The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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23 Em ploynun Ecruu Mjl 23 Empioymint Buruu Mol 20 Hilp Milo SOUNDS Young GOOD SALESMAN Men LIKE A CITY SALES THS ing 37 slate Immediate opening! in Largest WESTERN So Will You TO 1 8000 EXPERIENCE IS No Experience Necessary Young Men 21 Help Wontod Soleomen 18 TO 30 if in war business Eventual Salesmen SPECIALTY SALESMEN TRAVELING JOB OPENINGS LIMITED 36 Call as toon a posibl Have you a late model cu? MR POWERS MA 1 9359 ARM COUPLE $95 PER WEEK uorreaponaent printin RECORD RESEARCH ASSISTANT 1 Intelligent affable person to handle iviacntne loot trainee ONE CALL CLOSERS Couple without children Wanted 3 Men MAERKLE One week training program AU Expenaea Paid Many Others Not Uated Call MR HARRY BARLOW THE ONLY BIG Ray Hibbs I and Associates IS YOU! ot Box 27165 Plain Dealer Martha Opportunity SALES REY CALL ON 1 3833 or personal intervtew eall ON 1 3834 Opportunity Young Men 24 to 30 BAKER SALES TELEPHONE sales rommerda! advertising administrative clerical market research SANTA CLAUS Ask for Mr Payne i yrai ota ui Ksruiatuui inuuue umllir to self mplorment but ry rouB tree nooltllttton you salary commission bonus and ex paid vacation pension plan or ap Interesting Work from 10000 OPEN MON TILL 7 till Nov 23 to Dec 24 Reliable Experienced OREMAN industrial and DRIVER light delivery $2754 Cleveland Ak AUTO MECHANIC Average SJRO rsr 5 MEN PARTTIME Apply other factory equipment or zll 23 Employment Bureau Malt BRADLEY OPEN WILSON TOMORROW TILL 8 Come or your choice of over 1000 JOBS! Sea tomorrow ad WriKW Progressive shop in Western MANY NO EE 1290 PR 1 08M TRAIC up WILSON WILSON OHIO to to through direct to JN THE PHYSICAL CON AND APPEAR Will consider lim ted number of trainees who can relocate to one of our training centers in other mhjor cities for an intensive sales training program this management training oe gnomeo io iSKe a proven ieo SALESMAN Midwest territory min erals $6500 PHARMACEUTICAL SALES Cleveland national mfr car $5400bonus SALES TRAINEE MX or EE for national mfr to 30 $5700 SALES TRAINEE Chemistry major or engineering degree Co rar all paid employe benefits annual bonus EM PLOYER PAYS EE $6000 DISTRICT SALES REPRESENTATIVE ood or drug experience all expenses $5400 Exclusive dealership franchise to General Electric Silicone Product SALES CORRESPONDENT Nat mfg good future must be college grad to 30 $5400 21 Hilf Wanhd Salesman (Onilrsed rom Preceding Colamnt sn MAIM HAU SUNPAT PCT It 111? our for Starting rate $162 pet hour progress to $168 think you can If vou selling one ot America's products with annual re ir WORLD BOOK wants man In each school district for special work of national importance ull or part tlmeWY 1 1118 Who have been laid off or out on strike of no fault of their own We win train in our advertising sales dept to handle the expansion of our fast moving business and pay well from the start We give leads on our many thousands of old customers 22 Employment Bureau Malo 23 Employmint Bureau Malo ADVERTISING SALES: Car cards ad vertising for buses Must have news paper or radio sales experience Po tential $10000 Minimum Earning If You Qualify CONTACT MR A SEME TIME STUDY: Excellent spot In brsnd spankmg new plant and will pay top rate of $650 and leave room for advancement Negotiable fee GENERAL OREMAN: (3t Trans missions and heavy road construction equipment Will relocate Expanding company in non competitive field $6000 $8000 Top notch earnings working conditions and security SALESMEN DISTRICT MANAGERS Must be willing to travel 25074 PLAIN DEALER 1832 4 KEITH BLDG TH 1 1000 IVES ED 1 6546 INDUSTRIAL 8AIXS ME or equivs ient distributor exp 17500bonus MAN wanted to retrieve and service pillows on Greyhound busies: hourly wages Apply at Greyhound Bus Sta tion Chester Ave (NO PHONE CALLS) AMBITIOUS YOUNG MEN 21 Kelp Malt 1632 2 Kftltb Bld I PR 1 1000 RATW INDUSTRIAL guards A CONIDENTIAL DIGNIIED SERV ICE ESTABLISHED 24 YEARS AGO A TEAM COMPETENT SUC CESSUL PLACEMENT MEN AND WOMEN SEVERAL WITH OVER lb YEARS SERVICE AT WILSON'S ASSOCIATES Open Monday Evening SPRATT 61 SCHOIELD BLDG 9th Euclid PR 1 4802 CHANGE JOBS WITH CONIDENCE Personnel Associates 1010 Euclid Suite 615 TO 1 2600 Wire and Cable exp Refrigeration Coolants Drills and Taps exp Electrician trainee Earnings of present force average $10000 ESTIMATOR SALESMAN AIR CONDITIONING CLEANING SERVICE estimate and mH air conditioning ACCOUNTING and ADMINISTRATION: CONTROLLER Small Ohio growing medium site company evsis Know now STERLING LINDNER DAVIS mfr $12000 SIDING MEN Large new territory 5 year financing liberal draw and breakdown bring canvasser Write of cal) collect 0 00 to 11:00 Mendel Cham pion Decorators 1066 Livingston Ave Columbus CL 3 2218 ARM OR COUNTRY BORN MAN Ask for Mr Hert 2700 Lorain Ave What we will do for tiain you paying your ex penses while in training On completion of training pay you a liberal draw against commission We have hos pitalization retirement bo nus and company stock plan Requires men with back ground of specialty selling to top management Broad di rect mail and national ad vertising program to provide" steady flow of leads SALES TRAINEES Unlimited poten tial several past placements have been promoted to management after 1st and 2nd year earnings in 5 flgure bracket Occasional out of town travel hire