The Morning Mercury from Huntsville, Alabama (2024)

THE MOEMKG UTRfTBT SOTUT, J11Y 29, 1906. SOCIAL REALM 1 ADOPT RESOLUTIONS A Card 4o The Public. and Mrs. Sam Thompson Remember in Shelbyville. Hoes Democratic Executive Miss Cornelia Powell is the guest of Miss Strong at Meridianville.

Coniiniltee OF MABISOS, COUKTY YESTERDAY. If elected to the legislature we will pass a dispensary bill for, Madison county with the dispensary located at Huntsvllle, and no whskey shall be sold in the county in any other way or through any other agency. From the net proceeds of the dispensary there shall be first paid to the County Superintendent of Education for the support of the public schools of the county the sum of five thousand dollars yearly. The halance of the net proceeds from sad dispensary shall be divided equally between the city of Huntsvllle and the county of Madison, one half to each. The county's half of this fund shall be paid into the county tresury and expended by the commissioners' court for the, building and maintenance of the public rodt of the county.

Said dispensary shall be operated under the supervision of the commissioners' court of Madison County. V' ROBERT E- 8PRAGINS, A. D. KIRBYj -r, N. M.

ROWE, DELEGATES TO STATE COXITES-" TIOX TO BE TOTED FOB OJT AUGUST 27. Our great Mid-Summer Hearing Hul? will continue until AUGUST 1st Honey Saving Prices es all classes of Merchandise. Special Hosiery Sale for today's selling. We are sole agents for the Celebrated brand of OSYX HOSIERY none better made. ill oar 50c Ladies' Lace and Lisle Thread Hose today's AH oiir 25c Ladies' au'I Misses luce and Hose, today's rice 1 Lot Ladies' Lace nliover and laey nnUes in Blacks and Whites.

Special 8 pair fur Jl.C'J Keclar 50e trooiTs. The Democratic Executive Commit tee of this county was in session Sat urday, Chairman W. P. Garth in the mm.i'tmyjmMM:m tumrn 1 iinini 1 mi mi the. chair.

I Til inn mm i in 1 I TfiT Tp meeting was called for the pur-Ijpse qf providing for the selection of i to Be Showii dor I $15 JO. $18 JO 120 ca TTT 1 FOR MH MAY.COONE. f- jf mi 1 Twenty-five suits in the assortment that we iii put on; Sale Monday; Morning-. i Co. to the state Democratic Convention that meets in Montgomery September 10, 1900, Madison County lreing entitled to fifteen delegates.

John W-. tendered his resignation as committeeman from Colliers 'iscjpct. and Miles Parker was elected to fill' the vacancy. The following resolutions were adopted: Resolved1, That the chairman cf this committee leave a blank space on the county 'ballot for the voter to express his preference fur, the chairman cf ilie precinct committeeman, which to be 4a member of the central1'" Democratic committer of except the precinct cf where separate haH'Us must be Resolved 1 Tlut in ih, precinct of- Htjntsvllle where candidates desire to do so, they can prepare separate ballots for precinct committeemen and may have ballots printed at their own expense and the ballots can be used as other ballots. ''The' voter must mark a cross marlt either before or, after the names of the-; candidates to indicate his choice.

Adopted unanimously. D. A. Overton introduced the follow-' ing resolution: Resolved, That it is the sense of this and as a Democratic measure that believers in rotation in office, that the present executive committee! retire in favor of a new committee to he elected on the 27th day of Augus 1 Resolved further, That It is the sense of this committee that we are unqualifiedly opposed to ring rule, and that we each individually and collect-' ively announce our purpose not to stand for re-election. Adopted, a vote of 14 to 2.

D. A. Grayson arid E. L. Passeau voting in the i J.

Powell Introduced the following resolution; Resolved, That we as the executive committee jof the Democratic and conservative party of Madison county; believing tht "we occupy a judicial position toward '-the people of said county and the various candidates to be elected at the primary on August 27, that it Is the sense of this committee that it is Improper for any member of this committee to occupy a place on any. campaign committee or as chairman or manager of the same. Adopted by a vote of 14 to-2. D. A.

