The Evening Bulletin from Maysville, Kentucky (2024)

-A Larger Stock and Assortment of Better BOOTS AT BARKLEY'S Than in Any Other Bfouse in Kentucky For the Money. 25 Per Cent, Off! Per Cent. Off! 25 Per Cent. Off! 'A Beginning Friday, December 14th, every garment in our house, no matter how low down it is already marked, will be sold 25 per cent, less than marked-out price. We have too many goods, and the weather in the past two weeks has not been HEALTHY for the Clothing trade.

It is useless to say anything about the qualities, style and workmanship of our goods. They are always at the top notch. With Every Suit or Overcoat Sold, No Matter at What Price, We Present You a Nice HAT. Ur As our stock of Hats is only composed of the best of makes and newest of styles, you can not but realize that we are anxious to unload our Winter Goods. With the little fellows' Suits we present a fine Cap or Hat, just as you choose.

Terms during our 25 per cent, off sale, CASH when goods are taken out of the house. HECHINGER 5c CO ODDFELLOWS' HALLj mg PERSONAL. Miss Tillie Davis is at Covington, visiting her sister. Bishop Maes, of Covington, was in Maysvillo yesterday. Mrs.

J. Barbour Russell and Mrs Tom Russell were in Cincinnati Wednesday. Mrs. John Ingles and Miss Kate Savage, of Millersburg, are visiting in this city. Mr.

S. M. Worthington, of Fern Leaf, has returned from a visit at Bowling Green. Mrs. T.

J. Chenoweth and Mrs. Hiram Chenoweth spent Wednesday in Cincinnati. Mr. E.

Robinson came down on the F. F. V. last evening from a two weeks business trip. Major John Walsh has gone on a trip to Lewis County, and will be absent for seveial days.

Mrs. Wood and son, of Sharpsburg, are visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Phister. Mr.

S. R. Powell and daughter Miss Nettie were called to Covington yesterday by the death of Mrs. John W. Powell.

Miss Emma Gordon, who has been visiting relatives in this city and county for some time, left for her hom*o at Park-ersburg yesteiday. Miss Etta B. Gore, who had been visiting her cousin, Miss Carolyno Calvert, of the Sixth ward, for soveral weeks, has returned to her hom*o at Georgetown, O. Mrs. Longmore, formerly Miss Worthington of Fern Leaf, has moved from Toledo, 0., and is now making her hom*o at 86 East Fourth street, Cincinnati.

Mrs. Rev. R. H. Dodson, of New Hichmond, has returned hom*o after spending a couple of weeks with her sister Mrs.

J. W. Clinger, of tbo Sixth ward. Lightning Hot Drops What a Funny Name I Very True, but It Kills All Palp. Sold Everywhere.

Every Day- Wlthout Relief, There Is No Pav! Hayswood Musical Olub. Tho Hayswood Musical Club composed of the pupils of tho music class met in tho parlor Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Tho subject of "Octaves" was discussed and tho following programme was given (a) Polka, (h) Mazurka, (c) Laughing Miss NellloIDarnall. (a) Cradle Song (b) Sonata Hayden Miss Alberta Glasco*ck. Two Etudes Burgmuller Miss Nannlo Peed.

Heart's Wishes Llchner Kains. Miss Lucy Tcrhuno. Pedal Study Foote Miss Annlo Britain. i Tho Modorn Mother. Has found that her little ones are improved moro by tho pleasant laxative, Syrup of Figs, when in need of tho lax-ativo effect of a gentle remedy, than by any other, and that it is moro acceptable to them.

Children enjoy it and it benefits them. Tho true remedy, Syrup of Figs, iB manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. Fruit Oakes. Tho very finest materials for fruit cako are at G.

W. Goisol'a. Malaga grapes, shelled almonds and fresh XXXX powdered sugar. Prices lowor than over All orders for photographs to bo finished by Xma8 must bo in this week. Come, rain or shino.

i i In advertising, always say what you belloro, If you wish peopla to bolleye what you say. New store, new goods, low prices. Calhoun's. i The city alms house is receiving repairs and improvements. Mk.

