The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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26 Hel Wanted emale 26 Help Wanted emale 6 Help Wanted emale 26 Help Wanted emale WAITRESSES 3S99T Center Ridje co*ckTAIL COUNTER GIRLS Students cn GENERAL OICE Sheraton Cleveland Hotel 34 Rent Rooms Board (East) College Graduate WAITRESSES rooms UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS man Apply in rrscn between GRAY DRUG STORE 105 and Euclid Waitresses ACTORY GA 1 5406 small Out 710 Sears Roebuck Co 19 35 Must type at least Tejephon PART TIME WAITRESS 13937 CEDAR TELLER ACTORY IBM Key Punch ND sh*t High earning can easily be dio visual training program IBM Key Punch emale Instruction 29 Interview 9 am 9 pm 056 Call for appointment ER 1 4100 more apply Side TYPIST EN 1 7696 SECRETARY 30 Position Wanted Male a GOOD KEY PUNCH TYPIST SECRETARY EASY In person at employment office in office to order an ad in the PLAIN DEALER WANT AD PAGES Nurses TYPIST BOOKKEEPER Phone MA 1 4500 ull or part time and give your bath ad to the clerk Or in write out your ad and mail it to Appir The Plain Box or Dealer AVON PRODUCTS Cleveland 14 you ADS PRODUCE RESULTS! (Continued la Nut Column) Registered: Also room man Short small resident preferred and fringe bene hpfwM'n Chir Braebum Med Good wnrklnr condition! In pleasant office convenient to tran por'a'icn for 60 make good more to offer: ELDERLY hdy tA rar 'ek 1d Speaks Hungarian MB 16159 re Must be experience nn I machine both alpha and numerical salary 161: Gentleman: large room pri vate home WI 1 6806 after 6 PERSONNEL DEPT 8501 CARNEGIE AVE PLAIN DEALER de co*cktail blocks of RANKLIN Blvd: Nice clean room: own entrance: cooking $9 OL 1 5362 DRUG and COSMETICS 560 hack Plain LIBRARY near 25: Nice room: gentleman references 1 7994 Will train to do in manufacturing 30 Position Malo (Cent raged rom Preceding Cell Bini 6314 RONT ROOM 1ST: KITCHEN PRIV ILEGES VERY REASONABLE SHAKER Square: Sleeping room bath own rntranc: apt bldg: no cooking garae ontlnnal LO 1 6651 neat Industrious experienced retail work handyman etc Can I help Excellent opportunity for hlzh school gradual who is good Some of fice experience helpful ACCOUNTANT Will keep books tax returns prepared part time AC 1 6050 140 1023: Triple sleeping room for 3 gent'emm private entrance Reasonable MU 1 6920 Evening and Sat Salary plua commission Apply: Excellent opportunity tn meet people Job with varied duties Typing required no Sun GIRL for effre age 25 Apply Allen Theater 1407 Euclid Ave Short hours 1130 2 30 lunch must be experienced and neat CLEVELAND Heights Large room gentleman quiet home YE 2 4132 LAKEWOOD: Employed lady pnvi leges 3 buses AC 1 8120 or work 4earn nance 5 day tit* TYPING: Home nr nut Experienced PO 1 4612 81 2049 near Euclid Room own entrance 1 2 white SW 5 1074 In sales dent Willing tn or have some dictaphone expe week salary ACCOUNTANT Wilt open close or keep bocks: alltate and federal returns prepared part time AC 1 9090 AC 1 58 90 ACCOUNTANT general' offlce 9 year? experience as revenue agent accurate typist SK 1 0688 ready to gond in I ary Women experience in phone work 1c make home appontmenrs from quali fied leads for Cape Coral lorida wate front Hours 5 pm to 9 pm days excellent working condition and salary Call for appointment ER 1 4100 Comet Marks 4 Assoc 1851 Lee LOOKING OR A DREAM JOB? PEARL Rd: Room with privileges lady: near buses ON 1 0072 COSMETIC and drug cerk experi enced evenings salary Baluk West jaxe rnarmary Rd TR 1 5122 Coral lorida home sites the waterfront wonderland ELEPHONE SOLICITORS: Work from mur heme 4 hours day Best opportunity tn Cleveland 9 4777 We are still Interviewing for posi tions available in our glamorous new co*cktail loung opening Oct 1st LORAIN 140: Nice room: sober young man employed OR 1 7704 8926 LORAIN: SLEEPING ROOMS AT 1 7173 cl*tON Blvd: Large room: private ent rance bath: man AC1 419) CORDOVA: ront large closet: private home Employed man AC 1 9938 PHARMACIST full time registered colored SW 5 6708 PLUMBER: Journeyman: retired: wants light part time work LI 1 9955 Paid vacations bonus company in surance plan and other benefits avail able 26 Help Wnti emale ALL around man inride and outside 1 9456 ANY part time work: efer evening tn work for your own East or West Side CLEVELAND Heights: Room man woman privileges bus A 1 6659 CLEVELAND Heights: Loveiy warm room own entrance Man YE 2 9235 Age 21 to 35 light machine work no experience necessary Apply at Hour to be arranged Help supple ment the family income No exper enee required Salary meals and uni form Part tlm Apply In person orest Hill rocks 13586 Euclid Ave salesgirl Th' position ran hr you if you have the following qualifications Young intelligent attractive can type0 words per and can take 120 word? per minute dictation Ray Technician To work in East Side hospital: 40 hour week Direct Inquiries to Box 9248 Plain Dealer for and chll store experienced only WA 1 0510 typing people assume be see Employment Office 13 7 urlid Ave 5th loor 105 Churchlll nice front room and a ra ep i vileg es GA 1 6742 1 05 Churchlll: Large front rrxm privileges: colored GA 1 8056 Ill: Newly furnished room single couple colored SW 1 7890 to 11 no Sat and Top salary excellent opportune sir wpm take shorthand at 100 wp Pleasant workers air conditioned of fice 5 day week MA 1 2642 INCORPORATED CONSULTANTS 1010 EUCL1D ROOM 201 STENOGRAPHER 1 gir! office town shorthand Box 8248 Plain Dealer Waitress Experienced Attractive 5 evenings a week: salary and can REE ROOM BOARD In exchange for dinner dishes and sitting to girl working or studying Shak er ea bug rapidYE 2 9494 WHY pav more? Have room and board In private home for elderly lady white 8100 mo RA 1 0964 Per onnel Dept 629 Euclid Ave 2nd loor ROCKY RIVER DR AIRPORT ROOM CL 1 0879 SCRANTON 2943 side entrance: clean comfortable 1 or 2 rooms: home privileges Ladies TIEDEMAN Rd 4811 room for 1 2 privileges CL 1 3801 Sun eves WEST Wallings Rd': room all home privileges: employed lady or couple BE7 647J BE 7 7646 17 Place: 2 double bedrooms men only 30 mo PR 1 3 642 30: NICE ROOM WORKING WOMAN OL 1 4443 week air conditioned Muri be over 2 1 and