Grayson and E. L. Passeau voting in the negative. Delegates to, 'the State Democratic convention will be voted for in the primary August 27. MrsjtL.

C. Pynchon has as her guest Mrs. Charles Sykes of Nashville. Miss Minnie Nance is visiting Mrs. Cassius Stanley in Birmingham.

Mrs. Fanny 'Wheylan, of Decatur, Is visiting her mother near the city. Mr. and Mrs. J.

G. Harly, of Tuscaloosa, are with friends in the city. Miss. Mabel Massengale, of Mays-ville, is a guest of Mrs. Shelly Law-ler, East Clinton Street HUM Mrs.

Mary Hinds, who has been the guest of Mrs. Dr. Adamshas gene to Bowling Green, Ky. Mr. and Mrs.

Harvey L. Pollard and children are visiting relatives in Decatur Mis. Sallie Adkins has just returned home after a pleasant visit to Mrs. P-T. Petiy.

Miss Nellie Wathen, of Louisville, will arrive in the city today to be the guest of Mr.3. F. T. Petty. it 1t St Mid.

Jaciucs Looj an.l children of Montgomery, are visiting Mrs. Julius Henle and Mrs. Leo IX ami Florence Moore are the g-tests cf Miss O'tilSsU. at Hazle Greea. Invitations haye been issued for a picnic to be given by Misses Frankie Vaughn and -Septimia White at Mc-Crutchers Springs Wednesday.

After a short stay with her mother, Mrs. John Hill, Mrs. John Motherwell has returned to her home in Birmingham. Miss Mary Lou Harris entertained a party of young people at her home last night in honor of her guest, Miss Ada Vandergrift, of Athens. The members of the U.

D. C. are requested to meet at Mrs. Lomis' residence on Saturday afternoon, August 4, at four o'clock. Mrs- Charles Stewart left for her home In Memphis yesterday after a visit to her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. W. A. Patterson, West Clinton Street. Miss Mary Merts, Clara Moore and Gladys Green have returned from Tuscoloosa where they have been attending the Summer School for teachers, at the State University.

Mrs. Carrie Karthaus has returned from Arizona, where she spent several weeks with her' daughter, Mrs. Fox. Miss Antonie Karthaus will remain there some time longer. 11 1 Mr.

Percy Denison, of Memphis, is at home to be present at the marriage of his sister, Miss Bertha Denison, to Dr. L. Van Swearingen Monday morn-ing. Miss Mary Withers Clay, of Birmingham, the charming and accomplished violinist, giiest of the Misses- Clay, Maiden isthe recipient of many compliments, for the artistic manner In which she rendered the -choice selections at the reception given by Mrs. Newsom in honor of John Steele.

morning "Oak Lawn," the handsome home of Mrs. A. W. New-son, was again die scene of gracious hospitality. Mrs! Newson entertained at' cards in honor of Mrs.

John. B. Steele, of Chattanooga, formerly Mis Bessie; Mc Anally, one- of Hantsville's most beautiful belles. Mrs. 'NewsOnUyJ'-Strs.

Steels were assisted In receiving J1 Miss Mary Lamed Newman, Mtsav Susie Robertson and Miss Bessie Newsom. The decorations were especially attractive, white hydrangeas and. Jackson vine being used lavishly and with splendid effect in the large double parlors and grand bid hall. After a merry game of "bid" handsome, prizes were given as follows: First prize won by The Edison Phonograph Brings Pleasure iff Your Home. I J.

M. GAST, IIS WasTngtonSf Mgr. for the Cable Piano Co. The Largest Manufacturers of Pianos and Org tns in the Word. We Save you the Dealers Profit.

Cash or Easy Payments. 1 gteme (h 1 NEW RECORDS FOR JULY Now on Sale at this Store. A LAXATIVE AND TONIC Made of Lemons, compounded with other liver tonics, aromatic stimulants and blood purifiers. Cures Biliousness, Constipation, Indigestion. Sour Stom ach, Sleeplessness, Nervous and General Debility.

prevent! and caret Fevers. Ma lan and Chill. Produces nataral and thorough ors-anic regulation for Women. I mnn Vltwl. wn 1 DONT THiS RING; TRUE.

not fail you in any of the above disease. aU of which arise from a Itrftd or distaud liver, stomach or kulnryi. Re. Dr. Walker tewis, the veil-beloved Methodist minister aava: "I have nsed Dr.

