What We Get - Chapter 30 - annie12612 (2024)

Chapter Text

By refusing to look at the giant mirror in the shop, Akta was left at Astarion’s mercy to choose clothes. Big mistake.

He wasn't happy with any of her picks. He turned down shirt after shirt, dress after dress, and skirt after skirt. None of them seemed to meet his standards. It was like nothing had the right color, neckline, sleeve, or length.

Finally, after trying on several outfits, Akta stepped out of the changing room, for what felt like the hundredth time, in a midnight blue dress. The fabric shimmered, capturing the essence of the night sky itself. The bodice was structured with a finely tailored corset, laced tightly to accentuate her silhouette. The wide neckline left her shoulders bare, drawing the eye to the delicate décolletage adorned with intricate embroidery in silver thread, reminiscent of constellations scattered across the heavens. The sleeves, long and slender, cascaded down her arms, their edges trimmed with delicate silver lace. The skirt of the dress fell in folds, pooling around her feet in a graceful cascade, with just a hint of a train trailing behind her.

‘Where do you think I'm going to wear this, Astarion?’ Akta grumbled, irritation evident in her voice. ‘Maybe when we're off to kill Orin at the Bhaalist temple? Or perhaps when we sneak into the Szarr Palace? Or...’ Her words stilled as Astarion leaned in and kissed her, his hands gripping her waist.

She sighed into his embrace, wrapping her arm around him. Kissing him back always felt like taking a breath.

Even after he broke the kiss, Astarion couldn't look away from her. She always looked stunning in their shared clothes, but in that dress, she seemed enchanted, he mused silently. It fit her like a glove, accentuating her curves, and the corset made him feel things he knew weren't appropriate, especially given the surroundings and the watchful eyes of the shopkeeper and the assistant on them.

He cleared his throat. ‘Um, yes, we'll take this one. And the shirts and trousers you wanted. Oh, and that red dress, and these others as well. I think we are done here.’ He reached for his pouch to pay.

‘Wait, what do you mean 'we're done here'? You haven't let me choose anything until now, and suddenly...’

‘Akta, we will take everything you picked, but we really should go,’ he interrupted.

‘No, we're not leaving yet. You need clothes too,’ she insisted.

‘We can do that later. Let's come back another time,’ he suggested.

‘I'm not budging until we find something for you,’ she declared, planting her feet firmly, her arms crossed across her chest in defiance.

There was no point arguing with her, he realized.

‘Pick something, quickly, please’ he urged. Then, leaning in close to her ear, he growled, ‘And don't you dare change out of that dress.’

Akta felt her pulse quicken as she locked eyes with him. His burning red eyes bore into hers, and she unconsciously licked her lips. Realizing they were in public, she bit her lip and glanced around nervously, cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

‘I will be quick,’ she said.

She grabbed a bunch of shirts, trousers, and doublets mostly in darker tones and handed them to the shopkeeper. Astarion slipped the man a pouch of coins with a nod of thanks.

‘Thank you, Sir,’ the shopkeeper said, packing the clothes into bags. ‘Wishing you and your lady a wonderful day.’

Her cheeks burned as if set ablaze. She managed a shy smile and nod, unable to meet the shopkeeper's eyes as Astarion's fingers intertwined with hers.

‘Yes, thank you. You have a good day too,’ he replied, picking up the bags and swiftly guiding her out of the shop.

Wordlessly, he guided her into the shadowy alley beside the shop, then down wooden steps toward the beach. They walked through the sand, Akta having to gather the train of her dress up in her other hand, until they reached a secluded spot at the edge. Climbing over rocks there, he pulled her with him until they reached a narrow, winding lane that led to a dead end.

At the wall on the dead end, he let the bags fall and pressed her against it, his hands firm on her waist. Akta's fists clenched the ruffled collar of his shirt as his lips hovered over hers, teasingly close.

Leitho mi beriannen,’ (you will be my ruin) were the only words he said before his lips devoured her. Akta eagerly welcomed him, parting her lips to invite him deeper. His hands roamed her body with abandon, driving her senses wild as his tongue explored every inch of her mouth. Her fingers tangled in his silver curls, pulling him closer as she matched his fervor. She tangled her tongue with his, exploring the depths of his mouth with eager licks and playful swirls. Pressed against the wall, she melted into him, her body responding to his every touch. He used his thigh to part her legs, brushing against her core, and she couldn't help but moan into his mouth.

