The Owensboro Messenger from Owensboro, Kentucky (2024)

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The Owensboro Messengeri

Owensboro, Kentucky

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SECTION one page two AUGUST SPECIALS xues wart Only! 15 Machine less Wave JO $200 Machlnelese (fA and Waves t'p to $650 Chy Bus Stope Just Across the Street from Us THE NU MAURE Phonp tt 16 IIS Daviess St Rear Mrs Tots and Teens i i i i Other Waves AwS TOBACCO PRICES CONTINUE HIGH Averages $5 to $10 Above Last Season Valdosta Ga South Georgia end lorida tobacco farmers sold 19058681 pounds of leaf this first week of ihe 1942 auction season for about $6400000 The Department of Agri culture reported the average price for the fifteen Georgia and two lorida markets was $3345 per hun dred a gain of $1059 over last' year's first week average Gross sales on the fifteen Georgia markets totalled 16465050 pounds the department said and for the two lorida markets 2593631 pounds comparison with the opening week last season" the department said "prices paid for leaf were from $500 to $1000 higher Cut ters Increased around $500 and the advances on lugs and primings ranged from $300 to $1050 tobaccos also sold much better Low quality grades showed the largest increases bulk of the tobacco sold from $3000 to $3700 and the grow ers were well pleased with the prices received marketing season began on July 28 with sales heavy in volume However the crop is considerably later than normal and the various markets reported that the growers were delivering their tobacco rather slowly The general quality was somewhat better than last with less nondescript and low qual ity grades appearing on the floors tobacco was also lighter in weight and more suitable for smok ing purposes The condition of the offerings was reported as good and although the tobacco sold was com posed principally of lugs and prim ings a considerable amount of leaf tobacco was represented "The 1942 production of flue cured tobacco in the Georgia and lorida belt was estimated as of July 1 to be 71560000 pounds This is an increase of around nine and one half million pounds over last year The estimated flue curedproduction for all belts is 739740 000 pounds which would be an in crease of around 111 million pounds over the 1941 MARSHALL COLLEGE HEAD RETIRES OR A VACATION Huntington Va Dr James Allen retired Saturday as president of Marshall college the second college he had headed in the last 32 years and his only immediate plan was to enjoy what he said would be his first vacation in three decades Dr successor is Dr John Davis Williams who took office Sat urday Dr Williams had been head of the University of Kentucky train ing school and associate professor of education Dr Allen and his wife will spend their first vacation in 30 years in his native state of Virginia Before coming to Marshall college seven years ago he had been president of Davis and Elkins for 25 years Too Late to Classify OR 817 BRECKENRIDGE 3 room house $200 per week Water furnished OR L'RMSHEI) APARTMENT modern strictly nrlvate rail 931 sw I MORTUARY Mrs Irvin uneral services for Mrs Irvin widow of Dr Irvin a practicing physician in Owensboro many years ago who died at the home of her sister Mrs Mollie Woolcott at South Carrollton at 4 Thursday were conducted at South Carrollton Saturday af ternoon Burial was in Elmwood cemetery here at 3 pm Saturday the Rev Robert Humphreys pas tor of the irst Baptist church con ducting a short service at the grave Walter Cronin uneral services for Walter Cronin 60 of Boonville Ind who died at his home there at 6:30 am riday after a long illness will be conducted at Blue Rim cemetery Gatchel Ind at 2 pm today Green uneral services for Green 76 who died at his home near Bre men following a heart attack at 10 pm Thursday were held at the residence at 11 am Saturday Burial was in the Sacramento cem etery rancis Van Ballard uneral services for rancis Van Ballard 37 who died at 4 a ri day at his home 1015 East ifth street will be held at St Catholic church at 8:30 am Mon day Burial will be in the Catho lic cemetery Pallbearers will be Mills Marvin Harris Jarboe rank Stuart Spalding Wathen and Dore Higdon A Lee A Lee prominent farmer at Nuckols died at his home there at 10 am Saturday He is survived by his widow three daughters Mrs Mary May Mrs rances Johnson and Mrs Clara Laudln and two sons Eugene and Stewart Lee of Nuckols uneral services will be held at the Hughart uneral home Livermore at 3 pm