PAINTER: A with tools in and out reliable WH 4 0623 PHARMACIST: 30 to 40 hours per week experienced: references West or suburb AT 8 6206 PHARMACIST experienced After Oct 1 Relief or regular EV 2 5511 LAKEWOOD near Detroit Business woman: privileges LA 1 8764 LAKEWOOD Elbur: ront: shower Detroit Clifton bus AC 1 7648 ull time Do evenin shifts Mutt be ov rnee SI 20 mte fits phone 26 Htlp Wanted emale GENERAL OICE Ca Mr crarl'm HS 2 2800 UNIVERSAL CIT AinswortlvPrecision Castings Co 12800 BEREA Excellent hourly rate for experienced: ADDING MACHINE OPERATORS CLERKS COMPTOMETER OPERATORS DICTAPHONE OPERATORS KEY PUNCH OPERATORS STENOGRAPERS TYPISTS Her is vour chance to atari earning that extra money for your Christmas shopping We place you in a location which is convenient with home to suit you Paid vacation plan no fee STATISTICAL TABULATING CO 13 75 Euclid Room 20 SU 1 8101 shaker: room gentleman only MJ 1 215 5 pleas nc personality meats CaJI HE 1 2234 or Appointment Yes our standards ARE high! SHAKER: 3 room bMh privatentranee girt or woman SK 2 3Q3? (Continued STENOGRAPHER General Office Experienced matured Box 22553 Plain Dealer STENOGRAPHER experienced Tem porary IV 6 1364 TYPING or my home Relh able WA 1 2883 for appointment CAMINATI'S AT SHAKER SQUARE APPLY 9 am to 4 pm Monday thru riday Employment Office 2065 Adelbert Rd PART TIME TEMPORARY AODlV MONDAY MORNING ALVA SON Rd: Woman or man: prt vate home buy rapid GL 1 7934 ACTORY 21 TO 40 IRST sh*t exrellent opportunity to ni' manenf full time work willing to do sending jobs week Good hourly rate Interview hour Needed for an interesting position in th personnel de partment of DEMONSTRATORS WANTED 2 WOMEN To work 4 5 hours a day 3 or 4 dan per week Make $4 0 nr more per week srillng Car necessary MEI 6264 WO 1 1201 DEMONSTRATORS: Male and' female chain stores weekly guarantee and commission: new fast selling item Steady employment no experience necessary Contact Kmart Sales 1311 Prospect room 327 OL 1 5254 DENTAL assistant: prefer some expe rience Mrs Lee KE 1 6500 to 35 STENOGRAPHER neol 1 CR1 and nthr Downtown MU 1 29Q9 i MANAGER: Experienced spe dalty shop catering to medium priced clientelle Excellent salary plus bonus LO ANN SHOP 102Q4Euclid 'MANAGER: Record dent: experienced imust relocate LO 1 2131 36 Wanted Rooms Board EAST Cleveland: 3 rooms Employed woman Near buses IV 6 3470 yrs experience Interview 9 a Room 200 Must be experienced and he willing to work in Mapl Heigh: area Call Mr Jewett at UT 1 9500 CLEVELAND Heights: Beautiful front room kitchen privileges PO 1 6123 anytime CLEVELAND Height Stillman Rd: Business girl $35 mo: own entrance close Cedar RdJiu 2 2 096 CLEVELAND Helchts: Pleasant room refined home man JYE 2 6944 CLEVELAND Heights home? shower ga man A 1 7339 tn tMf louowiw east MOIt tw tMH CUISIMCATtOW TYPISTS Temporary during days or weeks you may available 1122 TERMINAL TOWER WAREHOUSE WORK OR WOMAN Strong and healthy enough to receive freight and pack nrde Live within walking or bus ride from Southgate in Maple Heights Starting rate $110 hour WRITE WAREHOUSE DISTRIBUTOR PO BOX 244 BEDORD CLEVELAND Heights: Large room: near transportation 1st floor YE 2 8021 CLEVELAND Heights ront privileges parking: voung YE 2 1228 MA 1 1142 10604 Memphis Ave Located directly behind Memphis door Theater AMERICAN GRETING CORP president also a le correspondence STOCK Shipping Receiving: pa rime 9 2:30 8140 hr SK 1 9263 TRAVEL agency: young man 30 de sires opportunity learn business 2 year experience ax airline opera nor arenr wi unr modest wage while learmng Call 4 6 CL 1 2338 SKILLED part time assistant for owner or manager young man personablenl experienced wishes to contribute one day a week ro handle books and paoer work and help build small com pany business Box 25648 Plain Dealer 117 Detroit: Double Single room 'nr working girls comfortable beds kitchen and living room privileges laundry facilities AC 6 5912 117 floor 3 and bath may work out part rent in cleaning office LA 1 2367 1 8: NICE ROOM $9 PORCH OR 1 1 461 130 area: Large room: woman preferred WI 1 0268 after 6 140 area: ront room: employed ladr buses rapid CL 1 2947 wT 152 3820" of Lorain: Private entrance gentleman OR 1 4184 LAKEWOOD Clarence: Clean rooms: privileges a age LA 1 9468 LAKEWOOD CLUB Lovely room privileges LA 1 7255 2366 Woodward? Attrac tive room man AC 6 6045 LAKEWOOD: Desirable room private home employed lady bus AC 6 8923 LAKEWOOD Gladys nice room: gentleman: own entrance AC 1 1248 LAKEWOOD: PLEASANT PRIVATS HOME REDECORATED AC 6 23 57 LAKEWOOD: Lovely room for lady private: bus LA 1 5962 41 2626: SEAWAY Town Motel studio type: reasonable WO 1 9874 4 8TH between ranklin and Bridge: man WO 1 2716 50 Brookside Park: Room: Private home meals optional 1 1650 58 3153 near Sober lady or gentleman WO 1 8938 84: Sleeping room kitchen privi leges gentleman WO 1 8306 91 2071 near Madison: ront sleeping room for 1 or 2 girls nr couple near West Tech: conking and laundry: privileges WO 1 8874 98 2209 COMORTABLE ROOM: GENTLEMAN DAYWORKER 88 101 1456 between Dtrott Madi son 6 doors to rapid TV parking 106 2183: Nice furnished room8 week OL 1 7Q24 REE room and board In etchant for child care to middle aged lady desiring real home colored GL 5 53 5 HOME for older woman in exchange tor light work L'L 1 5759 eves SHAKER Square area: Pleasant room large private home garase gentle man: references CE 1 4 838 COMET MARKS ASSOC 1651 lea Rd Call in person Chic ashion Shoppe 5841 Broadway GRILL AND COUNTER GIRL Experience necessary 16525 Euclid Ave HOTEL PBK experience City references Euclid HOUSEKEEPER EXCEPTIONAL JOB OR AN EXPERIENCED WOMAN Office General Varied Interesting duties in modern medical office Must be fast typist snme bookkeeping experience desirable Ags 24 to 40 Salarv 5700 plu bonus Call MA 1 6134 between 9 30 and 12 noon 2740 Carnege PERSONNEL OICE woman: no inrumhranees Eait Sde Call 9 to 8 SW 1 3250 Rxperierced preferred: good salary: uniform furnished Apply between 9 a 3 You fl enjny working at Rhoton Rhoton a Retaurant Inc I 320 Superior COUNTER gill Reataurant Union Gvnmer'e Bldg CREDIT WORK Challenging position for girl 20 40 who ha baric Knowledge of