His lips traced a path down to the curve of her breasts, teasing the soft swell above the corset with hungry kisses. He ran his tongue along the exposed cleavage before grazing his fangs on the swell of her breasts. Gripping her dress tightly, he bunched up the fabric, lifting the hem higher.

With his hand sliding beneath her dress, now hitched above her knees, he traced the curve of her thighs. As he pressed his own thigh against her core, a low moan escaped her lips again, the friction sending waves of pleasure through her.

‘You're a vision, Darling,’ he whispered into the softness of her breasts. ‘Even the Nightbringer herself would bow in shame at your beauty. You're... you're just perfect Akta,’ he mumbled.

She grinned above into the sunlight.

Like always, his words were just as dangerous as the rest of him, making her feel things that she suddenly realized she shouldn’t be feeling here, out at the end of a street in broad daylight.

‘Wait, Astarion,’ she gasped, as she glanced around. ‘What if someone sees us?’

‘Remember what I always tell you, Darling?’ he murmured, his voice cold, his breath icy against her skin. ‘Just like magic is your thing, hiding is mine. No one comes here. It's a dead end, surrounded by the rear end of buildings. I used to come here when I needed a moment to myself. Never saw anyone here,’ he panted between kisses, his tongue tracing delicious patterns against her chest.

Akta's hands cradled his face, lifting it to meet her gaze, drawn by the jeweled glow of his ruby eyes illuminated by the afternoon sun.

‘You know, it's criminal that no one has seen these eyes in sunlight for two hundred years.’ She pressed a kiss to his temple.

‘I'm glad some things of mine were saved just for you,’ he murmured, his lips trailing down her neck. As his thigh brushed against her once more, she couldn't help but smile, arching into him.

‘Can we... try, again?’ he asked, his voice tentative against her neck.

‘As long as you want it.’

‘My want for you has never been the concern, Akta. I want you constantly, every waking moment and every slumbering second,’ he said as he lightly brushed his lips on her bare shoulders. ‘I want you with every moment of my existence,’ he bit down on her shoulder, not hard enough to break skin, but enough to bruise. ‘I want you in the morning, at night, and every moment in between,’ he sucked on the pulse on her neck. ‘I cannot remember how to live without wanting you,’ he confessed, closing his eyes and resting his forehead against hers. He released his hold on her dress, wrapping his arms around her.

‘But my mind is a mess, Darling. My thoughts cloud my want, and I'm afraid of what they might do to us,’ he said, his throat choking up, his body shuddering with frustration and a desperate need for her.

Akta gently caressed his face, her heart aching as she watched him struggle with his own mind.

‘You have all of me, Astarion,’ she whispered. ‘However you want me, however you need me, I'm yours.’ She kissed him softly. ‘I know how much you want this. We can try as many times as it takes, and even if we fail every time, I'll be right here by your side. We'll figure it out together. We have all the time in the world.’

Akta ran her hands up his arms.

‘Can I touch you?’ she asked as she looked up at him. He nodded.

She kissed him deeply, generously, her hands trailing down to his waist. She untucked his shirt, then ran her fingers under his shirt over his bare skin, gentle as a breeze. Eagerly, she explored every inch of him, her touch deliberate and reverent. It was as if she was trying to etch every sensation into her memory.

Astarion groaned in pleasure, shifting his thigh to draw her closer, their bodies melding together as he trapped her against the wall. He surrendered to the sensation as she kissed his neck. She felt his co*ck pressing against her stomach, fueling her own arousal even more.

Her hands moved down to the lace of his trousers as she looked up at him. He nodded.

Her fingers deftly worked the laces as she met his gaze. With another nod of approval, she tugged his trousers down, her hand caressing him over his underwear. He was aching for her touch, as he threw his head back. With a swift motion, she bared him completely, and took him in her hand, her grip firm and unyielding.

‘f*ck, Darling,’ he grunted as he caressed her chin and watched her drop to her knees right there on the street in the midnight blue dress that he just bought her. It had been too damn long, and he couldn't care less if someone stumbled upon them in this deserted lane. All he wanted was her, and he wanted her now.

He gripped her hair tightly, unraveling her braids as he gazed into her eyes. Akta met his gaze, her lips descending slowly to the tip of his throbbing co*ck, teasing him with a kiss, as her hands gripped his thighs. She listened to his every sound, watched his every movement, every twitch. She savored the familiar taste of his precum, tracing her tongue along his length before engulfing him with her mouth. His hands clenched even tighter in her hair as she took him deeper, her mouth working him with deliberate slowness.

She sucked him as she whimpered around his co*ck, her hand working the base in tandem.

