The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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26 Help Wanted tgili Educational 26 Help Wanted emale Educational Educational II II kXpreie Distance Operating Nama Add (t cati iuu 219 Schofield Bldg Ohio Bell hnne for Drivers (TAXICAB) 44 't I for CLERK TYPIST Cashier in Chevrolet Cleveland Assistant all OICE OPENING Saleswomen Clerk Typist not Electromatic OR DRESSES 1 block south of Lorain Ave Previous retail experience help Tynpany p3 benefits OICE We Will Train ti I small office and we are In The May Co PR CUTTERS ijt hr nt cievriana vmo Typlry and ehorthand nermary Ratary bL Croat frarwpnttailoa Call Mr Drae gtr OL 14300 4 Tjpist to assist our salesman in completing clerical detail Obstetrics Supervisor 5 dav week Good Monday through Check our Trr Lifetime Privilegra in nver 40C irboolf Summer: schedule pleasant dltlons Adelbert Delivery Room Head Nurse Will train qualified person in diversified office duties Typ ing experience necessary NATIONAL RADIO SCHOOL We will train in other phases of the work Excellent work ing conditions in air condi tioned office 5 day week salary plus many employee benefits Assistant Director Nursing Service JEWELRY LINGERIE nil out uul miU fo4ir tor full Infer utlon oHlratlon actory Work West End Laundry Dry Cleaning 10610 MADISON AVE Nerd experienced girl 21 35 years of age for typing filing and keeping records perma nent position salary SALESLADIES Readv to Wear The Yoder Co 5500 Walworth Ave Ohio Crankshaft Co 3800 Harvard Ave Ynung woman with all around dry cleaning experience as assist ant to our department manager Must know materials and dry cleaning rnutine A good tele phone voice and the ability to delegate work is essential NURSING' Opportunities essential 42 hnur hourly rate plus discount on mer in store Age 21 through full time days only ucuo avt Stenographer Jr Young lady for purchasing department position must have shorthand and typing training: experience not essen tial 5 day week: salary Dry Cleaning PLAIN DEALER WANT ADS WORK ALL DAY! PHONE MAIN 1 4500 HOUSEWORK: Maid for upstair work: white Gates Mills: off Thurs end alternate Sunvacation with pay Call TO 1 3300 Apply Employment Office 7th loor High School ENROLL NOW! TERM BEGINS JUNE Div of General Motors Corp Brookpark near 130 OR 1 9200 Ext 373 DRATING Tracer detaller Neat hand printing In your reply Hourly rate overtime Box 13 86 3 Plain Dealer Count IneMn Sprrdwriline Typewriting Business English Vocabulary and Spelling Tberrspondcncr Office Procedure iling Business Math SPORTSWEAR AND OTHER DEPARTMENTS Bee Mrs Sllvks 416 Hippodrome Bldg CH 1 4939 Ohio inance Co Winltd mal "DENTAL ASSISTANT not Mwn'tsl Tyo'nf oulr4 Good Mlr good hoursfA 1 3887 Dictaphone Exceiimt earning opportunity Commission 42J4 up to 45 plus tips and cash awards for safe driving Paid vacation hos pitalization health and accident insurance after one rear Employment Office Open Monday through riday 8:30 A Saturday 8 :30 to 1 1 :3 0 A Must be experi enced biller Benefit Plan 40 Hour Week Steady Bud Radio Inc 2118 55 St 9th ami Euclid REGISTER NOW OR NEW Clerk Stenographer or Engineering Dept Good starting salary group insurance cost of living See Mr ranklin Eaton Mfg Co STAMPING DIVISION 755 110 St 5Day Week No Saturdays No experience nrcemiT Good starting salary raid vacation and other outstanding employe bene fits Must be high school graduate aied 18 2 Openings KAMMS CORNERS and DOWNTOWN Operator or Rxv division: must rapid sc curate tvplst: 40 hour week: salary Interesting work and co operative co workers University Hoepttall 3005 Adelbert MhUTLiC SECRETARIAL4 tuUft Iff COURSE WITH Office actoryLakewood Operator or Models 024 and 056 Salary Day shift isher Body EUCLID PLANT 20001 Euclid Ave Stimulating work