Ibiodaryn Initltuta Building Memphis Tennessee nr any other governmental agency nr Haiiimnr Maryland brother nf Lnula wcilnrsdny November 29 1933 for fur- of Baltimore FREE CHl'RCH OF AMERICA FIRST Vnnca and Bellevue The Rev John Clarane Peirle minister Lunsford Rohlnsod Ph minister emeritus Service at 11 am "Karl Ralh'i Courage' me Defiance of Adolph Hiller" Church school 6:30 am Adult Bible Claes "Tha Menace nf the Muviaa'' by Prof Hughes UNITY CENTER OF Nelson Building 1352 Madison The Rev Elsie Carr leader krrvlcee ll am "Tha One Foundation" and 7:45 pm "Tha Relation God's Sulislanre to Man's Supply" Sun' day school 8:30 am Healing meeting :45 pm Wednesday JEHOVAH'S IVITNEKNEN MEMPHIS Pythian Temple 138 North Third Bible study 7:30 pm I IURCH OF if riRST-10411 Vulllntlne The Rev Elmer Hurst paelnr Service! morning ler- am 6:30 pm l-ATTKR DAY SAINTS CHURCH OK JKSL'S CHRIST- 741 Barrel! James A Walker president 8er-vlcea 7 do pm with sermon "Tha Second Great Commandment of Jesus" I Elder Minor Hunday school 10:30 Mutual improvement Aesncidtton 5 Tuesday pi lest hood Relief Society Thursday I OMiRKUATIOXAL Watkins and Eastmorelaml Dr Robert A George pastor Thanksgiving Bunday Service 11 am "Is God Good In Evrryucdy?" Church school 6:45 am Young People' 7 pm NAZAHKNK FI Chelsea and Manasaaa Dr Dodson pastor Closing of silver jubilee anniversary Services 11 am Thsnaagivmg program and miasloa oner-Ing and 7:30 pm "God's Superabundant Provisli'n" Bunday school rally day am 8 6:30 pm SOUTH BIDE 307 East Trigg- The Rev Beckum paetor Begin fall evangelistic campaign Preaching by tha Rev Mrs Harrington of Nashville 11 am and 7:30 pm Sunday school tally day 6:45 am RIRIJS CLASHES GLENVIEW Glenview Presbyterian Churcn am "Capacity Day" FeathereUine speaker Musis by Canaday's orchestra English Room of Hotel Peabody 8:45 am Mrs Ingram teacher A Tribble In charge of program WELCH MEN'S Central Raptlit Churrh am Dr Rafferty teacher GOD AIDING HUMANITY Dr Georse Scoffs At Ilesvenly Bankruptcy Fears The First CongregRtional Church will observe Thanksgiving Sunday tomorrow morning with a special service at 11 o'clock Dr Robert A George minlater will preach on God Good to Every-body?" He will aay that through the government ia undertaking to be so good to ao many that gome wise heada are afraid that He will go bankrupt" and that theology and pagan mythology once affirmed that God was cross with everybody except a chosen few but God has been getting much better all the Fair and warmer Saturday Sunday mostly cloudy and colder possibly light rain in north portlun Louisiana Fair warmer In north portion Saturday Sunday partly cloudy warmer In smithes a I portion Mississippi Fair warmer In north and west portion! Saturday Bunday partly cloudy warmer in cast portion Partly cloudy warmer In northwest portion Saturday Sunday partly cloudy warmer Extrema Northwest Partly eloudy Saturday and Sunday somewhat warmer Sunday Partly cloudy warmer Satur- Sunday partly cloudy cooler Oklahoma Partly rloudy warmer In eaxt portion Saturday Sunday fair cooler Flair warmer In north and went portions Saturday Sunday partly cloudy cooler In north portion North Carolina Fair (lightly warmer in west portion Saturday Sunday mostly eloudy and warmer possibly light rain la extrema west portion Smith Fair allgtitly warmer In extreme northwest portion Saturday Sunday fair and wnrmer Fair Saturday and Sunday warmer Sunday Florida -Generally fair except probably shower in extrema south portion Saturday turetay r' Bot hi tempera- W'est Fair Saturday and -Sundny eooler Sunday txcept la southwest por- Fair and warmer Salurdav followed by light rain Saturday night ur Sunday colder Sunday Inrreaaing rioudln and warmer possibly light rain In north portion Saturday Sunday cloudy followed by colder in north and central portions Partly eloudy and wanner Saturday with unsettled at night Sunday generally fair followed by solder ia west and north port ton nccurred ha lower Mis-lljp Vniley whna anow was reported HlMllppl Valley Tempera Tf Oklahoma and tha middle and lower Mississippi Valley It la warmer In tha Rocky Mouniafa and Jh plains states Skies are eloudy over middle and upper Mlsilalppl Valley 0hn Valley Xleewhera elr weather pravaila DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE WEATHER BUREAU Temperature Rainfall last 24 hra laat 13 Sialbm Weather 7 pm hlxh low hr Abilene dear Amarillo dear Asheville dear Atlanta dear Cairo eloudy Calvary rain Chattanooga dear chlrago dear Dallas dear fe Hlo dear Denver rlear IFhIk City dear El rlear Fort Smith rlear Galveston dear Huron rlear Jacksonville dear Kanaaa City clear Knoxville dear Little Rock dear 1w Angeltx rlear tmlevlile clear MEMPHIS rlear Minneapolis cloudy Monlvomcry clear and Ieadore Goldsmith noth of thi city and Mn Dina Gcorgin of Germany The body will lie in slate at the Norri Funeral Home Union at Bellevue until o'clock tomorrow (Sunday) morning and thereafter at tha Congregation Children nf Israel Temple Poplar i Montgomery Streets until 11 o'clock at which lima service will be conducted by Dr Harry Ftlalmn Friend nr Invited Interment in Congregation Child res eral nf Israel Cemetery nisMng Clan lengths