immediately WRITE ULL DETAILS KIDDE PRECISION TOOL CORPORATION ROSELAND NEW JERSEY This territory now open for manu facturers representative for high class contract machine shop in the East with $2500000 worth of modem equipment Including 22 Jig borers Urge and small 7 hor zontal boring machines and Row bottom cam millers necessary sup porting equipment and inspection facilities YOUNG MEN 21 Desiring to make 800 to 31200 every monh Sales experience helpful but not necessary We will train you Rapid promotion to aggressive men have proven sales ability a will to work a' desire for high earnings and a thorough knowledge ot the City ot Cleveland To he over 25 years of age be able to stand bond and own a good auto Give detailed information concerning yourself and past sales experience in first let ter All information confi dential We will call you for personal interview Write Swann Box 4426 Cleveland 25 Ohio qualified mn We are offer ing high salaries excellent promotional possibilities lib eral benefits travel allow ances etc Birth certificate required BE YOUR OWN BOSS $300 NO EE OPENING with good future in technical staff of estab work 6:309:30 pm growing organize 617 SCHOIELD BLDG 9 Eu4H PR 1 4802 SALES GEORGE PEPPER CLEVELAND PERSONNEL fere future management po tential for young (2232) Itoo Ievel sales representatives TWO new unique business machines for a oroven market each sale creates immediate repeat income 1632 KEITH BLDG EVKS KO lHn4H (Centtnuet in xl Crinmn) Apply Monday through riday spot expe sell tlonally accepted and proven through out building industry As a very minimum to start and you learn our vork your income will be Increased to per week $1000 $1000 MAERKLE ASSOCIATES 238 HANNA BLDG Bur'ld It 14 St TO 1 5865 duct cleaning service to industrial and xxrnn in ron Youngstown territory heating nr general mechanical background helpful but not necessary w111 train you at our expensei Must have car full credit for renewals: finan cial arrangement open: not seasonal phone AT 1 5400 foe appointment or confidential interviewi call Monday onlyl Mr Clark Division Manager PR 1 6853 100 MEN $100 A WEEK IELD MANAGER CAPABLE EARNING $15000 YRLY WE GUARANTEE $150 WKLY DRAW or our new operation in Cleve land (also opening in Youngs town) High calibre with success ful sales and management experi ence tn dirset to the home field to supervise and work with a group of 4 to 6 salesmen Your record will be thoroughly checked for honesty Integrity and quality of business We are the recently organized af filiate of the oldest publishing house of its kind In the country doing business at the rate of 3780no000 yearly Our product Is adapted to the de sires and needs of moderate in come ramiues is usee out the country and sold mothers In the home DAYTIME ONLY Our rrmBanv fumlihM avtm At tMds lift nw daily) In concentrated areas Hours 9 a to 4:30 no nights no Sundays $150 weekly starts at once and is a draw vs high commission overwrite generous sales and profit sharing bonuses No travel ing no canvassing no collecting no servicing no limit to earnings Be prepared to furnish your past ten year background and work record Rhone Mr Brooks at our National Headquarters New York City (collect PLaza 5 8202 Mon 9 a 12 or 1 3 or write CPD 1777 125 41 St 36 Exn rlenced men In finance field over 25 years old: excellent poten tial training fnr management cu shion car expenses unlimited op portunity REAL ESTATE Industrial experience in shopping center space (requisition Third man In department Chance for top spot within short time $16 $18000 RETAIL EXECUTIVE TRAINING PROGRAM: 3 to 4 years in retail business $6000 PHARMACEUTICAL: College unneces sary: proven experience $500 plus 5 plus company car DURABLE CONSUMER GOODS: Sell ing to retailers and wholesalers Training program 3 to 4 months AU expenses Will be In Tuesday to Inter view $8000 ee Paid AILIATED SERVICE TARN LARGE INCOME hlHnt home cnrssfn tor tutlrm Xmu Hem tor commercial accounts No Investment wnt Morton' or Mn st Akron 3 Ohio WANTED TOPNOTCH BUSINESS ORMS Distributor offers unlimited oppor tunity tor college man with sites personality household consisting of 2 adults Husband to operate small farm engaged in raish ing standardbred horses Garden crops only House hold duties not requiring full time Separate cottage for living quarters heat light and phone included Good salaries if qualified and willing to work Write or phone Byron Kuth Mer rie Meadows Chesterland Ohio Park 9 7596 TECHNICAL CERAMIC ENGINEER Degree Re search powder metal High temper al loy Physical studies $750 PROJECT top notch all types rgov ernors" uture $650 CHEMICAL ENGINEER Degree proc ess A equipment design Assist plant manager $675 I DEGREE Methods cost reduction Light layout $600 AIRCRAT Develop product to finish Heavy calculations experience $600 DEVELOPMENT Know gas regulators etc $600 steel A cement foolers Heavy board $600 COST ESTIMATOR Metals presses weldings Constant advance to $600 DRATSMAN Some college Know product or mechanical $475 LAB TECHNICIAN College Paints A Chemicals $500 LAB TECHNICIAN Some metallurgi cal college 2 yean experience ferrouj A non ferrous $450 800 AM 8:00 PM Offering Ohio Largest Selection of job opportunities At All 4 modern offices SALESMAN Local territory retail ex perience $4800 SALES TRAINEE Industrial mfg ex cellent training for young man with some sales exp All company benefits