checkins and locating by phone Unusually good working conditions: 5 day week good salary IMO Eurlld Suite 201 MA 1 2642 or all night 21: exoe prferred Smarting al8ry per hour with periodic plus many company bene lnteretinr and diversi fied executive secretarial position Shorthand and rlectromatic typing re quired 3 years seer BLUIM 1NGALLS Nat City Bank Bldg MA 1 7476 Bookkeeoers $2 7 5 8400 Secretaries Stenographers 8275 8400 Legal stenographers $350 5400 PBX Operator typist 8300 Typist Office Clerks $250 8300 Assistant Book keener $300 Excel lent Opport unities WOMEN I PART TIME AND ULL TIME SALES W'ith Some Life Insurance Experience day 40 hour 40th St location 1 MEDICAL TECHNICIAN Experienced ASCT techno)OKit for 40 hour week night work Is i and pays extra new modern labor torr contact pathologist i WOMAN HOSPITAL 2600 'iffhr factorv work: no experience required evenings short or regular hours vour convenience: only those living this area considered 17 110 OetrnI Ave I MOTHER helper white age 17 20 3 days EV 1 5113 after 5 Star Stamping Co 5110 Crescent Ave Murphv Agency' Room 229 Hanna Bld? Between 9 11 :0 0 No telephone please 1 st Alpha and Numeric Immediate place ment ior operators witn 2 Mturaav wnrx 5 SANDWICHS and SHORT ORDER: Mon through ri 10 6 pm Seaport Inn 1299 SEAMSTRESS for dry cleaning plant must he able to do machine and hand srwinc: experience necessarv ER 1 0014 WAITRESSES Age 21 to 30 2 full time positions available for neat and experienced waitresses for counter and table serv ice in our modern nw MINUTE CHE: pleasant work and good Income assured for the right giria Apply personn! office Sheraton Cleveland Hotel SALES WOMEN ull Time Part Time Do Trv NATIONAL CITY BANK irst! 100: 3 room kitchenette own bath entrance rouple ul 1 5499 105 man colored PO 1 6 1 9 2 Pontiac Motor Div General Corp 2 0 950 Cent er Ridge Rd If ymj 21 3 experinced attractive and pleasant and a seeking steady work good income and working conditions you will want to know mor about portions Apply personnel office BUT If looking for a cure starting position with advancement opportunity AND To work: to 40 accurate alert abe to meet and direct uhn ran and want to more end more responsibility and paid accordingly salary Call or Mr Buerkel CLEVELAND EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 913 Citizens Bld? S50 Euclid TO 1 5777 Waitresses and Counter Personnel ULL AND PART TIME NIGHT OR DAYS Howard 55 5 5 BRECKSVILLE RD Clov rl af Rt 21 and 17 INDEPENDENCE LA 4 4010 co*cktail Lounge 116 Miles area Room private home gentleman MT 1 3876 116 1981: Euclid bus single 5 White SW 5 3 183 120 of St Clair: or employed gentleman: private home bath and shower TO 1 8562 120: 2 rooms lady small children colored $50 mo GA 1 8723 127 631 Quiet sober man own entrance white GL 1 3548 131 Miks: Sober man employed days own entrance 1 3662 134: Large room: kitchen privi leges $9 colored WA 1 5538 eve 13 1 St Clair area Man or woman Sober LJ 1 7764 CirVtUNO PLAIN PtAUK XI tlQAY Stm 21 1T 34 Rent Rooms Board (East) (Contlnaed ront reeedinr SHAKER Nice room private entranro privileges Udy WY J6 4 78 SHAKER: Room bath own entrane Gentleman References SK 2 0946 SHAKER Nice room gentleman: pri vate entrance Even WA 1 9043 SOTKA 12302 ROOM OR CENTLt MANWY 1977 EUCLID: Near bus: bedroom ST tin rxun own bjth EV 9 0491 10600 SUPERIOR Squirt HW: dun zoom: wnklr rates St Mtchen Cg 1 9191 CXIVERsity Circle: Sleepinc room: kitchen Iundrv 'dlltlcs print en trance bth Cll after 6 SW 5 1790 UNIVERSITY HeirhU: rm beautiful mom and bath for occasional bby sitting YE 2 1576 zXgn 21 to 40 Part Time 9 AM to 3 PM Temporary jobs no experi ence necessary: will train Must be willing land ing job Good hourly rate Apply for job at Telephone Solicitors To call from our office 8125 per hour pins eommlridon Anplv Room 239 1900 Euclid Blvd 9:30 to 11:30 am only Telephone Survey This work Is done from your own home convenient hours: good pay Call ON 1 4 795 TUPPERWARE Sell Nationally advertised product openings for 4: full or part time or interview call ME 1 4122 or VI 2 0575 WAITRESSES DAY OR NIGHT sh*t Only thoroughly experienced need ap ply Must have own transportation PAGLIO'S RESTAURANT 239 RICHMOND RD WAITRESSES Days nights: experienced snack bar or co*cktail lounge Apply in person after 11 am Dorsel's Ambassador Lanes 1259 Brookoark Rd WAITRESS Experienced: 12 to 8:30 or just Sun days By apoointment Bricx Cottage Rc tfturanL CE 1 9763 1 1423 Euclid EVEN INGS WEEKENDS NURSEMAID: 25 to 40 Live in City rference TE 1 9606 ull time clerical position some ex perience preferred Apply personnel of fice ederal Dept store Lee Rd and Harvard 28 Buraau emale RECEPTIONIST work in Ladi kvear Must be urea good COIT Rd area 15012 Elm Nice sleeping room in private home UL 1 4385 CRAWORD 1778: beds $5 per week Colored GA 1 2918 DERBYSHIRE: lively room bath i i I ges A 1 4761 after 5 EAST Blvd: Nice room home gentleman BR 1 4887 EAST Cleveland Euclid Ave: Near bus rapid Irge from sleepinc room private home Good location GL 1 8278 DENISON 3303: SLEEPING ROOM: 1 2 MEN SH 1 1624 1 6230 REAL ESTATE salesmen or brokers Graduated commission scale end bonus Annintment confidential JACK HARLAN INC IV 1 1 588 REAL ESTATE SALES Excellent commission and bonus Waller ihel rikor SK 2 1177 5 tern be Excl us uhi I Exchange RECEPTIONIST Age 25 40 some tyoing: larre or HberM benefits Aopiv School's oot Comfort Shop 1254 Huron Rd RECEPTIONIST TYPIST Lakewood office Excellent working conditions Pleasant surroundings 40 hr wk Box 26051 Plain Dealer RECEPTIONIST TYPIST: 21 to 35 type over 60 wpm aptitude for figures: pleasant East Sid? office di vers! icd duties RA 1 9118 SALES OPPORTUNITY PLUS 220 nice clean sleeping room own bath working gentleman close to Westgate shopping center ord plant ED 1 4199 65TH rapid 6001 Pear Ave: single warm clean: shower: own en trance private home reasonable tn steady nice employed men or collere men teacher Stop Sat Sun any Weday8 after 4:30 OL 1 5584 LARGE front room nicelv furnished for employed woman May be seen 17403 Detroit Mis LEARN to type 8 week course train ing In manual or electric morning afternoon and evening boyd secretarial school