today Burial will be in Oak Hill cemetery Liver more Mrs Estill Board Mrs Iva Medcalf Board 59 wife of Estill Board died at her home at ordsville at 3 am Saturday She is survived by her husband her mother Mrs Medcalf two daughters Mrs Ruby Board of ordsville and Mrs Miles Bish op of Louisville uneral services will be held at the residence at 4 pm today the Rev A A Thacker pastor of the ordsville Baptist church officiating Burial will be in the ordsville cemetery Pall bearers will be Cobb I Rhoades Bellamy Walter Richard Huber Cooper and Steve McIntosh Mrs Ullainee Doriot Tile body of Mrs Ullainee Doriot who died at her home at Algonac Mich riday morning will arrive in Owensboro Monday morning and funeral services will be conducted at St Stephen's cathedral Tuesday morning the hour not set Surviv ing Mrs Doriot are her husband a son Jackie Doriot two daughters Beverly and Nancy Doriot two Ts ters Miss Mary Head of Owens boro and Mrs A Jarboe of Detroit Mich and three brothers Gerald Head of Owensboro Eman uel Head of Detroit and Herman Head of Anderson Ind Temperature And Rainfall Records Washington (J1) Weather bureau report of temperature and rainfall for the 24 hours ending 8 Sat urday Station High Low ree Asheville 91 65 Atlantic City 84 69 Boston 87 63 Chicago 84 70 21 Cincinnati 94 72 100 Detroit 79 64 88 Louisville 96 73 Miami 91 71 New Orleans 92 77 New York 90 68 OWENSBORO 99 69 Pittsburgh 86 67 208 St Louis 100 79 San Antonio 90 76 Tampa 85 77 Washington 92 72 BANK THE MAIN I KEY STONE STREET I BANK" I You'll find all financial facilities here including a night depository for use of commercial accounts I BuuWARBONDS I I a I 1 I jsabotuotic I Citizens State Bank I Im Home Owned THE MESSENGER OWENSBORO KY SUNDAY AUGUST 2 1 942 GIRL RESERVES TO HAVE OUTING Registration To Be Made or Camp At A Registration for the A Girl Reserve camp to be held at the George Warren Hogg Memorial Boy Scout camp August 10 to 15 is to be made at meetings of the groups at the A club room Monday and Tuesday Girls 12 to 16 years old arc eligible to attend Mrs red Theis director of the Girl Reserve program will register the girls and will be director of the camp Doctors certificates are to be turned in as registrations are made At a recent meeting of the camp council an interesting program was outlined which will include hiking swimming boating first aid folk dancing handicraft and camp crafts singing dramatics nature study worship services discussions and campfires Tire campers will be di vided into groups for contests Tire best camper will be selected by ri day evening She will have the hon or of leading the impressive Girl Re serve ceremonial The camp which will open Monday August 10 and break Saturday August 15 will close the Girl Reserve program for the summer Members of the staff include: Mrs John Reid camp manager Mrs red Theis director Miss Miriam Hare dietitian Mrs letcher Barr swimming Instructor Miss Carolyn Cohn folk dancing and first aid Miss Margaret Evans recreational director A member of the Boy Scout council at the camp will be on duty as custodian of the camp and as a life guard Heard About Town Corp leming who is with the army located at Camp Croft has been advanced to the rank of sergeant He is a son of Mr and Mrs A leming August was ushered into Owens boro Saturday with the highest 99 exceeding by two degrees the pre vious high mark of 97 degrees set during the last week The low temp erature Saturday was 69 degrees A total of 8450 state automobile driver's licenses for 1942 1943 have been issued through the office of Circuit Clerk Ben McCormick That total is almost 10 higher than the total on the same date a year ago Tire 1941 1942 licenses expired at midnight riday Preliminary mental examinations will be given to young men 18 to 26 at the Civilian Cadet Recruiting headquarters located in the lobby of Hotel Owensboro between 1 and 4 today This arrangement has been made in order that men em ployed during the week may secure complete Information as to how to become aviation cadets and may also take the examination to determine whether they can qualify for the final tests given at Bowman ield Those applying before Tuesday may go to Bowman ield with the next Owensboro contingent Wednesday Postmaster Simon Smith said Saturday that 7645 federal automo bile stamps had been issued this month at the Owensboro post office the receipts for which amounted to $38225 a Killian Owensboro district manager of the United States em ployment' service announced Sat