Water Above WHITE housekeeper board room small aalary 11 Commercial APpeaL WANTi4ALKMiN 16 IF YOU ran actually sell apaeulatiw stock arc willing to work stay sober and ell clean wa have a real deal for you Must work In Tennessee No toper advance artists pr bunker seed apply This 1 clean-cut high-claas propositi' at that offers pra-depreeslun opportunities If you can qualify -Apply with references Oil Ga Comration 1207 James Bldg Chattanooga Tenn LIFE INSURANCE-salesman for Tri-Statee Attractive contract with opportunity for advancement ottered qualified applicants Give age experience addrcea and Phone number 10 Commercial Appeal MEN wanted Bell shirt No experience neceeaary Free eamplre Commlnlon dvanc Part or full tuna Free ties wllti fit1- The Albs Company Dept MO Fifth Ave New York man who knovfs aulo aeat cover paint and aup pile to In tha Trl -State call on dealer and shupa Good propoaltlon Farber Bros 483 Unlaa Apply In peraon after 4 o'clock ppypAPT" advertisem*nt re advised not to forward original ree-ommandatloii Coplea will do The orirlnal Prarontcd when tha interview ia innud the General Appllancvliorp ia opening thle territory can use thrak clean cut salesmen to sell tha Wfuatlonal Weed Cordless electric iron Sea Mr Knoch 735 Dermon Bldg -y-o FKurr treeb' and Baleemen Wanted Write for Termo Concord Nuraeriea Dept 65 Concord Ga AJSfNd Give miiiiona llfcBrs elllng Ilka wildfire Big profits Xlvrrlaat-big Match Co 443 Dearborn Chlcaga' UVU 4a lAji MSN to fcandla a HhiUaIm dow 4rr--i -5B aoeUltllne B-6893 Situations Mala an experienced farmer- on before Jan 1 Mfgt plantation tn 'manage can run store or keep the bonk fm ss YOUNG man 38 derire poaitkm af mc EIht years clerical experience Bookkeeping" typist Mien COLORED man want yr exp Rtf corporation Box 198 ancounllng Greenville want 2-0375 Job as Janitor: Situations remala 19 MIDDLE aged widow companion houaa-wPK' E11' Burn can leave clly 180- Commercial Appeal ELDERLY lady warns mires or aa housekeeper ton a one B87 Polk BL NURSE Complete massage qulefsj mdhea nerves Apply 500 Vance 8-2515 EXP eouk good ref Wants jub in pri-vnta kome Phone 2-5885 COLORED girl wants Job aa couk meld nr nurae Ref 2-2335-J COLORED Trained nurse temporary-nf permanent 3-2806 -J MONEY TO LOAN AUTO LOANS Exclusively $25 TO $300 CASH While-U-Wait NO No Co-Makers Your Car Ib tbe Only Collateral Required You Keep the Car REFINANCE your present contract if your payments are too lArjre Also additional money if deaired All Dealinge Strictly ConfidentinL Borrow and Drive Oh VW Union Hnd Planter Bk Bldg WHY W0RBY? PAY YOUR BILLS WITH OUR CASH We will lend you up tn $7) without indorsem*nt or mortgage lo $300 on furniture or nutomobile This offers an opportunity to owe just one company instead of many and to make only one monthly payment inetead of several HERMITAGE LOAN CO 551 SHRINE BIno PHONE B-dniL MEN WANTED WHO NEED A LOAN ON FURNITURE AND AUTOMOBILES We would Ilk tn meet men (and women too) whu could make good usa of a loan nf 1300 nr less and repay a small amount monthly Par full Informs Una about our plan write phnr Beneficial Finance Co 208 STERTCK SLUG Third and Madison jfi-2T2C) NEED MONEY? Immediate Canh Without Itolny For Steadily Kmployed People Quick Confidential Service See Ua Today JOHNSON COMPANY 284 Shrine Building LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES Furniture or Personal Property Southern Finance Cn 557 Farnsworth Bldg Hi? I LOANS OF 125 to 8T0M made' in rceponsllile parlies A new plan romliinlng a kuin and saving fralur I'eraonal Indorsem*nt Automobile ur iHHieeholil g)eda arurpfed ml-lateral "You will Ilk our plan 6 pel cent Interest 12 monlha to riay STRATTON CO OH Union a Planter Rank Bldg AUTOMOBILE LOANS A I JIG MlANB GN HGI'KKIIGLII (iGODB AND ALL I'ERAONAL PROPERTY Memphis Security Co 211-2-3 Sterick Pldjr fi-17f7 QUICK MONEY 1555 Iq wllhnul rnduraer Twn-lvHir m-rvlea Siruily Ccnlideniisl PURKS COMPANY Hurrerimr In WOOD COMPANY 415-lt EXCHANGE HLDG FI RBT-ilOBTOAGE- U)ANli Arrangad on imall home vacant Inf Riihtirban anreaga from 3155 to 2Ml Note refinanced Pavmcnl reduced More money advanced While nr rnlored Find mnrlgai note bought and wild Com and No charg for a rhaL MAI7K IIP GOOOWTN INST BllHI Money lor Employed People BEK UB FIRST PIIGMIT SERVICE CENTRAL DISCOUNT CO giFll)KLITy BANK BIDG AUTGMdUiLKi)ANS SPECIAL liOW RATE 50 for 6 mo 1515 total I 6515 8155 for mo ln25 tolal inn15 nun for 15 mo 11625 total 311626 FRlEDLANDEIt'B FINANCE CO 1U2 Cnlumlrtin Tower AV" ME ENTITLED" 'TO' MONEY nn ynur olif Ilf Inniirance pollrles Free information Bring inline INHI'HANCE ADJUSTMENT BUREAU 245 STERICK BLDG 5-11'rt uia'niT Gn ninmnnd Jewelry anil Silverware JOSEPH A GOODMAN FINANCE CO 43 S-plin Main Street IconUausd oe kui Pag' At raaldenc 1590 Madison Avenue Friday aflernoon Nov 24 1913 at 3:50 o'clock Eva Gregory Sturgeon aged 40 years wife nf Frank Sturgeon daughter of Mr Ballla Gregory of Rnaa- At S75 Walker Av Nov 22 1933 at 3 pm Mrs Sarah Haskia hehnred stepmother of Mr Waller Hae-kin Mrs Jennie McCfrkle aunt of Mra Dona Barger: great aunt of Mrs Mabel C'di: other relatives and friends to mourn their loss Funeral Saturday Nov 25 from First