Kippodrom CH 1 7421 POWER SEWING DRESSMAKING Tailoring Designing SU 1 4595 Progressive ashion School 406 Euclid MEDICAL ASSISTANT SECRETARY oneration in manuiaciurin anu Gree'ins Cards Temporary Jobs with extellent opportunity to into Must op 5 day NURE: or Sun medical assistant for 9 to 5 30 Mrs Lee KE 1 85 0 NURSE registered for 3 to ll shift New modern nursing home Oikride Home 26520 Center Ridge Rd TR 1 3030 NURSE to work in doctor's office State training experience Details on interview Box 16853 Plain Dealer NURSE registered White GA 1 744 3 UPSON WALTON CO 12500 Elmwood Ave off 117 LOOK IMMEDIATE OPENINGS TEMPORARY HIGH HOURLY RATE 1 5 dar per wek SNIDER BLAKE 710 Citizens Bide 850 Euclid TYPIST RECORD CTERK Steady part time job 3 day a week type invoices leadings memo main tain catdcx rpeord of equipment loca tion Dnlon 25 vicinity excellent rate Write advising experience days available age nd rale desired Box 22953 Plain Dealer TYPIST PBX and dictating machine No short hand Interesting permanent position in Cleveland Heights Salary A 1 1554 PRINTER want an Job part time from 5 eveaSt Sun PO 1 5053 Supervisor tE I ex pert electronic andor precision pars manufacturer Available at one chai lengin? jltlon A local references A 0 AC 8 1610 SEMITRAILER driver: full time married reliable OL 1 2 1 28 HIPPING clerk truck driver porter stork maintenance experienced SW 5 2 103 Al 0 9 (Continued In Next Column) Drottar AIRPORT bus master bedroom single garage privilege CL 1 4995 87 CHESTER: Attractive room 2d use kitchen colored SW 5 66 54 94th 1360: Large front room priv ileges Reasonable GA1 7 7 14 95 $8: large couple kitchen prlvllegesColoed CE 1 8414 96th St" quiet rooms clinic area reasonable White 96 2046 Apt 1: ine warm rooms good location Phone Whi 9 7' Euclid: Lovely room $22 per mo Inquire 950 lEuclid E99 Glenvliie area Nice room em ployed Jady colored LI 1 1 5 1 4 100 NEAR EUCLID NICE ROOM REE PARKING 100 204 9 Euclid: Pleasant room white $7 RA 1 8043 104 near Miles: Room: private entrance: gentleman DI 1 2111 103 SUPERldR: Own entrance radio adults: colored SW 1 6719 105: Wade Park: large front room kitchen privileges SW 5 5477 AVONDALE: Rom privileges near transponanon i our off E'tT bard: men only VU 3 5872 BROADWAY 65: Room kitchen privileges near bus MI 1 8776 I to 3 PM 1 305 80 AMERICAN GREETINGS CORP weekday' nr person experl West Blvd 23552 plain JOOD concession large tavern and bnultng lanes ideal for couple or 2 ladl will Uase: security depolt re quired AC 6 9233 OUNTAIN CLERK Experienced references: evenings Ap ply GREEN DRUG 54 18 Euclid General Drug Clerk To handle post office no nights Sundays Experienced exler Pharmacy A 1 2022 35 Rant Rooms Board (W) AREA ROOMBOARD CL1 222 ALaMEDA Single or doubl room employed men: garage AC 1 3946 Shaker area SALES AND OICE GIRL ULL OR PART TIME CH 1 6362 SALESLADIES: Experienced" Drexses coats sports wear lingerie Excellent salary plus commission LO ANN SHOP 10204 Eudifi Experienced or do not apply: reference Shoppe 2559 55 HE 1 5906 I tn sell Vneerie fn your spare time: bi? commission no invest mentERJ 1760 SALESLADY: Children' clothing sales experience preferred 20205 Van Aken Elvd LO 3 397 SALESWOMAN for fine ladies' reaoy to wear shop art time Must hae experience Salary and commission Mary Louise Shaker 16700 Kinsman Rd equivalent prefer rd Age 21 to 30 5 day PART TIME COLLEGE STUDENTS Available laie afternoon and evening 5 or 6 days: vared sk ill Cali KN 1 7696 AGE 58 honst alert adjustable store mgr factor gardener you? ED 1 R243 YOUNG man experienced in tatlor in? and cutting EX 1 55 5 0 ODD jobs carpenter A inside work tairs ec IV 6 0475 SECRETARY Nationally known corporation ba an opening in a congenial multiple girl office Shorthand and typing expert rrcevary Salaiy open Reply to Box 14453 Plain SECRETARY In sale office: Shaker short nano icquirco houis SK 2 3400 after 2 pm SECRETARY nours SECRETARY To public relations executive Minimum high school education 1 yr experience No shorthand nr transcription Good typit on IBM electric Mlmmcrinhlng filing telephone and persona) contact Downtown location Write qualifies tlons and salary requirement to Box 15123 Plain Dealer SECRETARY Private: Girl rida for national cor poranon: diversified duties a)ri ad vertising and or accounting background helpful Interesting position and future if yon qualify Phone Mi Watson at EX 1 8802 between 12 and I and 1 and 5:30 Thursday and riday CARNEGIE COLLEGE BE A HOME AND CHILD NURSE RANKLIN INSTITUTE SU 1 4200 SHORTHAND in SPEED WRITING 75 Public Sq TO 1 3626 Thomas Unik Co TO 1 0200 GENERAL OICE Excellent pnitiot (or teadv responsl bl glr! In modern air cond tinned 1 girl office attractive duties bookkeeping payroll typing GENERAL SHEAVE CO 133 5 MAIN AVE SU 1 8120 OICE" Insurance Co will train ambritusrrl for interesting and varied duties in small downtown office5 Experience not rtcsse h'pinr required Thone CHJ Mon rnlv GENERAL OICE Wet Side location: Some knowledge of bookkeening required light typing high school graduate varied duties 5 davs 37S hours Call Mr Lynch AT 1 0960 GENERAL OICE: East Side loca tion dlve slfied duties: experienced In figures and detail Life Insurance and rick berrofits Call Sun or eves AT 1 9379 Lines underwriter Benn and profit SK 1 7222 Viking Air Products 5 601 ALWORTH AVE ME 1 7500 Some experience variety 5 Placement Msnager Age 35 previous experience with an engineering nr industrial firm would he helpful Call Power machine operators Must be experienced on draperies Paramount 328 Superior Axe POSTING CLERK or bookkeeping service organization 25 45: neat hand writing nxe telephone voice pleasant wot king conditions RA 1 911 pRESbEtTor wool and silks must be experienced6 206 Cent PBX Relief Operator Cord boara office: prma pvition salary MA 1 M31 5Alrwonen What do you want in a real caat office? 