ear EMPLOYER PAYS EE $4500 OOD SALES Loral territory for na tional mfg Excellent future 21 27 $4500 mm nnq rnrir 'cant has appearance ability to talk to people able to follow instructions and will work BOX 27565 PLAIN DEALER $I5000 $20000 YEAR RANCHISE CLOSERS for 12 min tool and diehop Wet Side CL 1 6390 SALES CORRESPONDENT TO $425 Employment Service Inc 1632 Keith Building (1621 Euclid Av?) Telephone PRospect 1 1000 If qualified to meet the public apply Monday for personal interview between 10:30 a and 3:30 Chief I Heavy experience standards methods cost contml to $10000 INDUSTRIAL SALES Chemical engi neer rubber compounding $9000 SALES ENGINEER Instruments Cleve land area $6400 your are a high school graduate and have your military obligations completed we have three (3) openings in our ules manegement training program AIR CONDITIONING ENGINEERING: Excellent consulting firm with excel lent reputation young middle age owner $600 If you think finest BMt hudntu it wnWW whlk permanency has any value and you art rilling to work your way to Independence on a guar antee and commission basis then this Is your golden If you can qualify Answer In confidence to arrange an Interview AVERAGE 6 DEMONSTRATIONS 4 SALES CHECKS MAILED SPECIAL DELIVERY BEORE YOUR ACCOUNTS GET SHIPMENT Exclusive new ideas in electrical prod ucts open limitless opportunities in national concern supplying all types of business commerce and industry No travel no night wore not seasonal no house accounts EXCLUSIVE TERRITORIES REPEAT BUSINESS TOP COMMISSION ON MAIL AND PHONE ORDERS PLUS 5Ofe OVERRIDES EARNINGS TWO ASSISTANTS INSURANCE AND HOSPITALIZATION Experience In our line unnecessary but car is Earnings Jtart 1ST DAY Personal field training by manager Men ready to start at once Call Mr Webb Div Sales Mgr 9 4:30 Sat 9 1 Sun or Mon TO 1 2345 YOUNG men with mechanics I ability and looking for a Job with security Excellent training program good starting salary good working wi tlons Blue Cross and benefits Apply 1ft perron Mon through rt 20 a to to 3 Marchant Celcu lator Inc 4107 Brookpark Rd PRODUCTION CONTROL AND EXPE DITING TRAINEE: Age not over 25 college not necessary Will reimburse agency fee Salary $350 TIME STUDY ENGINEER: an excel lent East Side company want man will set up rates and do incentive work Negotiable tee $400 $420 HYDRAULICS EDITOR: Magazine Is self sufficient unit and is looking for a man who is looking at writing from career standpoint Earnings potential unlimited $6500 After years of sales and sales man agement in roofing siding insurance appliances books and other direct sales 1 I found a salesman's dream An ad vertising sales package that has no collection or credit problems high commissions no competition hours from 9 5 5 days a week No selling to hjomt'S or private parties Our accounts are businessmen The company is the Guldex Company" and has been successfully operating on the West Coast for the past 7 years We are now establishing offices in Chi cago Cleveland and Detroit You work only in your own home area The average earnings are from $183 67 to $47964 per week or further Information call Harold Joy TO 2 0591 Mon only with the in 21 Hio Milt (CoRtlnaed rom rased tag ue) CAREER ASSIGNMENTS $150 per week Draw vs liberal comm SALESMAN 25n COMMISSION Cal! 9 11 a for appointment Weekdays ind Sun WI 1 2523 Open 8 PM Monday and Thursday 6 PM Daily ENGINEERS Designers draftsmen Cleveland Engineering A icy 3132 9 GENERAL TRAIC MANAGER To head plsnt operation Ho 40' TRAIC MANAGER New department wen established East Ride manufacturer NO EE To $6on ASSISTANT TRAIC MANAGER We? lrra Trainee ctfhsM helpful NO EE To $450 800 Schofield Bldg SU 1 5300 6361 Pearl Rd SH 9 1700 16828 Kinsman Rd WY 1 9100 333 South Main Akron jE 5 2601 paid vacation pension plan or ap pointment call ROBERT SUCHO Superior 1 1316 SPECIALTY salesmen Calling on dept chains variety and specialty shops for hottest line of Leisure Slippers from 59c to $198 retail Generous commissions Pro tected territories Send complete de tails in confidence to Ewall ELKINS EWALL corp 525 Clearfield St Philadelphia 33 Pa Young men 17J4 to 28 year old high school graduate or equivalent to install telephone central office and related communications equipment Progressive hourly rate scale vacation and other advant age Previous1 experience is not es however any previ ous related industrial or armed service experienc is considered in establishing starting rate Birth certificate required We are interested tn talking to men 21 or over born on the farm or tn the country We will teach you our business cannot use high pres sure We have a low pressure set up We will give you a good weekly draw and an opportunity for a permanent job 12 months a year We want men who are not afraid of work non drlnkers and non floaters and men who are looking for advancement Must have a car and be ready to start immediately We are a national concern with 100 years of experience We have territories open locally and In other parts of the state We would like to talk to men who have had experience with farm bureau feed and fertilizer or talking to farm or suburban residents on any kind of a deal Also men who have never had any experience but are willing to learn our businere We are an old company with something new to work on Out of town men write Box 8777 Plain Dealer No Information given on Phone Call Michael O'Neill