which involves talking with our customers and perform ing clerical duties neces sary to complete a long distance call Alert energetic women needed In our expanded office interesting and varied work positions permanent Comfortable air conditioned offices irst chance on advancement op portunities Periodic revlewa ai sures you of recognition and merit pay raises The Administrator of lower Hospital Toledo SECRETARY TRANSPORTATION Shorthand typing and general office duties Attractive salary small office pleasant working conditions Curtis Keal Transport Co Inc Nicholson Terminal Bldg £54 CIvetand Shoreway Call for appointment EX 1 1231 Apply 750 Huron Rd Tuesday Through Saturday 40 Jlour Week Benefit Plans Permanent for Capable Operator Bud Radio 2118 55 St jn CLEVELAND PLAIN OlAlfaM JUrtt I 15J JL Clerical Work General Motors Parts Division 3TA 88 Rt Cleveland Ohta 2441 Woodhill Rd 105th Bus Line Experienced young ledy capable of han dling dictation Must be able to assume responsibility and willing to do general office work Small office JERGENS TOOL SPECIALTY CO 712 183 KE 1 2015 Girl Experienced Salary and meals The Gables 15800 Lorain (Closed Monday) SALESGIRL: Experienced full time sal ary permanent position Apply In per son only 10315 St Clair Be a Clerk Typist in 8 Weeks Hundreds nf Top Paying Posi tions Are Open in Cleveland for: CLERKS TY STS RECEPTIONISTS ILE CLERKS OICE TRAINEES MAIL CLERKS General Office Work Enroll now to train for one of the well paying Jnba You ran complete your Uainlnf in just A weeks Day and Night Claswa No high diploma required Complete Course In COMPTOM ETRY Tautht in 4 Months Evening School Vialt our school 9 a to 9 3 4 hour telephone service Including Saturday and Sunday Whiting Business College Air Conditioned at griwitid Bide Call TO 1 3626 Now Experienced in machine cutting knit 'gnnds hourly rate steady 5 days a week GALLIN Knitting Mills 210! Superior 2d loor YELLOW CAB CO REE PARKING IN REAR 1453 Superior Ave Use Rockwell Ave Entrance Younf omati to work In produc tion engineering department Comp tometer experience and high school education desirable Must like to work with figure! Light typing helpful Salary Call BO 2 0030 and ask for Jin Jankowski 5 DAY 40 HR WEEK Unusual opportunity for good earnings at modem specialty shop Experienced preferred but we will train others who have enthusiasm and like to meet the public Complete pro cim of employee benefits including dis counts Please apply in person Westgate Shopping Center 210TH ST AND RIDGB RD TAKE BUS 55 or 55 A TE from Downtown Curtis Industries 1130 222 St Industry Demands Welders ACK OR nKE DtMONSTnATION AND INORMATION Cleveland School nf Welding 2261 Cmel it 1 OOSl alukd MtDicAiTmmM GRAT LAKES COLt EGS 2010 EUCLID CH 1 0 14 26 Hlp Wanted eml HOUSEKEEPER OR WEEK ENDS Responsible woman to take full charge of home duties and 3 children (ages 4 10 ajid 15) to live on premises from rt eve to Sun eve new mod ern home In Shaker Heights Call AT 1 0905 between 9 11 a and 1 3 Mon through rt J1OUSEKEEPER Lovely room with congenial family and 3 children: must live in general clean ing and cooking no laundry extra help employed all modem conveniences ex eHlent salary to capable responsible woman with local references good rs ruportatlon YE 2 1 2 2 5 Excellent opportunity with a growfof and company Shorthand and experience required Pleasant work ing conditions: 5 day week good sal ary and Insurance benefits NATIONAL KEY CO 4515 SUPERIOR AVI EX 1 0234 Cleveland Worm Gear Co 3249 80 vir i i56n CLERICAL We will train a mature young woman with good typing and some bark 'f ground in figure work for an interesting position in 'onr executive office Di versified duties excellent poibilities for advance ment attractive air con i ditioned office salary and meals furnished STOUERS rMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT wjw Bier 137s Euclid ad noor or stor: ids Betel: err' r1ntd 3 day wrk? agt 45 to 50 UT 1 0900 Mias Harris REAL ESTATE UiU start training at once 3 career minded women for ULL TIME real estate sales work in our office com mission basis Women living southwest such as Brooklyn Parma Independence etc preferred Car necessary Call Mr elty for interview Comptometer Operator 2ND sh*t 4 JO to 1 a Sahry isher Body Euclid Plant 20001 Euclid1 Ave 4406 Pear! Realtor 1 8500 ile Clerk Young woman to wotk at our 40th and Superior plant Apply National Screw Mfg Co 2440 75 St Tntarestfnf position for Intelligent young hdv who Is capable of assuming responsibilities In our Art Dept Must he rood tvpist Shorthand necessary rerniauent ousuion Interviewing hours riday 830 a 1 to 3 DAY OR EVE CLASSES Complete high school Mneatfon Special for Jun Graduates snd others Math and Bdenta credits completed In summer term as required tor Collett enliams or nurm trsininji I State Accredited Veterans receive up to 4150 per month Good wages air conditioned offices I advancement opportu nities Secretary Excellent position for experi enced person as secretary to ad ministrative official very favor able working conditions liberal employee benefits 5 day week INDUSTRIAL RAYON CORP 98 and WALORD AVE This tartstM In a woman between 30 and 40 who anla to work because she likes to work who la Interested tn a permanent position and who has a de velopod aanse of responsibility Ths duties are diversified and Interesting: tming Is essential and a Inmwledre of awilchboard operation Is preferred la bour week days good salary Congenial surroundings and pleasant working companions Apply in person only 8927 CARNEGIE AVE Good typist Likes shorthand Somo Ediphone: 5 day week permanent sal ary good working conditions free group insurance: cafeteria Just the job been looking for The Dobcckmun Co 3301 Monroe Ave 3 Blocks 8 of Lorain off ulton Rd or Accounting Department Must be able to type bookkeeping ex perience nr training helpful new mod em office facilities 5 day week Ohio Crankshaft Co 3800 Harvard Ave cLerk 'typist Dutlrs Include blUlnt Psrroll rnpsra tloni rirmmtsry buckkri plnr corre spondene requiems rmr fmrthsnd: rmstl outre in srowlns industrial co on nrr Esst Side north of Euclid Ave 10 srrense Interview call UT 1 HS2S Punch Press Operators MUST BE EXPERIENCED Day and night shift Steady work hourly rate Zatko Metal Products Co 20 8 50 ST CLAIR PUNCH press operators: Hourly rate plus overtime vacation with pay plan experienced only need apply 3415 Lakeside Ave DRUG AND CIGAR CLERKS Part time eves Sat and Sun CAMPUS DRUG ER 1 1234 DRUG OUNTAIN CLERK KM 1 1525 CLERICAL Womin 21 45 generil office yprk typing essential 5 dy week Apply Mr Krohn ER 1 5500 9 5 ACADEMIC TECHNICAL SCIENTIIC SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES Acme Technical Inscimic Inc nd Lorain CJI 1 4007 Professional arhnol of drafting and engineering design Staff Nurses All Departments Excellent salaries liberal vacation and many other benefits Write wire or call collect for details: HOUSEWORK: deneral live in: white evenings free 2 adults 2d floor 2 family home: on bua line East Cleve land GL 1 4877 SECRETARY TO ADMINISTRATIVE HEAD AT CASE Institute of Technology Interesting position typing and dicta tion essential pleasant college sur roundings 5 day 37 bour week ary 10900 DCCLID SW 5 1000 Secretary Stenographer Dictaphone and feneral office worit 5 day week Pleasant office et plaatic manufacturer located 3828 91 St VU 3 9060 Wrappers Needed By Baker Co Air conditioned quality men's store Reapotuihle openings with interesting variety of dutlea for reliable personable women 20 to 40 vears experience not ncceaaartL wji train pcimanmi employee benefits