1 Active nffir 2 Complete office co operation 3 riendly atmosphere 4 Plenty of exclusive listing BcaU'iiui tiw nomes 6 Vvnnd'Kiut locanon terhouse Hotel and leal Center 7 Good advertising 8 Best opportunity to hv ah this and call for an appointment KAPEL REALTY INC RE 1 0400 REAL estate lady lieense Helghts Emma Auld 1 3703 A 1 3535 The Cuyahoga Nurses REGISTRY 13877 CEDAR RD Licensed practical nurses registered nurses needed for private duty Live In and OB nurse also Call Terry Conaolo today YE 2 6 61 2 ACE EMPLOYMENT 324 Supfrlor MA 1 J75R SALADS WEST SIDKB to $60 ADDITIONAL INCOME CAN BE YOUR5 SELLING NEW 1959 XMAS CARDS NOVELTIES candy GREETING CARDS CHRISTMAS GIT WRAPPING AND RIBBONS HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Samples on Approval ree Imprint Catalogue Ask about our special plan for club churches end organization Come in Write or pren MYERS GREETING CARD CO 806 Huron Rd CH I 076O Sell Something "New Christmas Personalized Ribbon Only If per ot with name and greet ing 150 time per roll Retail for 150 Large asrottment of newest 1959 personalized and boxed Christ max and occasion card Call In person for free imorlnt xamp folders COLONIAL GREETING CARD 1286 6TH ST MA 1 9374 LADIES Why not requeu an Interview Several eno3 openings now nn sale rprxen Dn you like dealing with th public? Are you accurate with figures? if so we would like to talk to you about training as a Second ederal teller We have a central location can of fer secure employment with many benefits and a plea ant rkmg at mosphere Apply in Peraon Second ederal Savings Loan Assn 221 Euclid A APPLY LORAIN 9709: Sleeping rooms pri vate entrance WO 1 9691 PARMA: Large room: new home: own entrance TU 4 4607 ED 3 1656 PEARL Bagley Rooms for 1 or 1 men Parking BE 4 3122 Temporary Positions carTiops ULL AND PART TIME MANNERS BIG BOY Restaurant Apply In person 17655 Lake Shore Blvd 3516 Warrensville Center Rd 4G37 Mayfield Rd 5640 Pear! Pd 31 Position Wan fid omalo fConttnaed rom Preceding Column) TYPING AT HOME 6ir OUT GOOD EXPERIENCE PO 1 4612 WASHING and ironing dons la any home west AT 1 O659 LABORATORY TECHNICIAN A preferred Needed at once Salary com mensurate with training and experi ence Would also conider man Write giving complete resume to the Administrator Dunlap Memorial nitaL Orrville Manager and Store Clerk Dry Cleaning Must be neat and have pleasing per sonality to meet public high salary uith percentage basts and benefits Apnlv 9 tn 12 noon only 11131 Cedar Rd EV 2 5173 Operatoi'i 2d and 3d shifts: 024 and ANY klrd of part tim work from 3 to 10 MU 1 0604 MAN 35 willing to train lor trade or clerical JA 6 4717 MAN and wife desire office cleaning and general cleaning UL 1 4063 STENOGRAPHER Wst side resident Some experience necessary for position in automobile zone office: Located in vicinity of Westgate Shopping Center employee benefits benefit 5 riv wer Whi lid location ED 3 0577 MIIRT PRESSER? Artlmus JLaundry 2778 79 SHIRT Presser laundry experienced EXl 2993 SHOE SALESLADY Experience preferred but not necessary: ideal selling and earning condition ex cellent salary plus commission inquire Glad Shoe 2058 4th St Permanent 5 day week 8 to 4:30: salary pension plan and insurance THE HOSPITAL SPECIALTY CO si ex iji7j)n STENOGRAPHER GENERAL OICE linurs light accurate shorthand office MA 1 6137 CASE Reserve area: Ideal home for men excellent meals GA 1 61 32 CASE Reerve area lively room em ployed reasonable RA 1 02 1 CEDAR Grcen: Room private bath ga rage woman reference LO 1 8491 EV 2 6088 CEDAR Lee Area Room for 1 or 2 2bus UnsAl 4324 CEDAR Taylor Comfortable room business man YE 2 2941 after 5 CEDAR 86th: Elderly person or nice W'Orking couple SW1 8933 heights: University large club like rooms with lJ090 CLEVELAND "HEIGHTS nar air mount: Room: employed woman A 1 7980 before 9 or after 6 STENOGRAPHERS LOOK IMMEDIATE OPENINGS 1 5 da' per week HIGH HOURLY' RATE SNIDER BLAKE Citizens Bldg 8 50 Euclid STENOGRAPHER PART TIME COLLEGE STUDENTS Available ftom 3 and all day Saturday tor typing filing general office Call EX 1 7696 A A matured woman wans part time evening work Experienced general office bookkeeping typing atenog raphy Box 9551 Plain Dealer 2 LADIES will Cook or Cater (or part'es Reasonable WH 2 2365 WOMAN will care for invalid day or nights: references EX 1 321 (L A IRONING IN MY HOME BUSHEL GA I 0635 ANY unmarried motner needing help write Salvation Army 181 Torbenron Dr or chon IV 1 HOUSEWORK: General: live in no cooking: must like children HO 0 1572 IIOUSEWORK Washing ironing child care: Jive In: reference SK 2 1813 HOUSE WORK:" 3 days' a week 2 nights child care $22 wk A 1 2179 WAITRESSES ALL sh*tS Meals uniforms vacation Apply 9 10 a DORSEL'S INC 7 501 Eudid Ave EAST Cleveland Woman near bus Gas innerspring desk kitchen laun ry: garage optional A 1 0643 EAST Cleveland Pare near bus stores Large nicely furnished employed pcr son GL 1 5357 EAST Cleveland: Large clean room for employed man kitchen privileges RA 1 0820 Eve's MU 1 6102 9 5) EAST Cleveland: Room man near rapidbusGL EAST Geveland of Eucl'ld Nice room: parking man PO 1 4160 EAST Cleveland 1870 Roxbury Rd off Euclid: Single twin garage EAST Cleveland 1831 Bcersford: Roorn parking men UL 1 1139 EAST Cleveland Eucld: Nice room employed Jady MU 1 0152 EAST Cleveland 1208 Melbourne Near rapid bus lady GL 1 2 107 EAST Cleveland Attractive rooni near rapid Parking UL 1 6634 68 1760 Room kitchen privileges S8 a nd 1 0 a week UT 1 0 2 79 73 off Euclid: Rooms newly deco rafM Use of kitchen EX 1 2143 8 12 a 4 8 pjn 79 1696 LARGE ROOM PRI VATE 1 1982 80: Large room own entrance privileges: man colored UT 1 3874 CH 1 0775 seuxmascards JEWELRY GITS GADGETS Large assortment nt newest 1959 boxes Christmas all occasion cards ree sample folders boxes on approval Windsor Inc 423 Euclid SU 1 8511 EVENING work DEMONSTRATE TOYS fnr t'l ares In homer: car neemsarv No experience or Investment Call now SANTA'S HELPER CA 5 425 1 6043 NEED EXTRA Accepting applications now Part time spent In Tupperware party plan can supplement your Income Car neces sary appointment A 1 4 1 4 WOMAN to car for 3 children: work tnt mother: rom board more than wage ma I salary 509 Ithaca Ct off 54 Iraln after 12 82 1963 Near EUCLID Apt building Own entrance sink maid $6 8 0 White SW 1 1 235 82: 2 nice bedrooms kitchen privileges single lady or couple re fergnees SW 1 6574 eves e7 82: IARGE RddM'' GENTLEMAN SW 1 03J5 84 Chester: Euclid Colored Very largp sleeping room $9 week' J83 9 2 84 WADE PARK: Room for man or