The Dark Squad in the Secrets of Saltmarsh #133 Fellowyn's First Massacre. (2024)

Dark Squad in the Forge of Fury

Session #022 Two Dead Dwarves and a Dead Dragon [SPOILERS].

Dark Squad (in alphabetical order, no egos here).
Buggles (played by Stu) Male Wood Elf Fighter Lvl 1/Rogue Lvl 3
New Tricks (played by Bear) Male Tabaxi Warlock Lvl 4
Ramshambo (played by Kev) Male Half-Elf Rogue Lvl 4
Vincenzo (played by Haggis) Male Shifter (Wildhunt) Druid Lvl 4

Garumn Male Mountain Dwarf Paladin of Moradin Lvl 4

NPC hangers-on, rescued prisoners of the Orcs
Geradil the “Inconceivable”, aging trapper (Male Human)
“Screaming” Courana, lady’s maid (Female Human)
Spandwick the Magic Gnome, ex-stage mesmerist (Male Gnome)
Bel, the beautiful and lovely wife of Spandwick (Female Gnome)

This is session 22. Corker!

Last we left the Dark Squad they were (still) in the long lost forge/hold of Durgeddin the Black, the duergar are gone (they think, hint) from the place. There is however an annoying dwarven ghost that has been following the guys around- telling odd stories, and on occasion a few lies; or else just not answering their questions. Also, Garumn (atm) is madly in love with a missing shield dwarf named Idalla.

Note Idalla is a succubus, alas Garumn was on the floor dying when this fact was revealed, and the other PC’s attempts to persuade him of the truth have (so far) not worked out. So, the paladin’s still searching for his lady love…

Oh, and so annoying is the aforementioned ghost that Ram has threatened to stab the bastard up with Deadend, his Durgeddin the Black made magical rapier (undead bane, sorta) the next time the spirit appears.

Oh (last- ‘oh’, promise), and the Dark Squad have been told that there’s a black dragon situated in the caverns beneath the forge, and they’ve located the way down.

Now we can begin, and there’s one more door still to check out in the forge area- the door, somewhat disappointingly, leads into a well-stocked but ancient and unused kitchen, with close by a couple of mouldy sack & crate filled pantries.

But before the search let’s get to some hot wooden table on wood elf action, Buggles goes for a creep about- he’s the first into the chamber, alas he strays too close to a pre-animated table which… well, animates. Which surprises the crap out of rogue/fighter, and the rest of the now giggling players. The angry furniture charges in and rears up like a wild stallion, and then slams one of its stout legs into him (for 20+ damage). Buggles is down to 10 HP in an instant.

The Dark Squad in the Secrets of Saltmarsh #133 Fellowyn's First Massacre. (1)

Animated Tables- surprisingly terrifying, and very amusing. Buggles the wood elf gets whacked!

And remember the guys have got just three potions of healing between them (and no spells or other HP-giving powers).

Buggles fails to hit the table, as does Ram- a moment later, and the pair of rogues run away (disengage and back-up) to hide behind Garumn.

Garumn bars the animated table's progress, and remarkably the bucking construct doesn’t attack the dwarf.

There follows five minutes of jokes regarding dwarven paladins and their special table-specific powers- Sense Table, Lay on Table, Resistance to Furniture etc.

Here’s the thing, none of the other animated objects that the adventurers have encountered in the forge- the suits of armour, the rug of smothering have attacked Garumn either (in the last session), the players obviously just didn’t notice this back then- so here it is writ large.

Then the Dark Squad get organised and pile on the hurt- Buggles’ twin scimitars make their mark(s) and Garumn gets into it with Shatterspike, and (forgive me) but the table’s on its last legs (BA-DUM-TISH!). Soon after Ram gets in the final skewer- it collapses.

“That’ll teach it some table manners…” Buggles declares and completes the show.

[Animated table smashed 450 XP]

There follows a very brief chat about the relationship between tables (and the other animated objects found in the forge) and dwarves- in this instance represented by everybody’s friend… Garumn. The Dark Squad are quickly of the opinion that dwarves (again, Garumn) are not subject to attacks by the various animated objects.