salary Apply 10 Mr Blask SODA tunch help: ull and part time over 21 Reliable Leader Drug 1343? Lfiratn Ave No Experience Necessary Will train virlrui rp ritK'n tn th mnufrtur and aimbllna amtint car mul wllllna to do atandln lobu daj week hourlj rata Temporary Jobs (AGE IS to 40) lt shift to 4 :42 (AGE 21 to 40) 2d shift 2:30 tn 11 3d shift 11 to 7 :30 a tnurvivma hours :30 Jt cA1 A J1! and 1 m3 Mon Utroush rl American Greetings Corp 1300 7E off Exk Ave OL 1 5000 DINING ROOM MGR Tremendous opportunity for a woman who is looking advancement in the restau rant business Salary and meals No Sun or holiday work Apply in person between 10 a 4 at Room 62 The Old Arcade MEN WANTED TO BE TRAINED OR TELEVISION SERVICEMEN TECHNICIANS ENGINEERS Will Not Interfere With Your Present Job MEN can you giva a few houia of your apare time for a few vreeka to prepare for Television work right here in Cleveland and vicinity paying from $3600 tn $10000 and up per year? Write at once for full information aa to how joii may ba accepted for thia tpecial ptogram NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY Arnovro for koriah vmruus Enumerators Tike namea for city directory Apply 201 1105 Boom 20t EXECUTIVE SECRETARY ExmIIbu fioiiuon for Intelligent re jponrible xtrt under 3S: mutt have ill at leaat A Stars secretarial experience dictation lyrlnt: i3 Abil ity to almlnliter plan Mio un: Hi abilltr to 1 alona with people: sMur: dar tiour week Call Ior ap polntment TO 1 0032 SECRETARY Accurate typing and light dictation: pleasing telephone personality im portant 5 day week: salary WALKER PRINTING 705 HIPPODROME BLDG SU 1 0544 SECRET AJIY" office'1 must bo good typist and seme knowledge of shorthand Call CE 1 7266 9 a 5 OOD CHECKER Meals Apply tn Person BLUE BOAR CAETERIA 643 EUCLID AVK ront Office Position A Open at the Wade Pirk Manor 1890 107 6 days a week good environment Salary Contact Mr Campan Jr or Mr Paul Miller General Office Receptionist and perpetual inventory record! Must be good typist and be able to transcribe Cloycs Gear Works Inc 17214 Roseland Rd 2 Kg 1 3264 TERM JUNE 1 3 Advei thing Art Illustration Sign Writing Air Brush ashion Illustration Cartooning Approved for Korean Veterans REGISTRATION OICE OPEN 9 A TILL 9 BAT TILL I WRITA OR CATALOG 22 COOPER SCHOOL ART 6360 Euclid EN 11460 SPECIALIZE7" IN DRATING Rigger earnings real security and bet ter jobs are reserved for the skilled draftsman Specialize in: Tool and Die Design Machine Design Architectural Drafting Structural Drafting Related Subjects HOU General: Ideal for aome one who needs toed home: live in 3 amsU children: 3n EV 1 7678 HOWtWRK: General: wilt take em ployed husband A i 1274 HOUSEWORK: Live in: no klng days references YE 2 5814 HOUSEWORK: White: Jive tn refer enre LA 1 7083 after 8 eves HOUSEWORK: Experienced: references 5U div week: 10 through dinner apt 3 adults: 322 50 LO 1 5496 Salad and Pantry Girl Day shift experiened: roed salary and excellent working conditions Tasty Shop Restaurant 1610 Eucl id Ave SALAD AND PANTRY GIRL: EX PERIENCED: GOOD WAGES: STEADY JOB APPLY CHE UNION CLUB EUCLID AT 13TH SHORTHAND Trained WANTED every wheret top pay! You rxn quickly qualify You can earn AT LEAST $1000 in the 6 to 8 you SAVE on old method! Course include! TING the ABC khorthand Ur no aymhola nn machine ABC'a 120 wotd per ininute Utd in leading of fice and Civil Service Come nhrrve check graduniea Ixiwei cost irst lesson ERI New Day or ve classes each week Approved for Korean Visit our ahool 9 a nt to 9 Cail dav nr night 24 hour telephone service including Saturday and Sunday AIR CONDITIONED CIASSROOMS General Office Typing necessary shorthand desired but not esiential Age to 30 CJI 1 7249 GENERAL OICE Typing nceiwry no shorthand steady position 5 day wak Interesting worfc in 3 