The Dark Squad in the Secrets of Saltmarsh #133 Fellowyn's First Massacre. (2024)

Dark Squad in the Secrets of Saltmarsh

Session #062b: 24/48/72* Hours to Save Arty Swell [*Delete as appropriate].

Dark Squad (in alphabetical order, no egos here).
Daktari (played by Haggis) Male Human Uthgardt Sky Pony Barbarian Lvl 7
New Tricks (played by Bear) Male Tabaxi Warlock Lvl 7
Ramshambo (played by Kev) Male Half-Elf Rogue Lvl 7
Vincenzo (played by Haggis) Male Shifter (Wildhunt) Druid Lvl 7

Inverna Nightbreeze (played by Goonalan) Female Wood Elf Fighter Lvl 7 (Sidekick)

Garumn Male Mountain Dwarf Paladin of Moradin Lvl 5 RIP*
Tarbin Tul (played by goonalan) Male Human Bard RETIRED
*Trapped in the Land of the Bad Dead Ancestors.

Gerald (Bat/Giant Bat) servant/mount of New Tricks
Owly (Owl) Vinnie’s familiar

This is session 62b, keeping up?

It's a cracker, I got the nod from Jim at work the day after the session- “very good, didn't expect that”, which works for me, that's all the encouragement I need.

The Dark Squad and their companions, after a technicolour whirl through the weave, suddenly find themselves standing in a low ceilinged but wide tunnel like chamber, ahead of them are a bunch of important/respectable looking gnomes- the welcoming committee. The place however seems to be a subterranean market, there are also a bunch of gnome stallholders and their customers present, all of whom have stopped to gawp at our heroes.

The Dark Squad in the Secrets of Saltmarsh #133 Fellowyn's First Massacre. (1)

Welcome to Squabblepot.

But back to the Squabblepot welcoming committee.

Introductions are made, the welcoming gnomes are-

Habblepop of Garl, a priest (of Garl Glittergold)- he does a lot of the talking.

Note- Vinnie refers to him as 'Monsieur Po-puh!', throughout the chat that follows.

Magistrate Halfberk, who will try Arty's case.

Burrow Warden Fifthstrike, who is mostly meat in the room.

And, Sgt Ecky Thump, a senior member of the Squabblepot Guard.

So, after introductions the story.

In precis- Arty Swell has been accused of murder, his trial will take place- in accordance with burrow law- seventy-two hours after Arty's Speaker (for which read lawyer (for which read- Vinnie)) has been introduced to his client.

Basically, the Dark Squad have seventy two hours to investigate and solve the case, then Vinnie must stand up before the gnome magistrate and tell him how.

When the seventy two hours start Vinnie (primarily) and the Dark Squad will be given full range- to go wherever they must, and to talk with whoever they should. In short to do all that they can to investigate this fateful/fatal incident. When the time's up, of course, the trial will begin- with Vinnie presenting his findings.

Note, Sgt Ecky Thump will facilitate the investigation, she'll be acting as liaison within the burrow.

The Dark Squad, after a little more chatter, are in agreement- they'll take the job, when do we start?

Well... the gnome reception committee are concerned that more than one of the Dark Squad's number- Newt & Daktari, seem to be be pretty beaten up at the moment (they're both bloodied). Habblepop therefore suggests that the Dark Squad put off their investigation for just a short while, they will be allowed to sleep, heal and rest without the burrow- here in the market cavern, and then begin their 72 hours investigation on the morrow. When they meet with Arty and hear his story.

Once again, the Dark Squad are in agreement.

Such a nice DM. Then again, I know what's coming.

Also, what's the deal with the 24/48/72 hours to save Arty Swell?

That's a ruse, or else a bit of fluff. The DM advises the players that the GP-value reward for solving this case and (perhaps) saving Arty Swell (should he prove to be innocent) is based on the time it takes the PCs to get to the bottom of the mystery.

However, the Dark Squad- after their initial interview with Arty must state definitively how long they will take to solve the case.