Therefore, and bear with me for this one, Garumn is sent forward into the kitchen to “stab-up” any furnishings that look suspicious. There are another four large tables in the area- none of them show signs (alas) of fury (or indeed animation).

[Garumn the table whisperer 150 XP]

“All clear.” Garumn declares, at which point the rest of the Dark Squad file in to begin their search, although cautiously, and so it comes as no surprise to anyone here (including you dear reader) that when Ram gets too close to the second animated table it comes alive, and attempts to clonk the rogue.

Remarkably it misses, and seconds later both rogues are at the rearing beast and slashing and stabbing.

The Dark Squad in the Secrets of Saltmarsh #133 Fellowyn's First Massacre. (2)

Nimira (Duergar Boss) is back, and she's pissed! Note the tactical arrangement shown above- the two rogues have just rushed in to attack, and then just as quickly rushed back away again- leaving Garumn (as usual) to take a beating. Vinnie and Newt never stray too far from the exit.

At which point Nimira, the last duergar standing- who has been locked in the forge with the PCs for the last five or so hours, rushes out from one of the crate filled pantries. She’s screaming threats and saying terrible things about Moradin, and also wielding a greatsword. The duergar warrior slices Garumn, and then rolls minimum damage.

Note at this point the players have two possible targets- an animated table, slightly wounded (but comedy value high), or else a screaming furious greatsword wielding, two-attacks-per-turn, heavy armour wearing, duergar warrior maiden.

Yeah, that’s right- the PCs without discussion focus fire on the table, when questioned later (by the slightly put-out DM) about the tactic the consensus is ‘the table was the greater threat’.

Newt Belphegor blasts the table with a Crit, including a dollop of necrotic hex (applied, the cat man states, by an animated compass- scratching a pentagram into the table-top). The furniture is left wooded (like blooded but… Oh, forget it).

Vicenzo becomes Vincen-Bear and then claws at the table, and yet still the animated object bucks and rears, I swear they’re just ignoring my duergar fighting fury.

The table smashes two of its four legs down on Vince-Bear (with a Crit for 25-ish damage) reducing the ursine to something like 8 HP.

Perhaps they’re right, this table is a monster!

Garumn (the NPC, played by me) screams at his companions to remind them of the fact that Nimira is at present trying to take his head off, the dwarf paladin slices the duergar.

Note the other PCs acknowledge Garumn’s predicament and then get back to attacking the animated table, however seconds later Buggles chops the dangerous furniture clean in two, and now there’s just one target for the Dark Squad.

Ram stabs Nimira, while the duergar fails to slice Garumn, repeatedly.

Newt hits Nimira with a Belphegor blast (and added hex), while Vincen-Bear tries and fails to swipe the duergar prone with his claws, then- at last- the rogues really get into action. Moments later the furious Nimira is cut down.

The fight is over, and remarkably quickly- getting double teamed by rogues rolling high is just no fun, 70+ hit point bad guys can get taken down in seconds- the pair of sneak attacking bastards.

It’s as if the Chuckle Brothers have become assassins- “To me, to you.”

[Death to another table, and the last of the duergar 1150 XP]

Nimira’s corpse is searched, a little more gold coin found, but no incriminating evidence.

At which point… the dwarven ghost appears, again.

Ram restrains himself- momentarily (he readies an action), although Buggles immediately starts shouting the odds- again, the question the wood elf (and the rest of the Dark Squad) want answering is- “who the hell are you?”

Remarkably the ghost, on this occasion, promises to tell the PCs what he knows, and his name.

The dwarven spirit, of course, has a little speech prepared (or else the DM has), here’s the info- mostly in snippets.

The ghost is very glad that the forge has been, at last, made safe- and that all of his mistakes have been put right, the dwarven spirit goes on to explain that he stood by Durgeddin the Black’s side- from Adbar to Mirabar, and then through the secret tunnels in the Underdark to here- to Khundrukhar.

Furthermore he was here at the end when the orcs came for Durgeddin.

When all about them were being slaughtered, the ghost explains, Durgeddin was raving, the wee dwarf said something about the ‘time of black’, and the ‘dead becoming the dying’, he kept shouting- ‘remember, we’re dwarves- we can see in the dark’, he was laughing and grinning, wildly.