urday that his office has calls for 400 electricians to wmrk in and near Mobile Ala at from 57 cents to $107 an hour depending on their skill and experience Their duties will be in the installation of elec tric wiring and fixtures on ships Graduates of any national defense training course will be acceptable Mr Killian added Detailed infor mation may be obtained at his of fice 116 East Third street Owens boro McLEAN TO SEND DELEGATION ARMERS TO PRINCETON Calhoun County Agent Le roy Northington has announced that a large delegation of McLean coun ty farmers are planning to attend the annual meeting of Western Ken tucky farmers at the Agricultural Experiment substation at Princeton August 6 Crops of all kinds peaches on trees and other fruit soil and crop experiments the dairy herd and the poultry flock will be seen and discussed A report on the work at the ex periment substation at Princeton has been issued by Supt Lowry and his assistant Caldwell called arming for Improv ing Depleted It tells how poor land was restored at low cost and in a way that could be followed by most farmers Visitors on Au gust 6 will see and hear how the job was done All farmers and other persons in terested in better farming are in vited to attend The McLean Coun ty arm Bureau will as in the past sponsor the trip and pay a part of cost of transportation SIR RANCIS YOUNGHUSBAND SOLDIER WRITER IS DEAD London Sir rancis Edward Younghusband 79 soldier writer and explorer of Tibet and Northern India died riday at Lytchett Mlnister near Poole after a short illness Younghusband born in India liv ed half his life in Asia He attained fame when he led a British expedi tion to the forbidden city of Lhassa 40 yean ago THE PASSING THRONG REV HONE TO BE AREWELL RECEPTION OR REV MATTINGLY The Rev Mattingly and Mrs Mattingly were guests at a farewell reception given in their honor Wednesday evening by the congregation of the irst Christian church at Elyria Ohio on the lawn of the home of Mr and Mrs A Givens the Rev Mr Mattingly hav ing resigned as pastor to enter the sendee as A chaplain More than 200 members of the congre gation attended A splendid pro gram was given and the Rev Mr Mattingly and Mrs Mattingly were presented with gifts in appreciation of having served the congregation for the last two years Members of the official church board held a meeting following the reception and granted the Rev Mr Mattingly leave of absence for tne duration The Rev Mr Mattingly who will have the rank of lieuten ant will leave August 9 for Har vard university Cambridge for two months training He is' a son of Mrs Mattingly 1229 Walnut street NEWCOMERS CLUB ORGANIZED HERE A club was organized in Owensboro at a luncheon meeting at Weir's Drug store Thursday called by Mrs Catherine Rapier Boggess Officers were elected as follows: President Mrs Victor Gibson secretary Mrs West erman treasurer Mrs George Greenup After the business session a social hour was enjoyed and prizes were awarded to Mesdames William Hen derson Charles Payne James Scott Thompson and Westerman Guests at the inaugural meeting in cluded Mrs Dowd of New York and Mrs Georgia Tapscott Edgeworth of Kankakee Ill LEGION AUXILIARY TO INSTALL OICERS Officers will be installed at a meeting of the American Legion auxiliary to be held at Memorial hall at 7:30 Tuesday WESLEYAN SERVICE GUILD TO HAVE PICNIC OUTING The Wesleyan Service Guild of Settle Memorial church will hold a picnic and business meeting at Leg ion park at 6:30 Tuesday Mesdames Edna Ward and red Martin and Miss Aileen Scott will be hostesses Mrs Montgom ery president will preside OREST WOODMEN TO HAVE MEETING TUESDAY The Supreme orest Woodmen circle Grove 23 will hold a business session at the Rudd hotel at 7:30 Tuesday Mrs Estella Am brose guardian will preside PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Mrs Hattie Lightfoot and Miss Christine ord will leave today for Chicago in the intereset of the Lightfoot ord Gift shop Miss Olga Leee Garrett has re turned home after a visit to friends and relatives in Illinois and Indiana Dr Sherman Mrs Sherman rStS ALIENS SEIZED One Jap Has Maps of Pacific Air Sea Routes New York The ederal Bu reau of 'Investigation Saturday an nounced the seizure of eighty seven enemy aliens including a Japanese who had maps of Pacific air and sea distances and navigation charts of the Aleutian islands In contrast to previous arrests here oxworth assistant di rector of the BI used the word in descrlbirjg the aliens Tire group composed of sixty