They have three options-

1) To confidently say that they'll have the whole thing wrapped up in just 24 hours, and if they do so their reward will be 5,000gp of alchemical stuff (potions and the like).

That's a lot of gold pieces, and this DM thought a kind of warning- to do this task in 24 hours, well... it's going to prove to be very difficult.

Note, the reward will be paid in instalments.

Further note, if the Dark Squad chose this option and fail to crack the case in 24 hours then they only receive half of the rewards listed below for options 2) and 3).

Keep in mind the trial starts in 72 hours, that's a fixed point.

Option 2) is to hedge their bets and say that they will solve the case in 48 hours, success and they'll receive 3,000 gp of alchemical products as above.

Note, as above, if they select this option and fail to solve the mystery in 48 hours then they only receive half the listed reward below.

Lastly, option 3) is to dither and say that they will have the truth in 72 hours, success and they will receive just 1,000gp of alchemical products as above.

There is, of course, a fourth option-


The rules explained, and keep in mind this is just gamist stuff, the PCs still have 72 hours to solve the mystery in-game. It's only how quick they are which effects the reward money that's up for grabs here.

So, a meal and a good night's rest, note the various members of the Dark Squad purchase fresh food from the stallholders before retiring, all save Newt that is. The tabaxi can't afford to buy food, he therefore consumes the last of his trail rations.

There's a little inter-Dark Squad chatter after the market closes down and the tabaxi fires up his Leomund's Tiny Hut.

The talk is instigated by Newt- “I don't like it Vinnie, stuck down here with all these fiddling little things (he means gnomes). What if they seek to attack us? We should get Ram to open the burrow door, I'll put them all to the flame while they slumber? Imagine the fun we could have. Also, if we kill them all- we will, most likely, have punished the one responsible for this terrible crime, a just outcome.”

It takes a while but eventually Newt is persuaded to leave off the incinerating for a little while longer.

Newt was on fire tonight with his caterwauling disdain/dislike/disgust of all things not him, that and his ever-present effervescent paranoia.

There was a moment earlier in the piece when Newt was complaining, and generally airing his suspicions that the gnomes were out to kill the Dark Squad, maybe- but definitely him, specifically.

Vinnie was trying, of course, to calm the cat-man down- “Why do yew sink zis?”

“Dammit Vinnie, they keep staring at me... us! Me!” Newt yowls.

Leaving Vinnie to patiently explain, as the reception committee did earlier- this is a closed burrow, there hasn't been a non-gnome in Squabblepot for decades, perhaps a century. Likewise, there have been no violent crimes here for at least a generation, folk here are anxious, and uneasy, and particularly now that there are also strangers about.

Also, as Vinnie explains for possibly the 400th time so far in these adventures, a seven foot tall walking cat-man is not an everyday sight even in Waterdeep, the most populous place on the Sword Coast. In precis- everyone, everywhere stares at Newt, all of the time- he's odd, and that's before he opens his mouth and starts spouting his particular brand of home-made terror.

[Rest and chatter 200 XP]

Then, the next morning- early to rise and Sgt Ecky Thump of the Squabblepot Guard is on hand to escort the Dark Squad straight to Arty, who is being held in the only cell that exists in Squabblepot.

The burrow- the Dark Squad are reminded, yet again, is almost crime free, certainly there hasn't been a violent crime here for generations.

This fact however many times it gets said is seemingly incomprehensible to at least one member of the Dark Squad.

Actually, to just one member of the Dark Squad.

Still, Newt.

In fact the tabaxi begins the interview with Arty with a few more words of his homespun wisdom, “don't fret Arty, remember- if at any time there are two people in a room, one will most surely wish to murder the other. It is just a fact of life...” the cat-man nods sagely as he delivers yet another pearl to swine.

The Dark Squad in the Secrets of Saltmarsh #133 Fellowyn's First Massacre. (2)

Interview with Arty, Squabblepot is built for big-folk, it's all a little bit cramped.

I think he made Arty cry.

I'm certain I heard Vinnie crying.