‘Come here,’ he said as he gently tugged at her hair.

She stood up, feeling his arms wrap around her as he kissed. His hands moved to her back to undo the corset, but the lace was tangled, frustrating him. Without hesitation, he tore it open with his bare hands, revealing her bare skin underneath.

Akta chuckled softly. ‘I knew you couldn't wait, that's why I chose dresses with simpler ties. But you wanted this,’ she teased as Astarion pulled the bodice down and lowered his lips to her breast, capturing her nipple in his mouth. She gasped, her body arching toward him, but he caught her head before it could hit the wall.

‘I'll fix it for you, my sweet. A hundred times over,’ he promised, his other hand sliding down to gather up her dress and rip off her underclothes.

His fingers trailed down to her wetness, teasing her cl*t before plunging two fingers inside. She cried out as she smiled into the afternoon sky. He pumped his fingers in and out of her as he sucked on her nipple. She bit down on his shoulder, her hands gripping his hair tightly.

‘Turn around for me Love,’ he cooed, and in a moment, she was facing the wall, hips up, back arched, hands on the wall, ready for him.

His eyes darkened as he watched her bent over for him and stroked himself a few times, before sliding into her slowly. It felt like home.

They both moaned as he filled her completely, their bodies fitting together perfectly. His hands gripped her hips tightly, holding her close as they moved together in perfect rhythm.

‘Are you all right?’ she turned and asked.

‘Never better,’ he smiled as he pulled out and thrust back into her with force.

As they moved, Astarion couldn't help but worry about his hands, remembering the last time they tried to have sex. He didn't want to ruin this again. He kept his hands firmly on her hips.

Sensing his hesitation and fear, Akta leaned into him, her one hand tangling in his hair, urging him closer. With her other hand, she guided one of his hands to her breast.

‘Touch me, please,’ she pleaded into his ear.

His response was a guttural expletive escaping his lips as he guided her hand back to the wall.

His tongue and fangs trailed along her neck and shoulders, as his hands found their objectives. One hand skillfully teased her cl*t while the other toyed with her nipple, drawing out moans of ecstasy.

Their rhythm intensified, his thrusts matching the urgency of his touch. She met him eagerly, her hips rocking back to meet his every movement, their bodies moving in perfect harmony.

Beads of sweat dropped onto the pavement as their grunts and moans filled the air.

Then suddenly, he stopped.

She felt his arms around her waist, holding her close as they both tried to catch their breath.

A few moments passed.

She felt him go soft inside her and pull away.

She felt him letting go of her dress.

She felt him trembling against her back.

She felt his tears falling onto her shoulders.

She felt his breath as he whispered, ‘I am so sorry love,’ into her neck.

Turning to face him, she stood on her tiptoes and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips. His face was wet with sweat and tears. Hugging him tightly, she felt his grip tighten around her waist as well; it would leave bruises.

But she didn't mind; she loved his marks, his pain, his everything.

Time passed as he wept into the torn corset of her midnight blue gown. She simply held him, in silence.

Akta didn't feel much in that moment except the agony of watching the love of her life fall apart in her chest, his tears soaking her dress.

After a while, she lifted his face with her hands, bringing him to meet her gaze.

‘Sometimes, I want to end it all. I want to release you from this pain, this…..this torment,’ he said, tears still flowing.

‘If that's what you want, then you'll have to start by taking my life, because I am not going to live without you,’ she replied, her voice steady as she looked into his eyes. It had been months since he first noticed, but those hellfire eyes still kept burning something inside him. He kissed her.

‘I remembered the last time we tried. The dream, him...I just froze. I couldn't move anymore,’ he said between broken sobs. Akta kissed his cheek.

‘I want to give you everything. My whole self. But I'm lost, I don't know how,’ he said; she kissed his other cheek.

‘That journey through the Underdark and those cursed lands...it messed me up so bad. I don't know how to...’ His words trailed off, lost in his pain. She pulled his face down and kissed his temple.

He continued, his voice breaking. ‘I want you so badly that it hurts Akta,’ he sobbed. She kissed his other temple.

‘Help me Darling, please. You always know what to do, don’t you? Because I don’t know what to do; I am so lost. I…..I don’t want you to go through this every time. I don’t want to do this to you anymore.’ She kissed his nose, nuzzling it with hers.

‘I have an idea,’ she whispered against his lips. ‘I'm not sure if it'll fix everything.’ She kissed him on one side of his mouth. ‘But maybe it'll be a start.’ Another kiss landed on the other side of his mouth.