ED 1 6000 Monday 9 a to 9 pm Tuesday 9 am to 5 pm INDUSTRIAL SALES College truck and tractor components $7500 INDUSTRIAL SALES Mechanical background OEM accounts $7 500 SAIJSMAN Sensational opportunity new invention no competition: no canvassing franchise basis nationally advertised: manufactured by American Aircraft Corp See Mr Burris al Motel Cleveland 17027 Euclid Ave from 2 8 Oct 22 through Oct 26 I you're interested tn making money tn selling see the hundreds of excep tional opportunities In Salesmen's OPPORTUNITY MAGAZINE Send name for your copy absolutely free Tell us what you're selling now OP PORTUNITY 848 Dearborn Dept 20 Chicago 10 Illinois MONEY MAKING OPPORTUNITY! Take big profit orders lor world fa mous patented Varieties ruit Trees Also lowering Shrubs Roses Vines? vommission Big Mies omni rree innA STARK BROS Dk 9110 IjmiBI i R1 1QOO ana Missouri I win tell ynu and us If you ere suitable for our many position which murt be filled INLMEDIATELY Do not apply unless you can start will that SUPERVISOR: Under 55 for shipping checkers Local industrial plant needs someone in hurry Employer will pay a good part of your fee $400 BEER PROMOTION SALESMAN: Na tional brewery: 28 35 Likes ex soap or bottling company men All ex vOUVv CORP 2229 Chester Monday 7 PM Only 21 Htlg Wnld SiIhimh HALLMARK CARDS SALESMEN AND SALES TRAINEES OPPORTUNITIES ARE AVAILABLE OR YOUNG MEN INTERESTED IN A PRospect 1 6851 All Day Monday $100 per week while in training GENERAL TRAIC 3423 Memphis at Petri brf 9 3472 See Mr rier Monday through riday 830 A to 4:30 COLONIAL HOTEL 523 Prospect Ave leading firm offers excellent Inside sale training program tn conscien tious individual with sales personal ity and some college future poten el protected territory given 'merchandising If vou have retail store experience in management level and wish to accelerate with a smaller firm Definite eventual relocation If you are neat honest ambitious of average intelligence between ages 21 40 and willing to work 8 hours per day for a multimillion dollar elec trical unit company established 29 year ago which is announcing a new expansion program WE WILL GUARANTEE YOU A YEAR AROUND JOB WITH NO LAY OS You will be selected for your part through a proven successful JOB APTITUDE TEST Excellent openings svutlable In motor carrier Industry as salesmen traffic trainees and warehouseman PROESSIONAL PLACEMENT With LEADING Smaller and medium Size Companies Tower 1 1600 713 Schofield Bldg 9th Euclid CHIE ENGINEER $30000 Bonus Production for appliance mfgr WORKS MGR CHIE $15000 With local sheet metal mfgr ME Chief Development $13000 Take over existing department for local special machinery mfgr CERAMIC ENGINEER $750 YOUNG MEN Excellent opportunity available as PART TIME Ballroom dance instruc tor with leading national chain ree training No experience necessary Apply in person Monday through riday DALEPDANCE STUDIOS 1810 Euclid Ave 4 SL1DE Set up opera te Want man Witt aupenikory experience or potential Growing manufacturing concern tn Lorain Elyria area Write giving full experience Box 3578 am Dealer SALES TO $500 Leading tobacco manufacturer seeks sales premotor good opportunity PERSONNEL IRM Desires Sales promotor Largest Agency Member of National Association Employment Agencies 501 Members in over 190 Cities 3 1 0 Citizens Bldg 850 Euclid TO 1 5700 OTHERS RED KREIDLER CLERK $450 up BILLING clerk $375 3400 MAINTENANCE carpenter 3350 5400 SHIPPING recelvIng clerks 3350 $400 MECHANICAL service trainee $325 3400 STOCK and order clerks $325 3375 OS and tracing dark $350 ud PRODUCTION Clerk tvpt $330 CUSTODIAN couple mntel $325apt CREDIT mgr Trainee $300 ud OICE BOYS Rapid advancement INDUSTRIAL parta clerk $275 3300 IN INSIDE OUTSIDE PLANT TELEPHONE ENGINEERING SVXXY OrORTVMTttS IN CALIORNIA TOK TELEPHONE ENGINEERS AND IN LORIDA OR CABLE SPLICERS AND GXBLE SPLICER HELPERS EXPERIENCED AIR MOD CORPORATION Subsidiary of Cook Electric Co 0 BOX 335 VANDALIA OHIO 3 lon mn "lh thorough rrrnunent: ein Ia to lull time eliMule: must hive er in be it knowledge ot machinery and wait auumi jrtaunt Sunday Oct 20th 1:30 Monday Oct 21 7:30 (no other time) WARD INDUSTRIES CORP 4052 Superior Ave Representative you appearance and ambitioua we have a position for you Pleasant daily contact with established customers of an old AAA 1 concern X'e pay all expenses for your top notch training program Auto mobile furniahed hW Hfn aSurfa CHEMIST head analytical dept ASt cterk CHEMIST nlttinr nnrtirt 1 LK PRODUCTION CONTROL estimating metal PAINT CHEMIST formulate test TIME STUDY standard data punch brake shear 3500 LAB SUPERVISOR 2 yr organic exper oil paint rust $500 LAB TECHNICIAN organic 2 yrs college to $420 LAB TECHNICIAN light metals LAB TECHNICIAN mechanical draw Experienced responsible well spoken man to sell long term subscriptions to Cleveland and vicinity business men for The Journal of Commerce NATIONALLY KNOWN DAILY BUSINESS NEWS SERVICE Liberal commissions for new and re newal business Lifetime benefits with 131 year old organization include: To An Elert Ambitious Salesman who doesn't need a job One of the best known and fastest growing company in the food industry is looking for a man who hag a good Mies Job right now but wants greater opportunity for responsi bility and growth He will have complete charge of selling Jobbery and chain accounts in central and eastern Ohio as