six Germans fifteen Italians and six Japanese was nabbed in raids ri day in the metropolitan area All were taken to Ellis island for internment hearings BI agents quoted the Jap who had the maps as saying: want to see Japan win the war I would not fight against the Jap anese under any circ*mstances My emperor Hirohito is a good man He is my ruler and I must obey oxworth said that this man was a leader of Hokoku Dan which the BI officials described as a ascist type Japanese imperial service group Three of the Japanese and seven of the Germans entered this country illegally and all eighty seven had filed formal declarations of refusal to serve in the United States armed forces the BI reported ifteen of Hie Germans had registered with the German consulate for military service in the Nazi army oxworth declared that one of the Germans was a caretaker at a Ger man American bund camp and had an uncle and sixteen cousins in Hitler's army He told agents who arrested him: you induct me Into the army I will surrender the very first op portunity I The BI reported that 425 enemy aliens have been arrested here since July 1 numbering 350 Germans 65 Italians 7 Japanese 2 Rumanians and one Hungarian ACE BLOOD DONOR Barrow in urness England (V) Albert Anson 46 year old pipe fitter claims to be champion blood donor He has given 52 pints of blood in transfusions in various parts of tile country Supper at St Sebas tian's Church Calhoun Grove Calhoun Ky on Sat Aug 22nd at 5 Barbecued mutton chick en and burgoo and daughter Mrs Jimmie Tapscott will leave today for Chicago and Rochester Minn where they will spend several days Mr and Mrs Alton Woodward and daughter Corinne Amelia re turned Saturday to their home in Pascagoula Miss after a visit of ten days to their parents Mr A Woodward and Mr and Mrs Mason and other relatives and friends Mrs Jackson has returned to ort Hayes Columbus Ohio to rejoin her husband Lieutenant Jackson after a visit to Mr and Mrs Jackson of Habit andMr and Mrs Harold Bell of Ow ensboro Tr Bryan Martin second class seaman who is training at the Navy station Auburn Ala is visit ing his sister Mrs David Rey nolds 2010 Lexington avenue Sea man Martin will complete his course in about two weeks Mr Sam Levy is in New York in the interest of Levys Mrs A Jones has returned from a visit of several days in Lou isville with Mr Jones who is em ployed there Mrs Wiggins of Beech Grove is a guest of her daughter Mrs A Jones Misses May and Pearl Read will leave today for Louisville and Kavanaugh 'lamp grounds Crest wood Ky Rev and Mrs A Alexander of Hodgenville and Mrs Raymond Alexander of Owensboro were re cent guests of Mr and Mrs Dan Caraway of Calhoun Mrs Eaty of Habit return ed Saturday after a visit to her sister Mrs A Richey of Ply mouth Mich and friendsdn Detroit and Ann Arbor Mich and Louis ville Mr and Mrx Albert Smeathers and son Jerry have returned to Terre Haute Ind after a visit' to Mr and Mrs Harmon Smeathers of Yelvington Mr and Mrs Estil Griffin and children have returned to Gas City Ind after visiting Mrs parents Mr and Mrs Morris of Yelvington Mrs Arthur Wood and sons Robert and James of Detroit Mich will arrive Monday to join Mr Wood who is visiting his par ents Mr and Mrs Wood Mrs Jane Jones left Saturday for New York in the interest of the millinery department of the McAtee Lyddane and Ray store En route home she will spend a few days with her son Sergt Alfred Henry Jones who is stationed at Selfridge ield Mich POLICE ASSIGNMENTS OR MONTH AUGUST ARE MADE Police assignments for August as made Saturday by Chief Vernie Bid well follow: 7 a to 3 Detectives Heal and Vogel Desk Captain McIntyre Jr radio patrol automo biles Patrolmen Medlin Atherton Clark and Cundiff radio patrol motorcycles Patrolmen Worthington and Armstrong walking beats Pa trolmen Hicks Adkisson Austin and Keiser 3 to 11 Assistant Chief George Nance Desk Sergeant Ern est Pate radio patrol automobiles Patrolmen Hall Lambert Whitting hill and Miller radio patrol motor cycles Sergeant Gabbert and Patrol man Day walking beats Patrolmen Wilson Walker and Chambers 11 to 7 a Lieut William Weidemann Desk Sergeant Clar ence Cole radio patrol automobiles Patrolmen Long Weber Ray and Mitchell walking beats Patrolmen Russell Elliott and Stout Negro patrolmen Green and Brown LIGHTING BAN HITS LONDON SHOPS London (P) The command to waste no fuel has put an end to all artificial lighting of shop windows and showcases The West End's still handsomely dressed windows now must depend upon