‘Let's take down Cazador. Let’s kill him,’ she said, her lips claiming his with fierce intensity, trying to absorb his pain.

When they finally pulled away, their lips were swollen and bleeding from each other’s fangs, but Astarion's sobs had ceased.

They stood there, foreheads leaned against each other, his arms tightening around her.

She smiled.

Astarion sighed and smiled slightly against her face.

‘Once we've sorted out all the chaos and the cults, and the lords and gods have been dealt with, can you always wear these dresses?’ he asked, trailing soft kisses along her temple.

‘Well, then you definitely need to learn how to tie corsets, if you want me to wear them. Some of them have ties at the back like this one and I cannot do them on my own,’ she tapped him on the nose.

‘Will put that at the top of my to-do list,’ he said.

‘However, I do have a question for you. Now that you have ripped half the dress off me, what's the next move, Astarion?’ She asked him, giggling.

‘Great question, Darling. How about you teleport us to our room? I'm a bit...sticky and sweaty and a wardrobe change sounds divine. Plus, I owe your hair some attention. It's a tangled mess.’

‘Yes, we could do that. But you better fix my dress once we are there. And after that I need food. And then we need to go to that candied fruit stall.’

‘Consider it all done, Love,’ he assured her, straightening the torn fabric of her dress with a slight grin. ‘And don't worry, I'll be practicing my corset-unlacing skills for the future,’ he whispered into her ear.

She laughed.

He smiled. It was his favorite sound, her unbridled laughter.

‘Imagine someone walking in on you, sitting on a chair and casually untangling my corset. That would be priceless,’ she giggled, her eyes sparkling with amusem*nt.

Astarion rolled his eyes, but couldn't resist kissing her knuckles while at it.

‘I never expected shopping for clothes with you to be so... distracting, Darling,’ he admitted, reluctantly letting her go and picking up the bags.

‘You'll get used to it,’ she chuckled, reaching out her hand for him to take.

‘Never,’ he declared with a smile, planting a kiss on her hair as they found themselves back in their room at the Elfsong tavern, with Gale, Shadowheart, and Wyll sitting on the floor amidst the piles of books Akta had sent back through Clove, Ginger, and Jonathan.

They forgot their friends might be in their room. They also forgot that since they returned all the loot from Gral’s tower, their friends would definitely be in their room.

It was a rude awakening to say the least.

When Akta, decked out in a gorgeous dress she never even breathed near before, now shredded, and sporting a disheveled do, swollen lips, and some bite marks to match teleported herself and a very sweaty very tousled Astarion with ruffled hair and an equally swollen mouth back to their room, it was a very rude awakening.

‘By Mystra’s name, what in the hells?’ Gale exclaimed as he was the first one to see them appear.

For a while, the room was quiet as everyone took in what had just happened. Akta quickly put her hand on the bodice to hold it in place, and Astarion moved behind her to cover her exposed back. He guided her hand away and wrapped his arm around her, helping to hold up her dress.

‘We all know Astarion can act like a fool around you, but I expected better from you, Akta. Did you two seriously do... that...,’ she pointed her finger at the state of both of them, ‘out in the open in a city full of people who want us dead?’ Shadowheart's voice rose in frustration at their recklessness.

‘Don't yell at her. We were careful,’ Astarion interjected, as he kissed the back of Akta's head. ‘I will have you know, Shadowheart, I've lived in this city for over two centuries. I know every hidden lane and alley like the back of my hand. We were somewhere no one could ever find us.’

The cleric huffed.

‘And what's with the extravagant outfit, Wizard? Did you two go shopping without telling the rest of us?’ Shadowheart asked, eyeing Akta's attire with amused surprise.

‘Sorry, Shadow. We were on a, uh, a date,’ Akta’s cheeks turned a deep shade of plum. ‘We just came back to the room to change because…. you know…. before going out again. We just wanted to spend some time together before, dealing with everything that's about to unfold in the next few days.’

‘And you let him tear up a dress you just got?’ Shadowheart asked, raising an eyebrow.

‘Well, the lace got stuck. The lady at the shop tied it too tight. So, we didn't have much choice. He said he'll fix it,’ Akta explained.

‘And I will, once you all give us some privacy, Shadowheart. Don't worry, we'll be done soon, and you can get back to,’ he gestured at the piles of books and scrolls disinterestedly, ‘whatever you were doing.'

‘If you two lead anyone back to this tavern because you were randy and careless, I won't hesitate to end the both of you,’ Shadowheart warned before leaving.

What We Get - Chapter 30 - annie12612 (2024)
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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.