girl office salary SU 1 7607 Skill work Experienced good work ing conditions meals uniforms hoa pllaltaatlon no Sun or holidays birth day off with pay good starting salary Apply oods Inc SMrs Bldg noth and Lorain GRILL 4 TO 12 COLONIAL RESTAURANT 1436 9 home Must have standard typewriter and be able to pick up and deliver work apply by letter only POLK CO 113 ST CLAIR AVg HOSTESS for residence halls rotating 40 hour week salary coworkers and working con Unlverslty Hospitals 3065 I Nnn Adilresi I Working houri from tn ATWIT HIGH AND ATATE HIGH NOW DIvnUHN Of SALES LADIES Experienced: coats suits and dresses ull or part time Highest salary plus commission lorence Kay 10021 Euclid SALESLADY An opportunity for a mature woman to make real money fine opportunity for a widow with responsibiutiesr as sured income: complete sales training: need a car but no traveling: all you need la the desire to work ability to learn and a desire to help people we operate the finest memorial park tn this area Apply 1720 Euclid 10:30 to 13 noon or 1:30 to 3:30 or phone MA 1 9390 for appointment SALESLADY We do not aell cosmetics photos books or magazines In fact we sell any merchandise at all But your ability andor experience in selling can help you earn good money with us in pleasant permanent day time work See advertising mgr 9718 Madison Ave ME 1 7711 SALES LADY: Must be experienced in selling and fitting BRIDAL WEAR references excellent salary: 131 Mltas area SK 1 9344 SALESLADIES: Retail sales experience helpful but will train mutt be able to work Sat and Sun Apply In per son to manager Lawson Dairy Store 1st street south of Brookpaxk on Ridge Ed Parma Saleswoman HOUSEWARES Excellent opportunity in our downtown store for a woman with department store experience Above average earnings on sal ary commission and bonus basis Permanent full time many bene fits See Mr Dodd Bing urniture Co Largest urniture Retailers 514 Prospect TO 1 6300 A LESxVdSf AN uni form and cotton shop full or pan time salary and bonus MA 1 3O4T KITCHEN HIL: KIGHT TO 13 THE TREES 6323 PEARL RD VI T1IT IA UNDRESS mutt te A hlrt inmer Prt4n only mutt hxve Sty rrferenca ta EV 1 3 222 LAUNDRESS: rieit1 home Welt SidC Modem equipment 2 days pr wek Some cleaning Box 10365 Plain Dealer Experienced only for dry cleaning department West End Laundry Dry Cleaning Co 10610 Madison Ave Meats Order Dept Woman capable of taking large retail meat orders on phon Muat have good knowledge of meat ruts pleasant phone voice and meat rales experience Ex cellent salary Apply in person Mr Mart Home reeze Packing Co 10409 uc keye Medical Technician Registered A 40 hour week St Vincent Charity Hospital Call 9 5 MA 1 9400 Ext 363 NURSE MEDICAL CLINIC DOWN TOWN NIGHTS 44 HOURS SALARY BOX 8463 PLAIN DEALER NURSE: Practical white for institu tion: live in salary CE 1 2294 NURSE practical white ntirtihg home SW 1 4025 Great Lakes College Clinic Tr 1 1 nJ ng tn Mach a not he rjip ya nd IJediol Maujge Budg et rtan National Radio Television School EX 7 fcrn Teleylalon Servicing In Your gpa ra Tima AVlAnON SCHOOLS lying School Inc Jr EDgrwood 8 8000 Learn to ly for Only 86 Week Approved for Old and New Velerana SHIRT PRESSER Experience only: pier or 90e an hour 8215 Euclid Ave Laundry RA 1 7798 SHIRT presser and folder Expert meed WA 1 9466 SILK AND ROUGH PRESSER Experienced only Quality work Good hourly rate Everite Cleaners 10520 Superior SODA OUNTAIN MANAGER ull time davit experienced Leader Drug Harvard and Warrensville Center Rd SKx2 0549 STENOGRAPHER BOOKKEEPEk Light dictation simple bookkeeping: usual duties of 1 tlrl office alr condl tloned: hlh aaiiry TRAUB BOX CO 1230 55 STENOGRAPHER: general "office tails hlth erhnoi gradual with aoma experience: email sales office air eon diUontd 5 day week aalary ACO SALES CO 10826 ST