well as northwest ern Pennsylvania Consequently he must own his own car and be willing to travel the area with headquarters in Cleveland He must have a knowledge of mer chandising and promoting at all levels and have had experience working with top management His starting salary will be $141 per week and an additional ISC invested In deferred compensation plan and expense We offer also liberal security bene fits and increases commensurate with results Submit letter stating age education and details of past experience and Include telephone number Applicant selected will be Interviewed week of October 21st Bos 13175 Plain Dealer ELECTRICIANS PRECISION inspector 4 DIE SETTER JOB SHOP machinist INDUSTRIAL maintenance ARC WELDER brazer WAREHOUsem*n LICENSED IREMEN PRODUCT testing trainee BILLING clerk ourt tim SPRAY PAINTER $1 65bnhua Prt Open APPRENTICES and learners $190 82 AND MANY OTHERS ENGINEERING and TECHNICAL: PLANT MANAGER Heavy industry or steel background Costs controls mfg to $15000 SUPERVISORY ENG Newly created job Electrical instrumentation field to $12000 SUPERVISOR Quality control Multi plant operation Complete authority 2 $10000 ACTORY SUPT A administrator Peaponsibillty with authority Precision products mfg $10000 DESIGN ENGINEERS New electrical application in atomic energy Installa tions $650 $8C0 PROJECT New depi ractional motors 2 man Some con tact $650 1750 LAB SUPERVISOR Young resource ful Chem or metalurglcal Opportu nity to grow $600 $700 TOOL DESIGNER Varied duties Solid Co Guided mlssle atomic energy $650 CUSTOMER ENGINEERING Product design Small putnps varied duties contacts $600 $6 25 MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR Young ambitiou work for lop Job $525 ASST TO MGR Develope from time study Groom for management Ex panding 475 3525 JR INDUSTRIAL Time standard and methods Various operations Real opportunity 450 3525 Many Others Not Listed call Milt eder SEAWAY Euclid Excellent opportunity for ex perienced PLACEMENT AD VISOR Busy downtown of fice Prefer experienced but will consider strong sales personality 800 Schofield Bldg SU L53OO 1010 EUCLID 9th loor Suite 910 SU 1 7262 Call Paul Tallman EXECUTIVE Sales MGMT Trainee $6000 Salary NO EZ New car comm bonus 3 profit sharing for aggressive young man looking for planned secure future 1 No trnvel: $9 000 immediate potential MODERN town havv $10000 SYSTEMS MGR Organize and staff newly created dept know IBM sp plication mgmt level Open ADM ASSIST TO TREASURER Spe cial projects coats studies mgmt re ports $650 CONTROLLER'S ASSIST Cost and general ledger exp capable of heavier responsibilities 6 2 5 MGMT accountant" Groom for mgmt duties some public helpful $600 PURCHASING No 2 man growing dept tool die buying exp $550 COST ACCOUNTANT Assist chief with dept operation studies etc $550 PLANT ACCOUNTANT Expanding lo cal company Advance to accounting mgr $525 PUBLIC ACCOUNTING Train jr with some ind exp No travel $500 MGMT TRAINEE Train by dept ro tation placement at highest skill Smaller local company $4 50 INVENTORY CONTROL Learn other areas Top East Side company4 25 OICE ADMINISTRATION Unusual Job smaller co Numbers ability Real advancement opportunity 4 2 5 MANAGEMENT SECY Varied inter est Job Good shorthand springboard lob $400 up GOOD JOB SHOULD SECRETARY $415 If you are an efficient typist and take shorthand around 35 years old here is a good opportunity INANCE MEN TO $500 correspondence and liaison $500 Gauges trainee MACHtNg REPAIR OREMAN: Exert Automotive lent division of large national company where you won't get iot 600 SALESMAN full or part time Earn $3 to $4 per hour contai ting Catholic families In your own and nearby par lahea Phone LI 10257 (Continued la neil (krismn) SALES MANAGER Cleveland ttcnmcai a SALES ENGINEERS Eastern area fas teners $10000 SALES ENGINEER steel mfg for heavy construction prefer CK I $10000 TheWBinghamCo 1278 9th St(Slnet 1841) Register Co 2112 Euclid Ave MA 1 3992 AMBITIOUS MARRIED MAN Whose WIE enjoys working and traveling with him throughout the US representing LEADING RADIO TV PROGRAMMING IRM EXPERI ENCE UNNECESSARY We train you for Top Executive Position Good STARTING salary plus com mission and BONUS WIE mut DRIVE and TYPE PAID VACA TIONS Blue Cro Hospital Benefits Opportunity to travel save and train for DIVISION MANAGERS POSITION assure 4 figure monthly Income or full details write Immediately NA TIONAL RADIO ADVERTISERS 4475 Yorkshire Detroit 24 Michigan Schofield Building SU 1 1410 Open 9 6 Saturdays 'til 1 Mondays and Thursdays 'Hl 730 I SALES LIAISON: Technical degree Light design charge sales sut General Mgr JR ADM EXECUTIVE to 35 Mfg I responsible diversified "Man experience $450 SALES SERVICE MGR Degree tech nical Tnside outaide cuatomer rela tions promotion COMMERCIAL CREDIT TRAINEE College Sharp chap for mgr future Mfg $375 ASSIST IBM MGR College New ln siallatlon 077 514552403604 Mgr future $425 3 GENERAL ADM CLERKS High school plus phone type correspon dence Responsible men to $400 STA ACCOUNTANT Degree 3 to 3 years Mfg audits plus light public Mfg Mgr future $600 GENERAL ACCOUNTANT Degree 4 years Mfg experience $525 ACCOUNTANT TRAINEE Degree Ace to 28 Excellent future $400 3 ACCOUNTING CLERKS to 28 High school mathematics to $325 SALES ORDER DESK to 32 Some college Advancement $350 SYSTEMS PROCEDURES SALES Pre vious accounting systems to $650 GENERAL ACCOUNTANT to 28 High