daylight for illumination Some stores may close basem*nt de partments Showcases in hotels restaurants and subway stations also arc dark BflPTISTSPEAKER Rev Waite To Close His Series At Tent Today The Rev rank Waite pastor of the Hall Street Baptist church who has been conducting revival services at the Baptist tent meeting at Wing and Monarch avenues will conclude his series of sermons at 8 pm to day speaking on to Meet The revival will be contin ued this week with the Rev Wendell Rone pastor of the Seven Hills Baptist church Services will be held at 8 daily sponsored by the Daviess McLean association Baptist churches will continue services in their own buildings to day with the exception of Hall Street which will join in the tent service this evening The Rev Mr Waite will occupy his own pulpit at 11 am speaking on Crown or a His subject at the tent Saturday evening was the donable his text being found in Matthew 12:31 32 In opening his remarks the Rev Mr Waite stated: "A solemn theme a theme that many are In terested in is the There may be many who com mit the unpardonable sin more than we The Rev Mr Waite discussed the negative side of the stating: is not idolatry not adultery not murder not infi delity not blaspheming against Christ not hatred toward Christ not even the murderers of He explained that the unpardonable sin is against the Holy Spirit as illustrated in Matthew 12:22 24 It is attributing the works of the Holy Spirit in the heart of man to the devil Only a sinner can commit the unpardonable The Rev Mr Waite emphasized the fact that "the unpardonable sin is sending away your day of grace by persisting in the sin of unbelief No one can pray for a soul that nas committed the unpardonable sin It is unpardonable because there is no atonement for it The Holy Spirit urges man to accept Christ and the Holy Spirit will make a la A appeal some COURT NEWS Marriage Licenses Owen Wimsatt 23 to Cather ine ord 20 Owensboro Emory Myles 36 to Hester Lister 30 both of Terre Haute Ind Berkley Davis 30 to Elizabeth Miller 21 Owensboro Samuel Graves 21 to Gwendo lyn Tichenor 18 Louisville In Quarterly Court A charge of driving while drunk was reduced to reckless driving and Howard Bowman Owensboro was fined $50 and costs Saturday by Acting County Judge A Roby The charge grew out of an auto mobile accident near Mosleyville when the Bowman car was said to have struck one belonging to James Morrow of Detroit Police Court Robert Helton 36 Rudd Hotel Everett Webster 50 900 block McGill avenue Willie Payne 47 Knottsville charged with being drunk were each fined $10 and costs by Judge John Wood in police court Saturday William Harris 17 negro of 900 block Breckenridge street was fined $10 and costs on a drunk charge Willard Head 29 of 2400 block Triplett street charged with being drunk and disorderly was fined $15 and costs Melvin Hayden 35 negro Guen ther alley charged with disorderly conduct was given a 30 day jail sen tence Silas Patrick 37 negro 500 block Vine street charged with disorderly conduct was given a $10 fine and a 30 day jail sentence suspended upon his promise to leave town and Anna belle Green 34 negro 900 block West ourth street also charged with dis orderly conduct was dismissed In the cases against Lida Milton Non Support Charge Gunn Owensboro charged with non support of his four small children promised to pay $10 when his case was tried Saturday before Acting County Judge A Roby REE BOOK On Colon And Related Troubles If afflicted with Colon and Rectal troubles or Stomach conditions write today for large 122 page REE BOOK McCleary Clinic HD832 Elms Blvd Excelsior Springs Advertisem*nt IT'S COOL OLKS! AT THE COEE SHOP HOTEL OWENSBORO AIR CONDITIONED COOLED TO A PLEASANT MOUNTAIN LIKE ATMOSPHERE ENJOY YOUR SUNDAY DINNER Here in This Refreshing Environment Try "Chicken in the It Tastes So Good! 0 a new 0 tOA' for your ROO Just as you wear a top coat for protection against the elements your present roof may give many additional years of satisfactory service if protected ASPHALT ROO COATING (ibred and Nan ibred) 65c Per Gallon in 5 Gallon Containers iyou(l WENOS ITTINGER LUMBER CO Henry Carl Elbert Davis Oppie Kittinger I Norris Charles Hester Albert Kittinger Miss Benita Oscar Kittinger aj 20 of 1500 block Anderson alley charged with disorderly conduct Jesse Davis 43 of same address Janies Rounds 32 of 1700 block Lewis street and Otto Baker 41 of 800 block West Third street all negroes charged with being drunk and disorderly the first three