GL 1 1288 1001 Euclid Ax CASHIERS ull Time 11 A to 7:30 rM Prt Time Weekend Nighti Applv in KENNY KING'S DRIVE IN M80 Pynrl Rd armi CASHIER Drugstore experience pre ferred salary 'Meals 21 Htlp WanUd emaU Inventory Clerk RESPONSIBLE KmOM EOE WW AN WITH GOOD APTITUDE OR MG UPM OR INVENTORY CONTROL DEPARTlfENT PERMANENT SAL ARIED POSITION 5 DAY WEEK Personnel Dept 4415 Euclid Ave Richland Aviation Inc Gov'J 'Anproved Peranntlfred Tnathietorti Pay at You ly BUSINESS SCHOOLS Geyer Real Estate School ra 1 0561 Specialised cycle Instruction by qualified teachers dan evening! rmonabli budget Our graduatei arciire llcenae and free place Lt i UI5 ment with active reliable broku full or part time nnt4 7016 Euclid Juliet 303 304 JIE 1 0951 CJriWnlfl TnRtitlltC Train Today for SU 1 7200 kjrlSAVOia lllblllUlC Rrrurllyl 1766 Uth TV Rea Eatate Drafllng High School Commercial Speedwriting A BG Shorthand 221 Shorthand in 6 weekeJLftw coat Nn tvmhniavae A RC'ajrypinf option a I Warren Real Estate School Practical training day and evening daaxca twice weekly budget plan ree placement lull or part time with Mpnnaible brokera REE TRIAL LECTUR TRADE SCHOOLS Moler System of Colleges mVi7o7o' Tuchlnx Birbrrlni Slnr 13 APPrnvm to Vftrrm1 Trttnln ILE CLERKS PERMANENT EOEITION TOR YOUNG HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE 3 YEAR OLD OR DEPART MENT EXPERIENCE NOT REGUIRED 5 DAY WEEK GOOD STARTING EAL ARY1 Personnel Dept 4415 Euclid Ave DICTAPHONE OPERATOR or falee work trohnlril experience good hourly rata plua fringe benetltf Zagar Tool Inc 24600 Lakeland Blvd Xuclld DICTAPHONE OPERATOR Permanant poaillon available for a qualified dlrtaphnne operator under 3ft ftday week aalary company paid in surance Willard Storage Battery Co 246 131 yr DICTAPHONE EDIPHONB Temporary openinrs for all tvrrt of pcrienccd transcription nperstnre high hou a Mias ostar PR 1 2892 Oprror: 6 dy: Allls Chlmr MH Co l0b BI4IL HollendenDrug Co J825 6 CHILD care exchsMe'for room and board no other work small salary TU 4 7928 (tee 6 CHILD supervision 5 days ages and avi Rocky River RD 1 aftej 6 or any time 8 at or Sun Cigar Sales SECRETARY Permanent 1 rlrl district Industrial plastics sales office pleasing pronal ity familiar with figures but no bookkeeping necesrary 5 day week good salary Axe 30 30 Located 7000 block Euclid Ave EN 1 2287 eves EV 1 4 277 SECRETARY Large Plastics Co Typing Dictaphone dictation good salary benefits: exceptional working conditions new bldg downtown MA 1 4202 Ext MAID Needed to do maid and housekeeping work will live In must be experienced dependable snd have good references gtxxl salary no laundry ironing or cooking: start immediately Apply at office 5310 St Clair Nfr Blbler MARKER HOUSEWORK: General and laundry: experienced reliable woman: live tn: 2 children: Sun Mnn off no haavy (leaning 330 LO 1 3905 HOUSEWORK general pleasant home modem conveniences 3 school age chil dren: live in good pay references YK 2 4159 HOUSEWORK: General plain cooking no heavy cleaning no ironing 2 school children live In references Top sal ary LO 1 244 1 HOUSE WORlTreoklni: Exrrtlrnt Ml ary to capablt single woman refer ences live in: 1 child sse 10 no ironing near bus A 1 5250 HOUSEWORK: stay nights: like chil dren no laundry no heavy cleaning: new home must have references topalary YR 3 9194 HOUSEWORK: General 5 room house to clean: no laundry: 3 school children: live in 4 nights references top wages LO 1 0613 HOUSEWORK assist wtth cooking: aftanwons 11 a to 8 ex perience references: adults A 1 0837 HOUSEWORK general cooking no laundry live In own room and bath Shaker rapid WY 1 38T3 HOUSEWORK: SMALL HOME 2 ADULTS 1 CHILD LIVE IN 3 517 HOI 'SEWQR Generai: live tn own room and TV: no cooking: 1 child: must ha ve references EV 1 5808 HOUSEWORK: Live In: muat be good with