Rapllst Church St Paul Avenue 2 ltev Fuller will officiate interment In Ml Carmel Cemetery Arrangements by Marshall A Ford Mortuary 3M Fourth Bt Phone -2J7 1355 KenneSy At residence 91 reel Wedneedey hori 22 HH3- pm Walter Morgen husband of Mrs Amanda Morgan: lather of Mlasea Heal- rice Warrlne and Jeaele Lee Mnrgan brother of Mies Beesle Morgan of Duinaa Ark Morgen of Denver Col Remains at above reaidenea Saturday after 8 pm Funeral conducted by Rev A John eon assisted by Rev Houston from Martin Temple Church Bunday at 2 pm Mra Culls Thomas dlrertrese Phone 2-0052 At Shelby County Hospital Nov 22 1933 Lewis Malone Sr father of Messrs Lewis Jr Joseph Hell! and Zach Melon Mme Maggie Douglass and Harriet Mine grandfather of Mrs Belli Wllliani father-in-law of Mra Betti Malone Remains at the residence 1378 North De- eatur Street this (Saturday) after 7 Pm Funeral servlets conducted by the Rev K' Bell from Freedom Baptist Church this (Sunday) Nov 2d 1933 at 1:30 o'clock Interment In Churrh Cemetery Hayrs A Langetnu funeral directors 399 North Second Street Phones 8-1345 and 8-1348 At residence 393 Jon re Street Nov 22 1933 al 10:04 am Lilli Robinson wife nf Mr Jaiuei Robinson mother of Mrs Mary Elder daughter of Ltxrl Johnlgan sister of Mrs Pearl Garrett Mr and Mrs Cleveland Brackett of Clarkiriale Mies niece nf Laura Clay bron grandmother of Pearl Yvonne Elder and other relative and friends la mourn their loss Re-nairr at the above residence this fSat-urdayi after 5 pm for wake Funeral Sunday Nov 20 1933 at St Paul Baptist church at pm The Rev Roberta and the Rev Roberta will officiate Interment In Ml Carmel Cemetery Oates A Sons funeral directors 317 Auction Avenue Phonee 8-1148 and 8-1147 WOODSON At General (Hospital Wednesday Nov 22 1935 Mra Malinda Wi odooo mother of Miss Sarah Wnodann Mra Bnphmnl Joyce Mra Peral Hnllowell inter of Mr George I'hllllpa Mr Will Phillip Mrs Mary Jones Mra Augusts Johnson mother-in-law of Mr Alex Hollo-well Mr Bennie Joyce foster mother of Mr Nelson Vaughn aiateMn-law of Mra Lettle Phillips grandmother of Vernon Alex Jr Eddi Lee Verdell Hnllowell Mrs Virginia Oliver and Oort Woodaon dear friend of Mrs Fannie Hughes and Gertrude Hughes cousin of Mr and Mrs Arthur Lauderdale Ml Carrie Williams Mr Minnie lAwenn and a host of other relatives and friends to mourn their Ins Member nf Avery Chapel- Wake this (Saturday) night Nov 25 1913 altar 6:30 pm al the residence 1194 raver Street Funeral will be held al Phoenix Chapel Nov by Mr Southern arrangements chapter ar Invited SISTER IDELLA DEAN SISTER SARAH BROWN Secy BRO EDD REED IEG4L NOTICES fob Memphis Tsnn freight prepaid: 11595 lined) feet nf 24-Inch Sand Cast Cast Iron Pipe In 13-foot or pipe manufactured by th centrifugal and 60000 lineal feet nf 8-Inch Sand Cast Class Cast Iron Main In 12-font Irngtlw nr pip manufactured hr the centrifugal process pip to bs In accordance with Kcd- "II dated July th necessary standard fillings Tha lima nf rieOverr together wllh the prtre will given due consideration In award of contract Tha Board of Water Commissioners re- I serves the right In relent any nr nil hid PERSONALS LEARN BEAUTY CULTURE MOTER'B and be placed You have hud 11 "'1 ready for next xa- Beconil REST PRICES ON NEW SHADES Draperies Blip Coven IJnolruma and Awnlnga Get one mtima)' WILLIAMS SHADE CO 1182 Bellevue Phone 8 5455 3g 4-r lower heat water janitor adulta 527191 For getting an ar- CARPENTER building general repairs roof concrete planter brie hawrfc 7-3543-J MABBAGEB elec hand alnus neiirltle hen Inn nerve eonll etc 8-45T5 FOR old gold-we iwiTTne iwef priced Mfa fbild Refining Co 114 Main I REPAIR elec fens vacuum cleaners iron Call Jn Kirkwood 7-5B93-W LIBERTY CASH PLUMBERS do II tor In Call 4-78l5i anddNmiraling reaa priceik Work guaranleed While 3-3537 'tnM'RiN(l Iieaflhg" ga fifl'ins eali male on new work Kea 1-5675 REPAIIl leak 8115 guaranteed Palnl roofs Trl-Blale Roofing Co 7-1405 I DREBB KOA(B-'Perlart mould' 1 talural llur 1-5353 Ynur a mark Tenn sister or Mr I Walker nr lo place tha order with whumaoevar they Mrs Jamison Mra Oorlnne McGee may elert and Gregory all of this city I Address proposals In I he Hoard nf Wa-and Clarenca Gregory of Rosemark Tenn I ler Oommlss toners Clly at Memphis W-Du notice of time and placd nf funeral I lee Department floodwyn Inslltute Bulld-will be given Knoxville Tenn papers Ing Mamnhia Tenn Mark "Bid on Wa-Plrara oupy Nnrril mortlCara I rOMMlBBTON- ERR CITY GF MEMPHIS WATER DEPARTMENT VCflRD General Superintendent DAVIB At residence of bis fatKrr Davl 1051 Tully Street Friday afternoon Nov 14 1933 at 12:05 o'clock James Franklin Davis aged 39 yearn today announced Job for 2500 Tannanaaai nnn na u-nrb ran I lennesaeana aa aoon as worn can be started The national forest Mrvice will take 1000 men for a wide range of project in national forest a They will not btCCC members The bureau of chemistry and soils Of the Department of Acri- U1V arepartmeni OI Agn culture was given approval for a I projcct to make maps showing toil- yi mi uinar mn noin win- type throughout the south In 1 TnitnniEiM Ml man will wIvam I Tennessee 50 men will be given work The coast and goedetic survey will employ 440 