lady colored $850 SW 1 9334 84: Nice large room privileges Colored GA 1 3628 South Side Savings Loan Assoc 3115 MA CASHIER cigar clerk experienced ME1283 6 9 RE 1 3 57 9 CHILD care your home or daywork reference Call 9 5 RA 1 4831 CLEANING or ironine: references CE 1 1076 143: Nice room single man or woman privileges colored WA V6355 149 Glendale Room and board nrbus: parking LO 1 5831 161st 396: Sleeping room for 1 2 gentlemen EDDY RD 523 1 2 gentlemen private entrance: parking Euclid iTeighT Blvd 29 ff: Large room with house priv ilege for business lady YE 2 5807 EUCLID NOBLE LARGE DOUBLE SINGLE PRIVATE BATH TV REE PARKING ACILITIES UL 1 2205 EUCLID Room Business girl AN 1 0031 ORD plant and Walton Hills: 2 sleep ing rooms whlieBE 2 5468 GLENDALE Ave Room for 'adv or matk Near 1 3 1 bus WA 1 133 1 GLENVILLE area: 2 nicely furnished rooms kitchen privileges Girls col 1 oied GL 1 9)52 GLENVILLE area Nice room: cooking laundry PO 1 5022 GLENVILLE area: Room gentleman enlorrd GL 1 7608 KINSMAN Room for woman home privileges WA 1 4205 after6 Lake Shore Country Club Rprms for men club tcr'mmorfa lon pool tennis golf $4 5 mo and up Lake Shore Blvd Eddy LI 1 44O0 LAKE' SHORE BLVD 14 tn 8 Urge furnished room with co*cking facilities $12 wk IV 63476 MILES 11 Burinet MU 1 37 MT PLEASANT: 2 nice rooms aingle mancolored WY 1 6535 MT PLEASANT: single' colored references SK 1 1396 ROSALIND bleeping room clean prl vate home SW 1 7J15 CLAIR 6714 REDECORATED REURNISHED OWN ENTRANCE MAN $8 HE 2 SHAKER: REE room and board ex change for sitting: employed lady bus rapid WA 1 SHAKER Square Room all home employed lady only refer ence SK 1 8 158 eves 37 Rent Housekeeping (East) ADDISON NEAR WADE 2 ROOM KITCHEN ETTE WSj 118 1888 at rapid 2 room hat garage CEDAR 5008: 1 2 rooms bath aba steeping room: colored CHAMBERLAIN Kitchenette: children welcome colored HE 179 8 CHURCHILL 10703: 2 room kitchen etie 7166 CRAWORD RD 3 roomii corn I et 2 4 adult: whl te parkin 32 1419: nice 3 room bath: utilities E65 1766: 2 rooms: utilities Low rent Colored EX1 O292 "65: 2 "large rooms: refrigerator 11? wh1ty HB 2 £771: 2 rooms private bath also rooms share bath White EX 1 3577: Light housekeeping room: employed couple "78 2847: Bed sitting room ice leu: cooking EX 1 2698 81 2049 near "Euclid 2 rfintni 1 2 Whl SJ4wee SW5 H) 74 8 2 near Chester: 2 pleasant house keeping rooms: colored own entrance adults SW 5 0158 86 2 room kitchenette furnished private near bus ahoppfng: parking for colored coup RA 1 1540 2 or 3 rooms bath: white children ox 5 1600 Cedar area: 2 rooms: utilltl: own bath and entrance ateam beet adults CE I A293 100? 2049: Kitchenette entrance white $1350 RA 1 8043 SECRETARIES $TENOS TYPISTS GENERAL OICE Part Hire assign ments in Cleveland nar your home See or call Mis Texas Temporary Services 912 Citirer Bide 50 Euclid TO 1 5777 i ACCOUNTING auditing tax service weeklv or monthly basa a required STANLEY STEIN WY 1 8223 ACCOUNTING service: Taxes payroll rpcelvablea payables aiatemcnts Weckly or monthly small or medium sb firm MO 3 6798 CL 2 5923 ART students need part time jobs Call Mr Kriska EX 1 1460 AUTO CASUALTY APPRAISER 14 YRS EXPERIENCE MARRIED REERENCES IV 1 4170 BARTENDER nights reliable ref er'tnces CL 2 57 14 BUILDER Helper: experienced age 42 local reference wants work SH 1 8917 CHAUEUR license porter or stock experienced GL 1 0862 CHE: white: A for quality food production reliable competent mana ger ull control of operation if needed RE 4 CLERK tvpist: general office duties Bnx 198 5 3 lain Dealer CONSTR UCTION Supt or oreman: Housing or com mercial Experienced Box 5344 Plain Dealer CUSTODIAN job desired by couple man A maintenance W7l 4639 DELIVERY man with "station wag on 16 cite experience 6 a 2:30 SW 5 5418 DRATING students need part time JobsCaUKriKrIsaaLEXl 1 4 6 i0 DRY cleaning man: Can do all kinds dry cl ea nin work RA 1 1852 ELECTRONIC technician married 1 or Parc tifne 3 286 7 ELECTRICIAN: Tart time industrial commercial WH 2 781 f2 ENGINEER Jr civil: 25 desires posi tion in structural design Ita yearsxpericnceWH 4 O3 4 6 ENGINEER industrial seeking position With good potential 8 years varied experience CallAT 9a 61 IREMAN: experienced in high pres sure boilers Box 15653 Plain Dealer OOD A LESMAN EXPERIENCED AVAILABLE OCT 1 HI 9 1642 GUARD EXPERIENCED VETERAN AC 1 HANDYMAN home maintenance hnue cleaning yard work: 2 days week own tooljL east GA 1 681 7 HANDYMAN Steady Dependable Honest worker TIE 1 03 6 3 HAULING dry wall own truck best of reference SW 1 5749 JANITOR 'OR PORTER PART TIME MU 1 9075 JANirORlAL" SERVICES GENERAL CLEANING INDUSTRIALAND COMMERCIAL SK 1 4O66 LABORER: yrs "old wants honeri workeny kind reliableG A 1 567 LIGHT hauling and rubbish pickup Reasonable GA 1 3804 LIGHfMOVlNG and hauling Paint ing PromntHE tools: garage erience: stead 329 MECHANICAL Engineering Student graduating in Doc from OBU dearie permanent poafilon in NE Ohio area Box 4 830 Plain Dealer MULTTLITH 'OPERATOR Will type and run paper master on 1250 pressIV Ji 2052 NIGHT watchman gurrd or anv Ex sertflceman CE 18801 OICE man Aged 35 Diversified experience RE 1 94 53 Good hnurlv rate and other benefits experience neceary Seaway Leader Drug Ninth and Superior MA 0133 air conditioned office? SU 1 1900 WAITRESS S'eadv nights salary uniform excellent tips Golden Bowl Restau rant 12312 Mayfield Rd RA 1 1630 WAITRESS: SU Havc a 230 $1 hr Apply In person engir uin 5490 Broadview Rd 7 Brooknarki SH 1 915 WAITRESS Must be ncr 21 1 2 nights wk KE1 3191 WAITRESS: 6 pm to rinsing Mut experienced in food and liquor handling 19763 iaxe Rd Rocky River Spare Time Jobs OR Young Homemakers OR WAITRESSES: Must be experienced Morning shift no Sun or holidays excellent salarv and tips Applv in person Restaurant corner of St Pair and Ontario cl*tON: Twin beds sleeping room home privileges LA 1 8562 cl*tON BLVD LAKEWOOD: EMPLOYED GIRL AC 6 0272 ALAMEDA Lakewood large enjy mom: ome privileges a 1 BANGOR near ulton: Modern room house privilege Near bus Reference Ladr 1 2305 BAY VILLAGE: REE ROOM AND PRIVILEGES OR WOMAN WORKING 3 SH IT TR 1 0 6 7 2 BROADVIEW Rd 2337: Clean alep i ng room employed man 1 3296 BROOKPARK Broadvlew area: Nlca