children: private room and bath references SK 3 2474 HOUSEWORK: Mature person own room bath: live In references LO 1 7899 HOUSEWORK: Genral cooking no laundry live tn like children own room and bath whits: refarencea SK 1 9651 HOUSEWORK: GeneratTno laundry: 3 dan 1 miht: muat like children WA 1 8759 HOUSEWORK: General: live In: own room and TV: must Ukt children ref erenees EV 1 8968 Warren Real Estate School 7016 Euclid XX 1 4420 Suite 301 CE 1 8530 Practical training dav and evening cleaiM twice weekly tidgel Plan ree placement full or nart time with responsible brokers RE TRIAL LECTURE 26 Help Wanted emale Clerk Typist OICE ASSISTANT: Beginner knowl edge of tjmtnz necessary retail automobile buslRMi office routine: rood salary to atari employee benefits S'v day week Apply Mr urst Don MeCULLOGH CHEVROI ET CO 1388 105 ai Superior CX 1 7060 9 A CLERK Bit 3 3800 M6 Cornell (aYhOLL cltrk: Bmil ottlc: enced comptometer operator preferred National Can Corp 8200 Harvard BR 1 6460 PHOTOGRAPHIC dark room worker experienced 3 day week: good hourly rate: steady: East Side Helthts veitab 1 1 shed cwncern Box 81662 Plain Clerk Typist Opnmtunltt for lady aged 33 30 tn credit department Must be an ac curate and rapid typist salary hour wek: Irwatrnn convenient to Height and East Cleveland 'I'hc Harshaw Chemical Co 1945 97 ST RA 1 S300 Clerk Typist iling posting typing dutici in wrll lighted nir eondi tionrd office 5 day week alary 28 Het Wintid emI 1 PBX Operator Relief Gennl clerical 4utk requlrtni tnlre STEEL IMPROVEMENT ORGE CO 970 64 ST Xe RECEPTIONIST And light clerical work awlabia for girl who would like working tn inter esting business and a friendly office we want someone who 1a neat has a pleasant telephone voice and enjoys handling her work and our custom efficiently: steady employment 5 day week THE NEAL STORAGE CO 7119 Cernfi Ave EN 1 28 28 PRESSER gflk and wont 6150 hour Steady work CaU Aahtabula 30971 Production Clerk An Interesting office position for a young high school graduate Muat be able to type 5 day 40 hour week hourly rate YJKING Air Conditioning Div 5601 Walworth Ave ME 1 7500 HOUSEKEEPER COOK Quiet reserved woman under 50 for 4 adults 1 day off week spend summer In Adirondack Mountains: nice fur nished room 835 and bonus 8 LA 1 8303 HOUSEKEEPER comnanion for elderly lady mature refined woman: references necessary pleaae state full particulars including salary desired Box 30363 Plain Dealer HOUSEKEEPER: Experienced cook no heavy cleaning or laundry: live in: 2 adults: permanent position available last week in June Box 16263 Plain Iwler HOUSEKEEPER: Motherless home 3 children live In $25 week private room and bath 2051 Warrensville Center Rd Suite 16 YE 2 7431 lIlfllSKKKKER nf1' vnman care of house and children: live in reliable: white Call Mr Black 8H 1 9603 HOUSEKEEPER: Elderly lady: Plain evoking 1 adult live in TR 1 3759 after 6 HOUSEKEEPER care nf semi invalid wife white: stay TU 5 3409 HOUSEKEEPER: Motherless home: 3 school children white BE 2 0761 HOUSEKEEPING: Middle aged motherless home and care of partially disabled lady: In country handy to but: good home Box 3935 Plain Dealer HOUSEWORK Excellent salary to capable responsible woman with local references: MUST LIVE IN private quarters with beau tiful room and bath overlooking gar den outside help employed experience In general housework but no dinner cooking required: pleasant home near Shaker rapid: vacation with pay: bonus after 6 months permanent position for person of good character and abilityhone A Klika EX1 4700 Housework Nursemaid Private room bath in very pleasant surroundings (all electric appliances) for one who llkea genera) housework end 2 small children NO HEAVY CLEANING Also consider part time employee who wants permanent home in exchange for jom salary and