Tennesseans and the War Department has obtained approval for various projects contemplating improvements general cleaning and minor construction at a number of federal cemeteries in the state The War Department projects were: Greenville (Andrew Johnson tomb) to cost $5000 with jobs for 28 men for 60 days Knoxville cemetery: to cost $3-200 jobs for 14 for 60 days a project to cost $9200 jobs for 28 tor 90 days Memphis cemetery: $10000 jobs for 31 to 90 days Nashville cemetery: $4500 jobs for 21 for 60 days $4200 jobs for 12 for 90 days NASHVILLE Nov County quotas for men to be employed on project! financed by the federal civil works program were announced tonight by the etate CWA administration with Shelby leading the list with an allotment 7072 Of thle number 4884 have been hansferred from work-relief projects leaving 21S8 openings in the civil works program A total of 39567 have been similarly transferred throughout the state leaving approximately 16700 opening! or new workers Blue Star Kills Itchy Ringworm Vo waltingl Bine Star Ointment nielti tending tested medicines feep into skin pons where it ends itching by killing tho germs of ringworm raih tetter erseme end root itch Very soothing Quick end sore Pleasant ia odor(adr) General Oh Terms It's real economy to buy quality lonq-Uatlns General and easy to pay tha GTAO way weekly monthly payments to suit you Mosias Af FasriS REMEMBER THE ALAMO For Good Sandwiches and Good Sodas KilHiMKW A Three Cough Is Your Danger Signal let them ret a strangle hold 6'isht retina quickly Creomulaion sombince tha 7 beat help known to modern arlence Powerful but harmless Pleasant to take Ko narco lea Tour own drugglat la authorized to refund yrnr money on the spot If pour courh or cold in not relieved by (Adv) 1 For High Production-Low Feeding Costs Bek Year Dealer er Write HAPPY MILLS MEMPHIS TKklf fOR It YELLOKAB haled Ktangellal Hdlll ri'TM din Tulrdn 'be will brRlo rlii-wlde mial eampalan lu a tabernacle an MaaBeana hlrrel near llamre High SrhiMiL First bryvlqa bunder alsbl at TUI lladlo arrvlrra H'HHfl rvrry alaht ilh fa Bids eirepf Snlurdey Tara WrdH Than Frl (Hornluae BUS fa kia 19 a 7:15 9:30 am pm am mon own fred hm nm pm EM am Rev am U'30 and and by S30 Rev pm and and The The The pm 6:45 pm Rev 11 tha I a I I I VnH 1 ana minnn 1 1 kivi Morning prayrr Voun8 People' Scran Inpia ST- lukk'b ti hr Charlra Half rrrtnr Holy Communion am Church arhnal and Kihlr clam a Mnrnlnii prayrr and arrmnn II Young People's Varvlra Lragua 6:30 HOLY TRINITY CHURCH -Thr Rr Tatr rarlnr Holy Communion 7:30 Churrh arhool 630 am Adult BIMa Class 9:45 am Morning prayer and ary II am Young People's Heroic Evening prayrr and err- 7 pm Johns The Re ai Lonrinie-Clark reclor Holy Ornimun- 7:15 mm Church choni $3n am lm Young pm ia a Lnurcn arntN lgTsV CHl'RCH OK THK CtOOn CHl'RCH or THE GOOD Canon Dougin Church arhool HI am Holy Communion hnd arrmnn 11 a CHAPEL OF THK HOLY (Church Hamel Doiigla Holy Communion 7 am Catechism and devu-tinn 4 :30 pm ST ALBAN'S Churrh arlmol am Evening prayer and ermn 7:30 EMMANUEL CHURCH (Negrol-Rf Wriglil rector Holy Communion 7 Church vrhool 6:30 am llnly Communion and aermon 11 am (HK1NTIAN EAST Peabody and McLean The Walker pslur Service 10:45 "Finger Print" and 7:45 pm quern un and anewer night Churrh clkd am Chndian Kndravnr 6:30 pm Church night 6:30 pm Wednesday M'LKMORK 491 Kail MrLa-more The Rev Kne CarlRon ialiir Service 10:45 am Thanksgiving muK arrmi'n "The Rrare of Orntllude" 7:45 pm congregational tinging ltd Fred Thomas and sermon "A Character Study of Elijah" Church school am Junior church 10:30 am Christian Endeavor meeting 5:45 pm LINDEN Linden and Mulberry The Rev Walter White paalor Service 10:45 am with arrmnn by I ha I) Dudley of Troy Mo Bible school am Christian Endeavor 6:15 Home gathering 7:30 pm with Mr Mrs White 177S Carr MERTON Merton and Princeton The Rev Willard Dorsey naslhr Send res 11 am "The Jerieho 7:30 pm "What Do We Know?" Sunday arhooL 6:45 am Young people'! meeting pm Hollywood and Peres Rev Murray Taylor pastor nervier 11 am sermon by the ltev Cluhb elate secretary of Ihr Christian Church and 7:30 pm "How Readest Thru?" sermon by thr pastor Highland and Spottswnod Rev Emmett Moor pastor Service 10:50 am Thankaglvlng rvlre "Remem her" and pm "At lb Churrh Door" Sunday school 6:45 am Christian Endeavor 6:30 pm METHODIST UNION Union and Cooper Rev Carroll Varner pailur Service 10:45 a "Bought at a Price" and 7:30 "Not By Might Nor By Power" Sunday echnot 6:30 am Kpwuith League pm HARRIS MEMORIAL Seventh and Looney Tha Rev Yatea Moor paitor Service 11 am "Beginning Again" and 7:30 pm "Youth In a New World" Sunday school 6:30 am Prayer meeting 7:30 Wednesday Faxon and Waldran The Duckworth paetor Service am and pm Ep worth Laacuea 6:30 pm Prayer meeting 7:30 pm Wednesday Evergreen and Galloway Tha Rev Hamlett pastor Service 11 am "Life a and 7:30 pm "The Spiritual Value of thr Sunday school 6:30 am Kpworth League 6:30 pm Service II Sm and 8 pm conducted by the Rev Wiley 8undy echnot 10 am with program by Weslry Bible Clast Kpworth Lragua MADISON Montof and Clay brook Dr Harold Cooke pastor Services 11 am and 7:30 pm Sunday school l3o am Young