When all around them their fellow dwarves were dying.

The dwarven ghost states- ‘I sent him to the cold tower, in the middle of the lake we saw three times- Durgeddin escaped.’

While the last part of the speech takes the form of a confession-

“I hid, from the orcs- from the slaughter; I ignored the screams of my friends dying… and I fell, something broke inside of me…”

“When the orcs had left I came out again of hiding, the sight was terrible to behold- I sealed the forge and swore that I would defend it with my life, and so in my madness I dedicated my days to learning magic and powers that would guardian this place.”

“I raised the dead you slew, I created the animated objects you battled, and then finally in my folly I summoned the succubus- which eventually proved to be the death of me.”

“Idalla soon made me her slave, and when she grew tired of my ministrations- and bored of torturing me, she took my soul.”

“But then you came along- and all my mistakes were unmade, the forges- I now realise, should hold fire again- dwarven smiths should come here and make the metal sing once more.”

“You did this- you released me from my error, and so my final words to you are these- the last weapon that Durgeddin made here is down below- with the black dragon, should you decide to try to take it, remember- there’s something far worse than the dragon down there.”

“Lastly, if you meet the bonnie bonnie Black, tell him that his friend Arundil misses him still, but is content at last to have played his part.”

And with that Arundil (former High Wizard) fades to nothing- gone forever, to rest.

[Say goodbye to Arundil 1100 XP]

There’s not a dry eye in the house- but that’s only because in the next breath the DM declares that the PCs now have enough XP for level 5.

The rest of the kitchen and associated storage area is investigated, alas there’s nothing of interest to be found.

Thereafter there is celebrating, although… first the PCs settle into the forge, this after Garumn fires up one of the furnaces- he’s a smith remember. The dwarf then begins work on the suit of platemail he took off the orog leader the Dark Squad killed earlier. It’s a question of resizing, and of killing time.

Note, Buggles (and a few of the other PCs) have finally had enough of Garumn who is still mooning over his missing ‘Idalla-love’, and so they (repeatedly) point out the flaws in the dwarven paladin’s logic. They also remind Garumn that Arundil the ghost confessed to summoning the succubus. At last, the formerly love-struck dwarf passes his save, and is finally convinced that he was smooching a fiend, and not a curvy shield dwarf.

[Garumn learns the truth- he’s a fiend-kisser 200 XP]

The dwarf paladin however still insists that it was some ‘mighty fine smooching’, and that, ‘Idalla was a hottie’.

There’s much more chatter between the PCs (about levelling-up and the ongoing adventure), and then a reconnaissance (after an extended rest and the aforementioned levelling up) back to the chamber in which Idalla was first encountered. Newt has a new ability which allows the warlock to read any language, the tabaxi therefore spends a few hours perusing the books within the chamber. He discovers that the hundred or so volumes encompasses the life and times of Arundil and the workings of the forges, and the smiths, here at Khundrukhar.

The tabaxi however doesn’t have the time (or the inclination) to read up on dwarven metallurgy.

[The Khundrukhar library is discovered 250 XP]

The Dark Squad are now however fully rested, and… level 5.

Dark Squad (in alphabetical order, no egos here).
Buggles (played by Stu) Male Wood Elf Fighter Lvl 2/Rogue Lvl 3
New Tricks (played by Bear) Male Tabaxi Warlock Lvl 5
Ramshambo (played by Kev) Male Half-Elf Rogue Lvl 5
Vincenzo (played by Haggis) Male Shifter (Wildhunt) Druid Lvl 5

Garumn Male Mountain Dwarf Paladin of Moradin Lvl 5

Then, after more chatter, the Dark Squad head below- however, it’s (not quite) decided that they’re going to meet the dragon, Vincenzo is really not keen.

Really, really not keen.

However the druid try as he might (repeatedly) cannot dissuade his comrades, and so… the Dark Squad descend, a braced rope ladder which leads down nearly a hundred feet into a massive natural cavern. The crashing waterfall nearby, and from the plunge pool a fast running watercourse heading north to join a fast flowing river.