James Smith and wife, who have been ill, aro improving. Mercer County's turkey crop will amount to $40,000 this year. Jack Howerton, of Bourbon, has skip ped for parts unknown, with his colored wife. 1 1 Maysville's shoo factory is running right along now, and has orders to keep it going. Smoke G.

W. Childs' La Tosca cigar, the best on the market, hand mado, only five cents. Col. George M. Ronn, formerly of this city, is agent now of tho Wilmington (0.) Nurseries.

The Ripley shoe factory is turning out 300 pairs a day now and giving employment to eighty hands. A Cincinnati family were poisoned this week by eating cabbage on which Paris green had been placed. A Florida negro was taken from custody of a Constable and hanged the other day by a mob of his own race. Owingsville claims moro inhabitants now than ever before in her history and every house in town has a tenant. Last month to vote for your favorite school teacher.

Will give $8 cash for the gift. J. T. Kackley Co. The rains this week caused a good riso in the Licking river, and brought down a good deal of timber from tho mountains.

In a barroom fight at Aberdeen, James Magee had his skull fractured by being hit with a beer glass by William Botta. The Watters' party of crayon artists have opened a studio at the St. Charles Hotel. All free hand work, and satisfaction guaranteed. In the case of Ware versus Fronk's administrator from Bracken, tho Court of Appeals has extended the time for filing transcript until March 1st, 1895.

James Harris, of Richmond, committed suicide by blowing his head off with a shot gun. Some of Maysville's brick-layors wore woll acqainted with him. Call at P. J. Murphy's, tho jeweler, and seo tho low prices on ladies' and gents' watches.

Prices lowor than ever. Tho largest lino in tho city to Bolect from, and best of all tho lowest prices. Beginning: to-day Hopper Co. will place their entire watch stock on salo at some very low prices. This is an opportunity to secure a good time-piece for tho outlay of but little money.

Stock too largo prices must sell them. Captain E. W. Fitzgerald was at Covington Tuesday evening and arrested a boy named Edward Mullaly, charged with breaking into a 0. and 0.

car. Tho caso will como up for trial Saturday before Judge Athey, of Covingtdn. An exchange says that a Blue Gras3 hollo of nineteen, who recently eloped and got married, took the precaution to paste tfio number, twenty-one, in her shoo so that, if tho preaohor asked awkward questions, she could truthfully say she was "ovor twenty-one." It's all a falso report, this talk about tho bitter feeling between General Hardin and Colonel Clay, Democratic aspirants for Gubernatorial honors. They have boon interviewed tho past week and each Bays their relations aro friendly. It's to bo hoped these friendly relations will not bo disturbed.

This is no timo for Democrats to bo fighting each other. John Wilson died a few days ago at Leesburg, and was buried at Ripley. Dr. W. R.

Heflin has decided to locate at Owensboro for the practice of his profession. Albert O'Dair and Mrs. Ollie Wal- lingford were married yesterday at Springdale. Rev. Dr.

Scudder, of Carlisle, celebrated the sixtieth anniversary of his birth Tuesday. i Elder J. W. Bullock will preach at Bethany Church, near Springdale, Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. The ladies' union prayer meeting this week will be held at tho Y.

M. 0. A. hall to-morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. The Carlisle Mercury says Mr.

Perry Jefferson has bought this season 93,000 pounds of tobacco that averaged 9 9J cents. The protracted meeting conducted by Rev. George H. Simmons at Fleminga-burg resulted in seven additions to tho Baptist Church. Governor Brown has offered a reward of $150 for the arrest and conviction of tho murderers of Ed.

Perry, who was found dead a few weeks ago in Greenup Countv. J. J. Oarmody's saloon at Manchester was burglarized, and after a hard chase Jim Sneed, one of the alleged cracksmen, was captured, but his pal, Grant Mat-ticks, escaped. Sheriff Bell, of Jefferson County, paid $200,000 into the State Treasury this week, which makes good every overdraft by tho Treasurer and all outstanding checks issued by him.

Sheriff Jefferson paid into tho State Treasury on December 1st the full amount of tho revenue charged to him for this year, and is in recoipt of a quietus from L( 0. Norman, Auditor. The mission night school will close tomorrow night, for tho Christmas holidays, with an exhibition at Y. M. 0.