Mozley'a Lemon Slixir in my family with very beaeicial results. It is as admirable medicine and aaceUtnt as a oak and livr rcjulatar. it mti $1.00 Par Boals at al Dtmt Smm 1 "ONE DOSE CONVINCES" MOZLEY LEMON ELIXIR CO. ATLANTA. GEORGIA.

All nations are endeavoring to check the ravages of consumption, the "white plague" that claims bo many vlctimafach' year. Foley's Honey and Tar cures coughs and oolds perfectly and you are in no danger of consumption. Do not rtokryoar health by taking mora noknown preparation; when Folef Hooey and Tar Is safe and certain in results. The genuine is a yejlov package. For aaleby J.

Humphrey ft Pon. SOLD BY 3. D. HUMPHREY ft SON, DRUGGISTS. If you will go over your books and pick out all the accounts' thaf you are satisfied irii your own mind you can never collect and send thenv to us, we will guarantee to turn most of them into money.

That you may feel safe in taking our word, we will, upon apolicatfon, send you the names of at least 10 firms whom you will know, for whom we have done what we waut to do for you. Another point, we guarantee to collect 6ve times as much n.oney as our fee amounts to before ask-ing commissions, andtall we ask is six -per cent. THE NATIONAL COIIECTING AGENCY. WANT '-Vmf Acts nice a parachute-it "lets 70a down easily." It is a pure, harmless, vegetable liver medicine; exactly what nature demands. Sold by all druggists at 33c Per Bottle.

TaKes the Place of Calomel WANTED-rLady or gentleman of fair education to travel for a firm of $250, 000.00 capital. Salary 1,072.00 per yeafiapd expenses. Salary paid weekly and 'expenses advanced; references required. Address with stamp, J. A.

Alexander, Huntsvllle, Alabama. 9Mss Mary Howard lone WANTED To rent a four or lire-room home with all modern conveniences. AnypneT having such place for rent will pi Ase address Mercury office. MOTT'S 1 miirii thy woman today." Guarnateed furs for coughs and colds. 60c: ad $1.00 at Cantrell ft Young sat Tba JL Gilbert.

Druggist Trial nottle free. PEI1I1YR0YAL PILLS I I I UUIUI They overcome Wealf nesa, irregniarity and omissions, Increase vijr-or and banish "paint 9-4- A XodernJUracIe. Woodford, Term, "she was to wasted by "coughing up puss from her lungs. Doctors declared her end so, near that her family had watched by her bed-side forty-eight hoars; hand, Mrs. David Grayeon; consolation, Miss Newman.

Miss Matthews gracefully presented Mrs, Steele with the first Krise. AA elegant luncheon was served with wine. During the luncheoft sweet music was enjoyed by the guests. Miss Louise Mc Anally sang beautifully. Miss Elodie Clay performed on the piano and Miss Mary Saunders Clay, of Birmingham, 'with her violin discoursed sweet music to the enjoyment of all present.

Mrs. Steele returned to her bom on the afternoon train, leaving many to regret that- she no longer makes her home with FOR R19NT -Seven-room house. Good water and shade. 617 Church Street. Apply Mrs.

John Glenn. 7-27-6L of menstruation." They are "X.IFE SAVlillS to girls at womanhood, aiding1 development of organs and No known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm Ufa Deoomes a pleasure, i.uu fBB UUX. KY MAIL. Sold by drujrgists.

DR. MOTT'S CHEMICAL Cleveland. Ohio. Benth Kind Yon Haw Alwaougtit FOR RENT-r-Flve-rom pottage, 54S Madison, Cheap rent, close in. Apply on premises or 219 CHntcn.

7-29-2. MONEY TO LEND 8 per cent on Improved real estate. Paul Speake. at my argent request Dr. King's New Discorery was given her, with tbe astonishing result that improvement began, and continued until she finally completely recovered, and is a heal- READ THE MERCURY READ THE MORNING MERCURY..

The Morning Mercury from Huntsville, Alabama (2024)
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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.