Vincenzo however makes sure that he and all of his colleagues are subject to his pass without trace spell, if they’re going to be exploring a dragon’s lair then at least they should try to be stealthy. Note all of the PCs employ stealth throughout the following, and in a moment of d20-shaped madness, Garumn (with disadvantage in his heavy armour) rolls a pair of ‘20’s, the dwarven paladin is silent and almost invisible at times, even to his fellow adventurers.

The Dark Squad in the Secrets of Saltmarsh #133 Fellowyn's First Massacre. (3)

"Come on, people- huddle-up!" Vinnie casts the group Pass Without Trace- "Now stay together, everyone remember their partner..."

There’s a dwarven (well) made bridge that crosses the main waterway, however the PCs are keen to search the caverns to the west- the source of the river. The rogues, as always, to the fore- the place (after a lot of cautious sneaking about) proves to be deserted, although a hidden cache of iron rations (duergar-style) are located, and also a passage which steeply descends into… the Underdark. The duergar’s route to the forge has been found, but there’s still a dragon down here to be dealt with.

[Exploring the riverway 200 XP]

Once again the rogues lead the way- to the east, over the bridge and across the river- the waterside passage leads on to yet another dwarven bridge which crosses back over the waterway. The path on the far-side leading on in to a much larger (massive) cavern chamber. Within which is an eerie inky black pool of water, with a narrow spit of dry land running along its southern shore.

The second dwarven bridge however is weakened in its central span- Buggles spots that the stone is riddled with holes- acid from the black dragon’s breath, but the PCs don’t figure this out. The wood elf warns his companions.

The Dark Squad in the Secrets of Saltmarsh #133 Fellowyn's First Massacre. (4)

It's only a weakened stone bridge but it provided at least ten minutes of laughter, and trepidation- everyone knew that Vinnie was going to mess it up.

Soon after four of the five PCs are across the bridge easily leaping the central span, note Buggles is first across and then throws a rope back for his comrades to tie off before making their leap.

The last across the bridge is of course Vincenzo- he rolls a ‘1’ and after a long run up leaps maybe three feet and lands two-footed smack-bang onto the middle of the acid-weakened central span, which duly collapses and plunges with a SPLOOOOOOSH! into the river.

Note this is the first audible (and visible) indication of the Dark Squad’s presence here, up till this point they had been super sneaky.

The druid however is saved when Buggles takes the strain (remember he’s roped to the wood elf), however Vinnie- swinging like a pendulum somehow manages to headbutt the underside of the bridge- for exactly one point of damage.

Note, Fantasy Grounds automatically makes concentration checks when it needs to- Vinnie rolls a ‘2’, and his pass without trace spell is suddenly spent.

However with help from Garumn the druid is winched up to safety.

[Vinnie crosses a bridge 250 XP]

Also note that up until this point the lowest stealth check for any PC was a ‘19’ from Newt, the rogues had not rolled anything below ‘25’ since the action here started.


However the black dragon is in the pool chamber, and now the PCs are revealed, the wyrm slithers from its hiding place and into the water.

The dragon’s stealth check is a ‘22’, so screw you guys I’m coming for yer.

But remember the dragon is not alone in here.

You’ll see.

The Dark Squad in the Secrets of Saltmarsh #133 Fellowyn's First Massacre. (5)

You've gotta love Fantasy Grounds, my screen has got a big Black Dragon (actually Young) on it- watching, waiting for the any two PCs to line up for the breath attack.

The rogues are sent ahead again, but now they’re rolling low- both of them, for their stealth checks- and the black dragon- Nightscale, is watching and waiting. The not-so-sneaky pair get across a series of stepping stones and gather at the entrance to a low-ceilinged natural cavern, at which point the dragon’s head snakes up from the depths and launches a stream of acid at the duo.

The result is devastating- Buggles fails his save (and didn’t think to spend an Inspiration Point to try again) he takes 50 acid damage (11d8) and is left dying, Ram however manages to dodge much of the blast, but is still left on just 6 HP.

The PCs (and the players) are screaming.

So, here we go- strap in.