part lime services REERENCES EV 3 1109 HOUSEWORK General MUST BE GOOD WITH CHIL DREN Live In own room and bath reference A 1 4150 ifduSEVVQRK: General: white live In private room and bath: no cookingood salary wa can speak German LEARN TV semcTng National Radio 4404 Euclid EX 1 9896 26 Help Vanted emale fOntlnued rom Preceding Page) CAR HOP Over 21 Steady Work 48 Hour Week Apply Person KENNY KING'S DRIVE IN 5380 Pearl Rd Pa rm a Car" 'HOPS ana wltrri nlahli! Apply In perwin Jumbo Drlve in Rial Warreoavllla Center Rd Mple Height CAR HOP Experlnrrtl over 31: Mieh wages Owen Drtve In B77P Memphis to 3 AMERICAN GREETINGS CORP 78 St OL 1 5000 Stenographers UP TO $175 HOUR Immediate openings choice assignment! SU 1 1490 931 Leader Bldg Stenographer with ihoethina experience mme de tail 5 dey week pennment 30th Century ox ilm 3310 Pyne ful but not week Rood chandiae sold Apply in Person "Gray Drug Store 13922 CEDAR RD Receptionist Attractive for PORTARO BEAUTY SALON With telephone and cashiering experi ence age 35 settled refined tactful hourly rate Apply tn person 13592 Euclid RECEPTIONIST STENOGRAPHER Music company downtown 5 days: sal ary replies confidential Box 10963 Plain Dealer REPORTER NEWS Under 30 for Cleveland staff of na tional daily fashion business paper Journalism training or experi ence required: salary advancement for qualified person airchild Publications 1900 Euclid Ave Stenographer Downtown oftle: permanent poaltlonl llry MA tASO STENOGRAPHER Small construction eo: Interesting di versified work 371 hours per week! salary EN 1 6300 STENOGRAPH ER: Some experience necessary lglrl alr condltitmed office salary 5 day 3 7i hotir week down town CH 1 1956 STENOGRAPHER: Downtown 1 tlrl ot flee: 30 hour wek dth Tues effr hourly rate Call Mn Porter TO 1 024 a mornings before 9 Bkpwlreeod trtinf office 3 days weekly salary penna nent modern office HE 2 1600 STENOGR APHERS: temporary aura menu High hourly rate SU 1701 SALESWOMEN GUARANTEED SALARY 8150 HOUR PLUS COMMISSION WITH OR WITHOUT CAR EASY TO SELL MERCHANDISE 11311 SUPERIOR 9 TO 10 A SECRETARY Working for doctors in adults psvehi atry must be rcod typist telephone and receptlonrt duties: 40 hour week: salary NeaMnt working renditions and coworkers University Hnspitals 2065 Adalbert Srcrftary 'Stfnographer 8 to 5 dai experienced: salary commensurate with Qualifications Cast Master Inc 235 Hamilton MA 1 SECRETARY Law office: experienced 37H hour week excellent salary: interesting work: pleasant surroundings: able to use dictaphone 330 Williamson Bldg TO 1 1700 Secretary to work with account executive to advertising acency Non routine work must be able to work well with other pepole: aptltud fer detaH good typing arfd shorthand necessary 5 day 3 ft hour week Salary Apply 105Q Terminal Tower STENOGRAPHER Varied offke work: technical dictation typing filing etc: small Terminal Tower office age 25 30: some collete preferred: good hours salary benefits Box 131 83 Plain Dealer Sceretary StenoErapher Legal experience desirable but not es sential Small office In Union metre Rldr Salary Box 12363 Plain Dealer RECRKTARY BTENOGRAPHERS Varied: temrwary auivnment: short hand required: high hourly rsta CALL AQSA OSTER i PR 1 3892SECRITARYt LEGAL 2s4 MO SV 1 800 NEW TERM JUNE 13 Approved for Korean Veterans REGISTRATION OICE OPEN 9 A TILL 9 SAT TILL 1 Write for Catalogue A CLEVELAND ENGINEERING INSTITUTE dino EUCL ID EN 1 1460 AIRLINES NEED MEN and WOMEN 17 80 mirrld or HntlA to prMrf tor wriipia positions Trohnictt or Non Techlnc1 ubllo Contct Boat Mirs CommunlctlonUt Rrservlion lsf Radio Optrstnri Ststlon Agrnu Me Girl who aeerpird will Un trlned In Bsuly nd Peronl Chrm Also Intrrvlrwlns men to trm 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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.