school 1 year Mfr $375 2 STENOGRAPHER TRAINEES Ace to 21 Veteran Mfg $300 2 TIMEKEEPERS to 50 Experience on calculator to $350 COST ACCOUNTANT MGR charge small dept Know machine job costs $600 your training immediately which be at our expense We will ee your minimum earning will be $100 A WEEK High School Boys BOYS: Willing to work: 3 to 8 iii minimum wait art Mr EMPLOYMENT department of ELEC 1 Wohlers Sat or Mon 3 30 4:15 mn at 314 Ave Room fill IMMEDI AT A OPENINGS in wide 409 ni inauMncs see UnEtAUkU OPPORTUNITY ad under "Educ WILL TRAIN Man for Insurance position Immediate eanUngx Phons SU 1 9840 tor pototmenL ACOUNTING HARRY WILSON svirrnwivr ifV'AfrK'TiNT under actual mfg experience some travel to $18000 IBM ADMINISTRATOR systems negotiate tee to $10 000 TRAVELING AUDITOR foreign work $10000 SYSTEMS PROCEDURES office method to $800 IBM programmer 650 systems staff executive $700 3800 CP A young executive $750 ACCOUNT tax experience $550 3725 TRAVELING AUDITORS 2 $600 3700 COST ACCOUNTANTS 2 ea $525 3625 ACCOUNTANTS cost A general $450 3600 PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 4 Jr and Sr 3400 3600 IBM PROGRAMMER t650 $500 3550 1 BM SUPERVISOR $500 $600 STANDARD COST college degree East Side NO EE $525 ACCOUNTANTS 3 some college voting NO EE $400 3500 ASST CREDIT MGR under 31 $500 3525 COLLEGE GRADS accounting 5 for 2 yr executive training course in tax or general accounting to $500 IBM OPERATOR trainee or ex perienced $330 3500 COST CLERK some experience $350 3400 STENOGRAPHER fairly young to $500 to $2 50 3300 Open 3265 $225 $220 32 03 $2 00 $2 00 PERMANENT 5 rA LE Exceptional opportunity of PADCCD AkJCk MAKIATC VERT1SING PROGRAMS TO ESTABLISHED RETAIL OUTLETS THESE POSITIONS OER: OUTSTANDING TRAINING PROGRAM LIBERAL STARTING SALARY COMMISSION BONUS PAID EXPENSES AUTOMOBILE I NEEDED LIMITED TRAVEL PROIT SHARING PLAN THRIT SAVINGS PLAN PAID LIE INSURANCE PAID HOSPITALIZATION mtn nrTTnrrwr or aw 'paid vacations QUALIICATIONS 22 TO 30 YEARS AGE MINIMUM TWO YEARS COLLEGE WILLING TO RELOCATE I NECESSARY JOBS ARE ON THE WEST COAST AND VARIOUS METROPOLITAN AREAS THRUOUT THE US (EXPENSES PAID I MOVED) GOOD DITION ANCE SALES HELPUL' BUT NOT NEC ESSARY CALL MR MILTON CORSON PR 1 683? OR INTERVIEWS OCTOBER 21 22 TECHNICAL Research Director steel milt machinery $15000 Plant Mgr aluminum fabri cation $15000 Electro Chemist research on plating $10000 Project valves $10000 Plant Electrical Open Estimator fabrication $650 Die Cast Estimator $650 Machine Design ME $625 Die Designer $600 Chemist $600 Industrial $600 Electrical Drafting $575 Time tudy foundry $550 Time Study machine $550 Civil young $5004 Estimator machine Jr $400 COMMERCIAL Dir of Purchases $1150 Industrial Relations $800 Training public rel $800 Personnel ind rel $700 Chief Accountant $700 Methods procedure $700 Purchasing Agent Cost Accountant to $650 General Accountant $600 Personnel training $600 Writer house organ $550 Market Research $500 Inventory Control $450 Planning Technician $450 Stenographer $400 Many Others Not Listed (Limited nr on experience required! MACHINE DESIGN $450 3525 MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR $450 3525 MANAGEMENT mfr $450 3500 SALES Ind machinery $4 50 SALES Industrial will LAB ASST physical $375 3425 SALES wholesale hdwre $400 LAB ASST chemical to $400 SALES foods local $375 SALES retail repeat Ikm $375 BUSINESS SCHOOL ACCOUNTANT DRATING co coiiege $350 SALES advertising space $350 ACCOdNTANT grad $350 'COST CLERK no experience3350 rnunj UKUIK $350 Open Till 7:00 DAILY 8:30 5:30 Au't Traffic Mgr reight Salesman to j60h Traffic Mgr trainee to $450 Billers full and part time 175 and Clerk tn $2 00 Motor carrier trainee typeOPEN See HAROLD NELSON MODERN Mechanically Inclined? And looking for a job with a future? It you are 18 25 and a high school graduate you owe it to yourself to in vestigate this opportunity We need young men who can qualify for our rapidly expanding apprentice training program interview will be conducted Mon through rt from 9 to 11 in th morning and 2 to 4 tn the afternoon Those who meet our otner requirements mu De given our vt mechanical aptitude test Come in nd talk with M1m Sthnhflr Thia emildferre not oecetiary where appM J1 awnouw IM HMnnr Kill 11 or ine nan oi an interesting uretr tor you The National Cash REPRESENTATIVE Leading Smoked Meat Specialty Com pany has opening for individual or concern with Industrial following for Christmas gifts Our hickory smoked meat products are nationally adver tised and gourmet accepted Holiday gift wrapped packages shipped pre paid direct from farm to glftee Please submit particular References: Dun A Bradstreet or East Stroudsburg Na tional Bank Hickory Valley arm Inc Little Kunkietown Stroudsburg 2 Pa MANUACTURER of national adver tised TUIDE line of fast selling busi ness cases and school binders has opening for full time man for well established territory arid West Virginia Must have car Acquaintance with stationery luggage and department store trade preferred but not nec essary Salary expense and commis sion Write fully about yourself giv ing phone number Stein Bros Mfg Co 1401 Jackson Blvd Chicago 7 III SALESMAN TECHNICAL $6 38000 START To sell Vinyl resins to protective coatings Industry Degree chemical Ch or equivalent experience paint Industry desirable Territory Midwest and South Midwest Must have selling experience