people 6:45 pm ST PAtTL Roxelle and Kurlld The Rev A Butts pastor Berner 10:30 "What Think Ya of Christ?" and pm "How Mueh Are You Sunday school 6:30 am Kpworth League pm ST Prabody and Bellevue Dr Daniel pastor Srrvlees II am mid 7:30 pm Sunday school 6:30 am Kp-wnrth League 6:30 pm Fellowship supper 6:30 pm Wedaeeday fallowed by prayer HIGHLAND HEIGHTS Summer and Highland Tha Rev A Wood paalw grrvtre 11 am "The Report of the Snies" and 7:30 pm "Ovarcomlng Evil With Good" Sunday school 6:45 am Ep-worlh Learie :30 pm Prayer meeting 7:30 pm Wednesday Ml'LLINi CHAPEL AND The Rev A Stem pastor Service 11 am at Mullina and 7:30 pm at Oak TllST HlgbUnd and Venders The Rev Hugh Kelso paitor Sendees 10:50 a "Union of Hearts and Hand and 7:30 pm "By What Authority?" Sunday school 6:30 am Boys and Glrlw World Club pm Leaguea 6:30 pm Second and Popler Dr George Stoves pastor Bendrts 10:50 am "Life Greatest Investment" and 7:45 pm "Tha Great Salvation" Sunday school 6:30 am Ep worth League 6:30 pm 534 East McLrmnre The ltev Mathis pastor Servteee 11 am "At I he Door" and 7:30 pm wmal Accounts" Sunday arhool 6:30 am Kpworth League 6:30 pm Prayer meetine 7:30 pm Wednesday VERNON MEMORIAL Pennsylvania and California The Rev Grissom pastor Sendee 11 am and 7:45 pm Sunday school 6:45 am Kpworth League pm Sendees at Andrtwa Chapel I GALLOWAY The Her 7 0 Hartman paelnr Thanksgiving sendrt II am "Be Ye Thankful" Spaclal music RAFTIKT 65 Cooper The Ry Rlark pastor Bender 10:45 am Tha Supreme Good" and 7:30 pm "TM Supreme Call" Sermons by I he Rev A FI Linden end Lauderdale Dr It Bateman parlor Service 11 am "Whereof Are Glad" and 7:30 pm "Life' lnrompltunesa" Sunday school 6:30 am 6:16 pm SEVENTH Seventh and Green law The Rev Cobb pastor Services 10:50 am "Genuln Gratitude" and 7:30 pm "roollsh Esau" Sunday school S3u am 6:15 pm Prayer meeting 7:30 pm Wrdnesday BOULEVARD South Parkway Kail and Uumlirr The Rev Wrigm pastor Revival services continuing andb er week Tha Rev Welch assisting Services 11 am evangelistic sermon and 7:30 pm "The Opening of 111 Seven Sealed Bonk" Sunday school 6:30 lm 6:30 pm UNION Ualnn and Summit Dr Hurt pastor Services 11 a "Value of Church Membership" and 7:45 5 "National Peace" Sunday school a 6:30 pm PRESCOTT MEMORIAL Plltfrana and Myndera The Rev Carl MrCuy pastor Services 11 am "Our Rest Friend" and 7:30 pm "Chrislian Fellowship" Sunday school 6:30 am II 6:15 pm CENTRAL SOW Southern Tha Rev Ewart A Autry paalor nervier 1 1 am "Prophet nf and "King of Kings" Sunday school 645 am 5:16 pm SPEEDWAY TERRACE Bellevue Fat'd! and Greenlaw The Rev William MoMurry peetnr Servile 10:50 am "Sirk Men Working" and pm Ton Weak In Choose" Hunday school at 6:30 am 6 pm BKLLKVUE Rellevua and Court Dr Ib hert let Service a "The Fin Art of Being and 7:30 pm "The Wicked Lika a Hay Tree the Righteous Lika a Palm Sunday school 6:45 am 8 610 LA Edith and Smith Welling-ton The Krv Raker pastor Service 10:50 am "Counting Dur Blessings" and 7:30 bm Sunday arhool 6:30 am and Sunbeams 6:30 pm Baptism will tulbiw night service CALVARY Lamar and Kucltd The Rev 1 Loll paitor Service a "A Vote Out of tha Cloud" and 730 pm Thanksgiving aervlcs under auspice of young people Sunday school 30 a 6:45 pm 151 South Second Tha Rev Welch pastor Servlres 11 am "First Essential In Church Membership" and pm Sunday sein'd Vuta Vila Class and Pbllathea Class 6:30 am A and Mier-mediate and Junior unions pm PRFAHITFRI5N IDtEWILIl 1750 Union Dr Yuung pant'ir Senders II am "Giving Thanks to All Things and 7:30 pm Leadership training class talk by Dr nf Relk City Presbyterian League 5 pm Tuesday niKUFA AVENUE Seventh and Chelsea lr Rnheriwm pastor ei vires II am( "Ai (lud Math Pros- mg by 3 lur and Dr Tha am am am pm Rev Tha Rev tha of of 8L SL 10 nf 7 eJuieavnr pm Prayrr marling 7:30 Wtunraday "Tha Juy of Thanluglv- gLKNVIKW- Krndnlr and Magnolia Tha Kr Edward Nesbitt pastor Heroics II am "Thanalulnesa and dll age" and pm musical program young people's choir directed by Mrs Robert MrKwrn Sunday eclmil am Young People's Irnguea 6:45 pm Uilur eludy 7 pm Wednesday (Bunlyni Dr Itohrrt Stuart Sanders pastor Krrvlcee am and pm Sunday school a-m Young people 6 pm HIlillLAND HEIGHTS Summer and Holmes TIM Hr Turney Roddy pas- Services II am "He Thankful" 7:43 pm "Ths Christian Soldier Sunday aclxl 1:30 am Yining people's nirrling S45 pm KVKllGKKKN Autumn and Dickinson George Relk pastor Services 11 am "The Gilt and 5 pm "The Sixth Commandment" Lamar and Bellevue Rev Hay pastor Services II and 7:35 pm Sunday school Young people's mealing 6:30 pm SECOND Hernando and Pontotoc Dr Ruhert MrCaelln pastor Services 11 "The Eternal C-impromise" and 5 "Standing al the Dur" Hunday school 6:30 am Young people's forum Intermedia! Pioneers and Clirlsllnn Endeavor pm Prayer meeting 7:45 pm Wednesday LAMAR 11 EIGHTS Young and Barksdale Tb Rev If Wade paalor Berv-lera It am "Expression of and 7:30 pm "Frulla Chrlallan-lly" Hunday sclveil am Chrla-tlsn Enileavur aorlelles 6:10 Third and Poplar I)r Albert Dudley pastor Services 11 nm and 7:30 pm Bihl school 9:30 am Adult Bible clasaea 6:45 am (TMRKRIAND PREhRYTKRIAN I Jnden and Dudley Tha James Elder pastor Sunday school 8:45 am Services 