Now by rights I should have the dragon end its turn by diving down into the watery black, but let’s be fair- this is a terrifying creature… also, this is a set-piece.

But the players don’t know this yet.

So, where were we- ah, yes- the players were screaming around the VTT.

The dragon therefore stays on the surface, hard to hit- but not out of sight.

Vincenzo calls lightning, the dragon is blasted… scratch that- irked, the druid rolls low damage and the wyrm saves with a ‘20’.

There are groans around the VTT, they must surround themselves with lucky mascots- the players. If one of my bad guys rolls a ‘20’, in any context- it’s a sign, an omen; any second now one of them will declare that their dice are broken and mine… mine, always roll high.

Buggles, acid burnt and unconscious slips further towards the black- he fails his first death save.

But then Ram gets to his co-back-stabbing-bastard with a healing potion, and then has the good sense to drag the still prostrate wood elf into the twisty dark cavern the pair were about to investigate, as far as he can away from the dragon and its deadly breath.

The dragon meantime sinks beneath the surface of the vast black lake.

Then… then… an explosion- a circular fury of fire and dark stabbing necrotic sensation, all of it encompassing the now formerly grinning black dragon- Nightscale.

A great sphere of water is instantly vaporised- revealing, even if only momentarily the whole of the now shocked and wounded wyrm for all to see.

Garumn launches a hand axe into the dragon’s side- and with a Crit, while Vincenzo calls another lightning bolt down from the broiling thunderhead that has formed above the spot- and now the dragon’s hurt, although…

What the hell just conjured that terrifying fire and necrotic fury thing?

The players are at a loss.

Bear is roleplaying well (as usual), and Newt is scampering around on the bank of the pool, gabbling and crowing like a clown as the terror unfolds, he loves the fire and the fury.

All around the dragon, now clearly visible (and audible) on the surface of the pool, the water still flames and flares.

Buggles meantime staggers to his feet and tips his potion of healing down his neck, and then gets his second wind, and then hunkers back down again and hides.

Ram (Danger-Man) still on 6 HP stealthily exits the small cavern within which he deposited Buggles, and then gets as close as he can to the action to observe whatever’s taking place.

Meantime Garumn, out of anything to throw, rushes to Buggles’ hiding place- calling out for the wood elf until he finds him, and then lays on hands.

“Let’s get ‘em!” The hearty paladin declares.

Meantime back out in the great lake cavern Vincenzo, Ram and the capering Newt watch the terrified black dragon sink back beneath the water- a great ‘V’ signals the wyrm’s rapid retreat to the east. Towards an island, spotted moments earlier by Ram, that is swathed in coin… the dragon’s hoard.

The Dark Squad in the Secrets of Saltmarsh #133 Fellowyn's First Massacre. (6)

Nightscale, the Young Black Dragon, shown perched atop Treasure Island.

However, the dragon’s progress is not all plain sailing, suddenly thrashing and splashing the great beast is brought back to the surface, a longsword stabs up through the wyrm’s wing- almost severs it. The blade comes again… and again; and the dragon is now bloodied and beyond, and still on the surface.

The beast is a screeching thrashing fury.

The druid’s lightning strike comes again, and this time the damage roll is very high.

At which point the capering Newt launches his new spell- fireball, into the mix, Nightscale (fails his save) and is blown apart.

The capering tabaxi goes crazy, he’s his own favourite audience, while the following goes on he continues to dance and cavort- praising his fiendish patron for the power he has been gifted.

[The black dragon’s dead 2900 XP]

But we’re not done here, as the PCs watch on- even Buggles and Garumn who have come to see, a nine foot tall dragon-featured creature swims to the treasure strewn island, home of the hoard, and… is shot in the back by Buggles.

Ashardalon turns, for it is he/it, and clicks and whirrs and snorts, and then stands statue for a moment staring at the longbow wielding wood elf.

The Dark Squad in the Secrets of Saltmarsh #133 Fellowyn's First Massacre. (7)

We went all the way through the initiative tracker after Buggles shot Ashardalon, all of the other PCs on their turns just moved a little further away from fighter/rogue. There was a definite silent vote taken, the result- you're on your own with this one you crazy bastard elf!