[Two people in a room... 200 XP]

Anyway, here's Arty's story in brief-

“Three nights ago I got home from my work at the Farhill Mine. I did a little shopping at the market and said hello to a few folk on the way back into the burrow. I went back to my rooms, then prepared and ate dinner.”

“I think.”

Arty's memory of that evening, as it turns out, is a little hazy.

“The next thing I remember of that evening, and it must have been much later... I was suddenly aware that I was in one of the meeting rooms, there were four other gnomes present. I remember looking down to see my bloodied knife in my bloody hand- and the unmoving body of young Cali Brightsong lying directly before me.”

“Later, the moment before this came back to me- I remember stabbing Cali Brightsong.”

The memory makes Arty cry some more.

He has however no idea why he stabbed Cali Brightsong.

Then, well- Arty explains he was swiftly captured by the other gnomes in the meeting room (he provides the names of the others present), but by then it was all too late for Cali- she was dead.

"She is dead."

That's pretty much it, save for more tears from Arty.

There follows lots of chatter, names are taken, what route did Arty take, who was where, who is Cali, and a myriad other questions.

Arty also takes the time to replay a little of his life-story- studying in his father's alchemist shop in Waterdeep “Swells to get Well!”, marrying and moving to Triboar, then the death of his wife from itching pox, his wandering ways around the Dessarin Valley, and finally- seven years ago, his being accepted into Squabblepot Burrow.

The chatter goes on some more- the Dark Squad have more questions.

After a good twenty minutes of circling Ram has a great idea, let's go Crimewatch on this mystery- let's do a recreation/walk-through. Let's take Arty back to the start of his journey home on that fateful evening, and from there replay the entire event, investigating and interrogating all available witnesses as we go.

As I say, great work.

[Interview Arty and walk-through idea 600 XP]

Sgt Ecky Thump is all good with this, and so it comes to pass.

Keep in mind that the Dark Squad are moving quickly now.

Why you ask?

Because they've decided to solve this mystery in just 24 hours, no dissenters.

They have big balls this mob, if you'll pardon my French.

And just to make clear, should they fail to prove Arty's innocence of the crime then the punishment for the gnome is most likely- death, best case scenario- banishment (and the shame that this brings). Note the gnome hierarchy/welcoming committee are equally upset at the prospect of this. These are good folk, they abhor violence.

So, back to the market cavern with Arty, and of course Sgt Ecky Thump in tow, folk here don't know quite what to make of the investigative team, however three stallholders are on hand to confirm Arty's timings and his actions on the evening in question.

Then more chatter with one of the guard's (Meera Slowpuddle) on the great door of the burrow, she spoke with Arty on the evening in question; and the same again with accompanying interview with another gnome (Jackson Fishpaste) who saw and briefly spoke with Arty while he was en route to his rooms.

The Dark Squad in the Secrets of Saltmarsh #133 Fellowyn's First Massacre. (3)

The crime reconstruction- chatting with Jackson Fishpaste, Meera Slowpuddle's interview having just concluded.

Everything so far checks out, however- in confidence the two gnomes above that spoke with Arty, Meera & Jackson- both friends of the alchemist, eventually let it be known that Arty is a bit of a loner, he doesn't make friends easily. He's also a new burrow, he's not Squabblepot born and bred, an outsider. Also, Arty works in the mines, this too is frowned upon. Both also make clear that Arty's presence within the burrow is a boon- he's a very capable alchemist, his potions- freely given, have saved several members of the burrow.

In summary, Arty's different- odd even, a bit of an outsider, but very useful.

After yet more questioning follows, however the Dark Squad are reassured, Arty has no actual enemies- no-one in Squabblepot has enemies. The very idea is alien to both of the gnomes being questioned.

Newt, of course, simply doesn't understand, or believe, Meera and Jackson's words.

Newt has enemies everywhere, even amongst his friends (at times).