room for gentleman Ll 9434 CLARK 51: Throw your hat in and feel at horn Room for 1 or 3 ladies Prtvil eges ME 1 9247 CLARK 25 Clean room: own en trancesober man SUl 3308 CLIORD 13829' Garage man near rapid bus OR 8601 9 1 or eves cl*tON BLVD 17200 Nice mom furnished: parking: man Available Oct 1 AC 1 5772 cl*tON 13400 Large room man shower TV AC 1 5034 General Office Varied duties woiklng In credit office A'slriing Credit Manager pleasant working conditions air conditioned office 5 day week southeast local mul The Garland Co Ml 1 7500 WAITRESS West Side girl preferred Cloaed Sundavs eves Cortno'a Pesfa innt 26693 Ridge nd TR 1 1124 WAITRESS ountain experience reference Green Drug Co Euclid LUNCH AND DINNER Tl'RSIDE 4511 Northfied Rd Warrensville MO 3 661 1 WAITRESS experienced fnr new din ing room Good pay and rips Apply in person Midway Motelu6435 Pearl Rd DAYS 11:30 till jv SU 15766 WAITRESS experience) day: good tips salary meal Budins Restaurant 17133 Kinman Rd WAITRESS: Sat' nlghis only: experi enced in lounge room trad Tip Toe INN 1220QWoodiand Ave WAITRESS experienced full time' good up Apply In person Courtland Coffee Shop 1 3 2 2 Ontario WAITRESS experl'nred: age 2 5 to 35 MARS' RESTAURANT 3109 25th WAITRESS" Steacy: 930 a 6 No Sun or holidays good salary Mavfair Coffee Shop 7018 Euclid Ave WAITRESS nights 13834 SLqalrGL 1 9755 WAITRESS Italy 2fl3b 25 ON1P4 8 4J3O 6dayi 4322 Rldg Rd WAITRESS experienced only apply Le a Delicatessen 9th Superinr WAITRESS' BreKf't nr short hOUfl? weekdays 225 St Clair STENOGRAPHER Experienced preferred but not neces sary in handling correspondence and records for sales manager Shorthand and typin muri ba abov a erase 5 dav week 8:30 to 4:30 Call Mr McQuiUen 1 283 VI 2 1470 DAVIS PAINT CO BABY sitting nights exchange for room and board west CL 2 4854 BABY SIT your home eves or week ends SW 1 4689 alter 4 BARMAID: 7 years experience: re liable honest: best of references days west AC1 3859 BARMAID Cook' reliable honest best of references days: thoroughly ex perienced CE 1 26 12 B66KKEEPEUdffTceManager: ull charge: complete financial statements experienced In ail phases of office procedure: downtown preferred Bex 22353 Plain Dealer BOOKKEEPER full charge secretary Alert executive assistant Handle your records correctlv $100 a week Box 20852Plain Dealer BOOKKEEPER Experienced part time 112: Nice room for single man Colored RA 1 4393 17 4: Sleeping for gentleman only: private entrance Inquire al 11516 Buckeye Rd DRUG AND CIGAR CLEPK EXPERIENCED PART TIME EVE CAMPUS DRUG ER 1 1234 DRUG CLERK Evenings no Sundav no fountain GL 1 49 17 14743 EUCLID AVE DRUG Clerk: Experiences: evenings Economy Drug GL 1 1900 DETROIT 84 Nice room: kitchen privileges gentleman ME 1 5105 DETROIT 65: Clean room: own entrance sober man SU 1 3308 LORIAN 10804: Nice clean room working man up WI 1 1698 eves Must be excellent conk efflcieot housekeeper 2 adult in familv in or have own transportation: week: supply references and I ground in reply Bex 23748 Dealer HOUSEKEEPING PRR WKT 2 rooms with kitchen privileges In Cleveland Heights home 2 days cleaning per week Close tn University TO 1 5 090 HOUSEKEEPER cook or experienced couple live in fin? home near Sbeker Square: adults only ER 1 2366 after 6 30 nr HOUSEKEPERwhlte over 40 Live in 1 mi lnvalld adult Small home in Cleveland Bex 21052 Plain Dealer HOUSEWORK Plain rooklna No laundry 2 rnuuiru avBwiu girl desiring good lume On rapid HOUSEWORK ironing experienced 3 4 davsEXl 030 HOUSEWORK OR BABY SITTING YOUR HOMESW 1 2977 HOUSEWORK "office 'part time: Lee Rd: WY 1 1660 after 4 IRONING WASHING MY HOME: Al BUSHtL RASKLl: NO PICK UP OR DELIVERY MU 1 11 8JL IRONING YOUR HOME 2 DAYS REERENCE RELIABLE MU 1 R928 iRONINGirTrny bushel ree pickup delivery AT 1 6649 IRONING my home A work clothes and curtains SW 5 332 9 IRONING in my home Expert work shirts a speclailtySKl 9571 IRONING don tn my home ptek up and deliver WI A by bundle you deliver and pickup CW 1 54 73 IRONING WASHING A family service $5 bu pickup EX 1 2993 IRONING don: my home: $5 bushel oirk up jleilv er 1 1519 IRONING MY HOME $5 BUSHEL? PICKUP AND DELIVERER 2 1886 IRONING:" A MY HOME OR YOURS REERENCES GL 1 0206 IRONING MY HOME A $5 BLL PJCK UP DELI WA 1 872 9 LADIES tailoring: dress making al ei'tlons LO 1 4038 LIGHT housework Middle aged 17 Box 2 2 1 53rialnDealer LIGHT housekeeping baby sitting in your horn PO 1 3256 licensed experienced doctors office Wet Sid ED 1 279'L NURSE PRACTICAL Horn private hourly or liv Day or night ER 1 3660 ArTTGAL PRIVATE OR HOSPITAL: HOURLY orjive lnSU 1 4200 dar or night NURSING: STAY IN 5 DAYS LADIES ONLY UL 1 329 1 NURSE practical housekeeping 5 lays rtperi enced WY 1 5019 NURSE maternity and vacations Reference YE 2 393 NURE Practical: white in: ladles onl EV 1 7485 "OICE WOPK TYPING East Cleveland area LI 1 9956 PRACTICAL nurse Convalescent maternltv desired HE 2 3082 PBX SWITCHBOARD "RECEPTION IT ANY sh*t CQl RECEPTlbNIST blllingllght I XPj njcliable ON 1 8893 SALAD or grill co*k: 5 yr ex perience: colored CE 6587 SECRETARY: Mature Kdlphone ex cellent typist IBM electric or ex ecutive typewriter Completely reliable Have own transportation East or far East 3 3 a I nDe a 1 SECRETARY Mature imagination in itiative 3 4 5 days Box 15754 Plain DMler SECRETARY bookkeeper T5 yri varied experience AN 1 1286 31 Position Wanted emale I ACCOUNT ANT Booxkeeper: Auto Agen cy or Small Company: complete marge or assistant taxes financial statements title wo PO 1 2909 BOOKKEEPING TAX SERVICE or Small Businesses Reasonable EN 1 6240 LA1 57 82 ADDRESSING: Get that complete mail uut now by us never too small or large experienced TOl 6457 ADDRESSING typing general etc: my home HI 2 1388 ADDRESSING typing my home: ex perienced reasonable A 1 7389 ADDRESSING stuHing mall at home WI 1 3457 Rebecca Sieckowskl ALTERATIONS: Your home nr mine pickup and deliver SW 5 3 371 REASONABLE Sewng on fine clothing UT 1 34 2 1 BABYSITTING: Your home: 5" days: ex pe ri enced ell a bl eR A 1 £5 2 5 BABY sitting your home any time experienced UT 1 5572 BABY sitting in your home light housework GA 1 2162 Brentwood Hospital 4110 Warrensville Rd SK 2 2700 NURSES Work In the Height' pleasant