Expenses paid plus car Write ace education and experienc tn detail Bog 26765 Plain Dealer Sewing Machine Salesman Only experienced Vewlng machine nr vacuum cleaner men need apply plenty of leads: guaranteed salary plus com mission If you can close why make 1m than $200 a week Great Lakes Sewing Machin Co 2001 EUCLID AVE Hull Dobbs Inc LARGEST ORD DEALER 1440 Chester CH 1 5185 SHORT RUN STAMPINGS State needs min experienced in es timating job and supervising dept Wonderful Opportunity for right man G1v complete resume of experience and salary expected Boa 14175 Plain Dealer SALESMEN and ADVERTISING: IELD SALES ENGINEER Electro mechanical instrument Progressive local mfgr $8000 310000 METALLURGICAL SALES 2i Blue chip Once in a lifetime op portunity Slight travel $700 BASIC MRTAt rrar inh tlmiiM travel Growing company Bonus plus I penses I I uu I ENGINEER Instrumentation I Hydraulic Pneumatic pressures Limit ed travel Bonus plus car $650 3700 EXECUTIVE CONTACT Good appear ance 26 35 yr College helpful $600 EDITOR Industrial publication Cover conventions Complete direction of activities Local $600 CAREER SALES industrial Some travel nus expenses 550 3600 SALES SERVICE CORRESPONDENT Any chemical background nr education will give you the 3550 TECHNICAL WRITER Publicity also catalogue bulletins sale pamphlets tc 450 3375 SALES CAREER No experience Over all training to products Personality appearance mist 45 0 ASSISTANT TO ADV MGR Should have industrial mfg background Pre paring bulletins etc $400 SALES CORRESPONDENT INSIDE overall 2 yr training program some college helpful $425 THiS IS YOUR LIE OPPORTUNITY One of th largest merchandising com panies in Cleveland needs 5 young men age 25 35 to replace salesmen promoted from the ranks 1 Aptitude test given upon selection to insure your success 2 Compare proven training pro gram 1 Salary while training 4 Brand new 58 car furnished upon completion of training 5 You can earn at least $10000 during first year employment 6 Old established company 7 Cleveland territory no traveling 8 All employee benefits including year in employee benefits 9 Rise to position as Manager of Department as quickly as you I progress Sounds too good to be true but' these MAKE $50 to $500 per sale Exclu sive territories to salesmen and dis tributors NEW MIRACLE OUTDOOR LIGHTS sweeping country Enormous demand from gss stations stores night spots drive ins auto agencies Written money back GUARANTEE clinches sales No sample no invest ment no lighting experience required LONG CO Chicago 10 III Established 1911 SALESMEN $10300 820000 yearly Lifetime security Your own business with no investment Valuable exclu sive frpchle for products purchased ty ord Genera! Electric and thou sand of others can be your It you can sell jobber and train jobber salesmen Become Independent Write fully Crouland Corporation Bliufield Michigan AD matches7ellamazingde SIGNS: 10 20 30 40 and 240 llght book ma ches BIGGER SPOT CASH COMMISSION: Every business a prospect Repeats Start without ex S'rience men women: full part time UY NOTHING Sales kit furnished MATCH CORP AMERICA Dept NM Chicago 32 HOW MONEY can you' make with amazing new product giving 58b more power 54 gas saving to cars proved by Laboratory Test $1500 in mnnth possible Commis sion Write for free moneymaking Plana and proof POPE CHEMICAL 224 Huron Dept 36 Chicago AT LAST! Midget Presto ire Extin guisher snuff out fires in 3 second Dramatic demonstration Quick sales to home businesses factories farm car owner camps everybody Mn making up ro $1000 a month REE KIT MERUTE 114 32nd DepL T6B New York 16 penses Earning $8000 to first year or confidential interview Mr Russell Hollenden Hotel Cleveland Ohio Sun! 12:00 Noon 80o Mon RPRSNTATIVE Air ilter manufacturer with complete line of filter wishes representative for direct representation with commercial industrial and wholesale trade to travel Cleveland and surrounding area Ap plicant should hae working knowl edge of general field Sale plan offer substantial commission earning for aggressive individual Applicant give background and references MICROTRON CORPORATION Box 2092 Charlotte ENCYCLOPEDIAS Our material can be sold at nothing down 3 year payment plan and the bocks are delivered at the time off the sale Absolutely no credit rejec tions No cancellation deducted from your check Quality yes An article tn the October issue of Good House keeping states that our Mt is one of 4 worthwhile all purpose Encyclo pedias prepared for the full range of school year See Manager 413 En gineers Bldg Ontario and St Clair Monday 9 to 2 TECHNICAL BILL MONTANARY Call ED 1 6546 Sunday and after 6 PRODUCTION MGR wpervise all mfg experience recording tape $1000 ACTORY MGR Dallas: Meet fabri cation $1000 ACTORY MGR washers driers $835 ASST OUNDRY MGR brass $835 PHD's organic several $835 ACTORY MGR paper tube $35t PHYSICIST diode tubes devices $835 PRODUCTION CONTROL MGR must have factory supervision $800 ME plant engineer tools layout $750 PROJECT aircraft to $750 ACTORY SUPT metal fabrication $750 PROJECT ENGINEER clutch trans mission $750 SR PROCESS ENGINEER electric motors $700 WELDING SUPERVISOR automatic submerged arc $700 CE or doors hangars pipe $700 ME TRAINEES electrig motors $550 3700 ME or BE design electric clutch $700 TOOL DIE DESIGNER stamping to SR IE incentives standard data $675 lonl control process $675 ME commercial air