None of the other adventurers do anything, say anything… the moment extends, until finally Ashardalon turns- picks something up from one of the treasure piles and then dives into the now still black waters of the lake, and disappears from sight.

Note, Buggles tries again with the bow as the abomination departs, but it’s a tough shot and he’s way off target.

[Ashardalon says hi 500 XP]

Nothing happens for a good long while, and then reality bites and there’s a rush of bodies into the water, as all of the adventurers suddenly remember the dragon’s treasure.

Remarkably Ram is first to the hoard, narrowly beating Vincen G. Octopod who makes it late to the fight, but early to the money/treasure distribution. Note a chunk of the coin has been welded into a molten mess courtesy of Newt’s fireball.

Oh, and the tabaxi has now moved on to boring his friends about his (and Belphegor’s, natch) greatness- the later more implied than stated.

Over the course of the next few (many) hours, and after repeated castings of identify the dragon’s hoard is tagged and distributed. There’s something for everyone- a +1 longbow for Buggles, a periapt of wound closure for Ram (actually a diadem dedicated to Umberlee- the sea bitch), a +1 rod of the pact keeper engraved with flames for Newt, and for Vincenzo a beautiful miniature set of what look to be platinum panther claws- remarkably the latter bears Durgeddin the Black’s mark.

The final weapon is a +1 insignia of claws, although there’s a little more to it than that…

Oh, and Vincen G Octopod also scours the depths of the lake and recovers as many black dragon scales as he can find. The druid has a plan for these.

But what about Garumn- where’s his reward I hear you ask, well the dwarven paladin needs no reward- because he’s leaving.

As he explains to his friends-

“Well, it’s time for me to leave ya!” Garumn states, and then goes on- taking turns to shake the hand and salute each of his compatriots, who are all looking more than a little puzzled by events.

“Ram- I dinnae ken how it iz yer still alife, I thort I wuz brave- but yer always furst ta thae party!”

“Buggles- yer a very strange elf, but whut dae I know aboot elves, but like wid Ram we wouldnae made it thus far wid-out ya.”

“Newt- I dinnae get whut yer aboot at all cat man, but yer’ve bag ‘o’ style, and when thurz fire in yer eyez. Well it giz mae the creeps!”

“And Vinnie- yer tha best of uz lot, yer the brains, and tha chatter. Wid-out you we’d a got no-whur. Keep on trying tae get em tae do right.”

Remarkably no interruptions from the players so far, Garumn therefore goes on-

“So, I’m dead now, and Moradin needs me home.”

“My body’ll be back in the chamber I died in- on the lips of that fiend Idalla, help yerselves to all I had.”

“It’s been a pure pleasure, oh and good luck wid the quest. I’ll try tae look in, and send tha blessings of Moradin yer way.”

At which point Garumn fades from existence.

[Garumn says bye 500 XP]

So, there were a few questions, the DM simply explains- when Idalla the succubi kissed Garumn, and the paladin took his damage- which reduced him to below 0 HP, then… he’s dead. But then Vincenzo rushed in and tipped a potion of greater healing down Garumn’s neck, and well… I had the start of a thought, and so I allowed Garumn to get back up again. On borrowed time, as it were, and for a variety of reasons- the main one being I had already planned the finale with the black dragon/Ashardalon (see above), and so I just thought it would be nice to have Garumn there for the end of show.

There’s another campaign related reason I did this but, obviously, I can’t tell you (dear reader) about it now, because… shh… I think I just saw a player reading this.

The Dark Squad, courtesy of Vincen G Octopod, are ferried back across the lake, as is all of the treasure, and of course the PCs grab Garumn’s body (and his loot) and then head back up and out of the mountain. All the way back to their secret cave hideout, home atm to Courana (‘Oh Vinnie’), Geradil, and the very content Spandwick and Bel- all is well with the world.

[The Vincen G Octopod ferry service 100 XP]

Next time.

Stay safe and well you lovely people.

Cheers the Dark Squad and goonalan.

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The Dark Squad in the Secrets of Saltmarsh #133 Fellowyn's First Massacre. (2024)
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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.