clean surroundings right at the rapid bustnn paid Blue Cross social security and insurance sick leave and vaca tion: good salary schedule and oppor tunity iti 20h bd accredited hcwpital all shift Doctor Hospital 12345 teaar nn sw CtKbUNNt nriic NURSE nracilraL enced In caring for elder! man nnrfl to non i ultron Dealer HOUSEWORK $45 WK General live in 6 children 4 In school other day help employed: nun room bath white English rpeakint: last help stayed A yrs WY 1 5724 HOUSEWORK: Live in General and cooking No laundry nr heavy cleaning Older woman with local teference pre ferred $40 to $45 depending on ex perience TE 1 8 1 HOUSEWORK' Experienced cook and Itchi downstairs city references: must like children excellent salary hve in YE2 6086J HOUSEWORK for woman who warns nice pome and small wags Will ac cept 3 child Warrensville Heights GR 3 0129 White HOUSEWORK' Reliable: to family cooking: live In: 2 days off each we Good salary No laundry CH 7 6218 HOUSEWORK: hve in brand new home in Cleveland Heights own room bath: no roQjcng 3 days $32 ref fences ER 1 3204 HOUSEWORK general: live In own mom TV new Shaker home: all mod em assist with 3 small children HO 9 1046 HOUSEWORK: fart time: some baby sitting: live in: white matur woman no rooking: $20 wk WY 1 3273 CLEANING Any kind woodwork win dows ualls A Ironing GA 1 3190 CLEANING OR LAUNDRY HONEST RELI ABLEG A1 62 1 CLEAN WALLS $6 ROOM: PAINTING EXP COUPLE MU 1 1065 CLERK TYPIST: Experienced ull time LI 1 4 813 COMPANION to elderly person Ex perience references SW 5 4839 COOK and all around hlp experi enced middle a ged PO 1 2319 DAYWORK housework ironing $8 an car fare SW 1 03 15 DAYWORK: 3 or 4 days reference reliable GA 1 3945 DAYWORK: 2 or 3 days $8 and car fIeLsw 1A721j DAYWORK: CLEANING LAUNDRY References RA 8012 DAYWORK Wed ex perienced references Ml 1 5093 DAYWORK: A ironcr'Van rook: ex perienced fef erences SK 2 507 7 DA YWORK:" References cleaning and ironing SWl 3302 DAYWORK cleaning experience Sat CE 1 5 639 DAYWORK: $8 per day and carfare experienced age 23 SW 1 7416 EXPERIENCED" U1 5 447 DENTAL hygienist OSU graduate full or part Ume YE 2 8299 DIETARY supervisor hospital trained and jnaduadUL125 assistant experkncedNo typing MU 1 3412 mending altering cur tains drapes covers LU 1 0166 DRY CLEANING: assembling or en tering References 1 17 ACTORY night work or an honest work References WY 1 8387 GENERAL" HOUSEWORK: COLORED WA 1 3235 GENERAL office cashier: Experienced in accounts receivable or payable Avail able Oct 19 prefer part time con sider full tim Box 32648 Plain Dealer GENERAL office work at my home comptometer payroll Invoices Box Dealer HOUSEKEEPER for woman Good driver free tn travel Best references CE 1 0489 7 to IL HOUSEKEEPER: experienced very good references LO 1 5401 HOUSEKEEPER: Middle aged start at once Box 5444 Plain Dealer HOUSEWORK: Sat through Mon Ex perienced A references Box 21853 Plain Dealer HOUSEWORK 5 day week 7 3 8 4 9 5 no cooking live in $30 MU 1 8473 HOUSEWORK 4 days experienced references LI 1 7104 HOUSEWORK: Live in or out white Box 10153 PJal nDealer HOUSEWORK: Experienced ft or 3 days Home nights CE 1 0292 IIOUSEWORK LIVE "iN REER ENCES EX1 ri23 59 HOUSEWORK: general 5 days plain co*cking LI 1 1475 HOUSEWORK CALL ATER 5" AT 1 5485 are looking for a gnified West Sider who has selling ability plus in centive to sell a product now hat is an absolute ncd for future Earrings ar unlimited and age is no barrier Must have own fransporta lon thorough training program also drawing recount start Call cp 7 0621 for aptvdntment 'SALES CIGAR AND CANDY CLERKS Days only Hourly rate Apply in per son only Heights Pharmacy 2179 I Green Rd Comer Cedar SALES CLERK: Experience or part lime: opening eve: Mer chandise Co 3060 Superior 1 3 7 5 EUCLID INSURANCE Large agency needs a stenographer and a typist with some insurance background for varied interest ng du ties twill advance and teach) EN 1 2200 Ex 11 INSURANCE Immediate opening fnr experienced In surant rersonai Shaker Square sharing benefits INSURANCE: Girl wanted fig multiple line company firid office near Shak er Square 1 girl office hospital and life benefits good salary Must be experienced Yorkshire Insurance Co Phone SK 1 4 750 for appointment INSURANCE agent in Cleveland Heights looking for woman with ex ponent in general agency PERMA NENT position 12 Ivuis week Gve experience training family responsi bilities Box 24451 Plain Dealer WAITRESSES EXPERIENCED DAYS OR NIGHTS DELICATESSEN RESTAURANT 2175 GREEN RD EV 2 5350 'WAITRESSES Must Hv Southeast ull time per manent work days or n'ghta Will train Must be 18 or over Opportunity to become manager trainee for large drive in operation Drive In Northfield Rd Northfield Ohio Apply in person STENOGRAPHER Duties of receptionist with and shorthand office near downtown Clv land 40 houis Mon through ri £cniy Rox STENOGRAPHER Ag 25 35 Varied ellphone expcrlenr no shortnund a mndl Honed sale office near downtown 5 a ays wox riain Dealer STENOGRAPHERS Temporary during days cr wceki may available 1 1 23TERM1NAL TOWER STENOGRAPHER Uw office No ex perirnce necessary IBM tvpewrlter Slate age aalary eic Box 23130 Plrin Dealer sfELNOGRAilE Uke In Lakewoorf accuracy needed mor thanned ull nr part lime Bex 25751 Plain Dealer Stcnographer Salrs Typing shorthand 8 days Apply 4650 Payne 9 5 VINE St: Lovely room for 1 2 firlampoyed days WH 6 2695 REE room and board for student ormployed young woman in exchange for babysitting and help with dinner Nar Shaker Square and rapid SK 2 2422 HILLIARD Rd 17105: Urge front room business woman LA 1 5437 LAKEWOOD near Detroit Pleasant room in private home for business woman kitchen privileges references exchanged AC 8 0848 LAKEWOOD: Quiet comfortable room private home near transportation LA 1 5588 After 5 weekdays LAKEWOOD: Large front room for 2 refined ladles or gentleman 3 buses kitchen privileges LA 1 3115 LAKEWOOD: Weil furnished: next shower businessman AC 6 8963 Stenograph Stenograph Bill Tasty Shop 'A.

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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Views: 6195

Rating: 4 / 5 (61 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.