A. hall, showing the progress made by tho pupils. The public cordially invited. Stanley Grooms, of Ripley, who not long ago married a Cincinnati girl, May Ferris, on a very short acquaintance, has sued for divorce. They got acquainted through an ad.

in tho papers. The Musical Club of Maysvillo will meet at eight Thursday evening in the chapel at Hayswood Seminary. The late hour has been chosen on account of tho prayer meeting in the different churches at seven o'clock. Useful Xmas present will bo appreciated moro than ever this year, and before buying you should see Chenowoth's stock of combs and brushes, pocket-books, card cases, perfumes and toilet preparations, at prices so low they will surpriso you. On December 18th, tho 0.

and 0. will sell round trip tickets to the following territory at one faro plus $2 Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Now Mexico, South Dakota and Oklahoma. Tickets limited to twenty days. Paris Kentuckian: "Eldor J. S.

Sween ey stated Sunday morning that of all tho members of the Paria Christian Church when ho camo horo twenty-six years ago, thoro are not now fifty residing hore who wore members when ho camo. The church has a membership of about 1,200." At tho recont term of tho Robortson Circuit Court, in tho caso of Frank Bradley, a wealthy old farmer, against his eona who wanted a committee appointed to manage his affairs, tho jury decided that he did not need a committee. In thocaseof Berry versus damages for slander, a verdict was rendered for the defendant. rf 5 if 9 OT Mi 02 3 So r- rj t-, i rH c- C5 -j rx ne a jr. I mmsaKimBmamcKmmaMMmmamuaammmmmmmcsmmammaam to 05 CD on C3 CD 5 to JO 733 CO CU a 'n OJ ci jr re.

3 ic-l CS to a to to odo 13 s- -as. CO 9 BROWNING CO. eAAAlAlAAAlAlAAAlAAAAAAAnAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJ FURNITiM BE ALES Having had our store newly painted and papered, and gotten an en- tirely now stock of FURNITURE, vhich we bought low down for cash, we are now offering our customers greater bargains than over before. We have 5 a complete line of edroom Suits and Folding Beds, I Parlor Sets, Sideboards, Hat Hacks, Tables, Chairs, Etc. You should see our display of ROCKERS, which wo are offering at rock- bottom prices.

5 1 5 Our Caskets, Robes, Hearses, are new. We buy only from tho best 5 factories, and with one of the best Funeral Directors auu Embalmers in tho State in charge, we aro prepared to give this department our most careful attention. Our rooms aro open day and night. 5 Mcllvain 5 113 Sutton, between Front and Second, West Side. lAlAlAAVAVAVAUUlAlAAmAlAlAAVAAVAAiAUAlAVAr ife Si.

i TSiir i bo iBin in Men iSl jJi X5iJit-' A w. r'mv'' ma mm --a IIEJMMlJFIi2 tir ftT- ym gall pr-T mfrn in 'TIW -1W 'IT-Tf -c vj r--a dTEi-'e sr lF.lK. li VAjrtTS-fc. 52WllTTi.V,Sj i Minnti-" 'ilX Sai VINE- ST a CINNATIfO Joseph Bode, has bought tho barber shop adjoining Kackloy's store, and solicits a share of tho public patronage. A clean towel for every patron.

Everything neat and clean. Give him a trial. A Million Friends. A friend in need ia a friend indeed, and not less than ono million peoplo havo found just such a friend in Dr.King'B Now Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds. If you havo never used this great cough medicino, ono trial will convince you that it has groat curativo powers in all diseases of tho throat, chest and lungs.

Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that is claimed or monov will bo refunded. Trial bottles frco at J. J. Wood's drug store. Largo bottles ouo.

and l. How doth tho ltttle busy ad Iuprovo each shining minute. And gather dollars, dimes and cents For the merchant who Is In It. LOST. TOST Saturday on Third street, between Umestono and 8utton, nC.

T. U. of A. pin. Kinder will plcoso return to this ofllco and receive a reward.

ll-3td STRAYKU A red and white spotted cow, wearing leather strap around tho horns. Auy Information concerning tho same will bo gratefully received byC. F. B1UTTALV, Morausburg, Ky. Wit FOR SALE.

OR SALB-A riano at a bargain. this ofllco, to frjfe -'s Liy tH.a..

The Evening Bulletin from Maysville, Kentucky (2024)
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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.