conditioning $625 STRUCTURAL DESIGNERS to $625 DRATSMEN heating ventilating air conditioning to $625 CHE paint fuels rubber Open TRAINING SUPERVISOR to $600 I heavy incentives $600 ME research design sheet metal $600 ESTIMATOR metal fabrication $600 STRUCTURAL DRATSMEN 3500 5600 $600 SALES Trade Association member hip sale $800 Aluminum exp $700 ood relocate $625 Platic exp $600 $600 $600 $540 $520 $500 $475 S450 Cor re pondent printing $450 $425 $400 $375 $375 VISIT TO WILSON WILL AS SURE YOU THAT AN AGGRESSIVE DETERMINED EORT WILL BE MADE ON YOUR BEHAL TO PLACE YOU ON ONE THESE EXCELLENT OPENINGS Open Monday Evening EMPLOYERS WILL PAY UUK rrES UK MANX ur OLLOWING OPENINGS Mfg Engineers Supervise I EL plant engineering salary $10000 WILSON A Member 73 OICES "We Guarantee Our Be Served By An Engineer! Sec red Case Product Mars 1 for elcctro mechanl cal 1 for fire control 810 to $18000 Sales Mgr process instrument to $1250 Transmissions Engineer tn $1000 Quality Control Mgr appliance tn SDOO Heating and Air Cond $600 up Production Central Mgr precise Instrumentation several HIGH I several categories OPEN Metallurgists 3 varied to $650 Electromechanical Design t0 5433 Electronics several $500 to $1150 supt corrugated boxes fn $1 oon Sheet meta! Specialists l4t to $650 Sales several gnod Jobs $4 50 md SEE BOB CHEHEYL Salesmen Welded tubing manufacturer or warehouse exp OPEN Public Accts CPA Dayton $700 Sale refractories SALARY Clerk typist high school $325 Lab Assistant some college $295 Market Research Mgr OPEN Hourly Incentive administrator $00 Jr Sales advertising $330 Office Mgr Penna $6000 555 Leader Bldg 6th and Superior OPEN MONDAY EVENING TOWER 1 2235 In sou veur own office Ahanhifelv no hence needed tor an aggressive man In this top notch company will teach you the business scratch CRAIG 1030 Euclid CH 1 HM MENT OPPORTUNITIES tentil for THESE SALES POSITIONS qualified It INVOLVE CREATIVE SELL repreenttiL NG OUALITY PROD UCTS AND COMPLETE AD to SrDTKIMh TAaek Leading National Corporation Expanding Sales Staff for Additional Products $400 month guaranteed to start Interviews by appointment only Phone SU 1 4322 i Research and development for medium size progressive company To Age 3 5 $550 To be assistant to controller Excellent potential some typing confidential reports TRAINEES MANAGEMENT TRAINEES excellent program with local mfgr Coiiege $425 COLLEGE GRAD train accounting management $425 TRAINEE some Remington experi ence $425 INTERVIEWER: will train $375 PAYROLL CLERK $360 JR OICE MGR will train travel $375 OICE trainee $325 TYPIST: nights $425 LAB TRAINEE: electronics $310: MARSHALL IELD family owned en terprise ha a few openings in the Cleveland area for part time or full tlre men Guaranteed earning for those selected Excellent opportunity fortaptd advancement Applicants must have high school education and be be tween 25 60 years of age or ap pointment for personal interview to discus present as well as future In come eall WY 1 1117 ADVERTISING agency Marketing Director Tremendous opportunity for young man with background in food mer SU 1 0702 PART TIME Local office of national concern ex panding facilities needs 5 well dressed Birn in untune 4 evening Daily draw versus penses plus commission Call today 10 to 4 pm EX 1 5587 Young MAN Travel Cleveland area Eastern United Blate and South America with oppor tunities to earn above average In com No experience necessary Travel expense furnished See Mrs Dari kfonday only Room 54T Leader Bldg 10:10 AM to $:39 PM (Continsed rom Preceding Colima) WILSON EXPERIDCED shlpplnr cie ftmilbr with packaging weigh counting and wtfrt bills experienced need only apply paid vacation holidays and hospitalization Lakeside Ave RETIRED DIGNIIED MAN tOdo CATHOLIC CLERICAL WORK for the RANCISCAN ATHERS Apply J5 Schofield Bldg from 9 to 12 Monday through Thursday DESIGNERS SALESMEN PROCEDURES METALLURGISTS 7 to $700 MAINTENANCE (0 $600 ASST ADVERTISING MGR to $600 DRATSMEN $550 OREMEN to $500 ESTIMATORS to $475 TIME STUDY $450 ACCOUNTANTS to $450 IBM OPERATOR $420 IELD ENGINEER $400 PALES CORRESPONDENCE $400 TYPISTS many PRINTING APPRENTICE $275 ELECTRICIANS Open MACHINE OPERATORS Oten PAINT SPRAYER $175 ACCOUNTANT Large company wants competent young college graduate with accounting major for banking department Prefer some hanking experience but will take man under 30 with 3 4 years good ac counting experience Unusual oppor tunity downtown $450 1550 425 Bulkley Bldg 1 501 Euclid MAIN 1 3758 Ray Hibbs means fine jobs Read the Difference See the Difference Check the Difference Top Employers Like CAREER SALESMAN The world's largest Management Engi neering firm series an aggressive sils representative to sell management and owners of all types of business Our most successful men are profes sional salesmen age 30 45 who de sire to be In business for themselves but lack the necessary capital Must own a late model car be bondable five years aubcetsful selling back ground This position offers opportunities LORIDA Man wanted with foreman experience In bridge construction and drainage Rapid advancement for right man Write: Sprinkle Quinby Co 1512 Platt Street Tampa lorida YOUNG man wanted to learn semi professional trade will train some typ ing salary 1290 Schofield Bldg PA jobs! Electric Co.

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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.