11 am and 7:30 pm Christian Kndravnr 6:30 pm Mississippi near McLemon Rev William Phillips pastor Services ll am and 7:30 pm Sunday school 6:30 am Christian Endeavor societies 6:30 pm EAST Prescott and Midland Tha Scott pastor Sunday school 6:30 am Morning worship and aermon Tha Ltuou of Harvest" and 7:30 pm Chrislian Fndeavor societies 6:30 pm PARK Park and Greer Tha Rev Melvlllo Anthony pastor Morning worship 11 am and sermon "The First Thanksgiving" evening eervlre 7:30 pm The Great Ideal" Christian Endeavor 6:30 nm 3442 Tulwllrr The Rev A Iauic pastor Bunrisy school 6:45 Evening worship 7:30 pm CATHOLIC ST PETERS Adadi and Third Vrry Rev Mengher I- pastor Tha Rev Tierney PO and Rev Gorman OP assistants Sunday masses 7 6 and 10:30 am low minces Benediction after the last mass Dally mass 7 am Rosary devotions daily at 12:30 pm ST Third and Market Churcn tha Franciscan Fathers The Rev Peter Baptist Volts OFM pastor: the Lucius Hellslcrn OFM assistant The Rev Odllllo Klchenseer OFM chaplain tha Convent nf tha Good Shepherd Tha Rev Hllarlnn Duerk OFM chaplain of Joseph's Hospital Sunday masses at Mary's 7 and 6 am low masses am high maas followed by benediction Dally masses at 6 and am Devotions Sunday and Friday 7:30 pm IMMACULATE Central and Roselle The Rev Megr I) Murphy pastor the Rev Joseph Kiener assistant Sunday maseea 7 5 6 and Lost mans high Evening den-lion 7:30 Dally masses at 6:30 and 7:45 am SACRED Jrffersnn and Cleveland Tha Rev Louis Krmpbues pik-tnr The Rev Hamid Shea assie'ant Sunday masse 7 6 and 10:30 Benediction the Blessed Sacrament after the last mass Dally maasra 5:30 and am Devotion In honor of Our Mother of ler-peiual Help 7:45 pm Tuesday ST SEBASTIAN (hmdwyn and Carnes The Rev Kearney taalor Sunday mass 5:30 am ST BRIG! Third and Overton The Rev James Whitfield pastor The Rev Charlra quest and the Rev Hamid IVa-champs assistants Sunday masses 7 and am Benediction 3 pm Dally mam at am Frasyer Station Tha Rev James Whitfield paatnr The Rev Charlra Quest and the Rev Harold Dei champs assistants Sunday masi 10 a Benediction 3:30 pm Week day mass at am Novena first ulna days nf sack month ST Trigg and Laudeidalc Tim Rev Lorlgan pastor The Rev Aamn Glide assistant Sunday mastea g30 and 10:30 am followed benediction of the Blessed Sacrament Dally massea at 5:30 end 8 a ST Linden and Fourth Thr Rev John Hayes pastor Jundty maseea 7 and am Service I pm Dally mass am ST St Paul near Main The Rev Thomas Glhlin pastor Sunday masses 7:30 and am low maun iisily maar at am CHURCH OF THE LITTLE Jackson and North Belvedere The Rv James Whitfield pastor Tha Rev Charles Quest and tha Rev Hamid Iwa-rhatnpa asstetanti Services Sunday low massea 7:30 and 6:30 am high mass 111:30 am Dally masses al am Benediction 7:45 pm Sunday BLESSED SACRAMENT 2554 Yale The Rev Edward Desmond pastor in Rev John Wlllxlm Wiley asxlatani naxtur Sunday masse 5:30 7:30 and 6:30 am Rrnedletbm 7:45 pm IMIly mis at 7:45 ST ANTHONY Concord and Hill The Rev Edward Youngkln paatnr Sun day masses 7 and 6:30 nm Dally ma 7 am Benediction following the 6:30 mas CHURCH OF CHRIST SOUTH SIDE Latham near Trigg James Gurley minuter Bible erhonl and communion 10 am Ns preaching at morning hour Bible elase Wray teacher 6:30 pm Preaching 7:35 pm "Chrlet'a Death and How 11 Afrrets Us' SOUTH PARKWAY No 615 South Parkway Howell minister Rrrvires II am "Mot Hunters and Fault Find' era" and 7:30 pm "Who Is Who Tit Zion?" Bible Study 15 i Young people's meeting pm Traycr meeting 7:30 pm Wednesday UNION AVENUE Union and Tucker Dr (L Brewer minister Services 11 afn and 7:30 with sermons by Hardeman of Henderson Young people' meeting 7:30 pm Ledlre' Bible claes 1:30 pm Wednesday Prayer meeting 7:45 pm Wednesday followed by teacher meeting DECATUR Deramr and Joseph Hope minister Servlres 10:50 am Seller of Purple" and 7:30 pm "Faith" Rlhle school 10 am Christian Endeavor pm NORMAL Southern and Patterson Joe Cooks Van Dyke minister Servires am "Reversals" and 7:30 pm "Spirit ual Nerssslllea" Bunday school 6:45 am Young penple'a meeting 7:30 pm Cottage prayer meeting 7:30 pm Wednesday M'KKLLAR AVENUE MrKellar and Shelby Dan Harless minister Services I am "Tha and T'30 pm "The Obedience of Fallh" Sundav arhool am Indies' HIM study 1:45 pm Wed nesdiy Player meeting 7:45 pm Wednee day LUTHERAN (United) Jarksnn and Willett The Rev Victor Derrick pastor Hervlrr ti am "Uhnal'a Hacund Coming" nnd 8 pm Door in Klemal Sunday achonl and Rihlt clasera 15 am "Paul In Corinth" Thanksgiving service pm Wednesday iMIoaanil by and I IMMANUEL-Highland and Kaxn The Rev Dusker pnslor Kervlce 1 1 am 'The Bplrilual Ufa of thr Child of God" and 7:30 pm "The Bailie of Chrlatinnliy" Sunday school '45 am TRINITY No 310 Washington Th Rev Vlrlor Brugge paalor Prayer and Humiliation Bunday service 15:45 am "Prayer and Humiliation" and 7:30 pm Sundny school and Bible elase 9:35 a CHUIU'H OF OUR RKDKKMPH- -McLr-more and Aialla Tha Krv Paul II Schmidt paetor Hrrvlcea ll am "Trust In ths Guiding Hand" HIM rlaea and Bun-day arhool 9:14 am Waither League Bible elaaa 7:30 pBi UHHIhTIAN HUIKKf FIRBT CHURCH OF CIIRIKT Mnnre and Dunlap Rcrvirce 11am Key Melville Anthony pallor Morning rnanry alias Meamerum and Hypivdlsm Denounced" HmiPt Sunday whool am Junior Bundny chvd 11 am Testimonial meeting 8pm Wednesday Reading room 1405 Kxrhang Building open wek day 6 am to 5 pm Sunday 3 to I pm SECOND CHURTII OK CHRIST HCI-ENTIBT -Union and Melvin Service II and 8 pm "Ancient nnd M'idern N- rnenany aha Mesmerum and Hypnollsm Denounced" Bundey arhool 6:3 am led 1U Hi at FOR CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS Thle tabl of rate gtvaa cost of ad van-Uaamcnti from 2 to 14 lines Worde Up to lo Lmaal 1 TL Tl 7 Tt I -80 i03 1 3 i -751 ncra 4 1001 3041 236 8 1251 235 430 11-10 15-20 Trsr 25-30 8 I 1501 3081 804 7 I 175! 