were each fined $5 and costs and Baker10 and costs Traffic Cases The default against Lucy Strong 1804 Monarch avenue and Sherman Tyler 1614 Daviess street each charged with reckless driving was set aside and the case reset Police Arrests Murphy 39 of Owensboro Route 3 Wallace Early 21 of Maceo Tom Boone 30 of Moseley ville Homer Vincent 35 of Mason ville and John Pate 24 of Twenty fourth street were arrested Satur day by Patrolmen Wilson and Chambers on charges of being drunk Eunice Shipley 33 of 431 Breckenridge street was arrested by Patrolmen Whittinghill and Miller on a like charge as were Ben Cook 53 of 919 East Ninth street aud Walter Cook 18 of the same address (by Patrolmen Hall and Lambert and Earl Vactor 30 of 211 Cedar street by Patrolmen Russell and Elliott Clara Mae Diggs 17 negro of 615 Plum street was arrested by Negro Patrolmen Green and Brown on a charge of breach of the peace and Zelma James 14 negro of 1609 Sweeney street was issued a police court summons on a like charge by the same officers Real Sstate Transfer Stout and Nora Stout to Philip Vance and Mabel Vance lot at East Sixth street and Maple wood drive COMMUNITY CHORUS TO PRESENT RECITAL AUG 31 The Community Recreation Coun cil will present the Community chorus in a recital at the Western high school auditorium at 8:15 pm Monday August 31 according to plans made by the chorus riday evening at a rehearsal at the West ern school directed by Iola Jordan Acton Louisville She also will direct the recital The program will include spirituals standard favorites and popular songs The chorus includes fifty voices A nutrition class sponsored by the Information and ood Conservation committee of the Civilian Defense council will meet at the Community center ifth and Elm streets at 8 Wednesday and Thursday evenings There are twenty two members enrolled Mar tha Lillian Bell Red Cross instruc tor is the teacher The council will meet at the Rec reation center at 8 Thursday DAVIESS 1 WIT PROJECTS ind Herefords and Crops In Good Condition Thirty five uture armers of America of the Daviess county high school accompanied by Charles Brown and Bruce Simms of the Bourbon Stockyards Louisville and Joe Towery agriculture teacher visited the homes of boys Saturday to note progress being made by A projects Messrs Brown and Simms who made the tour about a month later last year expressed the opinion the Hereford calves are in better condition at this period than last year ifty calves will be entered by twenty three boys in the fat cat tle show and sale in Louisville to be held the first week in November Tobacco corn soybeans and hogs which will be entered in the annual show at the ield Packing company this month were visited and found to be in good condition Some Bur ley was being cut by the boys Corn in the roasting ear stage needs rain A boys will not attend the camp at Hardinsburg this year due to the press of farm work but will attend the annual meeting of the A at the Kentucky Hotel Wed nesday through riday returning Saturday About thirty A boys from Daviess county Utica Whites ville and West Louisville clubs will make the trip in a school bus leaving from the Davies county high school at 10 a Wednesday Davies county high will be repre sented by ten boys Edward Hambleton and Paul Jackson of the Daviess county high will be candidates for state farmer and Richard LeGrand will be one of the eight Kentucky candidates for American armer Nearly 11 billion pounds of fats and oils were used in the United States in 1941 SUMMER SPECIALS Basem*nt showers drain pipe cleaner enamel clean er faucet washers all sizes All kinds of closets repairs ull line plumbing and electrical supplies IRA WOOD SON Plumbing Heating Company il7 East Second Phone 308 BANKING BY MAIL Saves Time and Tires More and more people are doing their Banking by mail these days to con serve time tires and energy No matter where you live or where you travel you can maintain your con tact with this Bank by mail be glad to give you the few simple sug gestions needed to enable you to do your Banking by mail safely and con veniently CENTRAL TRUST CO Member ederal Deposit Insurance Corporation MEMBER EDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP.

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The Owensboro Messenger from Owensboro, Kentucky (2024)
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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Author information

Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.