[Interview with Meera & Jackson 250 XP]

Next stop- Arty's rooms, the place has been secured but Sgt Thump has the key. It's a comfortable chamber- built in cupboards, a bed, a stove, a table with cushions. The Dark Squad (very carefully) search everywhere. This after confirming that Arty had for some reason only ate half his dinner on the evening in question. It's three days old- the food, but Newt is hungry and so, “waste not want not”, he snaffles it down.

The Dark Squad in the Secrets of Saltmarsh #133 Fellowyn's First Massacre. (4)

Arty's room, note the DM and Arty have been very specifically using the word rooms- with an 'S', the plural, at every instant. Obvs the players didn't pick up on this at the time- hence their surprise/shock.

The search however turns up a mystery, or else- very well hidden beneath a barrel in a cupboard/storage space is a trapdoor set in the floor.

“What's down there?” Ram asks.

“The basem*nt, and my labs.” Arty eventually replies, somewhat sheepishly.

Which, of course, leads to yet more chatter with the gnome, who it now seems is reluctant to say too much more.

Ram is very keen to know why Arty didn't tell the Dark Squad about the trapdoor before they started their search, it would have saved a little time.

Arty carefully explains to his friend Vinnie- “my lab is private, my formulas, my research... well, it's private. Besides, what has my alchemical work got to do with my present predicament?”

Ram is still suspicious (actually very suspicious), and he's not alone.

[Info about Arty's secret lab 250 XP]

Sgt Ecky Thump has seen enough, the Dark Squad can ask a few more questions but then Arty's going back to his cell, if the PCs want to continue their interview it will have to take place there.

The Dark Squad, and in particular, Newt have one more question for the gnome alchemist- or rather not a question, a Suggestion (capital letter because I mean the spell Suggestion).

Newt suggests that Arty “Tell me the story of that fateful evening again- but don't leave anything out this time.”

Arty duly fails his save, and so does just that- he repeats word-for-word the story he told the Dark Squad earlier, with no new info.

And so Sgt Thump takes Arty back to his cell, the Dark Squad will be back for more chat after they have investigated Arty's rooms thoroughly.

[Newt's Suggestion to Arty 200 XP]

Below Arty's room, which by the way contains nothing suspicious, is a storeroom- mostly dry goods, also preserves and the like.

But then the Dark Squad come up with yet another clever plan, hatched by Vinnie this time- “If zer iz a see-kret axe-ess point to iz labz down ear, zen zer will be tracks too zis place. E wud axe-ess iz labs evry day, don't yew sink?”

And so it proves, and it's Inverna that finds an odd but oft-repeated trail through the dust and dirt here- the trail ends at a crate, beneath which is yet another well-hidden trapdoor.

And when Ram gets it open he gets a magic missile or two in the face.

The rogue is really not happy, and he's usually Mr. Calm.

“He should have told us about the trap. If he was a friend. He's hiding summats, mark my words.”

Which just about qualifies as Ram's longest speech, certainly for a while.

The Dark Squad in the Secrets of Saltmarsh #133 Fellowyn's First Massacre. (5)

Right, the basem*nt- Inverna finds a well-hidden trapdoor. Left, a storage chamber- Arty's Lab?

The Dark Squad descend- Ram first, as always, into a very well made foyer come storage room, with two doors exiting the place. The barrels and crates stored here contain unused/new alchemical equipment- mostly glassware and the like, but also sacks of some of the more mundane ingredients.

[Into Arty's Lab? 200 XP]

There's also a bunch of paperwork here- a lot of it is written in gnomish, and yet Vinnie has enough background knowledge to recognise that the stuff for what it is- inventories, ingredients orders, receipts etc.

Nothing incriminating.

Ram therefore gets to work on one of the doors, it takes a while but eventually he gets it open- and is seconds later shot by a poisoned dart. A pair of the things spring from the lock as the portal is opened, the rogue manages to dodge the first only to move directly into line with the second poisoned dart, it hurts.

It hurts bad, Ram is bloodied and needs healing.

He's also as close as he has ever been to losing his cool.