3 618 11-38 38-40 '8 ri00l408l I ft TTilSI 4581 54 41-45 48-50 10 I 3801 10 840 51-58 11 2751 6411 024 67-52 12 2001 1210 OS 53-55 $8-74 13 I 3251 SUilO62 14 350t V14llTi In the event error ia mad la advertisem*nts immadlat noUea must given Commercial Appeal Inc la responsible for only nua Incorrect Insertion REMITTANCE Should ba mad by check money order er stamps Do not sand money through the maila Make cheeks and money order payable to The Commercial Appeal inc and not to Individual Call 6-2451 To Place Claoslfird Ada Over tha Telephone Quicker Service Is Assured By Calling This Number It la fur tha exclusive ua of Classified Advertisers Call 5-2000 lor all other departments OUT-OF-TOWN READERS wishing to answer ada appearing Tha Commercial Appeal lu which only phone numbers are given may do so by writing letter to allied Advertising Department" of Tha Commercial Appeal Copy accepted until 6:30 PM Week Day For tha Following Morning 2:00 PM Saturday For tho Rig Bunday Commercial AppeaL SPECIAL NOTICES IA MAKE reservation! for aMekm dinners at Tha Old Homestead on Raleigh Huad Bridge luncheons club dinners and banquets specialty Private dining- room 4-5B87 MRli ALMA ARNOLD 2IGIL BMART FORM co*kBET8 MEM NRA 7-7870 BUS TRAVEL -IB LOW BUB RATHB EVERYWHERE North west' souUiwnd Dallas 35-45 Bt Ioula 37 Rock 54 Tulsa $1310 Chicago 11050 l-o Angeles $3200 MIBBOUK1 PACIFIC BTAGEB 25B Mam Memphis Phnua 5-1853 STRAYED STOLEN IJMT -WMta fox hound my collar and name Benjestown Road Reward MrLendon 4-9543 FEMALE IJeweiiyn aatfrr svl old while with black tick Dr Rosamond 1023 aLi wldlt mala dog ana aaml "Trouhla" Reward 3-47BI LET'S SWAP FURNITURE accepted a a pay for moving Member NRA London Transfer Co 3-1545 COMPLETE rahbttry for sale nr trade for Rhode Island Red pullets Ml Da-eatur INSTRUCTIONS 5A Women Must Retain Beauty LEARN MARINELLO method and Mru big income Beauty work is woman' gold mine Enjoy the prestige and guidance af line 28-year-old organisation Ask tor self-analysis chart from Dr Nells Cooper the only southern representative Issuing Authorised MARINELLO Certlfloaiee Nam a AddTPM 5i9(aa45s9a Marindlo Beauty School 154 Monro Ave 5-9158 BTllDENT SERVICE Perm an ml a comiieu 8LOO to iwn Shampoo and ut '25 Area or manleiira 15 Hair dyeing Thursday I D-m Itoe eg Gil treatment arch ahampm ahd set '1b Elec facial mameura anampoo art 75 158 MONROE AVE 8-8156 FRTVATK Icaaona in buukkecping penmanship arilhmclle Day nr night 1773 Peabody Raker 7-8428-W MALE HELP-WANTED -7 INHURANCK wIJiMtr thoroughly U-mlllur mMrhMlsm Automubileip ftrc theft and rolHnioR BIIAI'IRO POSITIONS EXCHANGE HSU Unlun Plant era Jlank Bldg APPLICANTS answering adverilanacnla are advlaed not to forward original too ommendatlnng Cnpl will do Tha original can be presented when th Interview I granted han opening fir 2 neat appearTng aaleamen In our urrganliallun Apply 15 am 44 Itorier Hldg HAKBER wanted I have two chair will gn In ur sell Levin gild Main 81 MALE TRADES SAWYERS filer lumber Inspectors end millwright art urged to altend an npen marling nt labor Temple Reals and Lauderdale HlBunday 6:30 am Experienced 37-R Rucynie eng nperalnrs Anewer Noble Contracting On Krrlday I ja retorts ler far Trout Bet wnrke Apply Waooa Ark in Tsrhudy Lumber Ca GPkRATOR fur FSd iii'yl'ng-m'lxr dan day 3-I41S nlghL 4-64XA men ConuL MALE Miiearflaneous MEN Tn learn MGI-KR BTB-TEM nr BARBKKINU nnd ba placed XMy and evening rlaaeee rail nr write S' FREK hooklel MOIKR SYSTEM 61 Second Bt Phone -1004 barber trade nperal Sur own ihop Win under our system id era Barber College 1 North Second APPLICANTS answering advertisem*nt ars advised not to forward original ree-ommendaltona CnpM will do Th original can ba presented when thi Interview granted HUBiNkSB IB II1 lleieJ tora bring or mall your taarnh If pnMiW It really hell every day NATION I UK EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Sterick Bldg LaT)Y experienced In ilenKSielratlng and ii'lling ran make profllahl eunnerllnn ricminl rating th Weed Cordlero elsetrle Iron Bra Mr Enoch 725 Dermnn Hldg SALESWOMEN lllghesl romih paid Exr npporlunlly tor artvaneentent '6I todpelliips wma a pnapaeL It 440 dip Xnirii or father of Lloyd Davl no nf Mrs Will Davla brother of Ed Davis all of Memphis Tenn Funwal nervier conducted by the Rev Cobb will he held at th National I Funeral Home 1177 Union Avenue (Saturday) afternoon at 2:00 o'clock Friend ar Invited Remains will be sent by way nf tha Railroad to Alamo Tent for Interment dy TilerJdS Harry and Rom Uverxedge brother of and Uversedge Blineral will lake plare from the par- kira nf McDowell A Monteverdi 53 Vance Avenue this (Saturday) morning at o'clock Service al Bl Mary's Churcn nl 15 o'clock Friend invited Inlerment in Calvary Cemetery SHELTON At residence of her sinter Mrs Clarenca Scott Foreat Hill Tenn Friday afternoon Nov 24 1933 at 4:24 o'rkiek Mra Ollrta Shelton aged yean mother nt I Shelton aiatrr nf Mr Clarence Butler Hind Mra Lillian Pippen of Mmphu Tenn Mrs Miirphey and Mr Murphey of ceplahl fennnt 1 325- Wri'e RouvIlle Tenn Mra IJiai Johnwai nfH Kiel 2434 Handing At Chicago Macon Tenn Mr Clarence Broil if Fnr-1 III el Hill Tenn grandmother of Laverne I i Bunion nf Memphis Window ShadoR Cleaned Due notice of lima and place or pinrral I TVanartn Rl mvrra Upholitcring rite sssr' ymNnjTRK upholstering repMring re- flnlahlng chair canning Will taka soma furniture aa part payment Mr Wad loivrll Thompson Gaither wife" of I 7-5532 Jamea Gaither daughter of Mr and Mra NOTICE Chimney rleanaR ana Thompson mother nf Leroy and paired grates rebuilt mantel work leaky Hardest Wright slater nf Richard and rmifa bawmenta repaired Call 2-9257 ChT- Jl! ska araarara Aldre June of Chicago III Evelyn CIHMNEYfl turn are gralea cleaned Thom peon of Buffalo nice nf Mr I repaired: carpenter work leaky roofs II Bailie Evans and cuiln nf Mn I yeanr exp Lnw price Bnar a-aona Mnaliy Fannie Bovd Clara Young and I FUliB mala nf nil kinds trimmings Anna Wcblicr a boil of oilier relative and mad and repaired Res a priced friends Umnge 1598 Carnither 7-42H4 Remain nt ridence 758 Alston Ave r''Siiua flxitir or thi tBalunlay) nfler 8 pm Funeral nnrlwkira 28 vice will lie held this Bunday) Noy 2d I you 1531 at 2 pm Rey Hell and Rv Second Everything electrical Boyd orfldallng Interment In Ml rT'lUMHiN(L beating furnara work Carmel Cemelrry Quail Ca In smoke pipe grate backs glove furuac ra- rhargr nf arrangements Mu Welllnglim pair gaa conn reae 1-5571 repTHrxv liiutr part ML JACKBGN In this clly Aov 25 10UT after tain Bnuthera Ibeiflng Co 7-4715 FlIllNITi lUK' reioilrod" Kal'S Wortmanip gurRea TuwumMa Ain Mr Harr iron McCray of BTOVysl rebuilt Shdrep fla East Bl Lnula III Mr Cem Murphy tkne Prompt ervtorW Jtoal-4J5 Chicago HI grandmother of Cedi Con- maHBAGK-KLKCT HAND for Nerves nery eousln of Mr Oarer McCray am- ratigue Kheit Const I Reg Bum 7-8(1(15 er-ln-law nf Mr Matlla Winston tnolh-1 er-ln-law nf Arthur Klnnle dear friend nf Evelyn Jones Ivrry Smith llawkln Work and a host nf relative and friend Pi mourn I heir loo Wske this I Bunday I night at Frogrea-Ive Baptist Churrh after II pm 2d Funeral Monday ai II am Nov 27 1933 nlilrlaled liy Rev A BLIP covers draperies upholstering re-flnlshlng new hades bent price 1-1414 I'lTONNKCT gaa alovea water and radiant healer Prompt ervlca Byrnes 2-2575 COMPLETE Maiieage eom tori Ing winlto Ing aluo Vt'itet Roy B92 Carroll 1-461 4 JULIA "The HaMer" liata Bcoti paalor aalted hy Rev Howard I mialeled 8IIBI Wearmirt Bldg 5-9B29 Perry and Key Perkina Inter- GAi lTiva and iTenlrn couneeied ment In New Pork Cemetery Bay- p)Hina 7-4454 Brook 1815 Lamar ria 5 vi 4M RRok eTPy ATTifHTciTViA it rb'rEbu i Lt a vt nu I All maNM KatlmatM irtm Bry'a 4700 OUARANTEEnrR(GI(BBtGltT32423 Nashville clear New Orleans rlear New York rlanr Jfarth Plalle clear Dklahom Clly rlear llwenlx clear Pittsburgh cloudy rillshurgh rloiirly Ksleigh clear Ball Lake City pt ed Ban Antonio rlear BhrevKrl rlear BprlngMeld rlear Bt IMila eloudy Bwlll (Current pt rd) Vicksburg clear Washington rlear Willlelon rlear Winnipeg cloudy MemphU Noy 14 1933 7 am 7 pm sea Itvil 3055 3031 Temperature 47 45 Wind direction NE Wind velocity 5 PreclpHalPm 85 Stats nf weather Cloudy Clear PreclpHalPm since Jan 1 3857 inches retlclenry 284 Relative humidity 7 a 77 13 82 7 84 Bun rise 845 ran et 4:55 Moon rise 1:11 pm moon sell 12:31 am THIS DATE LAST YEAR MSilmum letuperaiure 43: Minimum 3t Ilninlall 17 Precipitation Jan I lo this dale 4912 Inrbes eacrua to mis gala 8 87 Inches 1n Mhn wl of Mr Abe' Mieihn of Mr Neal Shiver grandmother nf Mr Elisabeth Olden Booker nnd Jeff Bhlvrra ller nf Mra Biner Pruilen Mrs Anner Smith Mr Mnlll Kyle anil Mr Richard Wllllami mini nf Mra Lilly (inlnei Mra Bell Mra Bailie Mai Flelda a Iwart of relative and friend to mourn Ihelr bwa Th body will remain al funeral parlor iv sendee will he eondurled by Krv Collin aeslilrd by Rev Firm-Ing from First Hapliel Church Harllelt Tenn al 13 o'clock Friend ar Invited Inlerment In Rarllrtl Cemetery Mrs Geo Breatheti mortuary Phone 4-422 At General nreday Nov 22 al 7:25 n'ciurk Georgia until Monday Nov 17 1933 when liineral I I I MmratUJnmri JonnTe 'wXRlTAirKrai-i--K Phim nf Mrom Ark HmH ed repaired 5len UWwnrk 8-JUTt Flora Rena Gladys of this rity and RELIABLE laundress urlnln blanket Daisy of Galveston' Texas and nthr i ohlrt lsrketllff colWra 3-UNI relative TRlflKfl delivery 55c each Fader al Wk hi Balurday nlxht at reldenc I V7n V(X Phon L2780 Paalor Trea of Life Baptist Churrh Wlli Sr't bury In Joyce Ark Wade l'nd wan I75 Pealvidy 7-8 J4-J Co' in rhargt 215 Hernando Blreei Phone 1-1323 Mrs 8 rerklna dlreciresa I.

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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.