“That's it! Your friend Arty”, he growls while staring hard at Vinnie, “will answer for this!”

There's a brief discussion about Arty's lack of forthrightness, but curiosity gets the better of the Dark Squad- ahead is a low-ceilinged library, containing shelves crammed with books. The Dark Squad investigate, cautiously and carefully. They're not taking any of the tomes and notebooks from the shelves, just trying to spot anything odd or out of the ordinary.

But... nothing.

Keep in mind they're moving quickly still.

Vinnie investigates more paperwork at a desk, but struggles to make any sense of it- some of it, possibly all of it, are notes about alchemy. It's all gnomish to the druid.

Ram, meantime, gets to work on yet another door- an exit to the south, and just to say the session should have ended five minutes ago. But... one last door, which also proves very tough to open, the locks are very good quality down here. Eventually, with a little help and Guidance from Vinnie the rogue springs the lock, but with disastrous consequences.

Ain't it always the way.

A massive spectral scythe like blade springs out from the portal and cuts into two of the adventurers, remarkably the spectral blade passes through the bookshelves and other bits of furniture, it only cuts flesh.

Ram, at the last moment, falls to his face and lies flat- below the fizzing spectral blade, Vinnie and Newt are less fortunate- the pair are bloodied in an instant.

The Dark Squad in the Secrets of Saltmarsh #133 Fellowyn's First Massacre. (6)

Arty's Library, picture taken just after the spectral scythe trap hits- note Vinnie and Newt were much closer, as soon as the saving throw rolls appeared in the chat window the pair simultaneously 'ran away'. Don't worry about Ram, half damage turns out to be zero when you're blessed with evasion.

And now everyone's pissed.

At least for a second or two...

“Oh! Is that...” Ram asks.

“Well, well, well Mr. Swell. Things just got interesting.” Newt notes.

“Merde! Petit connard.” Vinnie summarises.

Silence for a bit.

Until Daktari pipes up.

“Vot is scribblings on floor?”

The Dark Squad in the Secrets of Saltmarsh #133 Fellowyn's First Massacre. (7)

Not what the Dark Squad expected to find.

The newly revealed chamber, as made clear moments later by Newt who takes a good look around the place- although from the doorway, is a fully-equipped summoning chamber, complete with summoning circle.

“It's set up to summon devils, or demons- fiends, that sort of thing. It's... very nice.” The tabaxi concludes, a little misty eyed.

[The Summoning Chamber 200 XP]

There's lots more chatter- most of it angry.

That is until Newt makes it clear.

“The place hasn't been used for ages- decades perhaps, I mean- look at it.”

He's right, there are cobwebs here and there, nothing has been moved/touched/used in the chamber for a good long while.

“It's dead- the summoning circle, such a shame. Such a terrible shame. And a waste.” Newt turns back to his friends to deliver this last heartfelt regret.

The tabaxi stares into the ever-widening eyes of the druid...

“Newt, I sink yew are miss-taken. Turn around mes amis.”

The tabaxi complies, and turns to spy- now standing within the centre of the summoning circle is a small hooded figure.

The newly arrived figure gingerly pulls down its hood to reveal- well, an old and wise-looking male gnome.

The Dark Squad in the Secrets of Saltmarsh #133 Fellowyn's First Massacre. (8)

“Hello. I'm Humpty Far-Far-Away. Nice to meet you.”

But that's all for now, sometimes the timing just works.

The Dark Squad’s to-do list reads a little like this-

1. Save (the bastard) Arty Swell (maybe).
2. To the Moon Pool.
3. Goblins in the Dreadwood.
4. Nightshade in the Dreadwood.
5. To Blackedge, find the Goblin Stair.
6. Return to Fallowstone Holy for answers- the Witch’s Tor & the Pact of the Flame.

And just a reminder to the players- there's plot to be had in here, you just have to find it.

Stay safe and well you lovely people.

Cheers the Dark Squad and goonalan.

The Dark Squad in the Secrets of Saltmarsh #133 Fellowyn's First Massacre. (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.